The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 23, 1908, Image 8

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Items Gathered by-
Dec. 17th. Mesdames Connor and
Nichols, and Miss Minnie Gay, entertain
ed the Ladies' Aid Society, at the home
of Miss Gay, last Thursday afternoon.
Twenty enjoyed the chicken pie dinner,
which was served.
Mrs. Charles E. Beach and Mrs. Helen
Dexter had a family dinner last Wednes
day, at which the Mesdames Connor,
Nichols and Appley, Misses Minnie Gay
and Florence C. Skinner, W. E. Beach,
of this place, and R. R. Dexter, of Ho
boken, were guests. Among the good
things on the menu were roast turkey
and rabbit pie.
Miss Clarissa Brigham-, of Scran ton, is
spending the winter at the home of her
uncle, Rockwell Brigham, and attending
school here.
R. R. Beagle and Lewis Hocker, Jr.,
spent last Friday in Tort Jervis.
James Dolson made a business trip to
Honesdale last Wednesday.
Mrs. George Tyler entertained her
brother, Ransome Terrel, and wife, of
Cortland, N. Y., last week.
Earl Barnes has shut down his saw
mill for the winter.
Mr. Stewart of Binghamton, is in town
this week.
Mrs. Henry Langc Fpent a few days
last week at Deposit, N. Y.
M. E. Wilcox and H. C. Noble, of
Waymart, have been canvassing the town
for subscribers to the Ladies' Home
Journal and several other magazines.
R. R. Dexter returned to Hoboken on
Tuesday. His sister, Mfss Mary Dexter,
accompanied him, and will spend some
time with Brooklyn relatives.
Henry Langc is enjoying a few clays'
vacation with Hallstead friends this
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tyler will drive to
Kenotia La'te, N. Y., this week.
II. M. Page's pretty home, "Ardsley-on-the-Delaware,"
had a narrow escape
from being burned to the ground early
last Monday morning. Miss Ida Coots,
who occupies a large front room on the
third floor, had, alter using a match,
thrown it down on a dish on the dresser.
The match, striking something inflam
mable, set lire to the dresser and con
tents. .Miss Coots had left the room,
and the lire was discovered by little
Percy Page, who, when he came down
stairs, said it was all sinokv. Mr. Page,
who was at the barn, also discovered
the blaze, and through prompt assist
ance, and having a large tank of water
on the floor, the house, with the ex
ception of the third floor, was saved.
The room in which the fire caught was
entirely burned, and Miss Coots, who
has traveled extensively with Miss Helen
Gould, lost many expensive things. Mr.
Page lost a saw mill by fire, three years
ago, on which there was no insurance.
South Canaan.
Dec. 16th. 'lhe Sunday school of the
M. P. church will give a Christmas
Cantata. "A Good Time with Santa
Claus," nearly the whole school taking
part. The church will be elaborately
decorated for the occasion. The enter
tainment will be given on Christmas
Eve, Dec. 24th. Those wishing a seat
must come early. Opening exercises at
7:30. Santa Claus will be on hand to
distribute presents to the scholars and
friends assisted by his "little workers"
called "Brownies." You cannot afford
to miss this treat.
The Ladies' Aid of the M. P. church,
placed in the parsonage a beautiful
range, while friends donated the lino
leum. The pastor and wife greatly ap
preciate the kindness and generosity of
both church and friends in trying to
make the church home pleasant and
Rev. Mr. Hooper has conducted two
weeks revival meetings at Mt. Cobb,
resulting in six at the altar.
Rev. Mr. Hooper has been indisposed
for a few days and was not able to fill
his appointment last Sunday.
Dec. 21st. Miss Edna Lavo is spend
ing some days in Carbondale with her
sister, Mrs. Ernest Paynter..
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Harmes and
daughter, Eva, will leave Wednesday
to spend Christmas at Mrs. Harmes's
former home in Plei'sant Mount.
Mr. Wyn, of Allentown, preached
Saturday and Sunday evening. He is a
very earnest and forceful speaker. Mrs.
Larkin has made many friends during
her sojourn here. The meetings will
continue this week, every evening except
Christmas eve.
Patron's Day will be observed in the
school on Thursday afternoon, Dec.
24th, with appropriate exercises.
The Union Christmas exercises will
take place Thursday evening, in the
Presbyterian church, with the usual cele
Charles Webb, Rush Kimble and
Emerson W. Gammell have purchased
new cutters and are enjoying the good
-About the County.
South Canaan.
Dec. 10th. Most everybody is getting
ready for Christmas, and all are in
hopes they will be remembered by their
friends, and especially old Santa Claus.
The entertainment to be given in the
M. P. church Christmas Eve, bids fair
to be a success. Everybody welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fielding made
a business trip to Carbondale on Thurs--
day last.
A number of families on River street,
have lately placed in their residences the
Bell telephone, which they seem to en
joy very much as the lines are kept
busy early and late.
Our popular milliner, Mrs. Harry
Ward is kept hustling now-a-days in or
der to meet the demands of the public.
One look at the display in the Kay win
dow is sure to entice the ladies to walk
Mrs. Abraham Bronson and son, Roy
visited friends in Carbondale last week.
Richard Congdon was given a sur
prise by his family on the 11th inst., the
occasion being his fiftieth birthday. A
pleasant evening was enjoyed by all
Mrs. Catherine Moules and Mrs.
Frank Box, of Honesdale, were pleas
ant callers at tho home of the former's
father and mother, Mrs. and Mrs. Jos
Machell, last week.
Samuel Black's family have scarlet
fever. Dr. Cook has charge of the cases
Two are reported convalescent.
Jerry Buckley, ourvillage blacksmith,
is a very busy man now-a-days. We
can hear the ring of his anvil until a
late hour and wonder why he 'don't ring
Alton VanSickle has resigned his po
sition as teamster with Ernest .Kizer,
the miller, at Varden, and his place is
now filled by Floyd Frisbie.
Samuel Robinson, who had his thumb
mnutated on account of a felon some
time ago, is now able to work again.
DEC. 21st. W. J. Doyle, who is at
tending the Jefferson Medical school, is
snendinu the Christmas vacation with
his parents here.
The M. E. Ladies' Aid cleared about
$123 at their fair held in the church par
lors last week.
Rov Mitchell, of Scranton, visited
friends in town over Sunday.
Harry Stanton, of Schenectady, N,
Y., is visiting at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Stanton.
Joseph Denk has recently purchased
a new piano of Guernsey, of Scranton.
Irene Lyons is visiting her brother in
Ruth Tuthill, of Drew Seminary, is
home for her vacation.
Kate Woodward, of New York, is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. C. B. Tuthill.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Box, a
third son.
Mrs. Martha Jeffrey visited relatives
in Jermyn, the past week.
Jesse Wonnacott and Roy Siuquet at
tended the dance at Honesdale, Friday
Our merchants all have a fine line of
holiday goods. One need not go else
where to do their Christmas shopping.
Edward Butler, of Carbondale, spent
Sunday in town.
Jesse Wonnacott spent Sunday in
Leroy Sinquet is visiting Clifford
Dec. 21st. The officers of the Sab
bath school have decided to get a move
on themselves and hold their Christmas
tree exercises on Christmas Eve, Dec.
Ralph Haley has moved from Carbon
dale to South Canaan on his lately pur
chased farm.
A party was held at the home of Miss
Edith Short, last Saturday evening, in
honor of her nineteenth birthday. Those
present were : Misses Frances Richard
son, Maude Smith, Florence Adams,
Pearl Swingle and Florence Dennie,
and George Smith, Orin Kagler, Edwin
Budd, Frank Budd, 'Lesley Mill and
Hownrd Adams. Games wero indulged
in, and refreshments were served at a
seasonable hour. ,
After spending two months with her
sister, Mrs. William Wright, at Carbon
dale, Miss Olive Haley has returned to
her home at Steene.
All who are interested in the Chris
iuiib tree exercises on Christmas Eve,
will please bring their gifts to the chap
el, plainly marked, not later than nine
o'clock on Thursday morning, or at the
home of Mrs. J. E. Haley any time be
fore the 24th.
We arc sorry to hear that Frauk Mag
loski is contemplating selling his farm
and leaving the neighborhood, for ho is
a friend and a neighbor to one and all,
and will be missed very much. We hope
that the future will change his mind.
We hear that a 12 pound eon at the
homo ot Mr. and Mrs. James Kugler, at
Hyde Park, is what is keeping Mrs.
JoWShcfrt absent from liomo 60 long ;
Mrs. Kngler being a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Short.
Roy Spangenberg, of Carbondale,
visited his parents Saturday and Sun
day at South Canaan.
Rev. Mr. Davis, of Waymart, preach
ed a very interesting sermon here Sun
day afternoon on "The Birth of Christ."
Dec. 21st. Sunday, .Dee. 20th being
the 25th anniversary of the second mar
riage of George E. Baker, of Dyberry,
to Miss Carrie Van Deusen, his daugh
ters and their husbands gave them a
surprise on Saturday evening, Dec. 10tli
to celebrate the event. Th.ey took re
freshments which were served at an
early hour. A cut glass cream set was
given them as a token of remembrance.
Other tokens were received from friends
far and near, which were greatly ad
mired. Mr. Baker's first wife was
Emily Lincoln, sister of S. 0. Lincoln
and Mrs. Lucy A. Wright, of Hones
dale. Tyler Hill.
Dec. 21st. The second annual elec
tion of officers of the Tyler Hill Cornet
Band took place in the band rooms in
that village Saturday evening, Dec. 19th.
The following officers were elected :
Leader, J. L. Sheard ; President, S. A
Brush : Vice President, W. B. Yerkes :
Treasurer, S. D. Olver ; Secretary, R. E.
Mitchell ; Janitor,. Perry Griffith. A
goodly number were present and after
the business meeting all did ample jus
tice -to an excellent banquet given by
the president, Mr. Brush. Much credit
is due the leader and president for their
unceasing efforts in keeping the band in
the ever progressive state in which it has
always been, since its organization two
years ago. The remainder of the even
ing was spent with music, speech-making,
etc. After voting it the one best
night of the year, all left for home with
hopes of many more ' such pleasing
events in the future.
Menneii & Co. will
winter stock of Ladies'
at cut prices.
close out their
cloaks and suits
Don't fail to get our prices before you
buy elsewhere. We can save you money.
O. G. Weaver, Jeweler.
Menkeu & Co. will close out' a lot of
single suits for Ladies and Misses at less
than cost. 4 leu
JUEY LIST January Term, 1909.
Berlin Benjamin Prey.
Clinton Thomas Wiggins.
Cherry Ridge I. F.Taylor,.
Damascus J.J. Abraham, K. F. Tng
gert. Dreher Harrv Akers.
Dyberry-1). Si. Kimble.
Hawley Isaac Male.
Honesdale W. J. Birdsall, J. J. Os
born. Lebanon Charles Bolkcoiu.
Manchester Oaklev Tyner.
Mt. Pleasant E. II. Ledvard, jr.
Oregon Floyd Tiel.
Palmyra James Haggerty.
Paupack Lewis M. Bittiirr.
Preston G. C. Reynolds.
Salem D. W. Patterson, Richard I
Scott J. H. Smith.
Sterling P. H. Howe.
Texas fvdward, Uarl I'rosch,
Samuel Dodge.
Berlin Elmer Dickenson.
Buckingham-Theodore Hunt, J. Spratt.
Canaan R. F. Welsh. Jaipes Moylan.
Cherry Ridge A. Buckingham.
Clinton G.H. Knapp.F.M. Gaylord.
Damascus J. T. Noble, Jas. Blair,
John Dexter, W. A. Gaston.
Dreher hdward Adams.
Dyberry J. I. Bates, Fred Weniger.
Hawley Ed. Mc Namara, G. C.Man-
deville, J. F. Conklin, Anton Kerber.
Honesdale Ray B. Bunnell, Chas.
Irwin, John E. Richmond.
Lake Frank James.
Lebanon P. F. O'Neill, Oscar H.
Day, Fred L. Gager.
Lehigh Fred Dieroff.
Manchester O. B. Coddington.
Mt. Pleasant William Fitze.
Oregon C. L. Highhouse.
Pahnvra S. S. Keyes. Thos. Brod-
Paupack James McDine, Lewis E.
Preston-J. W. Doyle, W. E. Ben
nett. Prompton A. B. Smith.
Salem W. H. Stermer, Bernard Han
Ion. Scott Willis Early.
South Canaan Jeremiah Buckley,
John Nolan.
Sterling H. G. Foster.
Texas George Bartron, Martin Hel
mier, jr., W. S. Toms, Peter Manger.
Waymart Lewis Clift.
You will find an excellent assortment of
articles suitable for
Toy Books,
Prayer Books
Fine Gift Book
CbriBtmna Curds
Pocket Books
Fountain Pens
Toilet Cases,
Hund.palutcd Novelties
"Webster's Unabridged Diction,
nry for 93.BO
The marriage of Sheriff-elect M. Lee
Braman, of Wayne county, to Miss Cora
C, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Titus Hina
man, was solemnized at the home of the
bride's parents, at Huguenot, N. Y., on
Friday, Dec. 18th, 1008, at 2:30 P. m.,
the ceremony having been performed by
Rev. Robert B.Clark, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church of Port Jervis. It
was a quiet home wedding, only the im
mediate families of tho contracting parties
being present. Mrs. William Hinaman,
of Port Jervis, was matron of honor.
The bride's gown was white crepe-de-chine
over white silk. The couple de
parted from Port Jervis on train 3 for a
wedding trip through western states.
They will return to Honesdale about
January 1st, and soon thereafter will oc
cupy the residence of the Wayne county
sheriff on Tenth street. Up to within a
few weekB ago the bride's parents were
residents of Kellam, Manchester town
ship, from which place they removed to
Huguenot, where Mr. Hinaman pur
chased a fine farm.
Iter. A. L. Whittaker will hold service
in White Mills, on Christmas morning,
ot 8:30 Holy Communion and sermon,
and next Sunday, Dec. 27th, at 3 p. m..
Evening Prayer and sermon. The choir
will sing Christmas hymns and offertory.
Christmas Day will be observed at
Grace Episcopal church at 10:30 a. m.,
by a service consisting of Morning Prayer,
sermon and Holy Communion. Tho
musical program is as follows :
Processional Hymn, No. 41, "O Come
All Ye Faithful:" Venite : TeDeum.
Baumbach ; Jubilate, Alzanova ; Hymn
mo. ou; uaroi, it uame upon a flua
night Clear," W. S. Willis: Hvmn No
53, "Shout the Glad Tidines." Avis:
Offertory Solo, "Angels from the Realms
ot uiory, xviidiinger; Hymn No. 22o.
"Bread of the World," "Eucharistic
Hvmn. Hodees : Recessional Hvmn. No
58, "O Little Town of Bethlehem," J.
.Christmas services will be held in St
John's Lutheran church as follows : '
a.m., English Matin service: 10:30 A
m., German service with Confession and
Holy Communion; 7 l M., Sunday
school service.
Rev. W. F. Honpwill conduct Christ
mas services at the Creamton Lutheran
church on the day after Christmas, at
ll):4o, a. m. lhe service will be con
ducted in German, and Holy Commun
ion will be celebrated. Afterthe German
service the pastor will give a brief Eng.
lish address.
The Farmers' and
Mechanics' Bank
at the close of business. Nov. 27, 1908.
Reserve fund $
Cash, specie and notes, $11,014 S'J
Due from nnn roved re
serve agents SB.KS1 95- 4MMS 47
Checks ami other cash Items 618 08
Hills discounted. not due ."H.548 00
Illlls discounted, time loans with
collateral 18,750 00
Loans on call with collateral 5,700 00
Loans uoon call umm nnn nr mcirr
names 18,085 00
Loans secured by bonds and niort-
. gages 3,075 00
inve.iinieni securities ownea exclu
sive of reserve bonds, viz
Stocks, bunds, etc f.l7,K( 50
Mortgages and lini
ments of record l!l.:M ni .i7.2i:i 41
I lieal estate 18JSJ9 55
Kurnttureandllxtures 1,80141
.Miscellaneous assets 1,770 72
$ 205.193 24
Capital stock paid In $ 50.000 00
undivided iToms. less expenses
and taxes paid 2,853 9,1
iiupusus, suujeci iu ciiecK..$)i.aiUDJ
Deposits, special 100,800 09-152.323 21
Cashier's checks outstanding) 10 10
J205.193 24
htato of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss
1. 1;. i. r.mery. casnier 01 tne above named I
company, do solemnly swear thnt the above (
siuieinent is true to lie nest 01 my Knowledge
and belief,
C, A. E.MKKY, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d
day of December. 1908.
. , . it EN A P. EDOETT. N, P.
Correct attest:
M. K. Simons, )
F. W, KBEiTNEn, Directors.
John Kuhdacii, )
at the close of business. Nov. 27. 1908.
Kcscrve fund $
Cash, specie and notes, $58,382 85
Legal securities 45.000 00
Duo from approved re
servo agents 125,787 J2-22UG9 97
Checks and cash Items., 1,000 58
Due from Hanks and Trust Go's, not
reserve agents 9,008 32
Hills discounted not due. $297,519 32
Hills discounted, time
loans with collateral... 39,385 50
Loans on call with col
lateral 77,787 50
Loans oil call upon one
or more names 51,803 00
Loans secured by bonds
or mortgage 3,000 00 172,497 32
Stocks, bonds. etc....l,808,tH7 00
Mortgages uud Judg
ments of record .... 183.959 'It-lAtUSm 30
Ileal estate 33,000 00
Furniture and Fixtures 2.000 00
Overdrafts 10 20
Miscellaneous Assets 400 00
$2,712,598 09
Capital Slock, paid. In
100.000 00
Surplus Fund.
300,000 00
Undivided Profits,
less expenses
ana taxes paid.
01.952 89
Deposits subject to check $154,792 88
Deposits special '2,091,831 71
Time certificates of de
posit 238 78
Cnrtlhed checks 591 39
Cashier's check outst'e 797 03-2.251.251 84
Duo to Commonwealth 25,000 00
Due to uuiiKS anu uanicers, not re
serve agents 1,390 96
$2,742,598 69
Stnle nt Pennsylvania. County of Wavne. as.
1. II. Scott Salmon. Cashier of thn ahnvn
named Company, do solemnly swear that the
unove Biuicniem ib irue, 10 me oesi 01 my
Knowledge mm uenei.
ISlsned) II. 8. SALMON. Cnhlir
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd
duy oi uecemoer, itu.
fHlenod) ItOIlEItT A. RMITH. N. P
(Notarial Heal)
W, 11. HoLiixj. )
AlohzoT. Bearlk, Directors,
H. Clark, J
We hare the sort of tooth brushes that are
made to thoroughly cleanse and save the
Thov urn the kind Ihnt clean teetWfwIllinuL
leaving your mouth full ot bristles.
We recommend those costing 25 cents or
more, as we can guarantee them and will re-
jiace, tree, any mat snow delects or manu
acture within three months.
Opp.D. & It. Station, HONESDALE, PA.
It will pay you to call at the
finely equipped
U8outh Main 8t.. CAIIBONDALK. PA
There will be a meeting ot the stockholders
of the Honesdale National Bank, at the tmnk-
between the hours of one and four o'clock, p.
ni.. for the election nf nlnn nitwtna t,
ensuing year.
iiy oracr or the Hoard.
, , h E. F.TORREY, Cashier.
Honesdale, Dec. 18, 1908. 41el7
i Our
g. p. sonriER
tit CMtM lUkira
Furnishings I
The newest and latest
Novelties for Men
and Young Men.
Fllll HrPQQ 'ruxedos nnd nil the lit
1 1111 VI Coo tie necessities that go
to complete the
cial occasions.
dress of a Man for so-
RfUFlPAflfc Tlle Bensib,e B"ent for mid-season or for anytime mado of
liOlIllUalo Priestly and other cloths. Worsteds and Cheviots in RumerouB
styles, shapes and lengths a light-weight Overcoat suitable for wet or dry weath
erwaterproof yet dressy in fact very handy the year ro.und for theatre, pr dress
BREGSTEIN BRO'S, Honesdale, Pa,
is no timo to bo regretting your negled
to get insured. A little care beforehanfl
ia worth more than any amount of rel
General Insurance Agents
nEiKA nrncKiiKiinKR.
Infn nf thn tnwnfthln nf Dvhfirrv. Pa.
All persons indebted to said estate are noti
fied to make immediate payment to tho un
dersigned ; and those having claims against
the said estate are notified to present them
duly attested for settlement.
41eolt6 W. L. Executor.
On account of the mild weather
we are offering suits at greatly
reduced prices. Decidedly new
designs for young men who ap
preciate a difference and desire
to be a little ahead of others in
the matter of dress.
There's a Special Model for every
tasto and every figure, In SUITS
Our Suits, Overcoats. Rain Coats
und Full Dress Garments rep
resent the highest POSSIHLK
achievement in clothes making.
They are dclsgned and made by
SCM LOSS BROS. & Co., of Balti
more and New York.
Excluslvo In design. Correct iu
Style, lllght In Quality. Moder
ately Priced.
We unquestionably give
the best Suit and Over
coat values ever offered
in America.
in plain and fancy efforts
tho guaranteed kind.
Clijfrf o in attractive patterns some
Ollirio eav and sporty others plain
gay and sporty others
the right fitting kind. .
n quarter sizeimperfect flu