The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 26, 1909, Image 1

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Wayne County Organ
of the
66th YEAR.
NO. 25
x -
H Semi-Weekly Founded
v 1908 I
Weekly Founded, 1844
Others on Ship Seasick
During Heavy Weather.
He Uses Apparatus Energetically
In Gymnasium of the Ham
burg and Takes Long
On Board the Steamship Hamburg,
at Sea, Via Wireless to Slasconsct,
Mans., March 25. Ex-President Itoosc
rclt is proving himself a good, sailor
In heavy weather, he being one "of the
few on board who are not troubled
with seasickness.
While others are in a more or less
Invalided condition, he is as well as
ever, in the best of spirits, never miss
es a meal and takes strenuous exer
cise. Before breakfast he paced the deck
100 times. Ho took a kindly interest
In the other passengers who were less
fortunate, stopping at their chairs and
uttering a few snappy sentences to
cheer them up.
Kermlt Roosevelt and the other
members of the Koosevelt party are
fairly well.
Mr. .Roosevelt spent two hours in
his stateroom discussing plans for the
expedition In Africa. After breakfast
he and his son promenaded the decks
again, though a heavy head wind was
blowing and the ship was pitching
and tossing in a way that would alnrm
some landsmen.
When not on deck or busily writing
In his stateroom the ex-president Is In
the gymnasium. He rides the auto
matic steel geared bucking broncho
with entbrsiasm. When the metal
sprockets of the machine become hot
he gets off and. indulges In weight lift
ing and a few simple maneuvers on
the flying rings.
Colonel Koosevelt sent a wireless
message to Governor Fort of New Jer
sey expressing thanks for a message
which the governor yesterday sent to
Mr. Koosevelt. Governor Fort said In
his message, "All he people of New
Jersey are with me, I am sure, in
wishing you good health, success and
a safe return."
There Is no likelihood of Emperor
William and Colonel Koosevelt meet
ing In the Mediterranean in April, as
the ex-president, on board the steam
ship Admiral, will bc'in the neighbor
hood of Aden, at the southern end of
the Kcd sea, when Emperor William
goes on board the imperial yacht Hoh
enzollern at Venice.
No arrangements have been made by
Emperor William to meet Mr. Koose
velt before 1010.
When the ship reaches Gibraltar, Mr.
Koosevelt will visit the fortifications.
Washington Advised of Nicaragua's
Warlike Stand.
Washington, Mnich 25. A dispatch
from Honduras to the state depart
ment says that the NIcaraguan govern
ment Is continuing its warlike prepa
rations and that there are further In
dications of Zelaya's intent to make
trouble for Salvador.
' The state department heped that the
presence of American warships In NIc
araguan waters would cause President
Zelayn to keep the peace. The ad
vices tell of activity around the gulf
of Fonseca, which separates Nicaragua
and Salvador.
Female Physician to Assist at Mrs.
Farmer's Execution.
Osslnlng, N. Y., March 25. It Is re
ported hero that a woman physician of
Troy who assisted at the execution of
Mrs. Martha Place in Sing Sing prison
Kovcrnl years ago will perform similar
service when Mrs. Farmer Is put to
death In Auburn prison next week.
When a condemned person is placed
In the electric chair one electrode Is
applied at the calf of the leg and an
other at the base of the brain, bo as
to form a perfect contact of electric
ity through the body.
Actor Married In Chicago to Mis.
Conwell, His Leading Lady.
Chicago, March 25. Dustln Farnum
was married here to Miss Mary Bes-i
sio Conwell, leading woman In his
company, which is playing at a Chi-,
cago theater.
The ceremony was performed by M.!
M. Mangasarlan, lecturer of the
Ethical Culture society. Mr. Manga,
sarlan li the father of Flora Zabelle,
wife of Raymond Hltphcock. . '
The pair eluded their friends and
were married quietly in a hotel.
Kills Himself to Avoid Arrest For
$300,000 Embezzlement.
Harrlsburg, Pa., March 25. Trapped
in his room In the .Hotel Lynch, F. H.
Kichardson of Elmira, N. Y., wanted
for the embezzlement of $300,000,
slammed the door in the face of the
chief of police and killed himself by
Mr. Kichardson, who was president
of the Kichardson Shoe cdmpany, was
Indicted by the federal grand jury in
New York on March 12 In connection
with a long scries of frnuds on banks.
It was said that he had obtained the
following sums In New York:
National Bank of North America,
$40,000; Importers and Traders' bank.
$20,000, and Lincoln Trust company,
$15,000. The outside banks that had
lost money and the amounts were giv
en as follows:
Chemung County Trust company,
$00,000; First National bank, Crcston.
Ia., $4,000: National City hank, Chi
cago, $2,500; International Trust com
pany, Boston, $25,000; Miners' Nation
al bank, Vosburg, Pa., $5,000; Athens
Natioual bank, Athens, Pa., $2,500;
Northern Bank of New York. $13,500;
First National bank, Corning, N. Y.,
$15,000; Marine National hank, Buffa
lo, $25,000; Mechanics' National bank.
Elmira, N. Y., $5,000; Central National
bnnk, Cleveland. O., $25,000, and First
National bank, Parker, S. D., $2,500.
West and Southwest Are Swept by
Terrific Storm.
St. Louis, March 25. A fatal tornado
raged throughout the west and south
west, causing the deaths of mauy per
sons. A terrific electrical storm swept
through Wise county, Tex., practically
destroying the town of Slidell, only
two houses remaining standing. Many
of the farmhouses throughout the
county were wrecked. Bridgeport and
Decatur suffered heavy losses.
At Fort Worth. A. D. Price, a farm
er, his wjfe and' five children and a
farm hand were burned to death by
the destruction of their home. Twenty
persons were injured.
A tornado struck Brewster, Kan.,
and leveled part of the town.
At Edson, Kan., the hurricane struck
a freight train on the Kock Island
road. Nino ears were blown from the
track. The storm damaged several
houses, and It Is reported that several
lives were lost.
A blizzard of sleet and snow Isolated
Denver from outside communication.
Wires were down In every direction.
i Trains were reported stalled by the
1 storm.
Senator McMillan's Son Arranging For
Roosevelt's Reception.,
Mombasa, British East Africa, March
25. The heavy rains are on, and the
grass fires, which have been destroy
ing the prairies and driving the game
in close to the railroad line, have been
put out by the downpour.
The popular shooting season Is at an
end. The record for the four months
shows the killing of 110 lions, Includ
ing two mtin eaters and 3,000 head of
other game. During the season nlue
natives and four white men were
mauled by lions.
George McMillan, nephew of the late
Senator McMillan of Michigan, who re
cently returned from a tiger hunting
trip in India, has left Mombasa for
Ju Ja ranch, his property north of
Nairobi, to make preparations for the
reception of Mr. Roosevelt. Mr. Mc
Millan's residence on the ranch is In
the midst of the bush country, but ho
has Installed there an electric lighting
plant and an ice machine.
A complete taxldcrmlc laboratory Is
being established here for the treat
ment and preservation of trophies for
the Smithsonian Institute from the
Roosevelt hunt
Passaic N. J., Board ef Trade to En
tertain Nagel and Hitchcock,
Passaic, N. J., March. 25. This city
will havo distinguished guests tonight
In the persons of Secretary of Com
Suerco and Labor Nagel and rostmas
.'or General Hitchcock, who will at
tend a banquet of the local board of
trade. ,
The dinner will be given mainly for
the two cabinet members, the Inten
tion being to make the occasion a nota
ble one In honor of the new national
Changes Utah Preserve From French
to Spanish Name.
Washington, March 25. President
Taft by executive order has changed
the spelling of tho "La Sallo" national
fsrest in southeastern Utah to "La
Sal" to conform to the local application
of the uunio of tho iSalt mountains,
called by thu Spanish "La Sal," with
reference to salt deposits.
Formerly the spelling of the name
was through a misunderstanding mode
to conform with tho name cl T.n Salle,
the French explorer.
Mine Wcrkers Will Stay at
Work After April I.
Policy Committee Hakes Conserva
tive Report to Convention at'
Scranton, and Lewis
Approves It.
Scranton, Ta., March 25. President
Lewis of the Mine Workers of Amer
ica, who presides at the convention of
delegates called to decide as to the nc
tlon to he taken In regard to the asi
thraclte operators' refusal of their di
mands, said today that there would be
no strike on April 1.
The miners will make a further nji
peal to the operators to make terma,
and there will be another conference
at Philadelphia. In any event the
miners will stay at work on and attar
next Thursday unless they are locked
The decision to remain at work was
reached after the policy committee had
made the following unanimous report:
"We, your committee, appointed to
formulate a proposition to govern the
anthracite mining districts between
now and April 1 and after that date,
have carefully considered every possi
ble phase of the situation.
"We realize fully the seriousness of
the situation. We have considered
carefully the Industrial conditions of
the country, and we know the condi
tions which surround the anthracite
mine workers In their daily occupa
tion. "After having considered the situa
tion from every standpoint we realize
that In addition to the interests of the
mine workers and the operators there
are many other Interests vitally af
fected. "We submit to you and for your
eareful consideration the following:
Wo hereby reafllrm the demands for
mulated and agreed to at the special
convention of districts 7, 2 and 0,
United Mine Workers of America, hold
in the city of Scranton Oct. 12, 1908.
' Wo hereby confer upon the members
of the executive boards of districts 1,
7 and 0 of the United Mine Workers of
I America full authority to meet the
, operators of the anthracite coal region
and to negotiate with the anthracite
, operators an agreement upon such ba
i sis and for such a period of time as
! they, the members of the executive
boards, in their judgment believe In
dustrial and other conditions surround
ing the anthracite mine workers may
"We hereby authorize and instruct
the United Mine Workers and so far
as our authority goes the mine work
ers of'the anthracite coal region to re
main now and continue at work on and
after the 1st of April, 1000, under the
terms of the agreement of 1000 and
until such time as they are otherwise
notified by the official representatives
of districts 1, 7 and 0 of the United
Mine Workers of America."
A delegate arose and asked what
would happen if the operators would
not let them go to work after April 1.
President Lewis replied, "If the em
ployers will not let the men continue
nt work the responsibility for the sus
pension will rest upon the operators."
The convention then adopted the re
Contained In Letter Sent to Speaker
Cannon From Toledo,
Toledo, O., March 25. Threats to kill
President William H. Taft and Joseph
O. Cannon, speaker of the houso of
representatives, were contained In a
letter sent .to Mr, Cannon In Washing
ton from Toledo March 10 and signed
"Polish Voter."
The letter was sent to the mayor of
Toledo by L. White Busbey, secretary
to Speaker Cannon.
"The writer may be a harmless
crank," says Mr. Busbey, "or ho may
be something worse. Tho speaker docs
not care to turn the letter over to tho
secret service or to the postofllce au
thorities. You will know better how to
handle It than auy ono here."
Great Britain Accepts the Offer Made
by New Zealand.
London, March 25. Great Britain
accepted tho offer made by New Zea
land to give the empire free of cost a
fully equipped Dreadnought,
Tho Now Zealand government of
fered to defray tho cost of a Dread
nought of the latest typo for the Impe
rial navy, tho money for the purposo
to bo forthcoming Immediately. If
necessary, funds, would be raised, It
was stated, for the construction of a
second battleship,
Girl Schoolteacher Shot Down on the
Street by Her Father.
New York, March 25. Carrying out
a threat he had frequently made, Phil
ip Mangnno, an Interpreter In the mar
riage bureau at city hall, shot and
killed his pretty -young daughter, Anna
A. Mangano, a teacher In a public
school, on the street here.
The shooting occurred within two
blocks of the school and wns wit
nessed by a group of the teacher's
young pupils.
Immediately after firing two shots ai
his daughter Mangano turned thf
weapon on himself, but was preventer
from committing suicide by a bystand
er, who leaped upon him and tore the
revolver from his grasp. Policemen
and bystanders took a hand in the bat
tle and succeeded In overpowering the
slayer after he had fought fiercely for
ten minutes.
Mangano and his daughter, an ac
complished young .woman, had quar
reled frequently. The police were told
that Mangano had been annoying the
girl' In such a manner that she was
forced to seek protection at the St.
Cecilia Home For Working Girls, leav
ing her father's home to take up hei
residence there. Several months ago
she had him arrested on the charge of
annoying her.
All of New England's Chief Justices to
Meet at New York Dinner.
Now York, March 25. Some of the
nblest legal minds of the nation will
be assembled tonight at the annual
dinner of the alumni association of th
New York university law school in
this city. The graduates of the school
j will have as guests, among others, the
chief justices of the six New .Eng
land states. Chief Justices L. A. Em
ery of Maine, Frank N. Parsons of
New Hampshire, John W. Rowell of
Vermont, Marcus P. Knowlton of
Massachusetts, Edward C. Dubois of
Rhode Island and Simeon E. Baldwin
of Connecticut will be entertained and
will make speeches.
Judge AVillard Bartlett of the New
York court of appeals, ex-Judge Alton
B. Parker, Judge Francis J. Swayze of
le New Jersey superior court and
Martin AV. Littleton, the famous New
York attorney, will also be among the
Negroes Convicted of Murder of Rich
Woman and Her Steward.
Richmond, Va March 25. The Jury
In the Sklpwlth murder and arson case
after forty minutes' deliberation re
turned a verdict finding Joe and Isham
Taylor, negroes, guilty of murder In
the first degree and John Brown
guilty of murder In the second degree.
The first degree murder verdict carries'
with It death in the electric chair.
The men murdered wealthy Mrs.
Mary E. Sklpwlth and Walter G. John
son, the steward of her estate, and
afterward sot fire to the historic homo
Closing Stock Quotations.
Money on call was 1 per cent; time
money and mercantile paper unchanged
In rates. Closing prices of stocks were:
Amal. Copper... 70 Norf. & West... 8894
Atchison 103U
Northwestern WA
'B. & O 109
Brooklyn It. T... 72
Ches. &Ohlo.... 6U
ienn. k. k 133
Reading- 132M
Rock Island 24VJ
C.,C.,C.&StL.. 75
St. Paul 145H
D. & H 1751,4 Southern Pac...l20M
Krle 24 Southern Uy.... 24
Gen. Electric... 155 South. Ry. pt... 62W
111. Central 143 Sugar 130ft
Int.-Met 13V4 Texas Pacific... 32
Louis. & Nash.. .130 Union Pacific. .180
! Manhattan 142 U. S. Steel 45
Missouri Pac... C9yt TJ. S. Steel pf...llj
N.Y. Central. ...127 West. Union.... IBM
Market Reports.
WHEAT One cent higher; contract
grade. March, tl.24al.25.
CORN One-half cent higher; March,
13 UTTER Firm; good trade; receipts,
4,770 packages; creamery, specials, 31a
31V&C (official 31c); extras, SO'jC.; thirds
to firsts, 21a29c; held, common to special,
20a29c; process, common to special, 17a
23Vc; western factory, lGalsHc; western
imitation creamery, 20a21c.
CHEESE Firm; receipts. 629 boxes;
state, full cream, special, 16al7c; small,
fancy, 1594 c; large, fancy, 15c; good to
fine, 15V4c; winter made, best, 14Hc: com
mon to prime, 12al41c; skims, full to spe
cials, 2Vial2'ic.
EGOS Firm ; receipts, 23,315 cases ; state,
Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy, selected,
white, 23c; fair to choice, 21a22c; brown
and mixed, fancy, 20Va21c.; fair to choice,
19a20c; western, firsts, 19c; seconds,
POTATOES-Steady; domestic, old. In
bulk, per 180 lbs., 2.50a3; per bbl. or bag,
(2.2&U2.7G; European, per ICS lb. bag., 2a
2.35; Bermuda, per bbl., $5.50a6.75; sweet,
per basket, J1.25al.G0.
LIVE POULTRY Fowls a shade easier;
chickens, broilers, per lb., 25a83o.; fowls,
18c; old roosters, 12c; ducks, 16c; geese,
llalSlic. .
DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys, young,
selected, per lb 23c; poor to geod, 16
22c; fowls, boxes, JtaliiHo.; barrels, 15a
16c; squabB, white, per doz., Il.25a4.26;
frozen turkeys. No. 1, per lb., 23a26e.;
broilers, milk fed, fancy, 20a28c; corn fed.
fancy, 22a24c; roasting chickens, milk
fed, 20a25c; com fed, 17a20c; fowls, No, 1,
Uial5V4c; old roosters, 12c; ducks, No. 1,
17al8c; geese, No, 1, 12al4c; capons, 14a,
HAY AND BTRAW Quiet; timothy;
per hundred, GOoSCc; shipping, He; clo
ver, mixed, 55A75C; clover, WiOOc; rye
straw, ll.Uja.U5; small bales, ZHc less.
Whitla Boy Recognizes Cou
ple Under, Arrest.
Whitla, Sr., Declines to Say if He
Knows the Woman Admits
Acquaintance With
the Man.
Cleveland, O., March 23. Willie
Whitla has identified the man and wo
man held on suspicion by the Cleve
land police as the persons who kid
naped him from the school at Sharon,
Pa., one week ago today and held him
for the $10,000 ransom which was paid
by his father, Attorney J. P. AVhltla,
last Monday.
W,tllle said the man, who gave tho
name of James H. Boyle, was the one
who took him from school and carried
him through a tortuous route to Cleve
land, then to Ashtabula, back to this
city and placed him In the house In
the east end, where he was held until
the money was paid. Willie also de
clared that the woman was the one
who cored for him at the house where
he was detained and who acted the
part of a nurse.
Boyle said the woman is his wife.
The police have no other Identification
of tho couple than the names given.
So far as the man Is concerned, the
police believe the name Is correct.
Boyle Is said to reside in Sharon and
Is a plumber by trade. He is said to
have a widowed mother, four broth
ers and u sister.
The woman, who Is accredited with
being the wife of Boyle, declared' soon
after her arrest that her Identification
would cause a sensation in Sharon.
When the identification was complet
ed Mr. Whitla would say nothing re
garding the woman. He said he knew
Boylo slightly.
Immediately after Willie AVhltla had
seen the man and woman nt the cen
tral police station they were taken to
the county courthouse, and there ap
peared before the grand jury. They
were examined for the purpose of aid
ing the jury in its attempt to find an
indictment against the two prisoners.
The charge under the laws of Ohio
against tho man and woman If an In
dictment was found will be blackmail.
This Is based upon the payment of
the $10,000 ransom paid by Whitla.
As Boyle and his wife are held by
thu rtnlll-l. mi eilfinfnlnn rtnM- nn t.i-
. ' - .... . .". , .... ,
.11. ........ I .Ml .. t 1 , I
uiuiiucui win uiiuru u uicuiis oi plac
ing them unlcr arrest formally, and
then they can be held Indefinitely.
After leaving tho grand jury room
Mr. nnd Mrs. Whitla, Willie and the
janitor of the Sharon school which
Willie attended left for Sharon.
As tho prisoners have not waived
extradition, they will he held hero for
two or three days until the necessary
papers for their removal to Sharon can
bo arranged between the governors of
Ohio and Pennsylvania.
A. woman known as Mary Dlener,
who, tho police say, may have been an
associate of the kidnapers or was Im
plicated in tho plot, committed suicide
by drinking morphine while standing
In front of a drug store In tho east
end, not far from the house In which
Willie AVhltla wus detained. She died
in an ambulauco while being token to
a hospital.
Attorney Whitla, accompanied by
Mrs. AA'hltla, tholr son and daughter,
Willie and Sallno; a boy schoolmate of
AVUHe, Harry Forker; n brother of
Mrs. Whitla, Janitor Sloss, Chief of
Police Crane, Detectlvo Kemplcr, Dis
trict Attorney Ltnlnger, former Dis
trict Attorney Cochrane and Detectlvo
Ward, all of Sharon, comprised tho
party that came hero to identify tho
two prisoners if possible. On their ar
rival they went to the Hollcndcn ho
tel. Two private detectives who repre
sented Wbltla first went to the pollco
station la ah effort to bm Cblgf of Fo-
lice Kohlcr to nrrange for tho Identifi
cation. At once there was a clash.
The chief would not admit the detec
tives and stated that he would have
nothing to do "with them nud would
deal only with Whitla and his son.
This was reported to Whitla, and
another dispute occurred, which prom
ised for a time to stop the Identifica
tion proceedings. Whitla telephoned
to the chief from the hotel that he had
arrived and that he was ready to sec
the chief. Chief Kohler replied hotly
that he was at the police station where
the prisoners were being held and that
Whitla could see 'him there If be cared
to assist In the prosecution of the man
and woman in custody.
The chief told Mr. Whltln his son
Willie, who was kidnaped, was tha
only one whose testimony would be of
value. Upon receiving this ultimatum
Mr. Whitla arranged to take the boy
and the other members of the party to
the police station.
Bills Providing For More Severe Pun
ishment For the Crime.
Albany, N. Y., March 25. The kid
naping of Willie Whitla has had the
effect of causing the introduction of
several bill in the legislature designed
to make more severe the penalty for
such a crime In this state.
Assemblyman Lefflngwell put In a
bill which makes the punishment
death or life Imprisonment, as the
jury may determine. Another bill by
Assemblyman Cuvllller makes the
maximum penalty life imprisonment.
The maximum penalty under the
present law Is imprisonment for twenty-five
years. Senator Hill, who in
troduced a bill making the punishment
imprisonment from five to fifty years,
"Kidnaping is one of the most seri
ous problems with which we are con
fronted today. Our present laws in
view of the Whitla and other promi
nent cases seem to be Insufficient for
dealing with that which In all civilized
countries Is regarded as a most heinous
Paris Count Denies His Right to Ex-.'
Wife'-s Furniture.
Paris, March 23. Count Bonl de Cas
tellane's petition for an Inventory of
the papers and furniture In the De Sa
gan mansion on the Avenue MalakofT
and at the Chateau Marals has been
declined by tho court, which sustained
tho contention of the De Sagans that
they were married under tho regime
of "separation of property" nnd that
tho papers and furniture In question
belong to tho Princess de Sagan until
competent proof to the contrary ia
The Princess de Sagan mnrricd her
present husband nftor securing a di
vorce from the Count de Castellane.
Previous to her first marriage she was
Miss Anna Gould of New York.
The count claimed in his petition
that the Do Sagans refused to hand
over property belonging to him.
Czar Places General Soukhomlinoff In
St. Petersburg, March 25. The czar
has appointed Lieutenant General
SoukhomilnofT, chief of general staff,
as minister of war to replace General
General Soukhomlinoff formerly was
governor general of Kiev and had a
high reputation ns a military man. no
was noted for his stringent Applica
tion of the death penalty and under
took most energetic measures to sup
press mutinies or disorders whenever
the occasion required.
ne was a rival candidate to General
Kuropatkln for the post of commander
in chief of the Manchurlan army.
Verdict For $1,627 Against the Rev.
Dr. Pentecost.
Greenfield, Mass., March 23. Ver
dicts against Rev. Dr. George F. Pen
tecost, the prominent clergyman and
evangelist, were returned in the su
perior court In behalf of Arthur F.
Stone and Marian P. Thompson, who
have occupied n dairy farm In East
Nertbficld owned by Dr. renteeost.
The plaintiffs, who are brother and
sister, leased tho farmj 1000 and al
leged that they lost money through itM
operation because of misrepresenta
tions as to Its productive qualities.
Mrs. Thompson was awarded $1,359,'
while her brother wbb given a verdict
f S20S.
Bodies of Crazed Woman and Children
Were Tied Together:
Slmsbury, Conn., March 25, The
bodies of Mrs. Amos Miller and her
two children were found In the Farm
lngton rlverT
Tho children bad been tied together,
and a note left by Mrs. Miller Indicates)
that she took their lives and her own
while mentally depressed. The family
was Ja comfortable circumstances.