The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 10, 1909, Image 2

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Sad Death of a Hawley Man
Touching Plight of His
We find the following account of a sad
domestic tragedy, the result of drink, in
the Scranton Truth of Friday last :
"Staggering into the office of Dr. John
P. Walker, at 429 Lackawanna Avenue,
at 1:15 this morning, Frank White, of
Hawley, hegged for medical aid. A
stimulant was eiven him. His condition
grew worse, and at 3 o'clock lie was
taken by the police to the State hospital,
where he died within fifteen minutes.
Letters found in his pocket by the po
lice tell the story of White being parted
from his wife and child through drink ;
fieht he had made against the
craving for liquor, so that he could be
united with his family again, and of the
wife's sacrifices for their baby. White's
death resulted from his drinking habits
and exposure, the police say, and was
not due to poisoning as at first believed.
From the letters the police learned
that White came to this city a year and
a half ago. One of the pathetic letters
reads as follows :
'My Deak Husbanw: Oh, I don't
know what will become ot us, unless
you get some job. Try and see if you
can't get some little thing to do. My
feet will be through my shoes soon, and
I can not get anv shoes to wear unless
I have money. I 'am heartbroken, too.'
In another she tells him that she has
been working in the silk mill at Hawley
and trying to earn enough money to keep
her baby.
She begs him to get work in Scranton
or to come home, stop drinking and get
a job there. In another she writes :
'Come home; get work. Straighten
up and we will be together again and
The police got into communication
this morning with a druggist in Hawley,
who knows the White family, and he
notified Mrs. White of the death of her
husband. The body will be held here
pending word from Hawley."
The wife claimed the body and it was
taken to Hawley for interment. The
name of the deceased appears in the
Hawley diiectorv as "T. Frank White,
barber, 10th street.
Brutal Murderer Captured.
JoJin liaruboto, ringleader among
three Italians, who, in Middletown, on
the L'Oth of January, killed two of their
countrymen, and criminally assaulted
the wife of one of them, Mrs. Gaetano,
was captured in New York last Friday,
and in the evening taken to Goshen
jail by Sheriff Decker and other officers.
Officer Spitz, of Union Hill, N. J., ar
rested the man, and will get $250 for his
alertness. When Sheriff Decker and
Chief McCoach, of Middletown, met the
man, he denied knowing the chief, but
upon the latter reminding him of several
arrests and some of his deviltries in
Middletown, he "caved," and said there
was no use in denying his identity; "I
can only die once," he said. From all
appearances, he had a close call for
dying that once without any trial on Sat
urday afternoon, Feb. 27th. The writer
was returning from the Wayne county
banquet in New York, on the Mountain
Express, and was surprised to find at
Goshen an immense crowd at the sta
tion, estimated to number from 1,500 to
2,000 people, who had been waiting for
the arrival of the train. There were
a great many Italians from Middletown
among them, as we were informed by
Ed. Mott, who happcuod to be within
speaking distance when the cars stopped,
and the probability is that Baruboto
would have fared badly but for the fact
that to prevent a lynching the authori
ties telegraphed to the officers having
the prisoner in charge, and they held
him over till a later train. Safely lodged
in jail after the dispersal of the crowd,
the big brute was lined up with eight
other men, and Mrs. Gaetano, whom he
assaulted, was led in to look over the
nine, and sec if she could pick out the
man. She cast her eye upon the crowd,
and the moment she caught sight of
liaruboto she flew into a rage and poured
forth a stream of denunciation in her
language, and it is said would have at
tacked him had she not been restrained.
The prisoner thus identified uttered not
a word.
The big Italian has apparently settled
down to the conviction that he will have
to pay the penalty of his crime. He
will probably be tried at the May court,
and should he appeal his punishment
may be delayedsix or more months from
that time.
A Middletown paper says many per
sons have complained because Baruboto
was not to be tried at the March term of
the county court, but this could not be
done, as the law provides that a man
charged with murder in the first degree
can only be tried in the Supreme Court,
and a plea of guilty cannot be accepted.
Lost or Stolen.
All persons are hereby cautioned
against receiving or negotiating Interest
Department Bank Book, No. 3577, is
sued by the Honesdale National Bank to
Robert Rickert, as said book has been
lost or stolen. Payment has been
stopped ,rand I have made application
for the issue of a new book.
Honesdale, March 5, 1000. 20w3
DK.C. R. BKADY.Dkhtist Honesdale. Fa.
urncx JiouRS-a a. m. to o p. m.
Any evening by appointment.
Cltlienirphone, 83. Heaulcnce. Mo, tig
A Bird Mystery.
A greVvsome Illustration of the mys
terious' way In which animals and
birds communicate with each other is
afforded by the statement from Messi
na that large numbers of ravens and
crows crossed the Mediterranean from
Africa to the devastated district and
the ruined cities. In the case of vul
tures, although It Is remarkable how
quickly these carrion birds will come
together out of an apparently blrdlcss
sky. It can be explained by the keen
ness of sight and the fact that one
bird at a distance Is guided by anothei
bird's movement, and so the news Is
signaled for Immense distances. But
In the cose of ravens and crows there
mast be some other explanation of
their grim gathering. That birds do
communicate with each other was
clearly proved some years ago when a
plagno of moles in Scotland attracted
n large number of small owls across
the North sea.
Making Sham Jewell.
Jewelers who have been In business
many years often find it difficult to dis
tinguish the difference between renl
and artificial jewels at first sight, so
wonderfully Is paste being used. Imi
tation jewels are now being turned
out by the bushel and can be pur
chased wholesale at from 20 cents up.
according to the kind of gem It Is, size
not making much difference In tin
price. The material used In the manu
facture of paste jewels Is known an
"strass," Its chief ingredients being
potash, oxide of lead, borax and silica,
Tho quantities of these chemicals vary
according to the variety of stone which
Is to be Imitated, much greater pro
portions of borax and potash being
required for diamonds than for rubles,
while for imitation emeralds theso In
gredients are scarcely needed at nil.
The utmost care Is exercised in mat
Ing sham jewels, and the grinding,
sifting, melting and other operations
are matters of the highest importance.
Fopular Mechanics.
The King Didn't Count.
The wire haired fox terrier Caesar,
which accompanies King Edward ou
nearly all his travels and whose collar
In graven words proclaims "I am Cae
sar; I belong to the king," joined his
majesty's entourage five years ago on
the death of his celebrated predeces
sor, Jack. He had hardly been a week
In tho royal household when he re
ceived a drubbing from an irritable
old lady In Paris, where the king was
visiting. Caesar while roaming the
Tuileries gardens "went for" the old
lady's French poodle, whose owner
sharply retaliated with her umbrella.
"It is tho king's dog!" exclaimed a
horrified official. "The king's dog, is
It?" retorted the peppery old lady,
flourishing her weapon more ferocious
ly than ever. '.'Then so much tho
worse for the king!"
But Not In Kansas.
Oh, hear King Winter chant his
song ns he advances. His voice Is tru
culent and strong. He yells and dances;
lie fills a weary land with woo; he
pelts the populace with snow; he bids
the streamlets cease to flow, but not
In Kansas! Like some grim knight of
olden days, he tilts and prances, and
evil nre that victim's ways on whom
he chances. None dare dispute his Icy
reign. He binds the world as with a
chain and scatters want and cold and
pain, but not In Kansas! The spear
he levels at her breast but swerves
and glances. She does not kneel at his
behest nor fear his lances. The sun U
shilling where she sits and guards her
happy brood and knits. King Winter
still is throwing fits, but not in Kan
sas! Walt Mason In Emporia Gazette.
Tho Ameer's Grim Humor.
Although In every way milder than
his father, Hablb Ullah occasionally
manifests a humor no less grim, as
was lately disclosed to his chief body
servant, Ahmed Rashld. This worthy,
whose duty it is to take care of the
royal wardrobe, was becoming neglect
ful when one morning Hablb TJllah
noticed a black scorpion, whose sting
Is unusually agonizing, In a boot that
ho had been about to put ou. Sum
moning Ahmed to bis side, the ameer
complained that the boot pinched his
foot and ordered the servant to stretch
It by drawing It on his foot. The pain
of the bite was not tho more readily
forgotten from the fact that nothing
of much consequence could be done to
relieve It. London Strand.
Napoleon Pinched His Cheeks.
There Is still one man In Paris who
can boast of having had his ears pull
ed and his cheeks pinched as a boy by
Napoleon I., and that is Jean Pierre
Scbamcl, an inmate of a poorhouse at
Ivry. He Is now nearly 102 years of
age. and his father held the post of
concierge of the chateau of Versailles
during tho reign of Napoleon. Jean
Pierre Scbamcl remembers often see
ing tho emperor In the park. Jean
Pierre had a fancy for climbing trees,
and one day the emperor caught him
and gently pulled bis ears. Whenever
Napoleon saw hlra In tho gardens
afterward he used to pinch his cheek
and ask him If he had climbed any
trees that day. London Telegraph.
A Millinery Catastrophe.
A telegram from Munich gives de
tails of what is described as "the first
catastrophe of its kind on record"
the collapso In a busy street of a lady
of fashion as a consequence of the
heaviness of her hat. Under the weight
of a gorgeous creation nearly three
feet In diameter, tho lady, the tele
gram says, sank helplessly to the pave
ment and only recovered from bcr
swoon after being carried ton shop
and relieved of her headgear. Boston
WOMAN hbib i-.iHlON
Severo, Elmplo and Dietlngue.
This simple jacket suit of dark gray
tweed conforms with the require
ments of the present spring mode
without losing, on the one hand, Its
effect of tailored simplicity or, on the
other. Its air of individual distinction.
The long coat is made with a braided
waistcoat, and the wide rovers are
trimmed with big buttons.
' The Plaited Skirt.
i The plaited skirt, always a favorite
with all grades of women, for various
reasons Is even now made up In strict
ly modified tailored skirts, the plaits
being around the feet or below the
knees only nud In groups.
For practical everyday or backabout
gowns the lover of the plaited skirt
may Indulge In these, which are espe
cially kind to large feet.
When one comes to think about It,
that Is one of the reasons no doubt
why so many women clamor for the
plaited skirt. -Most women are pro
vided with feet that are quite largo
enough, and none but the smallest are
ever voluntarily revealed to tho world
unless one lacks judgment.
Extra Long Hairpins.
The girl who has trouble with her
coiffure these days, when at least one
nr two puffs are worn, If not more,
should hunt for the extra long hairpin.
It gives a greater feeling of security
than five of the universal short ones.
It Is several inches long,, made of
strong steel, and holds the hair firmly
In position.
The false Psycho knot, loose puffs or
Roman braid can ho run through to
one's own hair with these long hair
pins more easily than with any other
Tho girl who has not used them does
not know the comfort in store for her.
New Evening Frock.
The long tunic over a short skirt is
taken up by young girls for dances.
It Is very graceful and attractive.
Tho sketch shows an original model
that Is worth' copying. The one piece
tunic Is made of Chinese blue messa
line, embroidered with roses at the
hem and caught with artificial roses
below tho bust. The scanty skirt and
tho sleeves are made of lace net. Tho
scarf Is of rose pink, and the slippers
and stocklugs are blue.
The Newest Blouse.
Tho ultra smart blouse for midwin
ter wear Is made of heavy gold net,
embroidered In dull, rich colors. The
ileslgns are also stamped on the net.
These are simply made on account of
'.he richness of the material.
The net Is only placed over part of
the lining, as the high skirt joins It
three Inches above the waist line, and
there are a small round yoke and a
stock of fine lace. The color scheme
i tamped or embroidered on the net
must tone In with the rest of the suit.
How to Handle It With Least Loss.
The Serviceable Spreader.
By'W. T. L. TALIAFERRO. Maryland.
In order to reduce the loss In manure
to a minimum and also to economize
In handling It the general aim and
practice should be to haul It directly
from tho stable to the field and spread
it at once. On the average rami the
following of this practice all through
the year would result in less loss than
any method that could be pursued.
Tho use of rotted manure rather
than fresh manure Is desirable In con
nection with many market garden or
vegetable crops, as it gives quicker
results and with root crops will give
n smoother nnd nicer product.
Manure should be spread as soon as
It Is hauled to the field. The practice
uf putting It In piles Is objectionable
because of the loss that is likely to oc
cuP. Tho placing In piles also Involves
additional labor.
Tho manner of spreading will depend
upon local conditions, hut where tb
dlstnnco to haul is relatively short mi l
It Is desired to havo It evenly spread
the manure spreaders will be found
serviceable machines.
From ten to twenty tons of mauure
per acre are usually considered a fair
application, but considerably more Is
frequently applied for market garden
crops. Experiments have shown that
generally It would be far more profita
ble to u so about one-half the usual
quantities and to supplement It with
commercial fertilizers.
The first step to be taken In the care
of manure so as to prevent losses is to
provide sufficient bedding or litter in
the stable to absorb and save all the
liquid parts. Tho losses due to fer
mentation con bo greatly checked by
mixing horse manure with the older
enw manure, by making the piles com
pact, so ns to exclude the air. and by
moistening the pile so as to assist in
excluding the nlr aud also to lower the
The use of chemical or mechanical
absorbents, such as paste, kalnlt, phos
phate rock. etc.. In the stable and
sprinkled over the manure assists In
preserving the manure and preventing
Losses from washing or leaching by
rain may be prevented by piling under
cover or In favorable basinllkc places
or. still better, by hauling it directly
to the field and spreading It as soon as
Effect of Fertilizer.
In the use of fertilizing material, ni
trogen tends to stimulate leaf growth.
An abundance of nitrogen in the soil Is
Indicated by rank luxuriant growth
ami dark green foliage, for much ni
trogen on vines, shrubs and trees
causes a too rapid growth of wood.
The wood thus formed' Is rather tender
and soft and does not ripen properly
and Is often Injured by the winter
weather. An excessive use of nitrogen
stimulates leaf ud wood growth nt
the expense of fruit.
Phosphoric ucld and potash have
more to do with the development or
tho parts of tho fruit buds, rrult aud
Feed. They also produce a more nor
mal development of the parts of the
plant, the parts are firmer, tho wood
ripens better and Is more hardy. A. L.
A Rust Resistant Melon.
It la reported that P. K. BUnn of the
Colorado experiment station has suc
ceeded In developing u cantaloupe with
rust resisting qualities. During the
past season It remained green until
the majority or the fields were dead.
The Royal Box.
Kaiser William never travels incog
nito. King George of Greece Is tho poor
est of all European mona'rehs.
King Edward when Prince of Wales
never voted on any political question,
but he always voted for the deceased
wife's sister bill, which was a social
and not a political matter.
Too sharp a sword cuts the scab
bard. French Proverb,
The best throw of tho dice is to
throw them away. Spanish Proverb.
A knowledge of the way Is a good
part of the Journey. German Proverb.
Custom Is the plague of the wise
men and the idol of fools. Latin Prov
erb. Kingston Still In Ruins.
It Is now Just about two years since
tho earthquake at Kingston, Jamaica,
but a visit tp the city does not show
any great amount of progress In re
pairing the damage done., In many
places In the heart of the city tho
wreckage has not beori disturbed.
From time to time human remains arc
still found in the ruing of the build,
ings, so that even now the truo fig
ures of the loss of life are not attain
able. Exchange.
Adhesive, Plaster.
Wet adhesive Dlaster with alcohol
before attempting to remove, And It
will come away readily.
ness arm lestxontawj xmi
Opium.Morphln norrteraL1
Not Narcotic, s
Amttmi Hwnkrd-
Aperfect Remedy for OonsHpt
Hon , Sour Stomach.Dlarrtm
Worms .Coiwrasicms imrisa-
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP,
facsimile Sifeatnre of
Guaranteed under the i-qctU
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
One of the best equipped farms in Wayne county sit
uated about three miles from Honesdale.
Everything Up-To-Date.
Over $-,000.00 has been' expended within the last five
years in buildings, tools and improvements.
156 Acres--
of whicli 75 acres is UOOD HARDWOOD TIMBER.
Will be sold reasonably.
A Bargain!
For further particulars enquire of
W. W. WOOD, "Citizen" Office.
H. C. HAND, President.
W. II. HOLMES, Vice Pres.
We want you to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY
of this Bank.
EVERY DOLLAR of which must be lost before any depositor can lose ai'iSNHY
It lias conducted a growing and successful business" for over 35 years, serving
an increasing number of customers with fidelity and satisfaction.
Its caBli funds are protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS.
All of these things, otipled with conservative manacement. Insured
by the (JAHKKUL I'KUSONAI- ATTKNTION constantly given the
Hank's affairs !y u notably able Hoard of Directors assures the patrons
or that aui'KKMK sakktv wnim
Total Assets,
Telephone Announcement
This company is preparing to do extensive construction
work in the
Honesdale Exchange District
which will greatly improve the service and enlarge the
Patronize the independent Telephone Company
which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any
other service without conferring with our
Contract Department Tel. No. 300.
Foster Building;.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
II. S. SALMON, Cashier
W. J. WARD, Ass't Cashier
is tne prime essential or a eooa
Bears the Ay