PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. Condensed for Busy Readers His Recommendations In A Nutshell. Tlu incssnRe of President Roosevelt, which may be regarded nsliis valedictory as President of the United States, beats all records as to length, containing more than 30,000 words equal in space to about thirty columns of Tiik Citizen, if printed in our ordinary reading matter tpe. It is however, readable through out, for those people who have special interest in govermental affairs, and such will lind it in full in the bulky daily papers ; but the mass of the people will hesitate to burden themselves with the task of perusing it in its entirety, and for such we offer its salient points in con densed form. Mr. Roosevelt tlrst congratulates the country on the fact that, during his ad ministrations, notwithstanding the mill ions spent on extraordinary projects in cluding the Panama Canal, the national debt has been reduced ninety millions of dollars, and the interest charge cut down nine millions a year, or about a thous and dollars an hour. Corporations, he declares, should be" under reasonable and linn control, but he is in favor of the repeal of the Sher man law, and the allowance of certain combinations under governmental con trol. Railroad concerns, employees and shippers have equal rights, and exact jus tice most be guaranteed to each. Interstate telegraph and telephone lines should be absolutely brought under the interstate commerce commission. Unrestrained "individualism" as ex emplified by captains of finance and in dustry," and professional and irrespon sible corporation crushers and wealth baiters Mr. Roosevelt regards as equally harmful to the general welfare. Savings bank insurance, equivalent to old age pensions, is recommended as well worthy of study, while stockjobbing and gambling are roundly denounced. Federal judges should be paid more liberal salaries, and Congress is asked to accept the President's views on this point. He does not deny that there are bad judges and deprecates the fact that they are a menace to the whole structure of social order and decency, nor does he fail to condemn judicial hair splitting and the miscarriage of justice through legal technicalities ; but he claims that these Haws in the system furnish no war rant for wholesale attacks upon the bench. Forest waste is a cubject which, as might be expected, greatly interests the President, nature lover as he is.' He shows how China is suffering from the "appalling desolation" resulting from a wanton destruction of woodlands, and declares that we are a nation of fools if we cannot he brought to realize that the denudation of the mountains will event uate in the sweeping out of the Foil of plains and valleys by Hood, and to know that "when the soil is gone, men must go." Mr. Roosevelt again argues strenuous ly for a comprehensive, co-ordinated national system of waterways, but de-' nounces the foolish, wasteful and futile expenditures in the ill-advised schemes which have proved so expensive to the country. In discussing the amended law restrict ing secret service activities, the President handles Congress without gloves, and deals out to the members of the House such a castigation as is without precedent in the history of the country. He tells them plainly that the law framed by them was clearly designed to protect the "criminals" among themselves, using the word in its broadest and most of fensive sense. Then he ironically sug gests that if the members were really trying to protect themselves they would better now make only themselves ex empt from the detective operations of the service, and not all the legislative branches of the government. Mr. Roosevelt claims that every time Congress dodges the parcels post prob lem, the postal savings bank problem and the government by injunction prob lem, it finds it much harder to invent ex cuses for its dereliction. New Mexico and Arizona, the Presi dent urges, should be immediately ad mitted to the Union as new States ; w bile in behalf of our other dependencies, Hawaii, he claims, needs harbors ; Porto Rico, citizenship ; the Philippines a guar dian, and Cuba another chance at self government. The Panama canal, he says, is progressing with"'speed, edlci ency, and entire devotion to duty on the part of those in charge of the work, but no figures relating to cost are given. Mr. Roosevelt discusses the army, its condition and needs at considerable length, suggesting the elimination of men of "mediocre ability" in the higher ranks, and declaring that the young of ficers in the service are able and com petent. He urges the building of four more great battleships to form a second division of a squadron whose first will be composed of the dreadnaughts North Dakota, Delaware, Florida and Utah. Ho denounces the "bureau control" of the navy and demands that the dead weight be removed as soon as possible. On the whole, President Roosevelt's message is a comprehensive account of his stewardship, with but little in the way of suggestions that has not already been covered in former messages. Adjustable Farm Gate. A heavy gate Is very sag even If carefully constructed and fairly well braced. A good plan Is to make an adjustable brace like that shown In the illustration. The post B Is mortised Into the sill A firmly and braced at tho'sldes with the strips C. A sub- Things Theatrical. Fola La Kollette has been engaged for a stock company In Cleveland. Sam Bernard says he will try vaude ville If he cannot get a satisfactory play. A son of William rraette Is appear ing In "Algeria" under the name of Harold I-e Roy. W. Somerset Maugham, the English playwright, has finished a play for Marie Tempest. "Every Woman," In which Mary Mannering Is to appear, will be pro duced toward the end of the season. Sporting Notes. Approximately 17,034 deer have been shot in the Adlrondacks In, eighteen years. The Leading Lady (3), 2:07, by Bin gen, started the season with a record of 2:1G. Minor Heir, 1:50, started In eight races, won six, was once second and once third. Narragansett bay yachtsmen have formed a knockabout class association for next year. Annapolis has offered Yale the use of their baseball grounds during the Eastertide season. A Good Varnish. By dissolving celluloid In ncetono or acetic ether a transparent varnish Is made which will take a high polish and resist hot water. It Is particular ly adapted to metal objects and con he made u vehicle for nny desired color ing matter. Benares. Benares, India, was an ancient capi tal before Babylon or Nineveh was founded. I'LAN OP GATE. stantial pole, D-, Is pinned to the top of the gatepost and is also connected with the post by the adjustable brace, E E being fastened to the pole D by pins through tho holes lu E. When the gate sags lift the pole D and ad Just the brace E to another of the holes, thus taking up the sag. Pure Gold. Pure gold is worth $002,700.21 per ton. Sun and Fog. The reason that the sun assumes a deep red color on a misty day Is be cause fog permits tho passage of red rays more easily than those of any color. A Dear Friend. "I hear ycr frlcn' Tamson's married again?" "Aye, so he Is. lie's been a deal frlcn' tae me. lie's cost me three waddln presents an' two wreaths." Dundas Advertiser. TT WILSON, XL. ATTORNEl & UUUMBEL.UK-AT-1.A Otllpp. Masonic hi'Uflliur. second Honesdaie. 1'a. A Strong Hint of It. Manager But. my dear sir, your ploy has absolutely no human touch. Aspiring Flaywrlght What! No hu man touch! When my hero borrows money from all his friends? Balti more American. WM. H. LEE, " ATTORNEY COUN8EL011-AT-LAW. Ofllce over post olllce. All local business promptly attended to. Honesdaie, Pa. EC. MUMFOHD, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOIl-AT-LAW. Ofllce Liberty Hall building, opposite tho Post Olllce, Honesdaie, Pa. Effective. "How did you euro your wife ol chattering so much?," "I told her that when her lips were closed they formed n perfect Cupld'f bow." Cleveland Plain Dealer. An Effort to Answer. "Father," said little Rollo, "what Is the glass of fashion?" "I don't know exactly, my son. but Englishmen I've met seem to think It's the monocle." Washington Star. Value of Manure. While manure may contain only tho same amount of actual fertilizing con stituents as a given amount of com mercial fertilizer, Us benefit to the soil Is sometimes much greater owing to Its addition of humus. When manure Is Incorporated with a soli It greatly improves the texture, loosening a heavy, compact soil and binding to gether a light, leachy one, making the soil more friable, warmer, more re tentive of molBture and more congenial to plants In every way. Some experiments conducted by Pro fessor King nt the Wisconsin agricul tural experiment station showed that certain manured land contained eight een tons more water per aero In tho upper foot of soli than similar land unnianured and thirty-four tons more In the soil to a depth of three feet. Manure exerts a quicker beneficial in fluence on the texture of soils than green manures. He concludes that manures will also aid in equalizing the supply and distribution of water In the soils, that they will exert a material influence In making soils warmer and that manured land Is less subject to the denuding effects of wind and rain. OBSERVE ITS GROWTH ! Honesdaie DIME BANK bixth Statement. HONESDALE, PA. Organized 1906 The Healthy Growth and Prosperous Condition of Hones dele Dime Bank, the Total Assets, after Three Years' Busi ness bclngOvcr Half a Million Dollars, Indicate Public Con fidence In the Safety and Integrity of Its flanagement. STATEMENT NOV. 27, 1908. RESOURCES Loans 8 362,877.44 Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages.. . Real Estate, Furniture and Fix tures Legal Reserve Fond, Cash, etc. . Overdrafts 67,192.50 20,000.00 61,945.75 .90 $ 512,016.59 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Surpluss, Earned Deposits Cashier's Checks Outstanding.. The Devil's Tower. Mato-Teepee. or the Devil's tower, stands r.00 feet above Hello Fourclic river, in northeastern Wyoming, isis lug COO feet, It is visible forty miles away. OFFICERS: K. C. MUMFOHD, President. W. F. RIEFLER, Vice President. .IDS. A. FISCII, Cashier. Total Assets Over Half a Million. K. C. MUMl' tfiil) THOMAS M.HAXI.KY JACOI! K. KATJ5 DIRECTORS: V. H. KHANTZ HKX.I. K. HAINES V. K. KKIKLUH W. E. l'KIill AM 75,000.00 28,103.08 408,903.51 10.00 $ 512,016.59 .loKi.ri.mi.r. KKANK SSTKINMAN II. li. KliY, M. I). ncrease in Deposits in Six Months $68,247.57 Citizen ad's bring rosulU. An Opportunity to Get Human Life O IJ oeven ouman Life Stars Lewis Libby Phillips Morris Beluco Pattenon Runell A Celebrity is born every day. Who is he ? What is his story? How does he live, work, play ? What about his family, his friends, his fancies? Read HUMAN LIl'E, its exclusive field is interesting articles i-bout people. HUMAN LIFE marshals tho world's celeb rities of the day totrethcr and Rives them to you in picture nnd story ni umlerr. field class. HUMAN LIKE is absolutely original. There is no other magazine deullng with people exclusively. It is tilled from cover to cover with storica an d pictures of people and will ltecp tho er.tlr J family posted as to tho nctlans and dolns of. nil the prominent people of tho entire world. It lias tho greatest writer In this country of vigorous, virile, pungent, forceful, piquant English, us Its editor-in-chief, Alfred Henry Lewls.thocaustlccontributorto the Saturday Evening Put, Cosmopolitan, Success and many other representative periodicals; the author of "Tho President," "The Boss," "Wolfville," "Andrew Jackson," and other books of story and adventure, every ono scintillating with strenuous life. Mr, Lewis' fingers are upon the public pulse; he knows what tho public wants, and he gives them running-over mensure: his knowledge of men and tilings is as wide us the wide, wide world. HUMAN LIFE is up-to-date in its fresh, original matter from the best authors and best urtists, and filled to overflowing with human interest. You will find the great and the almost great, the famous and sometimes infamous, described in HUMAN LIFE, with a knowl edge of their little humanities that is engrossing, HUMAN LIFE lias a peculiar stylo and method of Its own, which gets the reader into intimate relation with the subject written about. It may be said here, on these pages, you almost meet the people. You get them nt close range, "off the stage," as it were; you see all their little mannerisms and pecu liarities, and you hear them tell good anec dotes; you laugh with them, you find out about their homes and hoobies and children and " better halves," Among tho well known writers rf the day who contribute to HUMAN LIFE are Charles Edward Russell, Vance Thompson, Upton Sinclair. David Graham Phillips. Elbert Hubbard. Iirand Whltlock. David Uelasco, Clara Morris, Ada Patterson, Laura Jean Libby, Nunon Tobey and mar.yothers. HUMAN LIFE is tinlcruo in that its prin cipal aim is to tell truthful, fascinating, live, up-to-dato human tales about real human people rich people poor people good peo ple bad people peoplo who have accom plished thlnKs people who are trying to accomplish things peoployou want to know about people that everybody wants to know about. HUMAN LIFE gives you that intimate knowledge of what such peoplo have done are doing what they say how and where they live and lots of first-hand information that you cannot find elsewhere, HUMAN LIFE is a largo illustrated Mag azine with colored covers well worth 11 dollar a year. All About Humasn Life You may have this fine magazine mailed to your home for one year and have THE CITIZEN delivered to your home for ONE YEAR for only 50 Act nfbW because this is an op- II WW p0rtunity Which have been able to obtain for the read ers of , The Citizen. This offer will be withdrawn in a short time. SIGN THIS COUPON TODAY, Mail to THE CITIZEN, Honesdaie, Pa. Or Call at Our Office PROFESSIONAL CA11TS Attorneya-at-Law. HOMER GREENE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-L AW. Olllco over Hell's store, Honesdaie. Pa. AT. SEARLE, . ATTORNEY A COUNSEI.OIt-AT-LAW. OlBco near Court House, Honesdaie, Pa. Publishers of THE CITIZEN: GENTLEMEN : I send with this Coupon $1.50, for which you will deliver to me THE CITIZEN for one year and send HUMAN LIFE for one year. .Name Town State 4 0L. ROWLAND, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-L AW. Office over Post Olllce. Honesdaie, Pa. nllARLES A. McCARTY, J ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Special and prompt attention elven to tlie collection or claims. OHice over Jtelfs new store, lloncsdnlc. Pa, Fl. KIMBLE, ATTORNEY A COUN6ELOK-AT-LAW. Olllce over the post olllce, Honesdaie. Pu. Tir E. SIMONS, ill.. ATTORNEY A COUNHELOR-AT-LAW. Office in Foster building rooms 1 tionesunie, i u. H ERMAN 1IARMKS, AT-LAW. si) nnd to, ATTORNEY A COUNBELOK-AT-LAW. Pat cuts and licnslnns secured. Office In tlio Court House. Honcsdiile, Pa. PETER II. ILOFF, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-L AW. . Office-Second floor old Savings Hank build Ins, Honesdaie, Pa. RM. SALMON, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-A T-LAW Office Next door to post office. F ormcrl occupied by W. II. IHmmick. Hones dale. Pa Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Office First floor, old Savings Hank build ing, Honesdaie, Pa. Physicians. DR. II. B. SEARLES, HONESDALE, PA. Office nnd residence 1110 Church street Telephones. Office Hours 2:00 to 4:00 nnd 7:00 to 8:00, p. ni. Liveries. GH. WHITNEY, LIVERY AND OMNIHUS LINE. Kenrof Allen House. Honesdaie, Pa. Altelephoucs. For New Late Novelties. -IN- JEWELRY SILVEWARE WATCHES Try SPENCER, The Jeweler "Guaranteed articles only sold." MARTIN CAUFIEL D ARTISTIC 11 HONESDALE, PA. 1036 MAIN STREET. JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance ;f Agency In Wayne County. Office: Second floor Mnsonlo Build ing, over 0. 0. Jadwin'n drug store, Honeidale.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers