$ Semi-Weekly Founded; Wayne County Organ of the 1908 Weekly Founded, 1844 REPUBLICAN PARTY HONESDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., "WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1909. 66th YEAR. NO. 22 THE BASTRIBUTE The Late Judge P. P. Smith Highly Extolled. THE RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. The Members of the Wayne and Lackawanna Bar pay a Itarc Tribute to our Former Townsman. A meeting of the Lackawanna Bar as sociation was held on Wednesday after noon last in the main court room in Bcranton, to honor the memory of th& late Hon. Peter I'. Smith. On motion of Judge Kelly. Judge Kdwards was chosen chairman, and on motion of W. J. Hand, R. J. Murray was chosen secretary. A committee composed of D. J. Reedy, Judge Kelly and Cornelius Coraegys was named by the chairman to draft resolutions. While this committee was at its work, remarks were made by Col. F. J. Fitz simmons, John M. Harris, Charles L. Hawley., Judge O'Neill, and F. M. Mon aghan, and when the committee report ed, Mr. Reedy added his testimonial. In opening the meeting Judge Ed wards said it was most appropriate that the bar should meet, as Judge Smith was an active, and honorable member of the bar and a former member of the court, and the superior court. He said that in the exercise of his judicial work on the superior bench, Judge Smith was high ly appreciated by the foremost lawyers of the state. Colonel Fitz6immons, who was one of the closest friends Judge Smith had, paid a most eloquent and touching trib ute, saying in part : "At the end of Judge Smith's (irst year on the Superior Court bench he re ceived a letter from one of the foremost lawyers of the state, congratulating him upon his work, and likening hjra to the great jurists who' shed enduring lustre upon the jurisprudence of Pennsylvania. "Judge Smith loved those who. -'were near and dear to him with even more than parental affection. Their happiness was his fondest dream. It was for them that he reached out after the unattain able. Of him it may be truly said : He was a sound lawyer and eminent jurist, a model fatherand a faithful husband." Mr. Harris was the first speaker. He said he enjoyed confidential relations with Judge Smith when he (irst came from Honcsdale to Scranton. They had offices together for two years and adjoin ing oflices for the same term. Mr. Har ris said the characteristic which impres sed him most strongly in Judge Smith's work as a lawyer was his prodigious ca pacity for work and the high standard he always set before himself, and one of the saddest stories he ever listened to was the judge's account of his failing health oneday, coming on the tram from Philadelphia. "I am satisfied," said Mr. Harris, "that the bar and community have lost iv valued member, and that I have lost a verv loyal and sincere friend." Mr. Reedy said he had the honor of studying law with Judge Smith ; so said t , mi . , . Judge O'Neill and Mr. Monaghan. Judge O Neill said : "Whatever success I may have re - ceived I testify my debt and gratitude to Judge Smith for it, for his wise coun- sel and advice in my younger years." Judge Edwards conveyed the regrets of Judge Willard, who sat on the Su 'perior bench with Judge Smith. He said Judge Wiliard intended to be present to give his high regard expression, but was compelled to return home in the afternoon because of illness. Charles L. Hawley spoke more of Judge Smith as a neighbor in (Sreen Ridge. He said he was a true judge, a gentleman always, on the bench, an ideal husband and father, and an ideal neigh bor. The resolutions of the bar were as fol lows : "Honorable Peter P. Smith was born in Honesdale, Wayne county, on Juno 2, 1651, and died in Scranton on the 0th day of March, 1009. He attended the lmblio schools of Honesdale until gradu ation and then entered on the study of law in the office of Win, II. Dimruick. Upon his admission to the bar he quickly attained prominence and was selected by the Democratic party of his county as a candidate for district attorney, and was elected and re-elected to the otlice (dis trict attorney, in which capacity he serv ed with distinction and credit. In 1888 he was called to a Urger Held and moved to Scranton. where he quickly assumed a front rank among the lawyers of the bar. In 1802, upon the death of Judge Connolly, he was appointed to the com mon pleas bench of Lackawanna county by Governor Pattison, where he served for something over a year with credit and distinction. In 1805 upon the es tablishment ot the superior court he was elected to that office, and his decisions stand pre-eminent among judicial decis- ions in Pennsylvania. r"His ability was recognized and dis tinguished bv St. uiiarie. uonege 01 ma Nova, where" he was given in 1803 the degree of A. M., and by St. Mary's Col lege at Emmittsburg, where in 1000 he was given the degree of LL. D. "Few men have been gifted with the ability to grasp intricate and abstruse legal propositions with the same degree of accuracy and celerity as was Judge Smith. He had a remarkable faculty, and was able from memory to recite the particular case which ruled the legal nronosition before him. His knowledge of the law was not confined to any par ticular branch, but he may well be said to have been a lawyer grounded in the fundamental principles 01 tnc law. ror was his knowledge of subjects confined to the law. He was well-read in litera ture and the classics, and in his inter- firctation of the law this knowledge and earning he brought into continuous use. "His opinions while a member of the Superior Court are testimonials of his zeal and energy and his research of the authorities. "It is with genuine and sincere regret that we have learned of his death, and it it "ltamlrtd, That this minute be entered in the records of our court, and a copy sent to his family, to whom oar sympa thy is extended in their sad bereave ment." NICARAGUA TALES PEACE. But Washington Decides to Send Mora Warship There. Washington, March 16. Nicaragua, through her minister here, Senor Ks pinuza, has protested to Secretary Knox that the military and naval ac tivity now lu progress In that country is destined entirely for defensive pur poses and that she does not contem plate making any attacks on her sister republics. Notwithstanding the minister's as sertion of Nicaragua's peaceful inten tions toward her neighbors, the admin istration has decided to augment the naval force In Central American wa ters to a total of six vessels, lu addi tion to the Yorktown. now en route for Aiuupalu, Hondurus, the armored cruisers Maryland and Washington are -to remain on the west coast, the former going to Acnjuita, saivaaor, and the latter to Cortnto. 'The most significant news that reached the state department was that 0,000 Nicaragua!! troops are near the Honduran frontier the chief scene of activity being in the neighborhood of Corlmbo, where also are concentrated four RUUboatR and other auxiliary craft. Another feature distasteful to the state department Is the manner In which John H. Gregory, the secretary of legation at Mauagua, who has been ordered to Washington. Is being treat ed. There are evidences of hostility to hlni, and some of his dispatches have not reached him. The whole situation is inexplicable and Irritating to the stnte department, which Is nut disposed to act hastily and Is seeking the views of the va rious capitals In Central America through Its representatives In' those places. MOTOR BOAT RACES TODAY. Little Sea Fliers Begin Four Days' Contests on Lake Worth, Florida. Palm Beach, Fla., March 10. Al though the absence of the Dixie II., America's fastest motor boat, detracts somewhat from the Interest of the mo- r boat races which begun on Lake Worth today, there is n large enough "ft ot entries in the races to satisfy the motor boat enthusiasts assembled fronj M parts of UnUed States. The Dixie has been shipped , nbroad to compete in the international races at Monaco, The motor boat races are sailed on Lake Worth, a long, narrow Inlet of the sea, separated from the ocean by a strip of sand. The boats compete around a course measuring four aud a half nautical miles, a little over five land miles. They start and finish op posite one of the big hotels here. There arc seven racing classes, the general events being restricted to boats ca pable of making more thnn twelve miles an hour. The races will last four days. The main feature of Friday, the closing day, will be a ninety mile en durance run at niiximum speed for all boats entered !.i the other events. TROUBLE FOR JACK JOHNSON, If Ha Hat a White Wife Galveston Ne groes Won't Welcome Him. Galveston, Tex., March 16. If the colored heavyweight pugilistic cham pion, Jack Johnson, who is to arrive here on Thursday, cannot deny that he has a white wife a demonstration being arranged by Gnlveston negroes in his honor will be abandoned. It Is planned to meet Johnson at the train with a band and a long line of car riages for parade over the city. Receptions and other functions are alto scheduled, but leaders of the movement nay that all hinges on the truth or falsity of reports as fo the white wife. Reception committeemen sny that they consider tlio marrying of a white woman by Johnson would he violation of the laws and customs of the coun. try of bis birth. DARING HOLD-UP AND ROBBERY! Lewis Partridge Bound and Gagged at the Point of a Revolver. MORE THAN $500 TAKEN FROM Tbc Boldest Outrage In the History of the Borough A Honesdale Man Nearly Strangled and Otherwise Itoughly Treated His Clothing Slashed Through to the Skin in Search of Money The Robbers Probably Professionals. At half-past nine o'clock on Thursday night last the front door of the residence of Thomas Kellow, at 540 Grove street, on the summit of the hill a short dis tance beyond the entrance to Rcllevue Park, was kicked open, and Lewis Part ridge, of 212 Seventh street, bound and gngRed, staggered into the entrance hall. A party of young people were engaged in a game ot cards in the dining room adjoining the hall, and, not recognizing the intruder, owing to his nearly black face, protruding eyes and otherwise re- pellant look, concluded from his appear ance, together with the violence of his entrance, that he was masked and bent on mischief, and that there were others with him from whom trouble might be expected. With this impression, Hoy Stookey, a young man living at 12 Eighth street, who was one of the card party, seized a chair and was about to strike the man with it, when the latter managed to utter the single word, "cutl" It was then discovered that his arms were tied behind his back, and a blockvof wood wedged into his mouth and held there by strings passing about his head and tied to the cords with which his hands were fastened. The gag cords were cut and the wedge removed from Partridge's mouth, after which the man, though ex hausted, faint and hysterical, crying and laughing by turns, and unable to talk coherently, managed to tell the story of the outrage of which he had been the victim. From the account of his experience then given, and as drawn out by subse quent interviews, the. facts .appear to be substantially as follows : Mr. Partridge. ib sales agent and collector for the De Laval Cream Separator Company, and the duties of the agency require him to make frequent trips throughout the county, as most of the machines are sold on the installment plan, and pay ments on the notes given by purchasers are continually falling due. Owing to ill health, and the condition of the roads during most of the past winter, he had put off some of his journeys, so that an unusual amount had accumulated for collection. Before making his last week's trips he sent notices to his customers of his intended visit, and as a consequence he found them very generally prepared to meet their obligations. He started out on Monday and returned to Hones dale on Tuesday night. His collections for the trip were inadvertently left in his pocket over night, and were taken with him when he left town for his Wednes day's journey. The day was spent in prospecting for business and collecting, mainly in Paupack township, its close finding him at Avoy, in Lake, where lie was the guest of George W. Edwards over night. Thursday was another suc cessful day, and in the evening, well sat isfied with his trip, lie drove homeward. He had with him somewhere between $500 and $800, all in currency, which he disposed about him in various pockets, under the impression that the bulk of it would be overlooked if anv one tried to relieve him of the treasure. His last voluntary stop on the way was made at Adelia, about five miles from town, where he remained for a few mo ments. Then driving on he passed along what is known as the Sandercock road, feeling a little apprehensive as he jour neyed through the patch of woods, and greatly relieved as he emerged in sight of the electric lights of the borough, and heard the whistle of the incoming Erie passenger train due in Honesdale at 7:50, but which on Thursday evening was a few minutes late. Shortly after leaving the woods, and while specially attracted by the street lights in town, and particularly by the druggists' window displays, he met two men on foot, one passing on either side of his wagon, which was an ordinary one-seated buggy, from which the top had been removed. As the men passed one of them gave him an ordinary salu tation, but thinking that this might be a plan to induce him to betray his iden tity by his voico, ho did not answer When tho men got by, lie turned around sufficiently to see them come together in the road and pass on towards the woods, whereupon he urged his horse into a little faster gait, and had proceeded a few rods, when tho animal shied, op pnrently startled by something in tiro road. Partridge turned to ascertain tbc HIS POCKETS BY FOOT-PADS ! cause, when he was seized by a man in the back part of the wagon, who bent his head back, and thrust a block of wood into his mouth, while the other robber held a revolver within a few inches of his face. He was then dragged out of the buggy, blindfolded, his overcoat stripped off, and a search of his pockets made. The bulk of the money was in the inside pocket of his vest. For some reason it appears that the thieves were not content to secure their booty by rifling their victim's pockets in the or dinary way ; but, turning back his coat, slashed down both sides. of his vest, the cuts passing through not only that gar ment, but his sweater, and 'wo shirts, reaching his skin directly ovei his heart, but fortunately inflicting no wound on his body. Through one of these gashes the large package of bills was taken, and the balance from other pockets ; a draw string purse being stolen from a pants pocket. Some silver lying under the purse was not disturbed, and the thieves very considerately left Mr. Partridge his watch. Just what occurred for some time af ter the assault and robbery Mr. Part ridge does not know. He thinks he must have fainted, as he has no recol lection as to how long he remained in the road, or when or how he got back into the wagon. He thinks his assail ants must have lifted him into the buggy, taken the blind from his eyes, and start ed the horse. He recalls his suffering from the gag, which by every movement ot his arms was forced farther into his throat, and his realization. of the neces sity for relief at the earliest' possible moment. But he does not know, he says, how the horse came to stop at Mr. Kellow'a, or how he managed to get out of the wagon, and to the door. Considerably more than an hour had elapsed between the time of his assault as fixed by the train whistle and his arrival at the house as shown by the clock, and' yet the distance can easily be walked inside of four minutes. On hearing Mr. Partridge's story, de tective and deputy sheriff Spencer was called by phone, but, he was in Hawley at the time, and the message was then sent to Sheriff Brain an. Thinking that the call wns for a rig simply to bring Mr. Partridge to town, a carriage was sent up to Mr. Kellow'a by one of the stable men. Finding that the officer was personally wanted, the man came back ' after the sheriff, and it was hulf-past ten when he reached the house. He drove 1 out over the road, and found Mr. Part ridge's coat at the point where the rob bery took place. The next day the fold-, ing pocket book was found in the road : near that spot, and about half-way be- iwecn mere aim mr. iveuows uie empty. purse was picked up. As it would beat about this point that a person wishing to reach the East Honesdale Erie water tank would take a short cut down over the fields, it was surmised that the rob bers had taken that course, and stations along the lino were notified to be on the lookout for them. When Mr. Hraman returned to the house witli the overcoat, he found tho victim of the robbery still in a highly nervous and hysterical condition, and so fearful of farther violence that he was anxious to stay all night. He was final ly persuaded to come into the central town ; but when he arrived here ho went with his horse and wagon to Iiraman's stables, and remained there until morn ing, bemoaning his loss. When he final ly went to his home later in the day, he was seriously prostrated, and found it necessary to take to his bed. Even now ha complains of sleeplessness, and is evidently suffering from the nervous shock sustained. The gag used by the bandits wag a particularly villainous ihstrument of tor ture. The block was whittled from soft white pine, slightly tapering, three and three-quarters inches in length by two and a-quarter in width, and ad inch and a-half thick , with roughlv rounded corners. Through the larger end two large gimlet holes were bored, through which two stout hemp strings were tied. Tho smaller end of this wedge was thrust into Partridge's mouth so far as marly to stop his breathing. The strings were then tied back of his head, notches in the sides of the block keeping them in place. His hands were tied behind his back with another stout cord and the two ropes joined by a square knot. Although no positive clue to the rob bers has been obtained it is understood that the officers have two or three sus pected persons under surveillance and arrest are fcely to be made soon. SAVING BABIES THEIR AIM. New York Workers Against Infant Mortality Meet Today. New York, March 1G. Philanthro pists, sociologists and others Interested In the saving of babies' lives met here today in a conference to plan the es tablishment of an academy for the In struction of mothers in the proper care of children. The conference was held under tho auspices of the recently or ganized Infant Science academy, .the founder and leading spirit of which Is Mrs. Gibson Arnold! of this city. The leaders of the conference aim nt securing the co-operation of the moth er, the nurse, the family physician and tho Infant specialist in their endeavors to check the ravages of Infant mor tality. At the conference statistics were produced to show that In New York -last year the deaths of babies less than one year old exceeded In number the deaths from tuberculosis. Mrs. Arnoldl and her coworkers de clared that, while vigorous measures are being taken to save the lives of those attacked or threatened wjth con sumption, very little In comparison Is being done to help the infants. NEW KEYSTONE SENATOR. Goorge T. Oliver of Pittsburg Elected Today to Succeed Knox. Harrlsburg, Pa., March 16. In sepa rate session today the two houses of the Pennsylvania legislature met and lected George T. Oliver, Republican, f Pittsburg, to serve In the United States senate the unexpired term of Philander C. Knox, who left the sen ate to become secretary of state. Tomorrow the two houses will meet and declare the result of today's bal loting. The Democratic vote today was cast Tor State Senator Webster Grim. Mr. Oliver has planned to be sworn In, on Thursday. He Is a newspaper publisher and manufacturer of iron and steel. He was born in Ireland, Mr. Oliver began his career as a law yer, but dropped his practice in1 1881 to enter manufacturing. He has herer held public office. WEDDING A, SOCIETY EVENT Wedding Today Unites Two pf New York's Best Known Families. , , 'New-York, March-16. Two of New York's most prominent society families were united today by the marriage of Miss Susan Alexander McCook and Peter Augustus Jar. The bride, who is a daughter of Colonel John J. Mc Cook, Is related by marriage to the Morgans and other well known fam Hies. The bridegroom is a son of Au gustus Jay and a member of one of New York's oldest and most historic fam ilies. On hie mother's side he is a de scendant of 'John Jacob Astor. Mr. Jay has been in the diplomatic service several years and holds the im portant post of first secretary of tho American embassy in Tokyo. The en gagement of the young couple was an- i nounced only a week ngo, and the mar riage was hastened to permit the early return of Mr. Jay to the Japanese capi tal with his bride. EPIDEMIC OF LA GEIPPE. Indian Hunters and Trappers In Mani toba Fall Victims. Winnipeg, Man., March 16. Seventy two Indians are dying of the grip at Fort Chippcwyan, and more than 250 are a filleted with the disease at the tuIrtecn p0St8 ln the Mackenzie river region of tho Hudson Bay company. Hunters on the trail are stricken with the disease, and trappers In the bush are suddenly seized with fatal ef fects. CLAIMANT TO MILLIONS DIES. Salvation Army Drummer Succumbs to Pneumonia. Kansas City, Mo., March 1C Amos Brundage, claimant to an estate in jersey City, N. J., valued at several millions, dlad at his home here of pneumonia, aged sixty. For eighteen years be was a member of the local Salvation Army. He con tracted pneumonia while beating a drum In an army parade. The future fable man cau have some fun with Kuox as the first American who wouldn't go to work until his sal ary was cut. The hurrahing in Japan over Taft'o Inauguration suggests that, after all, tho Japs have been half scared to death several times of late. Uncle Sam lu the biggest builder In the world, and he doesn't Intend to be second best In style or quality If he knows It, It's different when tho constitution stands in the way of changing the date of inauguration. The clan Hibernian stands pat for a March holiday and "never mind the weather." IN Speaker Gannon Accepts His Defeat Very Gracefully. SAYS NEW RULES ARE HELPFU Drawing For Seats Take Up Firs' Part of Today's Session An Analysis of Fitzgerald Amendment. Washington, March 10. The light nlng-ltke switch ot votes that para lyzed the Republican regulars and took away a greater part of Speaker Joseph G. Cannon's powers has causetl the politicians to sit up and take no tice. When the house assembled today there was much suppressed excite ment on the floor, and a big crowd f visitors again occupied the galleries. If anybody was looking for trouble It did not materialize In the early part at the session. About the only thing of Importance taken up during that pe riod was the drawing for seats, whloh occupied considerable time. While the paralyzing effects of the downfall of the speaker's lronbound methods have not entirely worn away yet, the regulars and Speaker Cannon are putting d good face on, the latter even saying that the charges win greatly aid him and afford consider able relief. In fact, the amendment to the rules offered by Mr. Fitzgerald and finally adopted is considered by Mr. Cannon to be an Improvement on the present rules In many ways. The election of house officers pre ceded the action on the rules. With plenty of votes to spare, Joseph J. Cannon of Illinois was re-elected speaker, receiving 204 votes as against 166 for Champ Clark of Missouri, the rest scattered. Then came the stun ning surprise for the regulars with tlio previous .question, as to the use of the old rule, being defeated by a vote of .19310 180;. T henhouse their. Sdopted the 'amend ment offered, by .Mr. Fitzgerald (Den) of New York, whereby the rules were amended In several Important parties lars. The resolution was a substitute for one offered by Mr. Clark of Mta sourl. The amendment was carried by a vote of 211 to 172. As analyzed by parliamentarians, the amendment mnkes three Impor tant changes. First, it establishes a "calendar for unanimous consents," the effect of which Is to enable a mem ber to have u proposition brought be fore the house without having to go to the speaker for recognition. This change, they say, will be a relief to the speaker. Second, when considera tion of a bill Is concluded nnd the pre vious question Is ordered the rules heretofore have provided for n motloa to commit with or without Instructions. It has been the practice to recognize a j member of the majority party to mak i this motion and thus prevent the ml ; nority from offering such Instructions ! as It may desire. The new rule gives tho minority the preference In making such u motion and thus enables them to get a record vote on propositions which would oth erwise be settled In committee of tne I whole house, where no record vote to I possible. I Third. It protects the calendar Wednesday by requiring a two-thirds instead of a majority vote to set it aside. Fourth, It is alt" claimed flint the amendment will have the effect of preventing favoritism by the action of the committee on rules in special cases. A prominent feature of tho Clnrk resolution was an niiiendment provld. ing for a committee of fifteen mem bers to revise, amend and codify the rules, and much of the opposition to it was because of this fact. As adopted, the Fitzgerald amendment makes no change in the present method of the selection of the committee on rules, which Is made by the speaker, nor is there any change In the method of selecting committees. MARIE DRESSLEE IS POOR. Actress Says She Has 8old Jewels to Pay Company's Salaries. London, March 16. The liabilities of Marie Dressier, the American actress, who recently reopened the Aldwych theater, but was compelled to abandon the enterprise, amount to $10,000 and the assets to $3,000, according to esti mates presented at a meeting of the rredltntfi. These liabilities, however. do not Include the unpaid salaries of her company. Miss Dressier said that she hud sold all her jewels to meet the salaries which were paid nt the end of the first week and offered to make over one-quarter of her future earnings to the amount of ?7,5O0. The meeting ad journed pending an attempt to secure hettor rr QUIET HOUSE