PENT A WORD COLUMN 3U SALE A good two-seated Sleigh, onauie. inquire Hotel wnync. mi ytl BALE liny houra.on Knst Extension el. j-aree tot wnti sixty ivct iront. m ilHcoltf lit HALE Lot anil hnllilltiff located nt fMnln street. Kmiutre or write V,. K. bs, Honesdale, Fa. Jitr JLIDAY FUnNITUIlE at llHOWN'H. Parlor Hiiltn nt Itrnwn'i. lied room Hulls at ilrown's. fancy unairsniiirown s. Jinini cano ana wooa unairs ai urowns. kHlM T r til Yi - I. Half Dlna Vnll TJ H. . fVilla Uot II iinb- Iibs. Side Combs, Heart Pins, Curt 'Links cnaiess variety, hommfr, lite jewcier. Idvertlse in THE CITIZEN. LOCAL MENTION. kAt the Deltn ITnsllon fraternitv and Alumni organization of Northeastern fnsylvanla reunion, at Hotel Jermyn, rhuraday evening of last week, Rev. William II. Swift, of the Amherst hege class of '70, nnd Homer Greene, Ihe Union College class of 70, rep- Inted llonesdale. Mr. Greene was of the sneakers, his subject being hat I Owe to Delta Unsiton." KThe rain and thawing weather of I early part of the week resulted in sized freshets in the West Branch Dyberry, and both streams as well Ihe Lackawaxen, in the vicinity of nesdale, are free from ice. Quite a ge formed in Park Lake on Monday I Tnesday, but prompt work and a ral use of dynamite broke it up, and Itcd the mass down the river, much I the relief of residents on 12th and k streets, and some of the niami- Itirera on InduBtry,Point. The Jefferson division of the Erie llroad is at the present time practi- at a standstill. The shops at Sus- llianna have been shut down since ninth of December, and the pros- are not very encouraging for an nediate revival. Several of the road have been idle during what is posed to be a temporary business Iression and a short time ago a large iber of office clerks were laid off. It not seem probable that the com- y will resume shipping coal over the Berson division as was expected, as it aid the present route means a big tng to the company. The official report of the Thirteenth Iment shows that G58 officers and . qualified with the rifle in the past pon. in this number mere are ou ex- 9 sharpshooters ; 281 marksmen ; first class marksmen ; 130 second marksmen, and 30 third class tkBmen. Of the experts the Hones- ! Co. E, furnished one. The figure nerit for the Thirteenth regiment for year is 87.02. Although the average uwer than in past years, the officers proud of the record, as the rules h carried out to the letter. No loose luestionable methods' were tolerated, , every shot was counted if it hit the zet or not. Company E's figure of it was 82.00, which, though some' at below the average, was by no Bans the lowest. All indications are It the entire National Guard of this well as of other states will go to isliineton for the inauguration of fcsident-elect Taft. -T. II. Groves, the amusement pro- Iter, of Scran ton, was in llonesdale fdnesday and Thursday making ar- kgements to remodel the old Nicke at 815 Main street, which he re- Mly purchased from the Freeman Inagement. Mr. Groves intends to Ike this theatre a thoroughly up-to- le, comfortable playhouse, and con bt it with the circuit of highly sue aful places of amusement already crated by him in this section. The iitorium will be handsomely decorat' the floor built on the proper incline allow a good view of the stage from ;ry seat, and new, comfortable opera airs installed; the house length bd and a new stage built ; a latest bdel picture machine installed, and the patre made in every way a credit to pnesdale. Good vaudeville acts are to presented, with complete changes ch week, while the moving pictures Id illustrated songs will be the latest ocurable, andchanged daily. In pur- lance of hiB policy in other cities, Mr roves will offer an hour's show for B ntB. The new theatre will bo known "Wonderland." 3apt. James Hain Post G. A. K. of late being sadly reduced in num Irs by the grim Reaper, and this must (necessity be the experience of all its How organizations throughout the luntry. As its members must be vet1 ans of the Civil War which ended forty' it years ago. the summons of the last rvivor cannot be many years distant Ife insurance experts have recently len making estimates on the duration the G. A. R., and according to their Lures there will be 347 veterans nlive 1830, and two years later the number 111 be reduced to 23, 'The last survivor 111 die in 1060. Past Commander G Baasett, of Chicago, has Investigated Ie llgures of the oxperts and thinks eir report as nearly correct as it la kuible to make. In less than a score years there will not be enough vet uia left to keep up the work of the or' The churches and schools at Kcllam, Manchester township, are all closed on account of whooping cough and scarlet fever. Charles II. Iluck has purchased ot Herman Neubauer, of Texas No. 4, ihe latter's house and lot on Green street. Consideration, $700. Letters uncalled for at the Hones dale post office : Ignaz Hcrrn Fehrulqer, Gentile Gui- seppe, Miss Ai. Aioies, Airs, ntnna iiacKson, Airs. Maine reari. Whenever the country newspapers find foreigners invading the field of the home merchantfl with goods and mer chandise and selling them to the people, they are asked to arise and whack the intruders, and to advise every one to buy their goods of tho homo merchants. And when foreign printing houses send their representatives among the merchants and business men, many of these same mer chants give them their orders and get inferior work for their money. Only a day or so since one of our local dealers having occasion to write The Citizen did so on a lithographed letterhead marred by an error In spelling so glaring that the job would have been promptly ejected if turned out of a llonesdale office. Get your job-work at home, where people's names are household words, and mistakes, when they occur, can be corrected before it is too late. PERSONAL. -J. Ben. Robinson is on a business trip to New York. Miss Evn E. Iluck, who has been ill with scarlet fever, is able to be out again. Scarlet fever prevails in llonesdale to some extent. Among those suffering from the disease are Llewellyn Quick, of East Eleventh street, and Lizzie Wenzel, of Willow Avenue. -Irving White, of Kock Island, HI., is, spending a few days in Honesdale having been called here while on a trip to New York city, by the tidings of his I brother Frank's death, a notice of which appears elsewhere in this issue. Miss Lydia Stephens, who was quite seriously hurt at the Main street State bridge, by a fall on the ice on Friday evening last, has been taken to Scran ton for treatment. Sheriff M. L. Braman, having re turned from his honeymoon trip, has settled down to the duties of the of fice to which he was elected in Novem ber. He and his bride will occupy the Sheriff's residence on 10th street, and the jail and inmates will be under his personal care. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Rev. Dr. W. II. Swift will speak next Sunday on "Beds that are Tqo .Short, and Coverings that are Too Narrow for Us." Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will hold ser vice in White Mills, onfiunday, at 3 P. M. The German services at St. John's, Lutheran church will be omitted next Sunday as the pastor will preach at Haw ley. Vespers will be held as .usual. Rev. W. F. Hopp will again meet his confirmation class after the Christmas recess, on next Saturday, at 3 p. m. Plant Trees. There is a great movement under way throughout the United States to-day. It is the marshaling of public sentiment for the preservation of the forests. A hundred years ago, when these Beech Woods were an unbroken wilderness, it was beyond comprehension that such a superabundance of timber could ever be used up. We used to think that the great American forests were inexhaust ible. And they were for the generation in which our grandfathers lived. People of that day had all the wood they want ed to burn, Hut since their time we have been doing so many things with wood, besides using it for fuel, that whole tracts have fallen before the wood man's ax where one tree fell before. There are dozens of commercial pur poses for which wood is used, which have recently developed. And hun dredB of acres of trees are required for the world's daily supply of printing pa per. Wo are now using as much wood in a single year as grows in three, and there ia only twenty yeara' aupply of virgin growth in eight. It is this situation that calls for the application of the science of forestry The national government through the Department of Agriculture at Washing ton, as well as eleven States, each cm- ploying a trained forester, is actively engaged in it. The United States govern ment has, for the last ten yeara, been busy acquiring forest landa, until now it holds 165,000,000 acres, which it is care fully guarding and cultivating. Nurse ries have been established for the pro pagation of stock for free distribution, and the newest feature is the creation of a patrol of one hundred men to guard against Area along the Adirondack rail roads. These are some of the government measures to meet a national crisis. But there is more for public-spirited citlzena to do, Everybody who has waste land ought to bo planting it to trees. It is such a simple thing tcgather seed from the trees on your own place and drop them into the ground I But you who do this will also serve your country as truly aa those who answer it bugle-call to battle. OBITUARY. 8ister Mary Oryil, who was formerly Miss McAndrew, of Dunmore, died on Tuesday last, Jan. 5, 1009, at the Ursu lino convent in Youngatown, Ohio. Sur viving her are her father, a reelJent of Hawleyj three hrotheri, Rev. R. A. McAndrew, of Wilkes-Barre j Captain James McAndrew and Major John Mc Andrew, of the United States army, and one sister, Miss Mary McAndrew, of Dunmore. Frank E. White, a native, and, until quite recently, a resident of this place, died at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, while eating his supper on Sunday evening, January 2, 1909. He wbb a son of Gilbert and the late EllenBrownWhlte, of Eapt tnd Fifteenth streets, and was born here in 1801. His father was, un til his retirement from active business, the head of the White ax and edgetool industry located at East Honesdale, and the son was for some years employed in the factory as temperer. He married a number of years ago but had for some time been separated from his wife. A daughter, Miss Jessie, living here, his father and brother Irving, the last named living in Rock Island, Illinois, survive him. His sudden death was at tributed to heart disease. The remains were brought to Honesdale for inter ment in the family plot in Glen Dyberry cemetery, the funeral services taking place yesterday afternoon. Charles F. Meyer, for many years pro prietor of the Texas House, on Willow Avenue, originally established by his father-in-law, the late Leonard Scergel, died at his home on Wednesday morn ing, January 6th, 1909. Mr. Meyer came to Honesdale from Rochester, N. Y., after his discharge from military service in the civil war, and in company with Older Oliver, entered the employ of W. H. Ham, who was at that time largely engaged in the boat building business for the D. & H. Canal Co. Mr. Meyer was a phenomenally expert caulker, and under his contracts with Mr. Ham, easily earned $50 a week. Being of good habits and with such exceptional earn ing capacity, he naturally prospered, and in time accumulated the comfort able fortune which he leaves to his sur viving family. Mr. Meyer ia survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Meyer, two daughters, Mra. C. D. Storms, and Mrs. H. B.Quinney; and two sons, George L. Meyer, and John Meyer. Mr. Meyer en listed Oct. 15, 1861, in the 20th N. Y. Vols., as a mu.'ician, and served in the civil war until honorably discharged He joined Capt. James Ham Post, May 30, 1882, and was a faithful member of that organization up to the day of his death. He was also a member of Hones dale Lodge, No. 218, F. & A. M. The funeral will be held this, Friday, after noon, at two o'clock, with Episcopal burial service by Rev. A. L. Whittaker, to be followed by the G. A. R. burial service. James M. Spencer died at his home in Preston township, of heart trouble, on Wednesday, January 6th, 1909. Mr. Spencer, a worthy representative of one of the sturdy pioneer families of the county, was born in Mount Pleasant township, January 7th, 1832. Ho was educated at the University of Northern Pennsylvania, Bethany, and Wyoming Seminary, and after his graduation en gaged in teaching, following that occu pation for several terms. He was a car penter by trade, and in connection with his uncle, Wm. H. Spencer, built and managed a saw mill in Preston township, of winch, through purchase, he later be' came sole owner. He ia survived by his wife, Mra. Martha A. (Monroe) Spencer, and tho following named children : Nel- aon J., (editor of the Wayne County Herald,) and George E., of Honesdale: Mra. Almira Spencer Bortree ; Ralph W., and Hebert W., at home : Mra. M. G. Noble, of Calkina j Mrs. Wm. H. Doyle, of Poyntelle, and Mrs. Judson E, Gelatt and Mrs. J.H. Doyle, of Denver, Colorado. Mr. Spencer ia also survived by three sisters and two brothers : Mrs Theodore LaBarr, of Starrucca ; Mrs. J S. Watson, of Equinunk, and Mrs. Kate Clemo, of Bethany, and Clark E., and Charles H. Spencer, of Mount Pleas ant. The funeral services will be held on Sunday morning next, at 11:30, with interment in the Mount Pleasant ceme tery. Tho truo story of the economic strag gles of that man Harvey, who saved $18,000 out of an enlisted soldier's pay, should strike the crowd as an other "Poor Richard's Almanac," yet It Is doubtful If a volume containing his reminiscences would have a frac tion of the popularity gained by books lelllne how a Carnegie or a Rocke feller "trot It." The Pes Cottag. The Westchester County Magarine Is urging the purchase by the city of the Edgar Allan Poe cottage at Ford- ham as a repository for Poe relics. "That little house," says the magazine, "was Poe's home from June, 1840, un til his death In Baltimore on Oct. 7. 1840. In the little cottage of Fordham his wife Virginia died. There he wrote such of his poems as 'Annabel Lee,' 'Eldorado,' 'For Annie,' 'Ulalume, 'An Enigma,' To My Mother and the first draft of The Bells.' This bouse Is easily the most famous literary land mark of Greater New York." I A PERILOUS JOB. Steeple Jacks at Work at the Presby terian Church Spire A Hovel and Dangerous Climb, For n loig time past a noticeable, disagreement has existed between the weather vanea of the MethodWt and Pres byterian churches, located respectively on corners of Church and 10th and Church and 11th streets. Sometimes their differences have reached a most bswil dcring point, one insisting that the course of tho wind was due south, while the other would he equally positive that it was In the west or some other point of tho compass. The Presbyterian weathercock flnallybccomlng recognized as the most obstinate in these conten tions the trustees of the church have taken a hand In tho matter, and on Monday last sent a Steeple Jack up the tall spire to investigate, and if possible bring the neighboring wind Indicators into harmonious relations. A. J. Huyck and Son, daring steeple climbers, from Deposit, N. Y., have been entrusted with the perilous under taking, and they appear to be making satisfactory progress. The tip-top of the spire waa reached by an ingenious plan. Climbing the inside of the tall structure to the uppermost window, about thirty feet from the top, a long light pole to the tip of which a hook and slender cord were attached, waa so skillfully manipu lated through the opening by the experts that a loop of the twine was passed around the pedestal supporting the vane, and the free end drawn back again to the window. By means of this alender airing a larger cord waa drawn up, and by this, a live-eighth inch rope, rove through pulley blocks, all eventually be ing ao securely fastened and arranged, that the father, standing inside the win dow, was enabled to hoist the son, seat ed in a sling, to the top of the spire. The younger Mr. Huyck, is anything but a slender man, as he tips the scales be yond the 200 pound notch, but his pro portions dwindle greatly whenhc reaches his lofty perch. Besides repairing the weather-vane, which was found to have Buffered much from rust and buffeting by the elements generally, Messrs. Huyck and son, will put ice and snow guarda on the church and chapel roofs, and do such gilding, painting and metaling as may be found necessary. Tho contract price for the steeple job is said to be in the neighborhood of $150, which must be regarded as very reasonable when the risks involved are taken into consider tion. Some years ago the Methodist church gave a similar job to a local employing painter. He made a bargain with John Reside, one of his men, to do the work, the compensation to be $100. Reside, who is still living, tackled the contract in his own way. He went from the roof of the main building to the top of theapire by means of light ladders which he himself lashed with ropes to the out side of the steeple, lapping them one af ter another, and securing them in place while standing on the slender rungs, until he was thus enabled to climb to the topmost point of the pinnacle When his work at the vane was finished he painted the corners of the spire as he descended, taking down the ladders one after the other, after they had served their purpose. The whole operation seemed a good deal like lifting one's self over a fence by his boot Btraps, but it was most satisfactorily accomplished, and added much to Reside's reputation for cool-headed courage. The worst feature of the transaction was the fact that while the boss collected the pay for the periloua work, the man who actual ly did it never received a dollar. The Methodist church spire ia said to be 185 feet in height, and the Presby terian steeple a few feet leas. Statloni by Numbers. A new and ingenious scheme for calling out stations has been present ed to General Manager W. W. Atter bury of the Pennsylvania railroad and has been referred by him to a com' mltteo of operating officers. If adopt ed an Indicator would bo placed In the upper right hand corner of each end of a car. When the train left one sta- tlon the brakeman would pull a lever, which would show tho number of the next, all stations going by numbers Instead of names. Tho cost would be almost $100,000 for the Pennsylvania system, with nn additional cost of $250,000 for changing station signs It would, however, make traveling for tho public more convenient. Phila delphia Record. An English View of New York. Writing to the London Mall on "New York An Impression," Sir Harry John ston says: "New York, with some 4,000,000 inhabitants, struck me as being not only more beautiful, health' ler, better fed and happier than Lon don, but as being far better endowed with educational facilities of every kind. Apart from those offered by Columbia university, there are such splendid free Institutions as the Amer ican Natural History museum, tho Museum of Art, the Bronx zoological and botanical gardens and, last, but not least, the finest aquarium In tho whole world, that of the Battery, the old building once tho landing place of Immigrants and then a concert hall, Pioquet. Tho first game of cards was plcquet, Invented by Joquemln to amuse Charles VI. of France. r "Playing the Ponies. Direct from their Circle Theotrc, New York engagement, B. E. Forrester pre sents the famous coinedinns, "Vorko and Adams, whose infectious humor has made millions laugh In the musical comedy, "Playing tho Ponies,", which can bo faithfully termed the very quint essence of fun. Unlike most musical comedies it lias a tangible plot, and this plot is in the main responsible for the many ludicrous mishaps and complica tions which round out a solid two hours and a half of genuine merriment. Be sides the stars are the following well- LADIES' Dress Goods Jacket suits Fur Sets Opera Cloaks Winter Coats Separate Skirts Stylish Waists Reliable Goods Reasonable Prices. flenner & Co. JUNIOR and MISSES' Nobby Suits Jumper Dresses One Piece Dresses Winter Cloaks Muffs and Boas Fur Caps and Hats We Match $10, $15, and $20 OVERCOAT Our Against "all comers" of their class, without T he Modelil Make are Distinctives he SERVICE BREGSTEIN BROS., Honesdale, Pa. known people: Madge Lawrence, Ed ward Morris, Jimmy Connors, who suc ceeded George Cohan, in "Running for Office," Wallack Berry, who followed Raymond Hitchcock in "The Yankeo Council," nnd Maud Campbell, late with tho George Sidney Company, the Man hattan Four, the famous pony ballet and tho singing and dancing chorus of thirty. Frank Smithson, general stage manager for tho Shuberts, who produced the numbers of this organization, has exe cuted fifteen of the latest novelties, Morse and Madden wrote in their hap piest vein when they composed twenty song hits. At the Lyric, Monday even ing, Jan. 11th. GENTS' Umbrellas Winter Underwear Gloves and Mittens Ties and Collars Initial Handkerch's Bath Robes, etc. GIRLS' and INFANTS' White Dresses White Skirts Hoods and Capes Gloves and Hosiery Muslin Gowns Muslin Underwear Ribbons, Mufflers, &c, &c. I exception. Beyond Question. Inflation