Correspondence Items Gathered by THE CITIZEN STAFF Clinton. Feb. 1st. At present the residents of this section are enjoying ngenuine north ern winter, which makes ono long for a warmer climate. Mrs. James Dann was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Garrett, of Honesdale, last week. Mrs. Louise Curtis is passing several weeks with her daughters, who reside in Uniondaie and Carbondale. Mrs. 0. R. Bunting and Mrs. Katlior ine Sanders recently spent several days with Carbondale friends. Charles Sanders, of Syracuse, N. Y., spent Sunday with his father. Mrs. A. J. Merwin and son, of Way mart, spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Bunt ing. Rev. Mr. Kcllcrman, who has been holding revival meetings In the Bnptitt church, at Aldcifville, preached to the Centre people tho last two Babbnths very acceptably. On Thursday last as II. Bullock, of South Clinton, was driving his team from Woymart to his home, tho hind axle broke and the occupants were thrown from the wagon. His wife was uninjured, but his daughter nnd son were considerably bruised nnd shaken up. Mr. Bullock's back was so badjy strained that it is causing him consider able pain. Last week the Farno school, with the teacher, Miss Irene Curtis, enjoyed a sleigh ride and visited the Deraming school at Pleasant Mount, taught by Miss Mary Bennett. Certainly they all had a jolly good time. On Sunday last the Clinton Centre Baptist church granted Warren P. Nor ton a license to preach. Mr. Norton is a student of Keystone Academy, Fac to ryville. The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Myron Norton for dinner this week Thursday. Indian Orchard. Fed. 1st. Samuel Saunders attended Pomona Granee at Farno last week. He says it was the best meeting that he has ever attended. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Saunders visited their daughter, Mrs. S. D. Noble, of Cal kins on Wednesday last. Mr. Saunders returned home tho same day, but his wife will remain at Calkins for several days. Albert Swartz is working for Mr. Spinner, of Cherry Ridge. Joseph Swartz is visiting his brother-in-law, Levi Ostrand'er, of Atco. W. C. Spry, of this place, attended the meeting of the Big Eddy Telephone Co. on Tuesday last, at Narrowsburg. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Buckingham visited the former's brother, John, of Atco, on Tuesday. The Bethel school will hold an enter tainment in Grange Hall in the near future, the proceeds of which are to be used to purchase a clock for the school. William Avery is hauling wood from the Bethel farm near Beach Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Forest VanWert former ly of this place, but now residing at Honesdale, intend to go West in the spring. W, C. Spry's team left to-day for Honesdale, where they are employed at getting in ice for the Borden's. Charles Wagner is assisting M. El more at White Mills. Sterling. Jan. 29th. On the 25th, while I. M. Kipp was trimming an apple tree, he cut his foot quite badly, and Dr. Smith dressed the wound. Ralph Swingle, who has been attend ing a business college in Scran ton, came home last week with a sore throat, which has since been pronounced scarlet fever. The Democrats and Republicans each held their caucus on the 23d, which were well attended. We are pleased to see the interest that is being taken in town affairs. District Deputy Osborne installed of ficer! in the P. 0. S. of A. Camp, No. 270, on tho 20th of January. Miss A. M. Noble has been under Dr. Gilpin't care for th past week. After Fred. Lloyd returned from G. M. Bidwell's funeral, he was taken with pneumonia, and expired on the evening of the 26th. Frederick Lloyd came to this country from the north of Ireland,' nearly sixty years ago, when he was a young man, and excepting a year or two. has resided here ever since. "Fred" was an honest, industrious and faithful worker, a good neighbor and an obliging friend, who strictly attended to his own business and had a good word for every body. Rev. S. B. Murray, of Ariel, of ficiated at the funeral, which was largely attended, and he gave ns an excellent sermon. Thomas Lloyd, a cousin from Paterson, N. J., was the only relative present, but many here will long remem ber faithful old Fred. -About the County. Bethany. Fnn. 1st. Rev. and Mrs. Signor and I. J. Many attended tho Torrey meet ings in Scrnnton last week. A. 0. iilake was able to walk out last week with the aid of a crutch and cane. The donation party at the manse, Fri day evening, was largely attended. Three sleigh loads came from Honesdale nnd n liberal donation of money was sent to Rev. Cody by some Honesdale friends. Sunday morning the minister thanked his friends very feelingly for their kind nesses in a few well chosen remarks, and said he had received $100.05. Vinning Cody returned from Cold Springs, Thursday. Mrs. Wesley Pnynter nnd daughter, of Carbondale, spent 8undny with Mrs. Lnura Miller. A daughter waB born to Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ross and four of their children hnvo been having a tticge of the grippe. It is to be regretted that more cannot enjoy tho pulpit paintings. They are just what they were represented to be by Rev. Mr. Cody, and those who have seen them tho past two Sundays feel very grateful for the privilege. A donation party will be given Rev. Mr. Signor on Wednesday, Feb. 10th. All nre welcome. Sherman. Fed. 1st. Mrs. Lois Sampson died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Win. Myrick, on Monday last, aged 85 years. She leaves several children to mourn her loss. The body was taken to Starrucca for burial, on Wednesday, the funeral services being held in the Methodist church, of which she had been a life long member. Mrs. Clara Curtis died at her home at Scott Center, last Saturday morning, aged !)0 years. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. May C. Slocum, living at Hepner, Oregon ; one son, Frank, at home ; and two brothers, Oliver and Adelbert How ell. The funeral was held at Sherman, on Wednesday of this week. Interment at Hale Eddy. The Scott Chemical Co.'s store was broken into last Thursday evening, be tween the hours of 6ix and seven, while Mr. Arneke was home for supper, nnd $14 in money taken from the cash drawer. No arrests have been made yet, but will be the coming week, as they are quite certain who did the bola robbery. Beach Lake. Feb. 2d. Mrs. Norah Glahn is still in a very dangerous condition. Her sister, Mrs. J. P. Budd, and brother, Fred, are with her. Miss Ella Best, of Irwin, Pa., is 're covering from a severe illness of six weeks' duration. Sluman Best, of the Philippines, will start on his homeward trip some time next April. He has been absent nearly four years. His brother, Elbert, return ed last summer, and is now teaching in Colorado. MEMORY. As a perfume doth remain In the folds where it hath lain, So the thought of you, remaining Deeply folded in my brain, Will notleave me ; all things leave me; You remain. Other thoughts may come and go, Other thoughts I may know That shall waft me, in their going, As a breath blown to and fro, Fragrant memories; fragrant mem ories Come and go. Only thoughts of you remain In my heart where they have lain, Perfumed thoughts of you, remain ing, A hid sweetness, in my brain, Others leave me ; all things leave me; You remain. ARTHUR SYMONS. "GOOD NIGHT." Good night, good night ; ah, good the night, That wraps thee in its silver light : Good night ; no night is good for me That does not hold a thought of thee, Good night. Good night. Be every night as sweet As that which made our love complete, Till that last night when death shall be One bright "Good Night" for thee nnd me. Good night. Dr. S. WEIR MITCHELL. "A bummer Paradise. " All hotel and boarding-house proprie tors on the line of the Delaware & Hud son Railroad desiring representation in the new edition of the Hotel Directory, should send full information nt once to the General Passenger Agent, Albany, N. Y. . 8eol3 IL If? NOTES hC.M.BARNITZ tovzssns VA. QM ftOKEtSPONDEJICE 30XICITED Copyright, 1(09, by American Press Asso ciation. These articles and Illustrations must not be reprinted without special permission. "BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL 8NOW." When your wife calls at the daybreak, "John, the snow Is two feet deep; You had better get the shovel And not waste tltb time In sleep," Then's the time o' day: dear brother, That your heart It i. love doth glow For the poet of the snowflako Who wrote "I3oautlfu1, Beautiful Bnow." When your spinal column's cracking And the shovellng'a going alow To revive your freezing; spirits Whistle "Beautiful, Beautiful Bnow." When In sloppy slush you'ra flopping Ana your socks begin to nil And the Icy wavelets, gushing, Splash you with an awful chill, It Is then, when your physician Hands In a tremendous bill, That you love to hear the poat Of the sparkling snowflako trill. But perhaps you love the poem best, This poem, "Beautiful Snow," When you zigzag down the street And your feet from under go. When your bald spot hits the stone walk, While you count the stars above, It Is then a man can really talk Of snow that poets love. C. M. B. CHICKEN POX. When you got mumps. and measles you might have had some reason to blame tho tow head boy who made faces at you lnschool, but when chick en pox made you scratch you could as well have blamed It on your red ban tam rooster, for tho ugly, Itchy nttllc tlon on human and (owl Is the same and Is caused by u vegetable fungus. When turkeys, chickens, geese and pigeons get bunged up with these yel low tipped warts the sight Is enough to break any fancier's heart The wart generally first appears on the lower eyelid nnd grows and closes the eye. Unless localized It covers the head and Is found especially on eyelids, base of beak, orifices of nose, on comb and wattles. Unlike favus, It seldom af fects the feathered parts except with pigeons, where It often Is found under the wings. When it takes a diphthe ritic turn, spreading over the mem branes of nostrils and mouth, it Is dif ficult to cure. This phase of the dis ease Is fatal to pigeons. Occasionally a vigorous fowl will overcome tho disease without treat ment. The warts dry up and drop off. This Is seldom, and tho treatment must be often continued for two or three weeks. Old stock Is seldom affected unless weak or through wounds. Young and Into hatched fowls are par- OniCKKN FOX. tlcular victims. Warm sections are scourged with it, and it is most com mon in the fall. Wet seasons, leaky, dirty poultry houses and pigeon lofts, where damp droppings rot, are breed ers. TREATMENT. , Quarantine victims, remove the well birds to new quarters or thoroughly disinfect the old and make everything sanitary. Localize tho pox on the spot whero it appeared. We have used the following cures with success. Take your pick: Wash head with nn equal part mix ture of water and vinegar and apply bluestone (sulphate of copper) to the warts. Use the lump or dissolve n dram in half a pint of water. Touch warts with turpentine. Apply solution of Iodine and 12 per cent car bolic ncld. Be careful not to get the latter remedy into the eyes and use caution lest you carry disease to the children or to the rest of the flock. This malady is also known as warts, soro head and pigeon pox. DO NTS. Don't let chickens wade in filth, Scaly leg. Don't make your roosts too high. Bumble foot. Don't let your wife do tho heavy work while you play sick and labor shirk. Don't forget to have good printed stationery. But don't have it loud as a brass band. Don't let strangers make an inside map of your plant. They may be bur glars In disguise. Don't let jour roosters get frosted combs. Xou know how It feels to frost your thumbs. Don't expect to get all your prac tical knowledge from a poultry library. Expect hard knocks occasionally, DECORATING HIHTS An Artistic Bedroom Done In Gray and Pink. A REAL STROKE OF GENIUS. Tidies Again the Vogue In Smart Nev York Homes The Zodlao Necklace Is the Thing to Conjure With. Handicraft Work. My Dear Elsa I have Just come back from a week end spent with Eli nor N. You know the N.'s have re cently finished their new house at Short Hills, and When they ore not exploring all the unexplored regions of the globo they will be located at this delightful colonial abode, situated In one of Jersey's most exclusive spots. Tho place will be In the market a year from now, 1 nm absolutely certain, but for the time being they nre perfectly bewitched with their latest architec tural achievement. I wonder why the "moving on" nplrlt does get such n ZODIAO NECKLACE. grip on Americans. I reckon it's be cause wc are so bent upon improving ourselves we just can't rest. We cer tainly do lack repose as a nation; but, us the English complacently hint, we'll "arrive" when wo get over the novelty of having barrels of money to dlsposo of as the whim seizes us. But I haven't time this morning to moralize, for I must tell you nbout Elinor's bed room, which is the sweetest thing you ever imagined. Tltania's bower, Mrs. George Gould's famous boudoir nt Georgian Court, the magnificent Lake- wood palace, isn't n patch on this apartment In point of artistic concep tion. I couldn't shut my little peepers in fiuch n beauty spot. The wonder of it would keep me awake. Raving, as usual! Now, listen to how It's "done" and you'll rave with me. To begin with, the room Is a good sized square apartment I loathe a great barn of a bedroom, don't you? It started out for a "square deal," but got sidetracked at one end, where a slightly bowed diamond paned window breaks up tho architectural precision. Under Elinor's supervision you know she's artistic to the finger tips a New York interior artist, a woman by the way, did the decorating. A gray and pluk scheme was selected, nnd to carry out the misty, hazy atmosphere that was planned to float o'er this Eden the floor was first painted and then ftnnraoled a soft French gray and partly covered with a square rug of silvery gray green wllton. The walls were hung with a pale gray cartridge paper suggesting tho tone of the floor. Now comes evidence of the dlvlno afflatus possessed by the decorator. Departing from the commonplace frieze, this original craftswoman ran a stiff border of pink hollyhocks Imme diately under tho place dedicated to this piece of mural decoration. Where the frieze wasn't, to bo Irish, was a blurry effect in grays that melted into tho celling, rather indicating the gath ering of a storm with the sun shining through. On either side of the dress lng table, which was of gray enameled s.itlnwood, were arranged silver can dclabra In branch style, fitted with electric light, softened by shades in the form of pink hollyhocks. The sin gle bed was of the same wood; also n smull colonial table, on which were placed the night light of sliver, with hollyhock shade, nnd a few of Elinor's favorlto books bound In gray suede. Talking nbout genius, It surely was burning when It came to the dressing up of this bed. A spread and bolster roll of white handkerchief linen edged with deep cluny lace and embroidered with a row of the pink hollyhocks was designed for this particular couch and cnrrled Into effect. Hnvo I told you why the old kitchen garden flower wns selected as a motif? No? How stupid, for hereby hangs a tale! You should and must know that the decorators imported Just two pat terns of n Frinch cretonno in gray be sprinkled with tho dear, stiff old po sies, and ono of these lengths Elinor annexed nnd hud her couch, easy chairs and window scat upholstered In It. Naturally the blossoms became the theme of the furnishings. But, to como back to tho spread, when It was laid on tho bed it became a whlted sepul cher, nnd, as an editor friend of mine says, "It hit one" In the eye." Some thing had to be done. Sleepless nights ensued for Elinor and tho Interior dec orator. Like Sentimental Tommy, they "found a why," and such a funny way! It was decided the spread had to be dyed a pale gray, the right sort of nuance to tono In with the other ef fects. But how get It? I believe In "leadings," both In things divine and material, and an edrthly manifestation tool; place in this Instance. One even ing Elinor had for the moment forgot ten the spread and was getting ready for a dinner party. When her maid, frock' In hand, was about to slip over her head a Worth creation she grace fully dodged the service, flew to a bun dle of old newspapers that happened to be In the room and, while Maria looked on aghast, tore them up, tossed them in the basin and poured boiling water over them. Impatiently walking the floor for a second, she returned to the experiment, lifted the paper from the water with tho aid of a tooth brush handle and gazed in ecstatic rapture at the grayish solution left in the basin. When Marie had brought her tho spread and bolster roll milady gathered tho embroidered part of tho work up in her hands and dipped the rest of the linen In tho water. After sousing the material up nnd down, he boid a lovely tone of gray was the re sult! Satisfied with tho undertaking, Elinor allowed herself to bo dressed for the dinner and departed In high glee. Next day the tidies were treated to the same kind of bath. Tidies, you say, who uses anything so antiquated? We up to date Gothamltes do, my dear. They've been the smart caper all winter, but not tho antimacassar of hideous English origin. No; the new affairs are of the sheerest hand kerchief linen and are used merely on the arms of upholstered furniture. Tlicro were no pictures on the walls of this exquisite room. In fact, nothing of ii pictorial uaturo was attempted nnvo tho portraits of tho master of the house and Elinor's small girl, Kath leen, framed In dull silver, that were to bo soon on the dressing table. At tho bow window woro sash curtains of gray brusscls net and long hangings of cretonno lined with pink silk. The toilet things were of perfectly plain dull silver, each article decorated with a stugle hollyhock. When I tell yon that the doors entering the boudoir and bath were of plate glass with dull silver knobs you can gather, I hope, a faint Idea of the attractiveness of this room. I know how fond you are of needle work, so when my hostess showed me n tea cloth she had Just bought I took in all the points so I could pass them along. The cloth was a large oval af fair of white handkerchief linen, mean- urlng probably two yards around. A superb piece of handmade Russian lace was used as a finish. For about a depth of two feet at intervals around the cloth were the most natural stalks of wild carrot. The blossom part was worked In tufta of mercerized white cotton and the stalks and spiky leaves In a pale green. The flowers were raised so high and were so true to na ture that one instinctively looked for the funny littlo black beauty spot that is to be found In all wild carrot flow ers. Between the bunches of bios soma were medallions the size of a bread and butter plate of Russian lace. The whole thing was gorgeous and yet In perfect taste. Hand wrought Jewelry is the fad of the moment and classes are being formed for courses of instruction dur- lng Lent, one of which I have Joined, but all I expect to accomplish is a much battered up pair of hands. Some of the reproductions of ancient amu lets and charms are stunning, and I spent all my last allowance the other day on a zodiac necklace, which is the p latest thing to conjure with. Every body nowadays has a fetich, a partlc ulnr luck charm, which is supposed to NEW OOBSAOE DECORATION. , ward off misfortune. My charm is an Egyptian ono, the twelve signs of the zodiac, all in dull beaten metal, ar ranged to encircle the throat and con nected In front with a sacred scarab, or Egyptian beetle with spread wings. Below the scarab hangs a little pend ant showing the asp, another Egyptian charm. If your astral color and birth- Btone have played you false, let me know, and I'll lend you my necklace, and in the meantime believe me ever mostly sincerely yours, MABEL. Crystallized Orange Peel. Save all the orange skins from the table and throw them into a large crock filled with salt and water, about a cup of salt to a gallon. When it is full wash them in two or three waters, scraping out the white inside. Simmer gently, changing the water from time to time, till all trace of the salt disap pears. Drain and with tho scissors or a sharp knife cut into very narrow strips and weigh. For each pound a! low a pound of sugar and a half cup. ful of water. Boil tho sugar and water a moment, add the orange peel and simmer gently about thirty minutes or until tender. Drain, roll each piece in granulated sugar and put on a platter covered with oiled paper to dry in the sun or on buttered tint in a alow oven. Har- pr's Bazar. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attorncys-at-Lnw. H WILSON, . ATTORNEY. A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Offl. Mfiqnnln htttlfilno-. fuwmrl flnnr Honesdale. Pa. WM. H. LEE, ATTORNEY A COONSELOR-AT-LAW. nmn ..m ah i i t 1 .. . suiwuwi yv uiuwi ill. iteui UUSIUUSS promptly attended to. Honesdale, l'a. EC. MUMFORD, . ATTORNEY ot COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office Liberty nail building, opposite the Post Olllco. Honesdale. Pa. HOMER GREENE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office over Kelt's store, Honesdale, Pa. AT. SEARLE, . -ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office near Court House, Honesdale, Pa. OL. ROWLAND, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office over Poat Office. Honesdale, Pa. CHARLES A. McOARTY, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Special and prompt attention given to the collection ot claims. Office over Kelt's new store, Honesdale, Pa. FP. KIMBLE, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office over the post office, Honesdale, Pa. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office in the Court House, Honesdale, rn. HERMAN HARMEb, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Patents and pensions secured. Office In tho Hchucrhulz building, Honesdale, Pa. pETER H. ILOFF, JL Al IUIIKKV A UUUNBKLUH-AT-LAW. 9n.fctVicond. P.r oUl Havings Bank building, Honesdale, Pa. RM. SALMON, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW OHice-Ncxt door to post olllec. Kormerl occupied by W. II. Dlmmlck. Honesdale, Pa Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Offlee First floor, old Savings Tlnnlr h-.illrl. lng, Honesdale, Pa. Physicians. DR. II . B. SEARLES, HONESDALE, PA. Office nnd residence 1116 Church street Telephones. Office Hours 2:00 to 4:00 und :uuioo:vu, p,m. 1 MANY BOOKS IN ONE WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Do yon know that the INTERNATIONAL answers with final authority ALL KINDS ot questions in Language, The Trades, Arts and Sciences, Geography, Biogra phy, Etc.? Plan of Contents as follows i OolondrUtM.nurE.Ot&tsQaali.s... m SrielHlstcryef UittLasUihZAngua-. m b utuaj to rrorancuuoa SclcUrly Vocatalary of Ecgll&li.. Garttteer of the World. EloitptdcilDlcUonirr.... Ccrlctnro Proper Vimn.SA njllifc ChrlrtUa " A V1m itlMi. D,ooo ii'.uitr&uoDi. 39,00ft AJlKlWoias. Recognized by the Courts, the Schools, and the Pitm, ns THC ONE QRAT STANDARD AUTHORITY. Ehould You Not Own Such a Book? WZBSTZB'8 O01LEOIATE DIOTIOHABY. LarKestabrldgmentoftluXiitcniaUonal. Kcgal&r ft Tola rpr EdlUooj. lilt Ikgu, 1C00 lUu. Write for "DICTIONARY WMKKLKS," onrl Sped, men razes. Mentonlnyourre.iuestAfndSriiAi anil receive a useful set of colored maps, pocket sire, of the United States, Cuba, fanania, China, Japan. Etc.FrM. G. & C. MERRIAM CO. Springfield, Ilass., U. S. A. NOTICE ! Notice Is hereby clvcn that the Salem Camp Ground will no longer be used for camp meet Ins purposes, nnd all persons owning lots on sal(l grounds, wishing to dispose ot them, will present their claim to' 0. O. Gillett, Secretary ol the aisocatlon.on or before April 1st, 1809, or be debarred from receiving any revenue from them. G. O. Gillett, 1 Hamllnton, Pa.. A.C.Howe, Com. Jan. i, 1909. It. H. Simons. ) WHEN THE ENGINE UOMES s no time to be regretting your neglect to get insured. A little :nre beforehand ii worth more than any amount of re gret. KRAFT & CONOER, General Insurance Agents HONESDALE". PA. We have made arrangements so that we can send for $1.75 the CITIZEN for one year and the FARM JOURNAL for five years. I I I I I nun: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1