The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 24, 1909, Image 3

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Answer One Written Question
Each Week For Fifty-Two
Weeks and Win a Prize.
First Series A gold medal to each
of the first five contestants.
8econd Series A silver medal to
each of the next five contestants.
Third 8erles A Teacher's Bible,
price $5.50, to each of the next five
Fourth Series The book "The Heart
of Christianity," price $1.50, to each of
the next thirty-five contestants.
Fifth Series A developed mind, an
expanded Imagination, a richer exper
ience and a more profound knowledge
of the Bible and of life, to all who tako
this course whether winning any other
prize or not.
Each medal will be suitably engrav
ed, giving the name of the winner, and
for what It Is awarded, and In like
manner each Bible and book will be
All who can write, and have ideas,
are urged to take up these studies re
gardless of the degree of their educa
tion, as the papers are not valued from
an educational or literary standpoint,
but from the point of view of the cog
ency of their reasoned Ideas.
March 28th, 1909.
ICopyright, 1908, by Rev. T. S. Linscott. D.D.)
Temperance Lesson. Proverbs xxlll:
Golden Text At last it btteth like
a serpent and sttngeth like an adder.
Proverbs xxlll:32.
Verses 29-30 Is strong drink as a
beverage In so called moderation, good
for any body?
Do all who drink habitually receive
Injury as a result?
Should alcohol be used In any form
as a medicine?
Is U safe or prudent, for people In
good health to take Intoxicating drink
s a beverage?
What classes In the community are
Buffering from the drinking habit, di
rectly and Indirectly?
Why do athletes generally abstain
from drinking when they are In train
ing for a contest?
What aro the signs by which you
can nearly always tell a drinking
Verses 31-32 What evil Is likely to
result If any, when a good man, who
does not drink, stands at the bar and
"looks" on, while his companions are
What can you say of a man who will
not drink himself but treats others?
How would you characterize a tem
perance man who votes for a man, or
a party, pledged to support the liquor
How many evils can you trace to
strong drink?
Think of all the popular habits that
tend to evil, and compare them with
the evils of the drink habit, and say
which habit Is the greater curse to
the nation?
What Is the fascination which draw3
so many thousands of victims to the
drink habit?
If the country towns and cities
wero overrun with "serpents and "ad'
iers," which were biting and causing
the death of thousands, what steps
would likely be taken to eradicate the
Seeing that all practically admit
that the evils of the liquor traffic, are
more virulent than "serpents" and "ad
ders" could be, how do you explain
the apathy of the nation in getting rid
of this monster evil? (This question
must be answered In writing by mem
bers of the club.)
Verse 33 Does licentiousness, and
Impurity of thought, generally accom
pany the appetite for strong drink, as
this verse seems to suggest?
Verses 34-35 Does drinking always
produce moral, as well as physical
anaesthesia, deadening the soul to the
foulest crimes?
Men under the influence of alcohol
are often grievously hurt, sometimes
almost frozen to death, and are uncon
sctous of the hurt at the time, and
when they get better keep on drink'
lng. How do you account for it?
Lesson for Sunday, April 4th, 1909.
Peter and Cornelius. Acts x:l-4S
Death of Henry H. Webb.
The death of Henry II. Webb, for
many years one of the most prominent
residents of Dyberry township, was brief
ly announced in our last issue. Rev. A.
C. Olver kindly furnishes the following
more extended tribute to his memory :
Henry H. Webb, died at his home in
Prompton early Thursday morning,
March 18, 1009. The funeral services
were held in the Presbyterian church of
that place, at one o'clock Saturday, the
burial service of the Grange, of which
organization lie was long an active mem
ber, being used. Interment was made
in Kiverdale cemetery, Honesdale. The
Kev. W. E. Davis, of Wayniart, offciat-
ed, assisted by the Rev. Geo. Lees, of
Prompton. Deceased was a former resi
dent of the Webb homestead, near Beth
any, where he was born in 1842, and
spent his life of sixty-seven years, ex
cept a few months in Honesdale and
Prompton. About one year ago, on ac
count of failing health, it was thought
best for him 'to retire from the farm
where for thirty-seven years, together
with his excellent wife, who survives
him, he performed the duties it a very
successful farmer. I lis married life
covers a space of time reaching back to
1872, when he was married to Miss Hat-
tie Bunnell, daughter of John and Ann
Bunnell. Their children are Robert B.,
of Forest City, and William C, now in
the west, both of whom are graduates
from Dental colleges and are doing busi
ness by themselves.
The deceased was a man of energy
and good will, characteristic of the fam
ily from which he sprang, the iirst mem
ber of which came to this country from
England nearly one hundred years ago.
The original Webb homestead is now
owned by Charles Webb, a nephew ol
the deceased,, who has replaced the old
residence with one morn modern and
sightly, and more in keeping with the
broad and beautiful tields surrounding it,
but it can hardly be a home of more
precious memories than the structure
which it has replaced.
Mr. Webb was of a family of eight,
born to Richard and Grace Webb, who
were well known in this county. Two
sisters only survive him : Mary E.,
wife of Rev. A. C. Olver, and Anna W.,
wife of Dr. W. T. Butler, of Honesdale.
The sufferings of the deceased were
intense as he neared theend. Every at
tention was given to mitigate them, but
still disease held its way and conquered
His end was peaceful. Knowing the way
of life, lie made the Bible and prayer
his constant companions, and found the
mercy that covers all our mistakes and
sins, and saves us from their penalty and
power. This sketch would be incom'
plete should it fail to mention the kind
attentions of friends, but most of all those
of his faithful companion, who for many
weary months, both night and day was
constantly at his side.
I lis sufferings wereendured with much
resignation and without complaint. Thus
are the landmarks being removed ; but
so long as they leave an echo of victory
behind them, we arp constrained to say
AH is well.
Train and Track.
The Pennsylvania railroad when its
lines under the Hudson river are com'
pleted will run 400 trains- dally Into
New York.
Tho proposed electrification of the
Prussian state railway system would
equlre an outlay for the new equip'
ment of about $152,500,000.
When, in June, a through train serV'
Ice is established between Galveston
and Seattle It will exceed in length
the run from San Francisco to New
York. The distance Is almost 3,000
miles, nnd the trains will use the Texas
and Brazos Valley, Fort Worth and
Denver, Colorado and Southern, Chi
cago, Burlington and Qulncy and
Great Northern roads in covering It.
The Reason.
"Flossie dropped mel"
"Break you?"
"No, I was broke; that's why she
3roppcd me."
A Bluffing Case.
The suit case mail a daring bluff
And chip on chip the bid would raise.
How could lie know that euro enough
The bis trunk held four trays?
Stanford ChaparraL
, uin THE CIOAH. OP t&TJJk.JLiT'J'. .
Half a lemon dipped In salt will, do
wonders In polishing brass and copper
cooking utensils.
A cup of sweet milk added to the
water In which oatmeal Is cooked
makes it much richer and adds to the
Damp shoes are usually hard to pol
ish. Try adding a drop or two of
melted parafflu to the blacking, and
they will polish up at onie.
A simple way of testing eggs Is to
add two ounces of salt to a pint of
water and put the eggs In It. Good
eggs will be found to sink, while
doubtful ones will float.
Candle grease may bo readily re
moved from n cloth frock or n coat by
laying blotting paper over tho spot and
applying a hot Iron. The blotting pa
per nbsorbs the greaso when the heat
Is applied.
Dry the tender leaves and small ends
of the stalks of celery and keep for
flavoring purposes. Parsley should be
first dipped In boiling water to make
It a bright green then dried in the
Relief from choking may be had by
swallowing a raw egg Immediately.
This will generally carry a flsh bone
or other obstruction down which can
not be removed from tho throat by
the utmost exertion.
Tho leaves of a rubber plant should
bo washed once or twice with mill:.
This makes them glossy. Give tho
plant rich soil, drain It well, never al
low It to get dry at the roots and keep
It from the direct rays of the sun.
Things Theatrical.
Sarah Bernhardt Is going to revive
"Cyrano do Bcrgcrac."
William T. Hodgo will continue play
ing In "The Man From Home" through
out tho summer.
Evan Vincent has been engaged for
tho cast of "Tho nead oMlie House,"
In which Ada Lewis Is to star.
The Shubcrts have obtained two
English successes, "The Truants" nnd
a musical comedy, "The King of Cal
donla." Jack Lorlmer, a Scotch comedian,
singer nnd dancer, has arrived to begin
an engagement on this side of the At
lantic. He was hero a few seasons
Facts From France.
France has three-fifths of nn acre of
forest to each Inhabitant.
Conscription was Introduced Into
France by Napoleon In 1708.
A manufacturer of artistic furniture
In Paris has just completed a chair1
the fore legs of which are of solid
Among the twenty-franc pieces In
circulation In Franco are Belgian, Aus
trian, Italian, Swiss and Russian gold
coins to the extent of 14 per cent of
the French coins
Chloroform was discovered by Sam
uel Guthrie in 1831.
The Bearded Vulture.
The lammagelr, or bearded vulture,
of southern Europe Is known by the
natives of the countries It inhabits as
the "bone breaker" from its habit of
dropping bones upon rocks from great
heights to crack them, enabling It to
get nt the marrow.
Monster Moths.
Gray and black agrlpplna moths are
thirteen inches from wing tip to wing
The Word "Pean."
"Paean" or "pean" nt first denoted a
hymn to a help giving god, "Paean"
having been a title of Apollo. By ex
tension it may mean any song of tri
umph or even-a song merely joyous.
The Wine Product.
Tho vineyards of tho world yield
3,554,410,000 gallons of wine a year.
A Severe Winter.
Tho winter of 1G58 was a hard one
in Europe. Charles X. of Sweden
crossed on the 'Ice the Little Belt, the
strait between Funen and the penin
sula of Jutland, with his whole army
foot, horse,. baggage and artillery. Tho
rivers in Italy bore heavy carriages.
New Zealand's Wealth.
New Zealand's wealth Is $1,500 per
person and Is the highest of any coun
try In the world.
Congressman' W. W. Cocks of Lone;
Island wears a big soft black hat like
William Jennings Bryan's.
George W. Chllds Drexcl, the rich
Philadelphia yachtsman, plans to crulso
on the Paciflc coast In a steam yacht
Captain William II. Kcft of Nahant
Is a retired master mariner. He has
thirteen sons. Eight of them aro mas
ter mariners. The others follow the
sea and live In hope.
Champ Clark, leader of the Demo
crats In the houso of representatives,
Is fifty-eight years old nnd was born
In Kentucky. He Is a tall, handsome
man, with square shoulders and a big,
deep chest.
Daniel Davis of West Royalston,
Mass., celebrated the one hundredth
anniversary of his birthday Feb. 2. He
Is still vigorous physically and men
tally and contributes regulnrly to the
columns of the village paper.
Ex-Governor Folk of Missouri Is said
to have Chautauqua bookings this year
which will yield htra $17,500. Mr. Bry
an, however, still leads the lecture pro
cesslou with bookings for tho year to
yield, It Is reported, $100,000.
Sir Frederick Treves, tho eminent
surgeon, In view of tho fact that a
radium Institute Is to he opened In
London, warns the public to accept
with caution too sanguine reports of
the efllcaey of tho now treatment.
Captain Roald Amundsen lias been
voted an appropriation of $18,000 by
tho Norwegian storthing and will start
next year on another polar expedition.
Ho will refit his famous ship, the
Fram, for the voyage and expects to
bo absent five or six years.
Short Stories.
At tho present rate of Increase the
population of tills country In 1910 will
bo 100,000,000.
Within forty-eight hours a New
York pastor married seven couples,
baptized nine children nnd officiated at
three funerals. ' '
Army engineers, while boring for an
additional water supply near the
Sandy Hook reservation, have discov
ered what Is thought to be a buried
prehistoric forest. It lies 400 feet be
neath the sand.
The Onion club of Chicago has lived
up to Its name with a nine course din
ner of which every item, with the ex
ception of bread and butter, was nn
onion preparation." The club motto
Is "In Onion There Is Strength."
There are not enough captains and
lieutenants fn the American army. Ex
perts now say that the shortage is lit
tle short of alarming and that a large
per cent of the desertions from the
ranks are due to the constant shifting
of the officers.
u The Royal Box.
Queen Margherlta, mother of King
Victor Emmanuel, is going to Japan
next August.
King Alfonso of Spain, tho most ar
dent roynl motorist in Europe, has be
come an honorary member of the Roy
al Automobile Club of Great Britain.
Tho king of Italy has accepted an
honorary membership In the American
Numismatic association. Victor Em
manuel Is the author of nn authorita
tive work on the coins of Italy from
tho earliest days.
The kaiser has decided to sell five of
his castles. The estates to be sold are
Jaegcrhof, near Dusseldorf; Benrath,
In Westphalia; Stolzenfels and Bruehl,
In the Rhenish provinces, and Castle
Erdmannsdorf, In SUcsIa.
Something New In Prizes.
One of the favorite "bridge" prizes
among the fashlonablo set this season
Is a silver automobile flower holder.
Theso attractive novelties have met
with great success since their Intro
duction, not long ago, and nearly every
smartly equipped limousine car has a
decorative attachment of this style.
Many of the holders aro conical in
shape, though other designs are
stralghter, with fancy ornamentation
In embossed worjc, in engraving or in
jewel setting. The tiny sliver vase is
attached to tho inside of the car,
either In the corner or below tho win
dow frame, and can bo removed qulto
easily. It will hold either water or
damp wool, and flowers placed in the
receptacle retain their freshness sev
eral hours. It Is the fashion, of course,
for each woman to havo her favorite
flower In her car. A "bridge" prize of
this kind can later bo decorated with
the winner's Initials.
After taking an- inventory we find we have
a number of broken lots of MEN'S and
HOYS' SUITS, which we will dispose of
At a Reduction of 40 per cent.
$4.00 Children's Overcoats -.75
Fleece Lined Underwear
.50 and 25c Neck Ties -.50,
75c and $1 Colored Shirts
.50 Golf Gloves
.50 Caps
.75 Caps
1.00 Caps
Trunks, Dress-suit
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year opend witn a deluge of new mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with the unwary.
There are reasons for the pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS;
lst-No one can mix abetter mixed paint.
2d The painters declare that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective.
4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it,
and recommend its use to others.
s no time to be regretting your neglect
to get insured. A little 3are beforehand
is worth more than any amount ot re
General Insurance Agents
$ 2.00
Cases and Valises
B 0 LJ I si fl c
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Office: Second floor Masonic Build
ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drug store,
Into ot the township of Lake, Pa.
AH persons Indebted to suld estate aro notl J
lied to make immediate payment to the un
dersigned : and those having claims against
the suld estate are notltlcd to present them
duly attested for settlement.
Seranton. Pa.
Executrix, Muplewuod, Pa.
A.T, Senrle, Honesdale, Pu
Welles it Torrey, Scranlon. Pa.,
Attorneys for estate,
Honesdale, Feb. 8. liKW.