THE CITIZEN. TtTllWfiHKD "EVERY TKKTIXESTIAY KX7) TTtniAYHY the cctiot.' mn.iRirrNO cowr act. Lcal MaH Rtes. 84dsfr Fot Years Carrying Srficft- Distances, nta, c ca ul c Time and Present Oom lctisaUoa WboWnls a Job Under Uncle Sam? Entered as second-class mutter, at ttiepnst oflifc, Hom-sAule. Va. Ithe farview hospital.1 Latest AvUieatlc InTernattoa Con- ' cenal Uc New Stale Ba3iAtis ' on Uic Mosc Work SaU- The construction wtiTk 'on the mew K. 15.11 ABlinNBEItWl. - - TKESIPEXT W. W. WOOT, - - !AKA(?EnAXDKC"Y Tirnncroas : C. ll.TltlKFl.TNtiKn. hkniiy wri.otrv. M. II. Al.I.EV. F..H. !lmlKNKKl:!l. W. w. UOOII. A Southern "Casn Belli." V Postmaster OcntTAl "George V, L. Meyer is pnparing to award sontras fit'BSCTiirTIOX; VUiO a rs mivaspe Jot canying the United States mail over Stat Hospital f ot Criminal Insane, now tlie so-caried star-Toutes an various being ncti'd at Farvaew, as progresssng sections of the Fnited States. The pn- .comparatively favorably. As 3s Tmown . sent contracts wpire on the thirtieth hy .onr xcadws, ground "was bToten pre day of next ..lone and are to be awarded juratory to beginning work 'On October for fonryears, "beginning at tlie exrira- jiist, and since that 'date .a small number tion of the present term. The bids 'will .0f - men and teams have been steadily be received until the fifth of next .Ian- .employed. On Monday of this -week, nary at 4 :.'!() T. t,, and the 'decisions an- ithe 23d Inst., a large steam shovel ar- nonneedby the tenth of the following rived frcim I'lilladelphla. and the follow- Thc recent shooting of Kx-Senator TI10ntn, ang'day was set tap and placed In posi- Canniiek, of Tennessee, for commenting There are many conditions umprrsed tion. for operation. There are at pres-! on the political methods of Dnncan B. iri1he carrying out of these contracts ,mt from twenty-five tothlitj-teams, and Cooper, in his newspaper, the Tennes-' Termrtinc livinc -m or contlgnons to the from sixty to sevcnTv-tfive men steadily scan, of Nashville, has awakened much lTonU.tnr)t. sn-yed, that tlie -work shall .employed, and at as tlie intention .of the . "lS.lUl . :,.:,...w.w,tiv.uv,.wl,.n,.ti,ml,, ..... .... , , 1 7 ., , , . ..... attend the theat imi...,n. ui..iiH...m..u.i. ..... n ' ne atnie nvmi yciuiii, vnuuuy . uommission iriavang cnarge oa ane wotk , , , ji irh-.'L-3Ti Kirtiiv the language that -was held tn justify the iWCnritv, that no Intoxicating liquors to crowd to -completion, as rapidlv as 'f!!.' i !lt.V nmmunn. V.IU1H I ...... , iiuu oe transported, etc me curTier gooa management wall permit, this pres-, men.onp icirnruKatlmi ...... - is Tt tjiiin.i i ii ti inn; A..7?vn . c-i . .w.. .,., coTiirara mcii as aoT wie tTecuon .tn ,ll..,.,lj-'rt1,i.r irN-msSn -'"' as 'donbtltss 4ne, for as a celeb sled 'dramatic .critic exj)Tesse3 at, the play 'comes "''like a .enspand rcfrwihlng an tnmn breeze, -stralftlit fr.'mi the hills -of Xew England, bringing -with at the sweet aroma nf the wtiod and thebomelj'itim s':c, 'of the f anm-aTd.1" 1 LYRIC THEATRE ! HiUflSOAT. IwY.ZO Qalncy A4bis Siwycr,"" 'J'iiere T tin iqnestltm that roost people Tcdoso to be taVen two warrmgtactions in ttie party, wnore- ,a,.iv,.r 1nai ultmg 1be route. two large anstitntion bnildings. by Oarmack 'had been defeated forw-i The particulars of rontes, distances Stme -of the men fiigaged iin the work flection to the Senate, and also for the M,a nmonnts paid nnder present own- ' ATe ho'tised an the different f ami bnlld ntunitiation for 'Governor. 'Carmac'k UractBan Wayne 'CtmntyaTe given below, '57,KS -hicli wercon the grounds ben then became ediUir of the Tennesseean, together with tlie same Information as (tfhe State acquired possession .of the and in its coinmn renectea v. an some ,0 pji-,. ,conl,ty Tontes whicli partially propem-. Othtirs are boarding whh the asperity on Oooptsr. lie was warned by I accommodate Waynes iamHies convenient to tiie works, and Cooper to discontinue the nse-of his' From FaTlsdaleby Ttrrej- and ILanrol-'still others aTe boaTdincat Wavinart. name in the paper, mid responded with , la, to Htmesdale, 31 milt and back, six ITJt. to tlie present tame tlie greatest .dif- Xo one can see at without feeling re frpshpdl. Tneplnyasatonlcn H' bright ness and ats total freedom fn -a the harl: ntyed and the iconvcntaonal. .e ? r ".at .charm v- 5; exweduig Sdelityt i malnre. Tohls nrarh .of Thls ?" t'a,"' il wy, n5i3e, arainnn arresisrat y anany, as meier strained 1 the point wf bulisqiac. TJe Jmag'hter itliat at aiiraiiiably".c"este I of a kind that n 1 on? fan af-g t". Th's. wh'i et "his play at tJie Lyric, tin Sov. 'I'lt'li, wall Toalir" wiry at as that 'Qn.Tmy Ad.iui Sanyfj" haa popnlar Hrj so petnli.iT to atself. HoOdayEntertainment Tlie 5Tertest t nil IVamatlV StHieiset. 1 ai .. a.'u. iua-t.? masttiriaetr. lie Sip of tie Four lutrudoti Map liuatnasrtiaracter Sherlock Holmes CAST OF METROPOtrTAX FAVORITES S PRICES 25, 35, 50 and 75c - SALE atlbeJiMt'trffioe- at Ia.ira. Woauesaay. Xorr. 23tla. HYMENEAL. the following bnrlesqne salutations "'To Maj. Duncan Brown iCtiopw, wbo wrtmght the great ctialition'; who aeh'iev ed the harmonious ctniflneiice 'tif incom patible 'elements:; who welded the pew ter handle to the wooden spoons who grafted 'the dead bough to the living tree and made it to 'bloom and bnrgeon and bend with golden frnif; who made play mates of thelamb and 'leopard, and boon companions 'Of the spider and the "flys who 'made soda n-id vinegar 'dwell pla- J(n Wednesday, Sov. l:h, J!ev. times a week, 'daily .except Sunday. 'ficnln- 'onoonnttTed bv the Contractor , 4 ime rtuionTs.w m reuu- j mas oeen tosecure ooara ana iioagmgtor Thorn a 1 Clr"- and Miw Piiiv K. edw;ith bid, l,-200. Trwent 'contract lthe 'employees. To partially .overcome , jcabfas waded at the hot, .of the pay, $nM. .this he purposes opening a .oommissan-,,,,. 5ti ?hhola. Frtim Otild Spring, by Kiltj-valle. .'SIko ere a large nnmber.of the 'employees J and Dyberry to Honesdalcs miles wm be accommodated, and by airthe ' Mamed, at STilanvine, 1'a,, X.iv. ti, and backslx times a week, 'fi btnrrs. families within axadinS'Of a.oouple 'of 1 1SKW, Fred.JI. KneselandSaraliS.'Sherer. tniles of tlie hospital, eacbtaklngaaram- 'The 'ceremony was perfou-.mefl by 3Ie. Btmd required w'ithb1d,l,400. IRresent ctnrtrafrt pay, $71 H. From Tleasant Mt.,by White Vallty, .c.iaiyinTnesameno.tie.anawnoTaugm, AldenvTIle, Frompton and oil and water how they might agree -to . ' , ' Maj. Duncan Brown 'Ootmer, the .great teelyville to Honesdale s 3-2S miles; diplomat of the political Zweibnnd, be six times a weelcand back, 'fi hours, all 'hfmor and glory forever." Km1 required with bid, $1,400 ; present From the general northern point tif .contract, $77K. view, it is'difficulttosee'inthisanrthlngJ From West Damascusby 'Girdland and Tory offensive., and least of all any pro vo- .'Carky Brook to Honesdalts 1S.B0 miles, .cation to murder. A fewhonrs after Its ' times a. week and back. 4 hours. Bond required with ibid, $1,100. Fresent .contract pay, $00. Prom Tanner Falls bv Bethanv to appearance, 'howe.-er. 'Carmac'k, while walking with a'lady, met 'Otioper and his stm, Robin J. 'Oooper. Carmack and Ttinng Cooper at once""priIled their guns'" and began firing, and'it is still a qnestion which fired first. 'Cooper fired throe .required with b'id,$:Kn shtits and'Oarmacktwo. 'CooperTeceived iiTact pay, $45S.tlS ber -tif boarders, the .entire 'difficnlty wall ,, -Jiiseph Jfl. Ctileman. ibe 'tivcrctmie. . Z Z T. ... , . . . ... , ' Mass Almnie-, .daughter nil the Ja Farview, anCanaantownslup, as at the Utm ,f1 South Main street, presetnt.methescetae.offfreateTbnsmessI .flS Sn j.. j, act.vnythanany'otberpart'oftbe'oonn-'j Uhat,aU. n Wrdnesdav, the tv. Farties wishing to coirmmnicate .... . . .-i ... . . . . Uth instant. the authorities maj- address their Hetters to Wa3-mart w "Carbondale, Lack- Lo "Is 13 ensel-f ornierly .of 31 a ley, aw-aamaCo.,asmaTlmatt1(TSinttO'e1t.heJ bntforsnnie time a resident of Spring place w;IU reach the proper destination. I field, Mo., was inan-led an that dtj-on The name of the architect 5s. J. iC. M. I Saturday. Xoivem'ber th, ant.. t.'i Mass hSh'irk;theOontract.firis'tJeoTgeA.emis t'Ulie Fuzze'l. the 'Contractor's suptirintendent 5s JTolm Oeoelia L. Langanand 33arry 3Gmb'le, Von 3'1 find an lece'lent ai'Ttauent of Gbrbtmas presents A FEW SIGGESTSONS : Htinesdale, .o0 miles, six times a wet , Work, and the 'Chief Superintendenl 'tif i l, .of 13aw'lev, wererailwd an marriage and back, i hours 40 minutes. Bond Oonstmrtjon and irenresejitjiTji-e .of ithe m nf.nrrlni- v,,i- 14 aofiR. n1 Jpihlto- tm - ... , rcnuui Preient 'Con- awtinnd in 'his shoulder, and 'Carmac'k was killed Forget It. The 'Herald 'devtites all its 'editorial space to .explaining its 'unsuccessful at tempt to defeat FolkHorribeok for 'Com missioner, by pub'lishing'one .of its usual just-beftire-olection canards. 'ThTeeyears ago they published that 33ornbeckand Madden 'had agreed to pay Lawyers oarle and Wilstm $3,'CKK) for their sen ices in regard to oonitr bridges. 'Tliis From Boyd Mills 'by Beach Lalce and Indian 'Orchard to Honesda'le ; 'eqnal to 31' miles and back, six times a week. Melissa D. Enslin Masters 'died Xov. 'Carrier to Travel the Toad via JCevess 1 38, 190S, at fier Jiome an "Gravity, aged Comniissitm as Dr. T. C Fatzsimmons. 1 luenastiai'tichial a'esidtiioe.ati thai tilace. " " , by 3Iev. 1'. 'C. Winters. OBITUARY. .,, T ,jt ir.r-'W-tll. n-n.t WiflS 'Grace Drake, 'tif Cheray 3iidge, were united an marriage at the Jiome 'tif the Bible. Toy D3i. Ca3cndi3S. ery. Toilet Ca-ifs, Haafl-italnted X-jilties Wsbstsr's Caabridei Oirtsoa- LYRIC THEATRE ! EDQ.I.IIMEll. - - UISIlIlElIiEIE MONDAY EVENING NOV. 30 SEVENTH SEASON lUc StTOflr ProflntitJon in riar Form Ut me it.fsi .iir souriaTia jmottitct wrJttm. uincjf Adams Mason's Comer Folks. laigeufl Kxoditat Cemgmy. OneTtuit tiic Laucli troni Itieslimbietfi Prijw Book i ! I : Finr tlift Book.- ' a-Hlacmni ojitmsat tlie itmx offloe. at Christmas Cards;!! Pocket Boolcs Fountain IVns t ST3JAT (0(AV Xk. StiulJi Canaan alxmt tw 'CJinie to bt farm an wee ks ago. 'Owners on trips from Bovd Mills, and "65 voars 31 months and 18'davs. The lm'u- Iwents, '"n .a.iesa i.n, v.n.n;i t?u,.. it A.m. T,rt ifn,Zrn n.-uu'vifl o;t.. i,m , .Xov.lK, 3 SKK. by the pastor of .theOiern- Maple 'Grove House .tin trips to Bovd Saturdav, condnrted bv Rev. "George W. ! ju. J ciiutui. uaTgejiatTj oi ,(.lmillln,H,1.)j.31j,lni:,(.1,fls- Mills, between Boyd Mills and Beach , Davis, of Scranton, and Rer. H. L. ' "'"'''''- tended the wedding. fc ateaa W.s r.KXSX. ILal-e.. 4 'hours. Bond TeqriiTed with , Benville of South 'Canaan. Interment ivo p.'ipnlarMiddletown,X. V., State I biclitl,2(K'. lTesenl contractpay,ti.i;. ,un .ast loemetery, at -bonth lUanaan. istie ffjospilail peopls were joined an tii? 5i i'.v From Welcome Lake, by Ing'lebaTtlt, 'leaves to imourntheiTlossa3insband and libondsof wedlock on Thursday, Xsv. i to Xarrowsbnrg, X. V.,7 tniles and lidanghter, three sisters, four brothers, ri,v. ,().. w .dav Daniel 23 affoird 'lilift. -fiiv tillit ,n wef'k irtirn ..Inlv 3st tfl ttliww. -ctmarrt& UTirt .finp t..n.(Hnnnrlifr ........ ........ l. 'l..'i......l n ' ...... i ....f,".... iiwBBiiiiiiu, pure iinu (.pt, .nnj three times n week the simple, and this year theycomeont with, ,oaci, T(.ar. B((na Tequired The Best is the Cheapest CHAS MARKEY'S SIXTH STREET. Lyric Theatre 1 im.FJ"TKICa,lSSJE MIlFiBEE TUESDAY EVE., DEC I W. A. RKAHY anfl JttSEPH J1.;KI5 MEK introflutie tlie riay tf the year a 'Communication that Htirn'hec'k placed BryanVpicturctips'ide down tin his Ilan cock property, the 'day that Bryan was to pasri throngh that town. The only truth in this story was that 'Hornbeek owns property at Hancock, and the Demoeints of that town, lcnowing'tif his libeniliry, ttiok th.- 'privilege of -plnciug 11 picture tif Bryan nptui hi properly, while 1 lorn heck was away tin business. It is possible that the picture was placed upside 'down, as the Bryanite-., who did the placing were in a very .exuberant condition that da . Ontlie other hand, u number of Uttn ' "ipl" eiaimthnt the pietnre wns riirhtide up. Th" F.di tor fif th.' . iriiei-the cam era, know. Unit to look through glincs urrniiged in a .certain way, thing have an inverted look, and it ii- just po.isible (hat his informants all had cameras with them that day. Tiii- question may never lie solved, but it is a fact that 11 few days afterward the American people not only stood Bryan on hi head, but told him very emphatically for the third time to 'On fiirtti hiifi i, Kit iloirii!" required juanin Tammany icnowu as luarry with bid, $7(KI. Present 'Otmtract pay Balles, died at. his homeon Jlidge street, $3Hi.(i. ,f,n Monday afternoon. He was 72 years From 'Greentown, by Xewfonndland 'f1d last spring. At theontbreaUof the and Angels, to 'Gonldsboro, 11 miles rebellion he-enlisted an thefirst company and back, six times a week. Bond re- that went out from Uouesdale Co. 'C quiretl with bid $l,00'.l. Tresent contract pay, $Sti. Frtim Lfiid's Valley, by Blooming 'Grove and Tal'ton, tn Haw ley, 14 miles and hack, rix time-, a week. Bind re quired with hid, !1 ,000. Tresent cmtriict pny Frtim I'linther, by Smith Sterling, La in tm and J.Iountaiii'home, to 'Creseo, I"' niilci) and back, n; times a week. liond r-'fitiired with bid, $l,0!i:. T'resenl eun trncl jiay, !p."!K. Frfim Sholiola Fall-, by 'Greeley, to Liiekawaxen, fi'. miles and back, six (ith Fa. licserves and participated in the battles of Dranesvllle. ihe second Bull linn, Sonth Mountain, Antietani and Frederit-ksbnTg. in the latter .en gagement Dec. 3", 1S(12 hi lliigh bone wii" lirokeu'by a niuket ball. Hii- divi--ion charged and brolie the right of Ihe rebel lints but not being snpported, and its becoming exhau-ted, it wa oJ.i!iged to fallback. Inlheretreat, Mr. Balles va ennied to the rear b; Isiilie II. Bail. .Ineob F. Kiit-., and 'George Porter. His wound was such as to nnfit ' him for further dnty, and he was dis- Foii several year.- past, most of the Protestant denoininntionf in the Fnited States -nd Fnglnmi have eompliiined fif a lack tif capable young men for the ministry. And now it seems that the time a week. Btmd required with bid, charged on March n, 180.'!. 11 N wife $800. Tresent contract pay, $400. i died .Inly Slh, 30(N, and he is sur- From Orosse-,, by Taupack, 'Gnnible'fc ' vived by three children Peter, fireman and J'nft'in, to llawley, 10 miles and .on a D. A H. freight train.; Margaret, back, six times a week. Bond Teqnired wife of 'George Weidner ; and Miss Mary, with bid, $3, 200, Present contract pay, at home. 31i fnneral will take place tin .f'Oi'S. , Thursday, at nine o'clock. A.m., at the t German 'Catholic church. All veteran. They.Put Stamps On. lln. inyitedtt. attend. One peculiar condition created by the , souvenirpost cardcrane that has pre- The Sign of The Four. vailed for the past few years is the fact hvSintUnl EnRliffh ;,.,, b(inl in , and Mass Bessie B. Skinner were quietly i marriedat the 'borne of the brid'-an East Branch, X. V. The 'ceremony wa 7ier-. 3!ev. 33. C. Lynch 'ol the 1 Bitist 'dhnTcb at Ea.t Branali and the marriage was witn:sse3 by th- bride"s parents. The groom is a -som fif A I rah 'Giffnrd.of Equinan''.;, thi- county, an! the bride is a 'daughter of Sidn-y Skin nier, of East Branch. Mr. and M's. 'Gifi rd .are we'll 'known at th- State 33o-pital and in Middletown, where tluy have a 'host -of friends. Pleasant Moutit. Ko . Knii. Schori1 opened Monday, after a vacation of two week". 'iVonew student were enrolled, Buy Demitig and William )'Hnra. The teacheis from this section report luuing liad a piea-anttimeat tbeeonnly 'institute. Mi-- -Clara Trentis left Wydnesday "last for New York, whre'-.he will aeside with her brother. Mis- Prentiss will be FTciiflv missed liviier friend- intlil- com- '"'cbSW 'CUark' spent par, of las, week , St 0YCS & FHFIiaCeS in Scranton. The A.. L. V. Society held a bnsine- I n pnn jmn RflOljnH meeting Thursday afternoon. 4 11 'U ijUi--Mi,S' The teachers of Mount IMeasiinl tovni- .. Mvrll rnP ship willholda local institntein the high ESTIMATES G1VCH FO.. school, Dec. oil,. County nt Steaill, HOt Water 2nd Hot kT ,i. .1. viewer win oe nresem. .in are HRSByUuyaK fLaaaaLHMlHLaaaK HHDBaaB3P9E.alaaaaaH Tiifiof . He In GreaiPlay Exceieat Company TRICHS5.5o, 75 Si and 5i.5o ff"HA'I' sAUJ lit 'hol'oflir'i' at !l oVJock. a. au loiifliij'.Xov. fin. BEAVER IN THE SHOW WINDOW OF G. P. SOMMER'S are invited to betireaent. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kennedy have been visiting friends in 3'roinptou forlhe last ! two weeks. HEATING. that people are putting one .cent stamps i ,,,.,; . .T,,1,lf,ti,,:ft .,,. n,,rn a,,,. Tfl' , .,.,.!.. ... on, .,e K.,vei'iiiiiem po-, chiuh u,u.,- gent mother, is orphaned by frer father's '.at Htmesdale. SANSTARY Jloncsoiile. 3'a.. 'u PLUMBING. Si, l!h. fWwft aunt Catholic churches in this etiitntry are sur-jT(.llcivhave the sttimiis j.rinted 'upon fering from a flearth tif liriests. "Under i them. They are sti in the habit tif nut- ' ', ,1. . . i .. li. r room, who have been 'confined to their . .. . ...... ."..., .... .....1..... ...n.iiun.u ii IJ.nml. t.tit uririv heinf niintilf. to Tiny 'tiis .rlitlits. ....l .1... ... ..... ,,-nc ,...,...1.01 'Int.- ....... n ... . " IU1U III. LI I. .1 I ..111 II. L .,-. .V.I.V'.LU ...ft .,.VItl flttl . . . . . . . ...' .. I , n the new coast artillery law , the rresitlent ting stamps on the. souvenir 'cards, that ueaignatett live army ehuplamcies to be when thev buv government filled by 'Catholics, and sent circulars to t-t1(. stamps already .on they immediately all the bishops asking them to suggest covcir up the face tif Mckinley with a suitable priests for this purpose. The pietnre-of ft. Franklin, and thereby lose replica indicate that few, if any, can be om.'cenl. supplied. 'One bishop writes that he has1 jv reportorluiR epiestioned several post- need of twenty more priests for diocesan maMers concerning 'the matter and thev ,tl, nrl.ntiiliMM. uv.rl.- iH.W.r.ul i III' tlll'Ce CllliCtretl fit -llsS .MUIief 6 homes with 'diphtheria, liave fecovcitd, intine was removed last No new cases have de- 1 throngh selfish 'motives takes the girl In ' Wednesday to his home, where after a short stay the velopen. girl while going over her father's papers, Kaplewood, discovers a crudely drawn plan, show- -(V vianv mg a route to some nearby mountain. 'On the back of the drawing were writ ten the words, "One hundred diamonds, work, uiidcan spare none. Anotlmrsays sav that there is scarcely a 'day but they ,., ,,, ' , 1 .., III. .mll It.til fi.vt-f n.nn. I ft uo.kL. m" l.n I I "S"' I u" ihl'Oll ... ............ ...... " " n "ln"" Km'""lcm " leralds," and .countless other precious Ihim 1 1t. 11. A . 1. fl.i... U.l .. Hllll I... ... .. ....j ,.1 . .. ... I ! ' 1 1I--IIII iere are suffering from severe colds. Miss Jones, onr pri mary teacher, was aftlic.ted so badly that ul.f. lnirl -tn .r.loHM lipr Hftiool. Mr. and Mrs. G. I). Htevens passed il'e.Hida AfJA'U!!"'.''.'.' ,i.,"V.I.?J:,, ihrougli this place on their waytoand ai(iiMrtults. 1'a.. Jifiv.i'l'. IM". ' ' :isv:i ' 3TL3CAT10N FOB CHMiTi:!.'. A In the Court oi' Comnitin 3' of Wayne ioimty. Notici'lshcreliv riven tluil im ittiiilicullon will lie niiitle to tlie JJon. (th. i. Purdy. 3'rcsiaent .lutltrc of Die iifuresaltJ ( 'Cliuinliers In the Court House. on tlie fifteenth tiny of Jiecemticr, M 3D' o'clocl; ft.w.. untlertl.c Act of A'.-frnlitj' cnai-1 .tied "'An Act toprovlde for the Incorporation iinrt Tesulatlon of eertuln ('oriKiriiticins," iii lirtivefl A7irll2lltli,l'74 unci she supplements thereto, for Ihe charter oi mi Intended .eoriio riition to be called (lie Jlalkcoiirf-'oiiit'tery 'Oompany.tiif enariKiiT una oinni'i wnernoi 1 ri;. 4 -it Is for tlie maintenance of a public cemetery. UJiilliy I'r A. unci fnrihem.tiuriitises to liitt'. n(eesk find enjoy all therisrhts, heiietlt'iiiiidprivilcKesoI Two soto mm Churcli Notes. ... ......... ,....,.,.., .,, ..e.ius fitnmps jmsiea over tne suvmii aireauy 1 ,(f .,lich nronHed CUI.losi. , mn V. K ""-i'r .'.' prim en t in u.epoHiai. itv and a desire to learn aim is now snori 01 neip, jnorner ae claresithat the e.liureh could put fifteen hundred more priests to work 'to-morrow, if she had them. From every quarter m.vim) nt th(. HoueHdale Methodist the replies 'were in the same strain, and ,,iurrih( .m.xt unaUy, Nov. idth. At it does nol appear that any priests' can the inoriiing service the pastor will take beobtnined for'the. existing vacancies. fn , ,..,.., .T1.( ModerateTJrinker." Noblutown, where they attended ty and a desire to learn more of the mysterious papers. By spine unfortu nate chain tif 'circumstances, 'Colonel Scholto's 'wife becomes aware tif the value of the drawings and snoceeds in stealingthem from Agra's room. Agra, in a fit of 'desperation, seeks aid of her old friend, Dr. 'Watson, wht the funeral fif Mrs. Stevens1 cousin. vrOTICE OF ADMlNlSTIfATiOX. Mr. Kipp.of Elmhurst, gave moving j ustati: of picture oniurtaintnent in the Bed Meifs .,10nKT.3!AlJ..liiteof31tinesdule, j 11. tluil nt tills iilnei liiHt Wiidni-sdiiv even- , Alltiersons lnfliilitt'd to wild eHluteare notl ilall, at tins piact., last uettntsaaj tvtm , (1d1(',mul;(. Imlll(,alt(. 1IUy.t 10 the lin ing. 3t was very interesting. tlersiCTieaj and those 'Imvlns.eliUmH auuliiKt Bevival meetings are in progress in tlie suld estute urenotllled to present tbenn the M.E. church. We hopethatthe effort fluls .utteHted l.r sett Jnimit y will not be in vain, but that some may ' .10.-1.3 3-t A. J.tijijn.l.xetuttir. find unrist as ttitur navior. AiOTlfR fllf AI)MlK3STJtATJG5:.. Thanksgiving. Iii'order to afford the ollice forcC'tif "The 'Oitizen" an opportunity for a I.Ohorrv Itidge.'onSunduv, Dec. (Ith, and proper observance 'of ThankHgiving'aay, j nt Xltiadleys, Sunday, Dec. l.'ltlt, at ii:fi() advises niovinc slowlv from their recant illness, Qn the evening the .luniorMeohanics will , her to call upon Sherlock Holmes in his na Mr. Bosonbcrger intends to again attend in a body, and the services wil , Lollao home, which sbe.does, and af- X.'JZ ui-in u iHiuiiimj'uiun, ter'niany iiarrowiiig 'experiences, nnm-' jnr, jv.ll are 'Coraiallv 'invited Bev. Win. H. Hiller will preach at Key. and Mrs. Kosenborger are un- I jyj Estate of Albeit Wiitmore, late of Friday's issue .of the paper will 'be omitted. The next 'number will beda tod "WedneBday, Decembor 2d, New I'ortiores, Kurb, 'Curtains und 'Ourpets at Menkek & 'Oo'b. 22eitf T. nt. Therewill be no sumoes nt 'either of these places next Sunday. Kev. William F.JHopp will oonduot ThaiikBgiving services in St. -John's Lutheran .church, to-morrow, Thursday -morning, at 7:30 o'clock. erous adventures and considerable de tective work, Holmes succeeds iiiToturn- Mrs. Alba Black is 'on the sick list. Elna Jones lias had a mild attack of ... ..... . i ;i 1 1 L.kiru iivia.. mg the pajierfl to tneir riBbttui owner TVeaerlck Keene has to Fittston, and 'itiiuiasking the plotters, who, 'dur ing Holmes'siihase after thepaperswore rilowly iioiBoning the girl Agra. '"Tlie Sign 'Of The Four" 'oouics to the Lyric for matinee and .evening, Thanksgiving aay. to assist Berton Noble in preparing for his Thanksgiving tradti. Mrs. GibbB,'of Scranton, visited friends here recently. -James Clark and son, -of New Vorlc State, visited James Powell and family jast week. One will be given to tlie MOST l'OPFLAli SCHOOL TEACH 3CK, either lad v or gentleman, an Wayne eount'v, fin CHB3ST MAS DAY. December 25,1W)8. ItaSr-.SJvery purchaser will be entitled to ONE VOTE Worth of 3oods pur chased in SOMMER'S STOKE, coiu- llonesaale bortiueh, oiitwiiHea. All iiersons . d,.,.,, n, ojtli Indebted to said estate nrenottned to muke mencing Nov. ItUito.Dec -ti Immediate payment 1 o the unflerHlsned 5 Jtnd inose nuvuic claims acumsi saia usmieaire ntrtlflodto-preneiit jlliem, duly attested, lor settlement1 HKXJtY WlLtsOX, aiwli Administrator ct a FK)K JOB PRINTING call at tlie Tlie Oitizen )ffioe. Bill Heads, Statients, Letter Heads, Circulars, Hand Bills, Public "Sale Bills, Programs, Ticket, Etc" A visit to Mevxeb & Co'fi CJoali and Suit .department m-ill .convince buyers of the style and cloth qualities of their BALLOTS to be 'dejiosited in sealed btix, and .counted Christmas we by s ofimmittee to be apptiiuted by County Superintendent, J. J. KceJiler. LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR EVES? H wiiigay yBH to cM at the GOLOEN'S OPTICAL PARLORS. 31 So:rtli "Main SUAltliOtXltAJJCPA,