ttttCtt & Semi-Weekly Founded P I 1908 I Weekly Founded, 1844 k & Wayne County Organ of the REPUBLICAN PARTY 66th YEAR. HONE SD ALB, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1909. NO. 3 HIS ISHAHD HIT Badly Tangled Again In Cross Examination Today. MAKES HIS OWN CASE WORSE Contradicts His Testimony Repeat edly Under the Severe Fire of Questions by the Dis trict Attorney. Flushing, X. T.. Jan. 6. Thornton Jenkins Halns. writer of blood curdling sea tales, on trial for his life for com plicity In tlie murder of William IS. Annls by Captain Peter Halns. today was not the same euger, dominating Thornton Hulus who so dramatically and glibly told the story of the killing at Iiayside and of the domestic woes that, the defense claims, unseated the mind of the slayer. Caught in traps by Distriet Attorney Darriu in the cross examination, Halns raged on the stand, squirmed and twisted as his tormentor made him contradict his direct testimony in im portant details. He entirely lost his magnificent nerve and the major part of his memory. The llrst contradiction was us to the first meeting with Anuis. Yesterday Halns swore that on the way home from this episode the captain said to him, "I can't control myself when I see that man." Today lie reiterated several times that not a word was said on the way home. When the former testimony was read out the witness remarked airily: "That was after I got home. If I said 11 was on the way down, that was a mistake." The next contradiction was a more serious one. As to the second meeting with Anuis, lie swore that his brother said "not a spoken word." Mr. Dar riu obtained this flat footed declara tion and then said: "Didn't you swear yesterday that your brother said, 'There he goes; there he goes!' that you said, Who?' and that he said. 'Anuisy " "I told the best I knew. If I said it was so it was true. I don't remember now," explained Thornton Halns. His memory was at fault when ques tioned about the motor boat trip on the Shrewsbury river. Yesterday lie testitled that ills brother had made hint stop the boat as It approached another. Today the witness thought that it was he who suggested running over to the other boat. "I do not re member all those details," he said. Sirs. Annls entered the courtroom while Haius was repeatlug for Sir. Darrin the story of how Sirs. Halns made the alleged confession of her re lations with Annls. She walked direct to the center of the courtroom and faced, the defend ant. For more than a minute she stared intently at him. After the confession was made, Haius said, he took the captain to- hit home. He tried to get the captain to eat, but he refused. The two sat up for awhile and then went to bed. The next day when he got up he read the "Dear Billy" letter. "Did you read that letter in your house?" the court interrupted. "Yes," replied the witness. "I thought you said that you rend the letter iu the captaiu's house at Fort Hamilton," said Judge Crane. "No. I read it under a lamppost on the street outside the house." "Did you testify that you read it un der a lamppost?" asked the court. "Yes," declared the witness, "I think I did." Halns said nothing about a lamp post on his direct examination. BED CROSS HAS $475,000. Of This $400,000 Has Been Already Forwarded to Italy. Washington, Jan. C The Red Cross society announces that the total amount of subscriptions for Italian relief so far credited and received through the American National lied Cross is $475,000. It says: "The society first sent to Italy through the American ambassador in Home $70,000. Then sums of $100,000, $150,000 and $80,000 wore remitted. "Subscriptions by states Include tho following: "New York, $1C'),S23; California, $80, 017; Illinois, $20,870; Missouri, $23,052; Massachusetts, $1(1,205; llhodc Island, $11,000; Connecticut, $7,315." Widow of Governor Hlgglns 8afe. Palermo, Jan. (1. Sirs. Hlgglns, wife of the late Governor Hlgglns of New York, who was said to have died In the earthquake, is safe here. Canary Islands Again 8haken. Tonerlffo, Canary Islands, Jan. 0. Another earthquake lasting nearly half a mlnuln was felt here. The peo plo were greatly alarmed. A Writer of the Heart. As a rule, the eulogists of the late Donald G. Mitchell try to prove too much. Not the generation that pro duced Ik Marvel nor the one follow ing that has alone had the good taste and spiritual insight to read and ap preciate "Reveries of a Bachelor." Young people of the present have not only discovered for themselves the treasure house opened by tho genial Ik Marvel's pen, but often have made Its riches known for the first to their seniors. The philosopher of the sim ple life found his audience early, yet no period has noglotted him. Even the embarrassment of literary riches poured out the last few years could not make the "Reveries" a back number. Readers who have their Kipling and Jerome K. Jerome by heart will turn to Ik Marvel for an antidote to weariness. One can be Eiirfeltcd with Illppancy as well as with sentient. Ik Siarvcl's senti ment was of the wholesome sort. He wrote for the sound hearted, not the soft headed, nis ideals appeal to the twentieth century, and possibly It will he more loyal to him than was the cKitury which revealed him. To the past he was an entertainer; to the I'ri-ent lie Is mentor and conf.dmt. Tlie new woman on the stage was evidently shipped "from somewhere wpt of Suez, where the best is like the worst," but what particular land Is responsible for her can never be guessed from her taste lu the matter of clothes. It Is a relief to learn from the man nger of the Pullman company that the tipping of porters Is purely a volun tary matter. Siost travelers find It a cae of "down with the dust" or no dusting. Doubtless Standard Oil folic don't care a bit whether tho newspapers call It "that ?20,OCO,C0O fine" or $29,210, 000, but to. the common people $210, 000 is not a trifle to be lest sight of. If ever hostilities between congress and the president go too far tho kai ser's fellow feeling will be likely to sec the "psychological moment" before the czar's gratitude gets awake. England also has its somebody who says things about other folks. Re cently Premier Asquith called the house of lords "a set of irresponsi- Whether these big fines for hugging or kissing the wrong woman are ex cessive and confiscatory depends upon the woman in the case. A Graceful Trlliuto to Foe. The University of Virginia arranged to celebrate the centenary of tho birth of Edgar Allan Poe on Jan. 19 In a manner to do justice to tho memory of one of the truest poets America has produced. Distinguished repre sentatives of literature In the old world were invited to participate In order to make the occasion something more than a local tribute, for Poe was once a student at the university. Tlie reading circle that has been delighted by the genius of Poo spreads over two hemispheres. It is most un fortunate that his weaknesses dimmed for half n century the imperishable beauty of tire writings left nt tho tragic close of his short and stormy life. Equally with the statesman and the soldier, the poet, it would seem, Is worthy of commemoration and re gard because of tho influence of his works upon the ralnds of men. The host of admirers of Poe will bo re joiced to know that nt last it is pro posed to erect a fitting memorial to their hero of song. As wo approach tho Lincoln cente nary It Is well to recall tho marvelous mastery of the English language ac quired by one who had but a few months' real school training in his whole life. This country has pro duced no man of letters whose stylo is more worthy of study than Lincoln's. Born Iu a cabin and reared in the backwoods, tho great emancipator be came one of the greatest masters of English prose iu tho nineteenth cen tury. Not nlono his Gettysburg ad dress, which every schoolboy and schoolgirl should know by heart, but bis luaugurals nnd somo of his letters nnd speeches arc worthy of study as masterpieces of American literature. The relation between aeroplanes and stock quotations is very cloudy, ex cept that neither seem to rcgulato their ups and downs by schedule. It turns out that tho kaiser was merely trying to earn his salary by talking, and It takes n "heap big talk" lo bnlanco $10,000,000 per annum. Tie SPORTING WORLD Johnny Evers May Quit. Reports tire now In circulation that Johnny Evers, the Chicago National's star second baseman, has played his last gamo with the Cubs. In a letter received by a Chicago friend recently Evers declared posi tively that he would not play with tho world's champions next season and JOHNNY EVERS, STAIl SECOND BACKER OF CHICAGO NATIONALS. that he would not care if he never saw another baseball. To prove he is go ing to quit, Evers says it Is his inten tion to ask Charles W. Murphy for such a mighty stipend that the presi dent of the world's champions will not ask him to return. Evers' reason for giving up the game Is that he has busi ness prospects which will require his attention and pay him better than stnying in baseball. Cy Young Says He Will Stick, Downcast over the trade whereby Lou Criger, his old catcher, goes to the St. Louis Americans and Spencer to Boston, but stating that he has no In tention of retiring because of the change, Cy Young, Boston's "grand old man," comes out in nn interview re cently regarding tho deal. Cy said that he could hardly realize that Criger was to leave and that Spencer would he his receiver next year. "I have pitched to Lou so long that ho seems a part of me," said he, "and I am positive no one will suffer more from his departure from Boston than I. Criger Is one of the grandest catch ers that ever looked through n mask. So confident am I of his judgment that I never shake my head when he sig nals what to serve up to a batter." Young said that tho report that he will retire is without foundation and winds up by declaring: "You can say for mo that I will never retire until my good right arm goes back on me. The Boston club has treated me grand ly, and I mean to give them the best I have." Kalamazoo Plans Big Meets. Kalamazoo, Mich., is planning to give a great combination trotting and pacing meeting in 1909, similar to the one of 190S, nnd will endeavor to retain its dates in both the grand and great western circuits. It is probable that tho first week of August will bo asked for in tho two associations, and If Kalamazoo Is so far recogulzed there Is little doubt that this harness racing meeting will be one of the greatest given in America. Michigan horsemen generally recog nize that the coming meeting of the greaj; western will be one of the most Important hold by that organization In years, and It is believed that a special effort will be made to offer such In ducements to racers of harness horses that many will remain in tho west with their stables and not race down the grand circuit. ' Britt and Summers to Fight Again. Jimmy Britt of America is to have mother tryout lu London to prove Whether or not his recent victory over Johnny Summers was a fluke. Tho I men have been rematched to battle 'before tho National Athletic club Feb. 22, and a purso of 800, or $4,000 in American money, has been hung up. Britt will prolong his stay in England to meet the engagement. General Watts, 2:0634, Not to Race. It has been announced that General C. C. Watts, owner of tho rcmarkablo colt trotter General Watts, 2:00, bolder of tho world's record for trot- ; ters of that age, will not raco his great trotter next season, but instead will place him at the head of a large breeding establishment that ho la about 1 to open in Lexington, Ky, EPIDEMIC IN QUAKECITIES Typhus and Typhoid Follow Shock Ruin. NEED FOR DOCTORS Nurses and Hospital Sup plies Also Inadequate. ! RELIEF IS BADLY ORGANIZED. Americans on the Scene Are Amazed at the Incapacity of the Italian Offi cials to Make Effective Use of the Millions of Money Pouring In From the Charitably Disposed People of Many Nations Three Battleships and a Cruiser of Admiral Sperry's Fleet Are Now on the Way With Medical Supplies, Doctors and Pro visions. Rome, Jan. (5. In spite of the glow ing accounts given out by the Italian authorities here as to earthquake re lief, reports from Messina, Palnii and Regglo today show that the situation In tho mined cities is appalling. Typhus and typhoid have become epidemic, and the number of cases Is so great that the staff of doctors nnd nurses is inadequate to cope with them. Hospital supplies, disinfectants nnd provisions are not sent In sufficient quantity owing to the deplorable lack of organization on the part of the med ical and health authorities. Americans here nnd in Messina are amazed at the incapacity of the Italian oJiM'ials to rise to the emergency. With millions of money at their disposal, sent by sympathetic givers from the X'nlted States, England and France, It si-euw utterly impossible to get sup plies where they are most needed. Large numbers of victims who ought to have been saved died of hun ger, cold and neglect owing to the con fusion. Sluch valuable time was lost, ami the authorities overlooked many small villages in Calabria nnd Sicily, which remained for days unaided while the inhabitants starved. Even cities to which the survivors were con veyed, such as Rome, are suffering from disorganization. Handicapped by low supplies, the au thorities in the stricken cities fear that the epidemic will get beyond their control. It is even a greater menace than starvation. "Send supplies" is still the appeal. Hundreds have died of hunger. Thousands have died of their injuries before aid could reach them. Fully 50,000 who were trapped alive in the ruins have burned or succumbed to wounds. Temporary barracks will be erected outside of Regglo within the next few days. Slaterial will be taken from the ruins. The director of the Regglo gymna sium, who arrived here, says that the rescuers were forced to fight for their lives not only against ghouls, but against savage dogs, cats and pigs, which fought with tho ferocity of wild beasts. Robbers unhesitatingly knifed the rescuers, and the fighting often reach ed the proportions of a battle. Earth shocks are continuing at Mes sina nnd Regglo. There were several' at tho latter place, which occurred at Intervals of twenty minutes. One shook down many walls. Instead of excavating in an en deavor to find the bodies burled be neath the ruins it has been proposed that every house in which it is be lieved persons are burled shall be cov ered with quicklime. Tho horrors of the sanitary condi tions in Messina arc unspeakable, and only the roughest of surgical attention Is possible. In one hospital there arc wound ed persons, without a single nurse. The piteous cries of the distressed persons for water were unheeded be cause of the lack of attendants, and several of them died. The work of rescue Is being pushed, and even now persons nllvo are occa sionally dug out from the ruins. An old woman was released from the wreckage of the Church of San Fran cisco. She did not seem to realize that she had been buried for so many days. She explained that she thought she was entombed In the church after hav ing died n natural death and that the was living in the hereafter. The prompt dispatch of the Ameri can battleships, with the fleet com mander, Rear Admiral Sperry, to offer aid in the earthquake relief work has added to the public feeling of appreci ation and gratitude. The battleships designated as the relief squadron are the Connecticut, the flagship of the fleet; the Vermont and the Minnesota. They are on their way from Port Said. In advance of these the American scout cruiser Yankton and the supply ship Culgoa are Hearing Messina with medical supplies and provisions on board for the earthquake sufferers. They carry also a number of doctors. It is expected that Regglo will be practically evacuated today, when the troops and sailors will be reduced nil told to a thousand men. There are at , present 3,200 soldiers nnd 1,000 sailors here. Two aged men, ench seventy years old, were abstracted alive from the ruins today. A curious fact is the pro portion of old people found nllve after days of burial. They seem to have greater powers of endurance than younger men and women. Queen Helena has turned a portion of the Qulrinal palace Into a workshop, where a number of Italian women of high rank, dressmakers and working girls sit all day long in the greatest friendliness busily engaged in cutting out and sewing garments for the refu gees. The women are under the superin tendence of the queen herself, who with her own hands often guides fin gers unaccustomed to work of this kind. Each afternoon there is a rest period of one hour, when all the wo men take tea together, but as soon as the time is up the queen Inexorably commands that the work be resumed. THIRD RELIEF SHIP SAILS. The Hamburg Takes $300,000 Worth f Food and Clothing. New York, Jnu. (. Laden with twenty-five tons of clothing and thirteen tons of provisions, with which to clothe nnd feed the starvlug and half naked survivors of the Calabria and Sicily earthquake, the third relief ship, the Hamburg, sailed for Genoa and Naples. The provisions include coffee, sugar, salt, biscuits, condensed milk, canned soups, rice, hominy, beans and peas. The clothing comprises every conceiv able sort of wearing apparel for men, women and children. The clothing and the' food stuffs, which are worth $300,000, are sent to the Italian Red Cross at Naples. Wily, Wiry Castro. Castro abroad appears to be of as much importaucc as Castro In Venezu ela, dictatlngand blulling. Wbllche was at home, stirring up one power after another, curiosity as to the manner of man he was became subordinate to in dignation that be should be allowed to play fast and loose with treaty ob ligations and make, u football of dip lomatic dignity. He was n power in Venezuela and a maker of trouble for nations having dealings with that country. This was all the world cared to know. Castro was not easily eliminated from Venezuelan affairs even though out of his country. Even In Caracas lie lind been a man of mystery. A couple of years ngo he resigned his office, but when It suited him to take the helm again he simply returned to the capital and began issuing orders. Those who knew Castro best believe that his trip to Europe is simply an other act in the drama he plays with consummate cleverness nnd almost Napoleonic audacity. Courage ho un doubtedly has, for all tho attempts of tho powers of the world do not seem to scare hlin any more than one of the petty revolutions nt home. A nuisanco Castro certainly Is, nnd he may be a mere poser nt best, but so far he has proved himself something more than a freak. 1W At last the Brooklyn pastors have bestirred themselves In the "red light" crusade. But Brooklyn's one time pul pit luminary, Henry Ward Beecher, used to say that more souls get to heaven from red light houses than from some Christian churches he conld name neighboring old Plymouth. That man who violated the "kiss, but never tell" code should pay the $10,000 fine, if bo has it, otherwise bo Jaggcrt for ten years. Goloncl Gocthals' shovclcrs never waited nn Instant to find out whether Uncle Sam's "Panama" Is on straight. Castro went to Berlin to And peace, end ho probably found company for hlii misery In tho German capital. If the Balkan orators could sco bow tbolr doings are sidetracked In Amer ican nowspapcrs by an auto cup race, thoy wouldn't be so chesty when shout ing, "Tho eyes of tho world are on us, my countrymen." N. Y. CENTRAL'S NEW HEAD. William C. Brown Elected Today to Succeed W. H. Newman. New York, Jan. C At the meeting today of the board of directors of the New York Central and Hudson River railroad William C. Brown, senior vice president of the road, was elected pres ident to succeed William H. Newman, who resigned Dec. 22. Tho new president of the New York Central is fifty-five years old and a na tive of New York state. He began his railroad career in Iowa at sixteen as a cutter of wood for the old log burning locomotives on the Western Union line. Later he learned telegraphy and be came train dispatcher, division super intendent and general manager of va rious roads. In 1901 he was taken from the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy to become vice president and general manager of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, one of the Central roads, and in the following year he ad vanced to the vice presidency of the Central itself. Unlike his predecessor, who Is known as a "traffic" man, Mr. Brown Is called an "operating" executive. Railroad men conversant with bis career declare that there is no position in the operat ing end of a railroad, from section man to general manager, that Mr. Brown could not fill. HARRY M'MTTXAN ARRESTED. Millionaire Once Engaged to Edna Goodrich, Now Mrs. Nat Goodwin. Reno, Nev., Jan. 0. On complaint of James Fay of the Palace gambling house J. Harry McMillan, a millionaire of Goldfield, was arrested and brought here on a charge of passing bogus checks for $8,335 in settlement of gam bling debts. McMillan last summer announced his engagement to Miss Edna Good rich, the actress, who has since been married to Nat O. Goodwin. TO GET GAS MONEY BACK. New York Consumers to Get Rebate In Few Weoks. New York, Jan. C. United States Commissioner Shields, in whose cus tody $9,000,000 was placed by the gas trust, is In communication with the money Is deposited reJanvffWita pay- ' ment to the residents of the city fol lowing the eighty cent decision. He told the cashiers be thought pay ment would begin within three weelca or a month. MARJ0RIE GOULD DEBUT. Function Will Set a New Mark For New York Society Lavishnest. New York, Jan. C A new mark for Iavlshness and splendor is expected to be sot for society by the entertainment Sir. and Mrs. George J. Gould will give Thursday night at the Hotel Plaza to formally introduce their daughter Slarjorie. Two hundred and fifty guests have been invited to the dinner, which will eclipse the famous Bradley Martin af fair of several years ago, but many more will be at the cotillon and supper to follow. Dinner, dance and reception are ex pected to be the most elaborate ever given In New York. DENIED NEY WAS EXECUTED. Centenarian Dies, Declared He Was Son of Napeteen's Marshal. Campbellsburg, Ind., Jan. 0. Dr. B. M. C. Neyman, 100 years old, who maintained that he was a son of Mar thai Ney of France, Is dead. Dr. Neyman was a man of mystery, stately and of military bearing. He was born In Paris. He insisted Mar shal Ney was not executed, as sup posed, being saved by Wellington and emigrating to South Carolina, where he lived as Peter Stuart Ney. CASTRO IS WORSE TODAY. Ex-President of Venezuela Very Weak After Hit Operation. Berlin, Jan. 0. Clprlano Castro's condition was much worse today as a result of the operation. His weakness makes it Imperative that strict precautions be observed. Tho wny scientists keep telling us ull about what microbes arc up to one can infer that these gentlemen created tho pesky things nnd trained them for experts nt the job bey aro on. Some of tho verdicts to the effect that "the prisoner did not Intend to commit a crime" would fit tho case better If they stated that bo did not Intend to bo caught at It. Latest In Wireless. I have a wireless rat trap, . However strange It sounds, it makes tho rodent swifter When for the hole he bounds. And In the rodent's Judgment It wears the victor's wreath It Is a ten pound bulldog, Who travels on his toeth.