THE LASTTRIBUTE Memorial Services in the Senate. SENATOR ROWLAND EULOGIZED Senators Grim, miller and James Pay Tributes to the Memory of their Fellow Member The Kcsolutlons Adopted. Immediately after the Invocation of the chaplain In the 'State Senate nt the morning session of Thursday, March 25th, Senator Grim, of Bucks County, offered the following resolutions: Whereas, G. Frank Rowland, a member of the Senate of Pennsylva nia for the Fourteenth Senatorial District, has, during the Interim of the present session of the Senate, departed this life; and Whereas, His services to his con stituents and the State of Pennsyl vania, entitle htm to commemora tion by the members of this Senate; therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate of Penn sylvania hereby enter upon Its min utes its appreciation of the services of the late Senator Rowland, as a member of this body. He was at ail times esteemed for his fidelity to duty and for the honest endeavor which he brought to the solution of questions of legislation submitted to the Senate during the session of 1907; and Resolved, That we hereby express our sympathy to his family, and di rect that a copy of this resolution, properly attested, be communicated with our respect to tho members of his family. WEBSTER GRIM. A. G. DEWAliT, JAMES K. P. HALL, EDWARD F. BLEW1TT, EDWARD F. JAMES, WILLIAM' H. KEYSER, EDWIN M. HERBST, JOSEPH A. LANGF1TT, After the reading of the resolu tions Senator Grim paid the 'follow ing eloquent tribute to the memory of the late Senator for the 14th dls trict, of which Wayne county is a part: Mr. President. One week ago to day we gathered here to pay a last tribute to our late fellow member, Senator Algernon Brooke Roberts, and to-day we have met to pay our public tribute of respect to another fellow member who passed away during his term of ofllce, the latter Senator from Pike county, G. Frank Rowland. The ravages of time and death alike make great changes in our ranks. A few days ago I looked upon the picture which contains the photographs of the members of the Senate of one thousand nine hunu- red and five. 1 noted the changes and could scarcely realize that thirty-live, or two-thirds, of the members who sat with us in" the ses sion before the last one, are with us no longer, and that one-fifth of that number have been called to their reward. I venture the assertion that at no other period in the his tory of tho Commonwealth has there such a great change been made with in the short space of four years With truth has It been said that "Our days are like the shadow that declineth. As for man, his days are as the grass, as the flowers of tho field so he perlsheth, for the wind passeth over it and it Is gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more." We are accustomed to look upon the Senate as a continu ous body, in which few changes take place. The Senate is a continuous body, surrounded" by customs and bulwarked by tne traditions of the past. Wo glory In its seeming sta billty, but the members thereof come like the mountain streams in the spring tide, and go like the flotsam that Is swept over Niagara. The ship of State rides on, but the sail ors who man her are swept from her decks, and new hands and new faces pull the sails or turn the wheel. Such fs the rule of our existence. Honorable George Frank Row land was born In Rowland, Pike county, Pennsylvania, September seventh, ono thousand eight hundred and fifty, where his father, Honor able George 11. Rowland, .was then and until tho time of his death, In one thotisand eight hundred and nlnety-flve, engaged In business as merchant, lumberman and farmer Ho was educated in the public schools of his native village, at Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, Fort Edward, Now York, and Eastman's College, Poughkeepsio, N. Y, After completing his education, he returned to his home and assisted his father In the management of his business until ono thousand eight hundred nnd eighty-two, when he located In Wllkes-Barre, Pa., but on the recent death of his father, he returned to his former home and assumed the management of his father's estate Here ho remained until tho time of his death. He was postmaster at Rowland Pennsylvania, from ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-two to one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, and again from one thousand eight hundred and ninety' seven to ono thousand nine hundred and four, having resigned both com' missions because other business en gagomonts demanded his whole at tention. Senator Rowland was all his mtv principles, but intll the time of his return to his former home, In Pike county, in one thousand eight hundred and nlnety-soven, his busi ness engagements had been such as to afford him little time to engage In the active work of his party. Soon after his return to his native county, he became a worker in the ranks of his party, and so efficient wero his labors that in one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine he was nominated and elected County Treasurer of Pike county. In ono thousand nine hundred and two and one thousand nine hundred and four he was nominated by the Democracy of his county as their choice for Congress, failing, how ever, to receive the district nomi nation. During his comparatively short political career he was fre quently called upon to serve his party as a delegate to district and state conventions, which service he always performed cheerfully. He was elected to tho Senate of Pennsylvania from the Fourteenth District in November, ono thousand nine hundred and six, and served during the session of one thousand nine hundred and seven. He died at his home, at Rowland, on Octo ber second, one thousand nine hundred and seven. Senator Row land was never married, and at the time of his death was living at the Rowland homestead, with two un married sisters. It was my good fortune to know Senator Rowland well. He was a faithful and conscientious public servant, and while he made no pre tentions of being a leading member of the Senate, he was a valued mem ber of the minority, and had an important part and mission In the reform legislation of one thousand nine hundred and seven. We all loved him for his kindness of heart and sympathetic nature. He never was a fault finder, and never a word of criticism did he pass upon his fel low members. He was conscientious at all times; he belonged to that class of men who practice the pro verb that "A soft answer turneth away wrath;" a trait of character that all of us could contemplate with profit to one's peace of mind. The world In these days of selfish ness needs more of the "milk of hu man kindness," and when we find a man who has trained himself to practice this virtue, we feel that the world can ill afford to spare him. "True worth Is In being, not seem ing, In doing each day that goes by Some little good, not In the dream ing Of great things to do by and by, For whatever men say In their blind ness, And spite of the fancies of youth, There's nothing so kingly as kind ness, And nothing so royal as truth." Such a man was our fellow mem ber, Senator Rowland. But his work was ended suddenly; almost In the twinkling of an eye, he was beckoned across the River. He answered the summons, and there, safe within the mansions of eternal bliss, far removed from the strife and turmoil of this life he rests, we hope. In peace. Senator Miller, of Northampton, and Senator James of Luzerne, fol lowed with appropriate remarks in which Senator Rowland's admirable personal characteristics as well as his official fidelity were warmly commended. The resolutions were then passed unanimously, and the memorial ses sion adjourned. CITIZKX'S B MILK HACK. In hopes that every athlete will read the following suggestions, they are herein printed for their guid ance. First, before competing, or even entering upon the course of train ing necessary to compete in this event safely, each athlete is ad vised to have his heart examined. Second, not only should the athlete have his arms and body covered in his practice, but he should likewise wear a loose fitting pair of long woolen trousers, and he should have his feet well protected, by strong soles, from the pebbles and hard road, and thus avoid bruises. While the man running feels warm, his arms and shoulders being exposed to tho cold air it is very easy for him to contract rheuma tism and colds, which will result later in life in much pain and dis comfort. The training should bo started with long walks at a rapid gait with frequent jogs, and the distance of the Jog should be gradually In creased until by the 15 of May every contestant can safely Jog at about two-thirds his best speed the full course of five miles without great inconvenience. He should be es pecially sure to cover up warmly af ter his work, and after his heart and lungs have resumed their nor mal rhythm, and his temperature has become normal, to be rubbed down In a warm room, free from draughts, after which he should rest In bed warmly covered up for at least an nour. Slnco the race Is to be in the af ternoon, tho best time to train for this race Is at that hour. Tobacco and alcohol should be avoided, as no man can get In his best condition and partake of these things; especially is this true of the young athlete who has not formed the habit of depending upon these stimulants. Four times around the Central Park is a mile. Entries should be made as soon LOCAL MATTERS. SPECIAL The efforts of Secretary of Agri culture Crltcntield, State Vetorlnary; W. C. Norton, of this county; Rep resentative E. E. Jones, of Susque hanna, and a number of legislators and officials who have been work ing hard for a State fair bill - have been rewarded by the reporting from the Appropriation Committee of a bill to start the project going. It provides for an appropriation of $25,000, which Is about one-tenth of the amount asked for. -Three years ago a farmer In Lebanon township, whose buildings were Insured In the Wayne Co. Farmer's Mutual, had a barn struck by. lightning. The loss was not great, but upon being assessed on the basis of full repairs to the roof, was promptly paid by the com pany. The farmer took his money and made his own repairs, saving a trifle by doing a rather superficial Job, which a neighbor told him would prove a poor investment In case of a high wind. The latter's foresight was singularly verified on Wednesday last, when tho tornado which passed over this section, strip ped about half of the entire roof away, Involving a loss much greater than the original damage, and against which there Is no Insurance. Following are some additional facts In connection with the life of Joshua D. Legg, formerly of Long Eddy, whose death was noted In a recent issue of the Citizen: He, died at the Masonic Home In Utica, where he went through the recom mendation of Delaware Lodge of Calllcoon about two years ago. Mr. Legg was about 70 years of age. In early years he was a school teach er in this county, and later engaged In various other pursuits. For years he was an assessor in the town of Freemont and as such was the leader in a long legal fight against the Erie railroad, which ob jected to the valuation placed upon Its property In Freemont. Legg fi nally won the fight for the town. He was postmaster at Long Eddy under Cleveland's first admlnlstra tion. Surviving are a wife and one or two children. In his declining years Mr. Legg wrote an interesting history of the town of Freemont, but it was 'never published. The Scranton Times, having been queried as to when the first telegraphic train order was used, furnishes the following reply, which will be of special nlterest to the old timers who used to Journey up the Hudson to Piermont before they could take the Erie for Turners, Goshen and other points as far west as Port Jervis. The date given by the Times, 1846, is two years earlier than the writer got his first glimpse of the great Erie enterprise, when the cut for the track was being made at Narrowsbu'rg. The Times says: " The telegraph was first used for handling trains by the Erie Rail road, and the first train order was issued In 1846 at Turner, N. Y., a station on that railway. The New York & Erie Railroad, whose east ern terminal at that time was at Piermont, N. Y., on the Hudson River, had a telegraph wire running Into several of Its most Important stations which was known as the "Ezra Cornell line." This tele graph line was built on a highway paralleling the Erie Railroad, and as a matter of convenience the rail road company's agents attended to the commercial telegraph business, One day Charles Mlnot, then general superintendent of the New York & Erie Railroad, was going west on train No. 1, which was scheduled to meet train No. 2, east-bound, at Turner, N. Y. After waiting nearly an hour at Turner for train No. 2, Mr. Mlnot stepped Into the tele' graph ofllce and requested the oper a'tor to call up Goshen, N. Y., and ask tho operator If train No. 2 had passed there. On receiving a neg ative reply, Mr. Minot sent the fol lowing telegram to the Erie Rail road agent at Goshen: "Hold all trains bound east until I arrive there on train No. 1. Do you un derstand? Answer." In a few minutes a reply was. received from the agent at Goshen, saying: "I un derstand I am to hold all east bound trains at Goshen until you arrive here on train No. 1, and will qo so." Mr. Mlnot then wrote out an order to the conductor and en gineer of train No. 1 at Turner as follows: "Run to Goshen regardless of train No. 2," signed Charles Minot, general superintendent. The engineer of train No. 1 refused to do it until Mr. Minot said he would ride on the engine with him. The run was made with safety, and with in a few days thereafter the 31 and 32 orders were regularly establish ed on the Erie and quickly followed by other roads." Trials of the Poot. I'd sing you a song about, childhood, life's Joyous and garlanded time, but I'm weary of ringing In "wlldwood," and there's no other word that will rhyme. I'd warble of bright, sunny fountains, where water and music are blent, but I'd have to lug in a few mountains or my lines wouldn't fit worth a cent I'd sing of a life on the billows, where tho dolphins and flying fish race, but I'd have to say some thing of willows, which would hare nothing to do with the case. I'd sing of the moonbeams that quiver, like gems on the water at night, but I'd have to quote onions and liver to make the verse twitter all right Emporia CASH SALE For 10 Days at BROWN'S $12. for $ 8.00 $18. for $16.00 $ 8. for $ 4.50 Is Your Money Lying Around Idle? Nobody knows without trying It how easy it is to make money savefmonoy when an acceunt is opened in the illLE DIMS ii Right away you will got the desire to enlarge it. Then it furnishes the very best lesson in economy, weans a person from habits of extravagance and is one of the greatest comforts in the world. It is not safe in these days of hold-ups and robberies to have money lying around idle in your home or pocket. It is safe in tho bank where it works for you day and night. The modern burglar proof safe and vault of this bank afford the greatest protection for your money, and its safety deposit boxes for all other valuables. Active or savings accounts received. Three per cent, paid on savings depoaite. its drafts are the safest and cheapest method of sending money to foreign countries. Call and get a pocket check book. Money loaned on good security to home people to whom preference is always given. E. C. MUMFORD, President. OFFICERS: W. F. E.C. MUM FORI) THOMAS M. IIANLEY JACOH I". KATZ K. D. l'KNWAHDKN KIEFLEK. Vice President. DIRECTORS:. W, It. KRANTZ nKNJ.K.HAINKS W. K.REIFLKR V. K. PK1UIAM JOS. A.FISCII, Cashier. joklg, ninr, FRANK 8TEINMA II. II. ELY, M. I). AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK .TULI.Y linUTSCH. Late of l'aupack township, deceased. T1h unripi-sdmi'd. nn auditor annotated to renort distribution ot snld estate, will attend to the duties othls appointment, on FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1909. at 10 o'clock, a. his offlco in the borough of Honcsdale. at which time and place all claims against said est nte must be presented, or recourse to the tund tor distribution will ue lost. .. K. M. KAUIUK, AUdltOr. Ilonesdalc, March 2. 1909. 2K3 JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second lloor Masonic lluild- ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drug store, llonesdale. It. (J. HAND, President. W. B. HOLMES, Vice Pkes. II . 8. SALMON. OAsmicn W. ,T. WARD, Ass't Cashier We want you to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY of this Bank. WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONBSDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OF - - - $100,000.00 AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF . 355,000.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 455,000.00 EVERY DOLLAR of which must be lost before any depositor can loseariiNflY It has conducted a growing and successful business for over 35 years, serving an increasing number of customers with fidelity and satisfaction. Its cash funds are protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS. All of these things, coupled with conservative management, insured by the CAREFUL PERSONAL ATTENTION constantly given the Hank's affairs by a notably able Hoard of Directors assures tho patrons of that SUPREME SAFETY which is tho prime essential ot a good Hank. Total Assets, $2,733,000.00 BST DEPOSITS MAY BEJMADE BY MAIL. II. O. HAND, A. T, SKA I! I, K, T. Ii. CLARK. -DIRECTORS CliAS.J. SMITH. H.J. CONGER, W. F. SUYIJAM. W. H. HOLMES F.I'. KIMBLK H. S. SALMON W can mmm If Your House Needs Painting Use S. W. P. Ii your house or barn, or buildings of any sort, need painting, don't put it oft. Now this spring is the time' to paint. A building that is kept protected from the weather, damp, sun and so on, will outlast by years a building that is allowed to go unpainted or poorly painted. It is much better business to save the building you have than buy a new one. And, besides this, well painted buildings are much pleasanter to live in than dingy, unpainted buildings and bring a much higher price if you should want to sell. To arrive at the cost of painting, figure the number of square feet a gallon will cover, and how long it will last, not what the paint costs a gallon. Don't simply figure what it costs to paint your house or barn, but what it costs to keep it painted year in and year out. S. W. P. is honestly made of the best raw materials obtainable, and will prove more economical and satisfactory to the man who pays the bill than either hand mixed lead and oil or the so-called "cheap ready-mixed paint." We are agents for Sherwin- Williams Paint, Prepared irill come IW 7Sr? in'wwbegad lrAHUB O. M. SPETTIQUE, Honesdale, Pa. turo llfo a supportor of Democratic as possible Gazette.