The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 16, 1908, Image 8

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Rapid Work Filling Box
Murder Trial.
His Brother and Father by Ilif
Side In Court, but His Mother
Is III With Strain
and Anxiety.
New York. Icc. 15. With six Juron
In the box 11 ml u fresh panel of ltxi
talesmen present, the preliminaries; to
the trial of Thornton Jenkins; Hnliw.
short Htory writer, wero continued to
'dny before Justice Crane In the su
preme court at Mushing on the
charge of helm: Hn accessory to tin
murder of Will In in K. Annls. editor,
who was shol ami killed by Oiptiihi
I'eter Hnlns. .Ir.. the author's brother i
at the It:iynlde Yacht club.
Hnliw deel-uvd thai he was contl-1
dent of a speedy nciilttiil. He looked !
cheerful, althouuh pale from long rou
tlneineiit. He wore a new gray pid i
dock overcoat over a dark soil !
clothes, a brown soft lint and a black
A few minutes after the prisoner's j
entrance Ik; was Joined by his brother. .
Major John llalns. a trim and soldier-'
ly looking little man with sparse, red
dish hair, who wore a long browi
ulster but loucd up to tin neck. The
major later took ofT his top coat and
sealed himself Just behind and a II
tlc to the left of Thornton.
Another relative of the defendant le
court was Koln-rt I'. Unlit, an ill!- !e.
who l a puert lawyer In lloslnn nvd
who. like M nephew, was once a c.
del nt Annapolis.
The pi burner" aged mot her did mt
appear with th" olhers. It was ex
plained that she had become III ficni
strain and nnxl.-ty and would stay at
a lintel In MhsIiIiik until she fell able
to endure the ordeal.
(!e:ieral Peter Mains father of the
prisoner, short, Hturdy and sijuaie
built despite bis ace and Ills jrrav
hair, strode In with a soldierly throw
ing back of his shoulders and took the
chair next to T. Jenkins Halus.
Witnesses for the prosecution In
court wen- Charles Itolierts. who saw
the shooting: II. f. Rockwell, a friend
of Annls and an eyewitness of the
killing; Charles Hlrchtield. anotliei
witness of the shooting:- Dr. Horace
O. Hnlpln, who was called to attend
Annls after the shooting: Dr. I
II. '
Sc-humack. surgeon of Mushing hos
pital when Annls died.
Dr, Walter Frey. who performed
tile autopsy: Patrolman Charles lin
ker, who placed the Hains brothers
under arrest, and William Harway,
who was in the catboat Pam when
Captain Hnlns shot and killed Annls.
also were present.
Dr. Austin Mint, the celebrated
alienist, famous In many big nmrdei
trials, was noticed at Prosecutor Dar
rill's side. He Is to have charge of
the insanity brigade for the stale dur
ing the trials of both T. J. Hnlns and
his brother.
John F. Melnlyro of counsel fot
Hnlns announced that Hnlns would
take the witness stand In his own de
fense. He will tell of those events at
Fort Hamilton which led up to the
separation of Captain Halus and his
wife and to the tragedy at the Bay
side Yacht club. Mr-. Mclntyre will
offer In evidence the alleged confes
sion made b.i Mrs. Claudia Ilains I
her husband.
Middloweights to Fight Twenty-five
Rounds In Los Angeles Tonight.
Los Angeles. Dec. IS. Followers ot
(Wtiana expect lo see n rattling good
light here tonight, when Hugo Kelly,
the Italian middleweight of Chicago.
sum! rillly Pa pise, -the Illinois Thun
derbolt." 1'icet in the ring of the Jef
fries Athletic ltib.
Papke'n reient hiss of the middle
weight title to Stanley Ketchel has
not hurl hi drawing powers, and
lli"re will be a bli crowd nt the ring
side. The iji.'ii are Ki-hnliiled to go
I '.veiity-livo round", and as they are
both noted for their staying power:!
it Is expected the tight will go the
limit or nearly so.
Kelly and J'.ipke have met before,
lighting a drawn battle. The winner
of tonight's light will challenge Ketch
el for the middleweight title.
Marion Butler of North Carolina Ac
cused of Libel.
(ireensi)oro. X. C, Dee. 15. The
grand Jury has indicted ex-United
States Senator Marlon Rutler and lib
brother. Lester Itutler, on four counts,
charging criminal libel against ex
Judge Spencer B. Adams, chairman
of the Hepubllcan party of Xorth Car
olina. The charges are bused upon articles
published In a newspaper owned by
the Butlers.
German Aerostation Company to Es
tablish Service Between 24 Cities.
Berlin, Dec. 15. A German company
t ,,!,, ,,,,. i,ii,i .,.,.
of aerostation purposes to build wen
airships nnd maintain regular sailings
Iietween twenty-four German cities.
A number of capitalists and sporting
, , . i
men are Interested.
Governor Hughes Appoints a Commit
tsa of Bunker and Economist.
Albany, N. Y.. Dec. 15. Governor
Hughes has appointed n committee of
bankers, business men and economics
to inquire into the facts surrounding
the business of stock exchanges in
New York ' and to suggest "whnt
changes, If any, ure udvlsatflc In the
laws of the stnte bearing upon specu
lation In securities and commodities or
relating to the protection of lnrcstors
or with regard to the instrumentalities
and organizations used In dealing In
vecurltles and commodities which arc
the subject of speculation."
The committee named includes Hor
ace White, author and editor; Charles
A. Schlercn, merchant, formerly may
or of Brooklyn: David Leaventritt,
former Justice of the supreme court;
Clark Williams, state superintendent
of banks; John B. Clark, professor of
political economy In Columbia univer
sity; Wlllard V. King, banker, presi
dent of the Columbia Trust company;
Samuel II. Ordwoy, lawyer; Edward
D. Page and Charles Sprngue Smith,
director of the People's institute, all
of New York city.
Earl of Granard' Engagement to Mil
Mill Confirmed.
London. Dec. 1.". King Edward and
Queen Alexandra have sent congratu
lations to their master of the horse,
the Earl of Granard, whose engage-
incut to Miss Hentrice .Mills, daughter
of Ogden Mills of Now York, has just
been announced.
The Karl of Granard will sail for
New York tomorrow, ami the wedding (
will take place in January.
The earl's brother, Donald Forbes, is j
obtaining leave from his military du-
ties and will take passage for New i
lork later. He will act as tue can s
best man at the ceremony. (
Ogden Mill. Admits Engagement.
.New lurk. Dec. l...-Ogden Mills to-
day admitted that the report from'
London of the engagement of his
daughter to the Karl of Granard was
After Making His Escape He Drinks
Poison c!:fore Friend.
Philadelphia, Dec. l.".-Afte
lug from the jail at Colllngswood,
N. .1.. where he had been locked up
for shooting a man, Harry Nicholson
committed suicide in this city.
While the Jailer was eating break
fast Nicholson wrenched a leg from
his cot, smashed the window in the
jail and escaped. Coming to this city,
be met a friend and showed him a
"gee this bottle V" said Nicholson.
"It contains poison, aud I a in going to
drink it."
P.efore his friend could Interfere
Nicholson drank the poison.
Closing Stock Quotations.
Money on cull v.ran 2 per cent: tlin0
money and i:'.cicnntlle paper unchanged
!n rates.
Closing prices: Copper.... Si
Atchison HVa
1). & O Jll
Brooklyn 11. T... 571i
Cites. & Ohio r.7',-j
C..C..C.& St. 1... TO
).. 1.. & Y Ml
Norf. & West... M
Northwestern ..ITS
I'enn. R. It IZOTi
Heading 141'i
Hack Island :'1
St. I'aul 13)1.4
Southern Pac.iai'.i
O. & V.
lUi Southern Ity.... '
3!. Sotttli. ny. pf... Wi
fjen. I'ltetrlc.... lui Sugar 132
111. Central HOU Texas Paclllo... 31
Int.-Met 10Ti Union Paeinc.'..182(
Louis. & Nash... 121 U. S. Steel Gl4
Manhattan lWi I'. S. Steel pf...H24
Missouri I'nc-.... G West. Union.... GSM
N. Y. Central... .120rjs
Market Reports.
New York. Dee. 14.
t WHEAT Steady; contract crade, De
cember. 1.03i4al.04.
I COnN Firm and V,c. higher; Decem
ber, 64aGiViC
i OATS Firm and He higher; No. 1
, white, natural, 5Gla5Tc.
BUTTER Firm and in good demand;
extra western creamery. 33c.; do., nearby
prints, 35c.
EGGS Steady, but quiet; Pennsylvania
and other nearby firsts, free cases, 34c. at
mark; do., current receipts, ln returnable
cases, 33c. at mark; western firsts, free
cases, 34c. at mark; do., current receipts,
free cases, 32a33c. at mark.
CHEESE Firm; New York full creams,
choice, 14aI4Vic; do., fair to good, 13a
LIVE POULTRY Quiet; fowls and
chickens lower; fowls, Ual2c; old roost
ers, 8a9c.; spring chickens, llal2c.;
ducks, Ual2c; geese, lOallc; turkeys, 14
fair demand; fresh killed fowls, choice,
14c; do., fair to good, llalJc: old roost
ers, 9V&c.: western roasting chickens, 15a
. k
, c.; do., broilers, 13al7c; turkeys, nearby,
I choice. 19a20c.; western, do., choice, 18a
19c . d0 foJr 0 c00di ducki te
nc.; Beeso, snlic.
POTATOES Firm and In good demand;
Pennsylvania choice, per barrel 85a87c;
New York and western, do., 83aS5c.J do.,
f,lr t0 B00d 78a80c.
Niehola Muravleff Seized With Apo
plexy on Corao at Rome.
Home. Dec. 15. Nicholas V. Mura
vlcff, Russian ambassador to Italy,
was seized with apoplexy while walk
Ing on the Corso.
He died shortly afterward In r. hotel
to which be wob carried.
Nicholas Muravleff was appointed
ambassador to Italy In February, 1005.
Prior to this he had held the portfolio
of minister of justice. His brother.
Count Muravleff, died suddenly in
1000 when minister of foreign nffalrs.
He was formerly secretary of state
at St. Petersburg and In 1892 was ap
pointed president of the crimlnnl sec
tion of the senate, which Is the high
est court In Russia. On Jan. 1, 1894.
he was appointed minister of Justice,
nnd under his direction the judicial
reform of the governments of Astra
khan nnd Arclinngel as well as f Si
beria was carried through.
In August. 1003, Emperor Nicholas
appointed M. Muravleff arbitrator at
The Hague of the cfcRes between Vene
zuela and the blockading powers, nnd
In October of the same year he wns
made president of the Venezuelan tri
Dorando Pietri and Tom Longboat In
Contest at New York. 1
New York. Dee. 15. Tonight, In Madi
son Square Garden, n Marathon race be
tween the two men generally considered
the greatest long distance runners in
the world, with the possible exception
of Johnny Hayes, will be run. The con
ti'stsintx tin the Italian Iioramlo I'letrl,
winner of the recent wee lit the Car
den with Haven, iilid Tom Longboat.
lIu) e,,,,,,,!!;,,, Indian, who has. won a
reputation for speed and omlurani c.
The two men will run the full Mnrn-
tm instance. 2(i miles and HIB yard.
tuc Italian's chances of success are fa-
vored in view of his win from Itiiyct
alul tjle rw.t.t defeat of Longboat In
ti. tel, n,iit. rnt.t. wilU Percy Small-
wootl ln Philadelphia.
chi Exhibition, With Thousands j
specimens, Begins Today.
,.,,,,...,,, ,r, Tbe I)oui. I
tr M" m' ", "'h"?1"
' OI inn year ic.r luu unvi lancicr. open
ed here todav with a splendid exhlbl -
lion of chickens, pigeons, turiieys.
duck, geese and other feathered sped-
mens. The two other bis shows of the
vear are those in New York and Itos-
ton. This vear the Chicago show is
the first of the three.
Tho poultrv show has attracted to
the cltv persons interested in poultry
from all parts of the country. More
than 1.000 chickens of all known
breeds are entered. Prizes amounting
to more than SA0.000 are offered.
Many comparisons have been Instl-
tuted between the present show and
the cattle exposition. While the total
value of the exhibits in the poultry
show is far short of the live stock ex
hibition, there are many individual
birds more costly than the lines! cattle
and horwes. There is one hen in I he
i show which is valued at $10,0110 and
; many others ranging from ."i,ti00 to
' German Wrestler Sails Today to Chal-
lense Gctcli.
Havre, France, Dec. 1.". Krnost Sieg
fried, champion wrestler of Gemini.,
who has been touring Frame, sailed t-
' day for Xew York, where he is to chnl
! lenge Frank Gotcli for tho chani)ilii.-
1 ship of tho world.
, Siegfried, who Is known ns "the
. German Oak," has met mid Ihrowu
the best men on this side of the ocerii
and Is very earnest In his desire to win
new laurels in America.
In Xew York Siegfried will be under
the management of Ernest Roeber, for
merly champion wrestler, who has se
cured tlio Madison Square Garden for
Jan. 28, when Siegfried will wrestle
.loe. linger mm Alias, oiegmuu nus
. . k 1 k It... .. ,1 1
agreed to throw both men In a half'., a ,,,, the" child who was
hour each or forfeit ?230. ; bom of Mafy Bhu yct reIgn oyer
Talks of Taking Girl's Alleged Mur
derer From Jail by Force.
Danville. Ky.. Dec. 15. Elmer Hill,
tlie alleged murderer of Mamie Vn
mock, twlve years old, was taken
overla.,4. mini Jamestown and lodged
in jail at Monticello.
The otllcers traveled for hours
through tiie mountains with the pris
oner to protect him.
A mob threatens to take Hilt from
the Monticello Jail by force and lynch
Choked to Death at Dinner.
Oswego, X. Y Dee. 15. A piece of
roast pork became lodged In the wind
pipe of George A. Mahaffey, and be
choked to death while at dinner at his
home here.
Lesson XII. Fourth Quarter,
For Dec. 20, 1908.
Text of the Lesson, Luke II, 8-20.
Memory Vers, '810 Golden Text,
Luke II, 11 Commentary Prepared
by Rev. D. M. Stearns.
tCopjritht, 1903, t7 American Presi AmcUtlon.
From the time when Adam and Eve
listened to the devil rather than to God
and by one man sin entered Into the
world and death by sin (Rom. v, 12)
the god of this world, tho devil, baa
been blinding pcoplo's eyes to the truth
and to the lore of God, always setting
before them some way which he in
sists Is better than God's way; hence
all tho sin of which we read In all the
Bible story and in the whole history of
the race. The alternate lesson for to
day telis how even Solomon, so be
loved and blessed of God, was turned
away from Him by the women of
I other nations, and by them and their
idols his heart was turned away from
the Lord God of Israel (I Kings xt,
4-13; Nch. illl, 20).
In nil the history of the world there
hns never been but one who always
resisted the devil and listened only to
God, and of Him we learn as to the
beginning of His humanity In our les
son today. He was with the Father
before tho world was. By Him and
1 for Him were all things created. He
appeared In human form to Abraham,
to Joshua, to Gideon, to Mnnonh and
Ills wife and to others. Ho was typi
fied In every sacrifice appointed by
God from the shedding of blood in
Eden by His own hand to provide re
demption clothing for Adam and Eve
all tho way down to Golgotha. He was
set apart before the foundation of the
world, but was manifested In the full
ness of time, made of a woman, made
under the law, to redeem them that
were under the law (I Pet. I, 20; Gal.
Iv, 4, 5).
Moses and all tho prophets wrote of
Him as the only Redeemer, tho Mes
siah of Israel, the one to rule the world
In peace and righteousness (Luke xxiv,
2", 41). From the days of Malachi,
who said, "The Lord whom ye seek
shall suddenly come to His temple" nnd
"Behold I will send you Elijah the
prophet before the coming of the great
and dreadful day of the Lord" (ill, 1;
Iv, C), there had been no further mes-
sace from heaven for over 300 Years
But one day while a certain priest was
officiating beforo God In the temple an
nngol appeared to him and said that
throimb him anil his wife rhn hprnl.l of
the Messiah should come, who would
before HIm ,n tue gplrIt anfl powcr
of Elijah.
Six months later the same angel,
Gabriel, was sent from heaven to a
humble home la Nazareth to a virgin
called Mary with the most wonderful
wholn blstorv of thls worl.wr.nkn I. HO.
i - . "...
1 In simple, childlike faith Mary
, listened to the wonderful message and
saId. "Behold tho handmaid of the
-orAl he It unto me according to thy
word." It had been foretold that the
-uessiau suouia do Doru or n virgin ana
tuus lne word of GKl be Hterally ful-
"e(l at tie suoum oe me -seed or
: woman;" also that He should be born
, m Bethlehem of Judea (Isa. vil, 14);
Gen- U1' 15! Mlc- v. 2- In our lesson
wo 8ee God- watches over nis
word to perform It (Jer. I. 12, R. V.),
, ""agios mings io pass jusi us lie
had said. A decree from the world
mler' wuo anew not uoa. causea Mary
iu uo m ueiuieuem nt mis particular
time, nnd while there she brought fortli
her firstborn son in a lowly place
nmong cattle and used a manger as His
cradle (verses 7, 12, 10), for there wii3
no room for them in the I tin. He came
from the glory of heaven. His Father's
home, the holy angels and tho great
company of the rcdoeraed, and there
was no welcome for Ilim on earth ex
cept from His mother and Joseph, and
those few shepherds, and Simeon and
Anna, and those wise men from tho
cast, and a few others. But nil heaven
was Interested. An angel came with
ills glory of heavenly light and told
these shepherds of the great event;
then a multitude of angels praised God
ln these words: "Glory to God In tho
highest, and on earth peace, good will
toward men" (verse 14). Then tho an
gels returned to heaven, aud tho shep
herds went and found it Just as the
angel1) had said.
To this day how little interest is tak
en on tho earth In heavenly things,
the god of this world leading his 'fol
lowers to cry, "Let us alone," but God
has always held a few like Ilia shep
herds and tlic others, whose hearts are
, .,, TIIn, llv . , v-,1Btnn,,
house of Jacob aud over all the earth
ln righteousness, and His church shall
reign with nim. Koto the angel's "fear
nota" (I, 13, 30; II, 10) to the Lord's
people and study the words from Gen.
xv, 1, to Rev. 1, 17, and if a child of God
appropriate them, for God does not
give a spirit of fear (II Tim. I, 7). Tho
good tidings of great joy are for all
people, but what a large proportion of
tho human race have passed away and
are passing away without hearing the
good news. "Is it nothing to you?"
In all His life He glorified God, and by
His finished work He gives peace to all
who receive Ilim. The shepherds did
not question tho angel's message, but
said, "Let us go and see this thing
which Is come to pass, which the Lord
hath made known to us." Having
heard and bcliovcd and seen, they nlado
It known abroad, Mary kept nnd pon
dered ln her heart 'all these things.
You will find an excellent assortment of
articles suitable for
Toy Books,
Prayer Books
Fine Gift Book
Christmas Cards
Pocket Books
Fountain Pens
Toilet Cases,
Hand-painted Novelties
Webster's Unabridged Diction,
ary for $3.50
It will pay you to call at the
finely equipped
U South Main St.. CAKBONDALE. PA
Illt.C. It. UKADY.Dektibt Hones dule. Ia
urritK iiuuhd-o u. ni. 10 O p. m.
Any evening by appointment.
Cltlzcnsruhone. 33. Residence. No. HI X.
to Suit
Purse .
p. sonriER
4 jrVKU .
The newest and latest
Novelties for Men
and Young Men.
Eull Hraoo Tuxedos and all the lit-
1 Ull if 1 Vjoo tie necessities that go
to complete the dress of n Man for so
cial occasions.
l)niflfnaf C Tl, Be,18il),e Karment for mid-seasoor for anytime mado of
ItdlllLUulo Priestly and other cloths. Worsteds andhevioto in numerous
styles, shapes and lengths a light-weight Overcoat suitabje for wet or dry weath
erwaterproof yct dressy in fact very handy the yeafi(round'for theatre or dress
occasions. ' nt
BREGSTEIN BRO'S, Honesdale, Pa.
Attention is called to the STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL OF
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In tiiiB list the WAYNE
Stant's 38th in the United States.
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania,
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
Honesdale, Pa., May 29, 1008.
On account of the mild weather
we are offering suits at greatly
reduced prices. Decidedly now,
designs for young men who ap
preciate a difference and desire
to be a little ahead of others in
the matter of dress.
There s a Special Model for every
taste and every tlgure, in SL'IT.S
Our Suits, Overcoats, italn Coats
and Full Dress (iarmcnts rep
resent the highest I'OSSIIll.K
achievement In clothes making.
They are dcl'.gncd and mnclo by
SCHL03S BlfOb. & Co., of Ualtl
more and New York.
Kxcluslvo in design. Correct In
Style. Itlght In Quality. Moder
ately Priced.
We unquestionably give
the best Suit and Over
coat values ever offered
in America.
HUoICI J the guaranteed kind.
PL!f in attractive patterns some
Ullll Id
gay and sporty others plain
the right fitting kino;.
Collars impossible.
n quariersizeiinperfect fits
1 1