The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 24, 1909, Image 4

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Bntered as second-class matter, at the post
oil ce. Honesdalc, 1'a.
h. DOBrLmazB. v. b. allen.
GovEnNon Stuart has signed three of
Uio pure food billa prepared by Dairy
and Food Commissioner Foust and pass
Ad by the legislature n few days ago.
One of the bills prohibits under penalty
f from $50 to $100 fine, the sale of nny
adulterated "soft drinks" and will
Abolish the business in beverages made
ut of coal tar dyes and chemicals.
Another prohibits the sale of any eggs
-which are partially decomposed or other
wise unfit for food, under penalty of a
no of from $200 to $1,000 or three to
inc months in jail. The third prohibits
(he sale of lard compounds unless prop
rly marked under penalty of a Hue of
from $!0 to $100
In the long run that which makes for
permanence in national life is not
wealth, nor social position, butcharacter.
Wealth unless it is wisely directed breeds
ffeminacy, weakness and moral disease,
as the history of too many countries
abundantly proves. Butcharacter means
a strong, robust and enduring life.
Whatever view may be held as to
woman suffrage it is clear that the
present movement having for its object
ftio securing of the suffrage has passed
do age when it can be treated with rid'
icule or as an inconsequential matter
With Sweden, Australia and New Zea
land granting the suffrage within the
last year, with woman suffrage in four
f our own states, and with the activity
and influence displayed in Great Britain,
certain it is that the demands now being
made upon many of our state legislatures
to grant votes to women have an insis
Unco and force never before seen.
Coventor ProclalmsTwo, and Urges
Tree Planting.
Governor Stuart has issued the fol
lowing proclamation designating two
arbor days :
( "The annual observance of Arbor Day
lias fostered public sentiment in favor of
the preservation of the forests, their pro
tection from fire and other enemies,
and their intelligent use for commercial,
industrial and other purposes. It has
emphasized in the public mind the value
f trees, for shade, for fruit, for timber,
for holding the soil, and conserving the
streams. It has made the rising gener
ation familiar with the best methods of
planting trees, ond for promoting their
growth. It has led to the beautifying of
the public parks and the grounds about
"homes and schoolhouses.
"The custom of observing Arbor Day,
which is now almost universal through
ut the civilized world, should be en
ouraged and perpetuated. Wise legis
lative enactment has made it the duty
f the Chief Executive to name one or
more days as Arbor Days for the State
f Pennsylvania.
"Therefore, in furtherance of this
laudable custom, and by authority of
law, I, Edwin S. Stuart, Governor of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do
hereby issue this, my proclamation, de
signating Friday, April 2d, and Friday,
April 23d, A. D. 1909, as Arbor Days
throughout the Commonwealth.
"Two days have been designated so
that every section of the State may find
a day for tree planting suited to its cli
matic conditions."
Monday, March 22d.
In the matter of petition to divjde the
township of, Clinton into two election
districts. E. H. Ledyard, W. E. Per
ham and I. B. Sandercock appointed
The report of the reviewers for a pub
lic road in Lake township., was confirm
ed abnolute.
The report of the reviewers for a pub
lic road known as Vine street, in Texas
township was confirmed absolute.
The report of reviewers for a public
road in Damascus township was con
firmed absolute.
The report of viewers to vacate road
in Cherry Ridge township confirmed
In the matter of a county bridge be
tween Clinton township and Susquehan
na county, at Forest City, report of re
viewers confirmed absolute.
Permission was granted to the super
visors of South Canaan township to levy
a cash road tax of two mills.
Charles G. Miller vs. Daisy Hafler and
Jennie V. Meyers. Partition bill taken
pro-confesso, and M. E. Simons ap
pointed master.
Petition ot E. H. Ledyard, adminis
trator of George W. Allen, for order to
convey real estate granted.
License granted to Norton & Gildea
for hotel at Canaan Corners.
The application for license to James
J. Burnett, trustee, of the Lake Lodore
Improvement Company, after hearing,
held under advisement by the Court.
George Harvey vs. Diana Harvey.
Marriage annulled.
Tho Way Made Clear for a Prop
er Revision of the Tariff
The Great Influence of
Senator Penrose.
Washington, March 22. Tho success
of the Houso organization in preventing
the insurgent Republicans and the Dem
ocrats from .effecting material changes
in the rules will enable the Republicans
in Congress to proceed expeditiously
with the enactment of the tariff revision
bill. The fate of that measure was
threatened by tho fight over the rules
Had the insurgents been successful in
their destructive program the orderly
consideration of the bill wouldhave been
impossible and its passage , delayed in
definitely. That tho business interests
of the country are gratified over tho out
come of the controversy is indicated by
many letters and telegrams that have
been received by Speaker Cannon, Sena
tor Penrose, and other Republican lead
era in Congrcai. These communication!
are from representatives of commercial
and manufacturing organizations, who
emphaiizo the prediction that prompt
action relative to the tariff will insure a
retuuiof prosperous times. Even the
insurgents now admit that their revolt
was a foolish affair and from the begin'
ning hopeless. Especially was it ill ad
vised at a time when the country was
impatiently awaiting legislation demand'
ed by the best judgment of the people,
The changes made in the rules are unim
portant and the revolt served no other
purpose than to afford an opportunity for
a spectacular demonstration by a small
representation of disgruntled Republi
The general understanding is that the
debate in the House will continue about
five weeks, when tho bill will be passed,
practically, as it has been reported by
the Ways and Means Committee. The
real fight will come when the bill reaches
the Senate. With this understanding
members of the Senate are preparing for
its consideration when it comes before
that body. The Committee on Finance
is holding sessions at which the various
changes in tariff rates are discussed
The members of that Committee are en
deavoring to dispose of as much work
as possible in advance, so that when the
bill is referred to the Committee it can
be reported to the Senate at the earliest
practicable date.
In the consideration of the bill by the
Committee, Pennsylvania is represented
by Senator Penrose. Mr. Penrose 'at
tends its daily sessions and will devote
all of bis time to the' tariff bill. The
Senator ranks third on the Committee
and in its deliberations holds a position
of great influence. He will be consulted
regarding every section of the bill with
which Pennsylvania is directly concerned
and thus can safeguard the capital and
labor of tho state from any dangerous
tariff legislation. Owing to his longser
vice in tho Senate and ids familiarity
with the industrial conditions in Pemi'
sylvania, Senator Penrose is splendidly
equipped for the important work he has
undertaken. The Senator said today
there was no doubt that the result of the
tariff discussion in Congress, would be a
sensible revision along protection lines
Describes His Sensations on Trip In
the Zeppelin Car.
Kiel, March 23. Prince Henry of
Prussia In an Address here told of the
150 mile trip ho made In the Zeppelin
airship, declaring that the airship was
a qualified success. He said:
"My heart beat fast when first we
soared In tho air. Tho ship gradually
rose without apparent motion until I
saw the assistants In the balloon shed
looking upward. Then It became sud'
denly a matter of difficulty to ask
questions and receive replies, owing
to the deafening noise of the motors
and the whirling propellers. I was
obliged to shout Into the car of my
neighbor, but was unable to make my'
self understood."
Ho described his turn at the wheel
and said, "Although the steering tac
kle Is not yet Ideal, yet the great ship
answered the helm as easily as a
steam pinnace."
After a picturesque description ot
the easy landing on the surface of the
water, which was effected absolutely
without shock, the prince went on to
draw conclusions from his expert'
"The question of reaching a certain
point by means of a dirigible airship
In favorable weather," he said, "may
rightly be deemed to have been solved
and astonishment is aroused at the
simple technical means employed.
"I am rather skeptical, however,
whether airships can be considered as
forming part of our present means ot
transport or whether they wbuld be
useful for war purposes. Tho alt cur
rents have not been made the subject
of close research, while airships are
not yet able to make much progress
against even moderate winds. To
overcome those difficulties more now
erful motors and bigger airships arc
Castro can easily become a "simple
private citizen" of Venezuela by sim
ply going back to his trado of mule
Cultured Boston has taken to eating
sand, which is several laps ahead. of
throwing it Into other people's eyes.
An Old Bethany Newspaper
Stage Journeying Four Scare Years
Ago Who Did the Advertising
In the Pioneer Days A
Glimpse Into the Past.
While the writer has in his possession
several copies of Wayne county news
papers over ninety years old, and of
Philadelphia journals containing Wayne
county advertisemonts printed over a
century ago, he is inclined to regard ttie
issue of the Wayne Enquirer, printed in
Bethany, January 20th, 1831, William
Sastnan publisher, aB, on the whole, one
of the most interesting samples of the
pioneer weeklies of this aection in his
The Enquirer of that date carried at its
mast head the Latin motto : "Salusl'op
uli Lex Suprema est," "The Welfare of
the People is the Supreme Law" and it
is fair to say that judging from the copies
of the paper which have come into our
possession, the principle thus announced
as controlling the management of the
paper, was strictly adhered to.
Tho Enquirer was published at, $2 per
year, payable in advance, or $2.50- if
paid at the cloBe of the year, with the
absolute requirement that tho postage
on "all letters on business of the office
must be paid."
Under the head of "Poetry" two songs
enliven the first page. These were fol
lowed by the "Adventure of a Ranger,"
an Indian story of the struggles of 1814,
occupying nearly the whole of the first
page, a spare corner being given to an
anecdote of a beggar, who promised in
return for a slice of bread and cheese to
put his benefactress in possession of a
secret which would be of service to her
all the days of her life. His hungsr ap
peased, he imparted to her this bit of
practical information: "If you knot a
knot at the end of your thread, you will
never lose your first stitch," which is a
good hint even four score years later.
The second page, devoted to general
news, gives an account of the hanging of
Edward Williams, a negro wife murderer,
at West Chester, this State, in which the
hangman, during tlie march to the gal
lows, is described as sitting in the cart
with the "coffin, dressed' like an old wo
man, a white blanket, squaw fashion,
thrown over his shoulders and pinned, a
a straw bonnet on his head covered with
green silk, and the face much bedaubed
with paint looking like the Devil, for
ugliness, -while at the tail of the cart to
which Iip was tied, came the prisoner &n
foot, the halter around his neck,' a white
cap on his head, over which was his hat,
a white loose frock over his clothes, rol
ling his eyes around on the multitude,
showing in a strange manner the clear
white." There is a column article, taken
from the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser,
descriptive of, the scenes in Dresden dur
ing the revolution in Saxony ; a lengthy
account of the ravages of cholera in In
dia and Russia ; a report of the robbery
of the schooner Henry Clay by negro
pirates off St. Domingo, with shorter
stories of a bank robbery in Maine, the
murder of Isaac Ellison in Mobile, and
the raising from the bottom of the Hud
son river of the sloop Detroit, sunk by
the steamboat "Congress" in April,
On the third page the election of Alex
ander Mahon, as State Treasurer, is an
nounced, and the proceedings of the
Legislature from January 4th to 8th,
given, during which session a bill was
introduced by Representative Thomas
Fuller for the incorporation of a com
pany to build a turnpike road from the
Lackawaxen turnpike near the farm of
Daniel Bunting to tle new road from
Bethany to Honesdale. (The latter vil
lage was incorporated a borough in that
year.) Another bill was introduced at
the instance of William Greele and Jacob
Faatz for the incorporation of the "Ger
manville Glass Manufacturing Company
of Wayne County, "whose works for the
blowing of window glass, were in Dy
berry township, 'at a point generally
known as The Old Glass Factory.
Then came two or three columns of
miscellaneous news, including a murder
or two, and another execution ; notices
of the marriage by the Rev.-Charles H.
Hubbard of Eliphalet Wood to Miss
Elizabeth Edgett, and of Norman H
Purple to Miss Eliza Ann, daughter of
I. Kilburn, and then the advertisements,
to-day the most interesting department
ot the old paper.
First with a picture of a four-horse,
old-style thorough-brace coach, with the
driver cracking a whip as though he
were casting a fly, comes the announce
ment of Abraham G. Sarven's "Extend
ed Line of Stages, from the city of New
York through to Bethany, State of Penn
sylvania, by the'way of Paterson, Pomp-
ton, Milford, Darlingville, Narrows of
the Lackawaxen, Honesdale and Beth'
any," there to meet the Utica line.
Patronage was solicited for tho line as
being "considered the shortest route
and the cheapest now travelled." The
stages started from Hoboken every Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday, at four
o'clock in the morning, arriving at Deck-
ertown at six o'clock tho same evening ;
left Deckertown every Monday, Wednes
day and Friday, at four A. m., and ar
rived at Bethany at six o'clock, p. m.
Coaches left Bethany for New York the
same day they lef the city for Bethany,
and made the trip in the same time.
Tho booking office, in Bethany was in
charge of David Wilder, and in Milford,
of tho late Charles B. Seaman, grand
father of ex-County Commissioner
George H. Seaman, of East Honesdale.
A. G. Sarven lived at Paters tn, N. J.
There seem to have been domestic
troubles among pioneer Wayne counto
ans as well as our more recently married
couples, as two subpoenas in divorce
are advertised in this one issue; Hannah
S. Elting by her "next friend and broth
er," Wm. N. Raymond, wanting to get
rid of her husband Addison Elting, and
Samuel Wightman having grown tired
of his wife Laura. Paul S. Preston
signed as sheriff. Elsworth Mapes noti
fied his creditors that he had applied for
the benefit of the insolvent law. Ch'as.
A. Tenant and Elisha Heacopk had lum
bering and farming oxen for sale; Sheriff
Preston announced his intention to dis
pose of the property of Joseph Marcy,
in Salem township, for tho benefit of his
creditors ; Solomon Moore, clerk, had
need for a column to advertiso the or
phans' court sales of the real estate of
Joshua Schivcly and Jacob Enslin, de
ceased, and Paul S. Preston offerod for
sale 8,000 acres of land in Manchester
township, "twenty miles from the vil
lage of Honesdale, at the head of the
Delaware and Hudson Canal."
A column and a half state bank' note
table was given, showing a discount of
from one-quarter to one-half per cent.
on tho bills of all eastern banks, and
from four to eight per cent, on all west
ern and southern paper money. Joseph
B. Walton offered cash for 2,000 bushels
of oats; J. Manning & Co., of Bethany,
advertised an extensive stock in their
general store, and Jason Torrey wanted
to sell a stout pair of team horses.
Thomas Hurley was making "coaches,
gigs, sulkeys, barouches, raisees, bug
ees, &c.,&c," at Canaan, and furnish
ing harness of all descriptions on the
shortest notice, taking country produce
in part payment of all sales. William
S. Vail, of Mt. Pleasant wanted an ap
prentice to the boot and shoemaking
business, and Ephraim W. Hamlin, af
terward senator, and for many years
president of the Wayne County Agricul
tural Society, advertised for a boy of 15
or 1G to learn the hatting trade, supple
menting his "want ad." with an offer to
buy 150 cords of Maple and Beech wood,
from 2 to 3 feet in length, for which, if
corded at the door, he would pay one
dollar per cord in hats. He also offered
to pay cash for "otto, mink, martin, cross
or red .foxes, muskrat and other furs."
Stephen Brush, father of Cornell Brush,
for many years a Honesdale drayman,
and Wm. B. Handrake announced their
dissolution of partnership, and Henry
W. Stone, father of William H. Stone,
bf Court street, called on people to settle
up at his store in Mount Pleasant.
E. W. Hamlin, postmaster at Bethany,
Charles Forbes, postmaster at Hones
'dale and Henry W. Stone, P. M. at
Pleasant Mt., advertised lists of uncalled
for letters at their respective offices. In
the Honesdale list the names of John
Brownscomb, George M. Keen. Levi
Benson, E. T. Losey, John Kelly, J. B.
Jervis and James Archbald appeared,
most of them familiar to many of the
present generation.
The Enquirer was printed on a sheet
20 by 26 inches in size, and the typo
graphy and press work would not dis
grace an office of todav.
Rev. Dr. Wm. H. Swift will next Sun
day morning repeat, by request, the ser
mon recently preached by him on "What
Shall I Believe About God?" In the
evening he will speak on "The Life
that is Life Indeed."
Nqxt Sunday Rev. Dr. W. F. Hopp
will conduct service at the White Mills
Chapel, at 3:15 P. m
THE CITIZEN rangements for
DecC" MAY 31
5 Handsome Gold and
Silver Medals will be
Awarded the Winners !
To all competitors llvln? In the county,
exclusive ot professionals ; entries to be
made at any time prior to April 15th.
ALL CONTF STANTS, will be re
quired to submit to a physical examin
ation by competent physicians, to Insure
proper endurance condition (or race.
Dr. C. R. BRADY, Dentist Honesdale, Pa.
Office Hours 8 a. m, to 0 p. m.
Any evening by appointment.
Citizens' phone, 33, Residence, Mo. X
WANTED In every namlet. Village, and
Township, energetic people who will me their
spare time for cood pay
Honesdale, Pa. tf
Orson Spencer,. aged sixty-eight years,
died Wednesday, March 17, 1909, at the
homo of his daughter, Mrs. J. E. Peck,
of Capouso avenue, Scranton. The body
was taken over the Ontario and Western
to Pleasant Mount, where interment was
Mrs. Mario Lonsdorf , mothsr of Jacob
Lonsdorf, formerly proprietor of the
Hotel Heumahn, of this place, died at
tho residenco of her son in Scranton, on
Friday last, March 10, 1009, aged 78
years. She is survived by three sons,
four daughters, thirty-four grandchil
dren and four great grandchildren.
Henry Schurtz died at his homo in
Kimbles on Monday morning March 8,
1809, of general debility. He was born
in Germany and was 71 years of age.
lie was twice married and besides his
second wife is survived by two sons,
William, of Matamoras, and Fred, of
Lackawaxen township. The funeral was
held from his late home at Kimbles.
Rev. Rudolf Lucas, of Hawley officiat
ing. Interment was made in Kimbles'
Mrs. Audrey A. Dunlap died at her
home in Scranton, Thursday, March
18th. She is survived' by one son, Rob
ert, and a daughter, Thelma ; four sis
ters, Jennie and Helen Richardson, Mrs.
Fred. Phinney, of Scranton, and Mrs.
Van Nort, of Honesdale ; three brothers,
Ray, Homer and Holly Richardson, all
of Scranton ; also her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Richardson, of Clemo, this
county. The remains were brought to
Honesdale on Sunday morning and in
terment was made in Riverdale ceme
tery. Mrs. Triphcna Rollison died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred. Ben
nett, on Church street, Hawley, Sunday,
March 14, 1909, of heart trouble. De
ceased was born at' Shohola, Pike coun
ty, and was 72 years of age. Sho came
to Hawley from Blooming Grove about
six years ago with Mr. and Mrs. Fred.
Bennett with whom sho afterward made
her hom. Deceased is survived by. five
daughters and two sons as follows :
Mrs. E. N. Pierson, Mrs. Lucy Losey
and Mrs. Fred. Bennett, all of Hawley ;
Mrs. Wm. Scales, of Port Jervis ;
Mrs. Altemas, Rake, Lafayette and
Florence Rollison, all of Notch, Pike
county ; also one brother, Ira B. Rosen
cranse, of Greeley, Pike county. Rev.
R. D. Minch, of Honesdale, officiated
at the funeral. The interment was made
at Kimbles.
Smith Dennis died at his home in Port
Jervis, N. Y., Saturday afternoon, Mar.
20, 1909, after a long illness of a com
plication of diseases, aged 81 years. He
was. born October 21, 1827, in Onondaga
county, N. Y., near the present city of
Syracuse, then known as Onondaga
Hollow. His early life was spent in
Hudson and Seneca Falls, N. Y. In
early manhood, lie went to Port Jervis
and entered the Erie Railroad Co.'s ser
vice, for which corporation he worked
in different capacities formore than fifty
years. Mr. Dennis was twice married.
His first wife was Miss Jano Smith of
Kinderhook, N. Y., and his second wile
was Mrs. Clara Bassett, of Waymart,
Pa. He is survived by one son, Frank
E. Dennis, of Carbondale, who is a
prominent druggist of that city, and
who was for some time in the employ
of Hon. C. C. Jadwin of this place.
Emery Swingle, a brief announcement
of whoso death appeared in The Citi
zen of the 17th, passed away at his
This Bank was Organized In December, 1836, and Nationalized
In December, 1864.
Since Its organization it has paid In Dividends
to Its Stockholders,
The Comptroller of the Currency has placed It on the HONOR
ROLL, from the factthutlts Snrplus Fund more than
equals Its capital stock.
What Class 0
are YOU in
The world has, always been divided into two classes those who have
saved, thone who have spont tho thrifty and the extravagant.
It is the savers who have built the houses, tho mills, the bridges, the
railroads, the shins and all tho other great works which stand for man's
advancement ana happiness.
The spenders nro slaves to tho savers. It is the law of nature. We
want you to be a saver to open an account in our Savings Department
and be independent.
One Dollar will Start an Account.
This Bank will be pleased to receive all
or a portion of YOUR banking business.
home near Cortez.-Laokawa'nna county,
on Tuesday, the 2d inst. Ho was a soa
of Conrad and Sarah (Cobb) Swingle,
and was born' on his father's farm in
Lake (then Salem) township, August 9,
1833. At the age of eighteen he began
running cars for .the Pennsylvania Coal
Company, becoming a conductor fivo
years later. Feb, 25th, 1804, he enlisted
in Co. B, 6th New York Heavy Artillery,
and took part with his company in ten
important engagements. On his dis
charge August 24, 18G5, he again enter
ed ttie service of the Penn'a Railroad
Company, and remained in the capacity
of conductor for thirty-four years, with
tho exception of two years spent in the
army. When the gravity railroad was
abandoned, ho devoted his attention to
farming, managing a place of 200 acres
with such success as to insure him a
handsome competency. He was a mem
ber of the Methodist Protestant church,
and an ardent Prohibitionist. Mr.
Swinglewas twice married, his first wife,
who died in 1878, being Miss Maria
House, to whom were born Merritt W.,
now deceased ; Watson C, Finley E.,
deceased; Leander B., Mrs. Lizzie M.
Eager, and Friend A. The second wife,
who was Mrs. Electa Jenkins, survives
him. To their union were born two-
daughters, Miss Edyth M., and Miss
Alta M. Funeral strvices were conduct
ed March 4th, in South Canaan M. P.
church, by Rev. Thomas Hooper, assist
ed by Rev. Matthews, of the F. M.
church. Interment in the South Canaan
Charles Ammerman died of valvular
heart trouble at his home in Hawley, ok
the night of March 20, 1909. The funeral
was held at the Hawley Baptist church,
at 2 P. M., on Tuesday, and the remains
taken to Indian Orchard for interment ;
Revs. R. H. Catterall and R. D. Minch
officiating. Mr. Ammerman was born
at White Mills, Feb. 5, 1847, and was
united in marriage with S. Emma Adams,
of Hawley, on Dec. 7, 1871, who, to
gether with the following children, sur
vives him : S. Howard and J. Edward,
of Massillon, Ohio; Manley, Corning, N.
Y.; Mrs. Ralph Hawkins, Ogdensburg,
N. Y.; Miss Luella, Binghamton, N. Y.;
Charles S. and Mary Alice, at homo ;
also tho following brothers and sisters :
Mrs. Lura Lilly, Wausau, Wis.; Mrs.
Eliza Cole, Hawley ; Mrs. Abram Sny
der, Dunmore; George Ammerman,
Clyde, N. Y., and.,William B., Hawley.
Mr. Ammerman united with the Haw
ley Baptist church on January 15, 1871,
and was an active and consistent mem
ber there until his death, with the ex
ception of two years, 1902-4, when he
resided in Honesdale and held member
ship in the Baptist,church at this place.
He was a man of genial disposition, a
favorite with young people, and always
ready to do his part in any benevolent
enterprise. He was a kind yet firm
father and husband, and all of his sons
and daughters are honored members' of
the society in which they live. While
residing in Honesdale, Mr. Ammerman
was assistant superintendent of tho Pru
dential Insurance Company, and he has
many friends here. He was a strong,
robust man until about three years ago,
when heart trouble developed. Mrs.
Ammerman and family have the deep
sympathy of their many friends both
here and in Hawley..
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of