Correspondence Items Gathered by- THE CITIZEN STAFF 8 tonne. March 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweet, of Greenlield, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spry left Monday morning for Wilkes-Barre, where they will reside until the middle of June, when they will return to their summer home at Steene. Mrs. Warren Buckland met with quite a severe accident last Thursday morning. In stepping from her back kitchen door way to the porch she slipped and fell backward, striking heavily on her right hip and side. No bones were broken, but she is suffering considerably from the bruises sho received. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Keglcr drove out in Clinton township last Wednesday morning, for a visit with friends, in tending to return the next day; but the next day it snowed and blew, and in a short time their passage toward home was blocked with huge snow drifts. But Friday morning, with several teams, men and Bhovels in the lead, they managed to reach thfcir home in safety, at a late hour. Don't forget the box social and guess ing contest at the chapel, on Wednes day evening, March 10th. At present the Lake Lodore Company is short of men. For the paltry sum of sixteen cents an hour men who have homes and families do not care to run the risk of their lives. Rev. M. D. Fuller, the District Super intendent, preached a vary interesting sermon at the M. K. Chapel, on Sunday afternoon, taking for his text the 84th Chapter of Psalms, and the 11th verse, "For the Lord God is a sun and shield ; the Lord will give grace and glory. No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly." "It is an old saying that "Wise lads and old fools are not our best citizens." Another is, "Always look before you jump," but some folks do the jumping first, and then look back to see why they did it. Another saying is that ' ' Some men and women are a bundle of habits; therefore it is important that habits when first formed be of the right sort." Cows are starting in this spring with a pretty good.price on their fat; new but ter is selling at 30 cents per pound; eggs have dropped to 25 cents- per dozen, while apples and potatoes are- selling at $1.00 per bushel, and hard to get at that. Veal calves are bringing 6 cents per pound live weight ; dressed chicken, 18 and 20 cents per pound; maple syrup will bring more than a year ago, by at least one-third, as the flow of sap will be at least one-half less than last year. Captain Charles E. Baker, of Way mart, dressed two chickens, last week, of the Black Minorca breed, that tipped the scales at six pounds and four ounces each, bringing him, at 18 cents per pound, about $2.40 for the pair. Indian Orchard. March 8th. The recent snow storm blockaded the roads in this vicinity quite badly. Ray Bayly, wife and daughter, Mil dred, of East Honesdale, were welcome guests at the home of Earl Ham on Sat urday and Sunday last. Miss Minnie Bayly and niece, of East Honesdale, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bayly on Sunday last. William Treverton was in this vicinity on Saturday last collecting money to be applied on Rev. John Tuthill's salary as minister. The minister is well liked at this place and has received his full pay from his Indian Orchard congregation. It is the wish of all, both old and young, to have conference return him to us an other year. Mr. Spry and Mr. Avery have each purchased a fine pair of horses ; the for mer purchased his team of Sheriff Bra- man, of Honesdale. Mrs. Bunting spent last week in Honesdale, caring for her son, Albert, who has been quite sick. Floyd Lautenschlager, who has been quite ill, is much better at present. O. D. HenBhaw and wife spent Satur day last with White Mills relatives. Maud Smith spent last week with re latives and friends at Honesdale. There is much talk of extending the Bell Telephone line to Beach Lake this coming summer. Waymart. March 8th. Lottie Swingle, of South Canaan, is visiting her friend, Ethel Buckland. Mr. and Mrs, Francis Crago,of Hones dale, were guests of the latter's brother, Theron Sears, over Sunday. John B. Dymotid is on a business trip through Virginia. He also attended the Inauguration at Washington. The gentlemen of the M. E. church gave a banquet to the gentlemen non membors last Thursday evening. Al though the weather was bad quite a number were present and all report a very enjoyable evening. Ruth Inch, who has been spending the winter in the 8outh, has returned to her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jeffrey, of Jermyn, visited at the parsonage over Sunday. -About the Cuunty. Waymart School Matters. Examinations at the high school this week. Thirty-eight different pupils have been enrolled in the High school depart ment of our schools this year, thirteen of whom have been doing the work of the senior year. The Spring term will commence Monday, March 15th. On Friday, March 12th, an opportunity will be given to any pupil who wishes to take the entrance examinatibn to the school. The executive committee of the Wayne County Teocle b' Association met in the County Superintendent's office on Satur day and made an excellent progratne. The next meeting will be held at Seely- ville, Friday evening and Saturday, May 7th and 8th. Wc expect to make this session eclipse any previous meeting. The teachers who expect to take the examination for permanent certificate, had better get their blanks from the County Superintendent and have them tilled out. This is slow work when the applicant has taught for different boards. We urge every applicant to make a thorough review of every study required for the examination. SIRES AND SONS. John T. Lynch has been chief of tho Holyoke fire department for twenty four years. Isaac Hash of Dover, Del., has a pair of boots which he has worn for thirty-eight years, and they are still In good condition. Stanley Field, nephew of Marshall Field, founder of the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, bas been elected president of the institution. William H. Harrington of Claremont, N. H., at the age of eighty-one is cut ting a third set of teeth. He has never had a toothache or the help of a den tist. In a recent installation of officer of the E. P. Wallace post. G. A. R Dr. John A. Douglass of Newburyport, Mass., was placed In the same office for the fortieth consecutive time. Mene Wallace, the Eskimo boy who was taken to New York a few years ago by Commander Peary and who has entered Manhattan college, is said to be the first Eskimo college student in any country. Hon. John Sinclair, who has been secretary for Scotland since 1005, has just been raised to the peerage. His elevntlon Is due to Premier Asqulth's desire to have a member of the cabi net intimately connected with Scot land In the upper house. Daniel F. Bradley, ninety years old, the other day left Charles street jail In Boston, where he had served as keeper and performed other duties for more than half a century. For twenty-five yeara he was deputy sheriff, and for fifty-four years he had charge of prisoners at the jail. English Etchings. The number of British ships laid up at the end of the year was estimated at a million tons. Deaf bicycle riders In England carry a badge at the rear of their wheels to safeguard them against motorists. A Grimsby -woman, aged seventy five, who when a girl injured her spine by falling from a swing, has not left her bed for sixty-five years. The word "spread" ns a slang word originated at Cambridge university. It did not Imply a profuse feast, how ever, but a poor one, spread over the table to make a show. After 172 years of agitation a bill has been introduced in parliament for the abolishment of the office of play censor in England. The office was cre ated to muzzle Henry Fielding, and It had the immediate and permanent ef fect of turning him from the medium of the play to that of the novel. Arab Horses. The purest of all Arab horses are the Kochlanl, whoso genealogy has been preserved for over 2,000 years. Magic Paper. The blue paper upon -which "magi cians" -write In white with a steel pen dipped in water is prepared by rub bing it with finely powdered persul phate of iron and ferrocyanlde of po tassium. Chopped Almonds. Add a few drops of rosewater to almonds to prevent their oiling when chopped. Niagara Falls. It bas been established that the re cession of Niagara falls for the last 200 years has been 4.2 feet a year and that in 3,500 years it has receded about four miles. This places the age of tho falls at approximately 89,000 years. Peket and Pickle. Tho word "pickle" la not derived from the name of William Benkels of Blerfleet, Holland, the inventor of pickled herrings, as some believe. The real origin is the Dutch word "pekel," meaning brine. YOU BETTER WATCH OUT. Fat possum on de 'slmmon troe Was swlmjtn' by de tall An' Bwollerln' yallor 'Simmons down Like Jonah kotch e w'ale. Den cum Jack Fros' alone de hill An' shuck dem 'slmmons down. Da snowdrir den git ofTul deep An' cubber all de croun'. Fat possum swing roun' on his tall He dunno w'at to do. De snow done cot his 'slmmons. He's col" an' hungry too. Jos' den de debll cum along An' call up In dat tree: "Yer want a nice warm dlnnahT Den cum along wld me." Dls nlgga go to watch some hens Foh feah dat some git stole. In cums dat raskul possum A-aneakln' t'ro' a hole. I kotch 'lm by do big- ring tall An' tuk 'lm hum wld me. He was de bestest possum Dls nlgga ever see. Now, fren, dat same ole debll Hab sot a trap fur you. F.f you don' keep a-watchln' out. He's gwan ter kotch you too. C. M. B. ALL IN AN EGGSHELL. What's in an eggshell? "A convincing reply to atheism," re plies the theologian. "Marvelous phenomena," answers the scientist. "Good stuff," says the epicure. "Money," replies the poultryman. "Pretty bright eyed babies," clucks mother hen. Now, Just hear what the chemist says. He tells us: The shell Is calcium carbonate, cal cium phosphate and magnesium carbo nate; the white, ovalbulcm, conalbu lem, ovonucln, ovomucoid, and the yolk Is vltcllln, pal matin, stearin, oleln, lecithin, nucleln, lutein, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium and Iron. There's a whole drug store and much more In an eggshell. Here's n cross section view for you: CltOSS SECTION OF EQO. 1, shell; 2, membranes; 3, air space; 4, albumen In layers; 5, chalazae, which balance yolk; 7, yolk membranes; 8, yolk; 9, germ; 10, germ disk; 11, yolk layers. FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. You should observe yonr flock closely every day. A keen eyed poultryman can judge a hen's health by the way she lifts her foot. A buyer is pleased to open a ship ment of dressed fowls and find them uniform In size, shape and quality. To get such fowls breed thorough breds. The egg production for 1008 is claimed to be 1,300,000,000 dozens. When you have calculated how far these will reach, then go tell Biddy she's a regular peach. The latest on the market is the "light ning plnfeather picker." It is guaran teed to pick off a chicken as clean as a new pin and to save a man breaking that Now Year's resolution and swear ing like sin. Do not take everything for cholera. One symptom of the dread disease that Is seldom seen in ordinary bowel trou bles Is the congestion of blood about the head that turns the comb, face and wattles purple. In England the sports conceal their show birds to the last minute before the show, and the secretaries allow no one to see the entries. This is cer tainly an example for us, and espe cially for association secretaries, who allow every Tom, Dick and Harry to see the books and nrrange to meet com petitors' entries accordingly. John will soon be scraping his feet over the floors. He gets that habit in the brooder house, where the chicks crowd about his feet, and should not be henpecked for It. To avoid gapes keep your chicks in a dry place for several weeks, and you will be surprised how few cases there will bo. We have not had n case in five years. We will soon henr the spring poet getting off his lay. Better raise poul try and make more pay. Why will some fellows persist in raising culls when they know their birds are not standard? Perhaps this is why they so learnedly discuss poul try cul-ture. White Wyundottes seem to bo get Hug the swing on the farms. Of all tho men who know n good thing when they see it tho American farmer is first. Homemade incubators are generally failures. We hove never heard of any that were a complete success, and they generally cost much more in the end than a first class up to date machine. It is a mighty poor plan to buy birds to cross. Such breeding general ly brings out all the old bad points and batches new ones. Straight thorough bred stock breeds the profit paying flock. Now is the time to knock the lice. Spring and summer weather is con ducive to their multiplication. Catch them before the hot weather insect in cubator starts. In turning eggs have clean hands. A woman should not handle the egg crates alone. They are too heavy, and the risk of losing a whole hatch Is too great. Let two handle the heavy crate and one keep the batching record straight. CHOICE MISCELLANY , Jlmson Weed Bleaches. "A fortune is In store," snys n St. Louis housekeeper who lived many years in the south, "for the who will extract the bleaching nrki I pie of tho common Jlmson weed n::d make It available nnd cheap for fami ly and laundry use. All over the south every cblored washerwoman knows that there Is no better way of bleaching the family linen durl'.!,-: washing than by putting a few leaves of the Jlmson weed Into the holler. The only objection is the unpleasant odor, and this can be removed by placing the clothes in cold water nnd boiling them or by repeated rinsing. But rinsing Is troublesome. So is tho boiling, nnd so many persons who know the value of the leaves avoid their U3C. There must be in the leaves some chemical principle which has a bleaching power, and the extraction of this nnd the separation of It from tho unpleasant odor and disagreeable greenish color on g tit to render it valu able In household and laundry." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The Enlnmatio Cubo. Of nil tho astonishing advance in magic nono Is more mystifying than the cnlgmntic cube. Tho magician who ptrforms this trick seems to have accomplished what other magicians have only dreamed of, and no one but the man himself has been able to find out how ho docs It. The cnlgmntic cube U first a one inch cube, which the magician produces from the air. nnd It Is then seen to grow while In his hands to a two inch, a four inch and n nine Inch cube. This he setn In full view upon his table, where It li seen to grow slowly to a sizo of three feet sis Inches. The cube is then lifted, nnd from under It steps n worn an, who starts to run toward tho front of the stage. Tho magician snaps his fingers; sho instantly stops, disappears in a sheet of flame in full view of the audience, nnd in her place is seen a gigantic bouquet of real roses, which are plucked and distributed to tho au dience. Popular Mechanics. Imagination. Fireman James Dcmpsey of euglna company No. 32. happening to be at leisure the other day on State streat near Washington, was able to give a neat and almost gaudy exhibition of the power of imagination when ap plied to small details. Mr. Dempsey perceived a runaway horse plunging toward the crowd of shoppers, unre strained by the conventional bridle. At once he applied himself to tho back of tho frightened animal and, leaning forward, thrust his fingers into Its mouth to produce the impression of its familiar steering apparatus. Un der this jury rudder, so to speak, the horse was cleanly turned back to the middle of the street and then brought to a halt a block farther on. Mr. Dempsey seems to us not only a phys ical hero, but a creative artist of un usual genius. His kind of Imagina tion has Rider Haggard's kind beaten n mile. Chicago Post. A Danger In tho Home. "Gunpowder stays where you put It, but gasoline floats away. Though u woman wouldn't dream of using gun powder In her toilet, she uses gaso line regularly, which Is a hundred times more dangerous, nere is an other terror born of the automobile." The speaker was a chauffeur. He resumed: "The automobile has familiarized us with gasoline, nnd we have forgotten Its perils. Wo wash gloves in It; we tnko out grease spots with It; wo even use It In shampoos. "Gunpowder stays where you put It. hut gasoline uses its wings. There Is a recorded case where the vapor, trav eling thirty feet, took fire-at a gas jet and burned a young girl to death. So tho next time your wife asks you to order her seme gasoline tell her you'd rather she'd try gunpowder." Phila delphia Bulletin. Oriental Ingenuity. A quaint touch of oriental Ingenuity to harass the persistent users of opium has been invented by the superintend ent of police nt Canton, says the Lon don Lancet's correspondent In China. This official has Issued 20,000 wooden licenses, ton Inches long by eight Inchon broad and throe-fifths of an inch thick. On the front of these boards are characters giving the smoker's name and address and the quantity allowed him per diem, and on tho hack are the opium regulations. The licensees are not allowed to cover their boards when going to buy -opium, but must wear them conspicuously, so that nil may see them. Next year these wooden licenses are to be two feet long by one and n half broad and three-fifths of an inch thick. Things Theatrical. Mary Nash has Joined De Wolf Hop perB company. Martha Morton's new play, "On the Eve," will be produced next season. Byron Douglas has Joined a stock company in Brooklyn as leading man. Ethel Barrymore will continue her leason In "Lady Frederick" until July. Valerie Bergere has made a bit in ber new vaudeville sketch, "A Prairie Flower." Led by a Bear. It was W. P. James who wrote thnt one would rather have Mrs. Boe well's letter to Bozzy about Johnson than Johnson's letters to Mrs. Boswell about Bozzy, for It was Mrs. Bossy who made the delightful observation that she had seen many a bear led by a man, bnt had never before seen a man led by a bear. HUMOR CF '..xL. tiOUR Th9 Artf jl Youth. The youns uin:i hesitated. "What can 1 do f,r you?" the old man Inquired. "I came here In a somewhat indig nant mood." tho young tsan remarked. "What is the trouble?" The young man frowned. "I am indignant," he said, "because nmong nil these names suggested for cabinet positions I have never seen youra, sir. It's really a shame." The old man smiled. "Ton are a very sensible young man," he cordially remarked. "I am glad to know you. Isn't there some thing I can do to show my apprecia tion?" '"Why, yes," replied the young man. "You might give me yonr daughter. Jane." The old man hesitated but a mo ment. "Very well," ho said: "It shall be Just as Jane wishes." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Not a Competitor. Ho (at the reception) Don't you think that young lady standing near the piano is a beauty? Sho (coldly) Oh, I don't know! Do you know her? Ho Yes. She Is Mrs. Mcrwln. a bride of a week. She (sweetly) Ah! Now that I see her from another point of view she 1? beautiful. Chicago News. A Kind Heart. "Oould you give me," Inquired the poor woman, "a castoff dress of your little girl's for my little girl or a pair of your little boy's shoes for my little boy?" "I have no little girl." replied the rich woman kindly, "nor any little boy, but I can give yon an old sheath skirt and some puffs." Puck. Mental Application. , "I suppose your mind Is constantly on your nrt?" said the admiring friend. "Yes," answered the young actor, who plays first citizen and leader of the mob. "I've got to keep my mind on something, and there's no use thinking about salary day." Washing ton Star. Easiest Way. He I never know how to take you. She Well, you might try the soli taire method. Kansas City Times. Strong Commendation, narlow You are acquainted with Jlgsmlth, I believe? Barlow Yes. Harlow Do you consider him hon est? Barlow You bet I do! Why, I once loaned him a ten dollar umbrella and he returned It the next day. Chicago News. Nearly the Whole Thing. "I see that some feminine agitator says that woman is only a part of speech." "Does she? My impression Is that woman is most of the nouns and pret ty much nil of the verbs and a large majority of the adjectives and ex clamations." Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Reproof. "What did you tell that man who said ho wns broke?" asked tho emi nent financier. "I told him," answered the serene secretary, "that at a time when rich men were subjected to so much crit icism It 111 became him to come around boasting." Washington Star. Take Your Choice. Douglaslte I don't like to be In quisitive, Mrs. Ncwcopicr, but what does your husband do, and bow much does be earn? Mrs. Newcomer Ho earns what ho makes and he makes what he can minding his own business. Douglas (Ariz.) Dispatch. Any Change an Improvement. Photographer Is that the most pleasing expression you can assume? Sitter-Yes, sir. Photographer Then, for heaven's sake, glare ferociously at me! Chicago Tribune. In Hr Own Terms. Miss A. What Is a rectangle? '12 A rectangle, madam, is a large round space hemmed In by four straight lines. Wisconsin Sphinx. In on the Ground Floor. Dpbbs I understand she was his bookkeeper before ho married her. Dobbs Yes. Now she's his cashier. New York Herald. Paradoxical Revenga. "Why does Jinks Bay he baa It In for Bangs?" "Because he is on the outs with htm." Baltimore American. LETTER To A. M. Honshaw from Wana maker & Brown. Dear Sib: We are In receipt pt an unlimited num ber of congratulations from our sales agents upon the superb 'assortment of Spring Clothes. They agreeing with us In pronouncing , them tho .handsomest evkb Eottcn together. Wo send forward this supplemental line of Grays and Oxfords from the fact thnt It Is being whispered that high priced merchant tailors are preparing to Introduce them as their leading lines ; and these fortify you. In the statement that you have everything that can be demand ed. WANAMAKER 4, BROWN, PHILADELPHIA. PA. Tooth Savers TVa h..lh.nuA,. w i made to thoroughly cleanse and saveitbe e cth. . They arc the kind that clean teetb'.wlthOBt lcavlnc your mouth full of bristles.: We recommend those costing 25 cents or more, as we can guarantee them and will re place, free, any that show defects of manu facture within three months. O. T. CHAHBERS, PHARflACIST. Opp.D. & H. Station, HONESDALE, PA. For New Late Novelties -IN- JEWELRY SILVERWARE WATCHES . SPENCER, The Jeweler "duaraiitced articles only sold." C ARTISTIC HONESDALE, PA. 1036 MAIN STREET. REPORT OK THE CONDITION OF T1IK HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK AT HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTY. PA. At tho close of business, Feb. 5, 1909. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $ 214,29:1 2t Ovcrdrafts.securcd and unsecured 83 U. S. Honds to secure circulation. 55,000 00 Premiums on U. S. Honds 2,800 00 Honds, securities), etc 1,310,816 SI Hunklng-bousc, furniture nnd fix tures 40,000 00 Due from National Hunks (not Reserve Agents) 3,401.12 Duo from Statu Hunks and Hank ers 202 04 Due from approved reserve agents 127,619 St Checks ami other cash Items.... 1.194 BI Notes of other National Hunks.. 1,085 00 Fractional puper currency, nick els and cents 320 27 Lawful Money Reserve In Hank, Viz: Specie $79,082 60 Legal tender notes 10,099 00 89,781 50 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer, (5 per cent, of circu lation) 2,750 00 Due from U. 8. Treasury, other than 5 redemption fund 500 09 Total $185,605 93 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 150,000 04 Surplus fund 150,000 Ot Undivided profits, less expenses .and tuxes paid 72,177 03 National Hank notes outstanding 55.000 0 Stato Hank notes outstanding.... 000 OS . Duo to other National Hanks 1.822 (i Due to State Hanks and Hankers 210 1. Individual deposits subject to check 11,429,374 75 Demand certificates of deposit 23,009 00 Certified checks 65 00 Cashier's checks out standing 217 15 1,453,655 Bonds borrowed None Notes and bills redlscounted None Hills payable. Including certifi cates of deposit for money bor rowed None Liabilities other than those above stated Nona Total 11,885,005 03 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. I, Edwin F. Torrey. Cashier of the above named Hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief. K. F. TORREY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of Feb., 1909. .... W. H. 8TO NE, N. P. Correct-attest: H, Z. RUSSELL, 1 K. II, HABDDtBKBQH, rDIrCCtOr P. R. MUBBAY, J MARTIN I