The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 02, 1908, Image 2

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    Minister to Switzerland. ,
A Bsm for Former Henedeler
Why J. Bcnataln Dlminlck
Should and Maybe the Micky
i ,f pvi,v' K-nton Tribune de-
.u. , . i,
VUlUllllirc nt.,UUH.uv,
and a half of its valuable space to t ,
wniriwina ooom iot a conspicuous ap
pointtnent of J. Benjamin Dimmick, the
mayor of that city. It hails him at the
outeet as "Minister Dimmick," and
then, in a breezy, way gives us the pa-
L-si, .i . n.-AJ? i, Tf i,t i
bet" that Pre, dent-elect Taft oufiht to ,
and will mate him United States Mm-
ISier to CWlI7.erianu mien or mnivn into
his kingdom.
The Tribune boils the proposition
down as follows for a beginning :
".1. Benjamin Dimmick, minister to
Switzerland 3"
Itisin the cards; it may, witn tiie i buUt aitb0ugh civic improvement so
advent of the Taft administration, be , fa hard t work ln elr
on the cards Mayor Dimmick's and, , , ... w.,.n.
hrendes. it looks cood
What is the basis of the hypothesis?
Well, let's see. It takes some figuring.
It's quite a story. Let's put it this
First, the mayor likes Switzerland.
That's a beginning.
Second, the mayor knows Mr. Taft
knows him well. But, better still :
Third, Mr. Taft knows Mayor Dim
mick knows him well.
Fourth, Mayor Dimmick ought to get
what he wants, because :
Fifth, Mayor Dimmick is worthy of
what he wants.
And there it is in tabloid.
After this bit of logic, the Tribune
tells us how Mayor Dimmick has al
ready been proposed for Senator to suc
ceed Penrose; how he journeyed to
Philadelphia, invaded the lair of the
boom-busters, and caused the "smug
and complacent non-partisan reformers"
ic sit up and take notice; how he call
ed on Governor Stuart, and outlined the
legislation he desired him to recommend
in the interests of the Anthracite region
in his next message; how he impressed
his views as to a required revision of
the school laws on the honnst leaders of
Philadelphia sentiment; how he figured
in the cave-in campaign, and finally
how his name was mentioned by the
New York Sun as a guest of the recent
Ps. Upsilon dinner in the Metropolis ,
between those of such distinguished
people as Rev, C. B. Smith and Chester (
N. Fair, Jr., in connection with wincii
event he is alluded to as "the coal baron
of Scranton."
The article closes as follows :
Mavor Dimmick is a graduate of
Yale; his brother who died, was a class
mate of the next president, who will
have the doling out of the honors. Also,
the mavor himself can shake hands
with President Taft and need not say ;
"You remember me?" They arefriends.
Lastlv, Switzerland isThePlacn; the
navor has been there, spent a Summer
there and fell in love with the country.
He is actually a "Swiss-American," as
his speeches have frequently shown, an
enthusiast, a learned, diplomatic, polish
ed, scholarly, capable man. Of course,
we don't know that the mayor w ants to
go to Switzerland, or that Mr. Taft
wants him to go to Switzerland. Maybe
he would rather be governor. But it's
in the cards. And there von are.
A Home Industry.
An industry by which the woman liv
ing in the country can add to the family
income, without going to any great out
lay of capital, is the weaving of willow
baskets. If in addition the willow wands
can be raised on the farm, she is able
to p"rovidp another source of income,
since there is a readv sale for the willow-
at the rate of one and one quarter cents
a pound unpeeled, or seven cents a
xund peeled. The rate of production
is about 2,500 pounds of rods to the
acre, and the willow requires little labor
either in cultivating or gathering.
The Department of Agriculture at
Washington has prepared a booklet on
the subject, which will be sent out to
inquirers, arid not only this, they will
furnish in the spring, cuttings from the
best varieties of basket willows free to
those who desire to establish what are
known as "holts," that is, willow plan
tations. There arc 1(0 manufacturers of willow-ware
in this country, but still the
supply docs not meet the full demand,
as mav he seen from the fact that only
lately a dealer in Chicago advertised in
German papers for one million willow
clothes baskets. The home grown rods
are equal to the imported ones, and un
like most plantat ions, tlx holts vicld a
profit the first year, although of course
the yield of succeeding years is much
greater. There arc a dozen or more
varieties of willows which grow snccs
Jully m this country, and all of them
are available in the basket work.
The weaving itself is pleasant work,
light and clean, and can be made profit
able even if engaged in but a portion
of the time.
Tin: Harrisburg Telegraph vnys :
"There is increasing sentiment through
out the state in the proposition to ch
tablish a permanent State fair. The
more this subject is discussed the bet
ter the people understand the import
ance of agriculture in Pennsylvania. It
U believed that such an exposition will
revive interest in the fanner and send
hack lo the depopulated country dis
tricts ninny of llio young men who have
sought more rapid advancement in
crowded industrial centers.
A visit to Mr.NXKit 4- Co's Cloak and
Suit department will convince buyers of
the style and cloth qualities of their
season's suit. --'itf
(Sped! Oorrcaponacnoe.3
Many Americans, possibly a number (
,t WaBhlngtoulans, Trill be surprised
to learn tfcat In the national capital.
often called "the city beautiful" and
declared to surpass the capitals of Eu- J
nrc were are mium vi
the White Honse, beautifully trim In
Its Immediate surroundings, large
areas where rubbish, filth and tangled
Basses of wild brush growth abound.
To many visitors to Washington It
would be hardly believable to think
that almost within a stone's throw of
clcan Honse thcTC
ashe8 and lrash a
wide area of sluggish marsh land and
a matted wilderness of trees and scrub
undergrowth. Yet this is the fact
Ugly Spot In Capital.
"Although a hundred years have
rolled by since the White House was
efforts to bring reform In the beautiu-
cation of our American cities and al
though the national capital has had
handsome improvements made in some
directions as far away as five miles
from the White House," said a well
known official the other day, yet off
to the southwest, Just beyond the site
where the palatial home of the bureau
of American republics is rising In Use
air, there are views which for nnslght
llness would be hard to surpass.
Great Piles of Rubbish.
Great piles of old water pipe, old
wagons and long piles of manure add the air the north pole Is warmer than
their nnslghtllness to the neighborhood, the equator.
"'If there is any part of the District Professor Hergescll of Strassburg uni
whlch should be kept handsome not ' verslty claims that he has proved this
merely for the sake of cleanliness it- to be a fact by means of balloon as
self and the health of the citizens of censlons made under the auspices of
the District, but more especially for the international committee which has
the sake of creating with foreigners I been Investigating the atmosphere at
and other visitors a favorable lmpres-1 varying altitudes. Unmanned balloons
si on of America's great capital. It Is with recording instruments attached
that section of the city within a short t were sent up, reaching altitudes of ten
radius of the White House." to twelve miles.
Senator Smith's New Home. In the tropics the temperature at this
Senator William Alden Smith or i
Michigan has had the old property
which he purchased a few months ago
at the northwest corner of Sixteenth
and L streets northwest remodeled so
extensively that it looks like an en
tirely new house.
The entrance hall extends across the
of house on baK;mcnt
, . t f w h , . are Btalr
halli wltn jroaa stairs leading to the
main floor. Across the front of the
1 main floor Is a spacious drawing room,
finished ln elaborate decorative plas
ter work.
The dining room, on this floor, back
of the central stair hall. Is finished ln
mahogany, the paneled wainscoting
reaching almost to the celling, which
is beamed in mahogany. The library,
which is Immediately back of the ccn
, tral stair hall on the basement floor,
is to be finished lu oak.
To Pasteurize Milk Supply.
In view of the definite tracing of the
outbreak of typhoid fever iu George
town to the owner of a dairy farm,
the health oflBcors of the District of
Columbia and of the federal govern
ment have renewed their efforts to
have all milk pasteurized, so as to
make it safe for use as food.
In the case of Georgetown It was
found that the germs of the disease
were conveyed to the milk by a wom
an who had typhoid fever eighteen
years ago and whose body still gives
off virulent typhoid germs.
Surgeon General Walter Wyman of
i the public health service says that It
i was established that at least 2 per
j cent of the recovered cases of typhoid
' were bacilli carriers for a longer or
' fehorter period and that if they han-
i died milk they would Infect it, but
pasteurization would kill the germs.
Laundry War Planned,
The war which has been waged
against unclean lunch rooms and Icdg-
ing houses by the District health office
for the last several months is to be
turned in a npw direction. Announce
ment has been made by the officials
that a crusade against the violators of
the regulation which requires all per-
sons conducting laundry establish
ments at their homes to register with
the department will be started.
The law was framed some weeks
ago and is now In effect It is esti
mated that 10,000 persons in the Dis
trict each week take to their homes
soiled linen, which is washed. Ironed
nud returned to the owners. Only 1V
of these have registered with the
healtl office aud obtained permits to
conduct such a business.
Buds to Dance.
All society knows iu respect of Ethel
Roosevelt's coming out is that she will
be presented to It on Dec. 2S at a little
dance w hich is to be oue of the most
exclusive affairs of the season. Few
man-led folk will be present, the ex
ceptions, outside the parents of the
debutante, being Admiral and Mrs.
Cowles, the Douglas Robinsons of New
York and Representative and Mrs.
Nicholas Ijongworth. Almost all the
invitations are to be restricted to the
season's buds, a few of last winter and
several close friends of the president's
daughters who have been out two or
more years.
Wild Gtese on the Potomac
Several flocks of wild geese have
been seen on the river by the officers
of the Washington and Potomac line
steamer Wakefield recently. One flock
of ubout a dozen was seen near Cedar
Point, and a still larger flock was no
ticed off the mouth of Totomac creek,
about forty miles below this city.
The hunters say that It is seldom
that wild geese come to the Potomac
ho early, and the indications point to
a good season this winter. Wild ducks
are also reported to be more numer
ous, and Jt is thought they will also
be plentiful with the coming of cold
Man Six Thousand Years Ago.-
At a recent race tins of scientists U
Dublin Professor G. Elliott Smith, the
Egyptologist, said that the earliest
known human remains found In the
vie vallcr when compared with those
. . . - . .... - .
or later times ucmousiraieu iuc iacr.
that at a very remote period Egypt
and Nubia were inhabited by the same
race, which had persisted In Egypt
with little or no change in physical
characteristics throughout the inter
vening aOOO years until the present
day. They had been and still were a
small people, the average height of
the men being about five feet three
inches at every erlod of their history.
Their hair was very dark brown or
black, usually wavy, but not "woolly"
or ln any sense negroid. Their heads
were long and narrow, usually ovoid
or pcntagonold or ""coffin shaped," or
the result of a frequent presence of n
protuberant occiput. On the whole
they shared those characteristics which
distinguished, the majority of the p
pics fringing the Mediterranean.
As would be expected in a group of
people that had lived from the dawn
of history on the fringe of the negro
territory, there was some slight evl-
deuce of an infusion of black blood.
but this was very small In amount.
Science In the Upper Air.
Still another of science's unsolved
problems has been brought to light
the fact that if you get high enough in
neigni was ita degrees oeiow aero.
while In middle Europe and farther
north at the same height the instra
ments only recorded 50 to 83 degrees
below zero.
Another theory heretofore accepted
by scientists, but which now has been
contradicted, is that the temperature
diminishes as the height Increases.
The balloon ascensions are said to have
shown that the coldest temperature Is
reached at heights of six to seven
miles. Above that height It has been
found that the atmosphere becomes
warmer. Scrap Book.
As to Mr. Maugham.
They were discussing the proper pro
nunciation of the name of W. Somerset
Maugham, the new English dramatist.
"That name is pronounced JIawm, "
declared one who had been in Loudon.
"No, it's surely "Mawum,"' opined
somebody else.
"'Mahra' Is better," declared an
other. "Why not 'MuggumT " said one who
inclined to the facetious.
And they grew quite heated about it.
"Why, of course It's 'Mawinl' "
"Rats'. It's 'Mawum:'"
"No: M.ihmr"
" 'Muggum' by all means!"
Until finally one who had done noth
ing so far but show signs of growing
Impatience and ennui suddenly brought !
his fist down on the table.
"'Mum's' the word!" he shouted.
That ended the discussion. "ovt'
ork Times.
The Best Dressed Man.
"The best dressed man in the world
is the young king of Spain," said a
tailor. "Look at his photographs in
the weeklies. For grace and correct
ness his clothes are unique.
"Everything is right in this young
man's getup. His hair, his hat, his
h0Q 1Jle flt and belght' of hls collar)
the knotting of his tie, the cut of his
coat, the hang of his trousers every -
thing is right and makes a rule that
the world goes by.
"King Edward for fifteen years has
been hopelessly out of it as au arbiter
of fashion. The Trlnce of Wales, lit
tle and inelegant, had never any In
fluence. King Alfonso fills a long felt
want. Indeed, before he grew up the
world was paradoxically saying that
the only well dressed man was Miss
Vesta Tilley, the male impersonator."
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Changing Australian Speech.
The rapprochement between our
selves and the Americans will certain
ly have one effect We shall find our
language enriched by -new words and
our pronunciation of old words under
go revision. Already our speech is
leaving our chest and mouutlng to our
head, and in a little whilo we'll bo
able to do most of our talking with
our lips closed as well as the most
facile visitors from Vermont "Say!"
is established as an arrestlve, and we
are beginning to "guess" with the best
of them. For awhile the American
accent Is bound to have as great a
vogue In conversation as have the
stars and stripes in decorative
schemes. Sydney (N. S. W.) Mall,
Extravagance In Coal.
Professor Henry E. Armstrong of
the London Central Technical college
In an address recently sounded a
warning against the wasteful methods
now ln use ln connection with the con
sumption of coal. "No comment is
provoked," he said, "by the fact that
occaM giants such as the Lusltanlaand
the Mauretanla ueed feeding dolly
with some thousand or more tons of
coal nplece on their voyages across the
Atlantic, Such extravagance Is glo
ried in as a great engineering achieve
ment and not anathematized as it
should be If we were in any way
mindful of the Interests of poterity,"
Timber For
Next Cabinet.
UuUd - IJUL.t.JII.C i v
mn mnnm nq auan oiuciajum,
GMnM HksoKk aMhoakB.
I, MO ST the
moment that
a new presi
dent of the United
States is chosen
talk begins about
who will be invited
into his cabinet.
Had Mr. Bryan
been elected there
would naturally
have been mi en
tire change in the
personnel of the
cabinet as well as
In Its political com-
wiujaii loos, Ja. pjeilon. The suc-
cess of Judge Taft means that no such
1 radical change ueed be expected. The
president elect will probably retain
some of Mr. Roosevelt's official ad
visers, at least for a time.
It is generally believed that the head
i of the cabinet. Secretary Ellhu Root
of the state department, can remain in
this place under the next president If
be so desires. He and Judge Taft have
always hcen on the best of terms, and
the president elect has a high opinion
of the abilities of Mr. Root as a diplo-
... , ... ..
mat. He is credited with the belief
that Mr. Root would make the foreign
policy of the government a conspicu
ously successful feature of his admin
istration, especially ln the cultivation
of closer relations with South Ameri
can countries, a matter deemed of
much importance by Judge Taft But
llr. Root is understood to Incline to
I ward a return to private life and con-
Unuatlon of his formerly remunerative J
(Practice as a lawyer. Then, again,
there Is the New York senatorshlp.
.which may be pressed upon him. Mr.
j Boot has let It be understood that he
; would not make any canvass for
.Thomas C Tlatt's seat In the senate,
but many of his friends think he
I would take it if the lecislature could
,not agree upon any of the less con
splcuous men who are seeking the post
nd should turn to him for aid In the
dilemma. If Mr. Root should take the
senatorshlp or if he should retire from
public life it is considered likely that
Vhitclaw Reid, now ambassador at
:hc court of St. James, would be In
rited to the vacant cabinet seat. Mr.
Hold's successes as American repre
sentative at several of the leading Eu
ropean courts have given him much
prestlge as a diplomat.
Whatever other changes there may
, De, it is regarded as almost a foregone
ronclusion that Frank II. Hitchcock
will be Invited Into Judge Taft's cabi
net The post he would be most likely
to take Is that of postmaster general,
ow held by George von L. Meyer.
Mr. Hitchcock was first assistant post
master general before be undertook
the management of Judge Taft's can
vass for the presidential nomination.
His success In this work made him the
logical man for running the campaign
for Judge Taft's election. As for Mr.
Meyer, It is predicted that he will suc-;-oed
George B. Cortelyou as secrctiry
Df the treasury.
Another new figure in the cabinet of
President Taft besides Mr. Hitchcock
will probably be Frank li. Kellogg of
Minnesota, who Is slated to succeed to
Charles J. Bonaparte's shoes as attor
ney general. As an assistant attorney
general engaged In the prosecution of
suits against trusts Mr. Kellogg has
made an especially brilliant record,
and Judge Taft is understood to feel
that he would strengthen his adminis
tration greatly by having an aggres
sive "trust buster" like Mr. Kellogg
ln charge of the legal affairs of the
government during a period which will
(be crowded with important actions
tgalust big industrial combinations.
Another new member will probably
be William Loeb, Jr., secretary to Pres
( ident Roosevelt Sir. Loeb could prob
ably have had cabinet honors before,
but he preferred to stay ln his place
as the president's right hand man.
Mr. Roosevelt considers him invalua
ble, and Judge Taft shares the presi
dent's opinion as to Mr. Loeb's excep
tional executive qualities. The secre
tary has had the opportunity several
times, to take business positions offer
ling much greater financial lnduee
. ments than his present post but has
I declined them to stay by the president
It is believed that he will succeed Vlc-
itor H
Mctcalf as secretary of the
BaVaVBll 'JHav
!'" (r irl i
Denmark Is the original borne of
the cream separator.
About 00 per cent of the gold prod
act of the world Is handled by Great
11 ri tain.
A man who once had fame as a chef
has been picked up starving in New
York city.
Formic add Is coming Into vogue In
Germany and England as a remedy .for
tuberculosis and kidney troubles.
Turkey has more aged people in
proportion to the population than any
other European country.
In England and Wales oat of every
100,000 girls and boys GJS20 arc called
Mary and O590 William.
The town of Amherst, Nova Scotia,
Is supplied with light and power from
the waste products of a nearby coal
Outside of the steerage there were
2o7,328 passengers carried In and
out of New York harbor last year on
A Pittsburg firm is making a spe
cialty of glass grave "stones"' which
show portraits of the deceased blown
in the front.
Although glass bottles were made
by the Romans as far back as the year
TO A. D., their manufacture was not
begun In England until 1538.
The Mexican people arc very fond
of apples, peaches, pears and other
northern fruits. They raise some In
their uplands, but these are deficient
in fine flavor.
Belgium Is rich in stone and marble
of various kinds. The general quarry-
I Ing Industry employs over 37,000 men.
and Its annual output exceeds $12,000.-
000 in value.
t While the galkwar and mabaranee
of Eapurthala were driving ln a mo
tor car after nightfall through a forest
near GlengarUf a stag charged fall
tilt at the car and was instantly killed.
Among other things the human body
' contains carbons, calcium, phosphorus,
tfOdium, sulphur, potassium, magne
sium, iron, copper, lead and silicon.
mercury, arsenic and other
Charles HautTman, a mall collector
I in St Louis, found a new gold watch
in a mall box with a note attached
, asking that It be sold and the money
( applied to charity, as the watch bad
, been stolen.
On the railway in Wales the brake-
I uiau has to announce such stations as
Ffestlulog, Bettws-y-coed, Llandegai
aud Pcmnenmawr. As in this country,
tourists occasionally fail to understand
what the man says.
For the last fourteen years a brood
of tomtits has been reared each spring
in the letter box at Cttoxter work
bouse, Maine. Since the parent birds
first took possession of the box they
have hatched nearly 200 eggs.
Parts of Oklahoma are being pros
pected, and mineral deposits in varicus
districts show that gold, silver and
copicr are likely to be found in large
quantities. Asphalt is also being found,
and this latter mining is likely to be
started immediately.
If the shah of Tersia were to be de
prived of his income he could still
make sure of being one of the richest
men in the world. He would only have
1 to sell his ornaments, gems and pre
cious stones to become possessed of
about 33T,000.000, the sum at which
the magnificent collection is valued.
The French ambassador at Washing
ton writes to the London Athenaeum
disputing the statement of Sidney Lee
that only two cities on the continent
of Europe Berlin and Padua possess
'a copy of the Shakespeare first folio.
Mr. Jusserand mentions a copy In the
National library of Paris, of the au
thenticity of which he advances what
appear to be convincing proofs.
Slarle nellbran of Chicago has In
vented a mechanical device which will
throw thousands of her sex out of em
ployment a letter oiner that will
open 400 letters in a minute, or 10,000
In a day, the number that had to be
opened at the house In which she for
merly worked. Her machine is said
to fairly gobble up the letters put into
It No girl can open more than thirty
a minute by hand.
The Moscow correspondent of the
Novosll says Mile. Trcfiloff, a Russian
actress, has been fined 10 rubles for
kissing her mother on a street car. It
appears that both in Moscow and St
Petersburg it is unlawful to give kisses
in public a kiss ln the street being
penalized by a fine of 7 rubles, 10
rubles being the fine Inflicted on those
who practice osculation In railway 1
trains or in street cars, A recent enact
ment even renders persons who send j
declarations of love on post cards liable
to a fine of 5 rubles.
France Is not the ouly country with
a falling birth rate. The Hon. J. A.
Millar, the minister of labor In New
Zealand, has been calling attention to
the "staggering statistics" on this sub
ject In that part of the empire. The
New Zealand birth rate has fallen
from forty-one per thousand Iu 1SS0
to twenty-seven last year. The re
duction of the attendance at their
schools is very noticeable. It is feared
that New Zealand's industries Instead
of expanding will shrink and disap
pear if the population Is not main
rained. This kind of paragraph is common in newsiiapers: "A medal and 2
($10) have been awarded to Henry
Jlines of Wellsbourne, Warwickshire,
iu recognition of upward of fifty years'
service on the Walton estate of the
Mordaunt family, .Times, who is
eighty-three and commenced work at
tho age of six, became connected with
the Walton estate under Sir Charles
Mordaunt In IKS. For many years
ho kept a wife and two children on
8 shillings ($2) a week. The veteran
Is still hale and hearty andvoften la
bors from daybreak to sunset
professional caros..
Office Next door to port office. Formerl
occupied by V. H. IHmiulcfc. Hcmesdale. Pa
WM. 11. LEE,
Office over post office. All legal business
piumpD-attended to. Honcsdale, Pa.
OniceiuFosterbuilding roomsOand 10,
uonesuaie, ra.
. Office Liberty Hall bulldinc. omosite the
Post Office. Hutiesdale. Pa.
Palpiitssmd ramslons semirwl. titftentu th.
Court House. Honedale, Pa.
Special and prompt attention civen to the
cullcKtlomitrl.iir.JEu Office over Keifs new
More, Honesdale. Pa,
Office Sivond Boor old Savins Hank
buildiiir. Hones-dale. Pa.
Office over the ost office. Honcsdale. Pa.
Office near Court Huue. Ilonesdale. Pa.
Office over Post Office. Honesdile. Pa.
j Office over Keifs store. Honesdale. Pa.
i H .TvV...
bviMlns, second Boor.
Office. MonIc
Honesdale. Pa.
Office First floor, old Savings lUnV tmilit.
inc. Honesdale. Pa.
Office and residence 1116 Church street
Telephones. Office Hours 'JMI to 10 and
7.-O0 to tWW. p. ni.
Kearnf Allen House. !I,mesilale. Pa.
This Parlor Table Is made of Quarter
saved OaV; Retails ia stores tor f 1.50
to coo.
Only $3.35
For Uils handsome Parlor Table In
Quartered Oat. Kiniihod and iwliibed
eoldcn Quartered Oak. Facer SI z SI ton,
richly carved rim, shaied uodersheir.
French stylo lees. Also in the rich
Mahoiranized Birch for W 35. Caretully
oacked and shlpiied tor
Do not spend another cent for
Furniture until you hare seen our
latest catalogue. Sent free.
Late of Clinton town-lilj.dtxxMxl.
The uiMjeridcned. " auditor aplNjliilecl t
reiKirt distribution of said estate, will attend
to Hie duties of Ills apiiiii1intit.m
at 10 o'clock. IjIsotllcoliiUiclMirous'i
of HouC'Mlalc. tit vblrli time and place ftll
c lalnik asalnst-Nild e state niuM l pivMnUd.
or recourse to the fond for distribution wll
lK'l',', WM. II. I.lli:, Auditor.
HoiiCMlale. Nov. 8. MUS. liMJ
IHt.C". It.lllUllY.DKxnt-T HonescUle I'a.
Oi iiri: Hoims ti a. in. to S p. in.
Any evening by amKjIiitmciit.
Cltlren toiK-. 3J. Ifetldcttoe. No. Wi X.