The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 25, 1908, Image 7

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An Original Coat 8ult.
Braid and buttons arc so much used
this winter that designers arc eager
to get new methods of applying tlicm.
This coat suit shows one of the best
ways. The material Is rough blue di
agonal serge. The skirt Is short, (he
coat of medium length. The braid li
put on the skirt lu rows around the
back, ending at sides with large, flat
braid buttons. The coat has the binds
of braid around tho back formed Into
latticework in front by bands of braid
running from shoulder nearly to hem.
The skirt Is high walsted, with lapels
over the shoulders, so It may be worn
without the coat. It is trimmed front
and back with bands of braid ending
in buttons. The hat is n wide sailor of
blue satlu trimmed with buff colored
Buff Evening Gown.
As n rival of white this season for
handsome evening gowns there is a I I
pale shade of buff which Is exceedingly j Tow Jt-'iikins wants to return to the
attractive. It comes In chiffon cloth, i wrestling game.
satin and gauze. I Longboat, the Canadian Indian run-
It will bo lined with the same tone 1,cr. ' exceptionally strong at putting
in soft silk. It is especially pretty , tIlL' sIlot- j
In satin trimmed with gold and silver i First Baseman JIggs Donohue of
Grecian embroidery. tho Chicago Amoiicnns is president
One gown of It is in one piece and of the Drexel Bowling league of Chl
draped around the waist In slight i eago. j
folds, which are gathered together at I Bob Forbes, Yale's great end two
tho left side under a square buckle of years ago, who coached West Point
brilliants. From this hang two full j last fall, Is now head coach at the
streamers of buff filet not edged with 1
gold fringe.
The gown is cut lu a deep decollete, I
which is edged with a three inch baud I
of loose embroidery. There aro no
sleeves proper. There aro two stream
ers of filet net hanging from the shoul
der edged with gold fringe.
To Embroider Gowns.
Hand worked gowns aro within the
means of women who know how to do
some of the fasMonablo quick embroid
ery which embellishes many of tho
most expensive of tho thinner cos-
tutoes. A black chiffon cloth gown I
which looked like an expensive model
had large water lilies decorating the
Mn.b A B 1
I.h Z . .TT mer Wrked
rniiv ZrCaZZ blan Sllki' a? occa-
slonally there was n thread of silver.
Another effective pattern nnd one that
net gown will be found unusually at- !
tractive. 1
A Childish Hat.
Little girls this winter aro wearing
tho cutest hats and bonnets. The
mushroom shape, so much worn by
their mammas, is n favorite model.
scoop hat yon wee maid.
The quaint hat illustrated is of tho
mushroom scoop variety and is of
white felt trimmed with old blue vel
vet ribbon nnd a couplo of lovely pink
roses, ono on each side.
Ivory Toilet Sets.
Instead of silver toilet articles man;
women aro selecting ivory or imitation
ones on account of tho caso with which
theso latter can bo kept clean. All ono
needs to do Is to give tho ivory brushes
and trays a wiping with a fresh, soft
cloth, and there Is no rubbing or week
ly polishing to go through with. All
tho little toilet and dressing table req
uisites aro now sold ln this material,
nnd tho boxes aro charmingly decorat
ed with sprays of flowers If one does
not fancy the plain or monogrammed
Mrs. O. J. Qulgley of Dayton, Me.,
At the ago of sixty-Are, has never seen
an electric car or a steam car.
Mrs. 0. n. Harvey of Augusta, Me.,
Is the possessor of two old "Tippeca
noe and Tyler, Too," campaign buttons.
Forty minutes after she had ob
tained a position kb stenographer with
V- grocery firm In St. LouIs.MIss Louise
Kcllehcr gave up the Job to get mar
ried. Miss Mary E. Check of Toboso, O.,
is tho only regularly appointed woman
I rural mall carrier in tho state. She i
j has served In this capacity for sis '
' years.
Miss Vera Wentworth, a British suf- i
fraglst, was kept In Ilollowny jail for j
, a day beyond her companions for cut-
ting "Vote For Women!" on tho wall 1
of her cell. j
1 Miss Lou E. Bacon has been put ill
charge of the home for working girls I
wnicii has been opened at 230 East 1
Thirty-second street, New York city. '
This homo Is supported by the Ep
worth league of tho New York east '
Mrs. Klrkwood, widow of Iowa's '
war governor, Samuel J. Klrkwo6d,
lias donated fo the Iowa State Histor
ical society her late husband's entire ,
library, a magnificent collection of
several thousand volumes, many of in- !
estimable value not to be duplicated I
anywhere. . '
Church Work.
There are in Maine 1,001 Sunday
schools, 10,702 officers and teachers,
35,307 scholars and 0,472 entered in
tho homo department enrollment.
Great good In lesson work has been
accomplished by tho Interdenomina
tional Association of Elementary Sun
day School Workers at Norfolk, Va.
The woman's Baptist Foreign Mis
sionary Association of Long Island
has a cradle roll that amounts to
something,' for the wee mites gave
nearly $340 last year to foreign mis
sions. Tho course of work which the
Church army gives evangelists nnd
mission workers at Its central train
ing homos In London Is free in every
detail, even board nnd lodging being
The Sporting World.
University of Oregon,
Dennie, Brown's crack left end, tore
two of tho ligaments in one of his
knees recently nnd Is probably out of
the game for the rest of his life. "
German Gleanings.
There are over 19,000,000 depositors
in the savings banks of Germany.
The German city of Crefeld had an
output In silk and plushes last year
amounting to $21,500,000.
Tho entire capital invested by Ger
man municipalities in plants for pub-
hc utilities is now estimated at nearly
In tno'year 1871 there were 40,-
W)7'000 pePlc counted ln Germany, so
at the population since tho
founfl of tue sent , sh
lln innrpnRA nf oonnnnnn
r? " r !fnf ":mfi00 l more thn
Science Siftlnns.
The moon gives out heat enough to
affect a thermometer and mako a dlf- '
ferenco of 2 or 3 degrees.
Tho human eye can discern an ob
' Jcct as small as one six hundred nnd
twenty-fivo thousandth of an iuch in
Galvonometers now nro mado so deli
cate that they register the current
produced by tho pressure of a human
finger on a globule of mercury.
Camlllo Flammarlon, tho French
astronomer, Is of the opinion that a 1
dark spot on the planet Jupiter, which '
changes its position, Is an island of
scoria floating about on tho molten
surface. ..
Things Theatrical.
Mrs. Stuart Kobson will not appear
ln vaudeville this season.
Clyde Fitch has mado nn adaptation
from tho German which he calls "Tho
Eluo Mouse."
Ono of George V. Hobart's latest
works Is called "The Merry Widow 1
and tho Devil."
Mabel Hlto and Mike Donlln are pro-1
ducing a sketch in which "baseball '
plays nn Important part. I
Miss Gertrude Qulnlan, who mado I
such n hit as Flora Wiggins in "Tho '
College Widow," Is to go Into vaude-1
vlllo with n sketch called "Zaza's
Tales of Cities.
Philadelphia has 1,400 associations
devoted to tho relief of suffering.
Los Angeles was originally called
Pueblo do la Itelna de Los Angeles.
The fourteen publlo libraries of Chi
cago contain 1,432,031 volumes, not In
cluding pamphlets and maps.
Thero will bo new flathouses built
ln New York city during the next year
to aooommodato 83,000 families.
'ISTEB. wanted chickens
Brother said a gander
Ma she wanted turkey, an' pa he wanted duck,
Nen I went .out huntin' an' had the bestest luck.
Heard a norful growlin' ; but, say, I didn't care.
I des aimed my rifle an' shot this grea' big bear!
SISTER wants the gizzard, the neck er anything;
Brother wants a drumstick, an' mother '11 take a wing;,
i'ather 11 take the wishbone, with des a slice of breast,
An' as I'm quite hungry I think I'll eat the rest.
. Don't I wish that Rosefelt, the pres'dent, was my pa;
Nen I'd shoot some elfunts 'way down in Africkah!
Jimmy's Thanksgiving.
IMMY" WEBSTER, more prop-
erly Gcraldlne, had determined
to leave her country homo to
ntiirlv nrf In Vow VnH.
know I am an artist; perhaps 1 am a GoorB und lovel Jimmy since she was
genius," she said. Her mother said n baby and ue decided as Thanksgiv
nothlng against the project, but new Ine ,drew near tnat bo could stand the
lines formed around her mouth. Somo.
thing had gone out of her father's eyes
and step, and ho looked older. He, too,
remained silent. (Jcorgo Seabrlght,
when his pleading proved vain, merely
aid, "If you find tho world too much
for you, let mo know."
"Perhaps," replied tho young girl,
while her protty Hps took a hard out
lino new to them. Sho had $180 and
thought that moro than enough to last
until fame and riches camo. When she
was gone tho whole farm seemed emp
ty. Her bravo, bright letters told how
she and threo other girls had rented a
photograph loft for only $40 a month.
They had mado It very artistic, had
built wardrobes of packing boxes and
mado divans of cots covered with
donlra, which served as cozy beds at
night. Bho told of tho screen mado
Thanksgivin' day to eat,
was mighty hard to beat.
of a clothcshorse, covered also with
denim, which served to hide their bach
elor girl kitchen with its coal 'oil stovo
and packing box closets for dishes.
Her father mado no comment on these
,uuu' muhesuuis. nut ne ana George
uciwueu mu uues. xuey Knew
. tuore waa something wrong. There
was n forced breezlness ln tho letters.
, uu '""Bur.
In the meantime the four cirls ln
the great, bleak, ancient photographer's
gallery were finding it very hard to
win fame. Tho rent, though divided
nmong four, was high when nothing
was coming in. They could not af
ford a stove, and tea nnd dry bread
were their food. Finally ono girl sat
down on tho floor and began to wall.
Sho was cold and hungry and miser
able. Sho was going home, "and art
could go to grass!"
This voiced the general sentiment,
but' Jimmy had cajne from sterner
stock, nnd sho woilfuu't give up. Three
of tho four girls wroto to their parents
and in n week had said goodby to Jim
my, who faced tho question of rent
alone. Sho threw herself on tho cot
and cried all night with hunger, cold
nnd tho knowlodgo that sho was beat
en. From talent to genius was n far
cry, nnd sho was no genius.
"But I wouldn't care," sho sobbed,
"If It wcro not so near Thanksgiving.
At homo there'll bo turkey and pies
nnd cako and jellies nnd I Just can't
stand It!"
But sho never onco thought of writ
ing homo for help. Tho next morning
she Iny unconscious in iier lonely place
tossing In fever, whllo her grieving fa
ther nnd mother wero going around
heavy footed making preparations for
tho coming feast.
Jimmy lay two nights and a day ill
and alone, when ,a lady who bad an
offlco in tho samo building had a feel
ing that something was wrong up
stairs and went up to find tho poor de
serted child. Tho doctor said sho should
go to a hospital and that ho would send
for her. Thero was a hurried step on1
tho stairs, and ln a mlnuto George was
on his kness beside tho cot.
"Oh, Jimmy, little Jimmy! I knew
something was wrong, nnd I'vo come
to take you homo If you'll go."
"Will I? Oh, George, I'll be so thank
full I'm a failure, George I'm a fail
ure!" "I don't think so. Can sho travel,
doctor? I'll get a carriage. Shell bo
homo Just ln time for Thanksgiving."
"It will bo that for me," said Jimmy
weakly, while two tears Jumped from
her eyes, and big George Seabrlght put
bis arms around her and pressed his
first klBS on her quivering lips regard
less of tho doctor and tho lady.
"It will be an eternal Thanksgiving,
Jimmy I"
For New Late Novelties
SPENCER, The Jeweler
"Guaranteed articles only sold."
I ns Lira nee
i ns urea nut,
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Office: Second floor Masonic Build,
ing, over C. C. Jndwin's drug store.
. Leads Our Line.
If You Want a TYPEWRITER Don't
Buy Until You
See at the Citizen Office
Invention of J. B. SECOR, a former'
It has all the improvements
that other machines have, and
none of their defects; andliasem
bodied a number of New Ideas
that no other machine lias.
TT7 -. Pronounced by .
The Ne Plus Ultra
We have the sort of tooth brushes Hint urn
made to thoroughly cleanse and save the i
They aro the kind that clean teeth without '
leaving your mouth full of lrltles.
We recommend those costing 23 cents or
mote, as we can suarimtee them and will le
nlare, free, any that .show defects of manu
facture within three months
Opp.D. & II. Station,
ltankrupt. No. tail.
In the matter of I'KTKK IlCTTINii:il, hi
To the creditors of Peter Ilettlnner, In tho
county of Wayne und district aforesaid, a
Notice Is hereby given that on the 10th duy
of November, A, 1). HKW, the said Peter Ilet
tlnuer. was duly adjudged a bankrupt; and
that tho first meeting of his creditors will lie
held at tho olllce of tho referee lu tho borough
of llonesdale, Wuyno county. Pennsylvania,
upon Jlonday, thoSOth day of November, l'JOH,
at ten o'clock ln tho forenoon, at which time
tho creditors may attend, prove their claims,
appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and
transact such other business us may proper
ly come before such meeting.
, W.M.II.I.KK.
Referee In llunkruptey.
llonesdale, Nov. 11, lm. ;
Lato of Clinton township, deceased,
Tho undersigned, an auditor appointed to
report distribution of said estuto. will attend
to the duties of bis appointment, on
t , KKipAY. DE0E.MHKK 4th. 1908.
at 10 o'clock, a. m.,at his olllce ln the borough
of llonesdale. at which time and place all
claims against said estatemust bo presented,
or recourse to the fund for distribution wll
bo lost.
, . x, WM. II. LEE, Auditor,
llonesdale, Nov. Or 1008. 35U
DR.C. R. Bit AD Y, Dentist. llonesdale, Pa
Office IIourb-H a. ni, to 6 p. m.
r,, i , Any evening by appointment.
Citizens' phone, 33, Residence. No. HO X.
ROLL' of
Attention is called to the BTHKNGTH
of tho
' Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a KOLL OF
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks
nnd Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States.
stands l0th 111 Pennsylvania-
!stansFIHSTin Wayne Count-yi
Lonlln1 c . nA
! Capita, Surplus, $455,000.00
J Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
Honesdnlc, I'a., May 29, 1!)08.
i is no time lo lie regretting your neglect
! to get insured. A little care beforehand
I is worth luoie than any amount of re-
: sift.
General Insurance Agents
"Stlckley-Biondt Furniture" is the
kind that serves you best.
Only $6.60
for this luxurious Morris recllnlnc chnlr
with claw teot. Made either In uolilen
oak or birch maliosanlzcd. polish nnlsli.
fancy Vclour or Verona cushions, rever
sible, hair tilled. Wtrto arms und curved
front posts. Itctalls In stores for $8.50.
Carefully packed and shipped charges
prepaid for W CO.
Send today for our latest cata
logue of furniture. Mailed free.