CENT A WORD COLUMN FOR RENT, store next to Itidgeway's ntudio, now occupied by tho Co-operative Htore. A irood chance for a good merchant to continue the business or to start any other Sood business. Possession given April 1st. inquire at Studio. 24t2 FOR SALE Tho 'Buss Bageago and Mall Business managed for the past forty years by II. Whitney, owing to Illness will be sold absolutely to the right party. Possession given at once. 24U JUST received a large line of Easter Sou venir post cards and other styles atHldge way's Studio. 24t2 THOSE pictures you want framed to hang up this spring after cleaning house, bring them now. I have moulding cheap or dear, to frame any kind at ltldgeway's Studio. FOR SALE OR EXCHANQE.-100 acre farm, 2Uacres timber good buildings. Inquire f Sternbauer, Ilawley, Pa. 2U1 LAWN FERTILIZER, Wizard Brand pul verized Cattle Manure Is tho best. 2 cents cr pound, $1.50 per hundred pounds. Order at once at Maple City Greenhouses. 31tU WANTED. A competent girl to do house work. Mrs. M. II, Tracy. 1407 Main street. 22 TO MAKE THE GRASS (1REEN use our Mawn Dressing on your lawn. Price :t ets per pound. MURRAY CO. 22t4 NOW Is the time for lady or gent to get your pictures taken In your spring outllt when you look your best, and the best place lor the best work is Rldgcway's Studio. FOR SALE. One lot on Church street, 30 1 100 feet. Price $1500. II. 55. Russell or Homer Greene. 20eltt OUR odorless Lawn Dressing delivered to you at 3 cts. per pound. MURRAY CO. 22t4 CLOSING OUT.-Rare chance for bargains at Geo. B. Kimble's store. Selling out his stock preparatory to quitting business. Farmers should not lose this opportunity. Everything at reduced prices. 22tf $50.00 REWARD. You can make even more than this on your goods by getting me to do your selling. Write for date. A. O. Blake, Auctioneer, Bethany. FOR SALE. A house and lot. 1314 West street, Honosdale. 1U rooms, with all con veniences. Desirable for a boarding house, r two families. Inquire on tho premises of Mrs. E. G. Secor, or of her attorney, A.T. Searle. 20tf SCHOOL TEACHERS If you have a few hours each day that you can spare from your work we will show you how to Inereaee you arnlngs. Drawer 5 lloncsdalc Pa. r FOR SALE Ray house, on East Extension street. Large lot with sixty feet front. M.E. Simons. USeoltf HELP WANTED. All kinds-now. Ad dressEmployment Bureau, 15 Clements St., Liberty. N. Y. 10t7 FARM of 182 acres for sale. Good house, a barn that will accommodate 40 cows, 5horses .and 100 tons of hay. Farm well watered. New chicken house that will accommodate 200 chickens. Largo silo. No better farm in Wayne county. Situated one-half mllqfrom village. Inquire at The Citizen olllce. ' IMPORTANT SALE OF REAL ESTATE and Personal Property. There will be offer ed for sale on the premises one mile west of Seelyvllle on TUESDAY. MARCH 30th, 1909, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M., Clover Hill Farm, wellknown as tho Whit ney place, consisting of 100 acres of land, up en which Is a two story concrete dwelling, three barns, large chicken house, granary, wagon shed and Icehouse, large orchard of Itrafted fruit and small fruits.andgood spring water In tho house. Also at auction, at tho same time: rour norses. one uriving norse four years old, 18 cows, 2 two-year olds, two-year old bull, two yearling bulls, 7 year ling heifers, 4 pigs, 50 chickens, 3 geese, 3 sets heavy harness, 2 sets light harness, light double harness, 4-horse covered 'Bus, 2 top buggies, open buggy, two heavy farm wagons, pair heavy bob sleds, pair light bobs, truck wagon, milk wagon. Jumper sleigh, 2 wagon boxes, 75 cords of wood, quantity of bay, oat straw and rye straw, 75 bushels rutabagas, threshing machine and power, fanning mill, corn sheller. sulky plow, 3 cultivators, a 30 foot ensilage elevator, two dog powers, 2 horse power rakes, 2 hay riggings, horse hay fork, hay fork carrier, ropes and pulleys, 2 mowing machines and 3 harrows and num erous other articles. , , , TERMS : The farm and all of tho stock and other personal property If sold together, will be at such price and terms as may bo agreed upon ; but If the personal property Is sold by the piece, all sums under $10 will be payable in cash : all sums of $10 and over, eredlt for ten months on Judgment notes with approved security. GEORGE ROBINSON. Forten'.a, March 18, 1909. 23t3ei Our contract with Human Life Company expires oir March 25, 1909 consequently if you wish to avail yourself of the op portunity of getting this maga zine free by subscribing for the The Citizen, do so quickly. LOCAL MENTION. The ground-hog is now surely down and out as a weather prognosticator, and about the only thing he can lay claim to now is being an old prevaricator. He came out on February 2d and saw his shadow, and just as a pretense to mak ing good Old Prob. gave us a little snow storm a day or two later, but all the winter weather we have had since could be condensed into twenty-four hours and then not make a very cold day of it. But the hogship's reign came to an end on Tuesday of last week and that very night it snowed at least an inch and the next day was raw and cold. Can it be possible that after hop-skipping around during the past six weeks the ground hog has now gone back for a snooze and will give us bad weather just when flit ting and gardenmaking time is coming on apace ? Let us hope not. Following are the newly elected of ficers of Oslek Tribe of Red Men, No. 318 : Bachem, August Bartlemas ; Senior Saga more ; William Baderj Junior Sagamore, Harry Deck; Prophet, William Koad knight; Chief of Records, Eugene C. Babbitt; Keeper of Wampum, A. M. Leine; Trustee, three years, 0. L. Dun ning; Representative to Great Council, to be held in HarriBburg in June, Wm. SchloBs; alternate, A. M. Leine. Ferdinand Muckley, of Scranton, who will be remembered lis the ener getic though unsuccessful promoter of the proposed cocoa factory at East Hones dale, has filed a petition in bankruptcy. His liabilities are placed at $1,174. Ho owns real' estate in Scranton which was seized to satisfy claims of tho New York Mutual Savings and Loan Association and Paul Heinricli. On Saturdoy last, Myron E. Rude, of Whites Valley, Clinton township, aged 81 years, went out to tho woods to do some chopping. While busy at work he was struck by a falling limb, and felled to the ground, where ho lay in an un conscious condition, probably for hours. Finally recovering his senses, he started for his home, his track to tho house be ing marked by blood-stains partly from his wound and partly from sickness at the stomach, indicating concussion of the brain. Dr. Miller, of Pleasant Mt.. was sent for, and under his care it is hoped that the aged victim of tho acci dent will recover, although a very ex tensive scalp wound was found to need surgical treatment, and possible un toward results from the shock must be taken into account. Marriage licenses have been granted to Forest C. Dailey, of High Lake, and Bertha L. Cole, of Equinunk, and Nor man Burleigh, of Scranton, and Blanche Brooks, of South Canaan. "The Stroller's Note Book" of tho Scranton Tribune oi March 18th contain ed tho following: "I was pleased to meet our friend J. E. Richmond, of Honesdale, who came over to town the other day to look over the stock of the automobile dealers. I never thought that Mr. Richmond would be persuaded to turn his back upon the fine span of trotters that have carried him so many miles over the beautiful drives of Wayne and substitute the gaso line buggy. But since he rode up Mount Washington a year ago in the first auto that ever climbed the grade, Mr. Richmond has shown a preference for the"devil wagon." Mr. Richmond, who looks hale and hearty, has travelled nearly all over the country, but thinks that Honesdale is the most desirable residence town, save during tho hay fever season, when Mr. and Mrs. Rich mond take to the White Mountains and remain until Jack Frost arrives." William H. Kain, our former towns man, but for several years a New York city watchman, on duty at the Recrea tion Pier, North Second street, Williams burg, has been spending a few days in Honesdale. Last fall one of the Brook lyn papers published an account of his arrest at the instigation of a woman also employed on the pier, on a charge of having annoyed her by his unwelcome attentions. This story was reprinted with some elaboration in one of our town contemporaries, much, as Mr. Kain thinks, to (he damage of his repu tation in the community in which he had always been held in the esteem due an honorable and well behaved person. He admits that he was cited to appear in court to answer a charge of striking the woman with his cane, but the hear ing resulted in his honorable discharge, the testimony clearly establishing the fact that he himself had been the victim of the alleged assault, and had acted whollv in self defense. No evidence whatever was adduced to warrant the romantic trend given tho story, and Mr. Kain with a view to his vindication has instituted an action for damages against the city paper for what he charges was a libellous and defamatory publication, and is understood to be about to bring a similar suit against tho publisher of the Honesdale paper which made use of the article. The case will be tried, it is said, in the United States Court, in Scranton. During a recent visit to Lakcwood, N. J., the popular winter resort for city multimillionaires of the Gould, Straus, Rockefeller and kindred circles, the wri ter was not only impressed by tho mag nificence of the hotels, the broad and breezy streets, the picturesque lake, tho towering pines and the gorgeous Georg ian Court, but by the unaffected hospi tality of the permanent business residents of the place. The glad hand is cordially extended to the newcomer, and nothing is left undone to make his visit an agree able one. At least this was the experi ence of The Citizen representative, who will long cherish the courtesies extended him by Frank F. Shute, tho genial man ager of the "Laurel-in-the-Pines" and "The Laurel," two of the finest hotels in the country, and the acquaintanceships formed with the members of the fine Laurel orchestra, every member of which, including Eugene P. Ham, of this place, is a solo artist of exceptional merit. This fine musical organization, under the lead ership of Prof. Hosmer, a well-known composer and publisher as well as im presario, gives three concerts every day for the delectation of tho guests of tho Laurel and Laurel-ln-the-Pincs ; printed programmes being provided for each on tertainment, and tho numhors interpret ing the most finished work of tho great est musical authors. Somo idea of tho magnitude and grandeur of these hotels, which, with tho "Now Monmouth" at Spring Lake ton miles distant are sole ly under Mr. Shute's management, may bp gleaned from tho fact that tho main hall of tho Laurel-in-the-Pincs is nearly six hundred feet in length. One of the delightful surprises awaiting a Honesdale visitor at Lakowood is the pleasure of meeting a number of his former towns folk, among whom are O. II. Ennis, a prosperous harness dealer, who learnqd the business hero with Betz & Spragle , Mrs. Georgo'H. Hurlburt, formerly Miss Hattie Lee, sister of attorney Wm. II. Leo, of tho Wayngjjcounty bar ; L. O, Grenelle, of Grenello & Schank, drug' gists, whoso father was formerly the pas tor of the Honesdale Baptist church, and Carl Blum and his amiable wife, the former an experienced watchmaker and Jeweler, who was for some time in the employ of tho Petersen establishment here. Business mon who write their signa tures illegibly should havo their names printed across the end of their checks not in German text or Old English, but in the plainest-faced type. Then, if their autograph is illegible, it may bo deter mined by aid of the printed letters. Thursday last was contract day for the Borden Condensed Milk Co., with the dairymen of Orange Co., N. Y., and tho prices fixed, for the ensuing six months show an average decrease of five cents per hundred pounds from thoso of last year. Farmers are not at all pleased with this condition, as the price of feed is high, and the cost of farm help is constantly increasing. Milk is produced under much moro expensive conditions than in the past, owing to new-fangled sanitary requirements. -Ex-Congrcssman and Ex-Wayne Co. Commissioner, George E. Kipp, G. R. Hill, E. F. Kizer, O. L. Haverly and Edward Whalen, five of the wealthiest citizens of Bradford county, have formed the Bradford County Traction Company, and made application for a charter. Towanda has granted them a franchise for ninety-nine years, conditioned that work bo commenced within a year from ho date of the franchise. PERSONAL. A marriage license has been granted t Delbert Hugaboom, of Mount Pleas ant, and Bessie Meeker, of Mansfield, Penn'a. Miss Josephine Cutler, of West Pitts- ton, is the guest of MrB. Lester Knapp, of West Eleventh street. Mrs. Levi L. Deming, of Wilkes- Barre, formerly of Honesdale, is at Dr. Burns's hospital, Scranton, where a very difficult operation was performed, last week, to relieve her of a malignant in ternal growth. Her condition at this writing is very serious. Myron Dodge, for some time past a popular office clerk at tho Allen House, will conduct a hotel at Lake Ariel this summer. Miss Sadie Fuerth returned from the Scranton hospital on Saturday last. She was accompanied on her journey home by Mrs. Lena Davison, formerly Miss Lena Treubner, who comes to Hones dale for an annual visit with relatives here. J. I. Alexander, Wilkes-Barro's well-known bandmaster and composer, has announced his intention to resign the leadership of the Ninth regiment band at the expiration of his term of en listment, in May next. Mr. and Mrs. Weber, of Tuscarora Cottage, Beach Lake, paid a flying visit to' Honesdale on Monday, taking dinner at the Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Warfield and son, Kenneth, and Junius Warfield and son, Joseph, of Equinank, spent Sunday of last week with William Warfield, in Peckville. P. F. Madigan, proprietor of the Winwood Hotel, was in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hall, of Equi nunk, spent Sunday evening and Mon day at the Hotel Wayne. David Hacker, of White Valley, was a Citizen caller on Monday. Major George H. Whitney, being incapacitated by ill health from giving his personal attention to the omnibus, baggago and mail business, which he has conducted so successfully for forty years past, offers it for sale. Honesdale has becomo so accustomed to tho ac commodations in this line so long fur nished by tho Whitney establishment, the town could hardly get along without them, and it is to be hoped that the right kind of a man may become the Major's successor in their management. Miss Mary Siebecker, of Scranton, niece of manager B. H. Dittrich, of the Lyric, has been spending a month with school friends in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. W. J. Silverstone, of Scranton, was a Honesdale visitor on Friday last. Welles College for girls, at Aurora, N. Y., in which Miss Marguerite Dol met sch, of this place, is a student, clos ed on Wednesday last for the Easter vacation, the date being somewhat earlier than usual on account of a num ber of cases of tonsilitis in the school. Rather than run the risk of an epidemic, the faculty decided to dismiss the stu dents. In the "Personal and Pertinent" column of the Scranton Times, we find the following appreciative notice of Judge O'Neill, who studied for the bar in Honesdale : "I am delighted to hear from lawyers of all shades of political opinion that Hon. James J. O'Neill has already made good on the bench. From the very first day he took hold as n ne were an oia hand on the bench, There was nothing either academical or pragmatical about Dim. tie was at nome, justaroppea in to the place as if he was made for it. '. am not at all surprised at this. In com mon with hundreds of poople who knew Judge O'Neill and appreciated his abili ties, I knew the outcome would be highly satisfactory. But I am penning this paragraph with the pleasure one feels in having his judgment on an important matter verified bv the result. And I take pleasure in congratulating Judge O'Neill upon having met every expecta tion of the people who elected him." The following friends andi relatives from this place attended the funeral of Mrs. Katherino Coar, which was held in Scranton on Saturday : 'Patrick Murtba, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moran, Mrs. 1 Nicholas Dean and daughter, Irene. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' McGrath havo returned to their homo hero af tor spend ing a week with relatives in Avooa and Wilkes-Barre. Charles Berry, of Scranton, spent several days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Berry, of River street. Miss Mary Murtba, of Scranton, spent Sunday at tho home of hermothor on Carroll street. Miss Roso Flynn has returned home after a few days visit with relatives in Carbondale. Miss Laura Cortright, of Scranton, spent Sunday at tho homo of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Cortright, of Ridge street. Miss Ruth Treible has returned to Honesdale after a few days visit in Nan ticokc. Miss Carrie Ross, of Scranton, spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Sigmund Katz, of North Main street. Miss Emma Babbitt, of Honesdale, and William D. Schwartz, of East Hones dale, were united in marriage at the Presbyterian manse at noon on Monday, March 22, 1909, by Rev. Dr. Wm. H. Swift. Mrs. M. F. Dorin, of Spring street, is suffering from a severe attack of la grippe, requiring the attendance of a physician. Mrs. William H. MacMillan, of West Pittston, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Jessie B. Dolmetsch, of Park street. Mr. MacMillan was a visitor here over Sunday. Cortez Salmon, of Erie, Pa., a for mer efficient bookkeeper for the Farnhara Brush Co., was the guest over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Farnham, of North Main street. Mrs. M. M. DeWitt, of Scranton, is visiting relatives in town. -Mrs. Charles Remmcll and littlo daughter, of Now York city, are spend ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Gardner, of East street. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fostor havo leased apartments in tho Bishop house, on East Street Extension, and will take possession in April. Mrs. Silas McMullin, of Carbondale, spent Sunday with Honesdale friends. Mrs. James Ryan has returned to Honesdale, after spending a week with her son, F. E. Ryan, in Scranton. George Colvin, of Carbondale, was a visitor in town over Sunday. Miss Helena Bishop has returned home, after a three weeks' visit in Scran ton. Mrs. Arthur Bishop, of Archbald, is visiting at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, of Spring street. Misses Anna Connolly and Mae Ly- nott were visitors in Scranton this week. W. C. Norton, of Aldenville, was a business caller in town, on Monday. Mrs. J. F. Edgar and daughter, Miss Louise, have returned to their homo in this place, after several months spent with relatives in Frankfort, Kentucky. Mrs. Horace Hoyle, of Carbondale, has. been spending several days with relatives in Honesdalo and vicinity. Miss Emma Brown, of Park street, spent Sunday in Scranton. William Lewis, former express mes senger on tho Delaware & Hudson train, was a visitor in town on Sunday. Miss Cora Hendricks, of Peckviile, spent several days this week at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schiessler, of Cjurt street. Lawrence Bricd was a visitor in Scranton, on Sunday. A. A. Grambs and family will re movo to the Grambs house on Fifteenth street, about April 1st, and E. Jacobson and family will occupy the rooms vacated by Mr. Grambs on Main street. Miss Mae Penwarden gave a tea on Monday afternoon, in honor of Miss Josephine Cutler, of West Pittston. Mrs. Lester R. Knapp gave an in troductory tea, on Tuesday afternoon, which was largely attendedby her friends, who wero introduced to her guest, Miss Josephine Cutler, of West Pittston. Mr. and Mrs. George Lees, of Church street, spent Sunday in Prompton. Misses Florence and Mabel Secor, of West street, were the guests of J. B Keen and family, of Keene, on Sunday. Mrs. George E. Spencer, wife of the foreman of the Herald office, was severely scalded in the face on Monday morning last. While engaged at the kitchen range, at ber residence on Main street, she in advertently removed the cover from a tightly closed pail in which she was boiling onions, when a. volume of scald' ing steam flashed up into ber face, burn ing her painfully, and it was at first feared, seriously affecting her eyesight We are happy to state that, in the opin ion of her attending physician, no serious results need be anticipated. Mrs. E. H. .Baumann is undergoing treatment at Dr. Reed'Burns's hospital, Scranton., Dr. T. O. Fitzsiramons, of Carbon dale, was tin attendant at Court on Monday, as a witness in the hearing for a license for a hotel at old Canaan Cor ners. William, son of Augustus Hartung of Calllcoon, N. Y., has entered tho New York American's great voting con test for a trip around the world, and his brother Henry has written for a place in The CitI2EN's coming five mile foot race on Memorial day, May Slet. A letter from Hon. WmiT. Cody (Buffalo Bill) to a Port Jervis friend of the Into Watson E. Beach, of Mllahville, expresses his deep sorrow at hearing of the death of his former friend and fel low ranchman in Nebraska. Col. Cody has several inns on the Yellowstone Park Road. Announcement has been made of tho honor pupils of the senior class of the Carbondale High School. Among them we are pleased to find the names of Miss Mildred Patterson, daughter of Augustus Patterson, as salutatorian, and Miss Lucy Beatrice Brown, daughter of Fred. G. Brown, formerly of this place, as having obtained an average of more than 90 per cent, for the four years' course. It cost John VanBergcn, Jr., $4, 391.03 to be elected Mayor of Scranton, toward which sum J. Benj. Dimmick, his predecessor, contributed $230. Mr. Dimmick's term expires one week from to-day, March 31st. pRcv. L. C; Floyd, the well-known Methodist minister, has closed his regu lar pulpit service of forty-seven years, and will retire witli his wife to a hand Bome home which he has recently erected in Binghamton, N. Y. ANNOUNCEMENT ! THE STANDARD OPTICAL COMPANY, whose main offices are located In thn Ponnlpft1 N'nMrmnl FUnb- V,11H. Ing. Scranton, wishes to announce to citizens of Honesdale and vicinity that one of their eye specialists and registered physicians will mak regular visits to Honesdale, spend ing Friday of each week at the Allen House. The Doctor's first visit will ho March 26th and every Friday thereafter the doctor can be seen ill the Allen House from 9:00 a. in. to 4:00 p. in. REMARKABLE OFFER. In order to make your acquaintance and Introduce our glasses to tho greatest number of spectacle wearers In the shortest space of time, wo make the following remarkable offer, of a pair of $3.00 gold filled eyeglasses, complete, with the celebrated "Del.ux" lenses, tor only $1.00. If you are having any trouble with your eyes, or tlio glasses you are wearing are not satisfactory, do not hesitate to call as. we make NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION STANDARD OPTICAL CO. ALLEN HOUSE every Friday from 9:00 A. M. to 4:00 P.'M. Main offices: Peoples' Bank Building, Scranton, Pa. 24tf Right away you will get the 1 Is Your Money 1 1 Lying Around Idle I ruin iiiiiwiiwiiiiiiMiiiii furnishes the very best lesson in economy, weans a person from habits of extravagance and is one of the greatest comforts in the world. It is not safe in these days of hold-ups and robberies to have money lying around idle in your home or pocket. It is safe in the bank whore it works for you day and night. The modern burglar proof safe and protection for your money, and its safety iicuve or savings accounts received. Three per cent, paia on savings deposits. Its drafts are the safest and cheapest method of sendine money to foreien countries. Call and cet a pocket check to home people to whom preference is OFFICERS: K. C. MUMKOUI), President. W. F E.O. MUM FORD THOMAS M. HANI.KY .IAUUII F. KATZ K. I). PEN WARDEN A WOOLTEX LABEL Promises Mrs. Theodore Schiessler, of 1639 West street, who has been seriously ill, has had the attention and companion ship of her sister, Mrs. Emma Hender son Brown, ot Scranton for several days. Mrs. Brown is filling a position in the Young Woman's Christian ABSocialioa building in Scranton. , Miss Elizabeth Matthews, of Scran ton, who had been for some days a guest of Mrs. Perry A. Clark, of Dyberry Place, returned to her home on Friday last. George ThorndikcAngcll, "the friend of dumb nniinals" and the leader in the humane educational movement in the United States, died in Boston on Tues day of last week, aged 8(1 years. In one year ho printed more than seventeen mil lion pages of humane literature. He traveled all over the United States and many other countries in pursuance of his work, and caused to be established more than seventy thousand "Bands of Mercy" in America and England. LafesfiMost Novel SHIRT WAISTS For SPRING, IOOO, At MENNER'S STORE. 7S6 TheSPRINGSUITSarcthellest ode Approved by fashion critics. Menner & Go's Store, KEYSTONE BLOCK. Nobody knows without trying it how easy it is to make money save money when an account is opened in the desire to enlarge it. Then it vault of this bank afford the greatest deposit boxes for all other valuables. book. Money loaned on cood security always given. IUEFLER, JOS. A.FISOH, Cashier. Vice President. DIRECTORS: W.H. KUANT55 IJUNJ. F. HAINES W. F. REIFLER W. E. l'ERIIAM JOF.L O. HILL FRANK STEIN MA II. It. ELY, M. D. Quality Style is shown in every line of this Suit. Service is assured by the fine tailoring. Satisfaction is fully assured by tho Wooltex guarantee of correct style, which will bo permanent as long as the garment lasts and by the certainity that Woolly- V.-' ' "J tex Garments will outwear any others you have ever tried. Como and see for yourself the finest.assortment.of garments ever shown in town. KATZ , :bros. n