The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 06, 1909, Image 1

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    t 4 i . 5 . M fi
Semi-Weekly Founded!
Wayne County Organ
. of the
T I 1908
fccklyFounded, 1844
66th YEAR.
NO. 2
Ffna Q-f-rAmknli anI
Vesuvius Active.
Survivors Glamor to Be
Taken to North.
Work of Burial I. Not Y.t Half Com
plated, Thousand of Bodies Lis In
Ruins Which Are Inacc.tiibte to Re
lief and Rescue Parti. Many Hun
dred of Living Person. Also Said to
Be In the Wrecked Buildings In Mes
sina Praise For the Work of Rus
sian 8ailors Many of the Wounded
Taken Care of at the Vatican.
Rome, Jan. 5. The worst fears are
aroused by the outbreak of the volca
noes Etna, Stromboll nnd Vesuvius In
fresh eruption.
Terror has seized upon thousands of
survivors In stricken cities and towns,
nnd tbey clamor for transport to the
Renewed shocks of earthquake oc
curred today In Messina and the sur
rounding district. The motion frpm
them seemed to bo vertical. "
People at Messina nre in terror now
of a new shock, which they fear will
come and complete the work of that
of a week ago.
The shocks that have continued at
brief intervals since the' first, and most
destructive are now increasing again
in violence. A severe quake, central In
southwestern Sicily, drove the Inhab
itants out from their shelters.
Prime Minister Glolette has Issued a
statement that about 80,000 bodies
have been burled by relief parties In
Messina and Heggio, but the work of
burial is not half completed. Thou
sands caught In the ruins arc still in
accessible. There are still hundreds of living
people under the ruins of Messina. A
few were taken out today, but they
cannot survive. The crews of the
Russian squadron have labored with
' out rest, and not a few of the sailors
have been killed or Injured In the per
formance of heroic services.
The brunt of the work of rescue has
fallen upon the sailors, foreigners as
well as Italian, and all have done their
duty nobly. Praises of the Russians
nre on every Hp. They hesitate be
fore no danger, digging under totter
ing wnlls or entering the unsafest
shells when asked to do so by some
frantic woman who had not lost all
hope that husband or child was still
The streets of the wrecked city are
piled twenty or thirty feet high with
debris. It is a wilderness of ruin a
mile wide and two miles long. Beau
tiful churches, splendid villas In the
foothills, hospitals, barracks and the
university all shared the common lot.
Two-thirds of the magnificent Norman
cathedrals, the pride of Messina, Is in
ruins, and little or nothing remains
of the relics of Phoenician, Greek,
Roman and Saracln architecture.
Here and there salvage parties are
nt work digging at the instance of
some distracted wife or mother who
imagined she heard a voice, but usual
ly there is no echo to the pathetic
'calling. One party vtvtu trying to dig
out a girl whose crying could be heard
plainly, but there was a sudden cave
In and thereafter silence.
In many places bloated and decom
posing arms and legs protrude from
heaps of masonry and plaster.
Curious freaks of the earthquake
arc everywhere to bo observed. Stand
ing walls have fallen out, exposing
one tier of rooms above another, In
which nothing seems to have been dis
turbed. Pictures hang straight on the
walls, lamps were on tables and vases
and flowers on mantelpieces.
The buildings that best resisted the
shock were the old royal palace, now
the prefecture, and the archbishop's
palace, where ten of the Inmates lost
their lives.
Although the air in Messina Is
heavy with the stench of putrlfying
bodies, several groups of Sicilians
have camped out in the cleared spaces
of the city and obstinately refuse the
Invitation of tbo authorities to move
The universal brotherhood spoken of
by Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul was
further emphasized in Rome today
when upon tbo arrival of 1,600 wound
ed from Messina and Regglo Mayor
Nathan telephoned the Vatican, ask
ing whether these unfortunates could
be taken in there. The Vatican replied
In the affirmative, nnd the wounded
were received with open arms.
To realize fully what this incident .
signifies It must be explained that
Slrnor Nathan is not n Catholic and i
that he was at one time grand master
of the Free Masons, an organization
that has carried on a persistent strug
gle against the Vatican.
The first 120 of the wounded sent to
the Vatican were received at the rail
road station by Mgr. Mlflatelly, sent
especially by the pope. S'mie of them
were taken to the Vat li nn in public
conveyances, but the more grievously
Injured were carried on stretchers by
the Red Cross. They were received
In the Vatican precincts by the nurs
ing slaters.
The pope could not restrain his de
sire to bring them consolation and
sought thorn out. He passed through
the basilica of St. Peter's over the arch
connecting the basilica with the hos
pital. Although he did not actually
set foot on Italian territory, he in re
ality went outside that area which un
der the law Is guaranteed and enjoys
the right of ectraterrltorlallty. The
hospital, although belonging to the
pope, stands on Italian ground.
The pope's entrance Into the hospital
was the sign for an outburst of emo
tion not only on the part of the pa
tients, hut even from the pope him
self and the members of his suit.
Many of those who were not gravely
wounded Insisted In Jumping out of
bed to kneel and kiss the pontiff's
hand. The pope spoke consolingly to
each unfortunate. He said that since
the earthquake lie had lived only to
think of them and study the best
means of helping them. All his prayers
to the Almighty had lmrtored mercy,
clemency and power to undergo the
terrible strain, rising up again through
the comfort of religion.
President Puts His Signature to Bill
Appropriating $800,000.
Washington, Jan. 5. President Roose
velt tqday signed the bill passed by
congress appropriating $800,000 to the
relief of the earthquake sufferers In
Italy and approving his action In send
ing provisions and stores to Messina
on the supply ships Cel Ic and Culgoa.
The law follows the text of that
passed after the Mont Pelee disaster
in 1002.
Young Rockefeller In Danger of Ar
rest For Alleged Perjury.
New York, Jan. 5. John D. Rocke
feller, Jr., is charged by S. S. Carval
ho, president of the Star Publishing
company, with perjury and may be
Mr. Rockefeller, Jr., hid Carvalho
arrested on a charge of criminal libel
for an article that appeared In the
American In connection with peonage
cases. He denied every Hue of the
Mr. Shearn asked young Mr. Rocke
feller if he knew to his own personal
knowledge that the three defendants,
Carvalho, Merrill and Clarke, were
connected with the American, as he
swore in the complaint.
Mr. Rockofeller, Jr., said that he did
not know this to be a fact from his
own personal knowledge.
Mr. Shearn then, on behalf of Mr.
Carvalho, asked for a warrant charg
ing Mr. Rockefeller, Jr., with perjury.
Magistrate Moss, while the lawyers
were arguing the question, took the
papers nnd said that he would consid
er the matter next week.
Question of American Association and
Eastern League Debated.
Cincinnati, Jan. 5. The question
Whether the American association and
the Eastern league will be put Into a
special classification among the base
ball clubs of the country came up
again today before the National base
ball commission.
The commission transacted other
business before it took up the caso of
the alleged "bolters." The most prom
inent case that was decided was the
reinstatement of Player William Se
brlng. Ho Is fined $200 outright, nnd
the club that purchases him must pay
$000 to the Cincinnati baseball club.
The application of Joseph Ward of
the Trlstate league was granted, and
Ward was fined $200.
Players Freeman, Johnson, Jesse
Tannehill nnd Keeley, all of the Wash
ington club of the American league,
were reinstated.
Despite His Many Wounds, He May
Recover, but Won't Talk.
Thomasvllle, Ga., Jan. 5. B. F.
Akrldge, a planter, was seized by
Night Riders, bound to a tree, shame
fully maltreated and bis throat cut.
Akrldge was found apparently dead,
but was revived and despite the cuts
may recover. Akrldgo says' he knows
his assailants, but Will not tell their
is. mwii
She Baffles All Attempts
to Break Her Story.
"I Did Hot Kill Captain Erb," She
Exclaims, "but He Threat
ened My Life as Well
as My Sitter's."
Media, Pa., Jan. 5. Mrs. M. Flor
ence Erb's cross examination was con
cluded in court here, and every one
agreed that she acquitted herself most
District Attorney McDade's attempt
to break her story that Captain J.
Clayton Erb was killed in self de
fense by Mrs. Catherine Belsel, her
sister, were futile.
Mrs. Erb stood the ordeal with sur
prising fortitude and at the end walk
ed with a smile from the witness
stand and took her seat beside her
sister. Every resort of Mr. McDade
to trap the young widow into a con
tradiction or retraction failed.
"I did not kill Captain Erb," she
said, "but he threatened my life as
well as my sister's."
By a ruling of the court Mrs. Erb
was saved from being compelled to
bare that part of her life prior to her
acquaintance with Captain Erb.
Centering his attack upon the young
woman's account of the events of the
night of the tragedy, the district, at
torney did his "best to discredit her
declaration that she and her sister did
not plot Erb's death. The most
achieved, however, was the bringing
out of a few discrepancies In minor
"I was excited and overwrought,"
was Mrs. Erb's reply to the question
why she had told the deputy coroner
that Erb had first appeared at his
bathroom door with a revolver and
had testified Saturday that it was his'
bedroom door. "I hardly know what
I did or said that awful night"
"Mrs. Erb, you are charged here
with the murder of your husband,"
said Mr. McDade solemnly. "Do you
fully realize that?"
"I fully realize It," she replied, re
peating his words.
"Will you tell this jury that you
participated in no way In that crime?"
"I participated in no way In the
"Will you say that you In no way
aided your sister In shooting down
your husband?"
"I aided her in no way."
"Will you say that in no wny did
you have a hand in that murder?"
"I had no hand in it."
"How could those bruises on his
head, the bruises on his forearm, the
bruises on his body, how did they get
"I don't know."
"Can you tell us, Mrs. Erb, why you
permitted your sister to battle single
handed with your husband and why
you fled to the bathroom?"
"I was a coward from abuse. My
nerves were all gone."
"You lost your nerve, you, a skilled
horsewoman and fox hunter, you lost
your nerve for once?"
Mr. McDade's tone was withering in
its sarcasm, but Mrs. Erb looked him
straight in the eye and calmly re
plied, "I did."
Government Wins Rebate Case Against
the Chicago and Alton.
Washington, Jan. 5. The rebate case
of the government against the Chicago
and Alton Railroad company In the
United States circuit court for the
northern district of Illinois the com
pany nnd its officers were fined $00,000
on the charge of making a refund to
Kansas City packers as terminal
charges has been decided by the su
preme court of the United States.
The decision is against the company
nnd siistiilns the $00,000 fine.
Wife Fears Foul Play While on Long
Railroad Journey.
Tucson, Ariz., Jan, 5. T. A. Cot, a
prominent mining man of Santa Cruz
county, has been missing since Dec. 20,
when he left San Francisco for Pitts
burg. No evidence of bis having arrived
has been found, and his wife, who lives
here, fears foul play.
Experiment Prove 8ucces For It
Us. a Cattle Food.
Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 5. Reports
on the first summer's field cultivation
of the Burbank thornless cactus de
clare the results successful.
The use of the plant bb a fodder for
cattle seems to have been established.
Closing Stock Quotation.
New York, Jan. A.
Money on call was 2V4 per cent; time '
money and mercantile paper unchanged
In rates.
Closing: prices:
Amal. Copper.... 82 Norf. & West... 85H
Atchison... 100 Northwestern ..181
B. &O 11QK Fenn. R. R. 133
Brooklyn R. T... 6SH Reading 141
Ches. & Ohio S6H Rock Island 21
C. CC&St.L.. 70 St. Paul 14914'
D. .L. &W 050 Southern Pac.llSH
D. & 11,.', 480 Southern Ry.... 7t
Erie Sift South. Ry. pt... 62
den. Electric... 164 Sugar 1S1
Ill.Central 147(4 Texas Pacific... 34
Int.-M.t. 17 Union Pacific.. .181
Louis. & Nash...KStt U. S. Steel 62 ,
Manhattan 153 II. 8. Steel pf...ll2 I
Missouri Pao.... 70 West. Union.... 6SH I
N. Y. Central.... 123
Market Reports.
WHEAT Quiet, but steady; contract ,
grade, January, S1.04al.04M.
CORN Steady, but quiet; January, 64a
64 4c. '
OATS Unchanged. i
BUTT ER Steady to firm; receipts, 5,080
packages; creamery, specials, S3V4c (offi
cial Sic.); extras, MHaSJc; thirds to firsts,
54ailc: held, common to special, 23a30c.;
state dairy, common to special, supply
about over for season, quotation nominal;
process, common to special, ItalSc.
CHEESE Firm; receipts, 823 boxes;
state, full cream, specials, 14HaUc;
September, colored or white, fancy, 14c;
October, best, 13ic; late mad., best, 13c;
common ta prime, 10Hal2c; skims, full
to specials, 2allc.
EGOS Easier; receipts. 6,916 cases;
state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy,
selected, white, 39a40c; fair to choice, 36a
JSc; brown and mixed, fancy, 34a35c;
fair to choice, Sla33c.
POTATOES Quiet: steady: domestic.
per bbl. or bag, $2.10al7; European, per I
bag, Sl.50aZ.10; Bermuda, new, per bbl.,
I4a5: sweet, per bbl, J1.60a2.60.
LIVE POULTRY Firm ; better trade;
no prices established.
er; fowls firmer: western, fancy, 22a23c;
poor to Rood, 16aZlc.; spring chickens,
broilers, nearby, 18a25c.; western, 16a20c. :
I roasting, nearby, 17a22c. ; western, 12Va
inc.; lowis, ooxes, i;iai4',tc. ; oarreis, lift a
14c; old roosters, 10V4C ; ducks, western,
llalCc. ; geese, nearby, 13al5c. ; western,
Sal2c; squabs, white, per dozen, J1.50a
HAY AND STRAW Quiet; timothy,
per hundred, 70aS5c; shopping, U0a65c;
clover, mixed, U0a75c; clover, B5aG5c; rye
straw, 9a$l; small bales, 2a5c. less.
Bids In Today For Equipment of Ves
' sets and Shore Stations,
jvashiugton, Jan. . Today marks
expiration of the time set by the
navy department for the receipt of
bids for the equipment of the vessels
and shore stations of the United
States navy with new wireless teleg
raphy apparatus.
When the contract for the construc
tion of the apparatus is satisfactorily
fulfilled the wireless equipment of
our navy will have no peer on earth
and sea. The department will be able
to communicate quickly with any ship
of the navy, no matter where it may
be stationed.
i The contract calls for the building
and equipment of a high powered wire
loss telegraph station, the first of n
number of .similar stations, one of
which is to be at San Francisco, with
a radius of 11,000 miles; the installa
tion aboard each ship of two sets of
instruments capable of sending mes
sages a distance of 1,000 miles and re
ceiving messages from a distance of
3,000 miles, with a wireless telephone
having a radius of 100 miles. The
contractor will be allowed to use any
system of wireless telegraphy he
Pennsylvania and New Jersey Feel Ef
fect of Dynamite Explosion,
i Philadelphia, Jan., C Residents of
Pennsylvania and New Jersey felt two
well defined enrth tremors caused by
an explosion of fifty cases of dyna
mite In the magazine of the Keystone
Quarry company, near Norristown.
Nearly 10,000 pounds of the explosive
went up at once, tearing n great hole
In the ground and slinking the earth
! for miles around.
I Windows in buildings live nnd ten
i miles away were shattered by the ex
j plosion, chimneys were shaken down,
' and in the immediate vicinity walls of
buildings were cracked.
I Reports from points In New Jersey,
including Uordcntown and Moores
town, indicate that the explosion caus
ed shakings of the earth.
Stockyards on Hackensack Meadow
to Compete For World' Trade.
New York, Jan. 15. Immense stock
yards, with modern slaughter houses,
designed to do business with the whole
world, nre projected on the Hncken
sack meadows.
The plant will have connection with
leading railroads and steamships to
foreign ports. The capital is said to
be $10,000,000.
Chance For Invention.
The wind It shakes the treetops,
It shakes the shutters new,
I .wish that I could make it
Shake my furnace too.
Bohemian Magazine.
Beyond Recall.
SheDo you recall the night you pro
posed to rue1
He I wish to gracious I could I
Yonkers Statesman.
MOST REFUND, $9,828,770.
New York Qity Gas Companies Hard'
Hit by Court Decision.
New York, Jan. 5. As a result of
the United Slates supreme court's ac
tion upholding the constitutionality of
the eighty .cent gas law the gas com
panies of New York city must refund
to consumers $9,828,770, or one-fifth of
the total amount of all bills for gas
supplied since May 1, 1000.
The legal price of gas In this city
since May 1, 1900, has been 80 cents
per thousand feet, but the companies
have been charging $1.
Tbo Consolidated and other gas com
panies must refund the 20 per cent ex-'
cess they have been collecting and I
must render their bills hereafter at the
eighty cent rate.
But the Consolidated company is
granted the right to go into court-and
prove If such proof be possible of
production that 80 cents per thousand
feet Is a confiscatory rate for gas in
this city.
In other words, the burden of proof
is shifted from the people to the gas
monopoly. The Consolidated and its
associates must prove by actual testa
that 80 cents per thousand feet Is not
a rate to allow n fair return upon the
Three Youth Accused of Killing Aged
Man For Money.
Brldgeton. N. J., Jan. 5. The trial
of Walter Zeller, one of the three Vine
land (N. .T.) youths accused of the mur
der of William A. R. Read, Zeller's
grandfather, on the night of Nov. 13
last, was begun here. The trials of
Cllne Wheeler and Herbert Grlgg, Zel
ler's alleged accessories, will begin
when the present case Is concluded.
All three boys are eighteen years of
The charge against the trio Is that
Read, who was over seventy years old,
was killed by the youths for Ids mon
ey. Zeller and Wheeler confessed. Grlgg
maintains that he was with the other
boys earlier on the night Read was
killed, but that he did not enter the
house with them.
The commonwealth asks verdicts of
murderjn the first degree in all three
$29,000,000 Sentence Quashed by the
United States Supreme Court.
Washington, Jan. 5. The supreme
court of the United States has denied
the petition of the government for a
review of the $29,240,000 fine Imposed
upon the Standard Oil company, which
was set aside by the United States cir
cuit court of appeals.
In declining to review the case the
justices of the supreme court upheld
practically every point raised by the
circuit court of appeals. The final rul
ing means that the Standard Oil com
pany will not have to pay the fine as
Imposed In the present case.
A new trial is ordered.
In the new hearing the case will be
begun all over again, and the $29,400,
000 fine will plaj' no part In It.
No One Can Prevent Pulp Mill Pollu
tion of Streams.
Washington, Jan. 5. In spite of the
fact that In 1894 a prize of $2,r00 was
offered In Germany for the best meth
od of preventing pollution of streams
by sulphite liquor from paper pulp
mills, no one has come forward with
a solution.
The money still awaits a rightful
Two Mexicans, an Indian and a White
Man Shot Dead.
San Diego, Cal., Jan. 5. Advices
from Mesa Grande, forty miles from
here, tell of a pitched battle thirty
miles from there between n gang of
cattle rustlers and members of a vig
ilance committee.
Two Mexicans, an Indian and a
white man, all members of the band,
were shot nnd killed and one vigilante
was seriouslv wounded.
Governor Hughes Makes George W.
Schurman Insurance Commissioner.
Albany, N, Y., Jan. 5. Governor
Hughes has tendered the state Insur
ance supcrlntendency to George W.
Schurman of New York city, a brother
of Jacob Gould Schurman, president
of Cornell university, who has ac
cepted. The appointment takes effect on the
resignation of Superintendent Otto
Mr. Schurman Is the junior member
of the law firm of Hughes, Founds
Ic Schurman and was an assistant dis
trict attorney under District Attorney
Weather Probabilities.
, Bnow; colder; fresh south wlnda,
Captains Brother Under
goes Severe Ordeal Today.
He Falters In Explaining How Ho
Cams to Interfere With These
Who Would Here .
Saved Annii.
Flashing, N. Y., Jan. 5. Thornton
Jenkins Halns lost bis confident smile
today when District Attorney D&rrln
began to cross exnmlno him as to bis
story of the killing of William E. An
nls by Captain Peter O. Halns at the
Bayslde Yacht club.
The prosecutor's questioning was
very severe, and Halns seemed upset
nnd dazed when asked to explain why
ho' thrust his pistol in the faces of
members of the Bayslde Yacht club
who sought to save Annls after the
first shot.
He told the jury first that all the
shots had been fired by Captain Halns
before be rushed to the float to pro
tect his brother from John Tonnlng,
the boatman, and the club members,
who, he said, he thought would harm
the captain.
Later he contradicted himself in
this. He denied that he pointed a re
volver at Mrs. Annls. He stated that
he had no Idea how many shots Cap
tain Halns had fired, and when Charles
Roberts, a club member, picked the re
volver up and the muzzle of the weap
on pointed at him he drew his own gun
and told Roberts not to shoot.
Before he went on the stand today
Hnlns said:
"Within the next few days my case
will be In the hands of the jury, and
what their verdict will be I have not
the slightest doubt. There is no ques
tion In my mind that the scales will
weigh heavily in my favor. That I
should neverhavc been arrested I al
wnys have been convinced.
'The court and jury, hearing from
my own Hps the story of the many
weary, sleepless hours that I spent
watching Peter, from the day shortly
after his arrival from the Philippines
until that eventful Saturday in August
when the wrecker of his home met his
doom, must nt least give me the bene
fit of any doubt that may lurk In their
! minds."
i Government Continues Dissolution Suit
Against Union Pacific Today.
New York, Jan. S. Hearings of the
government's dissolution suit against
the Union Pacific railroad were re
j opened in this city today before Ex
aminer Sylvester G. Williams,
t One of the points which the govern
, ment Is using In the suit against the
railroad Is the arrangement whereby
the Southern Pacific became a half
I owner of the San Pedro, Los Angeles
i nnd Santa 1V and a traffic agreement
was made whereby each side agreed
1 not to change Its rates without the
consent of the other for ninety-nine
The issuance of stock and bonds In
1001 to finance the purchases wf North
ern Pacific stock, the subsequent nego
tiations and the Chicago and Alton
deal also figure In the suit.
BRIBE FUND $380,000.
Seven Pittsburg Councilmen Indicted
For Alleged Conspiracy.
Pittsburg, Jan. r. Seven councilmen
accused of accepting bribes nnd con
spiring to secure bribes and two for
mer bankers accused of giving bribes
were Indicted by the grand Jury after
witnesses had testified that the brib
ery fund aggregated $380,000.
Those Indicted are:
T. O. Atkinson, select councilman;
William Brand, president of common
council; John F. Klein, Joseph C. Wes
son, Jacob Soffel, W. II. Melaney and
Hugh Ferguson, common councilmen;
W, W. Runisey, former president, nnd
A. A. Vllsack, former cnphler of the
German National bank.
Montenegrin Women Ready to Battle
With Austria.
Chicago, Jan. 5. An army of ama
zons trained to wage war on the Aus
trian empire Is the newest body to
take up the profession of arms, ac
cording to Dr. Splro Sargentlch, com
missioner of health of Tacoma, Wash.,
en route from Montenegro. Ho says:
"In our little country, where the de
signs of Austria become more galling,
our women are preparing for a fray.
Dally tbey drill and practice with
their rifles and revolvers to fight side
by side with the 70,000 men in our
fighting force."