The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 23, 1908, Image 5

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lArrnsn for sale. Apply to Henry
Irish. 360 Ulver street.
L WANTED-W80 cords of Kxoclsior Wood,
ri oe oeuverea huh rmn ma. x. nccu, u
Com In Canaan township, near Keen's pond.
THE BEST Christmas Tree Holder on the
larKct tor sue at Krt uro's. rnce za cuius.
SALE A eood two-seated SIcIeh,
able. Inquire Hotel Wayne.
eiry store.
CQUISITE Water Colors and Oil Paint-
i IamI mhlMt. hv Ml.. nmwnn
RVi nrf WitHl. Ham. for sale at Peter-
Pa. Prices most reasonable. 43w2
OME PEOPLE are havlne pictures taken
Ihe new styles of art at Rldgcwoy's Studio.
ka trtvrnln their friends for a present at
Iw Year. ta
inrNKllne of cold and nlatcd Jewelry at
ever'a Jewelry Store. ei2
nBRING tile picture you want framed for
it.utM.. waaIt 1 horn mruiirlln?!
Hnpor dear to frame any kind of picture,
U IUdeeway's studio.
' ftf.v iWin Tnlnrfnir will el VP an Idea Of
kbit the Interior of the store looks like. Step
ga ana convince yoursuu. ou.i.. .....
Jeweler. 42eI5t
FOR SALE Ray house, on East Extension
ltt. Lanre lot with sixty feet front. M.fc.
(Aur six foot show case full of Ladles'and
Bs&its' Gold and Gold Killed Watches. Three
Knitted different designs
Vommek, The Jeweler.
to select from.
I YOUR FRIENDS' homes will look brighter
t Christmas time It you buy them a fancy
tlctureoi art irora my new iiucn, just re
irat. dime early and eet your pick at
IUdeeway's Studio. t2
sntPPKn hints. Saulrrels and animals
Inake a nice Christmas elft. Buy them at
Kldeeways stuaio. u
Wo hmn n wonderful dlsrilavof Clocks all
tie leadlne makes and latest styles. Somneb,
hue Jeweler. 2el5t
Ivnvflttt-ThA rpqrnnrfint hulldlnff on 7th
Lvwf InMnrilnir fmnt and back bars and
lirnace. now occupied by John Theobald.
Sna Known as one oi me dvsl ousmess jtoj
h Honesdale. L. KUEKTH. 39tf
I IT MAY be a camera your friend wants for
Ihristmas. Buy them at IUdeeway's Studio.
! AT.T.PIOTITRKS taken, nil until the 21st.
I ill be ready for delivery Christmas eve.,
th. atJtldeeway's Studio. Mt2
Kir foot show case fullof Ladles'.Gents'and
filldren's Solid Gold Signet and Stone set
Ings. Fifteen hundred different styles to
t-iecxirom. &ommeiz, ine uuweiur. iwi
I IT WILL BE a Merry Xmas to your friends
you give them a photo of yourself. AH
yles at the Kldgcway Studio. 4U2
IFANS-dalnty cold and silver spangled,
a 1... l I C . 1.' Pntopamc
.100 ACRES FARM Good bulldlngs-for
Ue or exchange lor a nouse in iionesuaie or
tawley. JOsfsTKHNHAUKR, llawlcy. Pa.
In Bracelets we have every style new this
11. in Gold and Gold Killed. Quality guar-
lteed. sojineb. inejeweier. ueui
El FORBID all persons to remove hay from
tatcon-luioru l.. v-iiapinuii. j.
'MAN. Administrator
Si and Telenhone orders promptly filled.
Sommku, J eweler. 42ei5t
kit SALE Lot and building located at
Main street. Enquire or wrlte C. h.
is, Ilonesaaie, ra. -mi
II irnods sold engraved free of charge.
Bmeb. The Jeweler, J2eijt
Parlor suits at iirown s.
Bedroom Suits at Brown s,
fViuelipa nt llmwn's.
J. Fancy Chairs at Brown's,
V Nlllri1n(T finf finrl Wfkfwl !hllrS fit llfOWIl S.
I III Comb. Brush and Mirror Sets and all
ther toilet articles we nave an enuiess vn-
ty. Sommer, Hie jeweicr. ueiai
PHOSE PICTURES you want framt-d for
IrlGtnina hrliK thlq Wlfk to KldPWaV'S
fcd'lo. ' t2
LVo ,"irrv thn lnrrrpct lnpk this Side Of NCW
orkand Philadelphia of Sterling or Solid
tver ware, staple ann lancy pieces,
designs, sommer. Hie jeweier. unn
plains, Ixickets, Ijivellieres, Brooches,
pbs. Belt Pins, veil rins, Lonar sets, isars
(inilis. Side Combs, Scarf Pins. Cuff Links
endless variety, jsommer. ine jeweicr.
All the banks of Honesdale will be
Iosed Friday, December2.Mh, Christmas
I The American Fraternal Association
aid the death claim of the late E. E.
pwler two days after his death.
I The Christmas numberof theAitoii-
IU.D Citizen is printcd'on book paper,
id is in every way creditable not only
i P. A. Philbin, editor and proprietor,
lut to the advertising enterprise of the
Merchants of that thriving borough. The
'sue is entirely a home product, and is
Ifine specimen of the "art preservative."
So lar as we know Honesdale has as
let taken no active part in the Red
The dwelling house of Clark Du
mond, at Starlight together with moBt
of ita contents, was destroyed by fire on
Wednesday last, Dec. 16th. The prop
erty was insured for $150 on the build
ing and $300 on the furniture in the
Wayne County" Farmers' Mutual Co.
The fire is supposed to have resulted
from the burning out of the chimney.
The officers of the Honesdale Bap
tist Bible school for the ensuing year
are F. H." Trask, Superintendent ; It. D.
Minch, Assistant ; Miss Leila Ridd, Sec
retary ; Geo. B. Perham, Treasurer and
Chorister; Miss Nellie Kimble, Librarian;
Misses Bertha Pflume and Gladys Man
tle, Pianists. A Christmas program has
been arranged and will be given on
New Years night.
William Madlock, of Hawley, was
brought to Honesdale on Monday of last
week on a commitment to the county
jail by Justice W. B. Ammerman, in
order that an examination may be made
as to his mental condition. He claims
to be the President-elect, although for
some time he haa been employed as a
hostler at the Park View hotel. It will
probably be found necessary to send him
to an asylum. On tbe previous Satur
day Esquire Ammerman sent up William
Moran, on a thirty-days commitment for
drunkenness and vagrancy.
Word has been received by the
police authorities of New York that the
man arrested in Los Angeles, Cal.,
about a week ago as "Kid" Regan, has
been identified as the man sought by
the local authorities for four years for
the murder of Roy Joyce in Toby's cafe
on Sixth avenue, in the Tenderloin. The
message came from Lieutenant -J. J.
Fogarty, who had been sent to Los
Angeles to identify tlie prisoner. Regan
will be broughtto New York, but a con
viction of murder is considered unlikely,
as the witnesses to the stabbing have
been lost sight of completely during the
past few years. Joyce was stabbed for
interfering in a fight between a man and
a woman of the Tenderloin.
The best Christmas tree holder on
the market for sale by Erk Brothers.
Chris. Schroeder, Jr., manager of
the N. Y. Amusement Co., who has
completely renovated and rendered up-to-date
the large auditorium and adjoin
ing rooms on Sixth street, adjoining the
National Hotel, known as Oneida Hall,
opened it as a place of amusement on
Monday evening last. He designs mak
ing it popular as a Vaudeville theatre,
in which only first class performances
will be permitted, and only respectable
and well-behaved people admitted to
seats. For the present the main feature
will be popular moving pictures, which
will be exhibited at popular prices of
admission. Manager Schroeder has in
stalled one of the world-famous Ludwig
pianos, purchased of'W. .J." Mclntyrc.
The following are the officers of
Violet Kebckah Lodge, No. 119, 1. O. O.
F., for the ensuing term, who have been
duly installed by D. D. P., Miss Eleanor
Gill, assisted by Mrs. S. N. Bayly, of
Carbondale, as Grand Marshal : N. G.,
Mrs. Caroline E. Sell ; V. G. Miss Vio
let I. Crane ; Sec'y, W. 11. Varcoe ;
Treasurer, Mrs. Olive A. Wilson ; R. S.
N. G., Mrs. Ellen T. Varcoe ; L. S. N.
G., Mrs. C. R. Martin ; Warden, Mrs.
Catharine Markle; Con., Mrs. Priscilla
Rydstrom ; Chap., Mrs. O. A. Wilson :
O. ., Mrs. Ada R. Bishon : I. G.. Mrs.
Fannie Kimble: R. S. V. G.. Mrs.
Louisa F. Whiting ; L'. S. V. G., Mrs.
Martha Oliver. After the close of the
business session, refreshments were
served, and a very social hour, was en
jo j-ed.
The regular meeting of the Wayne
County Medical Society was held at the
Allen House, Honesdale, Tuesday after
noon, December 17th, Dr. R. W. Brady
occupying the chair. Other members
present were Drs. A. M. Cook, of South
Canaan; A. C. Voigt, of Hawley; C. G.
Corson, of Rileyville; and Drs. Burns,
Ely, Griffin, McConvill, Nielsen and
Reed, of Honesdale. After the business
session, papers were read on "Arterio
sclerosis," by Dr. W. B. Kenworthy, of
Milford, Pike Co., and "Dementia Pre
cox," by Dr. A. C. Voigt, of Hawley.
Dr. R. W. Brady discussed the X Ray
and Electricity in Diagnosis and Treat
ment. After passing a vote of thanks to
the Allen House management for the
generous courtesy shown the Society, the
meeting adjourned.
The Latkawanna Bible society cele
brateu its hfty-seconu anniversary on
Sunday last. It has done exceptionally
well as compared with the other societies
The Wayne County Savings Bank
haa been .designated by Judge Archbald
na the legal depository for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania for funds of
estates in bankruptcy.
The Sc ronton Times generously an
nounces that it will give to ita newsboys
all the profits made on their sales Christ
mas eve, as it wanta them to have a
chance to secure pocket money for the
great holiday.
At the State Convention of the Pa
trons of husbandry held at Altoona re
cently, Theodore M. Klein, of Lake, this
county, was elected steward, to serve for
two years. Other State officers choser.
for this section are Worthy Master, W.T.
Creasy, of Columbia county; Chaplain,
Rev. J. W. Thompson, Susquehanna,
and Pomona, Mrs. Anna Porst, Lacka
wanna. Charles A. Endres, an Erie employee,
had both legs cut off at Shohola, on
Tuesday of last week. He was caught
between two cars while switching, and
falling with his legs across a rail, the
wheels passed over them, severing one
below the knee and mangling the other
so badly as to necessitate amputation at
the hip. He was 23 years old, and lived
at Jersey City Heights until quite re
cently. The jury in the case of Mrs. Mary S.
Roper against the Ulster County Agri
cultural Society, in which she sued for
$25,000 damages, for her involuntary
balloon ascension at the Ellenville fair,
in August, 1000, awarded her $1,000,
which verdict also carries the coste, es
timated at $200. The Ellenville Press
and Journal denounce the verdict as an
outrageous one, and practically stigma
tize the jury as a party of balloonatics.
John Parkos, who a few days since
amused himself by smashing a large
plate glass window in the handsome
drug store of Fred. J. Herbst, in Milford,
pleaded guilty on being taken before
Esquire Ludwig, and was sent to jail to
await trial at the next term of court. It
developed at tjie hearing that he had
been arrested for a similar offense in
Monroe county only three days before.
The real name of the offender is James
We commend the Mildred and Rou
clere entertainment to amusement lovers,
wherever their itinerary may 'take the
Company. Every member of the com
bination is an artist, and every number
on their program is alone worth the
price of admission. The sleight of hand
performances of Harry Rouclere in the
first part, and the telepathic seance
"Mildredism" in Act II, were simply
marvelous. All of the specialty per
formers were the recipients'of abundant
applause, and responded to repeated en
cores and curtain calls. The orchestral
music was very fine. '
Cross crusade against tuberculosis, which
being specially helped this holiday j in the state, standing out prominently
son by the sale of lieu Cross stamps, at the head of the list in the amount of
stamps are sold al one cent each, i its contributions U the funds of the so
ciuty and in its accomplishments during
no one who handles them receives
compensation, save the approval of
conscience and the thanks of buyers
the opportunity to contribute their
Htes to the promotion ot the good
lause. iliey are not goou lor postage,
lut may bo conveniently used to seal
lotiday packages, and look well on
ktters by the side of the regular govern
ment stamp. Millions of them are be- Susquehanna contributed $D".IHJ ; Brad-
ligsold all over the country, and it is a ford county, $39.50 ; Luzerne county
Ittlo surprising that neither our nier- $.'142.13 ; Wayne county.
Mrs. Horace A. Woodhouse will spend
Christmas with her children in Scran
ton. Peter Randall, of Hancock, N. Y.,
was a caller-at The Citizen office on
Saturday last.
Mrs. Miles L. Tracy is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Harry W. Rowley, in
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Principal and Mrs. H. A. Oday will
pass the holiday vacation with relatives
in Cortland, N. Y.
Ex-Sheriff Artemas Branning, of
Atco, was a caller at The Citizen of
fice on Monday last.
Mrs. Frank Spencer, of Pleasant
Mount, is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. T.
Wright at Uniondale.
Miss Minnie Snediker, of Aldenville,
has accepted a position in the store of
L. J. Wells. Forest City.
Mrs. E. B. Callaway is spending a
few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Bone, of Dunmore.
Mrs. Harvey C. Ensign, of Waymart,
was a recent guest of Mrs. Warren K.
Dimock, of Church street.
Mrs. Noble A. Ray, of Chicago, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. 51. E. Simons,
and other relatives in town.
Miss Margery Houser, of Bethany,
will be the guest of relatives in Towanda,
during the Christmas holidays.
Miss Mary DeVerrel, of Binghamton,
paid a visit to Mrs. E. A. Penniman and
other friends in town, last week.
Mrs. George k.. bpencer and son
James are visiting Mrs. Spencer's mother,
Mrs. Minnie Shaffer, at Peckville.
E. M. Korb, of the Philadelphia Col
lege of Pharmacy, will visit with his
parents here during the holiday season.
Mrs. H. M. Bunting, of Waymart, is
Kiants orbankfihavo them on sale. The
white plague" (consumption) has more
lictims than any other disease. Great
f ork is being done in treating it s,uc-
easfully, and bcienco is , accomplishing
luch toward lessening the number of
a victims. The Red Cross penny stamp
'as a happy thought, and their sale
rill add thousands of dollars to the
tnd required for the crusade against
the past year. There was contributed j spending a few days with her daughter,
$1,071.3(1 to the funds of the society by Mrs. H. P. Starkweather, in Carbondale.
the churches and charitable people of j Mrs. Peter Randall, who has been
Lackawanna county during the past j seriously ill in Hancock, has greatly im
year, Philadelphia comes next in the j proved, and is considered out of danger?
amount of contributions toils branch, Mrs. Martha Penwarden, of Carbon
of the state society with $1,002.41. Of hag been 6pending a fow days with
me coumies surrounuing i.acKawanna, ; ,ler u w Vemyaraen f ,hia
dCUtl . T i .'1IDB J.tCMl! Mill' UllO ULTU
$200; Uyom- . ... r. ' v , .....
I ni? -KID rhirinn-thr. vonr A. 1117 ! "'K -" vuruuuua.u uuu na,
- n . i - - n - " - i -
Bibles in twenty-six different languages
have been distributed to deserving
people sought out by the agents of the
society, some of the Bibles being paid
for and others donated. During the
five years that Mr. Harncd has had
charge of ihe work in Lackawanna coun
ty 32,000 volumes of the Scriptures have
been distributed in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
mart has returned to her home in
Miss Lizzie C. Bassett, who has
been visiting her cousin, Mrs.- John
Berry, of Carbondale, retumedto Hones
dale recently.
Miss Dorothy II. Menner, a student
at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, is
spending her holiday vacation at her
home on Church street.
Mrs. Klla Tope, of Main street, will
leave earH in the new year for Pittsburg,
where she) will spend the remainder of
the wintc with relatives.
S, D. LaBarr is confined tohis
house :ji Winwood by a kick from a
horse, the second mishap of the kind
within he past two monihs.
fiss Lucy Russell, who is pursuing
a course of study at Lascelle Seminary,
Massachusetts, returned to her home
on Friday evening last, to pass the holi
days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B, Hawken, of
North Main street, are spending the
holidays at. the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Thomas C. Key, and family, of
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gardner, of
East street, are spending the holidays
in Scranton, with their sons, Messrs.
Wesley M. and Paul W. Qardner, and
their families.
While visiting in Long Eddy, at the
home of her sister, Miss Betsy Kellam,
Mrs. Barilla Kellam, of Little Equi
nunk, had the misfortune to fall and
break her arm.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dorflinger and
Mrs. A. T. Searle, who are in New York
this week, are staying at the Hotet Wol
cott. The ladies are shopping for Christ
mas, and attending the opera.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crocker, of
Torrey, left on Monday last for Coffey
ville, Montgomery county, Kansan, where
they will spend Christmas with Mr.
Crocker's brother, L. G. Crocker.
E. V. Murray, of Hawley, is paying
his daughter, Mrs. James L. Bried, a
visit at Englewood, N. J. He will be
absent ten days, and will spend part of
the time with relatives in Easton, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Rehbein,
of High street, left this morning for
Schenectady, N. Y., where they will be
the guests for two weeks of .Mrs. Reh
bein's brother, Henry Ritter, and family.
Marcy Ely, student at the Baltimore
Medical College, is spending the holi
day season with his parents, Dr. and
Mrs. HI B. Ely, of Court street. He will
return to the Monumental City, Janu
ary 4th.
Miss Florencc'Giddings, of Union
dale, Susquehanna county, is a guest of
Rev. and Mrs. Will H. Hiller and will
spend the holidays in Honesdale. Later
she will go to New York city and resume
her work as a professional nurse.
And now the bcranton papers are
booming their distinguished citizen,
Mayor J. Benjamin Dimmick for U. S.
Senator, notwithstanding the fact that i
he has already been suggested for Con
gress, the governoiship and a foreign
Charles J. Weaver and family will
occupy the Judge urambs homestead,
1502 North Main street, after the first of
January, when the dwelling will be va
cated by the present tenant, Win. Weil
bpenuer, who has formed a business con
nection in Hawley, and will remove to
that place.
A. K. Stone, at one time connected
with a Hawley paper, and later with the
East Stroudsburg News and Stroudsburg
Jefiersonian, is now confined in the sani
tarium at Summit Hill, suffering from
acute insanity caused by worrying over a
wayward son who is supposed to be in
he west.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Sears, of Lib
erty, I. i.,. formerly residents here,
where Mr. Sears was employed in the
Reed drug store, will start in January
accompanied by Mrs. Cora Kilbourne,
for California, where they will spend
the remainder of the winter. They will
stop at various points on their way west
to visit relatives.
William J. McKenna will represent
the Wayne Cut Glass Co., on the road,
after the 1st of January. For some years
he has been the efficient salesman in
southern territory for Kelly & Steinman.
Harold C. Yerkes, who has been for
some time one of the latter firm's com
mercial travelers, will succeed to Mr.
McKenna's late route.
Mrs. M. W. Cole left on Thursday of
last week for Binghamton, N. Y., and her
daughter Olive left Friday for New York
city. Mrs. Cole will be the guest of her
daughter at Binghamton until after the
holidays and Miss Olive Cole will remain
with her sister, Mrs. Halliwell, for a
similar 'time. After the holidays they
will sail for Naples, Italy, where they
will spend the rest of the winter. Ifmr
ley Times.
The D. & H. Summer Paradise
All persons desiring to entertain sum
mer boarders at resorts on or adjacent
to the Delaware and Hudson rail and
lake steamer lines now have opportunity
to secure free representation in the lOOil
edition of the D. & II. Summer Hotel audi
Boarding-House Directory by sending at
once to the General Office of the Com
pany information as follows: Name of
house, name of manager, Post-office ad
dress, name of nearest I), it II. R. R.
station, distance from station, how reach
ed from station, number oT guests that
can he accommodated, terms per week,
per day, date of opening and closing
iiouse, improvements, facilities for sport,
etc, etc. This will be inserted (three or
four lines) in the liew edition without
charge. Whereau illustration is desired,
a nominal rate of $15.00 for a fiill-pago
or $7.50 for half-page advertisement is
made to cover cost of the extra space re
quired. As the book goes to press next
month, all interested should lose no
time in forwardirg tho information to
Mr. A. A. Heard, Gen. Passenger Agent,
Albany, N. Y.,or'to thenearcskD. AJH.
ticket agent, from wlum blanks and
contracts may bo obtained, 45eoitf.
Dress Goods
Jacket suits
Fur Sets
Opera Cloaks
Winter Coats
Separate Skirts
Stylish Waists
Winter Underwear
Gloves and Mittens
Ties and Collars
Initial Hondkerch's
Bath Robes, etc.
Holiday Gifts !
Store open evenings for holiday trade after December
izth to uccemDer 24tn.
Nobby- Suits
Jumper Dresses
One Piece Dresses
Winter Cloaks
Muffs and Boas
Fur Caps and Hats
GIRLS' and
White Dresses
White Skirts
Hoods and Capes
Gloves and Hosiery
Muslin Gowns
Muslin Underwear
Ribbons, Mufflers,
&c, &c.
Clearance Sale
The entire Stock of J. W. C.
Bader, consisting of Mens',
Youth's' Boys' and Children's
Suits, Overcoats, Ulsters, Hats,
Caps, Shirts. Waists. Under
wear, Sweaters, Gloves, Neck
wear, Collars, Suspenders and
Successor to J. N. C. BADER.
Plants, Cut Flow
ers, and Christ
mas Greens,
Cay. at the Maple
City Greenhouse
Prompton Streets.
The annual inectlntrof tlie stockholders of
the Wayne County Savings Hank for the
election of Directors, will be held at the
nankins ofllcc, on
TUKSDAY. JAN. 12. 1909.
between the hours of three and four o'clock.
Pnl- . . II. S. SALMON, Cashier.
Honesdale, l'a.. Dec. 21. VMS. Mw3
To The Citizen- :
I noticed an item in oneof our papers
last week complaining of the condition
of tlie roads through the horough of
Prompton, and alleging that crushed
stone was applied without covering last
fall, and that tho loose pieces work up
through the snow and make poor sleigh
ing. Will you kindly notify the informer
that he is greatly mistaken, as the hor
ough roads arc clear of all loose stone,
a fact which I can state from personal
knowledge, having traveled over them
of late. Let whatever fault thero is be
placed where it belongs. y
John E. Haley,
Supervisor of the borough of Prompton,
Prompton, Dec. 21, 1008.
hereby given that the accountants
herein named have settled their respective
accounts in the otllee of the Register of Wills
of ayne County, l'a., and that the same will
be presented at the Orphans' Court of said
county for continuation, at the Court House
in Honesdale. on the third Monday of Jan
uary next viz:
First and final account of Georee F. Kvans
and lieoree Kocse, executors of tho estate of
Christian Hoese, Salem.
First and Dual account of Sophia Welden
; beln. administratrix of the estate of Louisa
UMcnuuer. ciierry liiuse.
First mid final account ot Francis II. Faatz.
executor of the estate of Jlary Moore, (.'tin
ton. I- Irst and final account of F. P. k'lnilile ct.
eentor of Jehlel Justin, Lebanon.
I- irst and dual account of Aupust Iji:iha
administrator of the estate of Leo Victor
Midler. Ilerlin.
First and Html account of Judson K. Tiff
any, surviving executor of tlie esttae of John
S. Tllfany. .Mt. l'lcasant.
First and llnal account of Frederick
llrutsche. administrator. L'.T. A., of the es
tateof Julia l!rutchc. 1'aupack.
First anil tlnul account of S. X. Cross, ex
ecutor ot the estate of Charles F. Clllf, Ster-
1- Irst and llnal account of IuezH.Curtls.ail
mlnlstratrlxof the estate of (ieorse II, Curtis,
First and llnal account of Celestln Itude
Sc :nni, executrix of the estate of .Mercena
I. Norton. Texas.
First and final account of J. Milton Spencer,
administrator of the estate of FiloC. Spen
cer. Mt. l'lcasant.
First and linal account of Adelhert liarni
ircr. executor of the estate of (ieorge W. Har
ratrcr. Ilucklngbam.
First and llnal account of K. W. Hush, ad
ministrator of the estate of Walter J. Hush,
First and llnal account of Lewis 11. lledner,
executor of. and trustee of the estate of Sam
uel II. Dalrymple. Honesdale.
First and partial account of Geo. D. Pren
tiss and (ieo. K. Moase, executors of the es
tate of Martin Prentiss, Mt. l'lcasant.
E. W. Oammeli., Register.
Register's Ofllce. 1
Honesdale, Dec. 21, 1908.
A lotof Ladies' cloth capes to close out
at Mknnek & Co.'s at very low prices.