The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 03, 1909, Image 1

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    , . r
Wayne County Orgpn
Seml-Wcekly Founded i
of the '
Weekly Founded, 1844
66th YEAR.
ymlral's Daughter One of
Suspects Arrested.
Girl, Eighteen, Who lived In Lux
ury, Found Carrying Revolu
tionary Manifesto Written
In Invisible Ink.
St Petersburg, Feb. 2. Another plot
to kill the czar and other members of
the imperial family has been discov
ered here, nnd one of the suspects ar
rested Is the eighteen-year-old daugh
ter of Bear Admiral Batakoff, who is
wealthy apart from the emoluments
of his naval office and lives In a splen
did mansion on the Nevsky Prospect.
The police raided the headquarters
of the Union of Clerks and Shop Em
ployees and nrrested two men who
were found on the premises. They
searched the place and discovered a
number of manifestoes and a quantity
of correspondence and illegal litera
ture. As they were about to depart a
young girl appeared and was imme
diately arrested. She was found to be
carrying u roll of paper which turned
out to have upon it a revolutionary
manifesto written In invisible ink.
The manifesto spoke of the Intended
destruction of the czar and several of
the imperial dukes. She was Identified
as a daughter of Rear Admiral Bata
koff of the Russian navy.
Six other persons were subsequently
arrested, one of whom is the daughter
of a colonel. The police afterward
made domiciliary visits to scores (of
houses, nnd many additional arrests'
were made.
The arrest of Lakuhpln, former chief
of the poiice of the empire, on the
charge of being a revolutionist has
created' ft -great 'sensation.
The circumstances of his arrest were
dramatic. His house was surrounded
by police, who wore bullet proof cui
rasses. Lakuhpln was awakened and
appeared half dressed. When the or
der for his nrrest was shown to him
he replied calmly, "Gentlemen, do your
Former" Minister Prince Urusoff, a I
brother-in-law of Lakuhpln, arrived at j
the house while the police were search
ing it nnd was placed under arrest.
But he was liberated after having
been searched.
Other residences were visited by the
police. Including one occupied by M.
Sllosbcrg, an advocate who acts for
the ministry of the interior.
Locke Law Case In New Orleans Has
Novel Features.
New Orleans, Feb. 2. A decision In
the trial nt Gretna of Jack Shechan,
charged with having violated the
Locke law In the taking of bets at the
Suburban race track, is expected today
from Judge Edrington.
Tho trial attracted big crowds to
Gretna, the parish seat of Jefferson.
District Attorney Marraro upon being
placed on tho stand stated that he had
not noted any violation of the law, but
that as the. governor had declared there
was a violation ho thought It best to
step out of tho way and refuse to pros
ecute. Joseph A. Murphy, who was presid
ing judge at tho Suburban park track,
was a witness for the defense. He de
clared that the system of belting in
vogue at tho Suburban did not consti
tute a betting book and entered into a
detailed explanation of the system.
President Elect Favors New Mexico
and Arizona. Measure.
Washington, Feb. 2. National Chair
man Hitchcock Is here with a message
to senators and members of thc bouse
from President Elect Taft to the effect
that he Is strongly desirous thnt the
bill for statehood of New Mexico and
Arizona pass this session.
Despite this Senator Aldrlch Is dis
posed to hold up the bill. Senator
Beverldge of the territories committee
Is opposed to admission.
Mrs. McCoy Had Been Postmistress
For Forty Years.
Greenville, Pa., Feb. 2. Mrs. Mary
McCoy, aged olgbty-slx years, tho old
est woman postmaster In the United
States, has resigned her position at
Sheakleyville, Pn., which sho filled for
forty years.
Mrs. McCoy was appointed by Pres
ident Johnson and In the early years
of her service carried mall from Mead
Vllle In addition to her other duties.
Promise Made to President Elect Taft
by Colonel Goethals.
Culebrn, Panama, Feb. 2. "I can
promise that ships will be passing
through the Panama canal on New
Year's day, 1015," said Colonel Goe
thals, chief engineer of the isthmian
canal commission, to President Elect
Taft on the completion of their Inspec
tion of the Culcbra work, which is
nine miles long.
"I am more than delighted with the
progress of the work," snldIr. Taft
in reply. "The plans are, working out
just as they should, and the work is
going ahead as it ought to. The engi
neers tell me that there Is nothing to
be criticised."
Colonel Goethals' statement is the
first in which he has definitely prom
ised that the canal will be completed
by the 1st of January, 1015. He is
thoroughly satisfied with the plans
and progress of the work and feels
that he caa predict the finish of the
work with accuracy.
George Busse of Chicago Not Blamed
For Killing Woman.
Chicago, Feb. 2. George A. Busse,
brother of the mayor, was exonerated
from all blame for the fatal shooting
of Mrs. Lucius C. Tuekerman by the
coroner's Jury.
All possible evidence tending to ex
plain the tragedy was heard, nnd It
showed that the discharge of the re-
volver in
Mr. Busse's hands and the
course of the
bullet were parts of a
shocking accident
ikiiKuuu'i uiuciiu uutiiu, an
ther of Mrs. Tuekerman, said: "In ray
opinion the shooting was entirely an
accident. Under the circumstances no
shooting with Intent to hit any one
T ..!.... .11,... '........! A SI n
was possible.
Mrs. Glrard told much the same
story as her husband. "I became nc-
I qualnted with tho Busse family n few '
weeks ago, and our relations were en-
iireiy iricnujy. '-ine suooimg unuouui
edly was an accident."
Seller of Cleveland Article Forfeits
His Bail.
New York, Feb. 2. Broughton
Brandenburg, the writer whose trlaf
on 'an indictment charging grand lar
ceny in the second degree in connec
tion with the sale of a letter bearing i
the signature of ex-President Grover j
Cleveland to n newspaper was to be
gin before Justice Dowllng in the
criminal branch of the supreme court, j
fulled to answer when his name was
His ball, $1,500 given by tho Ameri
can Bonding company, was forfeited,
and n bench warrant was issued for
his arrest. Samuel Bell Thomas, coun
sel for the fugitive, seemed surprised
at Brandenburg's failure to appear in
Invades Tent of Family In California
and Kills Child.
Balbon, Cnl Feb. 2. A mountain
Hon crunching the lifeless nnd man
gled body of her two-year-old boy was
thc sight that greeted Mrs. Chris
Brown when she entered tho family
tent, four miles from the Hotel Del
mar, after a short walk.
The mother In despair rushed
screaming- at the beastly -slayer of her
child. Tho Hon growled savagely and
backed slowly out of the rear of the
tent, its ' mouth dripping with tho
baby's blood, nnd disappeared. The Hon
had partly dismembered the child aft
er slaying it. The Brown family ar
rived from Delaware two weeks ago.
Anothtr Quake at Montreal.
Montreal. Feb. 2. A second earth
quake shock followed tho slight one
first reported, nnd a number of people
who had been aroused by the first
tremor wero badly frightened.
Weather Probabilities.
Fair; colder; fresh to moderate west
Says Wife's Gharges of
Cruelty Are Untrue.
Inhuman Treatment and Abandon
ment Alleged by Woman Who
Married Millionaire Eight
een Months Ago.
New York, Feb. 2. Through Eugene
Bushe, his counsel, William Gould
Brokaw, today made emphatic denial
of the charges of cruel and iuhuman
treatment and abandonment made by
his wife, Mary Blair Brokaw, in her
suit for separation.
Mr. Brokaw declared that the charges
were untrue, that ho was not to blame
for the 111 success of his matrimonial
venture and that he would vigorously
contest the suit.
Mrs. Broknw, who was married to
the young millionaire on Sept. 10,
1907, declares in her complaint that
while they were at the Hotel Nether
lands, in New York, on Nov. 10, 100T,
her husband disguised himself by put
ting on a false beard and a wig nnd,
taking his secretary with him, went
around the corner, where an automo
bile was waiting for him,
He went In the auto to Jersey City '
nnd telephoned from there to his wife
sho alleges, to meet him at the Laurel
House, in Lakewood. She went to
that hotel and tried to reach her hus
band, but he got away by means of a
fire escape.
Mrs. Brokaw says that her husband
Insisted that she should not eat in
public dining rooms or go out on the
street, even if accompanied by her
maid. She says that he wanted her to
remain In her apartments at all times
and not to meet or speak with friends.
At various times he accused her of
flirting with old friends, she-soys.
Mrs. Brokaw declares that her hus-'
band at all times used vile language
to her. At any hour, day or night, he
would break into her room nnd nccuse
her of various offenses. She says that
Tin cfnrtml n avfitnm nf OHn!nTinp. nrwl
. ....... .. r --
I Intprcented nnd read her letters.
TTo nvnn r-nmnlilltlH tllR nlnlntlff. I
nsked the cabmen where his wife had I
j,0(,n although she had Informed him '
Oil unit puiIU, ilUU ueeiureu luut Bile luiiuuuu ui iuu vuuuua lutiuuca nuo
should not talk to any one when he directly to restrain ns well as to mo
was not around. 'liopollze Interstate trade and com
On New Year's day, 1008, there was
house party at High Point, which
Mrs. Brokaw describes. Among the
guests were Senator and Mrs. White
of Syracuse, Justice Glldersleeve, Mrs.
r0ttcr of Boston, Thomas Sturgls,
Samuci willetts, last master of the
Me(uiw Brook "'ilunf club, and Mr.
and Mrs. Jules Bache.
Mrs. Brokaw sets forth that her j
husband grew angry, saia tnat sue
was unduly attentive to some of tho I
i - i i .n til.
guests and called her vile names. She
went to her room in a hysterical state,
and he went to his room, whore he put
on his hunting costume, after which
he returned to her and told her, it is
alleged, to "go to out of my
Another accusation she makes is
that ho confronted her with a shotgun
In his hands and made the remark
that he could "blow out what little
brains she hnd."
She says that Mr. Brokaw Is worth
? 1,000,000 nnd Is In possession of nn
annual income of $200,000. Recently
on tho death of his father, sho states,
he fell heir to a fortune of $2,000,000.
Miss Rhodes Mother Says
Wa3 Not Struck.
Washington, Feb. 2. For thc first
time making public a disclaimer of
published reports that President
Roosevelt while riding In Rock Creek
park, near this city, struck tho horse
ridden by n young woman who hap
pened to rldo near his party, the White
House gave out a letter received from
tho young Woman's mother. It was
dated at Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 27,
and read as follows:
My daughter, Miss May Rhodes, whose
horse, it has been widely reported, you
struck while riding in the park last
Thanksgiving day, most emphatically de
nies any knowledge of such an occur
rence', and as It Is deemed of such impor
tance as to be referred to in congress
may I bo permitted to ask you why you
do not deny this story? Very sincerely,
Hundreds Lost In Flower Boat Dis
aster In Harbor of Canton, China.
Canton, China, Feb. 2. At least 200
lives were lost In tho fire which swept
through the fleet of flower boats. The
bodies of 170 victims have already
been recovered, but many persons are
still missing. The fleet was sunk In a
typhoon last July, but was at once rebuilt.
Farreaching Decision by the
(I. S. Supreme Court.
judges Hold That Combination!
' Formed In Restraint of Trade
Cannot Enforce Contracts'
or Colleot Bills,
Washington, Feb. 2. The decision of
the United States supreme court in the
matter of the Continental Wall Paper
company Is held by lawyers to be a
crushing blow to Illegal trusts nnd
combinations formed In restraint of
In this case the court for the first
time laid down the broad principle
that an illegal combination in restraint
Jf trade lias no standing In court when
it attempts to euforce contracts made
in connection with such illegal agree
The case was brought by the Conti
nental company to collect a bill of
$50,702 for wall paper sold to Louis
Volght & Sons' company of Cincinnati.
The Continental Wall Paper com
pany Is what is known as a "holding
company" for the National Wall Pa-
T' " '
It controls thirty factories in New
York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and
Massachusetts, producing OS per cent.,. McMillan, Miss Mabel M. Jadwin,
of the domestic output of wall paper. Lnd R. H. and II. II. Jadwin, nil of
I The articles of agreement show that Carbondale
the National company was to select I ' '
j three directors of the Continental com-' Thc dea(h of Uev- Robert W. Vnn
I nany. three were to be chosen by the Schnik occurred in Holland, Michigan,-
other manufacturers, and the six were '
to elect a seventh, which board was to )
have entire management and control
of the affairs of the thirty factories
and their output.
They, also provided, for ,the stifling
'bt ' com petition by, agreements ns to
selling prices, which were fixed by the
directors, and refusal to sell to any
who cut the prices so fixed.
In delivering the opinion of thc court
Justice Hurlan said It was practically
admitted by the Continental company
tlint IL bad a lUOllOnOlV Of tue mnilU-I
facture of wall paper in the United
States and that the effect of tho com-;
merce In manufacture, sale and trans
portation of wall paper.
Therefore the sole question was'
whether a judgment for the Conti
nental company would not be In exe
cution of illegal agreements upon
which that combination was based,
thus violating the well established rule
that a court would not lend its aid to-
W(lni carrying out the terms of nn II-
wnl agreement. Justice Harlan added:
The EUlt was based upon agrecments t0
. ......
which both were parties, which had for
their object and had the effect to accom- I
pltsh the Illegal ends for which tho trust I
was organized,
If judgment were given for the plain- !
tiff the result would be to give the aid of
the court In making effective the Illegal
agreements that constituted the forbidden
We hold that such a judgment cannot I
be granted without departing from the
statutory rule, that a court will not lend
Its aid In any way to enforce or to realize
the fruits of an agreement which appears j
to be tainted with Illegality.
It Is of no consequence that the present I
defendant company had knowledge of the
alleged illegal combination and its plans I
or was a party thereto, Its Interest must
bo put out of view altogether when It is
sought to have the assistance of the court
In accomplishing ends forbidden by law.
New York Charities Association Meets
In Albany Today.
Albany. N. Y., Feb. 2. Governor
Hughes will bo the principal speaker
nt thc annual meeting of the Stuto
Charities Aid association, which will
bo held in this city today. Tho topic
of tho meeting will be "Tho Preven
tion of Public Dependence," and the
governor will speak on "Co-operation
of Public and Private Agencies In
Preventative Philanthropy."
Homer Folks of New York, secretary
of the association, will deliver the In
troductory address on"What tho State
Charities Aid Association Stands For."
Captain and Crew of British Steamer
Lost on Australian Coast.
Melbourne, Feb. 2. Tho British
steamship Clau Ranald Is a total wreck
near Edlthburg, and the captain and
forty-six of the crew, most of whom
were Asiatics, wero drowned. The ves
sel was seen drifting ashore, but sank
before boats could reach her. Eight
een members of tho crew, including
twelve coolies, were picked up.
Tho Clfn Ranald was struck by a
heavy sea and rendered unmanageable.
Then, being driven ashore, she capsized.
James L. Hackctt died at his home
near Autumn Leaves, this county, on
Monday of last week, Jan. 25, 1909, after
a short illness, of lobular pneumonia. He
was fifty-three yearsof age and is sur
vived by bis wife. The funeral services
were held at the residence on Wednes
day afternoon, Eev. H. C. Leach of
ficiating. Interment in the family plot
on the farm.
Andrew Marling died at his home near
Lackawaxen, Jan. 27. 1909, after a long
illness of rheumatism anu otner ailments
incident to advanced years, aged 82
years, 2 months and 10 days. Ho was a
farmer and had lived near Lackawaxen
for forty-five years. He leaves a wife
who is suffering from paralysis ; three
sons, Joseph, of Wisconsin, and Henry
and Nicholas of Lackawaxen ; and nine
grandchildren, all living at Lackawaxen.
Funeral services were held in St. Mary's
church in that village, on Saturday morn
ing ; Rev. P. J. Lynott officiating. In
terment in St. Mary's cemetery.
Mrs. Anna Louise Jadwin, wife oi
Henry 15. Jadwin, brother of Hon. C.
C. Jadwin, of this place, died at her
home in Carbondale, at an early hour
Saturday morning. Death was duo to
liver trouble from which she had suffered
for over a year. Mrs. Jadwin was a na
tive and life-long resident of Carbondale.
She was born on July 1, 1843. Her
maiden name was Anna Louise Aitkin,
nnd she was :i daughter of John Aitken,
who was one of that city's earliest set
tlers. Besides her husband, she is sur
vived by one brother, John W. Aitkin,
and the following sons and daughters:
Mrs. M. J. Shields, of Scranton; Mrs. I.
on Monday of last week, at thengo of
sixty-seven. The Reverend Doctor was
well-known throughout the bounds of
the Wyoming Methodist Episcopal Con
ference, and will bo no where held, in
more 'tender and .appreciative remem
brance than in the Honesdale, district,
where ho 6erved mist acceptably ns pre
siding elder for several years. He 'was
at times pnstor of various prominent
churches in the conference, and wher-
ever he was stationed, made warm and
'noting frir.nria SDVornl vnnra ncrn lip :!rri ; a rn)rna, , nml fnr
,.mo tiln i. hnA hoo . ,,.,
htalth. His wife died several years ago,
and his home liaa latterly been with his
daughter, Mrs. Ella Gawdy, at Holland,
Mich., where he died. While not a great
or deep scrmonizer, he was plain, earnest
and convincing, and of such n sunny
temperament and winning manners that
l.e was, perhaps without exception, the
best man in tho conference to solicit
needed funds for various church causes
His whole life, from early manhood up
to the time of his death, was spent in
1 active work in the pulpit and church
- .1 1. .. 1. .. .. 1
causes, ana lie lias won t no crown anu
reward which he so richly merited.
Edward L. Fuller, of Scranton, presi
dent of the International Salt Company,
railroad director, financier and philan
thropist, died in Augusta, Georgia, on
Friday afternoon last, of a stroke of apo
plexy, aged 57 years. On the advice of
his physician Mr. Fuller went to Augusta
on thc previous Saturday for the benefit
of his health, although it was thought
by his friends that ho was only slightly
indisposed, and simply in need of rest
from the exactions of his extensive busi
ness interests. A few weeks since he
contracted a severe cold, from which,
however, he appeared to have nearly
recovered, when an attack of ptomaine
poisoning, resulting from eating some
unwholesome oysters, aggravated a latent
kidney trouple, and it is believed was
the superinducing cause of tho apoplectic
stroke. At thc time of the seizure he
was thought to be rapidly improving,
and a telegram to his Scranton friends
on the morning of his death stated that
he was in tip-top shape. The body was
brought back to Scranton for the funeral
services and interment. Mr. Fuller was
born in Hnwley, Oct. 10, 1851, and was
the son of E. C. Fuller, descendant of a
New England family. The elder Fuller
went to Scranton when that city was yet
a village, and was until his death one of
its most prominent and influential citi
zens. The son inherited all the strength
of character that; was in the father and
was, in tho purest sense of the term, self
made. Ho met with business reverses
early in his career, but rose superior to
them ail, and died one of the wealthiest
of Scranton's many wealthy citizens. He
was married in 1870 to Helen M., daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Silkman,
of Scranton, who, with one son, Morti
mer B. Fuller, long actively associated
with him in business, survives him. Be
sides his handsome Bummer residence,
Mr. Fuller also maintained an attractive
summer home at Dalton.
Two Wayne Counteans Honored
W. C. Norton and W. E. Pcrham
at the Head of Two State
Organizations of Breeders
and Dairymen.
Resolutions were passed at a joint ses
sion of the Breeders' Association and
Dairy Union in Harrisburgon Thursday
last, endorsing Dr. Leonard Pearson's
department for the excellent manner in
which it is wiping out the hoof and
mouth disease among cattle, the Nation
al Dairy show to be held in New York,
and the Jones State Fair bill, which will
be presented to the Legislature this week.
These officers were elected :
Dairy Union, president, W. E. Pcr
liam, Niagara, Pn. ; vice president, J.
G. Reist, Mount Joy; secretory, H. E.
VnnOrman, State College ; treasurer,
M. E. Recdcr, Muncy.
Pennsylvania Livestock Breeders' As
sociation, president, W. C. Norton,
Wnymort ; first vice president, Dr. Leon
ard Pearson, Philadelphia j second vice
president, M. P. Shoemaker, Greens
burg ; secretary, E. S. Bayard, Pitta
burg j treasurer, J. F. Lantz, Wyebrook.
Exhibits of prize corn, ten cars to
each exhibit, sold at the joint session of
the organizations for as high ns $22. The
auction of thc corn exhibits, which had
been awarded prizes on Wednesday af
ternoon, was held in the Chestnut street
hall, after the addresses of well known
breeders and educators. ,
The corn comprised fine examples of
yellow dent, white-capped dent, white
dent and flint. The bidding at times.
wfien some blue ribbon exhibits were '
offered was spirited.
The least paid for any ten ears was
one dollar, and after the auction 1 had
ended many more ears from the exhibit
were sold for alike sum. The idea in
purchasing the prize corn at that price
is that the advertisement received by the
purchaser will add value to the cow
when grown and add materially tOtm
value of the corn as seed next fall. , h-
bneof their popular OYSTER SUPPE&ft
at the ChnpeT, on Thursday evening,
Feb. 11, 1909. Look for further .an
nouncements. Special topics with Bible Veading at
the Baptist church every evening thig
week. E. M. Peck, of Carbondale, will
be present Wednesday evening. Busi
ness meeting to follow.
Katz Brothers announce their semi
annual muslin underwear sale.
Everybody welcome at the twenty-five
cent supper to be served by members of
the Episcopal Sunday school, in their
rooms, Thursday, Feb. 4th. First table
at 5:30.
Harry W. Toms is the happy pos
sessor of a fine Munn piano, bought of
W. J. Mclntyre.
Fed. 1st. Wo arc having plenty of
cold weather nnd snow, and if tho say
inp is true that the last three days of
each month rules the next, February
will ben cold month.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Stalker have a
boarder. It's a boy, weighing eight
pounds, born, Jan. 23, 1909.
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Teeple arrived
here from New York last Saturday.
They will build on their farm in the
spring and live here.
Munson Adams and Wm. Ryan, of
Port Jervis, spent Sunday here nt the
home of the latter.
I jiiiareu uavis is assisting .Mrs. Reu
ben Stalker for a few weeks.
Mrs. George Skinner was called to De
posit, Sunday, by the illness ol her
Jan. L'8th. Miss Minnie Gay left on
Saturday morning for Union, N. Y., to
visit her sister, Mrs, H. II. Dresser.
Mrs. Florence Brown and son, Frank,
of Scranton, arrived Thursday evening
to spend some weeks in town.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jenkins, of Jersey City ,
are holding meetings at the school house.
Mrs. Warren Yerkes nnd Mr. and Mrs.
George Lassley were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Volney Skinner last week.
Dr. Perkins, of Carbondale, made pro
fessional calls on Mrs. W. II. Connor
nnd Frederick Kepple on Sunday last.
Henry Lange spent a few days last
week at Halstead, Pa.
W. J. Tyler was nominated for super
visor by a largo majority at the Repub
lican caucus held at Atco on Saturday
Mrs. C. Van Norris nnd daughter,
Lulu, of Cripple Creek, Col., Miss Lulu
Cuddeback, of Now York city, and Miss
Anna Reilly, of Cochecton, were euesU
.of Miss Bessie It. Skinner recently.
'ihe infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ja
cob Swedson died Wednesday morning
of whooping cough.
George Abraham has bought tho saw
mill formerly owned by 8kinner Bros.,
and is drawing logs into the mill yard.