HIT A WORD COLUMN WANTED. A competent elrl to do house Irk. Mrs. M. H. Tracy. H07 Main street. a ( MARK THE GRASS GHKEN use our n Dresslncr on your lawn. Price 3 cts r pound. MUHHAY CO. 22t4 FOR SALE. One lot on Church street. : 100 feet. Price Iiaoo. II. llussen or liner Greene. IWeltf BUR odorless Lawn Dressing delivered to lata cts. per pound, hukuai uu. Z2li CLOSING OUT.-iltare chance for bargains I Geo. B. Kimble's store. Selllns out his ISrfr nrpnnrnfarv tn nlllmnt? business. frmers should not lose this opportunity, ery thine at reduced prices. !atf FOKSALK OR ltENT.-The dwelllnc house 11019 Court street. Enqulreol C. T. llent- 0.00 REWARD.-You can make even more n this on sour roods by ecttlng me to do ur selllne. Write for date. A. O. Ulako. uciioneer, Jieuiany. ?OU HALE.-A house and lot. 1314 West rcet. llonesdale. 16 rooms, with all con- Inlences. Desirable for a boardlnc house. I two families. Inquire on tue premise m Ira. E. G. Sccor.-or of her attorney, A.T. iarle. Altfrrvrt f n .wnnt llnmM V i ! l.'IFP. find iwnxhtn. enpra-t c dcodIc who will use their gare lime iorcooui'ttJ'., , , urawera. jioiicaumc. i . -ij a a i r-Thn wfll.kniiwn Murray Farm i,nmi inciw.rrv 1! lil en townshl n. two nnd p-hnir miles from llonesdale. Same dis- Inrmtn llnillnv' StntlOIl Oil tllB KtU A ryommc ranroaa. jnis ianu umaiaia ui j acres, aumiruuiy nuaiucu iui diw ui airy purposes, usual cuts over one hun rcd tons of hay. besides a larce acreage of Bhcr crops. Seven large barns : erancry. ice ruse, suo ana mrce awuiiiiiuuuuscs. j uciv nhi.nt t9 nn worth nf hardwood lumber, in le tree. Stables with cement tloors for 40 Sws. Will sen lor one-mira casn, Daiance i easy payments, or win exenange tor town operty. .Murray jo.. iiuuesuuiu. ru. Rnitnnr. TEACHERS If vou have a few burs each day that you can spare from your fork we will show you how to lncreaeo you. IFOR 3 ALE Ray house, on East Extension x T 1 .. . ! . I- .. 1 ... f . k I I." reel, iirteiuv wnu i..fcjr ii:Mivii. ' sons. ooeuiu HELP WANTED. All klnds-now. Ad- ress Employment uureau, 10 uiementn oi. berty. N. Y. 10t7 FARM of 1K2 acres for sale. Good house, a am that will accommodate i cows, ouurses hri lm t nf hnv. Knrm well watered. I ew chicken house that will accommodate r . t i T Vn linilnn fn m In Payne county, situated one-half mile from 111.. T . . I . . . . 'till" ( iwilfPV 1 1 1 1 1 1 '11 Bliatte. iiiijuui; a i.e. v.. ....-. v.. ....... iTitoniJTAlCT SALE nv REAL ESTATE nd Personal property. inere win ou oner i tnT onip nn ttu nrpniises one mile E est of Seelyvillc on TUESDAY. MARCH .V. tfW n.niir.lnn n f in nVlikplf A M Iloverlllll Farm, well known as the Whlt- Sey place, consisting oi iui acres in ianu, mi lt which Is a two story concrete dwelling. pree Darns, larue ciiiukcii uuuai-, Kiuuaij-, Fagon shed and Icehouse, large orchard of Iraftedfruitand small frults.andgood spring Fatcr In the house. Also at auction, at the lime time: lour norses. one anvini: uuise Eur years old, l cows, z iwo-year urns, in hnir twn vnarllnt? bulla. 7 year- Inff heifers, 4 pics, 60 chickens, 3 ueese, 3 sets eavy harness, c sew uriiea, huui. ntihi hnrnpis 4-horsfi rovered 'IIUS- 2 tOD iuScles. open buecy, two heavy farm wagons. mr nn:i vv 111111 nii'iim. umr imut utius, liul bxes,Vscords"of wood;quantlty ot hayv oat raw ann rye straw, m dusucis ruiuuimus. rcastiiTifv tnncn nR ann D iner. iaiiiiiiii imu rn sheller, sulky plow, 3 cultivators, a tnnt Mnnvf plprator. t wo dos nowers. rfltpi.'2hflv rlirfflnirs. hursehav TK, nay lors carrier, rupea uuu imiicjo, TMHMS Th farm and all of theBtock nrl nthornprsmnl nrnnertv if sold to&rether. irill be at such price and terms as may be An Vttit- If !- norcnnnl nrnnprtw la old by the pece, all sums under $10 will be layamein casu; un sums ui iu oiiu uvn, redlt for ten months on Judgment notes Uh approveu secumy . TJrtTJTMCrtM Fortenla, March 18, 1909. 23t3el LOCAL MENTION. -Letters uncalled for at the Hones- Kale post office : H. C. Frev. Miss Emma Ferger, Mrs. Maria Kelly, Philip Martin, H.P. Wilson. A new gasoline lamp has been placed hear the rienwooa Dnage, on -norm lain street. -The old students of Wyoming Semi nary, from Wyoming to recKvuie, win lanquet this evening in the dining room f the M. E. church in Carbondale. Dr. L. Sprague, principal of the Semi- lary at Kingston, will give a little talk lo the former students, and an enjoyable program generally will be carried out. uSdward Clarkson and Pierce Butler, of 3arbondale, are rated as the two oldest living members of the Seminary family, mt there are two or three old-timers on this side of the Moosic who might well contest that distinction with them. A bill has been introduced in the House at Harrisburg, providing that after Juno 1, 1909, 2,240 pounds shall constitute a legal ton of coal, and making lit a misdemeanor to sell less than that weight to a ton, or in that proportion in quantities less than a ton. This law, if passed, would have no effect on Hones- Idale sales. Coal is never sold hero at (retail by the ton, but by the pound. An order for a ton is always filled at 2,000 Ipounds, as the purchaser will find on Iconsulting his bill. The same rule ap Iplies to smaller quantities. So the $200 I fine and one year imprisonment provided I in the act for its violation would have no I terrors for local dealers. -A bill was introduced by IJepresenta Itive Fuerth, in the lower house, onTues day evening last, appropriating $10,000 I for the construction of a hospital in I llonesdale. At the last session, the sum I of $5,000 was appropriated for the same purpose, but the money has, never been I withdrawn from the state treasury. The Fuerth bill provides thatinasmuch as the $5,000 will revert to the state on June 1, this year, the state shall appropriate $10,000 for the same purpose. In re ality the sum asked for is $5,000. The I bill further provides that no part of the appropriation shall be drawn from the ctate until the Wayne County Hospital association shall first raise a sum equal to that provided for in the bill. An appropriation of $5,000 has been asked of the Legislature for a dike in the Delaware river at Lacka waxen; $30,- 000 for experiments with shale in Pike county, and $20,000 for a dike at Mata moras, Pike county. Kid Cunningham, of this placo, who advertises his fighting weight at 114 pounds, offers to accept the challenge of Pete Sharonis, of Forest City, for a pugi listic encounter, before any club offering suitable purse, barring the Peerless . C, of Wilkes-Divrre. Horace Dexter, of Girdland, was brought before Justice of the Peace, R. A. Smith, on Wednesday afternoon, charged with threatening to kill J. W. Mills, and also assault and battery. An-. other charge of cruelty to animals was brought against him ; it being claimed that he does not feed his cattle, and has turned them out of the barn and has re fused to shelter them. He was held in $200 bail for a hearing Thursday after noon. At a special meeting of Alert Firo Co., of East llonesdale, on Tuesday evening, March 16th, a relief association was organized, with the following tem porary officers : R. W. Pen warden, president ; Ed. F. Short, vice president; Itay J. Brown, secretary ; Henry Rhode, treasurer. A meeting of the association will be held on Tuesday evening next, at which time every member of Alert Co. is requested to be present for the purpose of making arrangements for an entertainment to be given on Easter Wednesday evening, April 14th, 1909. Next Monday will begin the second half of the Lenten Season, and the eyes of young people especially will bo turn ed toward the brightness of the Easter, rather than retrospectively at the peni- titential days of the fast. But it must not be forgotten that Lent means more than the annual period of repentance for sins. It means a breathing spell in festivities, a season of repair to clothes and body and nerves and a time for thought on matters that are crowded out of mind during the other days of the year. There are but two churches which prescribe a season of repentance, but all churches celebrate the close of it, for Easter Sunday marks the beginning of spring, tne olucial beginning, it you please. Strictly speaking, repentance should not be hoarded np for Lent forty days of good deeds will not atone foi more than 303 days of wickedness. But since the poor receive a little con' Bideration on those days, and Lent is supposed to stimulate simplicity and good sense, nobody 'believes it is a super fluous custom even after the question of religion htis been disposed of. S ome- thing is needed to call a halt on late hours, over-feeding and too much ex citement. We do not take our pleasures in moderation, sandwiching them in so that hours of rest are not seriously dis turbed. Wo do not alternate periods of excitement with intervals of relaxation if we did there would be no necessity for long rests and a complete change of habit. One of the largest public sales held in Wayne county in many a day will take place on what has been for years popularly known as "The Whitney Farm," nearFortenia, on Tuesday Mar. 30th. The sale will include the farm an,d the rare supply of live, stock, vehi cles and agricultural implements on the premises, which are mentioned in some detail in an advertisement in another column. Very liberal terms of payment are offered, and doubtless the salo will attract a large crowd of buyers. The Third Brigade of the Pennsyl vania National Uuard, which includes the Thirteenth Regiment, to which Co. E, of llonesdale belongs, will, it is prob able again hold its annual encampment at Mt. Gretna, although the site has not as yet been definitely selected. The Cornwall and Lebanon railroad, which runs its track along the edge of the en campment site, has made a generous offer to the state this summer and the offer has been regarded as so un usually liberal that the First Brigade will also probably go there for its annual en campment. It has" not been decided as to whether the two brig ades shall en camp the same week at Gretna, or whether the First Brigade shall take up the site the week following the encamp ment of the Third Brigade. It seems quite like meeting a friend, when taking a trip skyward in a New York hotel, apartment house or office building, to see "National Elevator and Machine Co., llonesdale, Pa.," smiling at you from the side of the lift. Among the prominent structures which our local manufactory is now supplying with elevators are the Waldorf-Astoria hotel of New York, and the Jersey City court house. J. B. Fitzsimmons, a resident of Farview, narrowly escaped serious in jury on Wednesday afternoon. He was returning home from Carbondale, and was driving across the D. & II. tracks, at No. 11, below the Farview depot, just as the afternoon train, which arrives in llonesdale at 4:10, left the station. En gineer Yandermark saw the old man's peril and blew the whistle, to which warning Fitzsimmons seemed to pay no attention. The engine crashed into and made kindling wood of the wagon ; the horse was whirled to one side, and the driver thrown in the air, landing on the pilot of the engine when he came down, where, after a search under the train for his mangled remains, be was found, suffering, apparently, from only a Blight ' scalp wound. PERSONAL. A linen shower, in honor of Miss Maud Murray, was held at the home of Mrs. John McKenna, on Ridge street, on Tuesday evening. Rev. II. P. Blunt, of Chester, Pa., will occupy the Baptist pulpit next Sun day morning and evening, with view to tho pastorate. Frank Burke, of Scranton, was a visitor in town, on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Katz return ed to llonesdale on Tuesday evening, after a two weeks' wedding trip spent principally in the S011U1. Charles T. Bellamy, of Green Ridge; was a business visitor in llonesdale on Wednesday last. Thomas Thirsk isrencwingacquaint- ances with Honesdale friends after an extended trip in the south and south west. W. W. Wood, manager of Tub Citi zen has been spending the week in New York on business connected with the office. Mrs. Bert Walker, of Matamoras, Pike county, is visiting relatives at Lake Clemo. Caleb Decker, long tho Erio agent at Kimbles, on tho Branch, has resign ed his position. -The Harriaburg correspondent of the Scranton Times gives our member of tho Legislature the following compli mentary notice: "Mr. Fuerth is a staunch Democrat, and one of the most popular members in the 'Amen Corner.' He seldom makes a very extended speech on the floor of the House, but when he does ho is always given close attention and his Democratic colleagues invariably vote as he asks them to." ' Dr. Smith, of Scranton, assisted by Drs. Nielsen and Powell, of Honesdale, visited Laurella yesterday morning and operated for appendicitis on Mrs. As- bury Hicks of that place. Miss Lydia Gregory, who has been employed at the home of F. 8. Steinman, was taken to a Scranton hospital on Wednesday, where she will undergo an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Elizabeth Bond, who has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. S, Spettigue, of Wilkes-Barre, and under went a. serious operation while there, was able to be brought to Honesdale yesterday. She was accompanied home by her daughter, Mrs. Emma J. Martin, of, Marion, Ohio, who has been with her the" past few weeks. Mrs. Bond intends making her home-with her daughter, Mrs. Charles L. Bassett, of East street. Augustus B. Grambs, of Scranton came to Honesdale on Tuesday last, for a visit with Honesdale relatives. He has finally entirely recovered from a desper ate case of anthrax poisoning, with which ho became inoculated through shaking hands, while he was in business in North Dakota, with a Russian, who contracted the disease by handling in fected hides. Mr. Grambs made a heroic fight for his life, undergoing many tor turous operations of cutting, burning and Xraying, some them involving extensive skin-grafting to his right arm from other parts of his body; and his triumph is re garded as so remarkable in the surgical profession as to be quoted as one of the rarest exceptions if not the only one, to the recognized fatal termination of the terrible disease. Judge R. W. Archbald, of Scranton is being strongly mentioned as a prob-1 able successor, to Georgo M. Dallas, of Philadelphia, judge of the third judi cial circuit court of the United States, who resigned on Monday last. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Cole, of 1216 Main street, on March 13th, a nine pound son. Prof. Georgo P. Bible, former prin cipal of the East Stroudsburg State Nor mal School, who is now lecturing in Oklahoma, is said to be steadily going blind, the sight of the left eye being gone completely and the right one nearly so. Mrs. Charles H. Dorflingerand Mrs. A. T. Searle are guests at "The Wol cott," New York city. Dr. S. P. Longstreet, of Scranton, has been appointed one of the consult ing surgeons at the Taylor hospital in that city. He has served a term as coroner of the county. Dr. If. C. White has been appoint ed health officer of South Canaau town ship to succeed Dr. A. B. Stevens, who has moved to Scranton. Mrs. S. T. Smith, of Sherman, this county, is suffering from a broken bone in one shoulder and a dislocation of the other, the injuries resulting from a fall through a trap-door. Mrs. Charles J. Jay, of Pleasant Mt., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wes ley Deming, and Miss Jessie Jay, at Scranton, this week. By Telephone to The Citizen. Charlottesville, N. C, March 18. The fat Florida limited of the Atlantic Coast Lino, jumped the track at Pikes ville, a flag station near Wilmington, to day; killing tho engineer, fireman and brakeman. The conductor and a num ber of passengers were injured, but not fatally. Dr. C. It. BRADY, Dentist llonesdale. Pa. OrricE IlooBS-o a. m. to 5 p. m. Any evenlne by appointment. Citizens' phone, 33, ltesldence, No. X. THE MISSING LINK A Valuable Hint to Wayne County Fruit Growers. APPLES THAT WILL KEEP A YEAR. Nor liP!istem-Tle.r Farmers aro Given Some Valuable Practl cal Advice in the Matter of Fruit Growing. B. M. Stone writes The Citizen, un der date of March 15, 1909, from Stall, Pa. :" A few years ago while attending Fnirs and Farmers' Institutes, hero in Northeastern Pennsylvania, I tried to get the farmers interested in raising long keeping apples for profit. Many of them wanted me to experiment and report later. Herewith I send you my report, and the only way to get it before the farmer is by tho press in tho territory ; hence I am asking you to lay it before your readers. If tho farmers will look after the matter they will be much bet ter off in the not very distant future : To tho farmers of Luzerne, Lacka wanna, Susquehanna, ouuivan, Wayne and Wyoming counties : 'Six or seven years ago I tried to get tho farmers of these counties interested in the Missing Link apple, on account of its long-keeping qualities, as it would keep twelve months in an ordinary cel lar, and was both a good eating and cooking apple. But very few became interested, and those on a very small scale. But they said, "You try it. You experiment and we will see how it comes out." Well, gentlemen, I have experi- manted with it, and find it all right. The quality is good, and the keeping qualities cannot be surpassed by any apple known. They bear every year and hang on the trees. My trees commenced to bear the next year after planting, and have borne every year since. I have had fresh apples in my cellar every day for the past six years, and some times two crops at a time. The fourth year from planting I had four bushels and sold them for three dollars per bushel That year we had a heavy wind storm on September 30th and October 1st which blew all my apples to the ground except the Missing Link and Ben Davis. The leaves were blown off the Missing Link trees, but not an apple was found on the ground after the storm. That year apples were a drug in Wilkes-Barre and Scranton markets in the fall, in many cases not paying the expenses. I shipped eleven barrels of apples to a wholesale, houso in Wilkes-Barre, and after two'months received a check for $2.50 not as much money as one bush el of the Missing Link brought. The cext spring, apples brought from $1 to $1.50 per bushel in the same markets. It is the apple that keeps through the winter that brings the price. 'In 1907 I had twenty-five bushels of Missing Links. I sold them f. o. b. here at one dollar and fifty cents per bushel, all but the culls. These I kept, and when any person called at my house I gave him a cull Missing Link of 1907 crop, with a request that ho sample it now, and every person who sampled them said they were good. The last one I had I gave to two gentlemen on Sept. 15, 1908, with the same request. They said they were a right good apple. My other varieties of apples Bold that year on December 1st for fifty cents per bushel at the cellar. My crop of Missing Link apples for 1908 was forty-eight bushels. Tho dry weather caused all apples to drop from the trees two weeks before the time to pick them. My apples were all off the trees before Oct. 1st. The Missing Links hung to the tree and were picked Oct. loth. The apple buyers were offering from fifteen cents to thirty cents per bushel for apples ; sixty cents per one hundred pounds, delivered to the car, which is about twenty-seven cents per bushel for hand-picked apples. My Missing Link apples I put in my cellar, and am holding them for the May and June market of 1909. Tho year before I planted the Missing Link I planted other long-keeping varieties that are not bearing yet. The Missing Link apple trees have produced apples enough to pay for the trees before the other trees have commenced to bear. The Ben Da vis, the tlano, the Stark, tho Rowels Jenett are all long-keeping apples, that will keep until spring. The Rowels Jenett is a good apple and a good bear er. It keeps until June, but is very small, which is against it. 'Thero is no doubt that any of you farmers who have apples that will keep until April or May will bo able to get from one dollar to one dollar and fifty cents per bushel for them at that time. You farmers have a homo market in the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, with a half a million consumers who aro not producers, that would take all tho apples you can raiso on your farms, if tho delivery of them were spread out over the whole twelve months in tho year, instead of being forced upon them in largo quantities in the fall. Hucksters commence scouring tho couutry for ap ples the last of July, and continuo as long as they can find an applo. The only reason that you are not visited every day in the year by these men is that you have not planted and rained long-keeping apples. 'Most farmers have moro sum mer and fall apples than tbey can dis pose of at a fair price, but have no ap ples' to put on the market in April and May. There Bhould bo a chango here. Plant more long-keeping apples, aod be prepared to furnish your customers with fresh apples every day in the year, the same as you do with your other produce. Tho sooner you plant them, the sooner yon will reap the harvest. xour truly, B. M. Stone.'" White IDJIs. March 15th. In continuation of my communication on March 5th, on poul try raising, in which I stated that no grain was a proper exclusive food, let me tell you what I have found to bo the cheapest and best way to feed for eggs in winter. Each morning, feed a mash composed of four parts bran, two parts middlings, and six parts cornmeal, with the proper amountof meat-meal or beef scrap, (llie8e prepared meats aro sent out with directions). Mix by taking enough boiling water to make the re quired amount ; add a teaspoonful of salt for each thirty hens; then stir in the bran first, afterwards the shorts and meal. Let it stand till cool enough to feed. Feed warm as the hens can eat it without burning. Give about two-thirds as much as the hens would eat if they could get it ; which you can ascertain by giving them one morning as much as they will eat without leaving the feed trough. Test them for amount, a few mornings after beginning this feed. The idea is to have them somewhat hungry after eating the mash. Now scatter wheat in litter for them lo scratch out, just enoughof wheat to keep them hunt ing. At noon put a little more wheat in the litter, and thus keep them at work all day. But be sure that your hens do not get very hungry at anytime; it pays to feed liberally. Then just be fore they are ready to go to roost, feed whole corn on a clean, dry place, all they will eat. Warm this corn well on cold evenings. Cut green bone is a good feed, but not indispensible. It is queer that nearly all the great results of feed- 'ng green bone are told by men who are interested in the sale of bone cutters. I found several brands of prepared meat meal just as good and much cheaper, cost and labor both considered. The "cracklings" left after pressing out lard aro the best meat-food I ever used in cold weather. They are a great stimu lant to egg production. Cut them fine and feed warm noon or evening. Fowls need some kind of animal food every day to do their best. They are half carnivorous by nature and it pays well to pander to their natural desires. Green food is more essential than any other onn kind. It is needed more in the early autumn than most poultrymen suppose, even when fowls are still on the range, after hard frosts". Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mallett, of Port Jervis, visited the former's mother, Mrs. Jane Mallett, on Friday and Saturday. Andrew B. Joy received two weeks' disability loan from the Keystone Guard. Mrs. George Box, of Seelyville, with drew from White Mills Guard, No. 36, to be admitted in Honesdale Guard. John Brock, our ice man, has just filled his ice house this week. It is intimated that the wedding bells will soon be ringing on the corner of Elizabeth street. O. R. Yohe, of Wilkes-Barre, was a caller in town last week, but failed to find any new applications in sight. Ham & Hittinger have, gobbled up all the insurance in sight just now. Will talks about going into the chicken busi ness this summer as a side line. I .U I THERE IS NO PLACE IN AMERICA WHERE ALL WOOL MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES CAN BE HAD AT A LOWER PRICE THAN HERE. AND THERE IS NO PLACE IN AMERICA WHERE THE QUALITY IS HIGHER OR THE WORKMANSHIP SO FINE. ASK FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ALL WOOL LINEJ i L. A. HELFERICH SK'SM?. HONESDALE. PA. The White Mills Central Republican Club will hold their regular meeting on March 27th. F. J. Hittinger and son, Alfred, of Philadelphia, called on his brother, Wm. Hittinger on Tuesday. Ho is just re covering from an operation that was performed last January. Wm. J. Butler has his incubator run ning over time, and from the results of the first test he expects a good hatch. Wm. Hertel, Arthur Firmstone, Wes ley Toms, Wm. Butler, M. Decker, Geo. Tuman, Patrick Gill, Wm. Ham, John Hensey, Jr., and Charles Burger expect to hold a meeting in the near future to organize a poultry association. PRIZE ESSAYS. The approaching completion of the High School buildings will soon neces sitate the grading and arrangement of the school property grounds. No one is more interested in having this work properly done than the pupils who are to use them, and no landscape gardener should attempt tho task without con sulting them. In order to stimulate suggestion on this point The Citizen offers the scholars of the Public School two prizes of $1.00 each for the best two essays on "The Best Way to Arrange the New School House Grounds," ithe competition to close April 15th. The ar ticles, which' must not exceed four hun dred words in length, are not to be signed, but the name of the writer must be written on a separate slip, and en closed in an envelope with the essay. The contributions will be numbered and submitted to competent judges who will decide on their respective merits. The winning essays with the names of the authors will appear in the first number of The Citizen following the award. The NEW SPRING SUITS at MENNER & GO'S Store Are tho best in the market, and made by the most up-to-date makers. Menner & Co's Store.