Market Reports. WHEAT Two cents higher; contract grade, April, il.32al.33. CORN-Steody: April. 73a73V4c OATS Firm; No. 2 white, natural, B9H aCOc. BUTTER Steady on fine fresh: fall trade; receipts, 6,501 packages; creamery, specials, 28a2Sttc (oRlclal 23c); extras, Z7s J7V4c; thirds to nrsts, Zla-Gc.; held, com. mon to special, 20a27c; state dairy, com mon to choice. 19a25c; process, common to special, 1723c. ; western, factory, 17a 19c; Imitation creamery, 20c. CHEESE Firm; receipts, 1,953 boxes; state, full cream, special, l(al7c; small, fancy, lSc; large; fancy, 15c; good tc fine, 16V4c; winter made, best, 14Hc: com mon to prime, 13al4V4c; skims, full to spe cials, 2al2V4c. EGGS Steady; receipts, 33,492 cases; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy, selected, white, 23a24c; fair to choice, 21Ha22c; brown and mixed, fancy, 22a 22Hc; fair to choice, 21a21Hc: western, firsts, 20V4a21c; storage packed, 2H4a21V4c.; seconds. 20c. POTATOES Steady : domestic, old, In bulk, per 180 lbs., 2.50o3.12; per bbl. oi beir. 32.40a2.85: European, per 168 lb. bag, J2.25a2.50; Bermuda, per bbl., J5a6; sweet, per basket, J1.23a2. LIVE POULTRY UnsettlSd; chickens, broilers, per lb., 25a33c; fowls, 16al7c; old roosters, liaise, ducks, iec.; geese, 8a9Uc. DRESSED POULTRY Iced easier; fowls, barrels, per lb., 15al5'4c: old roosters, 1214c; squabs, white, per doz., Sl.25a4.25; frozen turkeys. No. 1, per lb., 23a25c; broilers, milk fed, fancy. 24a25c; corn fed, fancy. 21a23c; roasting chickens, milk fed, 23a23c; corn fed, 17a20c; fowls, No. 1, lsalBWc: old roosters, xzuc: ciucks, no. i, 17alSc; geese; No. 1, 12al4c; capons, 24a 27c. HAY AND ST3AW Quiet; timothy, per hundred, 60a82Wc; shipping, BBaSTOc; clover, mixed, E5a7Sc; clover, BOaSOc.; rye straw, Sl.05al.17H; small bales, 2c. less on low erodes. nLAS8IFIOATlON AND APPRAI8E- U MENT. The undersigned duly appointed and qualified Appraiser or Mercan tile Taxes for the year 1S09. makes the follow ing classification ana appraisement oi ven ders of merchandise, etc. "Stfclcfey-Brnt Furniture" la the kind that serves the longest and beat. Only $19.60 For this excellent Chamber Suit In llnely selected golden Oak. The Dre3ser has One 24x20 Oval shaped French bevel plate mirror, tour drawers Including a two-drawer top, daintily carved mirror frame, easy running drawers. Full size Bed carved to match Dresser. Commode has splasher back, two cabinets and large drawer. Entire suit well con structed and beautifully finished. Simi lar suits always retail from $23.00 to 25.00. Carefully packed and shipped freight charges prepaid for (19.60. For five hundred more designs of handsome and well-made Furni ture, see our factory-price cata logue. Free on request. Dunn. W'm. Hcssler, Geo. Ives, Wm. RETAIL. BETHANY. Faatz, Judson 11. BUCKINGHAM. Carey. J. A.. fancy ii. . Knapp II. Ix)rd, cam I nvtnn..1nscnh iUKc. naipn .. Randall, jonn Spencer. H. W. Starlight Dairy Co. Woodmansee, C. E. CANAAN. Lake Lodore Imp. Co. CHERRY RIDOK. Cobb, W. J. lirown, . Kausclimeler, F. W. Stahl, Louisa cmnton. Fltze, M. I), , m Gunimoe, Mrs. Wm. T. nervation, joc Mills. Hnrrv O'Neal. H.J. l'lka. jonn u. Gen'l Mdse Gcn'l Mdse GcnUMdse Furniture Gen'l Mdse Confectioner? Gen'l Mdse Flour A Feed Gcn'l Mdse DAMASCUS. Abraham, G. C. Abrunam, a. j. llnehrcr. H. Clark, C. K. . Cantlcld, J. A. Canllcld A Ruticdge Decker, Mrs. Julia Fromer, T. J. Gregg. A. G. Gulnnlp. W. R. Hill, Joel G. Kays A Face Ixivelass. Isaac l'cthlck, C. M. Hutledee. J. A. Skinner, Cora E. Sticanl. Joseph Stalker, D. M. DR Carlton, Mrs. C. M. K.hrhardt Jr., F. A. Khrhardt, Sr., F. A. Gilpin A Barnes, linge, C. Miller. II. R. Robacker. H. E. Sommer. F. C. Slee, Mrs. H.J. Smith, David II. Smith, II. R. Simons, Frank Waltz, Frank D. Wert, Chas. F. Hates, J. I. Dodson, W. F. llauser.J. J. Kimble, A. K. Kimble. M. K. llvlfler A Sons BINGHAMTON, N. Y. Cigars Gen'l Mdse Feed Gen'l Mdse Gen'l Mdse Feed A Flour Gen'l Mdso Cigars Furniture Parm Imp. Harness Gen'l Mdse Phonographs .Gcn'l Mdse iFlour A Feed ' Gen'l Mdse Cigars A Tobacco Gen'l Mdse Gen'l Mdse Harness Gen'l Mdse Clears Gen'l Mdse Cigars Meat Gen'l Mdse Cigars Feed Cigars Meats Cigars Gen'l Mdse Mangan Estate. Mrs. Tbos. McDonald, F. II. Nell. C. P. . Nallon. M. J. OberleCarl. Phillips, Lewis Pelltz, L. II Palmer, J. F. Peopple, Fred Richardson. E. J. Reatier, Martin Hacker, Carl Snyder A Freethy Schardt. Wm. Swingle, F. F. Scblager, K, L. Skelr, M. D. . Snyder A Freethy Skier, Renlamln Skier, Jos. Teeter. R.. . t Thompson, John II. Tuttlo A Co.. F. L. Thompson, Geo. S. vonrrancK, nenry Vogler, E. Woodward, C. II. Watts A Son, Graham Wolf, W. Welch A Ames Watterson, Mary A. Warg. R. F. Wetzel. Aug. Wick. Gustave Woods L. M. Ammcr J O Abrains A W Gen'l Mdse Clothing Meats Confectionery Jewelry Confectionery Cigars , Meats Groceries Cigars Confectionery Drugs Confectionery Gen.Mdse. Clothing Drugs Clothing Furniture Cigars Gen. Mdso Groceries Gen. Mdse. Flour A Feed Hen. Mdse Hardware Clothing Ken. Aiase Groceries Footwear Meats Meats Cigars flen'l Mdse Clothing HAWI.EY. Atkinson A Quinney, Habcock, O. E. Harrett, M. It. liigart. Homer S. Ilower, P. J. Hea.H. F. Haschon. Sr., Jos. Curran, John Corcoran. M. Drake, James F. Deitzer, Mrs. Mary Evcrding, John Foster, Frank Frank, A. 11. Guinn Hros. Goldback, Kdwin Gclsler. Louis lloldcirs Cash Store, Wells Hughes, F.J. Hcnsel, L. Kearney, P. H. Kohlmun, Geo. Lchmanu, C. Lubes, C. A A. Lynch, Mlchnel Langan, C. E. Miner, S. Mutter A Son, G. .Mayer, Mury Gcn'l Mdse Harness Groceries Oysters Gen'l Mdse Groceries Cigars Groceries Clears Hardware Footwear Cigars Groceries Clears Art Store Cigars Art Store Groceries Millinery Clothing Feed A Flour cigars Ituppert Fred rtelctimbaefcer Fbarmacr Relf W J RoescbUu C Rldiewar U O Hettew Brothers Richmond J K Itlekert John Smith Jacob B Bchuller Franx r Spruxs Mrs J A Spencer A Co OF Bpetttguo O M Schoell Fred O Sharpeteta A Bro J N Skellr Mrs John Busniuir toon Sieftner J II Smith Co 0 W Smith E T Sommer O P Bcburholz F Mr Bco. weaker Q G Swingle L B Smith Maggie Taeubner A II Tbenbold John Terwllllger F O vvigiA r Varcoe F J Wayne Co Co-operative A mo Wenlger L O Weaver John Weaver O (r Whitney 0 n Watts iiranim MUX Ackrroian Jos Cigars Brandon Mrs Lacy Buertett Henry Brown I B Clothing Barblert a Confectionery Bodle J A Art Store Bregstcln Bros Clothing Betz 0 11 Harness Brady J T Drug Brown Est John Furniture Brualg'Ibeo Gen'l Mdse Burcurd W L .... Brook Si Marsh Groceries Coiocotronls L Confectionery Chambers O T Drugs Crosby & Maglnnli Gen'l Mdse Clark A Bullock " " Dodge Buel Drugs Dunlileberg U A Menu Dunning O I, Gcn'l Mdae Beln Chas W Meats Dunn J Meats Deitzer Edward Footwear Deck U Hardware Erk Bri " EldredMrsAM Art Store Ebertmrdt Jr A Cigars A Tobacco Freund Henry Gen'l Mcse Fisiier David Junk Dealer Freeman MorrU Clothlog Freeman's Store " Ferber Bros Cigars A Tobacco Flrnu F F ' Cigars Gray Chas H ' Drugs Grand Union Tea Oj Tea 4 Coffee Green Mrs Theresa Stationery Gatvlo Mlcbael Cigars Grambs A A Gen'l Mdse Gilbert 811by Cigars Helferlca L A Clothing Ham S T Harness Hartung Edward , Meats Hessler W G Cigars HeumanJ II Herrman W L Gen'l Mdse Hlller J A .... Holbert B .... Herzog Mrs Catherine Meats Holbert B L Feed 4 Hay Igo MameA . Notions Jadwln O 0 Drugs Jacobson & Co Gen'l Mdse Jenkins John K Sboes Jenkins Frank A Music Katz Bros Gen'l Mdse Kraft & Conger Coal Kimble Geo B Gen Mdse Krolt Mrs F " Krelmer Bros . Roofing LelneA M Drugs Llghtblzer T A Footwear Loercber John Furniture Ixjwe Chris Cigars Lorls Jr Benl " Moore W T Furniture Meyer llcrmat Cigars Markey Charles Hardware McKenna Sons Cooperage Martin ACarlln Clgais McGranaghan Paul E McKenna Miss Kathertne NoUons Mclntyre W J " Sewing Machines Menner Co Gen Mdse Murray & Co Wagons MartuneL Genlldse Nielsen J B .Notions O'Connell T D ..Cigars Peterson Chas Jewelry Pt-Il G W Drugs Polt wm O Oysters Roadknlght W B Cigar Andrews, John (V Black E J Kruwn Jonotbon Bortree & Son 8 0 Bortree E K Culllns G G Howe PT Klzer Leslie Keyes & Hon A S Lunsteln Samuel Masters 0 A Mandervtlle Geo A O'dell L J Shaffer E W Stumer O N Simons E W Samson Cook SandercockS S Butledge Ben Brown Chas Carr - Co W L Crooks J B Dlrrolt Frledrlck Flower W E Garagon 0 W Harvey W L luiooes a Smith M E HANCUESTISt Block Wm A Bullock -state John Emerlch Wm F G Hornbeck J K Harford J W Kellam U P Lord Isaac Teeple E Wellzer Hyman UOUKT PLEASANT Bryon II J Brain Bros Hrennan J D Bonham 0 v Bunnell I W Fowler & Spencer Giles R W Miller O 0 O'Uara M L O'Neill Frank J Perbam W E J J Tiffany J E Hlgbbouse 0 L Knorr Fred Penwarden E D Schmltt P F Gnhle A Miller 8 Dlx Howard A Dumond J G Gilchrist W J Hackell Co E Hlne A F Illne Stanley Howell & Co Harry Healy Win J Kinney W B Leltlnger M J Lewis J W Madlgan P F McLean E F Slllsbee S G Sampson A Dlx Tiffany F A Tiffany A Son F A Woodmansee 8 Confectionery Drugs Footwear . Art Store Hardware Pianos Cigars Footwear Confectionery Ullllnerr Jewelry Hardware Cigars Clgan ft Tobacco Cigars Gen'l Mdse , China k Crockerr Wagons , Jewelry Cigars Bakery Furniture Candy Cigars ,, Gen' Mdse Cigars coal Gen Mdse Clgais cigars Jewelry Wagons Hardware Gen'l Mdse Footwear riour A Feed Gen'l Mdse Tinware Cigars Gen'l Mdse Clothing Gen'l Mdse Gen'l Mdse Cigars Gen'l Mdse Candy A Cigars Meats Cigar Building Material uen'l Mdse Richardson R A 8nedxer A E Andrews Geo C Alt A son w u Chumard W E Dlrrenneld Joseph Elliott J E Edwards D W roote RalDh Goodrich Florence Hamlin B F Oolllster A G Kellam Cbas F Lorlng Chan M Nicholson U F Olver A Co Anos Potter E II Surrldge W H Sosenhamer John Simons U L Bavttr Wm Rtevens W A Williams I G Corey S A Scott Cohem Co Tarbox L J .Gen Mdse Hardware Farm Implement 0n Mdse Jewelry Cigars Farm Implements Gen'l Mdso , Feed Gen'l Mdse Furniture Cigars Gen'l Mdse Flour and Feed Farm Implements Gen'l Mdse Drugs Gen'l Mdse Gen'l Mdse SOUTH CANAAN Buckley J W Bentbam John Benjamin Irwin Bone W J Bang Edward O A 8 A Cook A M Dershlmer G W Hinds M M Kizer E 0 Merlthew A L Shaffer I) 0 Sbafler W R Swingle Darius swingle Eugeue Spangenberg E D vansickie u a STJ Callcnder 8 L mcuuh o Erk Mrs Fred Koebler A Son Larrabee A W Prentice E D Woodmansee John 81 Cross A J Ciots J E CrotsSN Howe A C Hartford V L Cigars lien'l Mdse Cigars Feed A Coal Meats Gen'l Mdse Gen'l Mdse Farm Implements uigars Gen'l Mdse Meats Drugs Candy A Cigars Gen'l Mdse Flour and Feed Gen'l Mdse TerreL J. Oscar ' MANCHESTER. Atlantic Refining Co. 4 PRESTON, Hacket A Co., E. K. TEXAS. Smith A Son, G. Gen. Mdse. OH Flour and Feed Dairy Prodac RESTAURANT. EATING HOUSE, tJAirj!., C nONESDALE. Costan A Anastasu , BILLIARD, POOL AND ALLEYS. BERLIN. Ives. Wm. Wood, Wm. F, 1IATVLET, Woods, L. M. II0NESDALF.. Sharpsteln A Bro., J. W. Theobald, John BROKERS, AGENTS OR FACTORIES, IIAWL-ET, Peoppel, Fred. 110NESDALE. Coleman & Co., A. J, PADPAC. Schleupner, John Spellvogel. Herman An appeal will be held at the County Treas urer's olllcc on Friday, April 30th, 1909, be tween the hours ot 9 a. m. and 2 p. M. C. F. KELLAM. 29wl Mercantile Appraiser. Four alloys Four alleys One table One table one table Real Estate Stook Real Estate Real Estate Farm Implements riour and Feed Farm Implements Gen'l Mdse Hardware Flour and Feed Gen'l Mdse Cigars Gen'l Mdse The NEW SPRING SUITS at MENNER & GO'S Store Farm Implements Gen'l Mdse Cigars heed Gen Mdse Gen'l Mdse Furniture Cigars Farming Implements Gen'l Mdse OREGON Flour A Feed Meats Gen Mdse PALVTRA Cigars TACTIC Gen Mdse Cigars A Candy PRKST0N Gen Mdse Cigars Flour A Feed Gen Mdse Farm Implements Gen Mdse Cigars Coal Cigars Feed Cigars Coal Cigars Geu Mdse Austin, J.M. Heck. Jacob Bishop, II. T. Bangert. John Brown, Minor Bellman. J. II. Christ. Wm. Dunklcburg. K. GUI, Thos. Gavltt, E. B. Hook, C.J. Herrman A Son. M. Kranz, Fred. Mundy, Jas. Irving Cliff Bottling Works Murphy, C. H. Meszler, Victor K. Meyer, May Meyer. Geo. Mang. Frank Ncimeyer. Wm.! Penwarden. R. W. Rutledge, Ben). Smith, John C. Skelly. E. T. Schmltt, P. J. Smith A Son, G. Seclig. B. A C. Tuman, Joseph Werner, Fred. White Mills Coal Co. Weber Bros. Wolfson, Morris Cigars Gen. Mdse, Footwear Gen. Mdse. Cigars Drugs Cigars Wagons Cigars Flour and Feed Flour and Feed Cigars (Jen. Aiase. Meats Gen. Mdse. Confectionery Gen.Mdse. Coal Confectionery Shoes WAYMART. Batten, Robert Farm Implements ( Jrockenberg, T. J. Cigars I'CIIK, JOS. v. Dymond. J. B. Hlnes. F.S. Hull Bros. Keen, Jr., J. B. Plerson, W. W. varcoe, it. WHOLESALE H0NUSDAI.E. Atlantic Refining Co. Brady.J.T. Durland & Weston Shoe Co. Freuncl. Henrv Honesdalc Milling Co. Holmes. W, B. Kraft A Conger, Murray Co. Gen.Idse, Farm Implements Flour und Feed Gen. Mdse. Oil Drugs Footwear Gen. Mdse. Flour and Feed Flour and Feed Coal Hardware Are the best in the market, and made by the most up-to-date makers. " Menner & Co's Store. Purely riutual. Organized 1857 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MILWAUKEE BALANCE SHEET, JANUARY 1, 1909. ASSETS. United States and other bomls,;Market value $72,804,185 00 Loans on Mortgages 129,213,585 24 Secured by first liens on Real Estate, valued at $300,701,3(12 00 With fire and other insurance as collateral security.... (53,873,140 00 Loans on.Company's policies secured by reserves thereon 33,440,200 51 Premium notes secured by reserves on policies 533,804 13 Real Estate (including Home Office Building) . 2,112,626 (18 Deposited in banks at interest 3,078,037 80 Cash on hand 104.G65 41 Accrued Interest and Rents 4,055,779 26 Of the $5,831,533 36 interest earned on mortgages in 1908 only $27,782 30 or less than X of 1 Per cent- was duo anQ un" ' paid January 1st, 1909. Due and deferred premiums (less loading) 2,622,335 85 Total Admitted Assets ; .' $248,025,219 88 LIABILITIES. Present value of installments not due $ 1 ,270,245 00 Death claims and Endowments unadjusted 735,035 48 (Including losses for which no proofs had been received Decem ber 31st, 1908.) Taxes due or accrued .256,622 56 Dividends due and on deferred premiums not due, etc 699,411 56 Unpaid accounts not presented, etc 198,385 88 Reserve on policies, Actuaries 4 , American 3 212,091,433 00 Reserve for Annuities ' 961,440 00 Accumulations held to meet Semi-Tontine contracts payable in 1909 and subsequently 20,820,448 73 Funds held for annual dividends payable in 1009 ''.$6,520,551 27 Unassigned Funds (Surplus) 4,465,046 40 10,986,1H7 67 Total Liabilities $248,025,219 88 1908 RECORD. Insurance in force January 1, 1909 (paid for) $944,576,018 Increase of Insurance in force (paid for) ; 63,013,026 New business written and paid for in 1908 109,773,709 Largest year in Company's history. Asseta January 1 , 1909 248,025,220 Increase in Assets .- 15,205,973 Income during 1908 .' 46,667,164 Increase in Income . ' 3,024,573 Dividends paid in 1908 .' 9,428,133 Increase in Dividends paid 1,516,848 Payments to Policyholders in 1908 20,947,108 Increase in Pafmente to Policyholders 3.499,106 Increase in Mortgage Loans 7,472,948 Increaee in Loans on Policies 3,228,368 Decrease in Expenses and Taxes (notwithstanding an increaso in Taxes of $57,508 S5!603 W. J. WELSH, General Agt, Northeastern Pennsylvania, Office : SCRANTON, PA. RECORD OF NEW INSURANCE PAID-FOR. 1904 $ 73,876,040. Larger than any previous year. 1905 90,334,038. Larger than any previous year. 1900 93,503)452. Larger than any previous year. 1007 102,233,634. Larger than any previous year. 1008 109,773,709. Larger than any previous year. f EXPENSE RATIO. Ratio of Expenses and Taxes to Income, 1902 14.91 A Ratio of Expenses and Taxes to Income, 1003 -. 14.43 Ratio of Expenses and Taxes to Income, 1004 13.03 Ratio of Expenses and Taxes to Income, 1005 13.99 Ratio of Expenses and Taxes to Income, 1006 13.03 Ratio of Expenses and Taxes to Income, 1907 13.65 Ratio of Expenses and Taxes to Income, 1008 12.61 W. C. KNAPP, Agent HAWLEY, PENN'A. For Wayne County.