The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 20, 1909, Image 2

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Italy's Queen Establishes One to
Benefit Earthquake Sufferers.
ArUtoeratlc LadUt and Working Qlrl
Siw 3ldo by Bide Little Princeitei
Make Dolls' Ctothei For Poor Cala
brlan' Children Btoriee of the Dlt
iter. It :1s, Impossible to enumerate the re
Uet committees of nil kinds, each with
n .practical object, Uvhlch have been
formed In Rome for the benefit of the
earthquake sufferers In southern Italy
and Sicily. Queen Helena, who Is per
haps the most useful of all the agen
cies of relief, has had the heavy furni
ture removed from three big roonw of
the royal p'alace, putting in tablef, Hew
ing machines, forty or fifty workbas
kets, chairs and nothing else. Here la
dles of the oldest aristocracy and work
Kirls are gathered together In friendly
Intimacy, cutting out and sewing as
though their lives depended upon fin
ishing. The (iieen Is as busy as the rest ad
vising imd directing, even giving le.--nous
and taking a hand herself. Tlil-t
goes on practically nil day until R
o'clock, when tea Is served for nn hour.
At these dh-ertlsements tlic great lady
and the modest Hewing girl associate
as equals, says a special cable dispatch
from Home to the New York Times.
Indeed, they almost change places In
giving inrtructlon.
Other humble pupils are the royal
children, the I'rluecscs Yolanda nnd
Mafalda, respectively seven and six
years old, who are permitted to be
present. They are established In a cor
ner, delighted, busy and Important,
cutting out nnd making dolls' clothes
for the poor little Calabrlan children.
They have been promised that if thry
do these well they shall soon be pro
moted to making baby clothes. Then
their cup of pride will be full.
The way In which the queen came to
establish this hive of Industry was
quaint. She called a little dressmaker
that her maid patronizes to order some
children' clothes and saw her person
ally. In the midst of the conversation
the dressmaker remarked that It was
difficult to carry out so large an order,
as she had joined a society of bowing
girls, established to devote a certain
number of hours every day tn making
clothes for the refugees, buying the
material out of their own pockets.
The queen was Impressed and In
vited them to the Qulrlual, promising
the material If they would give the
Idea, which was enlarged into the
present organization. The queen Is
right iu her element and was heard
to observe, "If the cause were not so
awful these would be very happy days
for me."
No wonder she was at Messina "our
lady of mercy."
During the sewing in the royal work
room many stories are told about the
earthquake. The little princesses
were particularly interested in follow
ing that of nn old woman, appearing
about 100 years old, who refused to
leave the ruins without her little treas
ure and was so obstinate that she
had to be left to her fate. Another
ease was that of some sailor who
heard a queer noise under the ltiltis,
evidently coming from something hu
man. So they dug on and found a
woman and child in a .little shed
which had resisted the shock and the
fall of the debris, together with a
cow, which yielded enough "-"k to
keep them both alive. At las: 11 be
came so weak that they could ot lift I
their heads, but they were .... alive
when rescued, having given warmth
to one another.
Several children taken from the rtiliw
on the first day, when hunger was
not ho pressing, cried nnd kicked until
their favorite dolls or toys were found.
One youngster was found still clasping
n Teddy bear in her arms.
Queen Helena In describing some of
the pathetic Incidents of her visit to
nc'glo paid:
"In one sunny street not a single
building remained intact, though the
facjdes of the buildings remained
standing. In these bouses the living
and the dead were ml '.gled. In them
were hundreds of corpses, besides
many Injured persons who were pen
ned In small Rpaccs under the debris
or held down by timbers or stones
that rested upon legs or arms. Yet
upon the standing walls in many
places were cages containing canaries
entirely uninjured, which sang nnd
warbled joyously. The contrast pre
sented was terrible.
"The very day that I saw these ca
naries nnd heard the cries of impris
oned persons uuder the ruins I visited
Messina, where a young woman bereft
of her reason stood upon a heap of
ruins singing and bowing to an au
dience composed of corpses. The wo
man proved to be the singer Gemma
Perugia, who had gone mad from grief
and who imagined, herself at a cafe
Send Them Home at 1.
A new club recently opened on Eu
clid avenue, in Cleveland, O., has a
bouse rule that all members must be
out of the building not later than 1
o'clock and the place closed up at that
hour, excepting, of course, special oc
casions. "And what's the reason for a 1
o'clock closing ordinance?" somebody
"Reason enough," replied a member
of the bouse committee. "No man has
any Hccmso to be away from his fam
Jy any later than 1 o'clock."
Deposed Grand Couneilor Haa Been
Called Empire' Strongest Man.
Yuan 8hl Kal, the great viceroy of
Chill province, who was recently dis
missed from the ofllce of grand coun
cilor and commander in chief of the
Chinese forces, was one of the most
Influential and powerful statesmen in
the Chinese empire.
The reason given for his dismissal
h that he has rheumatism of the leg.
The edict ordered Yuan Shi Kal to
vacate all his offices and to return to
his home, adding, "Thus our clemency
toward him Is manifested."
Yuan Shi Kal has been called the
strongest man In China and was re
garded as much more powerful that
LI Hung Chang was. He Is a thor
oughly practical man and brought
business methods to the administra
tion of the empire. He worked assid
uously for the advancement of the
Middle Kingdom, and his watchword
was that China was capable of ac
complishing just as much as had Ja
pan. He inspired a national patriot
ism which is today doing much to
sweep away middle age superstition
and' rebuild the empire. He has been
a member of the grand council since
1007, and In that year he relinquished
the post of viceroy of Chill, but It
was in tills offleo that he gained the
greatest renown.
Yuan Shi Kal organized un army in
China that astonished foreign military
critics. He succeeded In obliterating
all the popular and caste objection!) to
military service, so that the Hons of
the nobility today are proud to appear
In uniform. He substituted modern
text books for ancient classics, ho com
pelled the abolition of torture and
transformed Peklu from the filthiest
city In the world into a metropolis well
paved and cleanly kept, that compares
favorably with many cities of Europe
and America.
It Is an uncontested fact that Yuan
Shi Kal encouraged and represented
the most progressive Ideas in the cen
tral government. He was director gen
eral of trade nnd international relations
In Korea and Judicial commissioner of
Chill In 1S07. In 1808 he was appoint
ed to the vice presidency of a board
with control of an army corps and In
1800 to the vice presidency of the board
of works. In the same year he was
made acting governor general of Chili.
In December of 1001 he was appoint
ed junior guardian of the heir appar
ent, in 1902 consulting minister to the
council of government nnd In 100:5 pres
ident of the army reorganization council.
Chinese Incense.
Elm bark, cloves, ollbaum, putchuck,
sandalwood dust, garoo, laka, aniseed,
musk, orange peel, galango, dried gin
ger, sapauwood, rheubarb, myrrh, cas
sia and camphor enter Into the com
position of Chinese Incense.
Twelve Inch Gun Shells.
A. shell from a twelve inch gun
makes its flight of nine miles in forty
two seconds.
Dresden China.
The secret in making the finest
porcelain, known as Dresden china,
was discovered 200 years ago by an
apothecary's apprentice who was try
ing to change silver Into gold.
Long Lived Pike.
In HOT a pike captured near Man
b"I:n, Germany, carried a small tablet
ou which in Greek appeared, "I am
the first fish put Into this pond by
Emperor Frederick II., Oct. 3, 12C2."
The carcass weighed 350 pounds.
Saloon Rents In New York.
Of all the high rents paid in New
York city the highest are paid by sa
Ioous, -which are taxed about double
what could be got from any other
business for the same premises.
Dried Horseflesh.
Some hospital physicians arc urging
that horseflesh be more freely used as
being not only cheaper than beef, but
more tender nnd digestible. If dried
and reduced to n powder it becomes
almost tasteless.
Honesdale DIME
Sixth Statement.
Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages.. .
Real Estate, Furniture and Fix
tores Legal Reserve Fond, Cash, etc.
E. O. MUMFORD, President.
W. F. RIEFLEIt, Vice President.
JOS. A. FISOH, Cashier.
Total Assets Over Half a Million.
Concrete Watering Placet.
It la the opinion of a correspondent
of the Country Gentleman that there
Is an excellent chanco to combine
utility and beauty in the erection of
attractive and permanent watering
places In village streets and along
country roads. The old moss covered
tub, half burled in a bank of ferns
and wild flowers, presents a pic
turesque tappearance no doubt, but in
a short tlmo the hoops of the tub
give way, the staves fall in, and a
long Interval may elapse before the
watering place is in commission.
The lirsl requisite is, of course, a
supply of running water. Then a
substantial stone foundation should
be laid below the frost line an Iron
supply pipe as well as a waste pipe
being brought up through this foun
dation. On this foundation can be
erected as simple or as elaborate a
design as one may desire. A mold of
rough boards can easily be set up for
any rectangular shape, the boards be
ing held in place by crosswise strips
milled to the upper edges. The boards
tan bo raided as the work goes on.
The Briefest Will.
Trobably the briefest tCFtament was
that of a man who bad often declnred
that he would make his will on a half
sheet of note paper. He cllil as he had
said and wrote "All for mother" on a
bit of paper. The will was signed
"(.'. T." and witnessed by the testator's
two sons. The document was admitted
to probate In due course.
Charmed Fishing Rods.
Filipinos are very superstitious. Of
ten a whole piece of bamboo Is found
In the Islands In which black ants
have made their nest, there being, how
ever, no visible entry. Fishermen al
ways hunt for this peculiar bamboo to
assure themselves of good fishing.
Copenhagen's Deer Park.
Copenhagen has the largest Inclosed
deer park of any city In the world. Its
area is about 4,200 acres.
Flag Colors.
The colors of a flag nre read from
the pole outward. A red, white and
blue flag has therefore the red nest to
the pole. The reverse of this Is the
case with the blue, white and red flag
of Franco, and so on.
Inches and Centimeters.
In the Itevue do llecanique, 51.
Ilaouy points out that while one Inch
equals 2.5309,711 centimeters the ratio
1G0-C3 (equals 2.5306S) can be used for
all practice calculation, It being less
than the hundredth part of 1 per cent
below the true value.
The Healthy Orowth and Prosperous Condition of Hones
dale Dime Dank, the Total Assets, after Three Years' Busi
ness being Over Half a Million Dollars, Indicate Public Con
fidence In the Safety and Integrity of Its rianagemcnt.
STATEMENT NOV. 27, 1908.
$ 362,877.44
Capital Stock
Snrpluss, Earned
Cashier's Checks Outstanding..
t 512,016.50
Increase in Deposits in
at the close of business, Nov. 27, 1903.
Reserve fund
Cash, specie and notes, $53,382 85
Ifgal securities ,ooo 00
Due from approved re
serve nccnts..... 125,787 12-229,169 97
Checks nnd cash Items ijjub 58
Due from Banks nnd Trust Co'u.not
reserve agents 0.003 32
Kills discounted not due, $297,519 32
Dills discounted, time
loans with collateral. . . 39,385 50
Loans on call with col-
lateral. 77.787 50
Loans on call upon one
or more names 51,805 00
Loans secured by bonds
or mortgacc 3,000 00 472,197 32
Stocks, bonds, etc. ...1,808,947 0t
Mortgages und Jude
mcnts of record .... 185,959 2i-l.U91.90G 30
Real estate......... 33,000 00
Furniture and Fixture? 2.000 00
Overdrafts io 20
Miscellaneous Assets ioo oo
12,742,598 09
Capital Stock, paid In 100,000 00
Surplus Hind......... ;joo,000 co
Undivided Prollts, less expenses
and taxes paid 64,052 89
Depos ts subject to check $15!,7!U KS
Deposits special 2,094,834 74
Time certificates of de
posit 23H ts
Certified checks 591 :i
Cashier's check outst'tj 79" 05-2,2.l ,'J5I 84
Hue to Commonwealth 2o,U(J0 U0
Due to linnksuud bankers, not re
serve agents i;KK)0iJ
, , , $2."42.B!W O
Pint;-of , Pennsylvania. County of SVumic, ss.
l.H. iM'Ott Salmon, Cashier of the above
named solemnly swear that the
above 'statement is true, to the brat of my
knowledge unci belief,
(s!'-'"i'd) H. . SA I.MON, Cashier
Mibscrlbcil and sworn to heforu me thlsL'nd
day of December, law.
(Signed) ItOllKItT A. SMITH, N, P.
INotarial Seal
Correct Attest :
V. it. Holmes, )
T!1!Z:;Kmv" f "lmt"n
The Farmers' and
Mechanics' Bank
at the close of business, Nov. 27, l!k)S.
lii'Mjrvo fund $
('ash, specie and notes, ifll.Ml 5'.'
Due from approved re
serve agents $320 95-
Checks niul other cali items
Hills discounted. not due
Bills discounted, time loans with
Loans on call with collateral
Loans upon tall upon one or more
Lo:ins secured by bonds and nso'rt
gases Investment seeurltlesowned exclu
sive of reserve bonds, viz
Stocks, bonds, etc f I7.HI-J CO
Mortgages and Judg
ments of record 19.320 M-
iieal estate
Furniture and fixtures '
Miscellaneous assets
31,518 OU
18.7.-.0 0C
5.7011 0C
1S.0K5 00
..'.975 CO
18.899 55
1.S01 41
1.770 72
9 205,193 21
,aPca'"i;. :".
and taxes paid 2 851 93
Deposits, subject to check. .$51,51052
Deposits, special 100,Xi 09-152,323 21
Cashier's checks outstanding! 16 10
205.193 21
Mate of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss
1. C. A. Knterv. Cashier nf thi.
OOmiKUlV. (lit MllPIlinlV uvinr Mint tlm
staUMiu-iit Is truu to the best of my knowledge
111(1) WJlt VI,
C. . UMKItY, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 2d
u;ij tn i-'tcuiuuer, iiain.
... liL'.NA S. Kiwiktt. N, P.
Correct attest :
M. K. Simons. 1
K. W, KiiMTNEK, Directors.
JOIIK kUllllACH, )
mMAL LIST. YVnvne Common Picas
JL .lan.Tenu, 1900. Beginning Jan. 18.
1. (ircgory V Perkins.
U. Wood low - Kane.
3. Olszelski v Taylor.
I. I-'rlsch Kx'x V Insurance Co.
5. Paupack Klectric Co. v Drake,
li. Avery v Nctzow Manufacturing Co.
7. Nollan v Clark.
H. .Marshall v Texas township.
9. -Mullen v same.
10. Kreitner llros. v Smith.
11. Mlttan v lluiikelc.
, , M..1. HANI.AN. Clerk.
Honcsdale, Dec. 24. 190S. iW3
It will pay you to call at the
finely equipped
11 South Main St.. CAltltONDALK, PA
Organized 1906
: 75,000.00
H. B. ELY, M. D.
Six Months $68,247.57
An ordinance pr&nttnsr the riffht nf wnv In.
through, over and upon certain streets In tbe
Uoroueh of Honesdale, Wayne County, State
of Pennsylvania, to tbe Lackawaxen Valley
ltallroad Company, regulating tbe mainten
ance and operation of tbe railroad of tbe said
company and defining tbo conditions upon
wmcn (no sum riuut ui wuy is granieu.
Whereas, It has been satisfactorily made
to appear to the Council of the Borough of
Honesdale In regular session, that the Hones
dale and Hawley ltallroad Company, a cor
poration of the Stato of Pennsylvania, to
which a franchise was granted for tbe con
struction, maintenance and operation of an
electric rullway In the Borough of Honesdale,
by ordinance passed on the 7th day of Febru
ary, lUUti, and approved the 22nd day of said
monin, nas Deen succecaea in us rigms, priv
llpppfl and niithnrlttpi hv thn I jirkawaT-
en valley ltallroad Company; and that said
lUBinnmea company is now me owner 01 an
no rigni, uiie, interests, tpquuy, iruiicmses,
charters. rights of wnv.nnd&IlotherrroDerty.
real and personal, heretofore held by tbe
Honesdale a id Hawley Hallway Company,
and so became such owner and successor by
due process of law, and is entitled to the ben
efits of any and all rights granted by the
Council of the Borough of Honesdale, and tbe
benefit of all provisions of the said ordi
nance: and whereas. In said .original ordi
nance it was provided that time necessarily
consumed by negotiations or unavoidable
iitictuiuii snouia not count in ilc time
limit. Which flAlfl nrnvlnlnn wna nlan mnrir. n
part, of tlio amended ordinance passed on
tbo 16th day of January, lU0tj;and whereas,
it has been madcio appear tothe satisfaction
of this Council that unavoidable delay has
been caused In the necessary re-organlzatlon
of the said Lackawaxen Valley ltallroad Com-
imny ua successor to saia uoncsaaic unu
HawlPV ItallwilV Cnmnnnv. nnd fnrtlipr mm.
avoidable delay has been caused by nego-
iiiuiuun nn iu riuut 111 way nnu otner neces
sary franchises, and In negotiations for the
procurement of finances necessary to build
the said railway, which delay was lncldt ntal
to the panic, and It satisfactorily appearing
that the said Honesdale and Hawley
Hallway Comnanv niul ItH fmrwsM.
or, the Lackawaxen Valley ltallroad Com-
puuy.uave nut ocen uunty oi iitenv.s.ncKicct oi
uuuccesMuy delay, hut have used allduedlll
cenee to brum its-elf within the terms of the
ordinances heretofore missed, ami have eon-
Hirurii'u a pari of ltssaiu roan inrougn sain
iiorougn : ana it runner appearing mat tne
Lackawaxen Valley Itallroud Company
should tic substituted for tbe .said Iloiiesdule
and Hawley I tail way Company, and that fur
ther time should be ur.mtcd for the construc
tion of said itallway, Ihereloro:
Section 1. lie it enacted and ordained by
the town Council of the Borough of Hones
dale. In the County of Wayne and State of
Pennsylvania, in council assembled, and It is
hereby enacted and ordained by the author
ity of the same, that from and after the tmss-
aue of tlilsordlnanee.tho Lackawaxen Valley
liailroail company, (a corporation dulyor
L'anlzed and Ineornoruted under the laws of
the State of Pennsylvania), its sueeessorsaud
assigns, is hereby granted the right, liberty
and privilege to erect, construct, maintain
and operate for a period of seventy-live years,
for the conveying of passengers, baggage, ex
press, freight and mail, a single trai-K electric
railway topcraled as licrelnaller provided)
til rough, oter and unou the billowing streets
and highways of the said Boiough of Hones
dale, viz : Beginning at a point in the centre
of Park street, mat king the boundary be
tween the s lid iiorough of Honesdale and the
township of Texas, Wayne County, thence
iu an easterly direction over, along and upon
the said P.iik strict to Its Intersection with
.Main street ! I hence in a southerly direction
o cr. along and upon the said Main street to
mu river, niarKinguiciiouiiiiary
between the Iiorough orilonestlale and Texas
township; thence returning by Hie same route
to the place of beginning, inaKlng a complete
circuit. Also begiiiniugiit the intersection of
.Main unci I'ourtn streets; thence in an easter
ly direction over, along and upon the said
l'o.irth sticet to the Count v limine, marking
the boundary Ik t ween the Borough of Hones
daleand Texas township: thence returning
bi the same route to the place of beginning,
making a coinnlele ciicuit. Also begliiiiii.g
at the Intersection of Main and Park streets ;
thence in a noitherly direction over, along
and upon the said .Main street to a point
marking the boundary between the Borough
of Honesdale and Texas township : thence re
turning by the same route to the place of be
ginning, making a complete circuit.
siKC.S. That tlie track shall be what Is
known as the standard gauge of four feet,
eight and one-half Inches (4 ft., ti'A in.) iu
width, mid shall lie laid in the middle of the
abow named streets and highways respect
ively, eiiually distant from the curb line on
both sides ot said streets and highway, un
less otherwise directed and empowered by
tbe said Borough ot Honesdale; that the
Lackawaxen Valley ltallroad Company shall
he furnished with u grade by which to
lay its said railway, and that the said Lack
awaxen Valley ltallroad Company shall
stiictly conform with such grade or grades.
The said company sballbcallowcdto operate
slaniiaul ireon cur.s through said streets at
ail Hours, .10 long as operated by
single units, or as a trailer to a motor,
anil so as not to interfere with travel of curs
or the use of street-.
Stc.Ii.-That the said Lackawaxen Valley
llallroad Company shall also, at Its own
proper cost and expense, construct and re
construct the roadbed between the rail, and
two led In widtli on tbe outside of each and
every rail, of the said railway, on each of
the above named streets and highways with
such materials as are now upon the said
streets and highways, in such manner as shall
lie described anil rciiuiicd by the said Bor
ough of Honesdale ; and i! at any time licic
attcr the said Iiorough of Honesdale shall
determine and resolve to pavu any or all ot
the above named streets and highways,
then and In that event the s.ud Lackawax
en Valley ltallroad Company shall
at once, and at Its own proper com and
expense, iu like manner, pave Its roadbed he
tween the rails, and two lcet in width on the
outside of each and all rails of the said rail
way, on each ot the above named streets and
highways, with the same kind of material
and in tbe same manner as shall be used by
said Borough of itonesdale. That In so do
ing the said Lackawaxen Valley ltallroad
Company shall iilacu and restore the said
streets and highway, to the same relative po
sition ami condition Hi wnien tney were
found before the consti-iietlonof tho s.ildrail-
way.orthe paving of the said roadbed and
poitlons adjacent thereto: that t he said Lack
awaxen Valley ltallroad Company be allow
ed to construct one turnout williln tho Bor
ough limits, which shall ho located lit front
of the Delaware and Hudson passenger de
pot. The said turnout to be ninety (IKJ) feet
In the clear; also one "Y" switch to he con
structed at the Intersect Ion of Main and Park
streets, and the said jieKawaxcn valley
Hull 1 I ...... ........ .I...II ... ..11 Mmnu ..,
w.,i, -mii,iu i-ii.iii,,,, .in iiiiivo i,
its own proper cost and expense, lay Its
track, turnout, curves and switch .andkeep
inc same in proper repair so tnat driving on
upon, over and across, with tho usual and or
dinary vehicles niav he safe and convenient.
Si:c. That the said Lackawaxen ltallroad
Company shall, iu the construction of the
sain single track.turnout, curves ami switch
use such a style of rail knownusthu "T" rail
of not less than seventy (701 Hounds per vuru
tu wcigui, ami aucn poles oniy as sunn mi
straight, kept covered by duralilopaliit, and
numbered and kept inside the curb in such
manner as to cause tnu least possmio oostruc
tion or inlurv tn such curb nnd sidewalk, and
ho as not to unnecessarily obstruct such- por
Hons of tho front ot prlvato property as may
ho needed and In use for business or other
mirnosc hv tbe owner or tenant thereof : nnd
where a dispute shall arise us to the placing
of such pole or poles, the town Council of the
said Borough of Honesdale shall decide and
indicate wnero such pole or poles shall be lo
cated ; and that all trolley or other wire or
wires to be stretched over, strung along or
suspended from such polo or poles, over the
tracks ot said railway and across the streets
at various places, shall be stretched, strung
and suspended so as to leave a clear, open
and unobstructed space between tbe said
wire or wires and the top of the rail directly
under the same of at least sixteen (lfi) feet.
Provided. If the Borough shall pave the
streets by bricks of any material, tho com
pany shall replace the'T" rails by flat groov
ed rails.
8R3. 5. The said Lackawaxen Valley Rail
road Company shall at all times unci In all
respects construct and reconstruct, maintain
and operate tho said railway appurtenances
with duo and proper regard for the safety of
life, property, and the convenience oftho
public ; and It jmall adopt, procure and use
the most Improved cars, fenders, brakes,
lights, gongs and other appliances. That It
shall run none of Its cars at a greater speed
than eight miles an hour within tbe limits of
the said Borough of Honesdale, That Its charge
for a single fare on tho said railway between
any two points within the limits of tbe said
Iiorough of Honesdale, shall not exceed five
cents. That It will stop its cars on the sides
otallsteet crossings so as not toobstructthe
same. That In the event ot fire it will yield
the right of way to tho Are englnesjtrucks
and hose carriages of all the Are companies of
the Borough of Honesdale, and It Bhall not,
by the running andoperatlonotits cars, Inter
fere with tho proper and necessary use of the
tire engines, trucks, boso carriages, hose and
other necessary fire apparatus and appoint
ments That it shall, at Its own proper cost
and expense, remove all debris resulting
from the reconstruction or repairs of Its said
railroad, and shall remove all snow and lee
from Its tracks In such a manner as shall not
interfere with tbe public use ot the said Bor
ough ot Honesdale. ,
tfBC.6. That the said Lackawaxen Valley
ltallroad Company shall indemnify and hold
harmless tbe said Borough of Honesdale In all
suits or actions at law which may arise iu
tbe construction, maintenance and operation
of its railway.
Sec. 7,-That, except wherein otherwise In
this ordinance provided for, the said Lacka
waxen Volley ltallroad Company shall be
subject to such reasonable conditions, regu
lations, stipulations and restrictions as the
said Borough of Honesdale shall hereafter
and from time to time make and Impose by
ordinance duly enacted and ordained, pro
vided, however, that for a period of ten (10)
years from the date ot the acceptance ot this
ordinance by said company, no borough tax
shall be placed upon any of Its cars, poles or
other apparatus ot said company.
Sec. b. All persons may drive with wagons,
carriages or other vehicles on tho tracks of
said company without becoming trespassers,
provided, however, they do not retard or In
rafTwayy ,ntcrIcro w,tl1 tue operation of said
Sec. yAThat the said Lackawaxen Valley
Railroad Company shall begin the exercise
of the franchises and privileges hereby grant
ed within six months from the passage of
this ordinance', and shall have Its railway In
operation within eighteen (IS) months after
the passage of this ordinance as aforesaid;
except that the said company shall not have
more than two (2) blocks of the above named
streets torn up at one time.
Sec. 10. That each and everyone oftho sev
eral respective provisions of this ordinance
shall be executed by and at the proper cost
and expense of the said Lackawaxen Vailcy
ltallroad Company, and In the event the said
company shan omit, refuse, fail or neglect to
faithfully and fully comply with and to exe
cute the said provisions nnd every one of
them, then, and In that event It shall be the
duty of tho said Borough of Honesdale, after
reasonable notice to the said ltallroad Com
pany, in such behalf, to enforce any and all
such provisions us have been neglected, at
the proper cost and expense of tho said Bull
road Company.
Skc. ll.-That tho said Lackawaxen Valley
ltailroad Comnnnv Minv ntmrntn tin i-nr, nr..
on its said rayroad by electricity In any form,
or by any kind of machinery, appliances or
motor, or by any power or energy or storage
battery or batteries! or nv i.uhIImi rnrinn
or u combination of gasoline engine and clec-
tuicv, k'cueruiion or storage oattcry; or
by compressed air: or lloulil lr! nr iv Hi.
vr power that may be or become suitable for
ji.ii; un iiiieruroan runways, compatible with
its necessities in transporting Its trullic, and
cither incoimcctloii or without the use of clcc
trie wires. Provided, the said company or its
fi.r.rV. lionise uuy steam locomo
tion for motor power.
Ski. 12. That ivu-h nmi nv,.v., ,,f iv.n rn.,o
conditions, stipulations and restrictions, res-
itf ,JY'".vu,Ra '." ,llls ordinance shall
ho alike binding uud obligatory upon the
Lackawaxen Valley ltallroad Company, its
successors and assigns.
SKC. i;i.-The said Lackawaxen Valley Rail
road Co.. through its unmet- mmmin nm.
cers fully authorized to act, shall, before any
right or privilege hereby granted shall be
come operative or be enjoyed by tbe said
railroad company, signify In writing, its ac
ceptance of the several regulations, condit
ions, stipulations una restriction or this or
dinance, and designate In writing Hied with
the town Council, some attorney of Hones
dale, Pennsylvania, upon whom service of
process against said company can be made, f
hi.c. H. That all ordinances or parts of or
dinances Inconsistent with or contrary to
iuu i, in, 191UI1.-9 oi mis iiriiuiaiicc are ncreoy
Thefnrp?nlmr nrdlniiiiefi wn nn Ihn KM, ,tni
or January, A. D. 1!K)!1, duly ordained and en
acted by the unanimous vote of the town
Council of the Borough of Honesdale, In
council assembled, and to go into effect and
operation from and after the publication
thereof according to Hw.
r. i-. Ki.Mlil.l-:, CJllAKl.iiSA, .McCAKTY.
Secretin-:;. President.
Approved January !l, 190!).
Chief Burgess.
We have tho sort of timtfi hriislipd thnf. nrr
made to thoroughly cleanse and save the
They are the kind that clean teeth', without
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We recommend thofo costing 25 cents or
more, us we can guarantee them and will re
place, free, any tint show defects of manu
facture within three months.
Opp.U.&H. Station. HONESDALE, PA.
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