The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 31, 1909, Image 3

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Honesdaie District Report Presented by Superin
tendent M. D. Fuller.
Cherry Ritlgc the Only Charge tlint has not Spent Something for
Betterment During Year.
Following is the report In lull of Su
perintendent Kev. M. D. Fuller, in
charge of the Honesdaie District, sis read
in conference on Thursday last :
To the Presiding Bishop and Members
of the Wyoming Annual Conference':
My dear Fathers and Brethren : In
making this my fourth annual report, I
desire to return thanks to our Heavenly
Father for the blessings which He has
bestowed upon myselt, the pastors and
laymen of the district, and the grace und
strength which He lias given to those
who have been afflicted during the year
now closing.
In some rcspectB this has been the
most dilllcult year of the four. Money
has been scarce and the brethren have
found it dilllcult to raise their apportion
ments fur the benevolences. Also in
some canes it has been hard work to
raise the pastors' salaries. This has
given an opportunity for the exercise of
the grace of sacrilice and some have
measured up to the occasion in the spirit
of the Master, while others have made
the hard times and the drought the oc
casion of holding back that which be
longs to the Lord. I am persuaded that
the requirement of the discipline, that
our preachers preach on the subject of
systematic giving, is a good one, and
ought to bo observed by all our pastors.
Three of our charges, namely Goulds
boro, Hamhnton and Sterling, have suf
fered by reason of the illness of their
pastors. Sterling was deprived of pas
toral oversight about the middle of Sept. ,
and has continued in that condition un
til this time, Brother McMillen having
been stricken down with a disease from
which he has not as yet recovered. The
Sterling people making choice of doing
without a pastor until conference, are
paying the salary to Brother McMillen
and are deserving of very great praise.
Brother Murray ot Ariel, lias been doing
double duty and preaching for them
every two weeks, in the afternoon. I
bespeak for Brother McMillen the sym
pathy and prayers of the conference,
lie.has been,;and still is a great sufferer,
but amid it all his faith has been un
wavering and he has been able to look
up into the face of his Heavenly Father
and say "Not my will but thine O Lord
be done." Herein he is illustrating the
power of the gospel which he has been
preaching to others, to comfort and save
himseltm the time ot thisgreat, aiiuction.
He has expressed a desire to live, that
out of this experience he might preach
with renewed fervor this glorious Gos
pel. Two other charges, Lake Como
and Uniondale, have suftered because
their pastors wjnt elsewhere. Brother
F. F. Gibbs, of Lake Como, was trans
ferred to the Northern Minnesota Con
ference about the middle of July, and
Brother C. E. Waldron withdrew from
the ministry and membership of our
church and joined the ministry and
membership of the Reformed church
about the llrst of January. Thanks to
our syBtem of District Supervision these
two charges have been supplied witli ef
ficient men, Kev. H..B. Lmmel at Lake
Como and Kev. C. L. Buck at Union
Much has been done during the year
in the way of paying old debts, and im
proving church and parsonage property.
1 would name as the most prominent of
these, Bethany, which is free from debt,
having paid $100 for their freedom.
Carley Brook, where Brother William
Penwarden bore the expense of putting
down a well that the preacher might
have water at his door, cost about $100.
Damascus has expended $200 for im
provements and paid an indebtedness
of $200. Forest City has finished pay
ing for their new church ond have ex
pended about $450 in improvements to
the parsonage and about the church.
Gouldsboro has put an end to its debt.
Honesdaie has changed its' parsonage to
a more desirable site and built on an
addition which makes it one of the most
desirable parsonages in the conference.
Have added to their possessions another
house and lot that they might enlarge
the parsonage grounds. All at an ex
pense of about $4,600. Lake Como has
added a hall to its possessions worth $1,-
000 and has but $100 debt thereon, and
has reduced its church debt $100. Jer-
myn has expended $1,000 for painting
the church and parsonage and other im
provements). Moscow is making good
headway in paying the debt contracted
in building their new church. Orson has
its new parsonage paid for within $500
and the pastor has lound it a very com
fortable home. At Poyntelle on this
charge thev have built a very comforta
ble little church, costing about $2,000,
and there is no debt. Peckville has
about completed its reading room and
gymnasium thereby providing a place
for its men and boys where they can im-
Erove their bodies and minds without
eing subjected to the jnfluence of evil
associates. Thornhurst is free from debt
and has a good well 100 feet deep Vith
forty feet of water at an expense of $250
all paid, Waymart has continued its
policy of improvement and has painted
its church and parsonage, put memorial
windows in place of the old style and
very. much improved both interior and
exterior, and they close the year with a
clean balance sheet. I think there is
nor. a charge on the district Bave Cherry
Kidge, but has spent something for the
betterment of their church property.
At this time 1 desire to speak a word
in praise of the women of the church,
who, through the Ladies' Aid and kin
dred organizations, have made so many
things possible that could not have been
reached if it had not been for their co
operation. This sometimes includes the
raising of the preachers' salary. May
the blessings of God our Father be upon
them is my prayer.
1 am afraid there will be a falling off
in our contributions to the benevolences,
but 1 want to say that if it shall prove
to be so when all the reports are in it
will not be the fault of the men on the
field. A more loyal and devoted lot of
men never strove to keep the altar fires
burning and the Lord's cause prosper
ing than those who labor on the Hones
daie district.
We mustnot forget that many of these
men scarcely get enough to keep soul and
body together ond could earn more as
common day laborers than they get for
breaking to men the bread of life, ye
they work on, doing the best they cant
and rejoicing that they can have some
part in the work of saving the world for
1 desire to say a word about our
church papers. It seercs to me that no
better church paper is printed than our
own church papers, yet the number of
these taken by our members is exceed
ingly small. I find other religious pa
pers on the tables of our Methodist
Episcopal homes but not many of our
own papers. No wonder there is so
much church disloyalty with our mem
bers. Our effort should be a Methodist
paper in every Methodist home.
The Lord has blessed us with revivals
this year. It has been proven over and
over again that the ear ot the Lord is
not heavy that He cannot hear, or His
arm short that He cannot save, for II.
has been saving on almost every chargee
On some the number has been small, on
others it has been by the score. Among
the churches that have been blessed are
Ariel, Beach Lake, Bethany, Carbon
dale, Carley Brook, Clifford, Damascus,
Dunmore, Hale Eddy, Hamlinton, Haw
ley, Honesdaie, Jackson, Jertnyn, Lake
Como, Lakeville, Orson, Peckville, South
Canaan, Thompson, Thornhurst, and
Wallsville. To God be all the glory.
In closing this report I regret that we
have not been able to accomplish more
for our Master. But He knows that it
was in our hearts to doourbest forHim
and I believe that He will say to these
faithful workers when they shall see
Him face to face, "Well done thou good
and faithful servant, you have been
faithful over a few things; be thou ruler
over many things, enter thou into the
joy of your Lord."
Crowd at Sharon Sees the Boyles Ar
raigned and Held.
Sharon, Pa., March 20. In the pres
ence of a hostile crowd Mr. and Mrs.
James H. Boyle, charged with the ab
duction of Willie Whltla, were brought
to Sharon for formal arraignment to
day. They were given a hearing before
Justice of the Peace S. S. Gllbort, and
Willie Whltla was a witness against
A charge of abduction was made
against the woman and Boyle, and
both were held without br$l.
The decision to bring tho prisoners
here was only reached after investiga
tion had been made as to the state of
public sentiment here and after the
authorities had been satisfied there
would be no attempt at violence.
Washington'! Governor Diei.
Paso Robles, Cal., March 20. Gov
ernor Samuel G. Cosgrlve of Wash
ington died suddenly here of Brlght's
Answer One Written Question
Each Week For Fifty-Two
Weeks and Win a Prize.
April 4th', 1909.
(Copyright, 1908, by Rev. T. S. I.inscott, D.D.)
Peter and Cornelius. Acts x:l-48.
Golden Text In every nation ho
that feareth him and worketh right
eousness, Is accepted of him. Acts
x:35. '
Verses 1-8 Was a devout Roman
In those days as well pleasing to God
as was a devout Jew?
Can you give any reason to-day why
God Is not as well pleased with a de
vout Roman Catholic, as he Is with a
devout Protestant, or vice versa?
What reason Is there for of against
the Idea, that revelations and visions
wcro given to devout men of all na
tions In those days, as well as tho
Versos 0-1 G la It wlso and profit
able to have certain set times for
prayer, or Is It better to bo always In
tho spirit of prayer, and lot our needs,
or the Holy Spirit, direct as to special
times for prayer?
Are people who. are not seeking for
revelations, likely to have them?
The eating of the flesh of those an
imals, or most of them, which Peter
Baw In his vision, Is forbidden in the
old testament; how do you account
for It, that "the word of God." and the
spirit of God do not agree lnhls case?
Peter In the first instance stuck to
his creed, and refused to obey the di
rect voice of God: was he right or
wrong in bo doing?
Must we, in thought, be bound In all
things by the written words In the
Bible, and refuse to obey any direction
of the Holy Spirit to the contrary?
Verses 17-27 Does God blame us If
we test what wo think to be revel
ations before we act up to them?
Whaa God gives a revelation that
is not unmistakably clear, may we de
pend that he will arrange circum
stances, or give another revelation to
clear up the doubt, as In thla ease?
Was Cornelius reconciled to God,
or an acepted child at this time?
Verses 28-29. Are any of the Com
mandments of the Bible to be tested
by the teaching of Jesus, and by the
spirit of God, or must we unhesitat
ingly obey them si. Just as they read,
without any question? (This ques
tion must be answered In writing by
members of the club.)
Verses 30-33. If we prayed and
fasted more, should we have more
visions of God?
la there any merit in good works;
end how much If any, credit does God
give for them?
Does God in these days give by his
Spirit, such detailed and matter-of
fact Instructions, as he gave to Peter
and Cornelius.
Verses 34-43. What Is the ground
Df a man's acceptance with God, ac
:ordlng to Peter's statement here?
According to the suggestion in verse
J7, Cornelius had heard about Jesus,
his teaching, his death and resurrec
tion; is it at all unlikely that he was
a believer In Jesus?
Verses 44-48. What Is the mean
ing of the Holy Spirit falling upon
this company?
Excepting the gift of tongues, are
all Christians privileged to reeelve
the Holy Ghost as these persons did?
How may a Christian In the stato
Cornelius was, receive the Holy Ghost
as he did?
LesRon for Sunday, April 11th, 1909.
Easter Lesson. I Cor. xv: 12-28.
Little Sister Was Grateful.
Little Gladys, aged four, was being
taught to express thanks when the oc
casion demanded. When she did not
do so some member of the family
would ask, "What do you say, Gladys?"
which would bring forth tho desired
result. One evening Gladys and the
young man who Is to marry her sister
were In tho parlor. "Well, Gladys,"
said the young man, "I guess I'll mar
ry Bertie and take her away. What
do you say?"
"Thank you," replied the little girl
politely. Delineator.
' Wife (after a quarrel) I wlsn I Tiad
never met you. Hub Oh, yes! Now,
when It Is too Inte, you are sorry for
me. Boston Transcript.
Troops Marching to Attack
Oklahoma Indians.
First Real Indian Uprising of Tears
Causes Authorities to Order
Crazy Snake's Band Cap
tured or Exterminated.
Oklahoma City, Okla., March 20.
Five companies of Oklahoma militia
are on the march against Crazy
Snake's band of Creek Indians, half
breeds and negroes, Intrenched in tho
Hickory hills near Henryetta. A bat
tle Is regarded us Inevitable, as the
heavily armed troops set out either to
rupture or exterminate the murdernuR
band, which bus ulready caused the
death of hIx men, the wounding of
many others and brought about a con
dition of terror In Henryetta, Pierce
uxd all the surrounding country.
Cvazy Snake's men number about
!IU0. all armed with modern rides and
plentifully supplied with ammunition.
They had prepared for two months for
this, their final stand ugalnst lawful
authority. Thoy defiantly sent out
word that they would fight to the
Crazy Snake is In personal command.
This was established by the testimony
choked out of his college bred son by
means of a new Inch rope. Young
Harjo was strung up by the determin
ed deputies until nearly dead. Then
he gasped out that his father was In
command, named the Indian who kill
ed the deputies, told the ofllcers how
to trail the hand and did everything
which a stoical red man Is supposed
not to do when in the hands of his
This first real Indian uprising of
years has held this region on edge for
three days. It had been plotted and
prepared for a long time. It broke out
last Thursday, when several deputy
sheriffs went to Henryetta to urrest
negro cattle thieves. They were tired
on by negro and half breed friends of
the criminals and forced to retreat. A
few hours later thoy returned with ad
ditional forces and were fired on by
the band, then augmented by a num
ber of Crazy Snake's Indians. In this
fight three negroes were killed and
five wounded. This clash resulted In
forty-one arrests.
Meantime Crazy Snake's followers
determined on an aggressive cam
paign. The chief's plans had to be
prematurely sprung on account of the
unexpected attack of deputies at Hen
ryetta. Deputies fanned the flame by
hunting strenuously for the leaders,
and Crazy Snake, ferced to the wall,
determined to strike a hard blow in
an effort to escape.
A part of his band was run to cover
by deputies in a search for leaders of
Thursday's light, and Marshal Baum
of Cheeotah and Deputy Odom of Eu
fuula were killed. They were shot
down, according to Crazy Snake's son,
by Charles Coker, a Seminole Indian.
This event aroused the state authori
ties. Governor Haskell ordered out
the mUItla, und the word was passed
out that the hand must be captured
or killed.
Governors of Southern States Attend
Meeting at New Orleans.
New Orleans, La., March 20. In fur
therance of a most Important move
ment for the Improvement of child la
bor conditions In the south official rep
resentatives from all southern states
met here today for a conference to
last three days.
The gathering occurred upon the In
vitation of Governor J. Y. Sanders of
Louisiana, who recently asked the gov
ernors of twelve other southern states
to name delegates for a meeting here,
which would have for Its object the
adoption of a more comprehensive and
uniform system of child labor laws in
the south, safeguarding both the wel
fare of youthful laborers and the legit
imate Interests of the employers.
Governor Sanders presided over tho
meeting, and Governers Hadley of
Missouri and Noel of Mississippi were
fhty Say Mine Workers' Union Is Un
fit to Make Contraot.
New York, March 20. The anthra
lite coal operators, who have refused
lo recognize the United Mine Workers
of America as an organization official
ly representative of the mining em
ployees, issued a statement which
lecms to mean war. The operators'
"When the demand Is made that the
anthracite operators shall enter Into n
contract with the United Mine Work
ers of America it Is pertinent to aBk
what has been done by this organiza
tion to carry out the plan proposed by
the strike commission of 1002.
"This commission, appointed by tho
president of the United States, said
definitely that the constitution of tho
United Mine Workers of America was
not Buch as to encourage the operators
to make a contract with It, nnd certain
thariges that might -"uko satisfactory
Irade agreements possible were recom
mended to the mine workers. During
the six years elapsed since the com
mission did Its work the mine workers
have taken no steps to carry out these
"The suggestions made by the strlko
pommlsslon are stll disregarded. None
sf the reforms which it proposed to
the mine workers bus been put Into
"A complete answer to the demand
for recognition of the United Mine
Workers Is that the Btrlke commission,
composed of fair minded nnd capable
men, decided against It Aid that the
reasons which they gnve for their de
cision exist now as they existed six
and three years ngo.
"It will be an 111 day for our indus
tries when the entire Bupply of coal in
the country, uuthracite and bitumi
nous, is put Into the power of any or
ganization to do what it will in with
holding or curtailing our fuel supply."
Powers Reach Agreement as to Sur
render by Servia.
Vienna, Marvh 20. A complete agree
ment has been reached by the powers
with regard to the steps to be taken at
Belgrade on the basis of the proposals
made by Sir Edward Grey, the British
foreign secretary, for the settlement of
the difficulty between Austria and Ser
via. The representatives of the powers at
Belgrade will advise Servia to make a
declaration to Austria withdrawing
her demand for compensation, setting
forth that she did not desire to pro
voke war and agreeing to tho annexa
tion of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Servia will announce that she has no
rights with regard to Bosnia and Her
zegovina: that she Is ready to live on
friendly terms with Austria and will
fleniol lllze at once. In return Austria
Is to make generous economic conces
sions to Servia.
In addition, a complete ngreement
has been reached with respect to the
abrogation of article" 25 of the Berlin
treaty, and the suggestions of Austria
on this subject will be communicated
to the signatories of the treaty.
Servia Accuses Russia of Treachery.
Belgrade, March 29. Servian news
papers acknowledge that Servia has
failed In her contentions against the
action of Austria-Hungary and accuse
M. Iswolsky, the Russian foreign min
ister, of treachery. They declare that
the action of Russia In acknowledging
the annexation of Bosnia and Herze
eovlnn by Austria Is not, only a mis
fortune for Servia, but an everlasting
aisgrnee for mighty Russia.
And All From Tips.
The man who has the coat and hat
stand In one of New York's big res
taurants pays $3,000 a year for the
privilege. In nddltlon he pays $10 a
week to his boys who take the over
coats and hats, keeps them In uni
forms, so many suits a year, and
makes a great deal of money for him
self. How much the public pays in
tips can be imagined when this sys
tem prevails not only in this restau
rant, but In many of tho big cafes and
hotels of the city. The tip at these
places Is rarely less than a quarter and
sometimes Is as much as a dollar.
aamvo tielio, itastusi wuar is you
gwine? Rastus I ain't a gwlne no
whar. I's jes' been whar I's gwlne.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
Mack De Broke's ancestors were
among the first settlers.
Tailor He doesn't take after them.
Town Topics.
onice. Masonic building, second door
Honesdaie. Pa,
M. H. LEE,
OHlce over post olllce. All legal buslneos
promptly attended to. Honesdaie, Pa.
OIPc'7r'lb.c.rty Hnl1 building, opposite the
Post Olllce. Honesdaie, Pa. .
TTOMER fillP.P.Nt'.
ATTORNEY A COttNSET.nn-at-t. a w
Qui co over Relf's store. Honesdaie Pa.
Olllce near Court House. Honesdaie. Pa.
Olllce over Post Olllce. Honesdaie. Po.
riHAKLEs a. Mccarty,
Spcclnl and prompt attention given to tho
i! r . it U1"-B uver nena new
store, Honesdaie, I'a.
. ATTOItVP.V A nmtuuftntt.iw.i a
- - ....... vuin.ji.ijun-rt jl-ia ,
Olllce over tho iost olllce IIoncdalc, Pa.
Olllce in the Court House, Honesdaie.
Pa. J
Patents und pensions secured. Olllco In the
Schucrholz building. Honesdaie. Pa.
nfllroiMnnitriH Hnnr. -.1.1 U I . . . .
building. Honesdaie. Pa.
m?eTNcS.t,d,'l.lJ0 Bost olllce. Former!
occupied by W. H.:DImmick. Honesdaie, Pa
Ofllre-Flrst floor, old Savings Hank build
ing, Honesdaie. Pa.
Office and residence Jllli Cliurdi street
TFi'lP'L0!1,08, ()UIcu Hours-JfcOO to 4:00 and
i :00 to 8:00. d. m
To A. M. Henshaw from Wana
maker & Brown.
We are In receipt of an huilimltrd'num
her of congratulations from oun sales
agents upon the superb assortment of
Spring Clothes. They ngroeing with us
In pronouncing them the handsomest gotten together. i.
Mo send forward this supplemental
ne of drays und Oxfords from tho fnct
that it Is being whispered that high
priced merchant tailors are preparing to
Introduce them as their leading lines; and
thcMi fortify you in the statement that
you have everything that can bo demand-
Bankrupt No, 13S7.
In tho matter of Krwln I). Prentice In
To the creditors of Krwln 1). Prentice, In the
county of Wayne and district aforesaid, u
Notlio Is hereby given that on the 16th day
of Murch. A. D. 1SI0II. the saidKrwin 1). Pren
tice was duly adjudged a bankrupt: und that
the first meeting of his creditors will beheld
at tho olliee of the referee In the borough of
Honesdaie. Wayne county, Pennsylvania,
upon Friday, the 2d day of April, 1009, at ten
o clock In tho forenoon, at which time tbe
creditors may attend, provethelr claims, op-
f oint a trustee, examine tho bankrupt, and
ransact such other business as may proper
ly come before such meeting. S
itefereoln Bankruptcy.
Honesdaie, Pa., March 17, 1008. 2Jw3
KUKICH A. FAIiNHAM, late of Honesdaie.
AH persons Indebted to said estate are noti
fied to make Immediate payment to the un
dersigned ; and those having claims against
the said estate are notified to present them
duly attested, for settlement.
If. C. FARNIIAM, Kxecutor.
nonesdale. Pa.. March 6, 1909. 20w0
The partnership In the mercantile
business. In the borough of Honesdaie,
Wayne county, Pa heretofore existing be
tween Manuel Jacobson and Wm. A. Jacob
son, under the tlrm name of Jacobson & Co.,
Is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Tho suld Manuel Jacobson will continue
said business under the Arm name of M.
Jacobson & Co., and will settle all claims
aguinst tho lato firm, and collect all debts
March 15, 1009. 22w3
WANTED In every Hamlet, Village, and
Township, energetic peoplowbo willuse their
spare time for good pay.
Drawero. Honesdaie. Pa. tt