The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 24, 1909, Image 6

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    Oje Younger Set
1 mSI
M 1
CiiAr.l-lleturnlng from Maijlln. Captain
Silwyn. fornii-rly of thenrinv. Is w'clco'myl
tome by his sister, Nina Gerard, her wealthy
iiusuand Austin, and their numerouscnmi
cn. Hilcen Krroll. wnnl of Nlnu aiict Austin,
Is part of their household. Selwln lias been
divorced, without guilt on his part, by his
wife, Allxe, who Is now the wife of Jack
Huthven, with whom she ran away from
Hclwvn. II Klleen, who Is very fond of her
brother. Gerald, despite the, young man's
neglect of tier, makes friends wUh helwyn
Ill-Gerald Is worried about jounir Krroll's
mingling In the fust set Gerald Is employ
rd by Julius Neergard, a reale state operator
In a large way. Helwyn promises Ivllccn he
will look utter her brother. He tells her
about Hoots Lansing, his army chum In
Manila, who Is coming to New rk, In the
purk KUeen and Selwyn rldu past Allxe. IV
Kllcen's deceased father was an archaeol
ogist, and she has Inherited some of his
scholarly dualities. Selwyn helps dera d
to settle a gambling debt and eterinlnes to
undertake his retonnatloii. V-Allxe and
Selwyn meet and dlseus their altered rela
tions, lie Is Introduced to Mrs. llosaniund
Kane, leader of tin-fast set mid Allxe sclos
isstrrlend lleappeals to All.xc to help him
keep Gerald from gambling. VI-Tlicfrlenil-Hlilp
of Klleen and Selwyn progresses. II
Jerahl promises Selwyn he will slop gambl
ing. Neergard discloses to Selwyn. who Is
Inlerestedln htsolllce, a plan to control the
Slowltha Country club by buying up farms
essential to the club's existence. The plan
docs not appeal to Selwyn. anil he consults
Austin, wlio denounces Neergaril and his
methods. VII-At night In his room selwvn
answers a knock at his door. I.Wlhecaller
Is Allxe.. who Is very unhappy with Huthven
and wants to talk with Selwpn. ! or a mo
ment their old love Hashes up. hut at the
mention or Kllccnhe knows that It Is past
resurrection. X ltosamuud distresses I'.l
Inen by telling her society Is gossiping about
Allxe and Selwyn. Allxe gets from Gerald,
who has again lost heavily, a promise, not to
play again at her house. I-Allxo and
Kulhven quarrel over the gaming by which
ho lives, and he reveals his knowledge of her
visit at night to her ex-husband's room.
XII-Gcrald'slncrcaslngiutlniacy with Neer
gard displeases Selwyn. who breaks with the
real estaie man over me niowium iniuici.
Neegard Is trying to break Into society.
XIII Lansing Invites Selwyn to make his
home with him In the modest house he has
bought. Selwyn declares he will no longer
let the past mar his chance of happiness, and
Nina declares her belief that Klleen has fallen
in love with him, Nina fears that Allxe,
restless and disgusted with Uuthvcn, will
make mischief. Selwyn Is experimenting
with ehaosite. his discovery Is explosive.
XIV ICIfeen asks Selwyn to remove Gerald
from Neergard's Influence. XV Through
Kuthven and the Katies, Neergard, forces
himself a little way Into society and tries to
eompelthc Slowltha to elect him. Gerald
loses more and more at curds, sinking Klleen
money as well as his own. Trying to save
him. Selwyn quarrels with him und then ap
peals in vain to Neergard, ltosamuud and
Huthven. He almost kills Huthven, whose
heart Is weak, when the latter hints at a pos
sible divorce snlt, with Selwyn ascorrespond
ent. XVI-Correspondence between Allxe
and Selwyn seems to ;onllrm Nina's belief
that Selwyn's cx-wlfels, as her late father
was. mentally unsound. Selwyn makes up
with Gerald and helps him out financially,
seriously Impairing his own resources. XVII
At Silverside, the Gerards' country place,
Eileen declares she cares for Selwyn, but
she will not fay that she will marry him.
Her brother Is now turning over u new leaf.
XVIII-Klleen and Selwyn make a "lifelong
and antl-sentlmental compact." XIX Ger
ald renews his friendship with Neergard.
Selwyns experiments with chaoslle are very
promising. Tboyounger sctof girls becomes
devoted to Philip, and Klleen has a touch of
jealously. XX The reckless behavior, of
Alike, who has left Huthven and Is cruising
with the Katies and others on Neergard's
yacht, furnishes gossip for society. Nina and
Uer brother are now convinced of Allxo's Ir
iteslstabllty. Selwln proposes to Klleen, but
itbeglrllsnutsulllelentlv sure of herself to
give him her promise. They agree to remain
friends. XXI-Gerald'sappearauceln public
with the fast set, among whom Is Allxe,
angers hlsown people. Selwyn takes the boy
away from them and learns that he has quar
reled with Neergard, to whom he owes much
money, and with Huthven. who has accused
him unjustly of undue friendship with Allxe,
The boy has been helping Allxe. abandoned
financially by Huthven, with money borrow
ed from Neergard and is in desperate straits.
Selwyn aids him again, leaving himself ut
most without money. XXII Allxe Is In a
sanitarium, and Huthven is In the clutches
of Neergard. Selwyn Informs Huthven that
Allxe. for whom Selwvn assumes responsi
bility. Is mentally very 111. having become
childish, and threatens tn kill Huthven If ho
tries to cast her off. XIII. Selwyn paving
. Allxe'shillsislnhard financial straits. There
ts no hope or Allxe a recovery. Selwyn sees
hlsown neonlcverv seldom. XXI V Lnnsln?
rescues seiwin irom squaim musings, com-
nnllli... 1,1... ... r.1. ...... 1. 1., ....... V''
iclwin sends a revolver to Alixe's nurse.
their retreat heiiiL' hi u lonelv nlace. Allxe
may live many years, her general healthbclng
very good, but her mind permanently cloud
ed. Selwln tells Klsle, who Is beginning to
love him, the hill story of Allxe. declaring he
jeuis uiuiscii uouuu to ino woman wno once
bore his name. The two agree to part.
I EEUGARD had already
begun to mako mistakes.
The first was In thinking
that, among those whose
only distinction was
their wealth, bis own
wealth permitted him tUo samo inso
lence and ruthlessness that so fre
quently characterized them.
IIo had sneerlngly dispensed with
Gerald; he had shouldered Fano and
Harmon out of Uls way when they
objected to the purchase of Neer
gard's ncreaga adjoining tho Slowltha
preserve aud its incorporation as an
Integral portion of tho club tract; thus
be was preparing to rid himself of
Ruthven for another reason. But he
was not yet quite ready to spurn Ruth
von, because ho wanted a little more
out of him, Just enough to place him
on n securo footing among those of
the younger set where Ruthvfen, as
hack cotillon leader, was regarded by
tbo young with wide eyed awe.
Why Neergard, who had forced him
self into the Slowltha, ever came to
commit so gross a blunder as to dra
goon or even permit the club to ac
quire the acreage, the exploiting of
which had threatened their existence,
Is not very clear.
Already the familiarity of bis ap
pearance and his name seemed to
sanction his presence. Two minor
clubs, but good ones In need of dues
had strained' at this social camel and
swallowed him. Card rooms welcomed
him not the rooms once flung open
contemptuously for his plucking, bat
rooms where play was fiercer and
.where those who faced him expected
battle to tbe limit
And they got It, for ho no longer
bfe Chapter 26j
1007, by Kobert W. Chambers
felt obliged to lose. And that again
was a mistake. He- could not yet af
ford to win.
George Fane, unpleasantly Involved
In Block Copper, angry, but not very
much frightened, turned In casual good
faith to Neergard to ease matters un
til ho could cover. And Neergard
locked him In the tighter and shoul
dered his way through Rosamund's
drawing room to the sill of Sanxon
Orchil's outer office, treading brutally
on Harmon's heels.
Harmon In disgust, wrath and fear
went to Craig; Craig to Maxwell
Hunt; Hunt wired Mottly; Mottly, cold
and sleek In bis contempt, came from
Palm Beach.
The cohesive power of caste is an
unknown clement to the outsider.
That ho had unwittingly and prema
turely aroused some unsuspected force
on which ho had not counted and of
which he had no dcfinlto knowledge
was revealed to Neergard when ho de
sired Rosamund to obtain for hint an
Invltntion to tho Orchils' ball.
It appeared that she could not do so
that oven tbe threatened tendency of
Block Copper could not sharpen her
wits to devise a way for him. Very
innocently she told him that Jack
Ruthvon was leading tho Chinese co
tillon with Mrs. Delmour-Carnes from
one end, Gerald Erroll with Gladys
from tbe other a hint that a card
ought to be easy enough to obtain In
spite of the strangely forgetful Or
chils. Long since he had fixed upon Gladys
Orchil as tho most suitable silent part
ner for the unbuilt house of Neergard,
unconcerned that rumor was already
sending her abroad for the double pur
pose of getting rid of Gerald and of
giving deserving aristocracy a look in
at tbo fresh youth of her and her sell
ing price.
He had come on various occasions
close to the unruffled skirts of this
young girl not yet, however, In her
own house. But Sanxon Orchil had
recently condescended to turn around
In his office chair and leave his amus
ing railroad combinations long enough
to divide with Neergard a quarter of
a million copper profits, and there was
another turn to be expected when
Neergard gave the word.
Therefore it puzzled and confused
Neergard to bo overlooked where the
gay world had been summoned with
an accompanying blast from the pub
lic press; therefore ho had gone to
Rosamund with the curtest of hints
that he would like to have a card to
the Orchil affalr.-
"Thero Is no use in speaking to
George," she said, shaking her head.
"Try it," returned Neergard, with a
bint of a snarl. And be took his leave
and his hat from the man In waiting,
who looked after him with the slight
est twitching of his shaven upper Hp,
for the lifting of an eyebrow in the
drawing rooms becomes warrant for a
tip that runs very swiftly below stairs,
That afternoon, alone in his office
Neergard remembered Gerald, and for
the first time he understood tho mis
take of making an enemy out of what
be had known only as a friendly fool,
But it was a detail, after all merely
a slight error in assuming too early an
arrogance he could have afforded to
wait for. Ho had waited a long, long
while for some things.
As for Fane, he had him locked, up
with his short account. No doubt he'd
hear from the Orchils through tho
Fanes. However, to clinch tho matter
he thought ho might as well stop In to
see Ruthven.
So that afternoon he took a hansom
at Broad and Wall streets and rolled
smoothly uptown, not seriously con-
corned, but willing to have a brief un
derstanding with Ruthven on one or
two subjects.
As his cab drove up to the intricate
ly ornamental little house of gray
Btono a big touring limousine wheeled
out from the curb, and he caught sight
of Sanxon Orchil and Phoenix Mottly
Inside, evidently just leaving Ruthven,
His smiling and very cordial bow
was returned coolly by Orchil and ap
parently not observed at all by Mott
ly. Ho sat a second in his cab motion
less, the obsequious smile still sten
cllcd on his flushed face. Then the
flush darkened. He got out of his cab
and, bidding the man wait, rang at tbo
bouse of Ruthven.
Ruthven In a lounging suit of lilac
silk, sashed in with flexible silver,
stood with his back to tbo door as
Neergard was announced, and even
after he was announced Ruthven took
his time to turn and stare and nod
with a deliberate negligence that ac
cented tbe affront
Neergard sat down. Ruthven gazed
out of tho window, then, soft thumbs
hooked in his sash, turned leisurely In
Impudent Interrogation. .
"What is the matter with you?" ask
ed Neergard. "I see there's some trou
bio somewhere. What Is it? What'a
the matter with Orchil and that hatch
et faced beagle pup, Mottly? Is there
anything tho matter, Jack?"
"Nothing Important" said Ruthven,
with an Intonation which troubled
Neergard. "Did you come here to
ah ask anything of mo? Very glad
to do anything, I'm sure."
"Are you? Well, then, I want a card
to me orchils'."
-Awruiiy Rorry." . y - (
MVrtll matin n n.i.nVI "
wm Ht.iuj jut, nuu V I
"Well, if you reaily Insist they ah
don't want you, Neergard."
"Who why how do you happen to
know that they don't? Is this some
petty spite of that young cub, Gerald,
or" and ho almost looked at Ruthven
"Is this some childish whim of
yours?" .
"Ob, really now"
"Yes, really now," sneered Neergard.
"you'd better tell me. And you'd bet
ter understand now, once for all, Just
exactly whaI've outlined for myself
so you can steer ciear 01 mo territory
operato In. I need a littlo backing,
but I can get along without it And
what I'm going to do Is to marry Miss
Orchil. Now you know; now you un
derstand. I don't care a hang about
the Krroll boy, and I think I'll dis
count right now any intentions of any
married man to bother Miss Orchil
after some Dakota decree frees him
from the woman whom he's driven Into
an asylum."
Ruthven looked at him curiously.
"So that is discounted, is it?"
"I think so," nodded Neergard. "I
don't think that man will try to ob
tain a divorce until I say the word."
"Oh, why not?"
"Because of my knowledge concern
ing that man's crooked methods in ob
taining for mo certain options that
meant ruin to his own country club,"
said Neergard coolly.
'I see. How extraordinary! But
the club has bought In all that land,
hasn't It?"
"Yes, but tho stench of your treach
ery remains, my friend."
"Not treachery, only temptation," ob
served Ruthven blandly. "I've talked
"Nothing Important" said Huthven.
it all over with Orchil and Mottly., I
told Orchil what you persuaded me to
"You you"
"Not at all; not at all!" protested
Ruthven, languidly settling himself
onco more among the cushions. "And,
by the way," he added, "there's a law
bylaw, something or other that I
understand may Interest yon" he
looked up at Neergard, who had sunk
back in his chair "about unpaid as
sessments." Neergard now for the first time was
looking directly at him.
"Unpaid assessments," repeated Ruth
ven. "It's a detail a law never en
forced unless we ah find It convene
lent to rid ourselves of a member.
' "Thought It just as well to mention
It," said Ruthven blandly, "as they've
seen fit to take advantage of the ah
opportunity under legal advice. You'll
hear from tho secretary, I fancy
Mottly, you know. Is there anything
more, Neergard?"
Ho looked at Ruthven, scarcely see
ing him. Finally he gathered his thick
legs under to support him as he rose,
stupidly, looking about for his hat
Rtithvcn rang for a servant. When
he came, Noergard followed him with
out a word, small eyes vacant the
moisture visible on the ridge of his
pose, his red, blunt hands dangling as
he walked. Behind him a lackey
In duo tlmo Neergard, who still
spent his penny on a morning paper,
read about tho Orchil ball. There were
three columns and several pictures,
Ho read every item, every name, to
the last Imbecile period.
Then ho rose wearily and started
downtown to see what his lawyers
could do toward reinstating him In a
club that had expelled him to find out
If there remained the slightest traca of
a chanco in tho matter. But even as
ho went he knew there could be none,
There was a now pressure which ho
was beginning to feel vaguely hostile
to blm in his business enterprises-
hitches In tho negotiations of loans,
delays, perhaps accidental, but annoy
ing; changes of policy In certain firms
who no lonccer cared to consider acre-
ago as Investment and a curiously
veiled antagonism to him In a certain
railroad, tho reorganization of which
ho bad dared onco to aspire to.
And one day, sitting alone in his of
fice, a clerk brought blm a morning pa
per with ono column marked In a big
blue penciled oval.
It was only about Gerald Enroll and
Gladys Orchil; who had run away and
married because they happened to bo
in love, although their relatives had
prepared olher plans for their sep
arate disposal. Tho column was a full
one, tho heading in big typo a good
deal of pother about a boy and a girl,
after all, particularly as it appeared
that their respective families had de
termined to mako tho best of it
It took Neergard all day to read that
column. Then ho went homo with
a mental lassitude that depressed him
and loft him drowsy in his great arm
chair before the grate too drowsy and
apathetic to examlno the letters and
documents laid out for him by his sec
retary, although one of them seemed
to bo Important something about
alienation of affections, something
about a 'yacht and Mrs. Ruthven, and
a heavy suit to be brought unless oth
er settlement was suggested as a balm
to Mr. Ruthvon.
To dress for dinner was an effort
purely mechanical onoi-jtlon v. I.,--.
was only partly successful, althat:?'
his man aided him. But he was to
tired to continue the effort, and at
last it was his man alone who disem
barrassed him of his heavy clothing
and who laid him among the bed
clothes, where ho sank back, relaxed,
breathing loudly In tho dreadful de
pressed stupor of utter physical and
neurotic prostration.
Chapter 7
VEN before Neergnrd's ill
ness Ruthvcn's domestic
and financial affairs were
In a villainous mess. Rid
of Neergard, bo had
meant to deal him a crashing blow at
tho breakaway which would settle him
forever and incidentally bring to a cri
sis his own status in regard to his
Whether or not his wife wob men
tally competent ho did not know. He
did not know anything about her. But
lie meant to.
That she hnd been nnd probably now
was tinder Selwyn's protection he be
lieved. What she and Selwyn Intended
to do ho did not know. But he wnnted
to know, no dared not ask Selwyn
dared not because ho was horribly
afraid of Selwyn dorod not yet make
legal issue of their relations, of her
sequestration or of her probable con
tinued infirmity becnuso of his phys
ical fear of the man.
But there was, or ho thought that
there had been, ono way to begin tho
matter, because the mnttcr must soon
er or later be begun, and that was to
pretend to assume Neergard responsi
ble and on the strength of his wife's
summer sojourn aboard the Niobrara
turn on Neergard and demand n reck
oning which he believed Selwyn
would never bear of. '
Huthven was too deadly afraid of
Selwyn to begin suit at that stage of
tbe proceedings. All ho could do was
to start, through his attorneys, a
search for his wife and meanwhile try 1
to formulate some sort of definite plan J
In regard to Gladys Orchil.
This, in brief, was Rutbven's general
scheme of campaign, and the entire
affair had taken some sort of shape
and was slowly beginning to move I
when Neergnrd's Illness came as an
absolute check, just ns the first pa
pers were about to bo served on him.
There was nothing to do but wait
until Neergard got well, because his
attorneys simply scoffed at any sug
gestion of settlement out of court, and
Ruthven didn't want a suit involving
his wife's name while he and Selwyn
were in the same hemisphere.
But he could still continue an unob
trusivo search for the whereabouts of
his wife, which he did. And the
chances were that his attorneys would
find her without great difficulty, be
cause Selwyn had not the slightest
suspicion that he was being followed.
In thes days Selwyn's life was
methodical and colorless in Its rou
tine to the verge of dreariness.
When he was not at the government
proving grounds on Sandy Hook he
remained In his room at Lansing's,
doggedly forcing himself into the only
alternate occupation sufficient to dull
tho sadness of his mind the prepara
tion of a history of British military
organization in India and its possible
application to present conditions In the
He had given up going out made no
further pretense and Boots let him
Once a week he called at the Ge
rards', spending most of his time while
there with the children. Sometimes he
saw Nina and Eileen, usually just re
turned or about to depart for some
function, and his visit, as a rule, ended
with a cup of tea alone with Austin
and a quiet cigar in the library.
The elopement of Gerald and Gladys
made a splash in- tho social puddle.
Eileen, loyal, but sorrowfully amaz
ed at her brother's exclusion of her In
such a crisis, became slowly over
whelmed with tho realization of her
loneliness and took to the seclusion of
her own room, feeling tearful and
abandoned and very much llko a very
little girl whoso heart was becoming
far too full of all sorts of sorrows.
Nina misunderstood her, finding her
lying on her bed, her pale face pil
lowed in her hair,
"Only horridly ordinary people will
believe that Gerald wanted her mon
ey," said Nina, "as though an Erroll
considered such matters at all or need
ed to. Boots Is a dear. Do you" know
what he's dono?"
"What?" asked Eileen listlessly, rais
ing tho back of her slender hand from
her eyes to poor at Nina through the
glimmer of tears.
"Well, ho and Phil havo moved out
of Boots' house, and Boots has wired
Gerald and Gladys that tho house Is
ready for them until they can find a
place of their own. Of course they'll
both come here. In fact, their luggage
is upstairs now. Boots takes tho blue
room and Phil his old quarters. But
don't you think It is perfectly sweet of
Boots? And isn't it good to have Philip
back again?"
"Yes," said Eileen faintly.
Nina laid a cool, smooth hand across
her forehead, pushing back tho hair, a
light caress sensltiro as an unasked
But there was no response, nnd'pres
ently the elder woman rose and went
out along the landing, and Eileen
heard her laughingly greeting Boots,
who had' arrived posthaste on learning
that Drina was Indisposed.
"Don't be frightened. The little
wretch carried tons of Indigestible
stuff to her room and snt up half the
night eating it. Where's Philip?"
"I don't- know. Here's a special de
livery for him. I signed for it and
brought it from tho houso. He'll be
hero from the Hook Boon, I fancy."
Half an hour later Drlna was asleep,
holding fast to Boots' sleovc, and that
young gentleman sat In a chair besldo
her discussing with her pretty mother
tho plans made for Gladys and Gerald
on their expected arrival.
Eileen, palo and heavy lidded, looked
In on ber way to some afternoon af
fair, nodding unsmiling at Boots.
"Have you been rifling the. pantry,
too?" he whispered. "You lack your
usual chromatic symphony."
"No. I'm Just very tired. If I
wasn't physically afraid of Drlna I'd
got you to run off with me anywhere.
What is that letter, Nina? For mo?"
"It's for Phil. Boots brought It
around. Leave It on tho library table,
dear, when you go down."
Eileen took the letter and turned
away. A few moments later as sho
laid it on tho library table her eyes
Involuntarily noted the superscription
written in the long, angular, fashiona
ble writing of a woman.
And slowly the Inevitable question
took shape within her.
How long she stood there she did
not know, .but tho points of her gloved
fingers were still resting on the table
and her gaze was still concentrated on
the envelope when sho felt Selwyn's
presence In tho room, near, close, and
looked up Into his steady eyes and
know he loved her.
And suddenly she broke down, for
with his deep gaze In hers the over
wrought specter had fled.
"What Is It?" he mado out to say,
managing also to keep his hands off
her where she sat, bowed and quiver
ing by the table.
"N-nothlng a a little 'crisis over
now nearly over. It was that letter
other women writing you and I out
lawed tongue tied. Don't look at me;
. L 1 1 T T 1 t I
I uuii l wail. 1 x uuj i;uju( uui.
He went to tho window, stood a mo
ment, came back to tho table, took his
letter and walked slowly again to the
After awhile he heard the rustle of
her gown ns she left the room, and a
little later he straightened up. passed
his hand across his tired eyes and,
looking down at the letter In his hand,
broke tho seal.
It was from one of the nurses, Miss
Casson, nnd shorter than usual:
"Mrs. Ruthven Is physically In per
fect health, but yesterday wo noted a
rather startling chnngc In her mental
condition. There were during the day
Intervals that seemed perfectly lucid.
Once she spoke of Miss Bond ns 'the
other nurse,' as though, she realized
something of the conditions surround
ing her. Once, too, she seemed aston
ished when I brought her a doll and
asked me, 'Is there a child here, or is
It for a charity bazaar?'
"Later I found her writing a letter
at my desk. She left It unfinished
when she went to drive, a mere, scrap.
I thought It best to Inclose it, which I
do herewith."
. The inclosed he opened:
"Phil, dear, though I have been very
111, I know you are my own husband,
All the rest was only a child's dream
of terror."
And that was all, only this scrap,
firmly written in the easy flowing hand
he knew so well. He .studied it for
moment or two, then resumed Miss
Casson's letter:
"A man stopped our sleigh yester
day, asking if be was not speaking to
Mrs. Ruthven. I was a trifle worried
and replied that any communication
for Mrs. Ruthven could be sent to me.
"That evening two men gentlemen
apparently came to the houso and
asked for me. I went down to rocelvo
them. One was a Dr. Malllson; the
other said bis name was Thomas B
nullum, but gave no business address
"When I found that they had come
without your knowledge and authority
I refused to discuss Mrs. Ruthvcn's
condition, nnd the one who said his
name was Hallam spoko rather per
emptorily and in a way that made me
think ho might be a lawyer.
"They got nothing out of me, and
they left when I made It plain that I
had nothing to tell them.
"I thought It best to let you know
about this, though I personally cannot
guess what It might mean."
Selwyn turned the page:
"One other matter worries Miss
Bond and myself. Tho revolver you
sent us at my request has disappear
ed. We are nearly suro Mrs. Ruthven
has It you know sho onco dressed It
as a doll, calling It her army doll but
now wo can't find It She has hidden
it somewhere out of doors in tho
shrubbery, wo think and Miss Bond
and I expect to secure it tho next tlmo
sho takes a fancy to have all her dolls
out for a 'lawn party.'
"Dr. Wesson says there is no danger
of her doing nny harm with it, but
wants us to securo it nt the first oppor
tunity." Ho turned tho last tfagc. On tho
other side were merely the formula of
leavo taking and Miss Casson'B signa
ture. For awhile ho stood In tho center of
the room, bead bent narrowing eyes
fixed; then ho folded tho letter, pock
eted It and walked to tho tablo where
a directory lay.
He found the name, Hallam, very
easily Thomas B. Hallam, lawyer,
Junior In tho firm of Spencer, Boyd &
Hallam. They were attorneys for Jack
Ruthven. lie knew that
Malllson bo also found Dr. James
Malllson, who, it appeared, conducted
some sort of private asylum on Long
Island, What was Ruthven after?
(To b 0 H3 'nued.)
The Place For the Brand.
Girl (from Boston) I'd like to put
my brand on your heart
Cowboy Out here, miss, we always
put the brand on the calf Douglas
(Aria.) Dispatch.
Farm and
First Dainties of tho Year For Home
Table and Market.
Novelties may come aud go, fads and
fancies wax and wane, but when early
gardening tlmo arrives a few Items
there are that are sure of a place on
the programme. The veriest tyro in
gardening feels that radishes and let
tuces are never better than-when pull
ed In the dewy freshness of a lato
spring or early summer morning and
used at once. Both are hardy and
thrive best In cool weather. Therefore
tho earlier they aro safely grown the
more satisfaction in them.
To securo radishes in their ideal state
they should be sown In rich, well tilled
soil. The secret of tender, crisp quail-
ty In a radish Is rapid growth and
pulling it Just to tho mluuto when
ready for use, no later. And the sourco
of the rapid growth Is a "quick," mel
low soli.
While lettuce may bo sown very ear
ly In the open, every ambitious garden
er nowadays recognizes tho value of
Indoor germination and transplanting.
For tomatoes we use plants that were
started Inside as a matter of course,
nnd by waiting for lettuce till it grows
from seed outsldo we lose a large part
of ti possible season.
For an early crop lettuce seeds may
be sown in a window box, hotbed,
frame or greenhouse nnd the young
plants transplanted to stand 2 by 2
inches apart as soon as the seed leaves
are well expanded. When they begin
to crowd they aro transferred to their
permnncnt places In tho open, If tho
weather will permit.
Varieties of lettuce, many of pretty
equal merit, number up Into the hun
dreds. Somewhat unique in this exten
sive collection is the hardy Mignonette,
n very delicious "first early" kind of
comparatively recent Introduction. Dis
tinguished quality recommends Migno
nette, for it Is exceedingly sweet, ten
der and crisp. Its small size and dark
outer leaves do not present any partic
ular attraction as far as appearance
goes. But It is a quick and reliable
grower for earliest spring and for fall
May King, ono of tho newer lettuces
recommended for cold frame and earli
est outdoor growth, will produce splen
did globular beads of unexcelled flavor.
Tender Heart, another newcomer, Is
Introduced as very early, very hardy,
of extra lino quality and attractive and
appetizing appearance.
Golden Queen, a small "first early"
variety, Is a "butter" lettuce, color a
beautiful rich golden green, quality
excellent, a favorite variety, especially
valuable to market gardeners.
Black Seeded Tennis Ball, one of tho
"old reliables," succeeds everywhere'
and at all seasons. Hardy and ex
tremely early, small, hard heading and .
of delicious flavor, It Is one of tho mbst
popular of lettuces In both private nnd
market gardens.
Shape seems to classify tho radishes
under tho varieties of globe, round or
turnip shaped, olive and oval shaped
and long or half long, with tho first
two divisions rather In the ascendant
for popular use at present.
French Breakfast has long been a
standard among the best of extra early
kinds. Rocket radishes aro recent va
riations in this type. French Breakfast
is tho familiar olive shaped, red or pink
radish with white tip.
Tho littlo dark red, round radishes
under various names find great favor,
and Golden Yellow Is a new olive
shape of flno quality.
Long Scarlet Short Top and Bright
est Scarlet Whito Tipped excellently
represent the long variety.
Any nnd all of these appetizing rel
ishes of the well regulated tablo are bo
easily grown that it is a pity not to
have them fresh from the garden.
A Convenient Disinfectant.
A bandy disinfectant for household'
use is made of chlorate of lime mols-,
tened with vinegar and water in equal
parts. It may bo kept tn tbe cellar alb
the time, and In case of sickness a few'
drops scattered about will purify tke'
air tn the room,