The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 20, 1908, Image 3

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    FOIl SALE A kitchen stove, cheap, nt 315
Thirteenth St. 30
I FORBID nil persons to remove hay from
,he estate ot Clifford L. Chapman. UKO. A.
CHAPMAN, Administrator.
FOR SALE Lot and bulldlnc located nt
1129 Main street. Enquire- or write C. h.
Olbbs, Ilonesdale. l'a. 37tf
THEODORE LI8KEN. practical upholster
er and cabinet maker, 630 Main street. All
kinds of furniture repaired and upholstered
In n workmanship manner, Jit.i
THE WHATSOEVER Circle of the M. E.
Church Will hold Its annual fair and supper
Thursday afternoon and evening, December
3rd. Fancy articles, dolls, aprons and home
made candy will be for sale. Supper first
tabloatfi:30. Tickets, 35 cents. J0t5
FOR RENT. Three basement rooms. Call
at 1234 Spring street. 31tt
LOST. A small silver watch, presumably
nn Uii,nnn(h HI ThnfltlHpr Will rPCCIVCn
liberal reward on return of same to The Crr-
I7.KK nmce.
tuini liar nllrl
healthful winter resort. For best .nouses,
rooms nnd particulars,
art, as above.
address O. M. Rich-
Parlor Suits at Brown's. ,
Bedroom Suits at Brown's,
Couches at Brown's,
Fancy Chairs nt Brown s,
Dining cane and wood Chairs at Unvwn s.
house.corner of Court and Eighth streets. In
quire of 11. Z. Russell.
any farm property or realty of any kind, you
can register wlthus free of cost, and property
will be advertised through the United States.
8 wVynVfaRM AGENCY, Honesdah!.fPa.
FOR SALE.-House. 1019 Court St. C. T.
Bcntley, Honcsdale, Pa.
"Human Life," a splendid illustrat
ed monthly magazine, edited b' Alfred
Henry Lewis, will be sent as a premium
to each of the first hundred friends of
Thk Citizen who sends ua one dollar
and a half, either for a new subscrip
tion or as an advance payment for a
name already on our list. Be one of
the hundred I
The Amity Social Club will hold
their annual ball, Thanksgiving Eve,
Nov. 25th, at Lyric hall.
John L. Meyer, of East Honesdale,
is having installed in his home an up-to-
date steam heating furnace.
The Honesdale Band played at a
concert in White Mills, Saturday even
ing. Prof. Waener had charge of the
Rev. J. R. Atkinson, of Elizabeth,
N. J., will hold service in the Indian
Orchard school house, Sunday, at 3:30
p. M. The Sunday school will meet three
quarters of an hour earlier.
Theodore Lisken, practical nphol
sterer and cabinet maker, will open a
shop at 530 Main street, on Saturday,
Nov. 21st, for work of above character,
Mr. Lisken is a man of experience and
work intrusted to him will be satisfac
torily done at reasonable rates.
The following epitaph is inscribed
on an old tombstone in the Platea, Erie
county, Pa., cemetery :
"Mary E. is my name, America is my
nation, Lockport is my dwelling place,
and Christ is mv salvation. Now I
am dead and in my grave and all my
bones are rotten. Then on this stone
you will see my name when I am quite
Mary Helpin, of Binghamton, aged
about 70 years, was committed to the
Broome county poor house, a few days
ago. She was covered with rags, and
her person was in an extremely filthy
condition. When her clothing was re
moved there was found concealed in va
rious pockets $075.00 in bills, all of them
badly soiled. The money will be utilized
for maintaining the old woman while
she is an inmate at the county farm
It is contended that the year 1808,
just one hundred years ago, gave more
celebrities and persons of genius to the
world than any other year of the nine
teenth century. Among those who were
born in that memorable year were
Abraham Lincoln, Edgar Allan Poe
Oliver Wendell Holmes, William Ewart
Gladstone, Charles Darwin, Lord
Hougiiton, Alfred Tennyson, Edward
Fitzgerald, Professor Blackie, Mary
flnwflpn Plflrlfft nnd Fpliv Afnnrlnlflanhii
Commencing with our Thanksgiving
number, which will be an eight page
paper, with illuminated cover, we will
begin an absorbingly interesting serial
story by Robert W. Chambers, entitled
"The Younger Set," and also a series
of Character Sketches of Wayne coun
ty's prominent and successful men
These biographical articles will be pre
pared with great care and from the
most reliable data, and cannot fail to
be not only interesting but inspirational
to the rising generation. As Character
Building is being taught by example in
the schools throughout this county, we
will make a strong personal appeal to
every school teacher in Wayne county
to arrange to have these sketches read
to their scholars, and special copies of
the articles will be prepared to distrib
ute free among the pupils, with a view
to impressing the young people of
Wayne County with the opportunities
that lio at their door; of the superior
chances of succeeding In life through a
4 a cultivation of the many traits of char
actor which the successful men of their
own county have demonstrated to bo
factors in life's success,
-Rev. John R. Atkinson, of Eliza
beth, N. J., an exceptionally able min
ister, will preach in Grace Episcopal
church, Sunday, at 10:30 A. M., and nt
7:30 P. M., in exchange with tho Rector.
-Former patrons of The Honesdnlc
Citizen are again informed that The
Citizen Pudmbiiinci Co. is a distinctly
and entirely new corporation, which
commenced business on the 1st of Octo
ber last, and has no connection whatever
with the accounts or affairs of the firm
whose plant it purchased.
-The Honesdale Electric Installing
Co., Harry Pruemers, Manager, is a new
concern which will fill a long-felt want.
Thev will open tip their place of busi
ness, 530 Main street, on Monday, the
23d, and will be ready to do first-class
electric house wiring in conformity with
the laws, rules and regulations of the
Insurance Department, governing same.
-William Henderson, a well-known
resident of Lebanon township, aged 70
ears died suddenly, yesterday morning,
Nov. 18, 1008. At four o'clock he was
up and around the house, and talked
with some members of tho family, so
far as we can learn without complaint
as to his health. Later he returned to
his bed in which he was found dead at
six o'clock.
"Sherlock Holmes," or"Thc Sign;of
The Four," will be the Thanksgiving
attraction at the Lyric Theatre, for two
performances, matinee and evening.
This is a high class melodrama, and be
ing booked through the Norcross Amuse
ment Co., of New York, our theatre
goers will be assured of a good play on
this holiday, Thanksgiving. Prices and
particulars will appear in the next issue
of The Citizen.
Harry Branley and Miss Amelia C.
Hernnan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Hernnan, were married at noon,
Nov. 18, 1908, at the home of the bride,
on Cliff street, Rev. W. F. Hopp, of St
John's Lutheran church officiating. After
short trip to New York, Jersey City
and other places, they will commence
housekeeping at No. 153 Cliff street. The
bride is one of Honcsdale's attractive
and popular young ladies, and the groom
is an esteemed employee of the American
Knitting Company.
John Ripple spent Sunday in Car-
-Lloyd C. Rosencrans spent Monday
and Tuesdav in Carbondale.
-Charles Rolston, of Fallsdale, was a
visitor in town last Saturday.
-Mrs. Cyrus Hobbs, (if Middletown,
N. Y., is visiting at the home Of Win.
Hill, at Blandin.
-Royal Taft, of Dnninore, a former
business man of Hawley, is a relative of
President-elect Win. II. Taft.
Thomas Quinney, of this place, and
brother Wm. C. Quinney, of Hnwley,
are deer hunting in the wilds of Pike
Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper, of
Catasauqua, have been the guests of the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mills, of
Mrs. Charles S. Horton returned
home Saturday evening from Ephrata,
Pa., where she has been visiting her
Mrs. J. B. Keen and daughter, Miss
Nora and Mrs. Mary Simpson, of Keene,
Bpent Thursday with Mrs. James Lind
say, of Church street.
Rev. J. J. Rankin, of Scranton, i
former pastor of the Presbyterian church,
of Hawley, was a caller at The Citizen
office, on Wednesday.
Clifford Gray and wife are making
an extended visit with his brother Harry
at Jamestown, N. Y. Mr. Gray is a hust
ler, and his vacation is a well earned one
David Doremus, of Port Jervis,
former conductor on the Erie Railroad
and well known to thousands of travelers
celebrated his 77th birthday last Tuesday
Rev. Dr. Wm. H. Swift will conduct
union services of the Baptist, Methodist
and Episcopal congregations, in the
Presbyterian church, on Thanksgiving
H. T. Menner, George M. Genung
M. K. Kimble and II. T. Quinney have
gone on their annual deer-hunting trip
to Pike county. Wcstbrook's will be
their headquarters.
John H. Weaver and George II
Seaman left on Wednesday morning last
for Sizerville, Cameron county, this
State, where they will take the benefit o
the noted waters of that place, which
are regarded as a specific for rheuma
tism. Mr. Seaman was a patron of Jthe-
Sizerville Sanitarium several years ago
and received great benefit from the
Andrew J. Miller, of River street
Honesdale, and Mrs. Rose Kniffen, o
Walden, N. Y., were married at the
home of the bride, at 1) o'clock on Wed
nesday morning last, November 18, 1008,
The happy couple started for Kingston
N. V., after the ceremony, and will enjoy
a few days in New York city befpro com
lug to their permanent home in Hones
dale, to-morrow. As a token of their es
teem a party of Mr. Miller's friends will
present him with a handsome watcli on
the occasion of an "at home" which ho
wiil tender them on his return.
Fine feathers make lino birds for
awhile : sooner or later they make fine
winter Hats.
Advertise in The Citizen.
Indian Orchard.
Nov. 17th. The Berlin teachers all at
tended the County Institute last week ;
so also did several of the directors, all
of whom report a well spent week.
W. C. Spry, of this place, W. H.
Dunn, of Beach LV; , T. Y. Boyd, of
Boyd's Mills, ani George Fugleman, of
Narrowsburg, are spending a few days
in the metropolis.
Frances Gray, one of the Dybcrry
teachers, visited her sister Mabel, on
Saturday and Sunday last.
Mrs. John Richmond and Mrs. Chas.
Wagner are spending several days visit
ing Hawley friends.
The Episcopalians of this place will
hold a donation in the Grange Hall on
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Spry and Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Buckingham attended their
aunt, Mrs. Short's, funeral at Waymart
on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bayly have moved
to East Honesdale. The former is work-
ng at the Irving glass works.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Swartz made a
business trip to Hawley on Wednesday
John and Charles Spry will return
home from the far west soon.
Prof. J. I. Henshaw, principal of the
Winwood High school, visited his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Henshaw, on
Sunday and Monday of last week.
Nellie Hall is visiting friends and rela
tives in Scranton.
Miss Goodnough, of Cirley Brook, is
spending a few days at the home of L.
R. Garrett.
Prank Hollenbeck has several teams
hauling mine ties and caps from Swamp
Brook to Ilonesdale.
Roy Spry, who has been spending
ssveral weeks in Michigan, has returned
to his home at Chestnut Lake.
II. II. Bunnell and II. D. Wood have
gone to Pike county on a deer hunt. If
Harry gets sight of one, it will be his.
Tho ministers at the Lake are holding
protracted meetings. Botli .are well
thought of, and no doubt will have
good success.
White Mills.
Nov. 18th. Joseph Schmidt, of Indian
Orchard, shot the first deer that he ever
saw on Mondav.
On Saturday, Nov. 14th, Professor
Joseph Wagner held his annual musical
entertainment at Florence Theatre, and
it was a grand success, his scholars
all showing up well in their knowledge
of music. A dance was held afterward.
which was enjoyed by all ; thellonesdale
Band was here with bells on, and gave
the White Millers' a treat in the way of
good brass band music.
The first annual banquet of the Ceil
tral Republican Club, of White Mills,
will be held at the Opera House, Nov.
21st. A bountiful spread has been ar
ranged by the committee, in charge,
Some elegant toasts are looked for, aB
they are a jolly .lot.
Lena Davcy, of Beach Lake, is visit'
ing at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reid are rejoic
ing over the arrival of a young son.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Firmstone, of Hones
dale, spent Sunday with the former's
brother, Arthur Firmstone.
Lake Como.
Nov. 17th. Mrs. Blanche McDermott
is visiting in Binghamton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knapp started
Sunday for Michigan, where they will
spend the winter.
Harry Lake, of Binghamton, spent
Sunday with lite brother, Ralph.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson, of Equi
nunk, were callers in town Sunday.
Inez Knapp spent Sunday in Equi
nunk with Kathenne Bullock.
George Gilchrist, wife and daughter
visited at Geo. Atkins's at Rileyville,
Mr. and Mrs. Mott and Mrs. Colquitt
returned to their former home, Newark
after spending several days at John
Jaycox's. Mr. Colquitt will remain a
few weeks.
"A Knight For A Day."
Among the gay bevies of good looking
femininity accredited to the chorus ranks
of tho musical gaiety,' "A Knight for a
Day," to be seen here on-Monday next,
Nov. 23, are : The Sweet Girl Graduates,
The Corsican Belles, The Grand Opera
Prima Donnas and the Candle Light
Girls. Tho last ensemble is said to be
a striking feature, suggesting something
of the effect of an illuminated Rem
brandt panorama. The girls are pre
sented before a scarlet curtain, all lights
of tho theatre being reduced until the
curtain is fairly in shadow. In single
file, the girls appear from the wings and
cross the stage in front of the curtain,
their netliLr portions lost in blackness,
and their faces brought into striking re
lief by tmy lights, in the shape of roses,
that they carry, and which they switch
on and off with fairylike effect.
NovKMiiEit 18th Band practiced in
the brick building Saturday night and
wo hope to hear them again.
Union Thanksgiving service will be
held in the Presbyterian church Thurs
day evening, Nov. 20. Rev. Signor will
give the address.
Mr.-and Mrs. Homer Ballon and chil
dren spent Sunday in Carbondale with
tho latter's sister, Mrs. Ernest Paynter.
Tho Ladies' Aid appointed Tuesday
to clean tho Presbyterian church, and
(hey met and accomplished their work.
November 10th Mrs. Mary Frey,
widow of Lambert Frey, deceased, of
South Sterling, died Thursday, Noy. 12,
at the residence of her son, J. G. Frey,
aged 82 years. Deceased' had been in
failing health for some time, of ills inci
dent to old age. She is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. Lewis Robacker, and
five sons, namely : William, of Tafton j
J. G. and G. V., of South Sterling ; D.
L. and Alonzo, of Virginia. Funeral
services were held on Sunday afternoon
in charge of Rev. J. H. Boyce. Inter
ment was made in Pine Grove cemetery.
Clifford Simons, aged about five years,
son of Frank and Annie Simons, had
the little finger of his right hand almost
cut off by a horse trampling on it,
on tho morning of Nov. 2nd. He was in
a wagon when the horse started, and
being called to stop, did so suddenly,
and threw the little one out of the front
of the wagon and under the horse, with
above result. Dr's Gilpin and Simons
cut off what remained of skin and flesh
and dressed the stub. The little fellow
is doing nicely.
Clifford Smith, a 10 year old son of
Merritt Smith, living near the old North
and Soutli turnpike, in the southern end
of Wayne county, caught a bear cub in
a trap and then shot it, one day last
Elmer Waltz, an employee of tho Now
Y-irk Central R. It., and in charge of a
series of block signal switches in New
York city, has been spending a short
vacation at the home of his parents.
Abe Miller, in the employ of his broth
er, it. it. Miller, swapped horses with
a trader from White Mills no day re1
cently, and the horse he got proved to
be balky, and in an effort to induce it to
work it was shamefully abused, and
later its injuries proved so serious that it
had to be killed. In disposing of the
carcass, the parties having charge started
to bury it near tho Wallenpaupack creek,
but before they had it out of sight they
were advised to plant it elsewhere, as
the law forbids placing dead bodies too
near streams of water, and with some
extra labor they moved it to n proper
Robert Boyce will start in a few days
to visit relatives in Ohio.
Some forty or more of the laborers on
the State road in Dreherare still in camp
at Angels, but with the present con
dition of the weather they may quit until
warmer weather.
South Canaan.
Nov. 10 Thanksgiving union services
will be held in the M. P. church at 10:30,
Rev. Renville, of the M. E. church will
preach the sermon. You are welcome
The Sunday school of tho M. P,
church will hold their annual Christmas
exercises on Christmas eve. A beauti
ful cantata will be rendered by the
The sheds of the M. r. church are
being repaired and shingled.
A series of sermons is being preached
at Kizer's M. P. church by the pastor
Thomas Hooper. The first was deliver
ed last Sunday afternoon.
Next Sunday being the last Sunday in
the church year, will be observed in St,
John's Lutheran church as a day of
commemoration of the dead. Rev. W
r . Hopp will deliver a Herman sermon
in the morning on "Our Heavenly
Home." St. John, 14.2. In the even
ing at the Vesper service, an English ad
dress from Isaiah, 40.1. "Comfort Ye
'Comfort Ye My People."
The benefical effect ol storage on the
sanitary quality of water now seems to
be well established, and a further con
tribution to the data on the subject has
just been made by one of the experts of
the London Water Board. He lias
shown that typhoid bacilli put in river
water gradually disappear as the water
remains longer in storage.
Infants', Children's and Misses' win
ter Cloaks at Menner & Co. 's. New in
styles, best in goods. 22eitf
Extradition and Crime.
When the case of the Russian refu
gee, Jan Pouren, Is finally determined
it will be likely to stand as n prece
dent for the United States In future
cases. Russia claimed to ask in good
faith under an existing treaty for the
extradition of a man charged with
four crimes, one being murder. Pou
ren's friends insist that the killing
was committed aa part of a political
movement in which he was Involved
at the time.
If the Russian should be surrender
ed for trial for ono of the lighter of
fenses and the trial should take on the
color of political persecution this coun
try would have the right to protest.
An extradited prisoner should not be
tried for an offense other than that
for which be was surrendered without
his consent. If this ruio is applied in
the Pouren case the United States will
be committed to it as fundamental in
treaty obligations. England establish
ed it in 1870, and other nations have
gradually yielded the point.
Uncle 8am has plenty of "balkln"'
right at home and doesn't need to work
In Europe's continuous dlsputo as a
side line.
General Apathy proved to bo tho
kind of a soldier who is "missing" at
rail call when the battle opens.
Commissioners are Appreciative.
We sincerely thank the citizens of
Wayne county for the confidence ex
pressed in us by our re-election, by safe
majorities, as County Commissioners, in
in spite of the base slanders ond false
hoods by those opposed to us, pnblished
the week prior to election. Wo shall en
deavor to show our appreciation of this
confidence by fulfilling tho duties of the
office in tho interests of the tax-payers
to the best of our ability,
Sincerely yours,
T. O.
Avisit to Men nku & Co's Cloak and
Suit department will convince buyers of
the style and cloth qualities of their
season's suits.
A Protest from Waymart.
The Citizen:
Under the "Home Tonics" of the
last issue of tho "Independent" we read
that thirty years ago, orless, butter was
selling lor nueen cents a pound, now,
thirty-four years ago Nov. 4th, our but
ter sold for forty-five cents a pound by
the commission merchants in New York
city. At that rate butter has depreciat
ed in value, while we all know very well
that hired help, salaried officers and
taxes have been multiplied. Justice.
One ok the Fiends. "Pardon me.
sire, but. why do they call you Satan?"
His Diabolical Majesty "Oh, that's
just an uiu jnick name."
New Portieres, Rugs. Curtains and
Carpets at Menner & Co's. 22eitf
To the level-headed young
man, a bank account, .
added to a determination , to
make it larger, means
much. The names of many
such are enrolled on
our books and the number
is steadily increasing.
Are you among the number?
Honesdale, Pa.
Autumn and Winter Goods
Now on Display at
Menner & Co., Keystone Stores
Chic in Style. Latest
Models to fit all forms in Ladies.'lMisses and Juniors Long
Coats. Evening Cloaks, Fur Jackets, Collars and Muffs.
Menner & Co.'s Department Stores.
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year opens with a deluge of new mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised,
may find a salo with tne unwary.
AUTiiom.Ki) to iiandlk bfllLI UN 5 mlALU r AIM 10
There are reasons for tho pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS:
1st No ono can mix a bottor mixed paint.
2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won
dorful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
own oxpenso, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves tlofoctivo.
4th Those who have used it are porfectly satisfied with it,
and recommend its use to others.
Mr Hornbeck Asks a Pair Deal.
"Newspapers oueht to bo fair . it Davs
to be fair: the people expect a fair deal
even for Bryan. "-Wayne County Herald,
Nov. 17, 1908.
On October 30th, the Herald published
a letter alleged to have been written to
C. A. McCarty, in which it was stated
that a portrait of W. J. Bryan was tacked
upside down on u building owned by me
in Hancock, N. Y. An editorial in the
same issue of that paper practically says
that I put this "insult upon the peerless
Inorlnf ' T.tlrA nil rt iin T-T - IO a r n rr
ivitui.1 -i-si ivi ui4 vr flic iiciuiu a viuiij-
paign articles, this is false and mislead
ing. This act is alleged to have occurred
on Saturday, October 24th. On Monday
of that week I came to Honesdale ; on
Tuesday with tho other Commissioners
we inspected the Dyberry State road j
on Wednesday we inspected the Lehigh
State road ; on Thursday we met with
the Susquehanna County Commissioners
at Forest City, and I returned to Hones
dale that night. On Friday I went to
my home at Equinunk, and was there
all day Saturday. I was not in Hancock
that week at all, and had no knowledge
of any pictures in any shape being tacked
on mybuildings. I do not know now
that a portrait of Mr. Bryan was upside
down on my building in Hancock. I
have never seen it there, and if it was
thero at any time I do not know who put
it there. J. K. IIORNBEOK.
Equinunk, Nov. 17, 1008.
Caller So sorry to hear of your
motor accident.
Enthusiastic Motorist Oh, thanks, it's
nothing. Expect to live through many
Caller Oh, I trust notl
29 ' ' '
Cloth. Best in Fit.