The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 02, 1909, Image 4
Ike SPORTING WORLD Padoubny May Vllt America. Another giant foreign wrestler Is to visit this country In quest of money nnd fame. The recent successes of the two famous grapnlcrs, Ernest Siegfried, "the German Onk," and Yussllt Mah mout, the Bulgarian, who is matched to wrestle Frank Gotch for the cham pionship of the world, have caused lvnn Padoubny, the giant llusslan wrestler. to announce his intention of coming to America early In the summer to try to secure a match with this country'. best mat artlstB. Padoubny Is six feet seven Inches In height and welgh3 'oUU pounds. Out-of the last six great wrestling carnivals held in ParlB the giant wrestler has won five and would have captured the sixth, but ho was unable to be present. Philadelphia Americans' New Park. Built of steel nnd concrete, with n seating capacity of 20,000 nnd stand ing room upon nnd about It for 27, 000 more, the Philadelphia American league's new baseball grand stand Is the greatest In the world and far and away the most durable and the most oruate. It Is as different from the usual run of grand stands as the mod ern opera house Is different from the circus tent. It Is fireproof, crowd proof, waterproof. This huge struc ture will bo ready to the last detail for the grand Inaugural of the baseball season of 1000 on April VI. Refused $75,000 For Peter the Great. G. II. Moore of St. Clair, Mich., who recently bought the three-year-old colt Robert C. from W. E. D. Stokes for $12,000, purchased from Mr. Stokes the yearling filly by the trotting stal lion Peter the Great, out of Margaret A., and the yearling filly by Peter the Great, out of Alary Sadie. He also re newed his offer of $50,000 for Peter the Great. He was informed by Mr. Stokes thnt ho had declined to con sider an offer of $75,000 made for the horse by the Russian government Stuart May Stroke For Cambridge. D. C. R. Stuart will have a chance of stroking the Cambridge crew to vic tory for the fifth time, including the Harvard race. R. V. M. Arbuthuot, the Eton freshman, has been strok ing the crew in practice, with Stuart rowing bow, on which side of the boat he always strokes. Arbuthuot is probably a prettier oarsman than Stuart, but the latter's electrifying methods In the early part of the race have carried him far. His stamina has never really been put to a test In the annual boat race. Princeton May Row on Schuylkill, From an announcement made by the board of stewards of the American Itowlng association there will be at least live and possibly seven crews en tered Tin the junior collegiate race at I the sixth anuual regatta to be held on the Schuylkill on May 22. Entries have been received from Cornell, Yale. Harvard, Pennsylvania and New York university. It also is understood that Princeton will send two eights, this being the first intercollegiate regatta In which Princeton lias expressed her Intention to compete. Brown on Pitching. Mordecai Brown, star pitcher of the Chlcngo Nationals, says "It is ten times harder to pitch easy than to pitch hard. That's a fact," added Brown. "Suppose you have worked vigorously and have acquired a winning lead, then they want you to let up nnd take it easy. Well, it is harder to slacken up and pitch a comparatively easy game than to throw your arm out. This may sound queer, but it's true." Cornell-Harvard Freshmen Race. All arrangements have been com pleted for the freshman race between Cornell and narvard, which will be rowed on Cayuga lake on Memorial day. This will be the first freshman race between the institutions since 187S. The Scot and His Game. If the Scot who has stayed at home cannot play the game of curling as well as his sons who have settled in Canada, what he lacks in skill is made up by love of the sport. Curling is of the Scot. It is ingrained in his nature, deeper than his religion or his finan cial interests. It has been known to make a Scotsman break the Sabbath and a dollar bill. Canadian Courier. HINTS FOR FARMERS Ground Feed For Horses. It seldom pays to grind corn for horses, provided their teeth are In first class condition. If horses are old nnd their teeth not In the best condi tion there would be some advantage In grinding. It Is true that a certain amount of the auiinnls' energy is re quired to perfectly masticate the corn, but the amount saved by grinding would In many cases hardly offset the cost. In the cape of horses which are performing unusually hard work through long hours a general excep tion might be made to this rule, dun to the fact that the animals are re quired to eat and digest Inrger quan tities of concentrated food in order to perform the work nnd maintain their weight. Some European experiment!! have shown some advantages coming from the grinding of corn, cob nnd all. It is not generally considered, how ever, to be a profitable practice to grind corn, cob nnd nil, for horses feeding. G. C. Wheeler, Kansas Ex periment, Station. Setting Turkeys. Build a wire coop of sufficient size to accommodate the hen. This is placed on the ground and the turkey put in the middle of It. On top put cednr brush to make shade. Plenty of feed, water and grit are given and the tur key allowed to be alone. The coop Is six feet on the sides and at least two feet high. When the poults hatch the corners of the coop nre lifted after the dew is off and the young ones al lowed to run. In the evening the lit tle fellows are shut In to keep out vermin. At first they nre fed bread crumbs, boiled eggs and meat crum bled together, after being mixed with water or milk and squeezed dry. When a mouth old they are allowed to roam with a turkey, but encouraged to bo at home in the evening by being fed regu larly an hour or so before sundown. Usually the turkey hens will not come home of their own accord unless edu cated in this way. M. C. Dean in Or ange Judd Farmer. I Corrective For Hogs. 'mere seems to ue no better way to supply mineral matter to hogs than to give them free access to salt, charcoal, air slaked lime, wood ashes and bone meal. Charcoal may be made out of corncobs by digging a pit in the ground with sloping sides so as to pre vent caving, starting a fire in it nnd then adding cobs a few at a time, let ting the fire burn through each time. This is continued until the pit is full, when it may be covered with an old barn door and the cracks scaled with a little dirt. After twenty-four to forty-eight hours the pit will contain the finest grade of charcoal for pig feeding. When pigs are fed these vn rious mineral substances they will un doubtedly not have such a craving for nut coal. However, a little nut coal in addition. If they care for It, would not be harmful. Breeder's Gazette Improving the Dairy Herd. The most practical way for the farmer to build up n dairy herd is to buy a good dairy bred bull and cross on the best of his common cows. This is the cheapest way, and, In fact, the only way. unless the farmer has the ready money and will buy a herd of pure bred producing cows, which in the west cannot bo found at any price. Contrary to the Ideas of many men, dairy bred bulls arc much cheaper than good dairy bred cows, and there is no reasou why the farmer who wants dairy blood In bis herd should stand on the cost of a bull. Kansas Farmer. Destroying White Grubs. Probably the most effectual check to white grubs Is early plowing. If the land can be winter plowed nnd again plowed in the spring the grubs will be greatly Injured. The application of lime will doubtless help to destroy them, and if early potatoes are plant ed and the' crop harvested as soon as possible the land may be at once fitted and sown to alfalfa with almost cer tainty of a good stand. Lime For Sour Land. Is your land sour and sodden? If it is, remember that the antidote is lime. Kemember also that alfalfa and clo ver produce acidity of the soil and that unless lime is present in consid erable quantity, to get the best results from leguminous crops, it must bo ap plied inoro or less generous quan tities. For this purpose finely ground limestone Is of most lasting benefit Kansas Farmer. 3 "BOB" HAMILTON fc- SOME CANDLE SHADES. French Fluted Model That Is Easy to Make. The day of the glaring dropllght over' the dining table is done; the hanging lamp is' happily tabooed; the chande lier holds its old, exalted position per force, but its overhead and spreading light is quite discouraged by every hostess, who has become a convert to softened colors and candle shades. Who among us is not won over to the little fairy lights dotted around the festive board? When wo happen to bo A FRENCH FLUTED AFFAIR. in a particularly responsive mood their little, sparkling jets of light seem al most to transport us to some other Innd. One particularly happy feature in the candle shade of home manufacture Is the case with which the -original may be reproduced. This makes it en tirely possible to keep a supply of "re peats" in reserve for renewing scorched ones nnd keeping up the required num ber. If one Is In the least handy with the water color box any of the brlstleboard shades may be readily copied. When originality of design is out of the ques tion, tracing may be resorted to and perhaps an even more appropriate color substituted. A plaited shade resembling the French fluted ones mny be accom plished by those fairly expert. The knife plaited material covers a card board shield nnd is fastened at top and bottom with narrow'galloon. They are very fetching indeed, quite delicious in their suggestion of the little fluted cov ers with something to eat inside and eminently suitable to deck the ma hogany when used with the short glass candlestick reproducing the antique. Men Jealous of a Woman Writer. One of the first of literary honors has been won by a woman. It is the Chauchard prize, given by the Soclcto des Gems de Lettres of France, nud Mine. Jeanne Marnl Is the winner. There Is not a literary man in France who is nt eager to earn this distinc tion, and it Is not strange that there have been many protests against the present award. Mme. Marnl is the first woman to carry off the prize, and her name now Is enrolled with that of De Maupassant. In announcing its deci sion the committee made known It awarded the prize upon the general excellence of Mme. Marnl's work. The opinion also was expressed that her writing in nlmbst every feature wns superior to that of all the other con testants. This was putting the truth rather bluntly, for "all the other con testants" were men. Oils For Leather. Olive oil, cod liver oil, castor oil and neatsfoot oil are considered to be the very best oils for leather. Mineral oils, however, are quite extensively used, and we know of no reason why, If they are free from acids and alka lis, they should be nt all harmful to the leather. W. D. BIgelow, Depart ment of Agriculture. Feeding Hens. Don't feed all sloppy food. The hens have been supplied with a machine for grinding, and It should be used. Let any member of the body stop work for some time nnd when called upon to perform its duties It Is very likely to ho weak. Farm and Ttnnch. snoKB 10 CENT A WRONG AVENGED They were both guilty, but was he so much to blamo in his passionate lovo for this fair woman who had turned the heads of better men than Gordon Willis? And Gordon Willis loved her. And yet there was another, a dark faced, childish, loving girl, who bore his name and to whom bis love was due. He had married Iva St. Clair to please his father and keep his inher itance. And years after, nt his father's death, Gordon had married her, car ing little for her, but fully aware of the fact that she loved blin with all tbo passion of her fervid nature. Vivian Hope was alone nnd frleud less in -the world when Iva Willis of fered her n home, for they were dis tant cousins, and Bhe gladly accepted the generous kindness. Gordon Willis stood before her now. his handsome face passion stirred, his blue eyes glowing. The truth had broken on lva Willis with an awful suddenness of horror. She came forward now with a plead ing gesture. "I have heard all," she said, "and Vivian, pity me. You will go nway, Vivian, will you not go away with your fatal beauty and leave me my husband? 1 do not blame you. But, Vivian, if this goes on I will die do you hear die?" 'You talk nonsense, Iva," Bhe said. "You can turn me away If you wish." There was a moment's silence; then Iva bent forward, her eyes still on Vivian's lovely face. "Without my husband's love 1 could not live. I ask you to go away, and you refuse. Kemember, I have told you that the day my husband tells me that for your sake he wishes me dead I will grant his wish. But, Viv ian. I warn you that If you ever take my place, living or dead, I will avenge my own wrongs." No one knew what words took place between Gordon Willis and his wife a few weeks later, but every one knew that tho cold, still form of Iva Willis was found floating on the lake when the evening shadows fell, her little hands crossed on her bosom, her pns slonatc heart at rest. lva Willis had been dead one short year when Gordon brought Vivian home to reign In her stead. They were straying up and down the shady paths together, and Gordon's eyes, filled with passionate tenderness, were resting on Vivian's lovely face, They paid no heed to where they were straying till with a little Inward shudder Vivian noticed they had turn ed down the path that led to the lake the lake where lva had ended her passionate young life, "What Is the matter, darling?" Gor don asked. "I-I feel a little chilly. Will you go to the house and bring me a shawl, please?" Kissing her lightly oil the forehead her husband turned and left her, and she passed on and down to the lake. She had complained of chilliness while Gordon was with her, but as he turned away something crept over her that was not cold, yet left her trent bllng. A terrible, undefined fear seem ed creeping round her heart, nnd dark shadows were closing over her. Suddenly her face grew ghastly white and all the light faded from her lovely eyes; even her lips became pale with the terror that swept over her. For slowly along the edge of the lake came a slender form in wet, trailing garmonls, with marble face and black, wide open, stony eyes! O God, was it Iva Willis? Was that cold, dusky face the one that had been raised in piteous pleadings to her own? Were those white lips tho same that had parted that day In n cry of passionate pain? Yes, it was she. Living or dead, she had promised to avenge herself, and she had come. Vivian tried to shrink back, but In vain. Closer, still closer, came the cold, wet form. Then two tiny hands were out-Uietchcd as if to clasp her. Was It i dreain, was It madness, or was it a t Tlble reality? Closer el the "black, staring eyes wen- .unking Into hers, and she could see the water dripping on the sand, and jen An icy chl'l swept over her, the dark shadow ciosi'd around her, nnd Gordon Willis, coming down the path, heard a shriek so irrrlble In Its anguish and horror that lis blood stopped coursing In his veins, nnd when he reached his darling's side he found her kneeling CIGAR. on the sand, pleading wildly to some unseen being, and out of her beautiful eyes all light had faded save the wild glare of insanity. No ono ever knew nor ever will know how It really was. All they have for the story is the wild ravings of Vivian herself. God only knows whether she was simply the victim of imagination or that Iva had come back to avenge the wrongs of her outraged heart, as she promised. Only one thing every ono agreed to, and that was that both the brides of Gordon Willis met strangely sad fates, but which was the sadder none could tell tho fate of the childish young wife swept In dead at his feet or the fate of the beautiful Vivian. WHEN THE CAT GOT MAD. Her Digestion Wouldn't Work Same Thing Happens to Humans. Horace Fletcher of mastication fame talked recently to tho New York Lenguo For Political Education about tho influence of mental states upon di gestion nnd left some people in great er despair than ever about the jittaln ment of dietetic righteousness. For It Is not enough to chew, It seems. One must also cultivate faith, hope and charity nnd cease to worry about one's rent. All this has been conclusively proved by the use of tho X ray on cats. Pussy Is allowed to get "good and hungry," Mr. Fletcher stated, and then she Is permitted to cat as much as she wants of some food that she likes, the food being stained with a substance which doesn't detract from Its flavor, but which renders It opaque to the X, rays. She is now placed be neath the X rays, and, taking It for n fire, she stretches herself out In great content to digest her dinner, the course of which can be traced through the di gestive apparatus by its opaqueness. Everything goes along smoothly until tho attention of the cat Is distracted. Then the process Is delayed, but if the cat is annoyed and gets angry enough to spit it stops altogether and docs not start again until a considerable time after tho cat has regained its compo sure. The moral Is obvious. Avoid all per turbations of the spirit If you want your food to digest, even after you have chewed It Mr. Fletcher seems to think thnt this Is quite simple. Hatred, Mr. Fletcher stated, is the most fatal of all the passions, hurting tho hater Infinitely more than the ob ject ngalnst which It Is directed, and millions of children, he Is convinced, may have been killed by a sharp word spoken to tho mother at breakfast, the mental disturbance curdling her milk and rendering it poisonous. But fortu nately he does not consider It neces sary to give oneself up to the business nf digestion, as tho cat does under the X rays. "If you fletcherize," he said, "you can do the most strenuous physical nnd mental work Immediately nfter eating." Horrible Examples. Sometimes you meet a lovely maid Whose beauty has no taint And get a sudden shock because You hear her say, "I ain't!" Chicago's earnest, motto Is "I will!" and not "I won't!" And yet there are Chicago Elrla Who calmly say, "He don't." And so It goes. In Boston, where There's culture beyond price. You sometimes hear tho quick remark, "Say, he don't cut no Ice!" There even Is a man from Maine Who loves to chaff and quiz, And you would be surprised to know He often says, "They Is." Somervllle Journal. The Prophet at Home. "Do you meaii to say," began the tourist to tho villager, "that the old man In front of that house is really 100 years old?" "One hundred and four," corrected the native. "No wonder you're proud of him," congratulated the tourist. "I don't know about beln' proud o' him," replied tho villager calmly. "Far's I know ho ain't done anything In this place except grow old, an' it's took him a sight o' time to do that" London News. To Bleach Doilies. To bleach colored embroideries, such as dollies and centerpieces and other delicate pieces that cannot be boiled, dip an old pillowslip or a bag of some kind into deep bluing water and let it dry. Then wash tho. pieces, dry them in the shade and put in the blue bag and let them hang In the light for several days. They will come out as white as snow. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attorncvs-ot-Law. H WILSON, ATTORNEY A COUNSEI.OIl-AT-t.AW. Office. Masonic hmlrlln?. npnnnH n Honesdale. Pa, WM. II. LEE, ATTORNEY A COUNSEt.Oti.AT-T.iw Offlceovcr post offlce. All legal business promptly attended to. Honesdale, I'a. EC. MUMFORD, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Omoe Liberty Hall building, opposlto the Post Olllce. Honesdale. Pa. " TTOMER GKEENE, XL ATTORNEY 4 COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. QUI cc over Rett's store. Honesdale Pa. A T. 8EARLE, Hl. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office near Court House. Honesdnlc. I'a. 0L. ROWLAND, . ATTORNEY A COUNSEI,OR-AT-I,AVr. Olllce over Post Offlce. Honesdale, Pa. piiARLES a. Mccarty, J ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. SDeclal and nromnt ntfnntlnti olvpn t iiu collection of claims. Olllce over Holt's new store. Honesdale. Pa. EP. KIMBLE, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Offlce over the post offlce Honesdale. Pa. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office in the CourtiHouse, Honesdale, Pa. TTERMAN HARMES, JJ. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Patents and pensions secured. Offlce in the ; i;muciiiui& uuuumg, itonesuaie. i'a. PETER II. ILOFF, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. i..ViiiJfS s5c?nd., P00,? oW Savings Bank uuimuiiii A1UUC3UOJC. i U, RJI. SALMON, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office NfiTt. rinnr tn nnl nttlfn Vnmt occupied by V.H..DImmick. Hoiicsdale, Pa Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Offlce First floor, old SavingsIBank bUild- lUlf, XIUUL'SUUIU, i a. Physicians. DR. H. B. SEARLES, HONESDALE. PA. Offlce and residence 1116 Church street Telephones. Offlce Hours 2:00 to 4:00 and t .vu iu o;w. u. Ill LETTER To A. M. Henshaw from Wana maker & Brown. DKAnJSm: Wo aru in receipt of anfunllmlted.'num ber of congratulations from our sales agents upon the superb assortment of Spring Clothes. They agreeing with us In pronouncing them tho handsomest ever gotten together. , We send forward this supplemental line of Orays nnd Oxfords from tho fact thnt It Is being whispered that high priced merchant tailors are preparing to Introduce them as their leading lines; and these fortify you In the statement that you have everything that can be demand ed. WANAMAKER & BROWN, PHILADELPHIA, PA. TNTHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE JL UjNITED STATES, FOB THE MIDDI.K DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, llnnkriint No. t:7. In the matter of Erwln I). Prentice in I lliinkruntcv. I To the creditors of Erwln I). Prentice, in the county of Wayne und district aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given that on the 16th day of Murch. A. 1). 1909. the saidKrwin D. Pren tice was duly adjudged a bankrupt: and that the lirst meeting of his creditors will be held at the olllco of the referee In the borough of nunt-Miuie, vuyne county, I'ennsyivnnia.l nnnn Frldnv. the I'd rlav nf Anrtl. MM. nt ton I o clock In the forenoon, at which time thel creanors may attcnu, provctueir claims, np-l point a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and I iriiiism-t such inner mismess as may proper-' ly euiuu uciuru sueu meeting. Wk II. LKK Ucfcreein Bankruptcy. Honesdale, Pa., March 1", 1908. n!iw3 VfOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION, iS ESTATE OF EUNICE A. l-'AUNHAM. late of Hnnesdnle. I .All persons indebted to said estate are noti-I neu to nuiKe immediate payment to the un-l derslgned : and those having claims againstl tho said estate nre notified to present them! uuiy uttcstcu, lor settlement. V. C. PA11NHAM. Executor. nonesdale, Pu March 6, 1909. Wv;li I TVlSSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. U Tho partnership In the mercantile! business. In the borough of Honesdale wayne county, ia., Heretofore existing De- tween Aianuei jacouson ana win. A. jacon son, under the llrm name of Jacobson & Co., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tho said Manuel Jacobson will contlnu said business under tho lirm name of M Jacobson it Co., and will settle all claim! against the late lirm, and collect all debt: due to It. MANUEL JACOBSON. . . WM' A- JACOBSON. March 15, 1909. 22w3 W A VTI.1 n T., 1 r 1 ... trm Township, energetic peoplowho will use then) snaro time for cood nav. Drawers. Honesdale. Pa. tfl