The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 23, 1909, Image 2

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How the Girls and Boys
Would Arrange Them.
Suggestions by the Children as to
the Host Way to Make Tliem
Lactka V. Hawkex.
I propose llrst, for the front
yard, that there be a row of trees,
about three; n cement walk In the
center; on tho left side, flowers of
all sorts, and the gardener to keep
them nice; on the right, flowers,
but have the girls of the brick
building (in use now) take care of
Detwcen tho Methodist church and
the brick building, ivy planted
would make it very pretty. It
would bo rather dark between thero
for other plants, and I don't think
many other things would grow
there. Where there is not nny flow
ers I think it ought to have gravel.
Thero should bo troughs, so when
they are wntered, or It rains, the
ground will not be too wet for the
flowers or be soggy. There ought to
be grass to the sidewalks.
For the side towaras the old
brick school there ought to be a
place for croquet grounds for the
girls, and for the boys, on the other
side, to play catch and other boyish
The yard facing Court Street can
have a path in the center; on each
side grass lawns or gravel. By the
doors of the building there should
be two pots of flowers. The back
yard should also have some trees.
Dorothy Bauman.
On each side under the windows
or any other place close to the walk,
morning-glories, nasturtiums or
any other climbing plant or flowers,
could be planted.
In the middle of the yard a bed,
about three feet by Ave and one
half feet, could be made, or raised
a little, about one foot, and in the
upper left hand corner, facing the
east, a space about one and one
half feet square, with a bed or field
of blue asters or any other blue
flowers with seeds of white candy
tuft planted so that when they are
in full bloom there will be about
forty-six flowers, which will repre
sent the stars in our national flag.
Then have in tho space left, first, a
row of red geraniums, and then a
row of white candy-tuft, and so
on, till the thirteen stripes have
been made, and when in full bloom
the whole will represent the Ameri
can flag.
Then on the front lawn, facing
west on each side of the path, a cir
cular bed, it does not matter how
large or small with a border of
nice, green grass, and in the center
the letters, "H. H. S.," in red or
white geraniums.
The rest of the lawn can be left,
a gravel place for play-grounds, or
grass-seed planted, making a beauti
ful lawn. Along the path and side
walks, elm or maple trees could be
Roy Leindach.
Generally school grounds are
decorated by flowers and lawns, but
in the case of the new high school
building, it would be better if this
were not done, as It would leave
no room for a playground. True
it is, that in the new building there
is a gymnasium, but pupils need out
door as well as indoor exercise, as
the outdoor air is naturally purer.
If the grounds were laid out in
lawns and flower beds, the pupils
would run over them and they
would soon be trampled down,
while if they were leveled off and
covered with gravel and rolled
smooth with a heavy iron roller, so
that it would not be muddy, it
would make a fine play ground; or
if the ground was already high
enough, It could be dug out about
a foot, and filled in with crushed
stone and fine lime stone rolled
smooth on top. Leading from each
of the entrances, to the street, could
be concrete sidewalks like those in
front of Dodge's and Katz's stores.
On each side of the walks could be
a few trees, which would In time
furnish shade and beautify the
Cheap Trolley Fares.
Two cents Is the standard price for
an ordinary trolley fare In Italy,
France, and Germany, and four cents
Is the London standard. Tho distances
on the continent are not so great, but
the average rlCe is no shorter than
that taken on the New York trolleys.
The cars are not so large, but they are
clean, and people are not allowed to
stand up In the aisles or between
seats. Each car has a huge vestibule
for any overflow of passengers, and
the standee must stand there or get
off the car. Milan has tho best lins,
and it Is operated by the Bocleta Ellet
trlca Edison, which sounds like home
with a few trimmings.
Doing Time.
"I haven't seen your husband at
church recently, Mrs. Bloggs," said a
pastor to one of bis flock. "What Is
be doing?" "Six months!" was the
laconic reply.
S S4J Cmm i Thoarfd Iron Pn ud Ptfe
VI tt AB Sectt.
Fighting onr Foes.
Without the girdle of truth he will
fall and fail In the conflict The
foes of life are too fierce for any life
to win the victory over them if that
life is founded in falsehood or un
glrdled with truth. Rev. F. Willis,
The Interest of Eternal Life.
God has planted wlthl.'i us the In
stint of eternal life. Indeed. It Is
more than an instinct. The Inner
man of which wo are speaking was
made to endure. His desires and
capacities are not compassed ,by
time. Why, then, do wo cruch and
throttle him? Rev. E. M. Luke,
Pleasing the Lord.
The Lord cares more for our grati
tude than for our gold. He asks
material gifts from us only that we
may thus be helped to manifest the
spirit of thanksgiving. Not all the
treasures that wo could pour bofore
the alter of God would Honor Him
or please Him so much. Rev. M.
Luke, Unitarian.'
The HurrjiiiR Kvil.
Tho frequency of hurry disquali
fies men for sane Judgment. 'Vet, how
wo hurry" to express our opinion.even
before wo know the fact! With
what haste wo speak the word of
condemnation, and sometimes even
tho word of praise, and both as the
result of imperfect knowledge.
Rev. F. Russell, Methodist Episcopal.
Cause of our Trouble.
"Violation of law sin has caus
ed all man's trouble and sorrow,
sickness and death. There Is a
remedy for it all. There is hapni
ness for all here in this life. He
who obeys the laws of his country,
enjoys the largest liberty. He Who
obeys the law of God will enjoy the
greatest liberty and consequent hap
piness In this and the next world.
Rev. Ralph Tompkins, Episcopal.
Cannot bo Purchased.
Man sells; God gives. Pride likes
to pay and patronize, when what
God asks Is penitence and humility.
There are other things not to be had
for money beside godliness and man
liness. Good health, good tasS.',
common sense, scholarship, life.
"Wherefore (says the proverb) is
there a price in the hand of a fool
to get wisdom, seeing he hath no
heart to it?" Friendship, love, es
teem these are not bought and
Where Xohle Minds are Found.
In all ages the noblest minds have
been those who have penetrated be
neath the surface of things and dis
cerned the great spiritual realities.
We are told that Moses endured as
seeing htm who Is invisible. Tho
mo3t conspicuous thing about Jesus
was his consciousness of tho unseen.
He lived in the atmosphere of spiri
tual reality. He . seemed to know
God on intimate terms, and to live
in heaven as much as he lived upon
earth. Rev. F. Willis, Reformed.
Laws of God.
God has his laws they are and
must be Inexorable. Man has bro
ken himslf against these laws he
cannot break the laws, but he has
broken himself. I throw myself
over a great precipice on the rocks a
thousand feet below I do not break
the rocks which have been thero
from the morning of creation I
broak myself. Now, God is not to
be blamed for my rash and foolish
act, nor Is he to be held responsible,
for the suffering which results.
Rev.-Edw. Smith, Methodist.
What tho AVorld Offers.
Rule tho world and you may get
the deepest delight out of It, you
can make it help you to bo wiser,
gentler, nobler, more gracious, more
Christ-like, more full of God. But
let it once get the. bit in its teeth,
and you are gone. Many a man says,
"It is mine this money I have got;
this social or this political position
I hove won; this cup of pleasure
which I lift to my Hps at will;" when
orly the truth would be spoken If
one and all of these should riso up
and say, "Thou fool thou art
mine!" Christian Herald.
Seeking for Truth.
Welcome.interrogation point! If
a reverential spirit accompanied in
quiry nothing is too sacred to enter
tain the thoughtful question of an
honest heart. In religion and phil
osophy, in science and ethics, lot the
Interrogation point be granted the
right of way. 'Reach hither thy
finger and behold my nands; and
reach hither thy hand and thrust it
Into my side, and be not faithless but
believing." Let the bold highlandor
whose abode Is in the uplandd of
truth never flinch before the Coilan
togle combat. Rev. R. Townsend,
In touch with the Creator.
One believes, not so much In the
unknown as in the known. The
worship of an unknown God cannot
possibly stimulate faith. A religion
that deals wholly, or mainly, with
the supernatural cannot hope to
mold and inspire men. The God of
faith must bo a God working through
nature, through humanity; must he
a total experience, inner and outer;
must bo the life of life and not
merely a flgmout of the Imagination.
To say that it Is the unknowable, the
uncertain, that, promotes faith Is to
rob faith of its very content By so
doing you substitute dreams for
realities. Are all who believe not In
this God unfaithful? Of course not
Rev. V, Willis, Reformed.
As He Ate It Felt on His Food and He
Fell Over Unconscious.
Philadelphia. W. C. Deutz of 269
South Fourth street until recently was
the proud possessor of a beard which
was the admiration and the envy ot
a large circle of fellow employees of
the Mulford Chemical Company. Now
tt is no more.
While Mr. Deutz was weighing bich
loride of mercury his beard came in
contact with the deadly poison and
many grains wer secreted In it Short
ly atterward the whistle for the din
ner hour blew and, being more hungry
than discreet, the chemist went to
lunch without preparing the facial ap
pendage for the event, as was usually
his wont. '
At the table as Deutz ate the whisk
ers kept time to the masticating pro
cess, showering little grains of bi
chloride upon each particle of food.
Soon afterward companions wer hor
rified to see him tumblo to the floor,
his body doubled up in agony. Anti
dotes were given him, but of no avail,
and the unconscious man was hurried
to tho hospital. There the stomach
pump was used and the poison drawn
from his system. Deutz rallied quick
ly from the experience to face tho
fact that as long as tho beard remain
ed with the grains of poison secreted
In It Uiere was a possibility that he
might again eat its contents. So he
lias no whiskers now.
Knew Not that Salome, the Python,
Had Swallowed It.
Now York City. Clyde W. Powers,
n dealer In animals, received a pec
cary from Brazil Several days ago, and
not knowing what elso to do with it,
presented It to the Bronx Zoo. The
pig was placed In a cage with another
of the same sort. They got along fair
ly well till there was a disagreement
over food.
The newcomer was so badly iiurt
that he had to bo shot. The body was
then given to "Salome," the twenty
four foot python, for breakfast. That
afternoon Mr. Power called up Cura
tor Ditmars on the telephone and said
he wanted his pig back, as he had just
received a letter from a friend In
Brazil, telling him that it had a very
interstlng history. Mr. Ditmars said
he was sorry, but that Mr. Powers
had spoken too late, as the pig was
then twelve feet amidships of "Sa
lome." A Prince Monk.
Cologne, Germany. A little over a
year ago Prince Lowcnsteln-Werth-eim-Rochefort,
a great German noble,
who was one of the founders and lead
ers of the Centre party in tho Reich
stag, renounced his estates, position
and dignities and, at the age of seventy-three,
became a novice In the Do
minican Order. Last week he was or
dained priest by Cardinal Fischer,
Archbishop of Cologne. The Prince,
supported by his eldest son, wore his
robes of state, with the collar of the
Golden Fleece, the Grand Cross of the
Order of Malta and that of the Order
of Christ These glittering badges of
his knighthood and worldly rank he
laid upon tlie altar, receiving In ex
change the white tunic and black man
tle of a Dominican.
She Raised Forty Children.
Gainesville, aG. "Aunty Jane" Mc
Crary, the mother of Mountain View
Hotel, Uus McCrary, died a few days
ago', having lived more years than she
could eaxctly remember. She "va-j
kept out of tho grave for four day3
after death that the church and ledse
ceremonies might be observed over
her remains. In a home-made buggy,
with a lean, gray "Jenny" attached to
the crude vehicle, she was a familiar
figure on the streets here when she
came to town with produce. She
raised more than forty children
about a dozen ot her own, and, strange
for a woman of her race, more than
two dozen adopted colored children.
Jose Guadalupe of Jalisco, Mex., Is in
Good Shape at 139' Years.
Mexico City. Jose Guadalupe, Al
calde of Jalostitlan, State of Jalisco, is
said to be the oldest man in the world.
The record of his birth, as contained
In the archives of the parish church,
shows that he was born In 1770, so
that he is now 139 years old.
Ho is in good physical condition
and seems good for several mon
rears of Ufa.
Love's Laws.
He loves best whose love lasts.
There's no fool like a bald fool.
One good kiss deserves another.
Kisses speak louder than words.
Proposals make cowards of uc all.
Tho woman who deliberates is
Where there's a will there's a
A fool and his money are soon
A little debutante is a dangerous
Be sure you're right, then lose
your head.
'Tls love that makes the man
come 'round,
A ring on the hand is worth two
at the door.
The longest way 'round Is the
sweetest way home.
People who live In a glass house
shouldn't hold hands.
Carolyn Wells, In Hampton's
Broadway Magazine.
A Use for the Dish Mop.
The best thing to clean a gas or
gasoline stovo Is a string dlih-mop.
It Is etoetira and batm your lasers
and finger nails.
Multifarious Uses of the Trimming
Now In Demand.
Manifold are the uses of liraldlug
this season, and Indeed there Is 'noth
ing richer, more refined and elegant
than the way the different varieties of
braid are employed. The black dresses
of chiffon broadcloth and, in fact of
all kinds of black woolen goods and
also velvets are braided lavishly, gen
erally with silk soutache. Some of
this is heavier than the rest, so that
the heavy lines are laid along the In
ner part of the trimming or braided
design, while the finer sort Is laid out
side. Sometimes both weights are
placed flat on the material, while In
others it is set on edge. I saw a black
chiffon cloth yesterdny with a deslgu
nu inch and a half wide around the
skirt and down the left side .from this
bust line to the foot. This was In a
clover pattern, the peJnls outlined by
braid set on edge, while n row lay
flat on the outside of this, and at tlw
very edge two lines of the braid wern
laid flat. A richer and more refined
trimming could not lie made. In some
other designs wider braids arc put in
the center, while the fine soutache is
nlmost always employed to ndd to Its
beauty. A little bunch of soutache
braid In your hand looks Insignificant,
but when it Is neatly added to the
cdse of n gnrment it becomes a thing
of beauty. As to other varieties of
really beautiful braids. It would be
profitless to even try to mention the
thousandth part, there are so many,
but 1 can say tlint braid Is the most
fashionable as well as effective of
trimmings, buttons next. Many stylish
gowns now have n sash made of the
material wrought In some design nil
over, and tills bangs quite to the foot
of the skirt. Pretty capes are also
Keen with long stole ends, the whole
surface being braided In some set de
sign or else in a vermicelli pattern.
This last Is n favorite design for most
of those who make their own gar
ments, as one need not follow a pat
tern, but just turn it as it happens.
And it Is handsome.
After all, It must be the wearer that
makes tho hat beautiful instead of the
hat making the woman so, for yester
day I saw a woman in a hat so awful
that I would be afraid to put It on a
horse in the heat of summer. He
would surely bolt and do all the dam
age he could, and yet the wearer
looked really lovely In it. The hat
wos high In the crown, and It would
bo difficult to say where the crown
ceased and the brim began. The brim
was bell shaped nnd faced with quill
ings of pale pink tulle. The hat itself
was of coarse black straw. A twist
of black velvet ribbon went around
the crown, passing plain across the
front. There were velvet strings tied
under the round chin. On the outside
of the hat nnd flattened down over the
ears were two white roses with buds
and green leaves. These roses were
not the big and rich satin nrtiflcial
flowers of today, but were Just white
muslin blossoms, such ns our remote
ancestors wore, common little things
so palpably artificial that one really
felt like smiling. But the whole hat,
drooping down so closely nround the
face and bend, with Its cheap looking
roses, was so odd that it was beauti
ful as a frame for the demure dark
face of the black eyed saleslady.
The princess shape is elegant, and
one finds It far oftener than the em
pire short waist, although that Is by
no means out of style.
In ono fashionable shop I saw a
model gown, ono which can be de
veloped for a number of purposes.
This was a mourning dress for home
wear, but by using any of the season
able goods in color it would bo as
handsome. This was made of black
silk crepon, a soft and beautiful ma
terial with marvelous draping quali
ties. Thero was a wide band of crape,
which wound about from tho left side
seam to the foot of tho back of the
skirt Across the bust was a gulmpo
of crapo and sleeves of the same. But
tons were set at Intervals along tho
band and at tho front of the waist
Tho draping was very deftly done,
Just a few broken lines.
When this design Is carried out In
colored goods tho band may bo simply
of a wide castle braid, with colors or
all black. OLIVH HARPER.
slfDilatlng (iEFbodaadRcgutt
OpiimiJorphinc nor Mineral;
not Narcotic.
Anpfz? Seed"
Aperfecl Remedy for Oonsflp-j
uon sour atomacn.uiamuu
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP
facsimile Signature oT
111 thU A4KS32a
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Telephone Announcement
This company is preparing to do extensive construction
work in the
Honesdale Exchange District
which will greatly improve the service and enlarge the
Patronize the Independent Telephone Company
which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any
other service without conferring with our
Contract Department Tel. No. 300.
Foster Building.
Still Take the-Lead !
Over 27.000 lbs.
The Xo. 40 isho popular Flat Land Plow.
BBaljci.-LJisttuissiiiiiWisMllMMsiKL.- (MS -
MhsaiaSBBlw sHw&aV MlT
Lcdtft'dale ; V. IS. Corey, (ireentown. and Watts's Honesdale and Hawley stores.
The Oliver Sulky Plow Cannot be Beat !
Honesdale andirp AHA M WA TTQ Honesdale and
Hawley stores W Ail A lYl W Al 1 d Hawley Stores
Sash, Doors. Blinds, Front Sash Doors. Sewer Pipe
and Builders' Hardware ot EVKHV Description.
Ine Machines. Iron. Gravel and Tarred Hoofing, Barb Wire, Woven Fence Wire, Poultry
Netting, Lime and Cement.
I Estimates given
. ou short notice
its branches.
WantedSummer Board.
Dy thousands of Brooklyn people. Can you take a few T
If so. list your house In the BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE
FKKE INFORMATION 11UHKAU. for which purpose,
a printed blank will be sent. The service of the Inform
ation Bureau
The Brooklyn Eagle Is the best adver
tising medium In the world. It carries
more resort advertisements than any
New York paper. It stands PKE-EMI-NENTLY
at the Lead.
Write for listing blank and Advertising Rate Card, Address
Brooklyn, K, Y.
Mention the paper In which you see this advertisement.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the Ay
Signature J$
Thirty Years
of Plows and Repairs received In March. 1909,
We also have No, 7. a size smaller.
We also keep In stock the Xo. E. 19. 20 and
An advertisement In the Eagle costs
little, but brings large results, because
Is constantly helping the advertisers.