The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 23, 1908, Image 1

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    vVJi. " ' . : ' 1 ' ' i "
Mftia Escorts Night Rita
Who Makes Confession.
Icsaringer Tbxbi State's ErideRoe
&&i Tells Sew Meaated axA
Maiktd Ken Shot aad
Hanged Capt Saalda.
Union City, Tenrt, Dec. 22. More
than a thousand armed men assembled
outside I be courthouse today when It
was known that Frank Fehringer, for
merly a member of, the Night Itlder
gang would be brought to court again
to tell the rest of the story of the
cruel deeds of the outlaws and of the
murder of Captain nankin.
Threats bad been made of an attack
pon Fehringer, so a strong force of
militia acted as an escort and brought
turn to court. The soldiers stood In
serried rank around the witness stand
while he testified. i
After telling about the organization.)
methods, costumes and passwords of
the night riding band, of which he
was an original member. Fehringer
told the following story of the murder
of Captain Rankin:
The riders learned that Itankin and j
colonel Taylor were at the Walnut
tog hotel, in the heart of the riders'
country. Tid Burton, one of the de
fendants, told Fehrlnger to not if v the
band to meet that night to attend to 4
Itankin and Taylor.
Fehringer got one of Garrett John-1
son's horses and rode all day summon
ing the baud. The riders met near'
Johnson's that night. The band In- 4
eluded the eight defendants.
rhey went to the hotel after Garrett
Fohnson and forced Ed Powell to take 1
lie riders there. Witness said John-
nn vrSR flu annktinifin tiT-1 lio mml
a h ,.. 1 . ,,. ...... ,
" " . . "" " '"" t
kin and Taylor to dress.
to the: wooded I tank
ere Itankin was slain j
On the march
of the slough wbe
witness said Johnson did all the talk
ing. The others, altout fifty In num
ber. Including the defendants, follow
ed silently.
As the rope was put around Ran
kin's neck Fehringer said to the vic
tim: TVrf "rnlv t now" . !
..t-. . . .1.1 . .... ,
Itankin replied. "I have attended to ?res sch ,,mpartlal. Judmfim;
that Thus the ties between the United
Just as they pulled the roi.e IJob.Stat5's a.ud Germany are happily free
Hoffman shot Itankin. and Sam Ap
plewhite then said, "I know he is
dead, for I put a load of bicycle liall
bearings In him." Jess Carter, one of
the defendants and a man yet to be
tried, put the rope around Rankin's
When Colonel Taylor jumjted Into
the slough everybody shot Into the
water, and Fehringer beat around In
it with a pole. Meantime the men
holding the rope let it go, and Itankln's
body dropped to the ground.
Just before the ltody fell a rider
emptied six bullets Into the liody.
Garrett Johnson before they dis
persed said. "Burn your masks and
say nothing about this night's work
Fehringer told of the oath which
was administered to all who joined
luc vigui uiuer kuiik. 11 nun an mi- u-i- ni rursieuneu.
lows: He raves wildly and Is held In a
Ton do solemnly swear In the pres- straightjacket so that be cannot In
ence of Almighty God and these wit- jure himself. It Is thought that now
n esses that you desire to become a the absurdity of Bavaria leing ruled
Night Rider; that you will not write. In the name of an insane king will be
talk or tell to any one of the secrets of ended and Prince Lultpold. the regent
this order of Xlght Riders; that If you will ascend the throne,
do talk, write or tell to any person any The king Is now sixty years of age.
of the secrets of the order we are per- Por twenty years after he ascended
mitted to do with you as we see fit. , the throne he was very iowerful phys-
you know aeatn, uen ana destruction
will be your portion and thai your
body will not be buried In a grave
yard. Do you willingly and freely sub
mit to all thin, so help you God?"
InvtUa Senator to Augusta For a Cab
inet Conference.
Augusta, GaM Dec, 22. President
Elect Taft said today that he liad
written to Senator Philander C. Knox,
who is to be bis secretary of state. In
viting him to come to Augusta within
the next two or three weeks, at which
time a cabinet conference would tie
Mr. Taft said he believed he was be
ginning to see where so many cabinet
raisers came from. The publishing of
a amsae with the information that Its
possessor was being serloasly con
sidered" for the cabinet he feaad has
followed the ingestion of that name
to Mm by some one Utereted In the
He added that be still beUered It
weald take more tkau th svggestkm
eta mm and W pBWkqMea to bUd
New German Ambassador Arrives at
Capital Today.
Washington, Dec. 22. Count von
Bernstorff. the German ambassador to
the United States, who, with the
countess and their daughter, has Just
come from Europe, arrived here to
day, lie said:
I am Intrusted with the difficult re
sponsibility of succeeding Baron Stern
burg, who In representing my country
po well In America had the good for
tune also to win the confidence of the
government and people of the United
States. Although I feel a certain hes
itation In approaching the work, yet I
also feel the exceptional trust that has
been given me and the clear road
ahead In the good will existing be
tween our govern menu and peoples.
My deep desire Is to promote mu
tual good will, and I know no other
way of doing so except by openness 1 Jenkins Hains. on trial here for abet
and complete good faith. While I am Ung his brother. Captain Peter C
in Washington there will be no taya-
tery about German aims In all that 1
relates to the United States. '
"It is needless to say that I come to 1
this country with the greatest pleasure '
ana interest, .uv stay in America win
, ,K ,...,,. .., wi
,owi"R Ule amazing progress of the
Au""lran people In every branch of '
ueva au w vufeua v .ivri;i 101-
life a progress which com-
, mnnds
the admiration of the whole
"My compatriots have the convlc
tion that the government and the Ko
pie of the United States judge for
( themselves of situations that arise in
i.uhmt: 11 1 run iui-11 nit 1 1 1 ft .1 nil HIIUUUL
. I . t I... .,, a.
Prejudices, and we can well trust our-
to develop uKn common ideals and
political fair play. That this should
remain so will be the object I hope to
attain on the ground of my Instruc
tions and of my own earnest desire."
The Countess von Benistorff Is an
American woman, noted for her beau
ty and culture, and It Is said the
, count's appointment was due to the
j kaiser's desire to have au ambassador
j at Washington whose wife was a na
tive of the United States.
Mad Ruler
Beriiu, Dec. 22. King Otto of Ba
varla has become raving mad and has
been locKed In a padded cell In his pal-
jCaliy. and this made his Insanity all
I the more dangerous.
Several years ago be was given a
wooden gun, and one of his chief
amusements was to aim at his friends
and attendants. "Bang!" he cried, and
they were expected to drop as If shot,
Outdoor Robbers With Wagon Ootpoil
Public Park of Greenery.
Caldwell, X. J Dec. 22. The raids
on the South Mountain reservation for
evergreen trees und laurel, planted In
the last two or three years, will leave
the park stripped unless Jhe extra
police guards can check the Christmas
A mounted iMliceman caught two
men with a wagon load of the public's
Cruiser In Search of Lost Liner.
St Pierre. Mlquelon. Dec, 22.-Th
"French cruiser Admiral Aube sa!!r
today In search of the overdue steanu
"t'custrta, which belongs to the Cyp; '
an Falm cesapany of IfarselUe im
which left IfsrntHrs get 27 for Niv.
Brother of Slayer of Anns
Replies to Witnesses.
Bit JJubU ef Declmrisg to Rob
erts, "t ma Kill Ten,' Be
Explain Me Said, "Eg
Will Kill Yen."
Flashing. X. Y Dec. 22.-Tbornton
Hams, in the murder of William E.
Annls, made reply in court today to
some of the damaging evidence given
by witnesses for the prosecution. He
1 "The prosecutor Is endeavoring
1 through his witnesses to prove that
' when I held, as they claim, the crowd
'at bay I said to Charles II. Rolerts,
i "Stand back or I will kill you."
"The truth Is I did say 'Stand back,"
but Instead of the words "I will I said
"He will meaning my brother, the
captain, for poor1" Pete.
I Instantly
knew, was In no condition after what
had occurred to fully realize the mtI
ousness of his act or proiterly under
stand the intentions of any who might
approach him at that time.
"This story I hojte to lie able to tell
truly upon the witness stand. It is
most Important to me tliat this point
should Ite cleared up. It Is necessary
In order that my own personal honor '
and the good name given to me at my
birth should be so set at rights. j
"And I am sure 1 will' lie able to '
make the jury believe my testimony j
absolutely. Other witnesses also. I
know, will support the use of the pro- 4
noun as I claim to have made it as I
did make it.
"If after any fair minded man, and ,
undoubtedly there are twelve of them j
faclng me every day In this court-
room, has beard the testimony of the
.hltlerestof the nroseeutlon's witnesses. :
Is it loo much for me to believe that I
I am even now a free man? For In- I
stance, several of the state's witnesses
have corroborated statements which
my lawyers have insisted I made on
the day of the shooting.
"On cross examination one of Mr.
Darrin's star testifiers was obliged to
admit the truth of the story which all
along I have told that twice I insisted
that a policeman be sent for
They have also admitted in open
court that 1 said to "one of the wit
nesses who had denounced me direct
ly after the shots had been fired:
" 'Is this the gratitude I get for sav
ing your HfeV Instead of this treat
ment you should be grateful to me.'
"Again I say that 1 feel that. In the
eyes of the jury I am already a free
man and that the state's own wit
nesses have really by their testimony
brought about this satisfying situa
tion." District Attorney Darrin said today
that he considered the prosecution had
fully proved its case against Thornton
Hains by the testimony given by Mrs.
William E. Annis, widow of the mur
dered man.
Mrs. Annls made the direct accusa
tion that Hains menaced her with his
revolver when she attempted to reach
! w hnshnnrt h hurt Wn hrr
hr rnnfnln ivpr r itnfna
"I ran down on to the float and T.
Jenkins Hains moved toward me,"
Mrs. Annls said. "He pointed his re
volver at me and said, 'If you dont go
back you'll get the same.'
"I turned and felt his revolver press
ed against my back. I ran from the
float and some friends took me into
the clubhouse."
Mrs. Annis made a good witness.
She was quite cool on the stand and
displayed little emotion. She looked
directly at the prisoner when she said
be had menaced her with his revolver j
and threatened to shoot her.
As Mrs. Annls described the tragedy
'Thornton Hains seeuied to be trying
to stare her out of her senses. His
eyes never left her face. She felt the
, baleful force of his gaze evidently, for
once or twice she shook her eyes and
threw back her head,
1 Those points which scored most torcU
Djy aganst Thornton Halus-hls beck.
onlng to his brother as Annls' boat
.came In, his throwing himself on
guard before even the first shot came.
, his threats to her and his holding the
gun at ber back she gave with a slow,
deliberate earnestness that made the
I nerves of her hearers thrill.
Governor Hughes In New York.
New York, Dec. 22. Governor
Hughes arrived here today to attend
the dinner tonight of the Xew Eng
land society.
Governor Pardons Thirty-six Cenvlots
Montgomery, Ala., Dec 22. Govern
or Comer has pardoned tUrty-etx con
Ttcta for niMH at CfcrWUaaa.
Says He Hopes His Testimony WiB
Be of Some Value.
New York, Dec. 22. Andrew Carne
gie, who underwent seven hours cross
examination In Washington by the
ways and means committee of the j
hemic of representatives on the ques- j
Hon of the caed of a protective tariff
oa Iron and steel, said today that be
was glad the ordeal was over. j
"l hope I have been able to slicd
some tight on the tariff question for
the members of the committee,"" he
said, "and I trust It will be of some
To the committee Mr. Carnegie re
Iterated that the Iron and steel busi
ness of this country is not in need of
protection, that It Is no longer an In
fant Industry and that with the duties
removed this country can beat the
world in the manufacture of steel in
Itractlcally all Its forms. Mr. Carnegie
scouted the idea that the committee
could settle the question of the steel
tariff by minute attention to figures.
He said unless that liody got away
from the minute of figures and con
sidered the problem before It on a
broader basis tbau this II would be
led into error.
Mr. Carnegie did not go luto detailed
figures himself. He said he could
not and that the subject had to be
considered on a different basis from
that of statistics.
It was ointcd out by Mr. Carnegie
that, while It was true the cost of
sleel had increased relatively, yet it
was true likewise that It was increas
ing relatively abroad, that the situa
tion abroad as to the Iron and steel
business was much worse than here
and that the resources abroad were
not comparable' to America's. He rea
soned that liceause of this, wilh Amer
ica's tremendous progress in methods.
this country Is in a position to defy all
"For Instance." said Mr. Carnegie,
"England is in a far worse position as
to ore than the United States."
Discovery of Conspiracy Leads to Dis-
charge of Thirty-two Operators,
,.,,((1,.. Wash, Dec. 22. Detectives
rlie Xorihern Paclnc' and-Great
I Northern railroads liave uncovered a
conspiracy to rob the Western Union
eomny of tel
telegraph tolls.
nt Iteed of the Western
Union Telegraph company said:
"Our iHKikkeepiug and auditing de
partments experienced iliffieulty in
tracing messages of which they had
no record In checking accounts, but
uion which complaint had Ieen re
ceived of nondelivery and delay.
"As high as -l."i per cent of these mes
sages were never reported In the
monthly statements to our checking
department, and further investigation
resulted in positive proof that this
proceeding held good 011 many mes
sages filed with operators at railroad
"As a result of the disclosures thirty-two
oMTjitors have lieen discharg
ed." Weather Probabilities.
Partly cloudy: colder; fresh
York, lec. 21.
Money on call was 2 per cent; time
money and mercantile paper unchanged
in rates.
Closing prices:
Amal. Copper.... 7oi Korf. & West... 81
Atchison 95H Northwestern ..175
B. &0 107 Penn. R. U. ISTi
llrooklyn R.T... M14 Reading 1S7U
Ches. & Ohio 56 Rock Island 22H
C. .C..C.&StU. 65i St. Paul' 145
D. . L. & W 5S Southern Pac...llCT4
D. & II 1764 Southern Ry.... 244
Erie 34 South. Ry. pf... 57
Gen. Electric... 156 Sugar 127
111. Central ltZ Texas Pacific.. . 32
Int,tMet 18V4 Union Pacific. .17GV4
. I- . I. , V., ' 1 n n. , rmtr
Manhattan 150VS U. S. Steel pf...lim
Mlsiouri Pac... C2?i West.
Union.... D"4
N. V. Central... .117
Market Reports.
WHEAT Steady; contract grade,
cember. Jl.03al.COV4
CORK Steady: December, CTliaCc.
OATS Dull and He lower; No. 2 white,
i ""'"J?' ., .
2.301 packages; creamery, seclals, 3!a
U . . .... U I V UU . U U . . I . . UUL . miuia,
32ttc (official 32c.); extras, 31a31V4c.; thirds
to firsts, 22a20c; held, common to special,
S2a29c; state dairy, common to special,
2ta29c; process, common to special, ISa
CHEESE Quiet, but firm; receipts. 93Z
boxes; state, full cream, specials, HV4a
ISt&c.; September, colored or white, fancy,
lie; October, best, UUc; late made, best,
ISc.; common to prime, lOViaXIU c ; skims,
full to specials, liiall&c.
EGGS Steady tor western; receipts,
5,190 cases; state, Pennsylvania and near
by, fancy, selected white, 40a!c; fair to
choice, SCaSSc.; brown and mixed, fancy,
SlaSSc.; fair to choice, 30a33c
POTATOES Steady; domestic, per bbl.
or bag, 2a20; European, per bag, L75a2;
Bermuda, new, per bbl., la6; aweet pota
toes, per bbl., tlXOalXO.
LIVE POULTRY Steadier on lighter
receipts; prices not settled.
receipts, 10,197 packages; turkeys, nearby,
20a2Je.; state and Pennsylvania, lUTTc;
western, fancy, 21c; poor to good, 1)1 Mc.;
spring chickens, broilers, nearby, UaXc.;
western, ISaUc; roasting, nearby, UaXc.;
western, lSxlGc; fowls, boxes, UVjaUc;
barrels, Ualic; old roosters, ihitMc;
ducks, western, fancy, Italic.; geese,
Eearbr, UaUHc.; western. Malic; squabs,
thlte. per doxen. fLUatM.
Vice President of Venezuela
Appoints New Cabinet
Every Oae Friendly to Absent Ruler
I Hurled Froaa His Place,
and His Ettersiea Are
Pat In Office.
Port of Spain. Trinidad. Dec. 22.
Vice President J. Vicente Gomez, to
whom General Clpriano Castro handed
over the presidency on his departure
for Europe, has thrown off the mask
and has established an anti-fVixtm
government In Venezuela.
He has hurled from power the old
ministry, the leader of which was Dr.
Jose de Jesus Paul, the minister of
foreigu affairs, who aided Castro In
the negotiations that culminated in
the ousting of Minister de Reus and
the severance of diplomatic relations
with Holland, and has installed a new
ltody of men who are bitterly opixiscd
to Castro.
Xot only has Dr. Pan! disappeared
from the counsels of the nation, but
Dr. Baldo. who Is now traveling In
Castro's suit abroad, also has been re
moved from his official ition as
minister of education.
General Diego Ferrcn. the minister
of war. who also was Avar minister In
the cabinet of Acting President Gomez
In 1!MK. lias ltccn suiierscded bv Gen
eral Kcgulo Olivares. who took a prom
inent part In crushing the revolution
ists six years ago.
Agmlas Sturbe. a bitter foe xf Cas
tro, has ltecn apftointcd by Gomez gov
ernor of Caracas.
The new cabinet Is comHsed as fol
lows: Minister of interior, Linares
Alcantara; minister of foreign affairs,
Gonzales Guinaud: minister of
finances. Munoz Tebar: minister of.
war. General Itegulo Olivares: minis
ter of patronage. Rafael Carabano
Obras; minister of public works, Ro
berto Vargas;" minister of public in
struction. Dr. Maldonado.
Secret advices received here from
Caracas, where the strictest censor
ship Is being observed. Indicate that
Venezuela has been in a ferment ever
since President Castro sailed and Ihat
the crisis was reached when It be
came necessary for Acting President
Gomez to take decisive steps, which
be did by eliminating from his cabinet
those who were closely affiliated with
the Castro rule and under the Castro
The revolutionary factions, which
i gained strength with every hour of
j Castro's absence, played a prominent
' part in the demonstrations against the
1 absent president, which took the form
(of rioting and incendiarism.
These were temporarily checked by
1 a show of force, and later the revolu-
' tlonary Influence that threatened to
I STVeeit the countr.v overcome In a
measure by promises that could not be
' IonS 'n abeyance
t oiuiKfaut t-m iu uuiu ,nm mm
him that he must either withdraw
from office or cast aside those of Cas-
' tro's ministers who still were trying
to force the Castro rule upon the co
ple. He chose the latter course. He
first declared the country In "a state of
defense, thereby securing control of
the army, and then appointed a new
On several other occasions when
Castro has 'turned overMbe govern
ment to Vice President iloniez It was
freely predicted that Gomez would
succeed Castro as president of the re
public. He had many suptiorters In
the anti-Castro camp, chief among
those In favor of bis candidacy being
General Arango. the former minister
of war, who worked earnestly to place
Gomez In power.
While seemingly Gomez lias ttceti an
ardent supporter of Castro, he has
maintained time and again thai he did
not favor the foreign tiollcy of the
government, declaring that the treat
ment accorded the United States and
France- was III advised and that be
was not In sympathy with the conduct
of Internal affairs.
He even has expressed the opinion
that be was not trusted by President
Castro, although the latter gave denial
to this by appointing him to fill the
office of president while he himself
was absent .
Wealthy Man Convicted of Illegally
Inclosing Government Lands.
Fresno. Cal., Dec. 22.-8. C. IJllls, a
wealthy banker and stockman of Le-
moore. Cal.. was sentenced by juagi
Wei bom In the federal court to sic
months In jail and fined 91,000.
IiUls was convicted of Illegally In
closing government lands In the Can
tua district, where he has large hold
Many Pay Last Honors to President
of American Press Association.
Tarrytown. N. Y, Dec 22. The fu
neral of Major Orlando Jay Smith,
president and general manager of the
American Press Association, who died
on Sunday at his home on the Hud
son, took place today.
A special train leaving the Graod
Central station for Dobba Ferry took
I large number of representative men
from all part of the country as well
as reprcsentatirea of all department!
of the American Press Association.
Simple services were held at the
residence of Major Smith, and the In
terment was In Sleepy Hollow ceme
tery. Many handsome floral tribntear
were sent by sorrowing friends and
by the Loyal Legion and other orgaat
aattons with which be was connected.
Head of Catholic Dlccea of Rochester
Is Very Lew.
Rochester. X. , Dec. 22. Bishop
Bernard J. McQuald of the diocese of
Rochester Is very low. and It la said
that he may not live through the day.
The strength of the aged prelate has
been slowly decreasing, and this fore
noon he was reported to be In a dan
gerous condition.
Bishop McQuald celebrated his
eighty-fifth birthday last week. Early
in the summer he went out to St Ber-
nard's seminary, where be wanted to
remain until after the dedication cere
monies of the new additions to the
seminary, which took place In August.
ne recovered so well that he was
able some weeks ago to return to the
episcopal residence, where he has been
since confined.
Since then his vitality has become so
weak that all hope of his recovery has
been abandoned.
Her Majesty Hopes Salvation Array
Leader Will Recover Sight.
London, Dec. 22. Queen Alexandra's
well known interest in the Salvation
Army is emphasized In a telegram to
General William Booth, commander
in -chief of, that .boC.v, wVo was recent
ly operated upon for a cataract The
telegram follows:
I have felt so much for you and
hope the 01 K-ration will be successful.
I trust you are getting on toward
complete recovery and that the sight
you need so much will soon be entire
ly restored."
General Booth's physicians are fully
satisfied with his progress and believe
that be will recover his sight.
Railroad Wants $32,000 For Laying
Raiis to Race Track.
Exeter, X. H., Dec. 22. John W.
Gates and John A. Drake arc defend
ants in the su)erior court here.
The defendants arc stockholders of
the Xew England Breeders' club, a cor
poration which constructed a million
dollar race track at Salem, X. H and
suit Is brought to enforce payment of
$32,000 to the Iloston and Maine rail
road for laying rails to the race track.
The club's affairs were before the
bankruptcy court soon after the dis
mantling of the track, which occurred
after the first race meeting was held,
the authorities having forbidden the
sale of pools.
Death of James Curren During Boxing
Bout Called Homicide.
Philadelphia, Dec. 22. Itenjamin
Barnett lightweight pugilist, was com
mitted by the coroner charged with
homicide In killing-James Curren dur
ing a boxing bout at the Broadway
Athletic club.
Curren collapsed In the set und lound
after a blow on the jaw and died be
fore he could be taken to the hospital.
The coroner's physician said that
Curren's death was caused by hem
orrhage of the brain and that his head
had been bruised In several places.
Burned to Death In Their Beds While
Home It Destroyed.
Ogdenslmrg. X. Y., Dee, 22. Two
children of William Johnston, aged
two and four years, were burned to
death In their bed when the home
was destroyed by fire.
Their aged grandmother, Mrs Brown,
and an aunt who were asleep down
stairs, were rescued In an uncon
scious condition.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were away
from borne at the time. '
Prelate Taken III on Board Ocean
Liner From Hamburg.
New York. Dec. 22. The Right Ber.
John 8. MIchaud, bishop of the Catho
lic diocese of Burlington, Vt, hi dying
He was a passenger oa board tlsa
steamer Arsenica from Hamburg yes
terday and was taken 111 oa board.