The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 18, 1908, Image 3

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Jewelry Store. el2
ONLY NINE more days to Christmas. Se
lect your purchases now before the rush.
SOME PEOPLE are havlne pictures taken
In the new styles of art at Hldecway'sStudio,
toboplvcn to their friends for a present at
New Year. . 43t2
. FINE line of cold and plated Jewelry at
wearer's Jewelry Store. 44cI2
BRING the picture you want framed for
Christmas, this week. I have mouldings
Cheap or dear to f ramo any kind of picture,
at Itldgcway's Studio. 43t2
ftnF iiw vlndinra will crtl.n fln Irtpn of
Sfhat the Interior of the store looks like. Step
n ana convince yourscir. sommeh, ;ine
ewelcr. 4zeiot
FOR SALE Ray house, on East Extension
street. Laree lot with sixty feet front. M. E.
Simons. 38eoItf
Our six foot show case full of Ladles' and
Gents' Gold and Gold Filled Watches. Three
hundred different designs to select from.
Sommcb, The Jeweler. 42cItS
YOUR FRIENDS' homes will look brighter
atiChrlstmastlmelf you buy them q fancy
pkHuroof art from my new stock, Just re
celled. Come early and get your pick at
KfyUeway's Studio. 43t2
fHTtTFFKn birds, Hotilrrels and animals
mien r men t nr nmHH Bin. t i mi'iii m
W have a wonderful display of Clocks all
the leaaing maxes ana ibicsi siyics. bommkk,
The Jeweler. 42cl5t
For Sale The restaurant building on 7th
street. Including front and back bars and
furnace, now occupied by John Theobald,
and known as one of the best business stands
in Honesdale. L. FUEKTH. 39tf
IT MAY Ye a camera your friend wants for
Christmas. Buy them at Rldgeway's Studio.
ALL PICTURES taken, up until the 21st,
will be ready for delivery Christmas eve.,
Wth. at Rldgeway's Studio. i 2
Six foot show case full of Ladies'.Gents' and
Children's Solid Gold Signet and Stone set
Rings. Fifteen hundred different styles to
select from.- Sommeb, The Jeweler. 42ei5t
IT WILL BE a Merry Xmas to your friends
If you give them a photo of yourself. All
styles at the Rldgeway Studio. 43t2
FANS dainty gold and silver spangled,
turnd painted chiffon Fans, at Petersen's.
43 w2
SOUVENIR nnd single teasnoons. We
have a splendid line, and engrave Initials or
monogram iree oi cnarge. I'lvranaiuii.
100 ACRES FARM Good bulldlngs-for
sale or exchange for a house In Honesdale or
Hawley. JOS. STERNBAUER, Hawlcy, Pa.
Jn Bracelets we have every style new this
fall, In Gold and Gold Filled.. Quality guar
anteed. Sommer, The Jeweler. 42el5t
I FORBID all persons to remove hay from
the estate of Clifford L. Chapman. GEO. A.
CHAPMAN. Administrator
EXQUISITE Water Colors and Oil Paint-
combanaWm. H. Ham, for sale at Peter
sen's. Prices most reasonable.
43 w2
Mall andTelephone orders promptly filled.
GyP. Sommek, Jeweler. 42eI5t
. FORALE Lot and building located at
1129 Main street. Enquire or write C. E.
Glbbs, Honesdale, Pa. , 37tt
All goods sold engraved tree of charge.
Sommer. The Jeweler. 42ei5t
Parlor Suits at Brown's, .
Bedroom Suits at Brown's,
Couches at Brown's,
Fancy Chairs at Brown's,
.Dining cane and wood Chairs at Brown's.
In Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets and all
other toilet articles we have an endless va
riety. Sommer, The Jeweler. 42dI5t
THOSE PICTURES you want framed for
Christmas, bring this week to Rldgeway's
Studio. 43t2
We carry the largest stock this side of New
York and Philadelphia of Sterling or Solid
'Silver Ware, staple and fancy pieces, beautl-
nil designs. Sommer, The Jeweler. 42el5t
Chains, Lockets, Lavellleres, Brooches,
Fobs. Belt Pins, Veil Pins. Collar Sets, Back
Combs. Side Combs. Scarf Pins. Cuff Links
an endless variety. Sommer. The Jeweler.
"My Dixie Girl," an unusually line
attraction, will bo given at "The Lyric'
at matinee and evening performances on
Christmas day. Full particulars in next
Wednesday's issue.
Wayne Rebekah Lodge has elected
the following officers : Mrs. Flora Dreyer,
Noble Grand ; Mrs. Anna Mitchell, Vice
Grand; G. W. Pen warden, Treasurer;
f Mrs. &aw uray, Mrs. u. w. t'enwar-
aen, trustees, xney win be installed on
Dec. 20th, when the brother Rebekahn
will furnish a "spread."
Water must be low indeed when
there isn't enough for the fish to drink
It has been found necessary to transfer
the fish from the State hatchery at Con
neaut to Union City for lack of water.
A herd of cows, on account of the
drought, were dri yen by the boy in charge
of them from their usual watering place
to a small dam in which the State stores
its water. The cows drank the pond
practically dry, and the men were obliged
to carry water 1,000 feet to keep the
hatchery going.
By Sheriff's sale in Milford, Pike
county on Saturday laBt, 388 acres of
land, including a considerable portion
of the village of Lackawaxen, became
the property of John F. Meyer, who for
some time past has been the proprietor
of what was known as the Ascher Hotel,
at that station, Mr. Meyer's purchase
includes the old Keystone Hotel prop
erty, originally the Williamson House,
together with valuable blue stone ledges,
and the water privileges of the place,
upon which the Erie Co., at that point
is largely dependent. Mr, Meyer, 'who
Is a brother of Herman Meyer, of the
Oak Cafe, of this place, intends to lay
out liia purchase in building lots, with
a vievr to making it eventually an at
tractive village of summer homes for
located for that purpose.
Judge Ralph' Little, sitting in the
Lackawanna court in Scran ton, last
Saturday, sentenced Louis Miller, aged
28 years to the Eastern penitentiary for
ten years, he having been convicted of
statutory rape on his young sister-in-law,
Hazel Olmstead, of Hollisterville. A
fine of $00 was also imposed.
Captain Ham Post and the Ladies'
Circle, G. A. R., have removed from
their original burial places, in Glen Dy
berry, to the Soldiers' Plot, the remains
of James Northcott, Co. M, 1 7th Pa.
Cavalry, A. L. Rowley, Co. 1, 15th N. Y.
Heavy Artillery, and Frederick Zahn,
Co. F, 3d N. J. Cavalry. Twelve vet
erans are now buried in the Soldiers'
Now that cold weather is at hand
the usual admonition as to the care of
furnaces and stoves is timely. Anthra
cite coal fires started in long unused
heaters and ranges are apt to encounter
clogged flues, and leaky chimneys,
whereby the deadly gases escape into
sleeping rooms, frequently endangering
life. But perhaps the most common
risk is taken by such householders as
have the habit of replenishing their
stoves just before retiring and opening
the doors or removing the lids and shut
ting off the draft, with a natural view
to economy or the prospect of a ready
fire in the morning. In cases of this
sort, if there are no open windows, the
menaoo -to health and even life can
hardly bo overestimated. On Tuesday
night, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hartung
retired to their sleeping apartment on
the second floor of their home in North
Honesdale, which is warmed by a drum
receiving its heat from a parlor stove in
the room beneath. Fortunately Mr.
Hartung, who is a butcher, and hence
an early riser, set his alarm clock to
awaken him at4 o'clock in the morning.
Aroused by the continuous ringing at
that hour, he attempted to rise, but
found himself at first barely able t0
move. Awakening Mrs. Hartung after
considerable effort, she was found to be
nearly as helpless as himself. Finally he
managed to reach and raise a window,
and the fresh air thus admitted doubt
less saved two lives which otherwise
would have been sacrificed. Both Mr.
Hartung and his wife were made death
ly sick by the poisonous fumes inhaled,
and it was not until noon that they were
fully recovered.
Dwight C. Dorflinger, who is in New
York this week, on business, is staying
at the Hotel Wolcott.
Geo. E. Moase and G. Ellison Peck,
of Pleasant Mount, have been Hones
dale business visitors for a few days past.
i-Miss Elsie Roesiger, daughter bf
Carl Roesiger, our former townsman,
has resigned her position as stenographer
for the Carbondale Calcium Co.
Commissioner J. K. Hornbeck isn't
complaining of hard times. . His excel'
sior mill, at Equinunk, is running to its
full capacity and has a large number of
orders ahead.
Co. Superintendent John J. Koehler,
of the Wayne county schools, visited his
cousin, Prof. Frank Koehler, Supt. of
the Monroe county schools, at Gilbert,
in the latter county, last week.
- Hon. and Mrs. E. B. Hardenbergh,
and daughter Miss C. Louise, will leave
on Monday next for Chicago, where they
will pass the holidays with Lieut, and
Mrs. Raymond W. Hardenbergh.
Otto Heumann, son of the proprie
tor of the Hotel and Cafe Heumann,
with a party of his young friends, cele
brated his birthday on Wednesday even
ing last. The birthday cake was orna
mented with fourteen candles.
In our obituary column will be found
an extended notice of the death of Henry
H. Clough, a resident of Mount Pleas
ant until manhood, where n number of
friends and relatives still reside. We are
indebted to E. M. Peck, of Carbondale,
for the article.
Miss Grace Wilmarth, of Aldenville,
who has been so seriously ill, is able to
be out again. Miss Margaret Davis, one
of Carboudale's most efficient trained
nurses, who was caring for her, is now,
attending Miss Esther Ryan, of Way
Chapmau Leek, who left Uniondale
three years ago to seek his fortune in the
West, and located in Idaho, has forged
ahead sufficiently to have been a candi
date for the Legislature at the last elec
tion, and would have been elected if he
had had sixteen more votes.
John Murrin and J, A. Lyons, of
this place, appeared before the State
Law Examining Board, John M. Harris,
of Scranton, presiding, at Wilkes-Barre,
last .week, and passed the preliminary
examinations with first-class ratings. For
the preliminary examinations a general
knowledge of advanced academic studies
is required, while the final examination
consists exclusively of questions of law.
A congenial party of friends helped
Charles H. Dorflinger, of White Mills,
celebrate his fifty-first birthday on Sat
urday last. Among other tokens of ap
preciation, he was presented with a
magnificent bouquet of Amorican Beauty
roses. There wosfelicitousspeechmaking
galore, and such mi abundance of good
wishes that Mr. Dorflinger will need to
live another half century to realize them.
The Citizen adds its congratulations.
Menner Sc Co., will
winter stock 'of Ladies'
at cut prices.
close, out their
cloaks and suits
41ei7 ,
Where the Fault Lies for Our Un
satisfactory Delivery Service.
The Railroads to Blame.
The Post Office Department at Wash
ington having written postmaster Allen,
stating that complaint had been made
of unsatisfactory city delivery service in
Honesdale, an'd asking for a statement
of facts, Mr. Allen has forwarded to
the First Assistant Postmaeter General
the following reply, which cannot fail to
convince the department, and incident
ally ought to satisfy the patrons of the
office, that the fault is not with the post
master or carriers but with the misera
ble train service to which they arc sub
jected, and of which we are the vic
tims :
. United States Post Office,
ailonesdale.Pa., Dec. 14, 1908.
Hon. First Assistant Postmaster General,
uiv. ot uity Delivery,
Washington, D. C
Dear Sir :
In answer to your letter (D. W.) of the
8th inst. would say, mails arrive at this
office at 0:50 a. m. ; 1:38, 4:10, 7:20 and
8:00, p. m. ; and depart at 6:55 and 8:27
a. m. ; 1:20, 2:50 and 4:30 p. m. It is
therefore necessary for carriers to make
delivery and collection and return to
post office not later than 4:00 p. in., in
oruer to aisnatcn tneir collections at
4:30 r. in., which is the last dlsnatch.
this being the last train leaving Hones
dale. At 0:50 a.m., we are receiving
from 1 ,500 to 2,000 letters, and perhaps
1,000 pieces of paper mail, including the
Newiork, Philadelphia and Scranton
dailies. At 1:38 we receive a small mail
and should, we hold carriers for 1;S8 p.
m. train, there would be more com
plaint regarding the delay of daily
papers, etc., ana carriers could not re
turn to postoffice in time forthe last dis
patch. Under the present schedule
earners make first collection at 6:00 a.
m., and leave on first delivery and col
lection trip at 8:00 a. m., returning at
iz:io n. in. Tins delivery includes mail
arriving at 1:88, 4:10, 7:29 and 8:09 the
day before, and on second delivery and
collection trip carriers deliver mail re
ceived at 0:50 a. m., leaving ofliice at
1:00 p. m.
mere is also a window delivery from
7:30 to 8:00 p. m. I am of the opinion
that the service cannot be improved
under the present train schedule, and
it is to be recrretted that a countv seat
the size of Honesdale, having nine large
cut glass factories, elevator works, silk
mill, dox tactory. three semi-weekiv
papers, two large shoe factories, knitting
muis, two. grist mills, two planing mills,
four banks, two underwear factories,
brewery, and numerous other industries.
cannot receive their first mail before
11:00 o'clock a. m., and cannot dispatch
their last mail later .than 4:00 o'clock
p. m. Very respectfully,
Matstin.B. Allen, P. M.
Wellington Geary died at his home in
Hawley on Saturday last, Dec. 12,
1908, aged 49 years. He was expecting
to start with his wife for Cleveland,
Ohio, to spend the winter, when he was
seized with an attack of acute indiges
tion which proved .fatal. He is survived
by his wife and one daughter, Mrs,
Clarence Simons, of Cleveland, Ohio ;
and by two brothers, Fred', of Hawley,
ana oamuei, oi Lancaster.
Veit Wildenstein, a well-known resi-
aent ot Mount f leasant township, died
at his home on Monday, Dec. 14, 1908,
agea o years, v montns ana iu aavs
He was born in Fischbach. urnier Ba
varia,5 February 28, 1849, his parents,
Bartholomew Wildenstein and wife com
ing from that place to America two and
a half years later. For a time the fami
ly resided at Seelyville, but later moved
to Mount i'leasant township, which be'
came their permanent home. Mr. Wil
denstein, the subject of this notice, was
the oldest of eight children, only four of
whom are now living. He was married
February 19, 1878, to Margaret Hauen
stein, who with the following children
survives him : Mrs. w. H. Sherwood,
of Honesdale ; Henry Wildenstein, of
Creamton, and Anna, at home. One
son, Martin, died about a year ago. He
is also survived by the following broth
ers and sisters : George and Frank
Wildenstein, of Mount Pleasant ; Mrs.
ueorge &tk, oi sseeiyvnie, ana airs, wm
1VUDV1UC1 j ...1 JUUCU11IC
Mr. Wildenstein was a member of the
German Lutheran church, and a de
voted Christian husband and parent.
No father was more fond of his home
and family; no man a kinder friend and
neighbor. The funeral services, which
were conducted by Rev. W. F. Hopp, at
the German Lutheran church, on Wed'
nesday, Dec. 16th, were largely attended
by relatives and friends. Intermentwas
made in the German Lutheran ceme
Henry H. Clough, son of David
Clough and Durinda King, was born at
Mount Pleasant, Pa.. July 29, 1842. He
grew to manhood at his home there, and
at the age of 21 came toMichigan, three
yeura tuiiiiiig iu i nline rarm, wis.
He waB married to Mary Elizabeth Wen
zel in 1871. She died April 6, 1892.
Immediately after his marriage he mov
ed to Cottonwood county, Minn., re
maining there about four years, again
returning to Prairie Farm, where he
spent the remainder of his days. To
this union were born fire childron, Eva,
married to Fred, Champion in 1893;
David, married to LillieMonten in 1900:
Alice, married to Charles Rassbuch in
1107 ; Robert and Mary. After coming
West he spent twenty-six winters scaling
logs tor Knapp, Mtout ec uompany. in
1878 he moved to his farm in the town
of Dallas. Jfe has taken an active part
in organizing creamery companies, also
the Prairie Farm, Ridgeland and Dallas
telephone companies. The deceased
had been ill but a short time with
Bright's disease. Shortly after taken he
went to Duluth for treatment, but noth
ing seemed to help. On the night of
the 24th he had a sudden change for the
worse, and from then failed rapidly.
two days later losing consciousness. At
0 o'clock p. m., Nov. 28th, he passed
peacefully away at the home of his son,
David at Duluth, aged 60 years, 3
months and 29 days. He leaves to
mourn him, his five children, twosisters,
Mrs. Anna Long and Rachael Clough,
one brother, Ernest, six grandchildren
and many otherrelatives and friends.;
All the children were present at his
funeral except Mrs. Fred. Champion, 1
who wasunable to attend. The Temalns
were brought to his home in the town
of Dallas. Funeral services were held
in the Methodist churchof Prairie Farm.
A host of friends and neighbors were
S resent to show their last respects to the
eceased. Interment in Prairie Farm
.Evergreen cemetery. Rev. George Han
son officiated. The Barron County
(Wis.,) Shield.
" We are a few steps farther up town,
but the difference in the price of our
goods and those of our competitors
makes it worth your while.
O. G. Weaver, Jeweler.
Menner & Co. will close out a lot of
single suits for Ladies and Misses at less
than cost. 41ei7
A lotof Ladies' cloth capes to close out
at Menner & Co.'s at very low prices.
The Farvlcw Hospital.
Fine Progress Being Made With
the Work Fifty-two Men and
Ten Teams Employed.
Work on the new Pennsylvania State
Hospital for Criminal Insane, now in
course of construction at Farview is be
ing carried on very satisfactorily.
The forty ton steam shovel is doing
splendid execution and is removing from
1,000 to 1,200 cubic yards of earth per
day. On Thursday of last week two ex
perienced engineers, William Prichard
and Eugene Young, were placed In
charge of the shovel and since then ex
traordinary results along those lines
have been obtained. The D. & 11. R.
R. Co. havo constructed a siding on the
State grounds, east of the D. & H. sta
tion, which will accommodate a large
number of cars. There are in all about
fifty-two men and ten teams employed.
A report became current a week ago
that a strike for higher wages had oc
curred among the owners of teams but
such was not tme. A few farmers who
had more than enough work in lumber
ing, after sleighingcommenced, did take
their teams from the works but the
supply is geeater than the demand.
A welcome addition to the corps of
employees in the person of Mr. Jason
Johnson arrived from Philadelphia on the
9th inst., and took charge of the clerical
department. Many years ago Mr. John
son was assistant paymaster for the D.
& H. Co., and many old railroad men
will be glad to know that the genial
Jase," although now 73 years of age
is as youthful in feeling and action as
when he paid the employees of that
company forty years ago.
The men from Philadelphia who have
accompanied Contractor Glenn, and
are employed at the Hospital, are pleas
ed with Farview and its surroundings,
and many of them say they will never
n return to the City of Brotherly
Love, but will make the pretty little
village of Waymart their future home.
Chief Architect of the Hospital, J. C
M. Shirk, makes weekly visits to Far
view for the inspection of the work, and
last Friday he was accompanied by State
Senator Sterling R. Cat I'm. of Luzerne
Co., who is a member of the CoramiS'
sion to erect the Hospital.
During the early part of the past week
the Consolidated Telephone Co. placed
telephone in the Contractor's office,
and by the 19th inst. telephonic com
munication will be established with the
proposed Hospital.
How It Happened.
Mrs. Mary S. Roper, of Brooklyn,
whose involuntary and thrilling aeronaut
ic experience at the Elleiiville (N. Y.)
Fair, August 29, 1906, was in part de
scribed in our last issue, told her story
the Supreme Court in session at
Kingston, N. Y., on Monday last, as a
witness in her own behalf against the
Ulster County Agricultural Society for
$25,000 damages. After being sworn she
testified as follows :
"With some other Brooklyn people
who were spending the summer at Walk'
er Valley, where l was finishing a six
weeks' vacation," she said, "I attended
the fair. A watchman told us to be
careful until the poles fell that support
ed the balloon. Then everybody crushed
up close to the balloon and nobody tried
to keep us back."
"The first thing I knew I felt some'
thing tugging at my ankle. I reached
down to see what was the matter, and
the first finger of my right hand
was caught. The next thing I knew
was being dragged through the crowd
"My body struck against a man and
knocked him down. Then my tace
hit against the gas pipe, and I remem
ber going up, I think I fainted.
"When I came to, I was away up in
the air, hanging by my ankle and one
finger. Maggie Daily was the aeronaut,
She-called to me to hold up ray head.
" 'My God, I cannot I' I called back
to her. 'It's hanging down and I can't.
"Then l fainted again, and was un
conscious when we landed. When
came to ugam sue was rubbing my
hands, but I told her not to do it be
cause it hurt."
Mrs. Roper said her injuries included
a broken finger, bruised face, cut eye,
fractured collar bone, sprained ankle
and strained back.
Mrs. Mary Hessy and Frank H. Breit
enbacber, of Brooklyn, testified that no
attempt was made to keep spectators
away from the ropes, A photograph
showed Mrs. Roper as a mere speck
against the sky. She was taken up
nearly half a mile.
A motion for a non-suit on the ground
of contributory negligence was denied.
The defense claims the crowd was con
tinually ordered back, but Insisted on
pushing forward,
ship will be held at the High School, on
Saturday, Dec. 19th. Two sessions will
s neiu.
RfiV. Dr. P. II niYtnl-a a--,u ,!., .
----- -- - - - - .i.wnq nil. wuuui.b
services in flm Wo
church, on Sunday morning, Dec. 20th,
Key. Wellington G. Carl, of Kane, Ta.,
tist church, on Sunday, morning and
rayer services on Wednesday evening.
this church.
Rev. Dr. W. H. Swift will speak next
OUndaV eVPninrr in hn Prnariffnrinn
' ------ HIV 4 tVt 111
church, on "The Marks of a Gentle-
ian," He has received definitions of a
Judges in eastern Pennsylvania ; a Y. M.
C. A. Secretary, whose life has been
spent among men ; a brainy Doctor of
Divinity, and the Vice President-elect of
the United States. These definitions will
be analyzed in the discourse. All are
cordially invited, particularly club men.
. iic vuuiai outnuy, unuer me leaucr
iip of Geo. B. Phillips, of Scranton,
ill RllflnPTlfl nil drillp until H,n.lTM
.. .... ut.tin ii.iiii tii mat iui.n-
day in January.
Rev. Willinm 1 Unnn t.-ill nln.
Lutheran services nt tho White Mills
school house, Sunday afternoon, at .'1:30
o'clock. The choir of St. John's Lu
theran church, nf MnnrH(lnln. will cintr
at tho service.
Does it pay to keen hens? is a uiies-
tion propounded by one of our sub
scribers. At nearly four cents apiece for
eggs more than good oranges cost the
present price, we should say it did. A
Harrisburg man kept 14 hens durinc the
past year, at a cost of $1.15 per hen, and
gathered from them 1,45(1 eggs, and Es
quire Klugh, of New Cumberland, writes
that he has fed 10 hens the past year at
cost of $1.0o each, nnd has had from
them 2,178 eggs, an average of 144 eggs
per hen.
The entire Stock of J.N. C.
Bader, consisting of Mens',
Youth's' Boys' and Children's
Suits, Overcoats, Ulsters, Hats,
Caps, Shirts, Waists, Under
wear, Sweaters, Gloves, Neck
wear, Collars, Suspenders and
Successor to J. N. C. BADER.
Dress Goods
Jacket suits
Fur Sets
Opera Cloaks
Winter Coats
Separate Skirts
Stylish Waists
Holiday Gifts !
Store open evenings for holiday trade after December
12th to December 24th.
Nobby -Suits
Jumper Dresses
One Piece Dresses
Winter Cloaks
Muffs and Boas
Fur Caps and Hats
Don't fail to gel our prices before you
buy elsewhere. We can save you money.
O. G. Weaver, Jeweler.
late of the township oi Dybcrry. Ta.
All persons Indebted to said estntenre noti
fied to mnko Immediate payment to the un
dcrslcmcd ; nnd those havlne claims against
tho said estntenre notified to present them
duly attested for settlement.
eolt6 W. h. I.KMNITZEIt. Executor.
There will be a mcetine of the stockholders
nf the Honesdale National Bank, nt the bank
ing house, on
between the hours of one and four o'clock, p.
m.. for the election of nine Directors for the
ensuing year.
l!y order of the Board.
1C. F. TOTUtEY, Cashier.
Honcsdnlc, Dec. 18. 1003. 4Jcl7
Plants, Cut Flow
ers, and Ghrist
mas Greens,
Call at the Maple
City Greenhouse
Winter Underwear
Gloves and Mittens
Tics and Collars
Initial Handkcrch's
Bath Robes, etc.
GIRLS' and
White Dresses
White Skirts
Hoods and Capes
Gloves and Hosiery
Muslin Gowns
Muslin Underwear
Ribbons, Mufflers,
&c, &c.