Ctftiea l&. ? Semi-Weekly Founded Wayne County Organ of the REPUBLICAN PARTY Weekly Founded, 1844 66th YEAR. HONESDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., PBIDAY, APRIL 16, 1909. NO. 31 1908 5? Illl TAX tO I Senate Democrats United For Tariff Dill Provision. ALSO FOR GENERAL REDUCTIONS Conference of Minority Senators, While Not All Harmony, Stands For Decrease In Bates on Necessities. Washington, April 15. Democrats lu the United States senate will present a solid front against nny Republican op position to an income tax for raising revenue. This policy was agreed upon at a conference, which also went on record as favoring a general reduc tion on tariff schedules, particularly those relating to the necessaries of .life. For more than four hours the Demo cratic members of the senate con ferred in the effort to agree upon a policy toward tariff legislation. The conference was not entirely har monious. Some of the senators pres ent admitted frankly that they would ask for protection for the Industries of their states. Senator Stone spoke In favor of his program for Independ ence for the Filipinos after fifteen ( years and absolutely free trade with the islands during that period. Sena tor Foster was opposed to free trade with' any of the colonies. Neither of these senators, it was apparent, could ZlvSZ SZr I n fnn 'F.l have obtained a ma, ocrats for their proposition had a vote been taken. fe.ncerd,t"wy'the Xi Only on one question was the con-1 come tax amendment. No details were 1 ", . .. . .... , i a"rr " luc ',lUB,. " l" "f ... reductions in rates all along the line The conference was adjourned until tomorrow, as all of those present agreed that they were not sufficiently acquainted with the bill to pass Judg ment intelligently upon it. Senator Cummins announces that he will make a fight on the floor of the senate for a lower duty on iron ore and pig iron, lumber and coal and some other Items either Increased from the Payne bill rates by the senate commit tee or restored from the free to the dutiable list. Senator Cummins' amendment Is in two parts. The first authorizes the president to suspend the rates Imposed ; IW me uriiuira ui ujr I'uuiiujr itjiuniiin to grant a reciprocal concession or to suspend the rates on specified articles imported from that country nnd to ' levy against those articles a duty of , 125 per cent of the rates imposed In ' the senate bill as punishment. Articles ; on the free list under the same condi tions shall be taxed 20 per cent ad va lorem. In this connection the rates of the senate bill will be the minimum. In view of all the criticisms made of the tariff bill as amended by the finance committee of the senate, par ticularly the qbservatlon that the bill will not produce sufficient revenues for the country's need, Senator Aldrlch will undertake on Monday to satisfac torily explain the revenue features of the measure. It will be pointed out that the esti mate of revenues to be derived from the operation of the Payne bill made by the ways and means committee falls short of the actual possibilities of the measure. The senate commit-1 tee on finance had the benefit of the advice of the best experts In the gov-, eminent service, and from an analysis which they made of the house bill they I nruil Intnfl tliuf tlm rni-nmioe wnnlrt t have been far greater under that meas ure than were estimated. These experts take the position also that the bill as amended by the sen ate will raise a great deal more money than appears, and Senator Aldrlch has not changed his mind on the subject that no additional internal taxes will be required to supply the government's expense. Big Bend Miners Strike. Johnstown, Pa., April 15. Alleging that the company officials refused to sign the wage scnlo presented to them, over 800 union miners employed by the Big Bond Coal company at Twin Rocks went on strike, and none of tbo collieries is In operation. TAIL FOR CITY OFFICIAL. 8U Years' Sentence For Comptroller Who Stole $24,000. 'Atlantic City, N. J., April 15,-Por-mer Deputy City Comptroller John An drews was sentenced hero to six years In prison on his plea of guilty to steal ing $24,000 of tbo clty'a funds. Andrews had made good his short ago and disappeared before the em bezzlement was discovered. On being brought back, political Influence was exerted In bis behalf, but failed to save him. KENLLWORTH INN BURNED. Ex-Senator Gazzam Leaps From Win dow to Escape Flames. Ashcville, N. C, April 15.-Of the once beautiful Kenilworth Inu, that has housed the country's greatest ce lebrities, nothing remains but a pile of charred and smoking ruins, i Former Senator Joseph SI. Gazzam of Pennsylvania, owner of the hotel, who Jumped from a third story win dow in an effort to escape during the fire, sustained injuries to his spine and may not recover. When Senator Gazzam tried to es cape all avenues except the windows were cut off. lie Jumped to the roof of the porte eochere, rolling from there to the ground. A heavy rug was held for him by the fireman, but the aged ox-senator missed It In his leap. One young woman walked to Ashe vllle, three miles, barefooted and wear ing only night robe and kimona. Many of the guests lost valuable jewelry, In cluding diamonds.. The heaviest stockholder in the Ken ilworth Inu company, which built the hotel, was George W. Vanderbllt. but he sold out his Interest. The fire loss is estimated at $250,000. MISSOURI MAY. GO DBY. House Passes Resolution For Popular Vote on Prohibition. Jefferson City, Mo., April 15 The lower branch of the Missouri legisla ture passed by a vote of 8(1 to 51 a res olution to submit a prohibition consti tutional amendment to the vote of the people. Many Republicans voted for the res olution; but, as a rule, they opposed the submission. .The Democrats, with the exception of the members from el les. voted for submission. The antlsaloon forces were; led by SIrs- Carrie Lee Stokes of Kansas City Mrs. "' Inga.ls of St. Louis. For many weeks they have been work ing with the doubtful members, and ZJIZ adopted by the voters of the state it ,wHl stop the sale of Intoxicating llq uors and will close all saloons, brew eries and distilleries in the state. The senate is friendly to the resolu tion. BULGARIA MAY CALL TROOPS Settlement of Dispute With Turkey Progresses Too Slowly. St. Petersburg, April 15. The nego tiations looking to a settlement of the Tureo-Rulgarian dispute arising from the Bulgarian declaration of Independ ence last year are taking an unsatis Rt.mnoIe lmve come practically f ,lp-wllrplr M. Poprikoff, the Bulgarian minister of foreign affairs, who has been here since March .". Is preparing to return to Sofia unless the negotiations take n turn for the better. The mobilization of tt IllBnrtan nrmy , ,-egarded as a possibility unless Turkey speedily comes to terms. Closing Stock Quotations. New York, April 14. Money on call was 2 per cent; time money and mercantile paper unchanged In rates. Closing prices of stocks were: Amal. Copper... 70 Norf. & West... 91j Atchison 10714 B. &o 1129; Brooklyn It. T.. 7GV4 Ches. & Ohio.... 7CV4 C. ,C..O.& St.L. 74 D. & H 182 Erie 30 Gen. Electric... 158 III. Central 14G Int. -Met IS Louis. & Nash.. 138 Manhattan 143M- Mlssourl Pac... 744 N. Y. Central. ..131 Northwestern ..181 Penn. R. It 134T Reading 140 Rock Island 25,i St. Paul 149V4 Southern Pac. .130 Southern Ry.... 27V4 South. Ry. pt... 66V4 Sugar 134 Texas Pacific... 33i Union Pacific... 187W U. S. Steel 51ft U. S. Steel pf...U4tt West. Union.,.. 7HS MINE FIRE MAY BURN A YEAR Coat Will Be Saved by Flooding the Workings. Mahanoy City. Pa.. April in. The fire which started a week ago in North Mahanoy colliery has communicated to the adjoining workings of Elian gowan and Schuylkill collieries and Is rapidly eating Its way through solid pillars of coal in spite of all efforts to check US spc$ad. It looks now ns If the mines will have to be flooded to save them. This will mean a suspension for a year at least. ACTOR A HOTEL SUICIDE. Oswald Roberts Shoots Himself After 8tage Performance, . Philadelphia, April 15. Oswald Rob erts, an English actor, who had been playing the part of the villain In "The Sheriff of Angel Gulch," was found dead In his room in a hotel here with a bullet in his brain, Roberts had played In the matinee, but failed to appear for the evening performance. Stops Sale of United States Arms. Washington, April 15. No more will revolutions In neighboring countries bo encouraged by the easy purchase of old arms of the United States. Orders have been issued nt the war depart ment stopping tho practice). ROOSEVELT CABLE Ex-President Declines Pub lic Reception at Mombasa. WILL HASTEN TO AFRIGAN RANCH Asks That His Special Train Meet Him at the Pier When He Lands Next Wednes day Morning. Mombasa, British East Africa, April 15. A cablegram message received here from Theodore Koosevclt 'declin ing an invitation to attend a public re ception and a dinner makes It evident that he has decided not to stop In Mombasa and lias given rise to much disappointment here. Mr. Roosevelt asks in his message that he be met at the pier by his spe cial train nnd that he be conveyed di rect from tlie steamer to the ranch of Sir Alfred Pease, on the Athi river. Mr. lloosevelt will be Sir Alfred's guest for the first fortnight's stay in the protectorate. The steamer Admiral, with Mr. Roosevelt nnd the members of his par ty on board, is expected here at day break next Wednesday. The monsoon Is blowing vigorously, and the bark Sussex has been totally wrecked on, the reef nt the entrance of the harbor. There has been a sudden outbreak of smallpox nt Nairobi. Forty deaths have occurred in the quarantine camp, and three cases are reported from .lu .Ta ranch, the property of George Mc Millan, who will be Mr. Roosevelt's host during a portion of his stay in this section. Major Louis L. Seaman has returned here from a hunting trip up country. He says the game Is excellent and the prospects good. Major Seaman Is Just about to leave for Uganda on an ele phant hunting expedition. Three lions have been interfering with the night work at the Maklndu station, on the railroad. It is believed that the plans of the Roosevelt party contemplate Kermit Roosevelt spend ing a night at this station. The police authorities have taken measures to strengthen some of the out stations on the northern boundary of Kenya province, where the inhabit ants of tlie wilderness country north of tlie protectorate have been showing signs of unrest. A number of continental business firms have forwarded various pres ents, including champagne, ammuni tion, books, etc., to Mr. Roosevelt here. It Is not believed that Mr. Roosevelt will accept any of these offerings. WOMEN HAVE "CLEAN UP" DAY Society Leaders Pick Up Papers From the Streets of Washington. Washington, April IS. Today is "clean up" day lu tlie national capital. The women of Washington, deter mined to show that the littered condi tion of some of the streets Is not their fault, decided some time ago to devote part of today to clearing up the stray bits of paper that are eyesores to the residents with proper civic pride. Accordingly, at 0 o'clock this morn ing and later, the spectacle was pre sented of many well dressed women In some of the finest residential dis tricts personally picking up the pa pers in the streets and parks near their homes. The movement was head ed by the Twentieth Century club, which embraces lu Its membership many Women of Washington's best known families. CASTRO'S WIFE CAN'T LAND. She and Ex-Dictator's Sister Kept on Ship at Colon, Colon, April 15. Ex-President Cas tro's jylfe and sister arrived here on the French line steamer Guadeloupe. They did not disembark and will not be allowed to land, for fear they may take passage for Yenezuela. The Guadeloupe will sail tomorrow for Port Llmon, Costa Rica, where some of Castro's relatives recently landed. Tho ultimate destination of Senora Castro Is not stated, but It Is thought likely that she will Join her husband In France, RUSSIAN TROOPS IN PERSIA. ' They Occupy City of Meshtd to Pro tect Consulate, St. Petersburg, April 15. A force of 150 cavalrymen commanded by Rus sian officers lias occupied the populous Persian capital of Meshed. Tlie Russian consul at Meshed, which Is a holy city of northeastern Persia, with a lwpulatlon of 00,000, tolegraph od for troops to strengthen tho guard nt tho consulate and protect tho lives and property of Russians, against whom disorders had broken out TAFT GOES TO NEW HAVEN. Attend Yale Meeting After Spending Night at New York. New York, April 15. President Taft, on his way to New Haven to attend-a meeting of the Yale corporation, spent the night here ns the. guest of his brother, Henry W. Taft. The president and Mrs. Taft, accom panied by a number of relatives, at tended the performance of "If I Were a King" given by E. II. Sothern at Daly's theater. The presidential party started 'for New naven at 9 o'clock this morning. Returning tills afternoon, Mr. Taft will spend the evening with his brother. He will leave for Washington nt mid night, where lie is clue to arrive to morrow morning. President Taft expressed himself as particularly pleased tkft the problem of choosing a "summer White House" has at last been solved. The new sum aier capital will be at Woodbury point, Beverly, Mass., which Is conveniently aear to Manchester and Gloucester. The president Is looking forward rlth pleasure to playing a great deal Jf golf on the magnificent links of the Myopia Hunt club at Hamilton. The praise he has heard of this course un doubtedly had something to do with the final selection of the cottage at Beverly. The president hopes to reach his summer home soon after the 1st of June, a number of the senate leaders having expressed to him the opinion that the new tariff bill will be ready for his signature by that time. Mr. Taft still Is being strongly urged by western senators and representa tives to make an extensive trip through the west this summer, but the matter Is being held in nbeyance. Tlie president will be nt Beverly as soon after congress adjourns as he can conveniently reach there and will re main nt the summer place until late in August. DOUBLE TRAGEDY ON LINER. Mystery In Suicides of Two Young Women on Lucania. Liverpool, April 15. A double trage dy with mysterious features occurred oi"tJie Cuuard liner I.ucauia on her vdjrage to tills port from New York. i Two young American women who occupied the same stateroom were the principals. One of them, Margaret Clark, committed suicide in her berth. She had tried to destroy all clews to her identity, but upon a label that she i had ' torn up was the address, "CO Clinton street, Brooklyn." , Her roommate, Annie Miller, was ' transferred to another cabin the day before the I.ucanla arrived at Queens town, nnd she also committed suicide by shooting herself, leaving n note say ing ,thnt she had been upset by her roommate's suicide. Annie Miller told a stewardess that i tier name was an assumed one and 1 that she had been married four years. Got Berths at Last Moment. New York, April 15. Passenger Agent Walker of tlie Cunnrd line re members that a woman about twenty eight years, giving the name Margaret Clark, engaged cabin accommodations just before the Lucania sailed. A few minutes afterward Miss Helen Miller rushed into tho office nt the pier and asked for a berth. She was ac companied by her brother, who snid It was Important that she sail on the Lucania. He appeared much relieved when a place was found for her. Tho address, "00 Clinton street, Brooklyn," found among Miss Clark's effects, Is the building of the Long Is land Historical society. She was not known there. Market Reports. WHEAT One cent higher; contract grade. April. $1.35al.37. CORN Firm; April, 73a73c BUTTER Firm; receipts, 8,416 pack ages; creamery, specials, 28a28V4.c. (official 28c); extras, 27a27c; thirds to firsts, 21a 2ic; held, common to special, 20a27c; state dairy, common to choice, 19a25c.; process, common to special, 15a23c.; west ern, factory, IGalite. CHEESE Firm; receipts, 1,573 bqxes; state, full cream, special, lCal7c. ; small, fancy, 15c; large, fancy, 15c; good to fine, 15V4c; winter made, best, UMo. com mon to prime, 12aHV4c ; skims, full to spe cials, 2Hal2Hc i EQQS Easier; receipts, 53,813 cases; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy, selected, white, 22V4a23c; fair to choice, 21Ha22c; brown and mixed, fancy, 22c.; fair to choice, 21a21ttc: western, firsts, 20Via21c; storage packed, 21 Vie.; seconds, 20c. POTATOES Steady to firm; domestic, old, In bulk, per 180 lbs., J2.62&3; per bbl. or bag, S2.G0aZ.70; European, per 168 lb. bag, l2.40a2.G0; Bermuda, per bbl., )4a6; Florida, per bbl., )3aS; sweet, per basket, 1.60a2. LIVE POULTRY-Unsettled; chickens, broilers, per lb., 2Go33c; fowls, 16al7c; old roosters, llal2c; ducks, Me.; geese, 7aSo. DRESSED POULTRY Easier; fowls, barrels, per lb., 14VialSo.; old roosters, 12c; squabs, white, per dor.. 1.2Sa.X; frozen turkeys,- No. 1, er lb., 23a26o.; broilers, milk fed, fanoy, 24o25c; corn fed, fancy, 21a23c; roasting chickens, milk fed, 24a2Sc.; corn fed, 17a20c; fowls, No.t 1, 15al5Hc; old roosters, 12c,; ducks, No. 1, 17al8c: geese. No. 1, 12al4c. HAY AND BTRAW-Steady; timothy, per hundred, 60a8IVic,; shipping. Hat7Ho. clover, mixed, UaTCc; clover, fiOotOc.; rye straw, ll.10al.20; small bales, 2Vtc. less on low grades. CALVES Live veal calves, prime, 17.75 a8; common to good, 5a7.M; fed, t&Ma4 barnyards, WaJ.60; country dressed veal, prima, UalOMo.; common te go4, Tatfi. TURKEYJJNEASY. Sultan's New Cabinet In stalled In Office. MUTINEERS PARADE STREETS. Young Turks' Committee of Union and Progress Upset by Old Turkish Conservative Re ligious Element. Constantinople, April 15. The Turkish conservative religious old ele- ment appears to have obtained the up per hand for the present. The rule of the Young Turks' committee of Union and Progress has been upset, and iiinuy members of this committee have disappeared from the scene. Ahmed Rlza, the dethroned presi dent of the chamber, and several other men prominent In the party have tied the country. In accordance with the demands of the mutineers Ismail Kemal has been elected president of the chamber, but only nbout sixty deputies were pres ent at the ceremony. Ynver Pasha has been appointed commander of the First nrmy corps In succession to' Mnhmud Pasha, who has been dis missed. The members of the new cabinet have been Installed In office. Imme diately after the ceremonies, which were followed by the reading of an imperial proclamation ordaining tlie ob servance of the Sherl laws and the preservation of the constitution, the troops surrounding the parliament building dispersed quietly and return ed to their quarters. On their way they fired volleys from their rifles as a sign of rejoicing. The new cabinet Is as follows: Grand vizier, Tewfik Pasha; minis ter of war, Edhem Pasha; minister of ( marine, Vice Admiral AUjiemin rasnaji minister of the interior, Adil Bey; min-i later of justice, Hasan Fchnil Pasha; minister of llnnnce, Nury Bey. The attitude of detachments of Turk ish marines In the European quarter Is causing growing apprehension. The men are In ugly mood, and they lire their rifles every few ynrds. Many casualties from stray sho'ts have been recorded. Detachments of sailors came ashore to join the mutineers. The panic among the people increased. Bands of soldiers, accompanied by religious stu dents nnd the dregs of the population, were parading the streets of Pera and Stambul, the two principal quarters of the city, with fixed bayonets. Tlie troops celebrated the overthrow of the Young Turks by firing continu i ous rjfle volleys. This alarmed the en- i Hn iinmilntlnn of the cltv. , The sultan granted practically all the demands or tne riotous troops name- i Iv. the adoption of the Sherl laws as the basis for new laws; the dismissal of the grand vizier, the ministers of war and marine and Admed Rlza, pres ident of the chamber, the latter to be replaced by Ismail Kemal, provisional leader of the Liberal Union; the re . moval from Constantinople of Hussein Jahld, chief editor of Tanln, and of Rahml nnd Javld, deputies from Salo- iiltr.i tlin mmnlntmniit- nf Znlirnh. an I influential member of the Liberal Uu - ! Ion, to be vice president of the chain - i ber of deputies nnd finally tho removal I of the officers of the Salonika battalions of chasseurs. The casualties resulting from the rioting include Nczlm Pasha, minister of justice in the late cabinet, who was mistaken for Rlza -Pashn, minister of marine, and killed; Rlza Pasha, minis ter of marine, who was wounded, nnd Sadlk Pasha, who was killed. HAS NO WHEAT CORNER. Patten Says He Foresaw Shortage and Bought Accordingly. Chicago, April 15. The appeal of Pittsburg bakers to Secretary Knox to stop manipulation of wheat has arous ed James A. Patten of Chicago, popu larly supposed to control the present wheat market. "In the first place," said Mr. Patten, "I don't control the market. My lino at no time, has run over 10,000,000 bushels, I have preached the gospel of higher wheat becauso I saw what was coming, "I saw It first, I believe, but when it comes to 'controlling the wheat mar ket' there are two or three hundred other men who have bought who have something to say to that. ''I have already sold n great deal. I have more to sell, and when anybody offers nio a proper price I will sell more." Pope Receives Boston Prelate. Rome, April 15. The Most Rev. W. O'Conncll, archbishop of Boston, was received In private audlcnco by tbo popo, who expressed his pleasure at tba archbUbop'a long stay In Roat. UNIQUE SPORTING EVENT. Western Athletes Will Race to the Top of a 6,000 'Foot Mountain. Pasadena, Cal., April 15. Crack ath letes from all over the west arc en tered In today's race to the top of Mount Wilson, north of this city. Tho unique character of tho event and Its j great success Jast year have aroused much Interest among the sports and others attracted by endurance contests and have drawn here runners desir ous of making the 0,000 foot ascent In quicker time than that mado by Joe King last year. There Is little doubt that King's record, 1 hour 25 minutes 30 seconds, will be broken today. Last year's race consisted of tho ascent to the top of the mountain and the descent, but this year the ascent alone will count. The descent is con sidered too dangerous for men trying to make time. On the way up and. down Mount Wilson the runners cross numerous streams and wind around canyons over 3.000 feet deep. At least thirty men will face the starter and will be sent away at In tervals of three minutes. Only ama teur athletes are eligible to enter tho" race. The winners will receive med als. JOHNSON TO FIGHT KETCHEL. Articles Signed For Contest For Heavyweight Championship. New York, April 15. Jack Johnson and Stanley Ketchel will fight twenty rounds for the heavyweight champion ship of the world at Colma, Cal., Oct. 12. The fighters are to receive 50 per cent of the gross receipts, which they will divide, 05 per cent to the winner and 35 to the loser. The fighters and their managers met here and after a conference posted for feits ami signed articles. When James W. CofTroth, the fight promoter, got the fighters in a room he offered them 50 per cent of tlie gross receipts for a, -forty-five round battle. Ketchel want ed thIong distance. Johnson, how ever, held out for twenty rounds, and Ketchel accepted. Each mnn deposited $5,000 In cash to guarantee his appearance In the ring on the nfteninnn nf Oer. 15. nnd CntT- roth wln post a ke amount Johnson Is rcay to et $ $10,000 on the result. Since Jeffries will not declare his In tentions, Ketchel Is the only man left that has a chance with Johnson. His showing against O'Brien proved that he Is In line for the heavyweight title. BASEBALL SCORES. Results of Games Played In the Na tional and American Leagues. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Boston Boston, 9; Philadelphia, E. Batteries Ferguson, Mattern and Smith; Cov'aleskl, Moral and Dooln. At Cincinnati Pittsburg, 3; Cincinnati, 0. Batteries Frotnme and McLean; Cam nltz and Gibson. At Chicago Chicago, 3; St. Louis, 1. Batteries Overall and Moran; Lush and Bresnahan. New York-Brooklyn game postponed. Rain. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. U. P.C. W. L. P.C. I ,ht't':; J 0 1.000 Cincinnati 0 1 .000 0 1.000 Phlla'phla. 0 1 .000 i Boston.... 1 0 ' Bt. Louis, o l 1.000 New York 0 0 .000 .000 Brooklyn. 0 0 .000 AMERICAN LEAGUE. At St. Louis-Cleveland, 4; St. Louts, 2. Batteries Joss and Clarke; Powell and Crlger. At Detroit Detroit. 2; Chicago, 0. Bat teries Mullln and Schmidt; Smith and Sullivan. Washington-New York and Philadelphia-Boston games postponed. Rain. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. L. P.C. W. L. 1 0 1.000 Wash'ton. 1 1 P.C. .503 .500 .000 .000 Detroit., 1 ph-pilfa l 1 Boston.... l 0 1.000 New York 1 1 .500 .500 Chicago... 0 St. LopJs. 0 M'KINNON WINS ON FOUL. Sailor Burke Sprains Left Arm, but Fights Eleven Rounds. Boston, April 15. BUI McKlnnon of Roxbury, middleweight, won In the eleventh round of a scheduled twelve round bout here from Sailor Burke of New York on a 'foul called by Referee Sheehan. McKlnnon wns kuocked down in the fourth round, and Burke seemed to have the best of the bout until tho sixth. In this round Burke sprained three ligaments of his left arm Just below the elbow nnd from that time fought almost exclusively with hla right. Langford-Barry Fight a Draw. Albany, N. Y April 15. Sam Lang ford of Boston and Jim Barry of Chi cago fought ten fast rounds to a draw nt the North End Athletic club. Both were strong at the finish. SUICIDE IN BOY'S CLOTHES. 'Mother, Severely Burned, Drowns Her self In Lehigh River. Allentown, Pa., April 15. Suffering from the effects of an accident In which Bho was severely burned, Mrs. Harvey Renner slipped away from ber nurso and, donning her son's clothing, went to tho Lehigh river and drowned herself. Her son's cap, whhh sho wore when sho left home, was found on the bank of tho stream, and footprints leading to the water's odgo showed where sha had taken the fatal Dlunce.