The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 31, 1909, Image 4

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vcausnED evert Wednesday and fbidat bt
Entered as second-class matter, at thepost
olllce, Honesdale, Pa.
Much space has been devoted in local
journals during the past week to the
proceedings of the Wyoming Methodist
Episcopal Conference, which has just
losed its labors at Tittston. To many
it is not known that the-Methodist Epis
copal church is the largest religious body
among American Protestants having a
centralized authority. Baptists rank
higher numerically, but their policy is
congregational. The Methodist Episcopal
ohurch, as statistics for 1008 show, has
10,430 ministers, 14,7411 local preachers,
ml 3,:t"(l,88H members, including !M8,-
073 on probation. In Methodist Sunday
schools nre 3,088,248 pupils and 3111,(107
dicers and teachers ; deaths during 1008,
321 ministers and 41,813 members. There
were 217,095 baptisms during the year,
115,003 being adults. Methodist church
and parsonage property has a value of
$19r,700,000, with debts of $13,500,000.
Of tho total about one-Blxth represents
the value of parsonages, while the value
f the churches is five-sixths of the total.
To home and foreign missions, Metho
dists last year gave $3,153,702, including
all other denominational benevolences,
the total gifts amounted to $3,700,573.
Salaries paid to ministers, district super
intendents and bishops during the year
amounted to $14,004,303, and $405,703
was paid to superannuated preachers
and tho widows of ministers. The
amount spent by Methodist churches for
their running expenses is estimated at$0,
202,000. Duriug the past year the Metho
dist church received 81 ministers from
other'Protestant bodies.
Judge Ciiarlkh W. Staplkh, of the
Pike-Monroe district, in a recent deci
sion based on the claim of a Justice of
the Peace for mileage, when acting as
coroner, tool; occasion, in denying the
obligation of the county, to call atten
tion of all Justices of the Peace of Pike
county (in which the case was brought)
to the fact that hereafter no report of
any Justice of the Peace, in said coun
ty, of viewing tho body of a decedent,
will be approved unless there appears in
the report itself, as follows : the circum
stances under which the deceased died,
or how he was found dead ; that there
were suspicious circumstances connect
ed with the death, which warranted the
viewing of the body ; (No report of view
ing a body will be approved by the
Court unless thero were some suspicious
circumstances which called lor the view.
The mere fact that a man dies suddenly
and not under suspicious circumstances,
is insufficient for a view, and no view of
this kind will be approved, nor will a
view be approved where it is apparent
from all the circumstances that the body
viewed is that of a man who committed
suicide) ; a report as to what apparently
is the cause of the man's death. Unless
these rules are complied with, no report
will be approved and therefore no fees
will be allowed.
The original "Coles the Weather Man"
of "Storms and Signs" celebrity, died
long ago, but his prophetic soul goes
marching on ; his daughter happening
to be standing beneath when his mantle
fell. To-morrow is the first of April,
and she promises us the following busi
ness and climatic ups-and-downs during
the coming month. "All Fools Day"
being set down as a low ebb day, which
is understood to be one of tho unlucky
sort, it 'will perhaps be well for people
to look before they kick when they come
across a tempting looking hat on the
sidewalk ; and pause before they grab at
at plump pocket boqks lying around
promiscuous like. The month, on the
whole, promises to bo a pretty tough
one, according to her say-so, but we are
thankful that she gives us five good fish
ing days, when we may get away from
the carking cares of business, if we can.
If she had only told us which were the
best brooks to fish in, wo should have
felt additionally grateful. Hero is how
she poetically introduces tho 4th month:
"Now tho balmy breath of nature
resurrects tho sleeping leaves, and tho
busy feathered masons chirp and twitter
neath the trees. Easter is coming above
and beneath and around ; the sleep of
the Winter is broken, and .breaks forth
in jubilant sound. April starts in on a
"low ebb" day. In all there will be
thirteen "low ebb" days, namely: the
1st. 2d, 3d, 4th, 10th, 11th, 18th, 10th ;
20th, 28th, and 29th. Speculation mar
kets will be active and changeable. The
month is not a fortunate one for start
ing new enterprises; there will be a
great deal of wrangling and discord
wherever there is the least chance for it,
much discontent among the laboring
classes. Half of April will feel, more or
less tho disturbing influence of Earth's
equinox. Until tho winter conditions
are well broken up and dispersed there
is constant conflict between the electri
cal energies and the cold atmospheric
currents. Hence, be prepared for April
showers, intermingled with hot and dry
days, thunder and hail, turning to cold,
and with frost and snow squalls. See
Storms and Signs calendar. The great
est storm period will occur on or about
the 4th. 13th, and 10th. Tho best days
for fishing will be tho 14th, 16th, lOtb,
17th and 24th."
Crisis Safely Passed.
France is to bo congratulated on its
narrow escape from revolution and
bloodshed. Tho strike of its government
postal and telegraph employees was a
most serious matter, and it shows that
governments are no more exempt than
private firms from labor troubles. To
be sure strikes are less frequent in gov
ernment establishments, but when they
do occur they are likely to bo more
formidable because of the greatness of
the interests affected.
The recent strike in Paris and other
large centers must have caused immense
losses to business, for the non-delivery of
millions of letters and hundreds of thous
andspf telegrams paralyzed communica
tions between one point and onother.
The government seems to have shown a
wise and firm moderation, and its hands
were assuredly strengthened by the vote
of confidence given it by Parliament.
That the government has safely pass
ed through so great a crisis is evidence
of the growing stability of tho French
people. The Republic has now lasted
for 30 years, a much longer period than
any previous government In a hundred
years. The well-nigh kaleidoscopic fre
quency with which revolutions and
changes of government used to take
place before tho inauguration of tho
present republic made France somewhat
of a laughing stock. Happily for that
nation and the world those experiences
are ended.
Municipal House Cleaning.
At this season, when most houses are
undergoing their annual spring cleaning
and renovating, why not extend the work
to include the city or town? Attractive
as many places are we have never yet
seen one that does not admit of more
embellishment. Waste places cleaned
up, alleys and vacant lots relieved of old
cans, broken bottles and other 'rubbish,
trees trimmed and others planted where
necessary, parks and other public places
put in good order and better provided
with seats and other conveniences these
are some of the ways in which tho "city
beautiful" may be realized. The money
cost of such improvements is usually
small, the principal outlay being in time
and labor. In very many places some
enthusiastic and wise co-operation of
the municipal authorities and citizens
generally is sufficient to produce a trans
formation. It has already done so in
many communities. A slipshod, down
at-heel appearance in a community is
no more excusable than the samecondi
tion in a home.
Nature's Testimony.
In these days when afforestation is
deservedly receiving so much attention
it is well to note the effect of forests
upon the rainfall. Tho felling of thetim
ber in Malta and the Cape Verde Islands
reduced the rainfall, while it was increas'
ed in the island of St. Helena as the re
suit of increasing the forests. The plant
ing of 20,000',000 trees of various kinds
in Lower Egypt has changed a well nigh
desert into a fruitful region with an
abundant rainfall. The same result wilt
doubtless be be seen in the semi-arid sec
tions of this country as trees are planted.
Evidently nature is extremely sensitive
and is easily affected one way or the
other according as conditions are favor
able or unfavorable.
The pension bill for Pennsylvania sol
diers will be reported out of committee
within a day or so, in such shape as will
probably meet with the approval of the
House and Senate. While this does not
mean that it will be passed, or that the
Governor will sign it, if passed, it will
be of interest to our soldiers to know
that something is being done in this di
rection. The important changes made
in the bill as it was originally read are :
Pensions will be paid .only to those whose
annual income from other sources does
not exceed five hundred dollars. Those
who served sixty days will be included
Pensions will date from Dec. 1st, 1909,
and tho first payment will be made Jan
1st, 1910,
The Honesdale District.
Following arc tho appointments for
the Honesdale District, made at the re
cent session of tho Wyoming M. E. Con
ference. Nearly all aro re-appointments:
M. D. Fuller, Superintendent, P. O.
address, 14 Washington street, uarhon
dale, Pa.
Ariel F. A. VanSeiver.
Beach Lake J. A. Tuthill.
Rethanv W. B. Slgnor.
Carbondalo-T. F. Hall.
Carley Brook J. B. Sweizig.
Cherry Rldgo To bo supplied.
Clifford W. J. Seymour.
Dunmore F. D. Ilartsock.
Damascus J. M. Coleman.
Forest City J. 8. Custard.
Gouldsboro J, G. Raymond.
Hale Eddy, N. Y. M. D. Greenleaf.
Hamlinton J. H. Boyce.
Hawley B. P. Ripley.
Honesdale-W. II. Killer.
Jackson J. A. Transue.
Jermyn J. S. Crompton.
Lackawaxen T. E. Webster.
Lake Como W. B. Emmet.
Lakevillo W. E. Blandy.
Moscow G. S. Stone.
Narrowsburg, N, Y, Walter Walker.
Orson O. G, Russell.
Peckville O. II. Sackett.
Pleasant Mount L. T. VanCampen.
South Canaan II. L. Renville.
Sterling Edward McMillan.
Thompson L. E. Sanford.
Thornhurst Percy B, Lehman.
Uniondale C. E. Waldron.
Wallsvillo-W. E. Blandy.
Wuymart-W. E. Davis.
Early Completion of Far
view Hospital a Necessity
Why It Passed Sep
arate Asylum for Criminal In-
sane Great Benefit to
All Concerned.
We arc pleased to note the fact that
influential journals throughout the State
aro opening their columns t6 arguments
in favor of the early completion of the
State Hospital for the Insane at Far
view and urging the Legislature to pass
the pending bill asking for funds to vig
orously prosecute the work. The Phila
delphia Inquirer recalls the fact that the
Legislature of 1005 provided foi "thu
selection of a site and tho erection of a
State Hospital for the treatment and
caro of the criminal insane." Commis
sioners purchased a site at Furview,
Wayne county, adopted plans and pre
pared to construct the building. They
were long ago halted for lack of funds.
A bill before the present Legislature
calls for $.500,000 for the prosecution of
the work. That bill should be passed.
It is high time that more attention should
be given the necessary State institutions
and less to privately conducted charities
that were paid $0,500,000 of the people's
money by the Legislature of two years
There is plenty of evidence that this
institution if needed. Such hospitals
had the indorsement of the National
Conference of Charities and Corrections
held in June, 1007, and the Pennsylva
nia delegation to that conference strong
ly recommended the establishment of a
hospital in this State. The State of New
York maintains two such hospitals, one
at Matteawan and the other at Danne
mora. These institutions at present con
tain about 1,400 inmates. The States of
Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Mass
achusetts have each large andi carefully
conducted asylums for the criminal in
sane. Ohio lias under contract buildings
for a like purpose.
In gathering statistics from the court
records of the different counties of a
State bearing on the criminal insane a
person might be led to believe that they
are comparatively few in number. This,
however, is not the method to adopt to
ascertain the actual number incarcerated.
Most of the patients placed in hospitals
for criminal insane become insane while
serving a sentence for some criminal of
fense. Tho law in all the States having
asylums for criminal insane is : "If any
person in confinement, under indictment
for the crime of arson, murder, attempt
at murder, rape, attempt at rape or
highway robbery shall appear to be in-
sane, the Judge of the circuit court in
which such indictment is pending shall
have power summarily to inquire into
the sanity of mich person, and if ascer
tained to be insane they shall be trans
ferred to a hospital for criminal insane."
Every superintendent of a State asylum
is an earnest and enthusiastic advocate
of a separate asylum for the criminal in-
sane, as the presence of such inmates is
a perpetual dread in an ordinary asylum.
The recent escape of the three convict
maniacs from the Norristown asylum,
after murdering their keeper, is a strong
argument in favor of separate asylums
for criminal insane.
By the common consent of neurologists
there is no class of insane so amenable
to treatment or who profit so much by
proper custodial care and treatment as
the criminal insane.
The benefit done by the separate care
and treatment of criminal insane is two-
fold. The patient himself receives a
treatment peculiarly beneficial for him,
and the inmates of other institutions are
freed from their menacing presence.
Pennsylvania has always occupied the
first place in the science of medicine and
the proper caro and treatment of the
mentally afflicted, and if it wishes to
continue holding that proud eminence it
should make the Farview Asylum the
greatest in this country.
At present thero are over five hundred
criminal insane in the State of Pennsyl
Through tho Suffkind real estate agency
of Now York, the J, W. Flynn farm, with
hotel and cottages in Manchester town
ship, has been sold to Frank and Martin
DeBreun of that city. The property
comprises about 250 acres of practically
all improved land, including the fine
Union Xake, formerly known as Lord's
pond, two commodious hotels and two
cottages, all built with reference to the
accommodation of city boarders. The
purchasers .intend in addition to the
hotel business to manage a stock farm,
and will pay particular attention to choice
breeds. Martin DeBreun is connected
with the Hamburg-American line of
steamers, but expects to spend much of
his time in Manchester. One or the
other of the brothers will be on the place
all the time. Tho Flynn property was
bought of LeviTeeple, by Dowe & Flynn,
in October; 1003, but the partnership
was soon dissolved, Mr. Flynn buying
Mr, Dowe's interest at a partition salo.
A year ago, real bstato agent Suffkind
also disposed of the Braman property to
a city purchaser on favorable terms.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ackerman, widow .of
John Ackerman, died at the homo of
her daughter, Mrs. Charles Marsh, of
Bunnelltown, on Saturday afternoon.
March 27, 1900, after a fourteen weeks'
illness, aged 68 years. Mrs. Ackerman
was born in New York city, and came
to Honesdale when a young girl, resid
ing in this place for about sixty years.
She is survived by two EonB, Henry, of
Port Jervis, and Joseph, and two daugh
ters, Mrs. L. D. Bunnell, and Mrs.
Charles Marsh : also one sister, Mrs.
UUDCJl. UVailll till Vl llUllbDUUlbl
Tn.fln1. GnV.l nil nt llnnoantn Thfl
inner in was neiu Tuesday morning at
St. JUarv JHacualen's church, ana inter
ment was made in the German Catholic
Thomas Kelley, an aged and much re
snccted citizen of Lackawaxen. Pa.. died
on Wednesday, March 24th, at tho home
of his daughter, Mrs. Kawara Kinney,
at Lone Eddv. N. Y.. where he had
been visiting for the past few days. He
was ku years of age, ana naa uvea in
Lackawaxen for 55 years. Ho is sur
vived by his wife and five children : Mary,
wife of Edward Kinney, of Long Eddy ;
Katie, wife of T. F. Fallon, of Hunting
ton, Indionn ; Delia, wife of James No
lan, of Mlddlctown; John, of Lacka
waxen, and Dr. Tlioinnn, Jr., of Balti
more, Maryland. The .remains were
tuken to Laokawaxcn and the funeral
services were held on Friday last, with
Interment in St. Mary's cemetery of that
MARCH 1.11)09.
GF.onoK W. Pknwajwkn. Treasurer. In ac
count with thu llorough of llonesdalu,
From G. M. Onunir. Treasurer. $1,101) 61
Kroni County Treaa., license fees. 11)08. 2,040 00
T. J. Ham, Uurgcss, fines and Hcenso
fees, 125 00
State Treasurer, from foreign Fire In-
sunince Companies. 15)130
From A. T. Volst, to apply on tax,
1907. 1IB 43
From A. T. Volet, Collector, to apply ono
on taxes. MS. 8.308 B0
From Dr. Schcrmcrhorn, . go
From doc tax, . , J21 70
From Dime Hank, demand note, 100 00
From WnyneCounty Savings
Hank, demand note, 3.200 00
From West Street Sewer Company. 200 00
From subscriptions, residents of Tex
as, toward dam, 45 00
David Klslier, refund, , 'J id
Honesdale Electric Light. Heat and
Power Co., for lumber. 15 5
Leonard GuckenberKer, for lumber, 4 38
$15,704 CO
Uy disbursements as follows:
Tr Unnnnrlnlp Cnn. I,. II. A V. Co. S !i"72 57
To Kraft ii Conger, coal and cartage, 20!) 10
Police Service, . 000 00
Street Work. . , 1.K4.J 40
Firemen's Salary, extra watching etc., 288 02
J. M. Lyons, note, 1.000 00
T. & J. Flimcrty on note. 500 00
Paid Interest on notes and bonds. I?77 in
(S. II. Wliltimv. ti-iini fnr Fire D'n't. 100 00
o. M. Snettleue. 2(i 17
liullding Dam at foot of Church St.. 887 !)8
Or. Sclinrninrliorn. Salary as Secretary
of Hoard of Health, . 50 00
Dr. Schermerhoni, placarding and
fiinilimMnir. 41
Richard ILUrown, 2 4a
Renu S. Edgett, notary fees, 2 00
11. Hermann, repairing truck, !) 55
R. K. Young, Treasurer, State tax, 4!) w
Kreitner ISros., wood for Klre D'p't, :i no
Hnnomintn liarilL'( renalrs. II 00
Graham Watts. Hupplies, ... 0 ::0
G.J. Mueller, Fire Department, ! Ire
man's Relief Fund, 294 311
lvreltni'r Urns.. lumber. (i.) 81
Durlnud. Thompson Co., gong service, 10 50
Frank Mc.Mullcn, gong service, 5 00
P. Murtha, gong service, 5 00
Clark & liullock, dynamite, etc., 24 (il
Citizen Pub. Co., print Ing, 8 50
Herald Press Association, printing, 2:1 50
li. F. Haines, new order book, 0 60
11. F. Holbert, damage to horse, 75 00
P. H. Igo, carting, 00
Philip Miller, stone, 25 45
Wayne Co. Savings Hank, note and In.. 3,214 11
Henry Frcund, supplies Fire D'p't, 4 fl
C. C. Jadwln, supplies, 3 00
Honesdale Consolidated Water Co., 105 00
Premium on Treasurer's Bond, 10 00
T, J. Hani, Burgess, salary from Dec. 1,
1007. to March 1, 1008, B2 60
T. Moran, tramp, care and clothing, .'!!) 75
F. E. Alberty, work on Ice, 11 00
F. E. Alberty. cleaning lire plugs, 10 00
Murray & Co., supplies for street work, 12 79
Menner fc Co., sundries, 4 70
L. S. Collins, surveying, 12 40, 15 00
J. J. Canivan, sundries, 22 00
George P. Ross, making duplicate, 5 00
Erk Brothers, sunnlles. 27 81
Katz Brothers, sundries, . 60
C. A. Cortrlght.sprlnklinpr bridge, '07-'08, 10 00
N, B. Spencer, special police, 10 00
T. M. Fuller, auditor, 4 00
F. J. Varcoe, auditor, 4 00
Frank Schuerholz, auditor. 4 00
Geo. C. Hale, llro hydrants. 17 00
R. M. McClure. closet, 12 00
John H. Igo, repairs on Town Hall, 1)5 00
David Fisher, old Iron. 19 20
G. W. Penwarden, salary, treasurer, 1 60 00
F. P. Kimble, salary, secretary, 50 00
H. Wilson, attorney for one year, 25 00
Honesdale Dlmo Bank-note and Int., 100 50
Harry Deck, work on City Hall, 26 00
$13,747 06
T. & 3. Flnnertv. dated Feb. 10. 1898 at
5 per cent., $2,000 00
John M. Lyons, dated Aug. 12, 1892, at
6 per cent.. 1,000 00
John Pago Estate, at 4VS per cent., 1,800 00
. $4,800 00
Nathan Houck Est., $ 250 00
John L. Miller, 1.500 00
John Watts, 600 00
Wra, Watts, 600 00
John M. Lyons, 600 00
John M. Lyons, 500 00
John M. Lyons. 600 00
Mrs. Chas. Blockbergcr, 600 00
Louis Deln Est., 600 00
Louis Deln Est., 600 00
Louis Deln Estato 500 000
J. D. Houck. 1.000 00
John L. Miller, ' 1,000 00 $8,250 00
. .,... $14,500 00
imercsi pam 10 oepi. i, iwa.
Balance duo from Collector March
,1.1908. $1,003 77
ram u. r . rvnwarucn, u 1 1
Scrip redeemed, 27 30
0 per cent, allowed on amt
paid before Sen. 28. '07. 417 00
2 percent. Collectors fee on
same, 15t) 83
S per cent, collector's fee on
balance. 42 08
Exonerations, 27 23 860 79
Balance duo March 1, 1009, $ 112 98
Amount of duplicate, $ 9,437 20
Paid G. W. Penwarden, $ 600 00 T
2.600 00
' " " 4,400 00
" " " 238 28
.. .. mii
Borough scrip redeemed, B0 78
Leas 6 per cent, allowed on
nmt. paid before Sep.
2 per cent, fees on same,
5 percent, collection teeson
Balance due, subject to ex
onerations etc., Mcli.
1, 11W9,
400 00
156 00
24 87 8.976 15
$460 91
I hereby certify that the above and fore
going is a correct and truo account of the re
ceipts and expenditures for the Borough ot
Honesdale, for the year ending March 1, 1009.
Also ofthe liabilities. .
GEO. W.PENWAItDEN, Treasurer.
T. M. Fm.i.nn, I
T. Frank Ham, - Auditors.
V, W. ScudxbiiolzJ
This Bank was Organized In December, 183G, and Nationalized
In December, 1864.
Since Its organization it hos paid in Dividends
to its Stockholders,
The Comptroller of the Currency has placed It on the HONOR
ROLL, from the faclfthatllts Surplus Fund more than
equals Its capital stock.
What Class 0
are YOU in I
TIip world lias alwnyH been divided into two clnssufl-those who have
saved. IIioku who )mv spont-tho thrifty nnd tho extrnviiKont.
rnllrl.nll".''.' "rS ,"J'?ibU'it, ,,1C '")UHP8' 1,10 "llls. '0 bWdRCS, UlO
fc"' ' nn1. the other Kreat works whlcl! stand fo? man's
advancement nnd hnpplness.
The Bnondcrs nre slaves to the snvcr. It is tho law of nnturo. Wo
nnfbrindendVnrr""t0 Pen nccount in our SftviK nepartment
One Dollar will Start an Account.
I This Bank will te pleased to receive all
or a portion of YOUR banking business.
Sjt Sale of
We resret that owlnjf to our largo nnd In
creasing business In (in r homo olllce. In The
People's Rank Ilulldlns, Scranton, that our
eye specialist will bo unable to mnke weekly
visits tollonesdalt'. the request
of Bomo of our Wayne county friends our
specialist will make frequent visits to
Honesdale. Watch the papers for announce
ments of his cumin?.
Next Visit, Friday, April gth.
. At the ALLEN HOUSK from 9:00 a.m. to
r.uu p. ni whpii you can secure a uuaranteed
Cold-filled KyeifhiHS Mounting with (Irst
quality ftnnencai i.e
enses for $1.00, Includ-
tmr examination
We make u sncnlnHv of "Shnr-On1' mminf.
Iiirs. Torlc and Kryptok lenses, and all tbat
Is newest and best In the optical line.
Standard Optical Co.
Main offices : People's Hank IHilUlIntr.
Scranton. Ea. SHH3
latest! Most Novel
For SPUING, 1000,
TheSPRING SUITS arc the Rett Model
Approved by fashion critics.
Menner & Co's Store,
Order your furniture by mall and eet
factory prices.
Only $3.92
for this fine, brasi-trlmmod Iron Bed In
uy size. Lacquered brats rodi, orna
ment! and vases. Beautifully enameled
in every detail, .everse rails to fit any
kind of spring;, A bed of similar stylo
and quality retails In stores for $5.50.
Carefully packed, shipped
for $3.92. Do you wish to
save fully a third in buy
ing your furniture ?
Send today for our Factory-Brlce Cat
alogue. Gent free on request. "Stlckley
Brandt" furniture Is the kin that serve
you loosest and best.
For 10 Days at
$12. for $ 8.00
$18. for $16.00
$ 8. for $ 4.50
ew Photo
opens monday, march 29,
Schuerholz Building,
949 MAIN ST.
Opposite City Hall.
if Special attention
given to Children.
Opening week
Children's Pictures
Prompt Attention clven AmateurJ
I'inisnintr. .
All work first clasa anifup-to-date, '
One nf tho best coulnnpd farms In Wnma
county situated about three miles from
has been ex
pended wun
n thnlnstflve
yearn In buildings, tools and Improvements.
165 Acres'
of which 75 acres aro eood nara
wood timber. . , ni
Win be sola rcasonauiy.
A Bargain. --Kor furtherjpartlculars en
quire of
W. W.WOOD, "Citizen" offloe.
Late of Paupack township, deceased,
The undersigned, an auditor appointed to
report distribution of said estate, will attend
to tho duties ot bis appointment, on
at 10 o'clock, a. m at his office In tho borough
of Honesdale. at which time and place, all
claims against said estato must be presented,
or recourse to the fund for distribution will
bo lost.
It. M. SALMON, Auditor,
nonesdale. March iSUWU, Wt3