The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 24, 1909, Image 8
Correspondence Items Gathered by THE CITIZEN STAFF -About the Countv. Beach Lake. Makcii 22d. A dull, cold March ;auses Homi! to wish for a warmer cli ,nate; wo hear so much complaint about the weather. The annual changes have now com menced. Mr. Brooks is moving on Eliza Dunn's farm, whichjhc so recently pur chased ; Thomas Olver is expected to move to his new farm, bought of his father, Daniel Olver, Mr. Davis, Mr. Olvcr's son-in-law, being tlio present occupant ; Win. Gavitt will move from the Kobbins farm, his sale having been held on Saturday lust. Mrs. Brown has returned to her home here after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Whitmoro, of Inglehart. Lizzie Davcy, who came liomu to at tend her sister, during her sickness, will remain homo this spring. Mrs. liny Bayly and daughter, Mildred, will return from East Honesdalc, and again lives on tho farm with her twin brother, Earl Ham. Sadie Wilson will spend some weeks in Brooklyn with her mother, before Mrs. .Wilson's return to her summer home atBeach Lake. Soon house cleaning will take the place of social gatherings. A birthday party was given at Mrs. Neal's on Wednesday, the 10th, it be ing her 18th birthday. There was a gathering at the M. E. pastor's this week, by tho congregation of his other appointment. Ho is ex pected to return. Ilov. Mr. Tamblyn has been quite ill of late. Mrs.;.1. 1'. Budd is still in Philadelphia withlher nephew, Harry i Glahn, who has just passed through an operation for tuberculosis of the glands. MayjBradbury, of West Chester State Normal School, is home on her Easter vacation. Mrs. Alex. Crosby has been quite ill for some time. t jl was much pleased ovor"TheSuffrage Question" of Mirch 12th in Tim Citizen. I sat in a pew and listened to Dr. Park- hurst many times during this last win ter and thought that if all the women were taken away his congregation would bo small indeed'. In our rural districts it is tho womea who keep tho church alive, and even now'in Beach Lake, lady, stewards are elected for the ensuing year. Give tho brainy woman her rights! Sherman. ? Makcii 22d. Mrs. James McClure visited friends'.in Binghainton last week. Charlie Harrison is attending school in Great Bend. Thomas Wright expects to move on his farm the 1st of April. A.A. Fox J. was injured finite "badly while working in tne acid factory last week. Mrs. Oscar Curtis entertained tho fol lowing at her homo for dinner last Sat urday : Mr. and Mrs. Frank,JLittle, MissjJFidclia LittKtandJ'Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Smith. Ira Clearwater spent Sunday at his home. Only four weeks more of school ; then the youngsters will be happy. yiMrs. Freeman Reynolds is visiting in Binghamton this week. Bethany. Mai'.cii 21st. The box social at the homo of Charles W. Webb, Thursday evening last, was well attended, and about $20 was raiseu. Arthur Clark, of PortJervis, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Charles Fnatz. Mrs. Edward O. Ward, of Newark, N. J., spent Sunday with her brother, E. W. Gammell, and family. Mrs. Gertrude Jones and daughter, Bessie, will leave here Monday for their new home in Scranton. During their six years' residence hero they have made many.friends who regret their departuro, and their places, especially in church and Sunday school, will be hard to fill. Itev. and Mrs. W. B. Signor will at tend Conference ut Plymouth, this week. James Hauser, of Forest City, visited his father, William Hauser, who doesn't seem to make as rapid a recovery as ex pected. Preaching services will be omitted in the Methodist church, on Sunday next. Prayer meeting and Sunday school as usual. ledgedale. Makcii 17th. Miss Lauretta M. lteid, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. C. F. Kellam, during the winter, went to Liberty, N. Y., on Thursday last. Rush Simons, Augusta Schrader, Cora Martin, Elois Schrader, and Alwin and' William Gillett have been present at school every day during the past month. Our teacher, Miss Bessie Decker, is doing very' good work. Tho scarlet fever patients at Center ville are all getting along very nicely, Born, to Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Gillett, March 8th, a daughter. Philip Schrader, of Pittsburg, and sis ters, Nettie and Sophia, of Scranton, are gucstsof theirparents, Mr. and Mrs Christian Schrader.- PBLEST EXCOMMUNICATED. Major Decree Is Issued at Rome Against Father Murri. Home, March 23. The supreme con gregation of the holy office has Issued a major excommunication against Fa ther Homolo Murri, leader of tho Cath ollc Democrats, who was elected to the chamber of deputies at the last gen ernl elections as a Christian Demo crat. Tho excommunication deprives the priest of all ecclesiastical ooramu nlon, being equivalent to an anathema, which Is pronounced upon the greatest offenders only. Father Murri was the first priest to enter parliament after the full of the temporal power, but on his formal ex communication ho will not even be nl lowed to wear the ecclesiastical robes. Father Murri was director of the National Society For Cultural Educa tion, which was organized In 1002 for the purpose of conducting a Christian Socialist propaganda. Among the pub lications of the society was a trlinonth ly review entitled Social Culture, of .which Father Murri was. the editor. LONG TBIF FOB A LECTUBE. Heney Travels From 8an Francisco to Talk to New Yorkers Tonight. New York, March 23. Clear across the continent for the sake of express me to the people of New York views n "The Law on Trial" was the trip made by District Attorney Francis J. Heney of San Francisco, the famous rraft hunter, who was badly wouuded by a criminal a few months ago. Mr. Heney will speak to the Civic forum In Carnegie hall tojilglit. He will be Introduced to the audience by farnF A.itimov 12A!ftuTarta Favorite Wedding Day. A favorite wedding day In Scotland Is Dec. 31, so that the young couple can leave their old life with the old year and begin their married life with the new one. The Word "Lily." The word lily comes from a Celtic word, "11," signifying whiteness. First Lifeboat. The first lifeboat was made by Lio nel Luklu, a coach builder of London. His boat was provided with air tight compartments, slabs of cork were bolt ed to the top sides, and there was Iron ballast on the keel. These features are found in lifeboats to this day. Toy Soldiers. Small boys In ancient Egypt played with wooden toy soldiers. Foundation of a Fortune, Late In 185S the "end of nil things" was predicted for Feb. 22, 1850, and In some parts of the country people be came panic stricken, and. If .one story Is true, the wealth of a certain New York family had Its foundation in a piece of property which was sold at a ridiculously small price because of the "end" which was soon coming. Postal Cards. Postal cards first came into use In the year 1870. Mexican Money. The value of the Mexican coin Is not at all confusion. A centavo Is a cent; a media Is OYt centavos; a real Is 12V4 ccntavos; dos real Is 25 centavos, and a cuatro Is 50 ccntavos. A peso is a Mexican dollar. Wood and Coal. "Wood yields one-fourth of the heat of coal; charcoal about the same heat as coal. A Five Year Clock. There Is a clock at a railway station In Belgium which requires winding up only once in five years. It was placed there by the government in 1881 and keeps capital time. Morocco Leather. Gcnuino morocco leather is made of goatskins, tanned with puro sumac Throwing the Slipper. The marriage custom of throwing tho slipper originated in France. An old woman, seeing tho carriage of her young king, Louis XIIL, passing on tho way from church, where ho had Just been married, took off her shoe and, flinging It at the coach, cried out, '"Tls all I have, your majesty, but may tho blessings of God go with It." Hair Growth. Hair grows at the rate of thirteen mllllonths of a yard a second. Tobacco Juice. Nicotine Is a nearly colorless alka loid and is present in smoking tobacco only In small quantities. The brown ish "Juice" that Is found in the stems of pipes is not nicotine, but mainly a mixturo of tar and water. ATTACKON TARIFF Democratic Minority Ar raigns the Payne Bill. CRUDE, SECTIONAL, PROHIBITIVE Declaration That Farmer Gets No Belief and Laborer and Pro ducer Have Greater Bur dens Fat on Them. Washington, March 23. That the Payne tariff bill will Increase the cost of living, that It Is crude, sectional and prohibitive and that It is an open chal lenge to a trade war with every other nation on earth are some of the criti cisms of that measure made by the Democratic members of the ways and means committee In the minority re port submitted to the house by Minor ity Leader Champ Clark. The report Is a severe arraignment of the revision which the Payne bill proposes. The countervailing duty pro- visions for coffee and petroleum, the maximum and minimum features, the Cuban reciprocity clause, the woolen, glass, agricultural and sugar schedules are bitterly attacked. The report says: "The whole maximum and minimum tariff scheme as set forth in the Payne bill enables foreign countries to force us to raise the rates of the Payne schedules 20 per cent, which would. after making ample allowance for all reductions in the Payne bill, increase our tariff rates on the average much above tho rates of the Dingley law. "The bill is in many respects crude, indefinite, sectional and prohibitive. On the whole, it increases the cost of living. For example, it will increase the price of hosiery about 30 per cent, and certainly nobody will claim that hosiery Is a luxury in this day and generation. In numerous instances the protection exceeds the entire labor cost of production. "The treatment of the farmer by this hill is along the same lines ns have characterized Republican methods in the past. He gets practically no relief, and the laborer and producer have greater burdens Imposed upon them. Every nrticle of food the laborer must have to live comfortably Is heavily taxed. Even the salt on his table Is not exempt. "The Standard Oil company is as handsomely cared for in the Payne bill as in the Dingley hill, and by reason of the provisions in paragraph C37, popularly known as the 'joker,' con tinues to be protected by a tariff duty of 00 per cent, which enables It to dominate and exploit the American market and to levy tribute upon the public, thereby piling up millions of dollars of ill gotten gams." The report further contends that a similar "Joker" in the paragraph pro viding for the free entry of coffee places a duty on coffee equal to the export duty imposed by the country from which it is imported and that the consumer must pay both the export duty of the other country and the im port duty of the United States. The tax on tea is also attacked, the claim being made that the $7,000,000 which It is proposed to raise by im posing a duty on tea represents the amount by which the cost of living will be Increased by this tax. Criticism is made of the metal sched ules, and It Is contended thnt, hides having been placed on the free list, the duty on leather, shoes, harness nnd other leather manufactures should also be removed. A severe arraignment of the wool schedule Is made. "The only notewor thy change In the rates on manufac tures of wool," the report states, "is that In the Payne bill a lower rate is nut on tons than upon yarn, as it should be." Claiming that this change will not affect the consumer, tho report de clares "no man, woman or child will ever have cause to thank the framers of the Payne bill for cheaper and more abundant clothes and blankets." NEW TABIFF WOBBLES FBANCE Payne Bill Regarded as Retaliatory Against Pending Legislation. Paris, March 23. The dissatisfaction of France is Increasing ns tho details of the new American tariff hill con- tlnue to reach here. The proposed in creases In the case of gloves, hosiery, perfumes, soaps and other articles of French export create the impression that France has been singled out par ticularly, and Vmbassador Jusserand's reports seem to confirm this view. In official circles the bill is regarded as retaliatory against pending French legislation. AEBODBOME FLIES WELL. McCurdy's Silver Dart Covers Miles In Eight Minutes. Six Baddeck, N. S., March 23. The aero drome Silver Dart, with J. A. D. Mc Curdy at' the wheel, made two suc cessful flights In Baddeck bay, He circled the bay three times in about six miles in eight minutes. The Silver Dart flew without difficulty at various elevations from six to thlrty flve feet, demonstrating the operator's perfect control of his machine at all times. Am the latest refinement of aerial flight, Mr, McCurdy today showed a tiny automobile clock which' has been placed at tho wheel of tho Sliver Diirt. so that the aviator can keep bis owr time. BIO AUTO RACES BEGIN. All Sorts of Records Expected to Bo Broken at Daytona Beach. Daytona, Fla., March 23. With the firing of the pistol starting the Florida stock car price class rnco this morning the seventh annual international auto mobile races on Daytona beach began. The opening race will be followed by twenty-ope events, contested on four days, the last event of tho speed car nival being a bicycle race on Friday. It Is expected that nil sorts of auto mobile, motor cycle, aeroplane and bi cycle records will bo broken during the four day tournament. Some 'of the best automobile drivers of tho world are here, aud their ranks are re-enforced by motor cyclists and bicyclists of international reputation. The aero pianists are not so well known, but keen Interest Is expressed in their con test Among the events on the program are the Minneapolis trophy race, the two-mlle-a-mlnute speed crown race, the one mile record race for tho Sir Thomas Dewar $2,000 trophy, the in ternational free for all race, the Van dcrbllt cup competitors' race, the mo tor cycle 100 mile Marathon and the aeroplane speed trials for the cash prizes offered by President Bishop of the Aero Club of America. Of espe cial interest is the invitation mntch nutomohlle race, in which George Rob ertson, Lewis Strang, Herbert Lytic, Ralph do Palma nnd other noted driv ers are entered. Daytona nnd the other towns along and near the famous sand course are crowded with visitors from all parts of the United States. A record break ing attendance for tho races is assured. TO DISSOLVE OIL TBUST. Government Suit Against the Standard Called at 8t. Louis. St. Louis, March 23. In the circuit court of the United States for the Eighth judicial circuit the suit of the federal government under the Sher man anti-trust law to dissolve the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey was called today. The judges who are hearing the arguments are Willis Yan Dovanter, William C. Hook, Walter H. Sanborn and Elmer B. Adams. In the event of a disagreement among these jurists the case will bo certified up to the supreme court. In any event the case will not bo tried by the appellate division. This is the case which has already cost the government and tho company about $5,000,000 and in which hearings have been held In many cities. The case was filed in St. Louis in Decem ber, 1000, and the taking of testimony began the following year. .The govern ment has presented 100 witnesses and the Standard OH company 140. The complaint In the case names seven in dividual defendants, besides the Stand ard of New Jersey and sixty-nine al leged subsidiary oil companies. The individual defendants named are Johu D.' Rockefeller, William Rocke feller, H. II. Rogers, Henry M. Flagler, John D. Arclihold, Oliver H Payne' and Charles M. Pratt. TBY THESE TONGUE TWISTEBS Purser on Kronprlnzessin Cecile Find. Them Difficult. New York, March 23. In case the purser of the Kronprlnzessin Cecile, which sailed for Europe, should have occasion to call off the names of the second cabin passengers on this trip it is to be hoped that lockjaw or facial paralysis will not follow. The list in part reads like this: Mrs. Coca of Philadelphia, Mrs. Zofla Gacek of Crabtree, Pa., and tho Gacek sisters, Misses Gizella and Bela; Mr. Hlavacs, Mr. Hofchll, Mrs. Hojcko. Miss Ella Kiss and Miss Minnie Kla wltter, Miss Fannie Pllliod of Topeka and Johan Neujoket of Wyandotte Mich. But the prize will undoubtedly go to the Srp family (pronounced as spelled, only with the "r" silent), from Omaha, consisting of the following members; Mrs. Mary Srp, Miss Bertha Srp, Master Ernst Srp, Master Jaroslaw Srp, Master George Srp and Miss Irene Srp. BACING LAW INVALID. Kentucky Court Rules Race Track Commission Law Unconstitutional. Covington, Ky., March 23. Judge Harbeson In the Kenton county circuit court rendered a decision in the case of the Latonla Jockey club against the Kentucky racing commission, holding the law establishing the commission to be unconstitutional. The effect of the decision is to place Latonla racing on its former basis. Judge Harbeson held that the law creating the racing commission gave that body power to regulate running races, that trotting races and running races came under the same legal cate gory and that therefore the law was class legislation and was unconstltu tlonal. . The court, in other words, held that the law to be valid must give the com' mission specific authority over both trotting and running races. Tho commission will take the case to Uhe conrt of appeals. ABBUZZI STABTS ON TBLT. Denies Ho Has Made a Will Leaving Jewels to Miss Elklns. Genoa, March 23. The Duke of the Abruzzl left here for Marseilles on his expedition to the Himalayas. With reference to the report that he bad made a will leaving his Jewels to Miss Katbcrlne Elklns, he said, "That is untrue find ridiculous." Weather Probabilities. ITatr:' wanoar: lloht north winds. SAILS Ex-President Leaves on His African Trip. CROWD IN H0B0KEN CHEERS HIM Hamburg Steamship Pier Is Throng ed "With Well Wishers Party Is Due In Naples In Two Weeks. New York, March 23. Out on the "bosom of the ocean," as tho writers have It, Is Theodore Roosevelt with his party of Hon hunters. They are aboard the Hamburg-American line steamer Hamburg, which cast off her lines from her Hobokcn pier this morn ing nnd to the music of the whistles of numerous ferryboats, tugtt aud oth er vessels sailed down the bay with her distinguished passenger. Accompanying Mr. Roosevelt or Colonel Roosevelt, ns homo wise re porters addressed him on the pier this morning, winning thereby n smile are his sou, Kermtt Roosevelt; Major Ed. gnr A. Mcams, medical corps, U. S. A., retired; Edmund Heller nnd J, Alden Lorlng. The last named three men ac company Mr. Roosevelt as representa tives of tho Smithsonian Institution, while the younger Roosevelt is official photographer of the expedition. The long plor to which the Hamburg was moored was jammed this morn ing with persons guthered to see the Roosevelt party sail. They made the pier ring with their cheers for the KERMIT ROOSEVELT. voyager from the time of his arrival from New York elty until the Ham burg sailed. He was. mightily pleased with the reception, and showed his gratification by his smiles and tho fre quency with which he lifted his hat In response to greetings. To a request for a formal statement of his plans Mr. Roosevelt returned a smiling de nial.. "It has all been printed over and over again." he said, "and I have noth ing to say." Among the most enthusiastic of the cheering crowd when the Hamburg moved slowly away from her pier was a small boy, who had crowded to the very limit permitted by tho authorities of the steamship line. His last cry, "Goodby, Teddy; take care of your self!" brought n smile even to tho face of the ex-president, who seemed then a little tired of smiling. The Hamburg Is due at Naples on April 3. Mr. Roosevelt nnd his party will remain in the Italian city two days, sailing thence on the Admiral of the German East African line on April 5. The Hamburg is one of the finest vessels of the Hamburg-Ameri can line nnd is the favorite ship of the German emperor. The Admiral is her equal in all the comforts and conven iences needed for the hot trip through the Suez canal, down the Red sea and along the moist and sticky coast of East Africa. The Admiral is duo nt Mombasa, where the Roosevelt party will disembark, on April 22. On his arrival at Mombasa Mr. Roosevelt and his party will go direct to the estate of Sir Alfred Pease, a member of the well known English Quaker family, which is situated at Klllma Thckl, Kaplti plains, British East African Protectorate. Afterward the Roosevelt party will go to Nairobi and pay a visit to the estate of Philip MacMillan, who Is head of an American company thnt has a concession of 100 square miles in the district. They will cross Lake Vie torla early In December to enter Ugan da when the dry season commences in order to do the thirty-seven days' march to Gondokoro in fine weather. It Is expected that the Roosevelt ex pedition will complete Its trip through the dark continent in the spring of next year, reaching Cairo about April 1, 1010. MAUBETANIA'S FAST TBIP. Giant Cunarder Beats Eastward Rec ord by Eighty-seven Minutes. Liverpool, March 23. On her trip ending today the Cunard steamer Mauretanla covered the distance from New York to Quccnstown in 4 days 18 hours and 85 minutes, which is one hour nnd twenty-soven- minutes better time than her best previous eastward reccrd. Her average speed was 25.01 knots per hour, ner best previous eastward average was 25.28. The highest day'i run was 009 knots. Tho Omniscient Judge. Jndge Frederick E. Crane of Kew York was complimented at a reccat dinner fitx the modest simplicity wMb which ho administers Justice. "Well, wo aro not omniscient, wo Judges," he said, "though from our air you might often think we were. Whem I begin to feel omniscient 1 cnll to mind as a corrective Judge O'Brien of Dublin. "Judge O'Brien wns delivering Us decision in a will contest. The testa tor had Bono to America, and nothing bad been heard of him for many years; hence he was supposed to be dead, and they were dividing up his estate according to the will he had left be hind. "Judge O'Brien, a very pompous man, read on and on. " 'And it is plain to me,' read the Judge, 'that when tho testator said be bequeathed this farm and appurte nances to Bridget O'Hoolahan by a- "HOW IUBB TOU, Sin? WHO ABB TOD?" purtenances he meant all that portion marked A and colored green on tho plan.' '"You're a liar!' shouted a voice from tho rear of tho court. " 'Arrest that man!' shouted the Judge. 'And the man, a thin old feow. was dragged, struggling, beforo tfce bar. " 'How dare you, sir? Who are yo3' Judge O'Brien demanded. "'Oi'm the testator!' was the reply In a scornful Irish American accent." In a Bad Way. Dr. A. M. Dougal, surgeon of the Carthaginian, was describing tho splen did cures of seasickness that he ob tains by means of hypnotism. "Tho most violent cases yield to ray treatment," said Dr. Dougal. "Yes, some very violent cases Indeed have vanished under my bands. "I remember a particularly bod case." Dr. Dougal stroked his mouth to bide a smile. "It was a Philadelphia squab dealer. He sent for me the second day out. As I hurried to his cabin 1 could hear him groaning a corridor away. " 'Do you feel very bad?' I asked the man sympathetically. "'Oh, dear, yes!' ho groaned. 'O. my! I feel very, very bad Indeed ! "I looked nt him. Serpentine undu lations passed over his frame. He wo racked and shaken as by an earth quake. "'Can't you keep anything on yoec stomach?' I Inquired. "'Only my hands,' he sighed, 'onftr my hands!' " In Windy Kansas. Probably the windiest place in North America is the short stretch in Wash ington from the F street car line to tho entrance to the senate wing of the capltol. On a good blustery winter" day It is possible at almost any time to see two or three people chasing their hats across tho street. The old timers have learned that It doesn't pay to chase your own ha. Somebody else will be sure to ram after it and bring it to you. Thafa one of the established facts in humosi experience. Tho other dny Representative Victor Murdock of Kansns rebuked a friend for starting to chase his own hat. "Never do it," ho said. "Somebody will bring It to you." "Well, you ought to know," replied, the other man. "Kansns Is the windi est place on tho map." "Yes," replied Murdock; "it's bo windy out there that when a mnn'a hat blows off he never thinks of fol lowing It. Ho just sticks his hand up In the air and catches another." New York Telegram. Minister Felt Complimented. Aaron Bancroft, tho father of the historian, was a Massachusetts cler gyman who revolted against tho Cal vinism of tho day. Tho young minis ter found himself held nt arm's length by the surrounding clergy. In "Tho Life and Letters of Gcorgo Bancroft" M. A. DoW. Howe quotes the follow ing item from the old minister's mem oranda: "An honest but not very intelligent farmer of ray parish some ten years ago accosted me in this manner: "Well, Mr. Bancroft, wbnt do you think the people of the old parish say f you now?' "They say: "If wo find fault with him he does not mind It at all, and if we pralso him ho does not mind it, but keeps steadily on his own way. Wo theroforo have concluded that it is best to let him alone." ' "The farmer mentioned the fact as a subject- of laughter, but I thought and still think .that, taking the. dec laration in Its bearings, it was the pret tiest compliment I have received, through my nholo life."