The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 09, 1909, Image 6

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Features in this Column:
The Suffragist of Today
Progress of the Movement
An Appeal to Mothers
Time was when woman's suffrage
was associated with short hair, bloom
ers and denunciations of the tyrant
man. This type of suffragist, I regret
fo say, was so striking that she yet re
mains In the memory of the more con
servative citizen, causing him to shud
der at the very thought of the eman
cipation of his womankind. It Is for
the benefit of this man and of bis wife,
who probably shares his views, and of
others like them, who haven't kept
abreast of the movement, that I want
to speak a few words about the mod
ern American suffragist.
I absolutely believe she represents
the better element of her sex. She Is
no longer a subject for cartoons. As
far as appearance goes, she Is well
groomed, becomingly dressed and has
a diplomatic rather than uu aggressive
manner. Her mind Is logical, her man
ner of argument calm and her person
ality magnetic, and she is anything but
mannish. The suffrage movement of
today counts thousands of women
who, like Mrs. Henry Vlllard, Mrs.
Clarence Mnckay and Mrs. Gabrlello
Stewart Milliliter, arc noted for their
social tact nnd charm ns well ns for
their Intellectual qualities.
The present suffrage movement In
this country frowns upon the mascu
line woman. It makes, on the other
hand, tin appeal to the mothers of the
land that It tnny help them do more
for their children and to the homo
women In every state In the Union
that they may be able to votojfor laws
that will protect the fireside and better
existing conditions.
Woman's suffrage wants the support
of every wife nnd every mother, and It
hopes sooner or inter to have the sane
tlon of every husband nnd every fa
titer. The movement is for the better
ment of the entire human race. I,et
me quote from a recent speech of Mrs,
Gabrlello Stewart Mulliner:.
I do not start from the mistaken stand
point that all men are uneducated, tricky,
dishonest, lncnpablo voters and otjlcehold'
ers. who have made a failure of our gov
ernment, and that all women are refined,
uplifted, educated angels who will reform
the government and turn the United
States Into a forest of Arden or a Utopia
but I do say that thero Is somethlns
wrong with the present system when,
building on our constitution, which prom
Iscs so -much, the people ot America can
be laboring under the burden of so much
Buffering and want nnd Ignorance and
Some one has made mistakes and some
one has misappropriated the functions of
Belt government when there is a bread
Ino and when thero are supplies or poi
soncd food, when the milk supply Is dead
ly, when children cannot get schooling,
when people starve to death, when men
ind women commit suicide because life
Is so cheerless. There Is something wrong.
Men have had the affairs of the nation In
their control now since 1776, and they have
not been able to work out tho problem to
tho satisfaction of any one, themselves
I have no desire for suffrago for women
for the Bake of casting a ballot, but It Is
what It stands for. It means that ono
jan have a voice In selecting the men
who make and who enact the laws.
"We women who pay taxes," says
Mrs. Henry Vlllard, "who by ever in
creasing hundreds of thousands nro
compelled to earn our livelihood in
shops, In factories and In offices, arc
simply raising the banner of 1770, 'N6
taxation without representation. "
Mrs. Clarence Mnckay is devoting
her largo forruno to the advancement
of tho cause. She has opened head
quarters in the Metropolitan Life
building, New York, where she works
earnestly every day.
"To my mind," she said recently,
"the real importance of giving women
votes would bo found In this that a
multitude of practical questions which
are now left quite unsolved would be
taken up and solved. We see our op
nortunlt.v. There are schools which
educate tho children of the womcii of
today, nnd these need constant care.
There are the Injustices and tho op
pression suffered by these women who
have to make a living for themselves.
There arc hospitals to be worked for
and public eharitlea to be Improved.
The woman of leisure should devote
her energies to working with her sex,
standing shoulder to shoulder with tho
wage earners, ready to help the cause
which unites nil women upon a com
mon ground because they are women
nnd for the Bake of their womanhood."
Interior Clothesline.
The clothesline or hanger ns illus
trated herewith Is Intended for use In
the house during wet or cloudy weath
er. Tho frame la made with a center
piece of round wood about one Inch
in diameter and any length to suit
the size of the room. The wood may
be square If a round piece cannot be
secured. Tho two cud pieces nre of
the same material nnd eighteen inches
long. The pieces are held together at
the connections with small braces
made from Iron. The frame Is hung
to tho celling on three one-half inch
brass screw pulleys. Clotheslines are
stretched between the end pieces on'
which to hang the clothes.
Loading the Wagon.
It Is generally believed that the load
pulls easier If put well forward on tho
wagon. But this Is not so on the or
dinary witgou, where the hind wheels
:iro larger tliau the front ones. Should
the wheels be equal in size the load
should be equally distributed. If the
trucks are so low dowu that the
horses have an upward pull on the
load, then It would be all right to pui
the load well forwnrd. The load
should be proportioned to the surface
contact of the wheels. A large wheel
sinks less than a small one. There
fore the load should be heaviest on the
hind wheels. Distribute the weight so
that no one wheel or no one side Is
carrying the greater share, lest It
make tho draft excessive for the ton
nage carried.
Wash Eggs For Market.
It would In a sense be better to
wash eggs sent to market than to
send them in n dirty condition. But
washed eggs have no keeping quali
ties. The water appears to dissolve
the gelatinous substance which seals
the pores of the shell, and air is thus
admitted and soon starts decomposi
tion. The better way to treat dirty
eggs Is to take n woolen rag only
slightly moistened with water and
gently rub oft the dirt.
Two Turns.
"Mary," said tho mistress, address
ing her new servant, "turn the flap
Jacks, quick!"
Hurrying to the sizzling pan, the
servant did so.
"Thnt was well done. Mary. You
didn't break one of them. Stop! Why
nre you turning them over again?"
"They say ono good turn deserves
another, mum." Judge.
A Walter's Mistake.
Walter (whose attention has been
called to a gross error In addition)
Very sorry, sir, but even If you hadn't
found out the mistake the firm would
have benefited, not me.
Diner Then you have uo excuse!
Wo read much about feeding for fer
tility of eggs, as if there was a special
method of ration to charge an egg with
Put that; theory under a hen, and sh
will desert the nest.
Just use the old method and furnish
your hens with grit and shell, green
food, cut bone, fresh water, pure air
and good grain In deep litter for food
and blood circulator.
Add to this a lively, loud voiced,
strong lunged, broad backed, strong
legged, full breasted, busy male.
That's our plan to bring bright eyed
ruffle fluflics, nnd our egg customers
will tell you It works. Yes, we'll let
you feed soft mash, too, even If the
goose bono prophets say you shouldn't.
To test their theory- that mash
brings infertiles or weak chicks, we
fed a pen on an equal threo part
crumbly mash of raids, cornmcal, bran
and scrap almost exclusively and never
get more or hardier chicks from any
other ration.
You get Infertile eggs when hens are
overworked for winter eggs, weakened
by Inbreeding and disease, ovcrfat.
overfed, underfed, nearly dead and im
mature; when they have been burned
with red pepper, doped with egg tonic
and drugged with cattle powder and-
when there are too many hens to a
pen or too many roosters to a hen.
"Why don't my pullets lay?" is n
frequent question sent us. Your pul
lets may be of age and fed correctly,
but thero Is a factor often disregard
ed. They should be bred from lnylug
ancestry; otherwise they nre only prof
itable for feather beds and potple.
On Oct. 1, 1008, there were 1,071,758
cases of ojjgs in cold storage, valued at
$12,533,185. To advance the price or
ders were only half filled. If people
would only take the hint nnd put up
eggs In water glass they could make
the trust cry, "Alas, alas I"
A genius Is raising poultry, growing
mushrooms and running a frog pond.
What a list of delicacies 1
Gather tho goose eggs quickly, lest
they get chilled, and keep the ducks In
till 10 In the morning, or they will lay
In the water.
A man Is not to bo blamed for al
lowing his wife to trim the Incubator
lamps. Just us It takes a good worn
an to keep a fool man straight, so It
takes u woman to trim a lamp wick
The Incubators are working double
time to get out the early chicks. Nev
er run a machine with a smoking lamp
or one thnt leaks. It's a good plan to
have extra lamps, thermometers, etc,
on hand for accidents.
Make a resolution In the spring that
'ou will cut out sloppy cornmeal for
chicks. Feed them dry ground mixed
grains to get the gains.
Be sure when you order eggs or birds
to mention where you saw the deal
er's advertisement appear. Nearly all
the journals, If this Is done, refund
your loss and help bring the guilty
party to Justice.
Tlie Insurable incubator is now for
sale. Whether the machine Is fire
proof or uot depends on the man who
tends the machine. Always have sev
eral fire extinguishers iu your incu
bator nnd brooder houses for emer
gencies. Ono reason for such poor hatches Is
tho mating of a male to too many hens.
This Is often the trouble on the farms
whore sucli large flecks are kept. One
male to fifteen hens Is correct.
Tho next time you go among the
chickens play rooster and crow. Every
timo you crow the hens will nod their
heads. So ought all tho sisters applaud
man when he does something com
mendable. You must take tho cat iu hand when
tho chicks appear. Introduce them.
You will be surprised how quickly Tab
will understand. Cats do not bother
white so much as colored chicks, as
the latter look like birds. In hatching
season feed meat to the cats, nnd
they'll only 'bother the long tailed rats.
It is a criminal offense to poison cats
nnd dogs. To make dumb nntiuals suf
fer tho lingering death that such pol
Bon often infllcls is heinous. If your
neighbors' pots bother you, have a
quiet brotherly If Ik with him, nnd all
will come right.
"My wife Is n lecturer, and I am an
entertainer," said Hobbs.
"Indeed! I knew your wife nppcared
In public, but I did not know that you
ever did."
"Oh, I don't appear in public! I stay
at home nnd entertain ' tho baby."
London Fun.
Romanes of Automoblllng, ,
We aped .along in spirit high that nllht
Through the soft glamour of the pale
Up hill and down, o'er level, broad high
ways, Their surface smooth deserving of all
On either side the trees stood dark and
At times we heard the crickets chirping
Tho whirlpool, too, sang his plaintive lay
To thrill us as we- hastened on our way.
The romance of the evening filled our
And, though at times we bumped Into
some holes
In the dark roadway, life seemed fair and
Significant to us of joy complete.
A mvittlc lanzuor on our senses fell
And bound us In a sweet, enchanting
Until we were some thirty miles from
And then the blamed old benzine cart
broke down,
Somervllle Journal
The Preliminaries.
"What's the matter with John and
"They have quarreled."
"Maybe they will kiss and make up."
"Well, not In that order. She will
make up first."
Nurse Doctor, a sponge is missing.
Possibly you sewed It up inside the pn
tlent. Eminent Surgeon Thank you. Re
mind me to add $10 to the bill for ma
terial. Puck.
An Original Optimist.
A most -unusual optimist was Sophocles
"Cheer up!" he'd often cry. "The sky
will not be always blue.
The sun Is -warm and bright, I know, but
do not mope or pine.
Just think of all the gloomy days on
which it cannot shine.
Don't say because It doesn't rain today
it won't tonight.
Tomorrow may be drear and dank, al
though today Is bright. '
Into each life some sun must shine. A
storm's not 'always due."
Ah, a most unusual optimist was Sopho
cles McCue!
A. H. Folwell In Puck.
A Narrow Escape.
Tom now did' you come out at the
church fair last night?
Jack I came out with a nickel Just
enough to pny my car fare home. At
lanta Constitution.
Hard Luck.
"Why was your wedding postponed?"
"My fiance and. his best man overate
themselves or something like that at
his bachelor dinner." Cleveland Lead
er. To a Poet.
Write on and don't despair, my boy,
Because you find your muse is coy
And all your lines, to your annoy,
The editors decline.
What though your muse has proved
You have a royal chance to find,
One every way Just to your mind.
Remember, there aro nlnel
J. J. O'Connell in New York Evening
An Experiment.
"He wanted to borrow n pistol."
"What for?"
"To blow out his brains."
"Does ho think he can improve on
The Uneasy Life.
"I hear Bander has married an ac
tress." "Yes. He says he can't bear the Idea
of settling down."--St. Louis Republic.
Accounted For.
Barber (rather slow) Beg pardon,
sir, but your hair Is turning n bit
Victim Shouldn't wonder. Look at
the time I've been here. Chicago
Marital Amenities.
"My dear, when you look as amiable
as all that you quite take my breath
"I couldn't do thnt, my dear; It's too
strong." Baltimore American.
The Office Romance.
Out through the office window, all day
His gaze will wander to the passing
There eagerly each comer's face to Bean
As If each one might be the looked for
Is it some loved one from the dear old
Is It one dreamed of who will never come?
Is It some comrade of his boyhood days
Or brother lost for whom he lifts that
Perhaps tt Is but, ah, see him arise!
A face outside he seems to recognize.
He rushes to his boss, and In his ear
He whispers: "I must quickly disappear.
That fellow's coming after me Bill
He's got a dun. Please say I've left the
A "Queer" Preaoher.
Bev. Mr. Hoghmore, to whose mem
ory is a slab In the church at Cats-,
hoge, Leicestershire, England, was "a
little queer." It seems that tho rev
erend gentleman died in January, 1880,
leaving nil of his property, valued at
$3,500, to a railroad porter.
This queer old preacher kept one
servant of each nex, whom he locked
up every night. His last employment
of an evening was to go the rounds of
his premises, let loose the dogs nnd
fire oft his gun. He lost his life In
a curious manner. Starting out to let
out his servants, the dogs fawned upon
him and throw him Intoa pond of
water. The servants heard his cries,
but, being locked up, could not render
assistance, so the old man was
When the Inventory of his property
was taken, he was found to be the
owner of 80 gowns, 100 pairs of trou-
Hers, 100 pairs of boots, 400 pairs of
cfcoes. 80 wigs (although he had plenty
of natural hair), 50 dogs, 00 wagons
nnd carts, 30 wheelbarrows, 240 razors,
80 plows, 50 saddles and 222 pickaxes
and shovels. He surely was "a little
After Waterloo.
This morning (four dajB after the
great battle) I went to visit the field
of Waterloo, but on arrival there
the sight was too horrible to behold.
I felt sick in the stomach nnd was
obliged to return. The multitude of
carcasses, tho heaps of wounded men
with manglcil limbs, unable to move
nnd perishing from not having their
wounds dressed or from hunger, ns the
allies were, of course, obliged to take
their Rurgcons nnd wagons with them,
formed a spectacle I shall not for
get. At Hougomont, where thero
is an orchard, every tree is pierced
with bullets. The barns nre all burned
down, and in the courtyard It is said
thev have been obliged to burn up
ward of n thousand carcases, an awful
holocaust to the war demon. From
"Reminiscences of European Travel,
1815-1810," by Major W. F. Frye.
A Monument to a Horse.
There are some very curious monu
ments to animals scattered over the
countryside. Tho one with the most
remarkable story crowns Farley
mount, near Winchester. Underneath
it lies burled, as an inscription on the
exterior records, "A horse, the prop.
erty of Taulet St. John, Esq., that In
the month of September, 1733, leaped
Into a chalk pit twenty-five feet deep
a-fox hunting, with his master on his
back,, nnd In October, 1734, won the
Hunters' plate on Worthing downs
nnd was rode by his owner nnd en
tered In the. name of Beware Chalk
Pit." This Inscription, which Is n copy
of the original, was restored by the
Right Hon. Sir William Ileathcote,
Bart., in 1870. A duplicate is In the
Interior, which Is provided with three
Beats intended for the accommodation
of wayfarers. Wide World Magazine.
Tho Treatment of Erysipelas.
Aspinwall Judd of New York rec
ommends tho uso of strong carbolic
acid painted on tho surface in cases of
erysipelas until the surface Is whiten
ed and then followed by swabbing
with alcohol. The treatment must go
a half Inch beyond the border of the
eruption to destroy all tho germs. The
unbearable Itching, burning and throb
bing are relieved at once, fever soon
falls, and general symptoms are re
lieved. Tlie author has treated suc
cessfully sixty-seven cases and five
cases In which It failed. No scarring
results. The superficial layers of the
skin come oft ns Hi mild sunburn, and
the complexion Is improved. Medical
Underground In Paris.
Underground passages for pedes
trians are to bo built at various points
beneath the Champs Elysees, which
the constant stream of motor cars now
renders impassable from morning till
oveulng. Tho congestion of other Par-
Is streets also has grown to an alarm
lng extent, nnd all thoroughfares
around the Opera are blocked with
traffic for hours, morning and after
noon. If tho Champs Elysees tunnels
proyo a success others will be exca
vated in the center of l'nrls, and foot
passengers will In future cross not
over streets, but under them.
If women will make practical poll
tics wireless, men will gladly leave the
whole field to them.
Of course trade in possum meat is
now looking up.
Attorn evs-at-La w
Offim. MfiQnnln
building, second floor
Honesdale. Fa.
Office over post ofllco. All legal business
promptly attended to. Honesdale, Pa.
T,0,P.c.wTI'lb.irty ILa1,1 building, opposite the
Post Office. Honesdale, Pa.
Office over Keif's store. Honesdale Pa.
OIIlco near Court House. Honesdale. Pa.
Office over Post Office. Honesdale, Pa.
rtHARLES.A. Mccarty,
Sneclal and tiromnt attention plvim In tho
collection of claims. Ofllco over Keif's new
store, Honesdale, Pa.
Office over the oost office Honesdale. Pa.
Officer in the CourtHouse, Honesdale,
Patents and pensions secured. Office In the
Schuerholz building Honesdale. Pa.
k i!5feftSC0,ldJ P00,T oId Savings Bank
building. Honesdale. Pa.
Office-Next door to post office. Formerl
occupied by W. 11. Dlmmlck. Honesdale. Pa
Office l-'lrst floor, old .Savhigstlluuk build
ing, Honesdulc. Pa.
Office and residence 1U6 Church street
Telephones. Office Hours 2:00 to 4:00 and
7:00 to H:00. p. m
To A. M, Henshaw from Wana
maker & Brown.
Dear Sir:
Wo aro In receipt of un unlimited num
ber of congratulations from our sales
agents upon the superb assortment of
Spring Clothes. They agreeing with us
hi pronouncing them the handsomest
ever gotten together.
We send forward this supplemental
line of Uruys and Oxfords from the fact
that It Is being whispered that high
firlccd merchant tailors are preparing to
ntroducc them as their leading lines; and
these fortify you In the statement that
you have everything that can be demand
Bankrupt No. 1.'187.
In the mutter of Krwln D. Prentice In
To the creditors of Erwln D. Prentice, In the
counts' of Wayne and district aforesaid, a
. Notice Is hereby given thnt on the lGthdny
of March. A. D. 1U0M. the suldErwin I). Pren
tice was duly adjudged a bankrupt; mid that
the first meeting of his creditors will be held
at the office of the referee In the borough of
Honesdale. Wnyno county, Pennsylvania,
upon l-'rlday, the 2d day of April, lOOil, at ten
o clock In the forenoon, at which time the
creditors may attend, provotheir claims, ap
point a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and
transact such other business as may proper
ly come before such meeting.
WM. 11, LEE
Kcferee In Bankruptcy.
Honesdale, Pa., March 17, 1908. iSJw3
EUNICE A. FAltNHAM. late of Honesdale.
All persons Indebted to said estate aro noti
fied to make Immediate payment to the un
dersigned; and those having claims against
the said estate nre notified to present them
duly attested, for settlement.
F. C. FAKXHAM, Executor.
Honesdale. Pa.. March 5, 1909. 20wtf
Tho partnership In the mercantile
business. In the borough of Honesdale,
Wayne county. Pa., heretofore existing be
tween Manuel Jacobson and Wm.A. Jacob
son, under tho linn nnmo of Jacobson & Co.,
Is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
The said Manuel Jacobson will continue
said business under tho firm mime of M.
Jacobson & Co., and will settlo all claims
against the late firm, and collect all debts
March 15. 1909. 2?w3
WANTED In every Hamlet, Village, and
Township, energetic people who wllluse their
spare time for good pay.
Drawer 6. Honesdale. Pa. tf