11 1i CENT A WORD COLUMN FOR RENT. Up-to-date bousc-9 rooms. Furnace. aU modern Improvements. On Eleventh 8t.-J. K. Richmond or Att'y Scarle WR VflLX, HAVE a car ot Pennsylvania Horses In Honesdale Saturday. Feb. 20. WOO. Drivers and draft horses. C. A. Cortrlght & 8 m. H HELP WANTED. All klnds-now. Address-Employment Bureau, 15 Clements St.. Liberty. N.Y. Wt7 AUCTION SALE-Thursday. February 18. at Braman's barn, rear of Allen House, at one p. m. Fresh cows. Horses, Wagons, Harness. Sleighs and any article you wish to dlsposcof may be brought In for sale. Terms made known on day of sale. BLAKE BROS. SCHOOL TEACHERS If you have a few hours each day that you can spare from your work we will show you how to Increace you earnings. Drawer 5 Honesdale Pa. r WANTED In every Hamlet. Village, and Township, encrget lc people who will use their spare time for eood pay., , . Drawer 5. Honesdale, Pa, tf I DO NOT CARE how bad the upholstery n your furniture. I will make same as good as new. Will repair furniture so that It Is as strong as new. having learned my tradeln strong as new. iiuviiik ra ira . "j Germany. Perfect satisfaction Is guaranteed by the Wayne Upholsterer. Theo. LIskcn, No. 83) Main street, Honesdale. FARM of 100 acres. 20 cows and tools If de sired. Easy drive tolloncsdale. Call at this ottlce for Information. otl HAIR MATTRESSES made over by the Wayne County Upholsterer. Theo. Llsken. 630 Main street. FURNITURE REPAIRED and Upholster ed, and all kinds ot Cabinet Work, done romptly and reasonably by Theo Llsken. 0 Main street. 722 FOR SALE. A Sawmill and Turbine Wheel,, complete; also Gristmill and Tur bine Wheel. Hoover Lumber Co., Wilkes Barre, Pa. 7t4 AMOS WARD, Auctioneer. Ready to ac commodate all comers. Bethany, Pa. 4eI10 FARM of 182 acres for sale. Good house, a bam that will accommodate 40 cows, fihorscs and 100 tons ot hay. Farm well watered. New chicken house that will accommodate 200 chickens. Large silo. No better farm In Wayne county. Situated one-half mile from village. Inquire at The Citizen olllce. FOR SALE Ray house. on East Extension street. Large lot with sixty feet front. M.E. Simons. 38eoItr LOCAL MENTION. The Oslek Tribe of Red Men will celebrate Washington's Birthday on Tuesday evening, Feb. 23d. On the third page will be found an other interesting chapter in the Wool vs. Cotton controversy. It will repay pe rusal. The following cases of ecatiet fever' have been reported this week : George, Fred, and JdhnBillard, of Cherry Ridge, and Emma Bartron, of Fortenia. Harry Deck has purchased all the patents covering the Freeman coffee and tea pot strainer, aud will" arrange to manufacture them in large quantities. Marriage licenses have been granted to Buel A. Smith, of WiriteitlaTe, and Clara Tarbox, of ShermaInVySE Stevens and Evelyn M. Moore, bf 'Qoulds boro. The sale to be held by Blake Bros, promises to be one of considerable mag nitude, as they have consignment of more goods than they can possibly dis pose of. The following program will be ren dered at the Boot and Shoe Workers' Concert, at the Lyric theatre on Friday night next, Feb. IS); Overture, "Playing the Ponies," Sonncr's Orchestra Alto Solo, - - Miss Anna Inniss "Won't You be My Honey Boy?" Master Karle Wagner Tango Duet, Claude Chase and Miss L. Wihnore "When the Moon Plays Peek-a-Boo," Miss Rose Donnelly Ave Maria, - Miss Julia McGlaughlin The Pirate, - - Frank Evans Love Avails, - - Miss Cotilda Billard The Sea is my Sweetheart, Edw'd Brown To conclude with the laughable after piece entitled "The Fellow that Looks Like Me." Mr. Lester Wallack Bodkins, Eugene Regan Mrs. Lester Wallack Bodkins, Miss M. Cronin Cupid, ... Duano Loin nun The Polanderwith the unpronounce able name, who labored under- the im pression that he was the Emperor Francis Joseph, of Austria, was taken to theDan ville Insane asylum by Sheriff Braman on Saturday. Monday's New York World has a picture of President-elect Taftand party on an observation car atPanama., Major Edwin Jadwin is among the party, the Major having entertained the Taft party while at Gatun. The Main street 5-cent Moving Pic ture theatre reopened on Saturday even ing, after having been thoroughly reno vated, and fitted throughout with the most modern and approved appliances for giving satisfactory- and safe exhibi tionn. The auditorium has been con siderably widened by the removal of the shelving j the stage entirely rebuilt, and a pretty proscenium arch added; the rear end of the floor dropped to the level of the cellar bottom, allowing two exit doors to lead to tho open alrT through passages under the stage ; the main aisle neatly carpeted, and entirely now .opera chairs, piano, and other furniture in stalled throughout ; the entire glass front of the building taken out, and a deep vestibule constructed with double doors on each side of the box office, arranged to swing outwardly; and both the interior and the'oxterlor of tho place made ex ceedingly attractive by artistio painting, papering and scores upon soores of tlec- trio lights. The front present very attractive!, appearance to passers-by, a large ourjred sign announcing "Dream larfd," which ' the jplaca has beenre chrjitened, whll. aairiji ahondred'ih; ptafe6efif lamps llgbtup tee vestibule. -Read Cortright'a ad. In the cent-a- word column if you want a horse. Thomas Ooggins of Hawley, (who was arraigned before JusticeJJof the Peace J. H. Thompson, of thatplace, on the charge of assault and batterypre- ferred by his wife ; has been sent to the county jail in default of $100 bail. At a Bpccial meeting of the Knights of Columbus, on Sunday, tho question of buying or renting rooms was discussed, and it was decided to lease the second and third floors of the Gnlvhi building on Main street, after a number of im provements are made. Tho council will occupy their new rooms about April 1st. Ida M. Lambert tells in clever verse, in last week's Deposit Courier, how Kit," a pretty colt, was changed into an unruly beast by the cruelty of her first master, and when she fell into the hands of an appreciative and kind owner, re-developed her original gentle disposition, and proved to be a treasure hardly second to "Black Beauty." Among others of her exploits, Kit is credited with making the trip fromEqui- nunk to Honesdale in three hours, and the return journey in two and a half, which was "going some" it must be ad mitted. The Lincoln Memorial services at the Baptist church last Sunday night were both enjoyable and profitable. The Sunday school rendered an appropriate program. Special features were the singing by Mrs. Archer and Mrs. Clark, and an inspiring address by F. P. Kim ble, Esq. Several persons were accepted into membership at the Baptist church last week. Meetings are being continued every night this week : sermons by Mr. Minch. Rev. James Rainey, assisted by Rev. Mr. Kellerman, of Scran ton, are conducting a revival of wide reaching effect, both at Aldenville and Clinton Centre Baptist churches. Last Sunday eighteen were baptized, and the meet ings are being continued with success. Horace G. Young, who with his wife and daughter, Miss Daisy, are in Atlan tic City, N. J., awaiting the result of an operation performed on his sister, Mrs. Joseph B. Dickson, at Roosevelt Hos pital, New York city, on Wednesday last, writes a Honesdale friend that the patient is in a very critical condition, and that he has grave apprehensions as to the outcome. His othpr sister, .Mrs. Alice Barnes, of Muskagee, Oklahoma, herself in impaired health for some time, was expected to arrive in New York early this week, to be with Mrs. Dickson through her trying ordeal. The anxious family have the sympathy of many Honesdale friends. Houck &.Son, of Deposit, Ni. Y.r. better known as Steeple Jacks, are in town, placing the slate on Kreitner Brothers new building on 10th street. Evangelist and Mrs. Vangorder, of Beach Lake, who have been doing good work in Canada and upper New York state, passed through Peckville on their way home, and on Sunday of last week occupied the pulpit of the M. E. church, the former at the morning service and the latter in the evening. The Postmasters' Association of Pennsylvania will tender a grand din ner to Hon. Boies Penrose, chairman-of the United States senate committee on postoftices and postroads, and chairman of the United States joint postal com mission, to be held at the Hotel Bellevue Stratford, Philadelphia, Pa., on Satur day, March 20th. The distinguished guests will include the incoming postmaster-general, the four assistant postmasters-general, and tho members and secretary of the joint postal commission. M. B. Allen, Honesdale's popular post master, is named as one of the committee of arrangements. PERSONAL. William Saddler, of Scranton, spent Monday in town. Miss Mae LaPoint is visiting friends in Carbondale. E. W. Gammell is spending a few days in Newark, N. J. Miss Helene Bishop spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Bishop, of East Extension street. Mri and Mrs. Thomas Walker and Miss Anna Wallace, of Hawley, were visitors in town, last week. Mrs. John Murray, of Port Jervis, is visiting relatives at this place. Arnold Sluman left Saturday for a few weeks' visit with relatives in Scran ton and Philadelphia. Lawrence Bried spent Sunday with friends in Scranton. -Jeffrey Freeman, of Scranton, is vis iting Honesdale relatives. i-Miss Monica Bracy spent Sunday with Scranton friends.-, Miss Florence Mason has returned to her home in Scranton, after a few weeks' visit with relatives here. Miss Anna Brown was a visitor in Carbondale, on Sunday. Mrs. P.McKenna and daughter, Miss Josephine, are visiting relatives at Read ing,' Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Katz, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jacobs, and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lelne attended the funeral of Mrs. N. Roos, of Scranton, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Harry H. Richards ana' daughter. Natalie, have returned home, after a few days' visit with their Kin in wiiKcfl-sarre. Miss Jessie Trieblo, of Nanticoke, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Henry Wilson, of 15th street. Miss Anna Connolly attended the funeral of a relative in Scranton, last week. Thomas Garvcy, of tho local office of the Pcnn'a Telephone Company, was a visitor in Carbondale, on Sunday. Daniel Monaghan has returned to Honesdale, after a few days' visit at his home in Scranton. Thomas Charlesworth, of Carbon dale, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Charlesworth, of Dyberry Place. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schwemly, of 14th street, spent several days last week in Scranton, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Landau. Mrs. Wm. H. Hawken, who has been suffering' with muscular rheuma tism is .slowly on the gain under the care of Miss Flcderbach, a trained nurse. Hugo' Denhardt, of Milwaukee, is the guest of his brother, Max Denhardt, bf West street. Miss Mary Donnelly, of Scranton, spent Saturday and Sunday with Hones dale relatives. William Mathey, of Scranton, was a visitor in town, over Sunday. -Mrs. James Ward attended the fu neral of a relative in Avoca, on Monday.. Mr. and Mrs. William Schoonover have returned to their home in Scranton, after a visit with relatives in Honesdale and vicinity. -Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Budd, of the West Shore House, Beach Lake, on Wednesday, February 10, 1009, a daughter. -The engagement, of 'MIbs Ada Ger trude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Goodnough', of Girdland, to Rolland B: Moore, of Elizabeth, N. J., has been an nounced. Mr. Moore is on the editorial staff of the Elizabeth "Evening Times." Mrs. H. S. Salmon and Bon, R- M. Salmon, Esq., spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Millspaugh, of Port, Jervis. Mr. and Mrs. Lester R. Knapp, of West Eleventh street, spent Sunday .at Green Ridge, with Mr. and Mrs. Edson .H. Blandin. Mrs. Charles Brady gave a ten on Saturday afU-rnoon in honor of Miss Harriet Rockwell, whose engagement was announced to Edward Valentine, of New York city. Miss Tillie Grambs has returned to Scranton, after spending a few weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. H. Krantz, on North Main street. ' Miss Blanche Starnes, of Bethany, left Monday for a two months visit' with' relatives in Chicago. Horace Lyons, of Olyphant, spent several days this week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Lyons, of Park street. Miss Marie McDermott was a visitor in Hawley on Sunday. Henry Quinlin has returned to Car bondale after spending a few days in town. Miss Emma Collins, of Carbondale, spent several days last week with rela tives in Honesdale and vicinity. William Neville, of Scranton, was a business caller in town on Monday. Mrs. Peter S. Barnes has returned to her home in this place, after a few days visit with relatives in Carbondale. Fred. Schuerholz expects to leave Saturday to enter Villanova College. Miss Beatrice Havey was a visitor in Scranton, Friday. Miss Kate McCloskey, of Hawley, is visiting her sister, Mrs. P. Havey, of East Honesdale. On Tuesday evening, Feb. 9th, Frank Chumard and Miss Rena F. Bas- ley were united in marriage by Rev. J. II. Boyce at the M. E. parsonage, Ham linton, Pa. Mrs. Elizabeth Bond, who under went a serious operation at the Mercy Hospital, Wilkes-Barre, Ave weeks ago, recovered sufficiently to be removed the first of the week to the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Spettigue, South Washington street. Mrs. George S. Spettigue, of Wilkes Barre, is visiting Honesdale relatives. ANNOUNCEMENTS. MiBB Sarah O. Lovejoy, Dean of the Department of Home Economics of htate Colleee, Pa., will bo at tho Local Insti tute, to bo held at, the High School, next Saturday. MIbs Lovejoy will deliver an address at 2 r. m., to which the public is invited. This is a fine ppportunity to earn what the State is doing for our girls, in the way of teaching them to be Home Makers. H. A. Oday. MINISTERS AT THE LYRIC. On Thursday eve, Feb. 18th, the Lyric Theatre will be the scene of a-memorable event, as Mr. Wm B. Gray the author of the beautiful play, "The Volunteer Organist, " has extended to the clergymen of this city an invitation to attend the performance as his guests. During the church scene, the singing of the Masters : Willie Gould and Milton White in con Junction with the beautiful Liszt Organ especially built for this production and played in a masterly manner by a Vol unteer Organist, transplants tho audience into' the realms of the blest'.- " Llacetn Day Exercise at the Hoaea dale Hlh School. Song 133, "Columbia, God Preserve Thee Frcol" - - School Recitation-!-' "Tribute to Lincoln" Luclle Rowland Essay "Lincoln as President," Will. Pethick Recitation--"Old Glory", Dorothy Shanley Essay "Lincoln-Douglass Debate." ' Dorothy Richenbaker Song "Old Glory," - Mixed Chorus Recitation--1 'Lincoln's Individuality' ' Sumner Crosley Recitation "Lincoln's Individuality, " William Riefler Jissay "Lincoln as a .Lawyer," Ralph Brown Essay "Lincoln's First Speech." Edward Caufield Song 293, "Flag of Our Union," School Recitation"Take Keer of Yourself," Robert Dorin Recitation"Abraham Lincoln," Lloyd Schuller Recitation "Our Country's Flag," Nira Rehbein Declamation "Second. Inaugural Ad dress," ... Joe Jacobs Song-''The Ship of State," Girls' Chorus Recitation "Lincoln," - Isabel Rickert Recitation "When Lincoln Died," Howard Hagaman Recitation "Captain, Oh My Captain," Lillian Barberi America, 293, ... School There will be a sale of Fancy Articles in the Reading Room of the Presbyterian Chapel Friday afternoou and ovening,Feb. 10. FINANCES OF WAYNE GO. Continued from 8th page. By salary for 1908 J 700 00 dellv'e ballots, view brdgs, roads . its 62 toalance salary WOT 480 00 " expense account i..t .. 85 02 $ 1221 64 J K Hornbecli. Dr To county orders received 1 1208 82 balance due Jan 4, 1001) 98 96 $ 1807 27 OK By salary tor 1008 J 700 00 balance salary 1907 . 450 00 expense account 1908 98 96 balance expense acct 1907 EB 82 I 1307 27 Dr 959 40 21 81 John K Mandevllle, To county orders received, balance due Jnn 4, 1909. . $ 978 24 OK By salary forl9PS $ 700 00 balance salary 19"7 150 00 expense account 1908 71 84 .balance expense account 1907. ... 5(1 40 t 978 24 SHKKIFF'S ACCOUNT DR To county orders received. . . t 11TC 18 verdict fees received 12 no balanco due Jan 4, m. . . 13 20 $ 1588 i)9 By balance due Jon 0, 1908. ... t gashing for prisoners .board " " idockets, commitments, discharges taking Ohas Dodge to Danville. " Mrs 'J Morgan,' f " J McKenzle, Huntingdon " OF iJiutenschlager, pen'ty. 1 ' Barney Oalilo to pehiten'ry " Domlnlck' Karle, drawing Jurors and notices ... . barber for prisoners att'g criminal court sheriff 19 dys ' " deputy 17 " 2 quashed indictments. . . . 1 habeas corpus (Seeger) . . lining Jury wheel court proclamation, (terms . reports on public charities for April, July, October, December soap, mops, brooms, palls, etc. . . making sheets, pillow cases, etc care of Jail, 1908 washing and mending clothes, blankets unci beds . . 137 Hi 12 25 49!) 00 108 (10 41 .'XI 15 1X1 tt) 57 81 99 81 111 81 99 ICO 40 8 (15 67 00 51 (X) 2 50 1 110 !! m 10 tt) 40 00 20 (10 5 IX) :io no 8.) 00 t 1583 CLAIMS IN FAVOIt OF COUNTY Due from Florence Glosslnger error 89 in oruer nu nin from It V MlllaerrorortlernoGilO Tlios F Dunn " " " 6(11 S W Monnlum ' 6H.1 Jos O Denk " " ' 5N8 .1 WtlowDorwalte 690 N II IJppert error in sheep claim Geo Ij Bates " In collec's acet from Preston poor district 1K17 75 TTflwlnv 775 Cherry Illdgo " , Mt Pleasant ' . Berlin Palmyra Honesdalo-Toxas Salem Dyberry IIonesdalo-Texasoxpenso taking Bauman to asylum , Wm Zenzen, commonwlth costs N B Spencorovrpd emw costs "07 " " error in inlgo Faux cuso M F Williams ovpd witness fees H1 495 779 1291 627 7K1 28 209 Collectors on dupllcnto 1902 !17 " 11104 14 ' " I90fl 1 " 1907 251 " " 19(18 1891(1 dog fuud assessing dogs 1908 1117 stato trens bounty claims lwm " " lire wardens oxp .. iX)7 county funds in bonds of treas. . 2:195 tSMKl 21) CLAIMS AGAINST THIS COUNTY T .T VnrpoH. contract Salem bridge S W, 00 JA.Harkness " Wlntcrdolo 1(1100 Male & Sandercock Indian Orchard bg 90 (X) J K Hornbeck com balance ncct 1908 98 95 T O Madden " " " " 62 T K Mntiilnvlllo " ' 21 81 Wm Walters, witness fees 8 1)0 Tru Mltnhnll. " 1 00 Geo Fielding, " " 2 40 Wm Barklow, 2 4(1 HtnnlfiVHnormlct. 4 92 KLFrlsbie, " " 3 00 Catherine Kelgler. " " 8 00 Mario Kelglcr, " Henry Kelgler, Jr, " Chris Kciglor, Walter Merwin, coronor's Jury. ... 8 00 00 a oo 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 60 2 50 1 00 1 60 Michael Brown. James Nagle, Daniel Gray, " Thomas Brown, . J Mulen, commonwealth costs.... N G Rldgeway, nr .T ITnnlnn. 1 nent 1908 85 87 8 B Woodmansee, error in col's act 21 18 W F Brannlng, " 2 00 Wm Watts, note and Interest 1038 00 Mrs Elljoh Gray. " "t 60 Mrs Ohas Grossman 1914 25 Thomas GUI, 1084 60 Patrick McCarthy, 1289 00 Myra Hill, 12 8? K S3 Ferguson. .lpaU 91 ii H Ferguson, 6ipa ea W Ii Ferguson, '6108 83 Balance due sheriff for 1908 139 2fl Estimated amount due collectors 8000 00 , Dai $31284 St .FINANCIAL STANDING OF COUNTY. Total claims against county $81281 81 Balance against county.,... 2581 0B-I81SM 84 We, the undersigned Auditors. In and for the county of Wayne, do certify that we met at the Court House at Honesdole. Wayne Co., Pa., oa Jan.'4, 190V. Have examined and audited the foregoing accounts of t b e county commissioners, sherltT. county treasurer, coroner and district attorney ot Wayno Co., and And them correct a above presented. Witness our hands at Honesdale the Cth day of February, A, D 1909. , A. W. LABBABM, ) ma W.B.IiCaHxa, Auditors. i M.J,MCAKBbJ.r- - - II MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE The samples from the Boston and New York city offices of the KATZ UNDERWEAR CO., have arrived here and arc placed on sale in our store. worthy Come and see for yourself and buy Sanitary Made Muslin Underwear m an ufactured in your own town. Sheeting, muslin and long cloth. KATZ LYRIC THEATRE! BEN, H. D'TTRICU, LESSEE Md MANAGER THURSDAY CCD lO Ninth Annual Tour of the Beautiful Pastoral Drama Cbc VOLUNTEER ORGAN jST By "WM. B. GJRAY. With the World's Greatest Boy Soprano and a Distinguished Cast of Players Unanimously endorsed by the Pulpit, Public and Press. A New England Play of Intense Human Interest, and one that will Live Forever Pnces-25, 35, 50, 75, and $1 S" Heat Sule opens at the Box Olllce at 9 a. m Wednesday Feb. 17. MARCH I, 1909. CARLOAD WILL ARRIVE! Call and inspect them and get prices, At BROWNS. A PPKAISEMENTS.-Notice given is aOWB Ol UlO IUHUW1HK huiiicu uacuc Hn umo been filed In the Orphans Court ot Wayne nn1 milt Ita npAaantaH fni1 flTinmVfll . ..11.. .II 1 .lA.nnlg tiAWA Aueust Wood, "Berlin : Personal. John Behallcr, Texas : Personal. Oscar Frlscb, lloncsdale: . . Volt Wlldenstein, Mount Pleasant: Pers'l, JohnCaln, Palmyra: Heal. M. J. HANLAN, Cleric. Honesdale, Feb. 15, 1909. mRIAL LIST. Wayne Common Pleas. X JUarchTerm, ;wu. 1. Bachman v, Denney. 2. Gregory v. Perkins. 3. Bears v. Cole et al. 4. CortrlKbt & Son v. Krle Kallroad Co. 6. Careyv.Kane. 6. Marshall v.TexaB Township, 7. Mullen v. Texas Township, . 8. Htevens v. Lowery. 9. jloblnson.v. Lowery. 10. Mlttany.Hunkele. , , ... XC, Curran V. Cortrlght k Son. 4 '. . 12. Grlflln v. lUdgeway. ..k ' " Doneaaie. Feb. u. vm. ' -h i - i Every lady who has bought ou Unr derwear endorses. them "Just Right in Style. " Are not these endorsements ot investigation v During the White Goods Sale we of fer above named goods at reduced price. New spring goods arriving daily. Don't miss seeing them. BROS. We have no Insurance against panics, BUT- We want to sell Everv business man In Wayne county a. good sized life or en dowment policy tbat he may use as collateral security for borrowed money tldeyou over tight places when sales are poor and collections slow pos sibly head off Insolvency. . "We want to sell Every farmcra policy that will absolutely protect his family and home. We wont to sell Every laborer and mechanic a saving-policy that will be Im possible for him to lapse or lose. If not Life Insurance Letiiswrlto someof your FIRE INSURANCE. Standard, re liable companies only. IT IS BETTER TO DO IT NOW, THAN TO WAIT AND SAY "F" HITTINGER & HAM, General Agents. WHITE MILLS, PA. LYRIC THEATRE BENI. H. DITTRICR, - - LESSEE AND MANAGER FRIDAY EVE., FEB. 19 SHOEMAKERS' FIFTH ANNUAL CONCERTSBALL ! UNDER THE AUSPICES OF LOCAL 377 Boot and Shoe Workers' Union CMUSIC BYay SONNER'S ORCHESTRA. PRflCES : Lady end Gentleman, 50 cents. Extra Lady, 15 cents. COURT PHOCLAMATION. Whereas, the Judge of the several Courts of the County of Wayne has issued his precept for holding a Court of Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery In and for said County, at the Court House, to becln on MONDAY. MARCH 8.11KJ9 and to continue one week: And dlrcctlne that a Grand Jury for the Courts of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer be summoned to meet on Monday, March 1.1W at 2 p.m. t Notice Is therefore hereby elven to the Coroner and Justices of the Peace, and Con stables of the County ot Wayne, that they be then and there in their proper- persons, at said Court House, at 2 o'clock in the after noon of said 1st ot March 1809. with their records, Inqulsltions.examlnatlons andpther remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain io be done, and those who-are bound by recognizance or otherwise to prosecute the prisoners who are or shall be In the Jail of Wayne, County, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall bo Gl'vcn under my hand, at Honesdale, this Uth day of February, 1600, and In the 133d Sear of the Independence ot the United tates. M. LEE BRAMAN, Sheriff. Thet-e will be a sale, bf Fancy Articles in the Reading Room of the Presbyterian Ohapel, Friday afternoon and evening, Feb. 19. . , 1- ...