The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 18, 1908, Image 4

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    Big Figures In Politics
The Controversy Be
tween the President
and an Indiana Edi
tor and Those Who
Are Concerned In
the Incident.
William Dudley
Foulke and Delavan
Smith Senator
Stephen D. Elkins and
His Escape From an
Italian Title.
Conducted by
i. W. BAKKOW, Cht&uo. R. V
Prm Comrpondenl Ifew York Stat
The Farmers' and
Mechanics' Bank
at the close of business, Nov. 27, liKKt
PrcBldca j
Roosevelt re '
Republican leader like Senator Stephen
B. Elkins of West Virginia going to the
capltol In friendly converse -with a
centlv addrcKsed t Democratic opponent llko Senator Isl-
- . 1 .1 .1.1
William D U d 1 e 3 aor -nay11" ol .niuryuuiu is uuiuiuy
unusual, senator jsiinns got a uoisier
otis greeting on his appearance among
Foulke of Indian!
regarding aIIege
false statements a
to the purchare i
the Pnnnina etna
of the 1' n 1 1 o ( 1
States from Hint ol '
France him plm-vi
111 the llincllgh I
MLATAW auiTn, the editor of thf i
IndlanapolU News, Dcjnvnn Smith .
Mr. Foulke wrote to the prcHlilcn I
making Inquiry aa to the facts In tin
matter in question, Mr. Smith's paper
hut-lug charged that the pi'csUleiit'r j
brother-in-law, Douglas Robinson oi ,
New York, and Charles P. Tafl, etlltoi
of the Cincinnati Times-Star, brothel
of the president elect and candidate
for Mr. Foraker'a seat In the senate
were concerned la, alleged suspicion
dealings connected with the truusfi'ii
of the canal from French to American !
ownership. The president. In reply
lug to Mr. Foulke's letter of Inquiry
"Delavan 8mlth and the other peopli
who repeated this falsehood lied about
the president's brother-in-law, but whj
the fact that Mr. Smith lied should be
held to involve Mr. Robinson la a
'scandal' Is difficult to understand. The
scandal affects no one but Mr. Smith
and his conduct has been not mcreb
scandalous, but infamous. Mr. Robin
son had not the slightest connection oi
any kind, sort or description at any
time or under any circumstances wltli
the Panama matter. Neither did Mr.
Charles Taft."
Editor Taft of Cincinnati has threat
ened to take steps to call Editor Smith
to account in the courts for the liiKhm
Some Suggestions That May B Useful
to Grange Officer.
The Importance of utilizing time and
the extravagance of allowing it to go
to waste are well stated by Jennie
Buell of Michigan, in which the fol
lowing reasons for time running to
waste are stated:
"When the grange is not called to or
der on tlmo because some officer or
leading person is not present
.When the stewards distribute badges,
song books, et, after the gavel has
fallen instead of before.
While the chorister selects songs
after they are called for.
YhIle the secretary shuffles his pa
pers over or stops to write a receipt
after the order of reading the minutes
Is reached.
When n committee -audits a bill or
passes upon an application for mem
bership after reports of committees
aro called.
When business that might bo refer
red to commlttoo Is transacted by the
grange, -especially with prolonged dis
cussion. Whon members speak upon questions
that have not been brought properly
before the grange by motion.
When a grango stands still while the
paraphernalia and decorations aro
gathered and prepared for initiation.
When members are allowed to wan
der In discussion in the lecture hour.
When matters foreign to the time or
place are Introduced and delay the
closing past the time fixed.
Reserve f und. $
Casta, specie and Dotes, f 11.014 52
Due from approved re
serve aeents $3188316-
Checks and other casta Items &!H W
mils discounted,not due 31.548 W
Bills discounted, time loans with
collateral 18.730 00
Loans on call with collateral B.7U0 W
Loans upon call upon one or more
names i 18,085 00
Loans secured by bonds and mort
gages :!,S7j 00
Investment securities owned exclu
sive ot reserve bonds, viz
Stocks, bonds, etc $37,892 60
Mortgages and lodg
ments ot record 19;C0 !)l-57.2n M
Ileal estate ltW 55
Furniture and fixtures l,rtM 41
Miscellaneous assets 1.770 72
$ 205.1M 24
Capital Stock paid In $ 50.000 00
Undivided Protlts. less expenses
and taxes paid 2.83.1 ici
Deposits, subject to check. .$51.51(152
Deposits, special 100.80ti (H-lKtJl 21
Cashier's checks outstanding) 10 10
t-M3.TO 24
State of Pennsylvania, (Vainly of Wayne, ss
I. C. A. Emrry. Cu shier of the uliove named
'otnim!iy. 1o solemnly swear thill the above
statement In true to the iH-st of my knowledge
and belief.
c. A. I'.Mr.KY, cashier,
SuhscrllK'd and sworn lo before me thls2d
day of December, HUM.
IIi:na S, Eihictt. N, P.
v iimn attest
M. K. Ktmokk. )
K. KnmTNKit, Dire
JOHN KtlllllAClI, J
You will find an excellent assortment of
articles suitable for
Attention is
of die
Wayne Countp
Toy Books,
Toilet Cases,
IA 111I1API lb i nvr-
i i tai w i mi lHiim i n r
mm mm
Prayer Books ,
Fine Gift Book I
Christmas Cards
Pocket Books 1
Fountain Pens j
Hand-painted Novelties
Webster's Unabridged Diction
ary for $3.G0
It will pay yoH to call at the
finely equipped
11 South Main SlOAltnoNlAl.E. PA
DH.C. It. IIHADY.Dektibt Uonesdule.l'a.
iiFricE nouns na. m. to o j. in.
his colleagues, many of the unterrlDcd
chafflngly inquiring about the title he
Is supposed to have comlug his way
from the royal relatives of the Duke
of the Abruzzi. He affected to take It
good naturedly, but he didn't like it.
atlons his paper made against the for
mer'B character. Editor William II
Lallan of the New York Sun is also
brought into the controversy by a ref
erence to him in the president's letter
to Mr. Foulke, and another New York
paper, the World, which gave publicity
to the charges during the recent cam
paign, now asks for a congressional in
vestigation of the matter.
Mr. Foulke, to whom the president's
much discussed letter was addressed
and by whom it was given out for pub
lication, has been a civil service com
talssloner of the United States and is
widely known as scholar, reformer ana
author. Mr. lloosevelt's friendship for
Mr. Foulke dates from the time when
the latter served under President
George William Curtis as a member of
the executive committee of the Nation
al Civil Service Reform league in
1885-0. Mr. foulke was chairman of
the special commission appointed by
the league to Investigate the condition
of the civil service under President
Harrison. He was born in New York
city In 1818 and was graduated from
Columbia university in the class ahead
of Beth Low, with whom he has since
been much associated in civil service
reform work. He is also a graduate of
the Columbia School of Law and for
some time practiced law successfully
la Indiana. He was once president of
Swarthmore college. It wns during bis
service In the Indiana legislature that
he became Interested in civil service re
form, and it was in 1002 that President
Roosevelt made him a member of the
national civil service commission. Since
1860 Mr. Foulke has been engaged
largely In literary pursuits and is the
anther of "Slav and Saxon," a biog
raphy of Oliver P. Morton, war gov
ernor of Indiana, and a romance of
Yucatan at the time of the Spanish In
vasion called "Maya."
There were a great many pleasant
greetings between fellow lawmakers
ea the reassembling of the Sixty-first
cosgreaa, and many a Joke or bit of
persiflage was exchanged between old
trieada. On such occasions party lines
see si U be forgotten. The sight of a
Plans For Memorial Building on Slto
of Martyr President's Birthplace.
The birthplace of Abraham Lincoln
Is rapidly being transformed Into a na
tional shrine. The plans for a memo
rial building inclosing the cabin have
Anally been adopted, and the program
for its dedication, which will take place
on the centEunry, Feb. 12, has been
tentatively made out. The writer re
cently interviewed Itlchard Lloyd
Jones, the secretary of the Lincoln
Farm association, and can therefore
give the latest definite information. The
final drawing by the architect has been
made and accepted. Tractlcally the
sole exhibit in the memorial building
is the birthplace cabin, which stands
la the exact spot it occupied when Lin
coln was born. For a little space about
the cabin the memorial building Is
without a floor, leaving the ground as
nearly as possible In its original state.
The edifice, with its classic columns,
stands on n low hill, being approached
by a' broad sweep of steps, at the bot
tom of which is an extensive plant.
From this plaza runs down the old
path to the famous rock spring. Two
turnpikes and the spur of a railroad
lead to the farm, but outside of these
Improvements, which are designedly
plain and simple, In keeping with Lin
coln's own life and character, every
thing Is left as before. The farm will
still be used as a farm, the trees will
be undisturbed, even to one old, half
dead apple tree, believed to be the last
of the orchard of Thomas Lincoln, the
father of the president. Despite its
simplicity, however, the memorial
building will be an imposing sight
amid Its humble surroundings.
The program for Its dedication In
cludes addresses by Governor Joseph
W. Folk of Missouri, president of the
Lincoln Farm association; Governor
Augustus K. Willson of Kentucky, Sec
retary of War Luke E. Wright, speak
ing on behalf of the Confederate vet
erans, and probably Justice Oliver
Grange Deputies In Michigan and How
They Are Compensated.
The compensation of the grange dep
uties In Michigan is figured on a lib
eral basis. Each grange pays the or
ganizing deputy $20, of which $15 goes
for the charter. Then by application
of a series of bounties, ottered by the
state grange, if the organizing deputy.
reports five granges he receives $22 for
each, and in like Increased proportion
for ten granges he will get $20 each.
Then there is a grand prize of $100 to
nny deputy who will organize and in
struct twenty-five granges during the
year. And in order, to increase their
efforts to get the full twenty-five the
deputies are given a repetition of the
prizes for the second ten granges. So
that for twenty granges they would
receive $520, and for twenty-five
granges, which would entitle them to
the grand prize of $100, they would
receive $720. The deputy must get la
his charter list a sufficient number to
warrant taking the $5 of the money
from the charter members for his own
services. Thus it provides a safeguard
against a charter membership so small
as to make them weaklings. It Is esti
mated that the charter list should not
be less than twenty-five In order to
warrant the taking of the five dollar
fee. This liberal payment of the depu
ties will account largely for the mark
ed Increase In the number of granges
In Michigan during the past few years.
lit the close of liublness. Nov. 27. 1SK1S.
Keserve lund $
i.asn. sjieeie ana notes. fanKi j
iA-gal securities 45.000 (HI
Due from approved re
serve airents 123.7K7 2-Kffl.l(!fl 17
Cheeks and casta Items l.iiOfi iis
Due from lianksand Trust t'o's.not
reserve acents si.ous si
mils discounted not due, KSI7.519 .-S2
ISIUs discounted, time
loans with collateral... 39,383 50
Loans on call with col
lateral 77,787 DO
Loans on call upon one
or more names M.803 00
Loans secured by bonds
or mortcase 3.ipu uu si
Stocks, bonds. etc....l,H0H.(U7 00
Morteacesand Judg
ments of record.... ISjJCH 24-1.WH.H0G .'10
Real estate SUM) 00
jinltureand Future 2.000 00
Iverd rafts 10 20
Miscellaneous Assets 400 00
Any evening by appointment
Cltlrensibone. at. Residence. No. t
The FINANCIER of New YorlA
Citv has published a ROLL OF
HONOR of the 11,470 Stale Banks
1 States. In this list the WAYNE
vtonno -xtn in ifia iinrrsa ramc
Stanfs 10th in PeRRSTivaiii.
i Stands FIRST in Wayu County.
- V
ron1t7l Cnrnluc AAA
Total ASSETS. $2.r33,000.
Honcsdale, I'a., May 29, IflOS.
J2.712.5HS W
Capital Stock, paid in $ 100.000 (0
Surplus Fund :00,000 (0
Undivided l'rotlts, less expenses
and taxes naid CI C2 K)
Deposits subject to clieck f 1M.7H2 M
Aliusua rim;iai.. ...CTi.n.r( tt
Time certificates of de
posit 2.W 78
Certified ehecks 5H1 :w
Cashier's check outst'c 7117 03-2.251.2il
Due to Commonwealth 25,uoo 00
Due to Dames ana banters, not re
serve agents i,i!io no
A Worthy Exhibit.
There have been numerous grange
exhibits at county fairs this season,
and it is a good sign. Perhaps one of
the most Interesting of these was at
the Hudson fair, Columbia county,
when Llndenwald grange of Kinder-
hook exhibited 101 varieties of fruits,
vegetables, grains, flowers, nuts and
canned fruits. They exhibited 50 va
rieties of apples, 10 of grapes, 12 of
pears, 27 of vegetables, 17 of flowers
and 17 of canned fruits. This grange
won the first prize of $40. German-
town range exhibited 134 varieties, of
which C4 were apples, 28 of pears and
22 of grapes, and won $30. Claverack
grange exhibited 07 varieties, among
which were 19 varieties of cucumbers,
14 of beets and 10 of beans. Living
ston grango had 37 varieties. These
Wendell Holmes of the United States j two granges were awarded $10 each.
supreme court in behalf of the Union ;
The Essay Exchange.
I Two or three of the state lecturers
1 at least have established roffently what
is called an "essay exchange." Es
says on various topics suitable to be
I read in grange meetings are written
. and loaned to granges that may be in
need of such material. The idea is a
good one, and yet the essay exchange
should not be allowed to take the place
of essays or papers written by mem
bers of the grange. However, the lat
ter may be consulted, and essays which
It furnishes may be occasionally used
to help out a programme where there
may bo but few who feel themselves
qualified to prepare papers.
veterans. Cardinal Gibbons will give
It his blessing, and President Roose
velt will there say about his last
official word and, it is believed, will
make it the supremo effort of hie life,
delivering a short oration modeled aft
er Lincoln's Gettysburg address. On
this flual utteranco Mr. Roosevelt will
rest his best claim to literary immor
tality. J. A. EDGERTON.
A Vote For Direct Primaries.
Genesee (N. Y.) Pomona grange met
Oct 0 with an attendance of about
209. The subordinate granges of that
county reported a total membership of
2,270. The following resolution was
adopted: "Resolved, That we demand
direct voting at the primaries and here
by direct our delegates at the next,
state grange meeting to do all In their
power to effect the passage of such a
law." The next meeting will be held
at Batavia on Dec. 17.
Cause Enough.
Cobwlgger Is It known why he com
mitted suicide?
Merritt A church committee ap
pointed him to represent Santa Claus
at Its Christmas entertainment Puck.
Union grange at Plymouth, N. H.
held its first fair early In October. It
was a tcceat success, and It took rank
with the largest fairs In the state out
side the state fair and excelled them
In tho department of working oxen and
In the exhibit of field corn. The show
ring of no other fair In New England
contained so many Devon cattle aa
was shown at this fain,
2.742.D9H (ifl
State of Pennsylvania. County of Wayne, ss.
1. H. Seott Salmon. Cashier of the above
named Company, do solemnly sweur that the
above statement is irue. to me nest oi my
knowledge and belief.
twurneiii 11. a. ai.iuua. i:asmer
Subscribed and sworn to before me thls2nd
day of December, liKB.
iSlsrned liOliEUT A. SMITH. X. Y.
INotarial Seal)
Correct Attest:
Aloxzo T. Seaele. J-Diredors.
!. Clakk. j
to Suit
HEAL ESTATE. Ily virtue of process is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Wayne county, and State of Pennsylvania,
and to me directed and delivered, 1 have lev
ied on and will expose to public sale, at the
Court House in uonesaaie, on
MONDAY, DECEM11E1! 28, 190S. at 11 a.m.
All of defendant's richt. title and Interest
In the lollowme aescrioeu property, to wn :
All those certain nieces, parcels or tracts
of land situated In the township of Damascus,
county of Wayne. State of Pennsylvania,
bounded ana aescnoea as ioiiows:
The Fibst, BEGINNING at a heap of stones
the west corner of a lot In the possession of
A rpi'lo,.. 4.utiui cjlnirr culri rfV'tiT.'.!
line south forty-five decrees east forty-eltrht
lercnes to staae ana stones; tuenceaiona uie
Ine of land belonging to Jcphtha Kellum
south forts'-flve decrees west elshty-three
and one-half perches; thence north forty-live
decrees west forty-eleht pen-lies to post and
stones; thence north forty-five decrees east
elchty-three and one-half perches to place of
beginning. CONTAINING twenty-fi e acres.
more or less.
The Seconp, BEGINNING at stake and
stones In line of David Skinner's land: thence
south forty-five degrees east eighty perches
In llneof Jephtha Kellam; thence north forty
five decrees east fifty perches to beech tree;
thence north forty-live decrees west eighty
icrches to nenuocK stump in nneoi uuvia
!Hmipr; thence bv said line south forty-five
decrees west fifty perches to place of begin
ning. CONTAINING twenty-live acres, be
the same more or less.
The TmnD. BEGINNING at stones comer
of lot conveyed to Horn neck & Keator on
llneof Jejihtha Kellam's land; thence along
the northeast llneof saidllorn beck A- Keator's
land north forty-six degrees and forty-one
perches: thence north forty-seven degrees
west nine perches to end of stone fence; thence
along the same north fifty-six decrees west
four and two-tenths perches; thence south
sixty accrues west six ana iwo-ienuis iiercues
to a post: thence north forty-nine degrees
west eighteen ana two-ienius jhtciicb ui u
wst: thence north thirty-seven uegrees west
trir-slT und two-tenths tierehes to a beech
stump; thence north twenty-eight degrees
west twenty-six and three-tenths perches to
a post on warrantee line; uienee aiongine
BHiiu-north t went v-elirht decrees east twenty-
nine ana iwo-ienms percjies to stones aua
roots oi laiien neecu; tuence nonii seventeen
diL'nH west fifty nerehes: thence north forty-
one deiOTCs west sixty-four perches: thence
north forty-three octrees east twenty-two
perches: thence alonir the line of Oliver Ty
ler's land and the lund late of William Tyler
south forty-seven decrees east one hundred
and sixty-two and two-lenths perches to
stones by hemlock on itayinond Tyler's line:
thence alone the same and line of Jephthu
Helium's south lorty-inree uegrees west
elghty-tlvejierclies to the pluce of beginning.
CONTAINING one hundred and eight acres ,
and one hundred und eleven perches, strict
measure, mure or Jess. Being name lund
which Jackson unuawicn eouvejuu uiijim
Williams by deed dated . . recorded in
Deed Book No. .page , Excepting and
reserving ninety acres mune or less, sold to
Lucus Baker by Jackson Chadwlck.
On said property is one two-stury frame
bouse, one frame barn, one shed, two line
apple orchards, and neurly all lmprovod
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Leon WlUlums at the suit of Jackson
Chadwlck. No. tti October Term. Dm. Judg
ment, t2.nu0.00; real debt. 11,400; amount tube
collected, K1S0, with 5 per cent, collection fee.
Mumford, Attorney,
WM, B. nOADKNIGHT, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Honesdule
g. p. sonnER
mm i mtnu v I
-. a. ria ai.
j i-v
to be a little ahead of others
tho matter of dress.
There's a Special Model for every
taste and every figure, in SUITS
ur Suits. Overcoat s. Italn Coats
and l'ull Dress Garments rep
resent the highest POSSIBLE
achievement In clothes making.
They sre delsened and made by
SCHLOSS BROS. & Co., of Balti
more and New York.
Exclusive In design. Correct In
Style, itlght In Quality. Moder
utely l'rlced.
till unnii tri uiu rt.t rw
j j
in America.
Pnrniehinrte The newest and latest
1 Ul lIlMilllga Novelties for Men
and Young Men,
Pllll DrPCC TuxedoR and all the lit
riill 11 C5b tie necessities that go
to complete the dress of a Man for so
cial occasions.
Hosiery S
: .. .1 t .
e guaranteed kind.
the right fitting kind.
PJlorc n quarter siteimperfect
Wiiuio impossible.
JOHN T. HALL, late of Houesdule. Pa.
A 11 persons Indebted to suld estate are noti
fied to muke Immediate payment to the un
dersigned : and those having claims against
the said estate are notified to present them
dulv attested, for settlement.
87 jbBKPH A. HOWE. Executor
Dginnnafe T,,e sensible garment for mld-BeaBon or for anytime mde
nnilll Jllll.l Ti . -if 3 il 1 ll. 1ir..x,.i fil.irint. la ausai
. . . -is . i . l.4 r ...ut.i. JS
SVPf , S '- " - - "
er waterprooi yet areesy in i&ct very iiaiiuy wjp year ruuuu iur miwmt i