The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 23, 1909, Image 3

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Poor Judgment and Poor
Head of Suspended Institutions
Says He Alone Is to Blame.
Charles Knapp, President of the de
funct Binghamton Trust Co., has issued
the following statement relative to the
suspension of that bank, and the banks
of Knapp Brothers at Callicoon and De
"The time has come to end this talk
of who is to blame for the closing of the
Knapp Brothers' Banks at Deposit and
Callicoon, and to present some facts
which will explain to any thinking per
eon the true condition of affairs.
"In the first place the Outing Pub'
lishing Company has secured from the
Knapp Brothers' Bank in Deposit more
than $500,000. This immense sum has
been advanced since the Outing Publish'
ing Company came to Deposit, and there
are records for every penny.
"The first sum advanced to the Out
ing Publishing Company was used for
the purchase of $5,000 of the stock of
the company. It unnecessary to do
this to get the printing contract. For
three months the magazine was printed
on contract. It was then discovered
that unless the magazine was purchased
outright, the printing contract would be
"The party or parties who were in
control of the Outing Magazine before
we became interested represented that
the paid circulation was about 20,000
copies per month, when, as a matter of
fact, we discovered that it was between
8,000 and 10,000.
"In the meanwhile the establishment
necessary to turn out a magazine such
as the Outing had been erected in De
posit at a cost of from $25,000 to $30,000.
"James Knapp Reeve, Charles P,
Knapp and Casper Whitney purchased
a controlling interest in the Outing Mag
azine, and it was necessary to spend
considerable money in a publicity cam
paign, because of the limited circulation
which would not pay the expense of a
plant such as had been provided.
"This portion of the business was in
charge of Casper Whitney, who' pur
chased large spaces in metropolitan
newspapers and used immense sums in
increasing the circulation of "Outing."
During one year about $50,000 was spent
for this purpose, and at this great cost
the circulation was increased from about
10,000 paid subscriptions per month up
to nearly 30,000) with a large increase in
news-stand sales.
"Soon after the above transactions
the Outing Publishing Company secured
the contract for publishing the Era Mag
azine, and again it was necessary to add
to the equipment, until we had about
$150,000 invested in machinery and $50,
000 in buildings.
"Although $50,000 may seem to be a
large valuation for the buildings, it was
necessary to prepare special foundations
for the entire floor space, and in some
places it was necessary to fill 12 feet
with grouting. This gravel grouting was
hauled a distance of half a mile, and
there was other special work which was
"The life of the Era Magazine was
short, and we had to keep the large
equipment we had secured to turn out
this publication, so we began to boom
the "Bohemian" and "Gray Goose."
The publicity campaign of these two pro
ducts of the Outing plant cost another
' "During 1907, we made a big play
for circulation, which cost at least $25,
000. This money was expended as fol
lows :
"Ten thousand dollars for two double
pages in the four largest subscription
agency catalogues and subsidiary agen
cies. "Three thousand for postage and sta
tionery, and the balance for stenogra
phers, whose work was of such a nature
as to demand fair salaries.
"After making this big play the panic
of 1907-'08 struck us and hurt both the
circulation and advertising pages of all
our publications.
"In the meantime we had been pay
ing immense sums for art and manu
scripts in order to make Outing the lead
ing magazine of its kind in the United
"The circulation of the magazine was
not large enough to warrant these ex
penditures, and the sums spent in this
manner did not increase the sales of the
magazine as had been expected.
"I still believe that under proper
management and a proper system of
bookkeeping, the Outing Magazine could
be made, in a short time, to pay off all
its indebtedness, and if this is done
Knapp Brothers' profit and loss account
will be on the right side of the ledger.
"The Outing plant is here, a reality
and a tangible asset. When the final
disposition is made the money will go to
the creditors of Knapp Brothers. It
the Outing Magazine alone can be sold
for what it is worth the depositors will
be paid in full, and in any event the
moneys from the sale will go to the creditors.
"There have been no irregular trans'
actions in Knapp Brothers' banks in Dc
posit or Callicoon, and everything will
be explained when the final accounting
is made.
April 19th. The M. E. Sunday
School at this place was reorganized
on Sunday, April 18th. Officers
and teachers were elected as fol
lows: Superintendent, Charles F.
Utt; assistant superintendent, S. R.
Crane; secretary, Miss Jennie Crane;
treasurer, James Carefoot; organist,
Miss Maud Locklln. Teachers:
Gentlemen's Bible class: S. It.
Crane; ladies' Bible class, Luella
Olmsted; Intermediate class, Alma
Klllam; intermediate class, Ethel
Daniels; primary class, Stanley E.
Crane. Sunday school begins at 10
o'clock a. m. on Sunday, April 25th.
Everyone cordially invited to at
tend. We hope the parents will at
tend the Sunday school and thereby
encourage their children and set
the example for them to attend also.
Christian Schrader, of Ledgedale,
met with a heavy loss on Saturday
afternoon. His house and nearly all
of the contents were destroyed by
fire. It Is supposed to have caught
from sparks from the chimney fall
ing on the roof. The upstairs part
of the house was all blazing when
the fire was discovered. They sav
ed a little of their furniture from
the sitting room, but nothing out
of the cellar, where their provisions
were stored, canned fruit, butter,
lard, pickles, meat and thirty-five
bushels of potatoes and other things.
There was a small amount of In
surance but not enough to cover the
loss. Their daughter Mary, who
lives at A. Goble's, visited her par
ents on Sunday, and viewed the
Mrs. E. Carr, who has spent near
ly a fortnight with her son, It. W.
Murphy, and family, at Hawley, re
turned to her home at Lakevllle on
Sunday. '
These heavy gales of wind have
Interfered with our telephone wires.
The operator at Ariel came down to
A. Goble's at Lakevllle, and passed
through Uswick enroute to Hawley
and from there to Ariel, Inspecting
the telephone wires.
Edger Degroat, of Uswick, has
moved to Hawley.
J. S. Pennell, of Wilsonvllle,
passed through Uswick enroute to
Lakevllle to attend the school meet
ing on Saturday.
The Uswick school closed at 12
o'clock to-day, Stanley E. Crane
Mrs. 31. A. Harloe had the quinsy
last week, but her throat is much
better, so that she was able to ac
company her husband to the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
P. Utt, at Lakevllle, on Sunday.
Sirs. Mosier visited her daughter,
Mrs. James carefoot, and Mrs. C. P.
Utt, at Lakevllle, recently. She re
turned to her home at Long Ridge
on Easter.
Clarence Pennell spent his Easter
week vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Pennell, at Uswick.
He has returned to State College.
Twenty of his young friends from
Uswick and Lakevllle surprised
him on Saturday evening by having
a delightful tim with him at his
Miss Hattie Killam has returned
to her home at Lakevllle, after hav
ing spent some time visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Brown, at Ledgedale.
Mrs. George Helchelbeck, Jr., of
Wilsonvllle, is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
George Helchelbeck, Sr., at Audell.
P. B. Pennell, of Uswick, sold a
horse on Saturday to Aaron Gohle
at Lakevllle; consideration $25.00.
Abram Miller has opened a store
at Lakevllle.
Mrs. Mary Groner, of Elmdale, is
visiting her brother, William See
ger, at Lakevllle. She arrived on
Saturday last.
Harlan Locklln, who has been
spending some time at Scranton, re
turned home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haney visit
ed the latter's brother, Mr. Ed.
Goble, at Rawlins, on Saturday.
We regret to learn that Mrs. Peter
Osborne of Arlington is 111. She Is
suffering from gastritis. We hope
she may speedily recover.
Aaron Goble, game and fish war
den for the Clemo Hunting and Fish
ing Club, went to Hoadleys on
Thursday, the 15th, to attend to his
duties at the beginning of the fish
ing season.
Mr. Engle finished painting Oliver
Locklln's house on Saturday. It is
looking fine.
David Engle, our popular painter,
commenced painting Mr. Graybone's
house, at Arlington, on Monday.
Air. and Mrs. John D. Jorden and
Miss Lindan visited at F. R. Olm
sted's on Sunday afternoon.
April 20. Mr. Baker, of Sterling.
Is a guest for a few days past of
his brother-in-law, Arthur Singer.
The latter has the mumps.
Fred Grlswald is quite ill with a
fever. Several cases of chicken-pox
are reported.
Messrs. Arthur Singer, H. M.
Bunting and Clason Arnold have
recently purchased new horses.
The Ladles' Aid met with Mrs.
George Curtis on Monday last for
dinner. Circle No. 1 furnished the
Mrs. Albert Crosy and family, of
Unlondale, paid her mother, Mrs.
Louise Curtis, a visit on Sunday
Amanda Norton spent a few
and Mrs. Leon Ross returned with
her last Sunday.
Mabol Sanders was a recent guest
of her friend, Miss Spoor, of Orson.
Mr. and Airs. Frank Gardner and
Bpn, Robert, of Carbondalo, spent a
few days at Charles Varcoe's.
Leon Sherman, formerly of Sche
nectady, is passing his vacation
with his parents.
Miss Bessie Curtis, of Edenvale,
was a recent guest at A. H. Curtis.
Last Sunday evening the C. E,
society elected the following offi
cers: President, Mrs. Lille Rude;
assistant president, H. E. Snedker;
organist, Amanda Nortpn; assistant
organist, Flora Loomls; secretary,
Harry Varcoe; assistant secretary,
Nettie Loomls and Ida' Lee; treas
urer, J. E, Schoeblg; prayer meeting
committee, Stephen Treat.
Sunday, May 2d, will be the regu
lar communion service at the Clin
ton Centre Baptist church, when the
hand of fellowship will be given to
the new members.
April 20th. Mrs. Reeves Samp
son visited her sister, Mrs. David
Calkins, at Boyds Mills, Pa.
Merlin Illman returned to Wyom
ing Seminary on Tuesday last.
Miss Lorena Skinner left here
Saturday morning for Albion, N. Y.
Mr. J. J. McCullough returned
from Binghamton on Monday.
Mrs. Bertha Jackson and Miss
Lulu Jocelyn are working at The
Delaware house at Callicoon, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lang went
to Deposit last Saturday morning.
From there thoy will go to Brandt
where they will make their future
Mrs. Brittan Calkins, formerly of
Rochester, was the guest of Miss
Edna Skinner Saturday. Mr. Cal
kins, who is a landscape gardener, is
at Tuxedo Park, N. Y., at the pres
ent writing.
District Superintendent Fuller
preached here Sunday and assisted
Rev. Coleman In giving the com
August Brucher Is recovering from
a severe attack of rheumatism.
George" Gerken is seriously 111
with rheumatism.
April 19th. Charles Spry, of this
place and Mr. Rickert, of Texas, are
putting the roads between here and
Honesdale in good condition.
We are glad to leain that Stanley
Dills, formerly of this place has secured
a position at running a stationary engine
in Richmond, Va.
Mrs. William Ives, of Beach Lake,
spent a day recently with Mrs. A. M
Several at this place and at the Lake
are on the sick list. Dr. Gavitte, of
White Mills, is the attending physician
William Colwell and son, of Torrey,
were pleasant callers at the home of
Richard Ham on Thursday last.
Mrs. Swartz, who has been spending
several days with Scranton relatives and
friends, will return home on Tuesday
Clarence Williams, of Peckville, was
calling on friends in this vicinity on Sat
urday. Harry Bunnell has sold bis sorrel driv
ing horse to O. D. Henshaw.
Mr. Bunting and family have vacated
the McCarty farm and Mr. and Mrs
Dave Olver have moved upon same.
Helen Bayly, of East Honesdale, is
visiting Mrs. Ray Bayly.
The ladies of this place will hold their
Aid at Mrs. R. Ham's on Wednesday
W. W. Parish will sell his household
goods and farming implements to-morrow
In hopes that every athlete will
read the following suggestions, they
are herein printed for their guid
ance. First, before competing, or even
entering upon the course of train
ing necessary to compete in this
event safely, each athlete is ad
vised to have his heart examined.
Second, not only should the athlete
have his arms and body covered in
his practice, but he' should likewise
wear a loose fitting pair of long
woolen trousers, and he should have
his feet well protected, by Btrong
soles, from the pebbles and hard
road, and thus avoid bruises.
While the man running feels
warm, his arms and shoulders being
exposed to the cold air It is very
easy for him to contract rheuma
tism and colds, which will result
later in life in much pain and dis
comfort. The training should bo started
with long walks at a rapid gait with
frequent jogs, and the distance of
the Jog should bo gradually In
creased until by the 15 of May every
contestant can safely jog at about
two-thirds his best speed the full
course of five miles without great
inconvenience. Ho should be es
pecially suro to cover up warmly af
ter his work, and after his heart
and lungs have resumed their nor
mal rhythm, and his temperature
has become normal, to be rubbed
down in a warm room, free from
draughts, after which he. should rest
In bed warmly covered up for at
least an hour.
Since the race is to be in the af
ternoon, the best time to train for
this race Is at thai hour.
Tobacco and liquor should be
avoided, as no man can get In his
best condition and partake of these
things; especially Is this true of the
young athlete who has not formed
the habit of depending upon these
Who Named tke Flowers?
Who first named the flowcrs7 Who
gave them not their Latin titles, but the
old familiar, fanciful, poetic rustic ones
that run so curiously alike in all the dif
ferent vulgar tongues ? Who first called
the lilies of the valley the Madonna's
tears; the wild blue hyacinth, St. Dor
othy's flower ? Who first called the red
clusters of the oleander St. Joseph's
nosepaye, and the clematis by her many
lovely titles consolation, traveler's joy,
virgin's bower?
Who gave the spiderwort to St. Bruno;
the black briony for Our Lady's seal ;
the corn feverfew to St. Anne ; the com
mon bean to St. Ignatius; the baneberry
to St. Christopher; the blue valerian to
Jacob for his angel's ladder ; the toy
wort to the shepherds for their purses ?
Who first called hyacinthB the tree of
sadness ; and the starry passiflora the
Passion of Christ ? Who first made dedi
cation of the narcissus to remembrance;
the amaranthus to wounded, bleeding
love; the scabius to the desolation of
widowhood ? Who named them all first
in the old days that are forgotten ? It
is strange that most of the tender old ap
pellations are the same in meaning in all
European tougues.
The little German madchen in her pine
woods, and the Tuscan cantadina in her
vineyards, and the Spanish child on the
Sierras, and the farm girl on the Eng
lish moorlands, and the soft-eyed peas
ant that drives her milch cows through
the , sunny evening fields of France, all
gathering their blossoms from wayside
green or garden wall, give them almost
all the same old names with the same
sweet, pathetic significance. Who gave
them first?
A Cut Glass Staircase.
A recent dispatch from London states
that the diplomatic understanding be
tween Turkey and Great Britain has re'
suited in an immense number of com'
mercial orders reaching London firms
from trie notabilities of Constantinople.
Never before have English goods and
Englishmen been so popular in Turkey,
and members of the Young Turk party
in London are acting as agents in the
exportation of all sorts of leather, silver
and woolen goods.
The Sultan himself has led the move
ment. Abdul Hamid still clings to his
old ideas of gorgeous Oriental luxury,
and he has ordered a complete staircase
of cut glass for his palace. It will be
the most dazzling staircase ever seen
outside of a fairy story. The "treads"
of the stairs are to be beveled and cut
with Turkish inscriptions. The stair
case will be 25 feet wide, and colored
electric lights will illuminate it on state
occasions. Jewelers' Circular.
Don't Worry.
Anxiety enfeebles and wastes ones
strength. One day's worry ex
hausts a person more than a whole
week of quiet, peaceful work. It
Is worry, not overwork, as a rule,
that kills people. Worry keeps the
brain excited, the blood feverish,
the heart working wildly, the nerves
quivering, the whole machinery of
the life In unnatural tension, and
It Is no wonder then that people
break down. Nobody can do the
best work when fevered by worry.
Worry does no good,
It changes nothing.
Given High Honor.
Prof. Frederick Starr, anthropolog
ist at the University of Chicago, has
been made an officer of public in
struction under the French govern
ment The consul explained that this
was one of the highest honors in rec
ognition of his work in Mexico.
By Ethel Watts-Mum ford Grant
An Absorbing, Fascinating Story of
Mystery, Adventure, Hypnotism, Sociology.
A Serial Story Our Readers Will Enjoy
Free, from the unreal, forced situations of
the ordinary story of its kind, live, realis
tic and intensely interesting:. We believe
this is the best short serial that has ap
peared in many a day. Best is a strong
word; but the story justifies it.
It Is a brilliantly written detective story,
plus a lot of other things; love, adventure,
society life, mystery and hypnotism. The
theft of a society leader's jewels occurs at
a Long Island house party. The search
for the thief is full of surprises.
We have secured the exclusive rights
to THE TANGLED WEB. Begin with
the first installment and we feel certain
you will follow the story through with
constant Interest and entertainment.
Care or tho Refrigerator.
Nothing is so dangerous to the
health of the household as a refrig
erator that is not perfectly clean
It means possible typhoid fever,
for one thing and other diseases
less dangerous but troublesome.
In the first Dlace the waste til no
should not be connected with- tho
drain. It Is more trouble to empty
a pan once or twice a dav. but to
have tho food supply connected with
the house drain is certainly unde
sirable. The refrigerator should he wash
ed out at least once a week, and
twice In hot water. The shelves
should be taken out aulcklv and
washed too. Rinse In clean, warm
water and wipe dry. This is im
portant, as one of the properties of
the perfect refrigerator Is dryness,
which helps to preserve the food.
Every morning take out tho food
left from the day before and ex
amine it. If it Is the least bit taint
ed It should be thrown away at once.
Charcoal or a lump of dry lime
should be kent In the food hnx.
They absorb impurities and act
as a disinfectant.
Milk and butter should always be
kept in a covered crock, or other
wise protected. They are extreme
ly perishable, and easily absorb the
odor of other food. Of course, all
foods with a strom: odor should bo
covered also. Food should nlways
be put away In china or glass. Tin,
and even silver, affect foods when
they are kept together for a number
of hours.
FInnlly never put food away hot.
It is likely to spoil, and it causes
heat in the refrigerator.
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year operu witn a deluge of new mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind
o?xedmpainfc that would suPPlat CHILTON'S MIXED
FAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with the unwary.
There are reasons for the pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS:
1st No one can mix abetter mixed paint.
2d The painters declare that it woiks easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective.
4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it,
and recommend its use to others.
Clip Your Horses
before putting tliem at the spring work. Clipped
horses dry out quickly at night. They rest well and
their food does them pood. You can clean a clipped
horse in a quarter of the time.
nit; cunvvAiu, io. i rrsT f
Clipping Machine vt i,JlJ
It is the BEST MADE, easiest turning and most sat
isfactory machine EVER made, and is fuliv guaran
teed. Come in and gpt one NOW.
We also grind Clipping
Machine knives.
Author of "Dupes," "Whitowath," Etc
Tat lafcata and CMMrea.
Nri Ym Hm Atop BM0!
Bears tho
Signature of
THE PITI7CU Has mado ar
I III. b! I ILLn rangoments for
MAY 31
5 Handsome Gold and
Silver Medals will be
Awarded the Winners I
To all competitors llvlner In the county,
exclusive of professionals: entries to be
made at nnv time prior to May aoth.
mitred to submit to a physical examin
ation by competent physicians, to Insure
proper endurance condition for race.
structlons for proper training, will ap
pear In succeeding Issues of Tue Citizen
days In Honesdalo last week. Mr.