The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 10, 1909, Image 5

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WANTKD-A laundress at Hotel Wayne.
FOK SALK.-Two lots on Church street,
each 30 X 10U feet, Price $1500 cr lot. U.K.
Kusscll, Homer (Ireciic. OTcltf
KOIt HAM; OR HUNT. -The dwelling house
nt 1019 Court street. Enquire of U. T. Dent
ley. 20tf
$50.00 REWARD. You can mskecvcnniorc
than this on your eoods by getting me to do
your selling. Write for date. A. O. Illake,
Auctioneer, Hothany.
FOB 8AI.E.-A house and lot. 1.114 West
street, Honesdale. lfi rooms, with all con
veniences. Desirable for a board Ins house,
or two families. Inquire on the premises of
Mrs. K. (1. Secor. or of her attorney, A, T.
Kcarle. votr
AUCTION. Next consignment sale at lira
man's livery, Friday. March 12th, at one
o'clock p. m. Horses, cows anything you
wish to sell. A. O. Illake. Auctioneer. II. K
Ulakc. Clerk.
WANTED An elllclent local reporter for
Honesdale and vicinity. Call at Crmia of
WANTED In every Hamlet. Village, and
Township, energetic pcoplcwho wlllusethelr
spare time for good nay.
Drawers. Honesdale. Fa. tf
FOH SALE-The well-known Murray Farm
situated In Cherry Hideo township, two and
one-half miles from Honesdale. Saino dis
tance from lloadlcy's Station on the Erie &
Wyoming railroad. This farm consists of
250 acres, admirably adapted for Stock or
Dairy punmscs, usual cuts over one hun
dred tons of hay. besides a large acreage .of
other crops. Seven large barns ; grunery. Ice
bouse, silo and three dwelllnghouscs. There
Is about $2,000 worth of hardwood lumber. In
the tree. Stables with cement Iloors for 40
tows. Will sell for one-third cash, balance
on easy payments, or will exchange for town
property. Murray Co.. Honesdale. I'a.
FA KM of 100 acres, 20 cows and tools If de
sired. Easy drive to Honesdale. Call at this
olllce for Information. Bit
SCIIOOIjTEACHEItS-Ifyou have a few
hours each day that you can spare from your
work we will show you how to Increaee your
earnings. Drawer 5 Honesdale Pa.
FOR SALE Ray house. on East Extension
street. Large lot with sixty feet front. M.E.
Simons. SSeoltf
HELP WANTED. All klnds-now. Ad
dressEmployment Ilureau, 15 Clements St.,
Liberty. N. Y. 10t7
FARM of 182 acres for sale. Good house, a
barn that will accommodate 40 cows, 5horses
and 100 tons of bay. Farm well watered.
New chicken house that will accommodate
200 chickens. Large silo. No better farm In
Wayne county. Situated one-half mile from
Tillage. Inquire at The Citizen olllce.
Our contract with Human
Life Company expires on March
15, 1901) consequently if you
wish to avail yourself of the op
portunity of getting this maga
zine free by subscribing for the
The Citizen, do so quickly.
The Hawley Town Council organ
ized by electing officers ns follows :
President, Dr. J. E. Tetlier ; Secretary,
John F. Colliding ; Treasurer, K. V.
On Tuesday of last week, Edward,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dapper, of
East Hawlev, fell and broke botli bones
of'hts right forearm. Drs. Rodman and
Voigt reduced the fracture.
According to the Scranton Truth,
four officers of Old Forge, with drawn
revolvers, swooped down upon a crowd
of more than three hundred men, gath
ered from all the towns hereabouts, in
cluding Honesdale, who were watching
a lively light between champion roosters
in Barbertown on Thursday morning
last, and captured fifteen of the party
The prisoners were taken before the
burgess of Old Forge who collected from
them $300 in fines, and confiscated their
game birds. The lines were paid and
the sports were allowed to return to their
homes sadder and poorer men.
Jesse Shiffer, aged thirty-five, broth
er of William Shiffer, of Honesdale,
committed suicide in the hotel on North
ampton street, Wilkes-Darre, kept by
Nicholas Weiss, on Thursday last. Des
pondency Over being parted from his
children whom he loved, and who were
given into the custody of their mother
when she secured a divorce from him is
believed to have been the cause of his
taking his life. He was a resident of
Scranton until three years ago, when he
moved to Wilkes-llarre. His divorced
wife and children still live in the former
city. On Thursday; nfternoon, Shiffer,
who is a bricklayer and has worked here
with his brother, entered the Weiss ho
tel, where he boarded, and after having
si glass of beer and a lunch went to his
room. He stood before a mirror, placed
the point of the revolver back of his
right ear, and pulled the trigger. His
brother, Charles, who was in the ad
joining room, heard him fall, and rush
ed into the room. He was hurried into
an ambulance and died on the way to
the city hospital. About three years
aeo Shiffer and his wife were divorced
in Scran, ton, andhis wife was given the
custody of their .two children. Later the
wife was, married pgain. After the court
decided that his. wife should have cus
tody of the children, Shiffer brooded.
Besides' his brother Charles, of Wilkes
Barre, lie is survived by the following
brothers and sisters : Jacob, of Scran
ton ; William, of Honesdale ; Frank, of
Pen Argyl ; Mrs. E. F. Warner, of Wilkes
Barre; Mrs. Thomas Coleman, of Scran
ton; Miss Carrie, of Scranton; Mrs.
Laning, of Newark, N. J. The late Levi
Schiffer, of this place, was an uncle.
Scranton is to have a colored pro
fessional base ball team according to the
Scranton Tribune. Charles Battle, of
that city, la in New York signing play
ers fprthe new team, Sattersflcld, who
for several 4 eeaaona haa- played second
base fortthe Cuban Giants, will manage
the team.'
The gang of men employed hero
by the Pennsylvania" Telcphono Co. left
Friday for Philadelphia, and are repair
ing the company's lines in that vicinity
which were damaged y the recent snow
Among the players of this vicinity,
who are with the Villanovn base ball
team are Richard Monaghan, manager,
and Charles Doudican, of Carbondale,
and Fred. Schuerholz, of Honesdale.
Manager Monaghan has arranged a line
southern trip, on which they will meet
some of the fastest school teams in that
A rather unique divorce case caifie
to an end last week, when Judge Purdy
granted an absolute decree to Adelaide
Amanda Dunn Rockwell from W. C.
Rockwell, the respondent. Mr. Rock
well is 75 years old, and the woman
divorced from him is said to be nearly
ten years older. Mr. and Mrs. Rock
well were married in Honesdale iniJunc,
1907, and lived together for n little over
two months, when Mrs. Rockwell left
her husband. Mrs. Rockwell said the
eatables he provided were not good, and
that- he would not have the windows
open in the middle of the summer. She
also said that before they were married
Rockwell said he would leave her $-r00
if,he died first; and after they had been
married a few weeks, he said that he
was sorry that he ever married her. "To
tell the truth about it," ho is alleged to
have said, "1 fell in love with that girl,
(referring to Florence, the 14-year-old-daughter
of Mrs. Rockwell) the first time
I saw her. I believe I could get Flor
ence to marry me for $1,000." After
Mrs. Rockwell left her husband's roof
she rented a little place at South Canaan,
where her son lived. After the death of
her first husband, Mrs. Rockwell lived in
Scranton for ten years, then moving to
Dyberry on account of her health. Mr.
Rockwell's home is at Nicholson, Wyo
ming county.
Mrs. M. N. B. Killam, of Paupack,
on March 2d, celebrated her (list birth
day, which is a grand old age, entitling
her to our veneration land good wishes.
Honesdale, however, has a resident
greatly surpassing her in longevity. Mrs.
F. B. Penniman's 99th birthday occurs
in May next, and, although she is greatly
burdened by her weight of years, her
friends are hopeful that the esteemed
lady will be permitted to complete the
full tale of a century. There was a dif
ference of only two months between the
ages of Edwin F. Torrey, Cashier of the
Honesdale National Bank, and the late
Henry H. Roe, whose death was men
tioned in the last issue of The Citizen.
The former was born June 4, 1832, and
the latter August 4, 1832. They easily
ranked as the oldest living native born
residents of Honesdale, and Mr. Torrey,
who sjlill enjoys that distinction, gives
daily attention to his banking business.
Next in order of age, who were born in
the borough and have' always made this
town their home, is William H. Ham,
(1834), Elijah Gray (183(1), and T. J.
Hani (1837.) So far as we are informed
the oldest person living who was a na
tive of Honesdale, is Mrs. Henry M.
Jones, of Harford, Susquehanna county,
mother of Hon. E. E. Jones, present
member of the Legislature from that
county, whose father was( also a mem
ber of that body. -Mrs. Jones was
Marietta I., daughter of the late Daniel
Ulandin, for many years Del. & Hud.
collector here, and was born in what
was subsequently the Presbyterian par
sonage, corner of Main and 15th streets,
(nowownedby the Judge Grambs estate)
August 24th, 1831. There are a number
of older people in Honesdale, but they
first saw the light elsewhere.
Miss Ettie G. Fuertli, of the milli
nery department of Katz Brothers' es
tablishment, is in New York, selecting
stock for the spring trade, and inci
dentally paying visits to city relatives
and friends.
Fanny Rice, the vivacious actress,
who .gave Honesdale people such a
hearty laugh at the Lyric earlier in the
season, in "A, Day Off," is married
again. Such events, it is said, liae be
come such a habit with her that she
can't even remember the name of the
husband she had three years back. Per
haps he is quite willing to forget as well
as be forgiven.
Mrs. Frank G. Terwilliger returned
last week from a visit with relatives at
Hamburg, Pa. She was accompanied
home by her niece, Mrs. W. M. Bell,
and the latter's son, Donald, who will
make an extended visit in this place.
Charles S. Horton, who for the past
year has been manager of the Consoli
dated Telephone Exchange at this place,
left Friday for Allentown, wfyere he will
take up' his new duties as assistant to
the general manager of the company.
Angus Lnwyer spent Sunday with
his sister, Miss Bessie, who recently un
derwent an operation in Dr. Burns's
hospital, Scranton.
Miss Louise Fowler has returned to
her home at Lake Ariel,-after a few
days' visit in town.
Ex-Mayor J. Benjamin Dimmick, of
Scranton, sizes up well with Ex-PreBident
Roosevelt as the much photographed
celebrities of the country. The former's
picture has appeared in the Scranton
papers since his campaign opened three
yean) .ago, not leu than two hundred
Mrs. Louis B. Landau and little
daughter, of Scranton, are spending a'
few days at the home of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Freeman,
of Courtrstreet.
Miss Helen Charlesworth spent Sun
day with relatives in Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Weston,
of Carbondale, were recent visitors with
Honesdale relatives.
Miss .Edith Swift spent Sunday with
friends in Scranton.
John McKenna is on a business trip
to New York city this week.
Mrs. Joseph Roos and Mrs. S. Roos,
of Scranton, spent several days this week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Katz,
of South Church street.
Wesley M. Gardner, of Scranton,
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin Gardner, of East street.
Miss Sophie M. Russell has returned
from a week's visit in New York city.
William DeLaney, of Port Jervis,
recently spent several days with Hones
dale friends.
Hon. Geo. S. Purdy was a visitor in
New York city, last week.
Miss Edna Katz is visiting relatives
in Scranton.
Hon. Leopold Fuertli returned to
Harrisburg on Sunday, stopping over in
Scranton to visit his daughter, Miss
Sadie, who is making a tine recovery
from an operation for appendicitis, in
that city.
Miss Kathryn O'Neill, forelady at
the Katz underwear factory, spent Sun
day at her home in Scranton.
Mrs. Joseph Fisch is visiting- rela
tives in the Electric City.
James Burke, of Carbondale, was a
visitor in Honesdale last week.
Charles McKenna, salesman for the
Kelly & Steinman Cut Glass Company,
has returned to New York, after spend
ing a few days at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKenna, of
South Main street.
Ralph Brown spent Sunday with
his cousins, in Carbondale.
Miss Mabel Seelig, of Scranton, is
visiting relatives at this place.
Misses Florence Kimble and Ruth
Lord spent Sunday witli Miss Violet
Woods, of Hawley.
Miss Grace Rettew, of Carbondale,
was a recent visitor at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Rettew, of Main street.
Misses Kathryn and Elizabeth Erk,
of Fifteenth street, are spending a few
days with relatives in New York city.
Frank Schuerholz, who has been
confined to his home by illness, was at
his place of business, on Saturday.
Flora Elizabeth Edwards, of Lake
Ariel, is one of the eleven nurses who
will graduate, from the State hospital
training school, Scranton, to-morrow
evening. , The exercises will be held in
the Knights of Columbus Hall.
Ex-Mayor and Mrs. J. Benjamin
Dimmick, of Scranton, accompanied by
their daughters, will sail for Europe in
the early part of April. They will bt
gone about two months.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay, of
Church street, went to Carbondale, on
Monday, to attend the funeral of George
Helene Bishop, of this place, is vis
iting her cousin, Mrs. R. G. Phillips, in
Hon. Henry Wilson is in Scranton,
serving his third week as a juror in the
United States court.
On Saturday evening next, March
13th, A. J. Rehbein, of this place, who
is making a profession of his skill as a
sleight-of-hand performer, will be one
of the entertainers at the United Com
mercial Travelers' Council, nt Kingston,
N. Y.
O. L. Rowland, who has been more
or less confined to his homo for several
weeks past by a severe attack of rlieuma
tism, was able to make d trip to Pike
county last week.
Miss Flora Spencer, who has been
spending the winter witli her sister,
Mrs. M. F. Fritz, in Honesdale, recent
lv visited friends in Port Jervis for sev
eral days. Mrs. Fritz also visited her
daughter, Mrs. W. S. H. Seybolt in
George W. Fabel, of Stroudsburg,
at one time proprietor of the Coyne
House, corner of Sixth and Main streets,
has leased a prominent place on the
board walk at Atlantic City, and will
engage in the liquor business there some
time next month.
We are indebted to Oliver Doud
Byron, whoso excellent renderings of
the role of "John Burkett Ryder," in the
Lion and the Mouse," will be remem
bered by our theatre-goers, for fine por
traits of himself, mailed from Marshall-
town, Iowa ; from which we infer, that
his company is in that city. Mr, Byron
is not only a finished artist, but a very
courteous and companionable gentleman
, John D. Biddis, of Washington, Dj
U., who represented the Pike, Carbon
and Monroe district in the State Senate
from 1883 to 1880, and was well known
here through his political activity and
prominence, when Wayne and Pike were
connected as a Legislative district, has
been a terrible sufferer from rheuma
tism for months past. We regret to hear
that be does not Improve, and Is now in
capacitated from attending to bis work
in the Navy Department, with which be
has long been connected.
-The Scranton Tribune of Tuesday
last reports Judge P. P. Smith, of that
city, as critically ill, with but little hope
of his recovery.
-Miss Tillie Weiss, of this place, who
is spending the winter months in New
York, attended the funeral of the late.
Mrs. Joseph Dickson, atMorristown, N.
-Jaell M. Arnold, engineer on the
Honesdale D. & H. passenger train, has
rented the rooms in the Medland house,
on Fifteenth street.
Miss Caroline Petersen was the gupst
of Mrs. Dr. Sturge, of Scranton, on Mon
day evening last, at a dinner given in
honor of Mrs. Caroline Bartlett Crane,
of Kalamazoo, Mich., who has achieved
the reputation of being the foremost
civic revivalist of ,tho country. Mrs.
Crane addressed a large audience at the
Poli theatre on Sunday afternoon last,
being introduced by Mayor Dimmick,
who, with many more of Scranton's
most prominent citizens, occupied seats
on the stage. She spoke under the aus
pices of the City Improvement Society,
and tier nddress, which is very highly
commended by the local journals, was
one calculated to make the city func
tionaries, from the highest rank down,
sit up and take notice.
Representative Marvin, of Pike, has
ntroduced a bill in the Legislature pro
viding for the purchase of Belmont res-
rvoir, this county, for the State De
partment of Fisheries, at $15,000. Mr.
Rowland, in the Senate, has a bill pend
ing permitting treasurers to retain same
compensation fer liquor license money
received as is now allowed by the State
for the collection of other money.
Jacob Smith, the down-town shoe
dealer, will soon remove from the Coyne
House building to the Dittrich building.
It is expected that the Knights of Co
lumbus will occupy their new rooms in
the Galvin building in a few weeks.
Willis P. Sweatnam, the famous
actor, writes us from "On Board Yacht
Gretchen," under date of March 6, 1909:
"After finding the winter somewhat cold
at 'Lodge Bohemia,' (his summer resi
dence at Lake Teedyuskung, near Row
land), I made up my mind to come to
North Carolina. Arriving at Elizabeth
City some four weeks ago 1 found a great
change in the climate more like sum
mer. Flowers growing, trees budding,
and everything green ; also good gun
ning, fishing, and plenty of fine oysters.
t the present time I am on a private
yacht, the "Gretchen," having left Eliz
abeth City some two weeks ago. We
leave here (Newbern, N. C.) to-day, and
expect to arrive at Elizabeth City about
the jatter part of next week. May re
turn to Pike county some time in May."
;The Chicago Stock Company, one
of the largest and best repertoire theat
rical aggregations now on the road, is
announced to fill a week's engagement
at the Lyric Theatre in the near future.
"Dairy Farm," "The Little Grey Lady,"
"HomeFolks," "Genessee of the Hills,"
and "An Enemy to theKing"are among
the fine plays that will be offered during
tiieir week stand in Honesdale. The
company numbers 25 people and they
carry all of their own scenery and stage
effects, besides several canines and a
horse. Playing at low popular prices,
this company ought to do a paying busi
ness here.
Charles II. ICossknm presents
Introducing Metropolitan Productions,
Staged Complete! 25 Acting People 1
mMTt V "Tlio Ilnlrv Ifnrni 1
TUESDAY "The Utile Gray Lady."
WKDNKNUAi-jus .Majesty anu me
TIIUKSI)AY-"flenessceof the Hills."
EllIIAY-"An Enemy to the King."
SATU1UiAY-"HIs Wife's Friend.',
WEDNESDAY "The Itoyal Box."
SATURDAY i'Home Folks."
DDIPCCi 10. 20, :!0 and 60 cents.
rrtlUto . MATINEE-10 and 20 cents.
- SEAT SALE opens at box olllce at 0
o'clock a. ni., on Monday, March 15th, tor
all plays.
EUNICE A. FAKNIIAM, lato of Honesdale.
A 11 persons niueuiea 10 saia estate are noil
flpri tn mnlcR Immediate navment to the un-
derslirned ! and those having claims against
the said estate are notified to present them
amy attested, ror aeuiemeni. , .
Y. C. FAKMIAM Executor.
Ilonesdale. Pa., March ,5.11)0!). 20w6
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice Is hereby given that an application
will be made to the Governor of the Com
monwealth oi rennsyivania. on rnaay,
April 3. 1900. by William H. Krantz, L. Fred.
Krsntz. Oscar K.
IliimmfttRrh. and L. O.
Urambs, under the Act of .Assernl
Act of .Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entiled "An
Act tn nrnvlrln far the lucornoratlon and reiz
ulatlon of certain corporations,1' approved
April 18.1874, and the supplements thereto,
for the charter of an Intended rarporatlori to
PAN Y. the character and object of which Is
to manufacture, buy and sell boots, ihoes and
ruDDcra. ana tor uwae purvysca tuusrn, iwo
iuM..nI onlnv .11 tha rtshti. bea&fltl ana
privilege, of Die tald Act of Assembly and
i lupplementf ,
i.T. SEATtLE. Solicitor,
larch, 8. 1869. Wwl
Hcnesdale, Pa.,
LatestlMosf Novel
For SPRING, 1000,
The SPRING SUITS urcthe Ilcst Model.
Approved by fashion critics.
Menner & Co's Store,
Tuesday"The Troubler."
Wednesday"Slave or Freeman."
Thursday-" Honesdale Suicide Clubs"
7:30 Each Evening.
Chorus Choir.
Wash Tub
(Made of Oak)
Sale Price
Our Spring; Suits
and Dresses.
The linos of our Spring Models reach the summit of
Sracqfulneas. Thev lend charm, distinction, state
liness, and are appropriately styled to conform with
any figure.
Wool Dress Goods.
The display of New Spring Styles is the most inter
esting in tho finest, up-to-date color assortment we
have ever shown.
New Dress Silks.
We invite attention to a splendid exhibition of New
Spring Silks. Latest styles and colors of printed
Foulards, Eough Pongees and Satin Messalines.
On with the New
Spring Carpets and Wall Paper ; Linoleum and Oil.
cloths ; Curtains and Upholstery in newest color
and designs.
Special Early Offerings
AxmineterlRugs new, handsome , patterns in the
best sizes. .
Call and inspect them and get prices.
Everybody Welcome.
Special Music.