The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 11, 1908, Image 2
THE CITIZEN. PCBUBIIED EVERT WEDNESDAY AKD FRIDAY BY TIIK CITIZEN rOBUBIintO COMPANY. Kntercd as second-class matter, at the post office. Ilonesdale. Pa. SUBSCRIPTION : $1.50 A YEAB. IN ADVANCE E. II. IIAKDKNBKRGH. - - PRESIDENT W. W. WOOD, - - MANAGER AND SECY DIRECTORS I C. II. DORFUKQEB. . M. B. ALLEN. HENRY WILSON. E. B. HABDENBEEQII. W. W. WOOD. Bryan and His "Principles.1 Representatives of the Democracy, after crawling out from under the ruins due to the election last week, are beating the nir in a vain attempt to save Bryan's face. As an instance of this, the Herald says : "Thf fact that the Republican party exists to-day is due to the skill and tact exercised by President uooseveit in adopting Mr. Bryan's principles and theories and giving to the country the insurance that while these policies were proper and correct the Republican party was ready and willing to adopt them. Nearly everything commendable in the Republican party to-day is due to the influence which Mr. Bryan exerted upon the minds of men during the last twelve nnfl most that is objectionable in the same party has been apologized for and promises raaae tnai uiey too snaii be reformed and brought in accordance with the public conscience wnicn Mr, Bryan's theories have molded." Going to Bryan's record to discover his "principles and theories," we find the following : 1. While a member ot the 53d Con gress, at the special session in the fall of 1893, he voted against the repeal of the silver purchase clause of the Sherman bill, and the repeal was accomplished bv Republican votes. Roosevelt has not adopted this, the earliest of the princi pies announced by Bryan. 2. In the same Congress, Bryan voted for the Sugar Trust Tariff. The principle of this tariff has not been adopted by Roosevelt. 3. In 1890, Bryan's platform demand ed a tariff for revenue only, the abolition of National banks, and the bunco dollar through "the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold at the ratio of sixteen to one." None of these Bryan principles have been adopted by Roose velt. 4. In 1900, Bryan's platform again de manded the free and unlimited coinage of the bunco dollar at the ratio of sixteen to one, free trade, the abolition of the national banking system, the reduction of the army to a skeleton, and the inde pendence of the Philippines, under the protection of our government. Roose' velt has not adopted any of these Bryan principles. 5. In 1904, Bryan's platform again condemned "imperialism" in the reten' tion and government of the Philippines and the protective tariff. These Bryan principles have not been adopted by Roosevelt. Looking at the Republican record, we find the following as its leading points 1. In 1888, the Republican National Convention made the first declaration on record, in any party platform, in op position to trusts and monopolies viz 'We declare our opposition to all combinations of capital organized trusts or otherwise, to control arbitrarl lv the conditions of trade among our citizens : and we recommend to Con' press, and the State Legislatures, their respective jurisdictions, such legis lation as will prevent the execution of all schemes to oppress the people by un aue cnarges on ineir supplies, or uy un iust rates for the transportation of theii products to market. We approve the legislation by Congress to prevent alike uniuet burdens and untair discnmina tions between the States." The Democratic platform of that year was wholly silent on this subject, and was devoted chiefly to the condemnation of protection and the approval of the Mills free trade tariff bill, then pending in Congress. 2. In 1890, a Republican Congress pass' ed and a Republican President signed the Sherman Anti-Trust Law, under which numerous prosecutions of trusts and combinations in restraint of trade have been carried on. 3. In 1892, the Republican National Convention followed the action of the preceding Convention by this terse and emphatic plank in its platform : "Wft reaffirm our onDOsition. declared in the Republican platform of 1888, t all combinations of capital organized in trusts or otherwise, to control arbitran ly the conditions ol trade among our citizens. We heartily indorse the action already taken unon this subiect. and ask for such further legislation as may be required to remedy any detects in existing laws and to render their en forcement more complete and effective- The Democratic platform, adopted twelve days later, followed the Republi can lead on this question by demanding the rigid enforcement of the laws en acted, and Buch further legislation might be found necessary. Neither party again referred to the subject, in its platform, until 1900, Meantime prosecutions were begun against some of the most conspicuous violators of the anti-trust law, and six of these cases were carried to the U S. Supreme Court. In these the scope and purpose of the act, and its applica tion to various operations, were clearly defined, its principles definitely estab lished, nnd the ground laid for further proceedings under it. In 1900, the Republican national platform declared : "We recognize the necessity and propriety of the honest co-operation of capital to meet new business conditions, and especially to extend our rapidly increasing foreign trade, but we condemn all conspiracies anu comDinauons mienueuio resinci business, to create monopolies, to limit production, or to control prices, and favor such legislation as will effectively 1 1 . .11 ..!, nlmnAn protect and promote competition, and secure the rights of producers, laborers, and all who are engaged in industry and commerce." A fortnight later, the Democratic Na tional Convention joined the procession by an elaborate condemnation of mo nopolies and trusts. In 1901, the Republican national plat form declared for the continued subjec tion of business combinations to the law. fortnight later, the Democratic Na tional Convention tried to catch up with the anti-trust movement by a violent condemnation of monopolies and com binations. In 1908, the Republican national plat form thus summed up the situation : The Rpnublican mrtv passed the Rhprmfin nnti-tnint. Inw over Democratic opposition, and enforced it after Demo-1 cratic dereliction. It has been a whole some instrument for eood in the hands of wise and fearless administration. But experience has shown that its effective ness can be strengthened and its real objects better attained bv such amend ments as will give to tne teaerai govern ment greater supervision and control over and secure greater publicity in the management of that class ol corpora' tions encaged in interstate commerce having power and opportunity to effect monopolies." Bryan's platform, while joining in the condemnation of trusts and monopolies, and demanding railroad regulation, in part on lines already fixed by a Re publican Congress, proposed to regulate industry by requiring a federal license for corporations controlling twenty-five per cent, or more of the business in which it is engaged, and forbidding the control of more than fifty per cent. These Bryan principles and theories certainly have not been adopted by Roosevelt. Meanwhile, while Bryan has been en- gaged in denouncing trust and monopo lies, the Republican party, led by Roose velt, has been engaged in a vigorous en- forcement of the policy announced in the Republican platform of 1888, under the laws enacted to give effect to that policy, and in promoting legislation to make it still more effective. Since 1901, Roosevelt's administration has begun numerous prosecutions, which in eleven cases have been carried to the Supreme Couit. In 1903, the Department of Com merce and Labor, with a Bureau of Cor porations, was created, and the Elkins act was passed, with the result of making an end of railroad rebates. In 1906, the Hepburn rate bill was passed, which ended the power of making arbitrary and unreasonable railroad rates. Noth ing in this direction has been due to any practical suggestion on the part of Bryan In short, while Bryan has been vocifer ously hooting atcorporate abuses, Roose velt ha? been suppressing them, and in promoting legislation for their more ef fectual suppression. The Republican party owes its exist ence to its work for the past twenty years in developing and putting into effect a practicable system for restraining the abuses of corporate power. On the other hand, the Democratic party owes its present non-existence to its indorsement of all of Bryan's political freaks, and to the conviction of a large majority of the people that he cannot safely be trusted in the executive office. Col. Pratt Honored. Congressman elect, Col. Charles C Piatt, was given a rousing ovation in hon or of his political victory by his enthusi astic New Milford townsmen on Thurs day evening of last week. A large crowd gathered at the opera house early in the evening, and, headed by a band, pro ceeded to the Colonel's residence, near which a bonfire was built, several musi cal selections were rendered, cheers were given for Mr. Pratt and Mrs. Pratt and the children, and greetings exchanged after which the successful candidate was put in a carriage and drawn by hand through throngs of applauding people and the glare of red fire, back to the opera house. The building was soon packed, and, according to the New Mil- ford papers, when Col. Pratt appeared on the platform "pandemonium broke loose." There were highly eulogistic speeches made by three Reverends, and other local talker, and a very modest and well-worded response by Col. Pratt who, referring to the much mooted ques tion of his residence during the cam paign, declared that, "here is where his mother gave him birth, here he had spent hfs boyhood, and here would spend his life, and sometime his body would here be laid to rest beside that of his honored father and mother." Refresh menta were served by Mrs. Pratt after the demonstration, and then with more singing and more cheers the party went to their respective homes, collectively and individually tie-lighted. Prepare for the Holidays. What do you say to buying your Christmas presents now? Think ahead six weeks and in your mind's eye see the hurry and scurry and hurly-burly that will dominate your home and favorite shops as it did just before Christmas last year, and ever has and ever will, un less you wish to avoid it. Can't you see the tired, overwrought women's scram ble at the bargain counters, that is as in evitable before Christmas each, year as the twenty-fifth of December itself? Pleasant, sure. eatv. safe little liver Pills are DeWlU'i Little Karly Risers. Sold by rr.ii. me uruxKisi. CAMP FIRE. Inspection sad Camp Fire of Capt. James Ham Peat Visit of Depart ment Commander DeLacy. The annual inspection of Capt. James Ham Post, No. 198, G. A. R., of our borough, took place at the Post Room last Friday evening. For the first time its history, the Post was visited by the Department Commander of the Order (Dep't of Penn'a), this official being Capt. P. DeLacy, of Griffin Post, Scran ton. He was accompanied by N. S. Cat lender, Department Chief of Staff, 8. B. Mott and Thomas Barrowman, all of Griffin Post. Comrade Mott was inspect ing officer. Besides the services attend ing inspection, nominations were made for the officers of the Post for the coming year; the present incumbents ol the sev eral offices being renominated. At the close of business, the Post, with the De partment Commander, and the other isitors, made a change of base to Heu- matin's restaurant, wnere a "(irana Army Camp Fire" was held, which suggested only by a vivid contrast the camp fires around which the Union armies were wont to discuss their ra tions during the campaigns of the civil war. Thirty-three veterans and their guests participated, and the camp fire, with its accompaniment of toasts, songs, speeches, stories, reminiscences, etc held the front until the smallest hour 'ayant the twal'." The speakers were Department Commander DeLacy, Chief Burgess Thomas J. Ham, Hon. John Kuhbach, Hon. Leopold Fuerth, Homer Greene, W. W. Wood, and M. J. Han- Ian. It is impossible to give even a sum mary of the addresses, but all were felici tous in thought and expression, and were marked by fitness and tact, and were especially appropriate to the occasion Post Commander Henry Wilson, who presided, was most happy in his intro ductory remarks, and added greatly to the enjoyment of the evening by his char acteristically witty presentations of the several speakers. The Department Com mander presented a review, compiled from official sources, of some interesting points in connection with the personnel of the Union armies during the war. As to nationality, about three-fourths of the soldiers were native born ; then followed in order of numbers, the Germans, the Irish, the English, the Canadians, and others of various nationalities. Classified by age at the time of enlistment, the largest number were eighteen years old and this class included no small num ber who were really below eighteen, but who were physically qualified for the service, and were obliged to state their ages as not less than eighteen in order to be enlisted. Above eighteen the num ber in the several classes diminished and the smallest class was those of forty- four years. The average age was about twenty-five. The younger classes were found least able to endure the hardships of a soldier's life, and most susceptible to the diseases incident to the service hence the proportion of sick among them was greater than among the older classes The Department Commander also gave summary of a bill to give State pensions to Union veterans, which a committee o the G. A. R., appointed for that pur pose, had prepared. This, in brief, pro vides for a pension of $fl a month to all who served for ninety days or more in Pennsylvania commands, and are now residents of the State. The restriction to service in Pennsylvania commands is on the ground that when Pennsylvania!! went to another State to enlist, and thus help till its quota, instead of enlisting at home, and helping fill the quota of their own State, they withdrew from the State flag, reduced the number of men whom the State could call on, and made it nec essary for the State to provide others to' fill its quota. This, it is considered, gives them no claim on the state for pensions, as they performed no military service for which the State received cred it. The same rule, of course, applies to residents of other States who enlisted in those States, and since the war have re moved to Pennsylvania. The ground of the exclusion of those who are now non residents is apparently on the ground that they have voluntarily withdrawn from the State, and are no longer sub ject to its jurisdiction. This is not as satisfactory as in the other cases, since the proposed pension is not to be given as a reward for residence in the State, but for military service under the State flag. Dropping into lighter vein, the De partment Commander gave a variety of entertaining reminiscences, some of which referred to a period long "afoah de wah," when he and the Post Commander were school boys together, in the early 'forties. The instrumental music for the occa sion was by O'Brien's orchestra, and the vocal music by Comrades Callender, Barrowman and Mott ; both reinforced by the veterans in the chorus of some of the war time melodies. The three vocal ists named visited Capt. Ham Post at the inspection last year, and at the ac companying camp fire delighted the Post with their rendering of the patriotic songs of the 'sixties ; and on the present occa sion they repeated the entertaining feat ures of the previous year, with im provements Uiatseemed to leave nothing to be added. Needless to say that the banquet served by Mr. Heumann was complete in every respect. The room was handsomely draped with the National colors, the tables artistically arranged and decorat ed, the dishes most appetizing, and the service all that could be desired. OBITUARY. M08ES ROnERTS. Moses Roberts died at the home of his mother on River street on Thursday, Noycmber 5, 1908, aged 27 years. The funeral services, conducted by Rev. A. L. Whitaker, of Grace, (Episcopal,) church, were held on Saturday. The interment was made in the Indian Orch ard cemetery. MRS. MAROARKT FI.ANNIdAN. Mrs. Margaret Flannigan, widow of Patrick Flannigan, died at her home, 518 Church street, of gastritis, on Satur day morning, November 7th, 1908, at the advanced age of 84 years. She was born in Ireland, Nov. 24th, 1824, and came to Ilonesdale in 1850. She is sur vived by the following children : Mary, at home ; Catharine, in New York ; Christopher, at home ; James, in Scran ton, and Richard, in Clarion. The funeral services, including requiem moss, were held at St. John's (R. C.) church on Tuesday morning, Rev. Thomas Han- ley officiating. Interment in St. John's cemetery. MRS. MARTHA RAY. Mrs. Martha Ray, wife of 'Rev. Joseph D. Ray, died at her home, 1G03 East Division street, on Friday afternoon, Nov. 29th 1908. She was born in Eng land in 1836, and came to this country in her childhood, locating in Boston, where she was eventually married Besides her husband, she is survived by four daughters and a son Mrs. II. M. Eaton, of Meriden, Conn.; Mrs. Lewis Decker and Mrs. George Bryant, of Scranton ; Miss Emma, at home, and Noble A., of Chicago. The funeral was held at 2 o'clock on Monday afternoon, Rev. Will H. Hiller conducting the ser vices. Interment in Glen Dyberry cem etery. JOHN T. HALL. John Thomas Ball was born in Orange, N. J., June 13, 1833, and died at West town, Orange county, N. Y., Nov. 1908, making his age 75 years, 4 months and 24 days. He had been in ill health for a long period, being a victim of Bright's disease. Thinking a change of location might prove beneficial, he went to the home of Homer C. Down, a friend living at Westtown, early in October where he suffered a slight stroke of pa ralysis on the 31st of that month, follow ed by a severe one Nov. 2d. His early advantages were somewhat limited, but he improved them to the best of his ability. He came to Ilonesdale with his parents in 1847, and followed carpen tering for a livelihood. He was married Aug. 15, 1861, his bride being Miss Mary F. Aunger, of Waymart, and she proved a most worthy and competent helpmate She died Aug. 7, 1892. He is survived by two brothers, Isaac N. Ball, of Hones dale, and Henry, of East Saginaw, Mich For nearly twenty years he was employed on the Honesdale docks of the Del Hud. Canal Co. Mr. Ball was converted in 1865. He was chosen a deacon of the Presbyterian church in 1870, and an elder in 1878, which position he filled un til his death. He was greatly interested in Sunday school work in various por tions ot wayne county, and was super intendent of the Indian Orchard school for about a year, and organized the one at Seelyville, where he served as teacher and superintendent for twenty-nine years Mr. Ball accomplished a vast deal of good in his long and useful life, well worthy of emulation by others. His re mains were brought to Honesdale for burial, the services being held in the Presbyterian church, Rev. Dr. Win. H Swift officiating. The pall bearers were his brother elders, Andrew Thompson R. M. Blocker, Win. J. Ward, Georg Robinson, Wm. B. Holmes and J Reitenauer. Interment in Glen Dyberrv HENRY STERN. Capt. Henry Stern, who will here memberedby many of our older readers died in New York city onThursday last. He was born near the home of the late William Weiss, in Bohemia, and on coming to this country in the late 'fifties, made that merchant's residence in Honesdale his first stopping place. Soon afterward he secured employment with a farmer in Oregon township, with whom he remained for a year or two, and then returned to Honesdale to fill a position in Menner's store. In the fall of 1861 the 77th Regiment of Pennsyl vania Volunteers was recruited in ChamberBburg, quite a considerable con tingent enlisting in this section, a num ber of Wayne county boys enrolling themselves in Companies G, H and I, Henry Stern among them. Stephen Bradford, of Scranton, who became Major of the Regiment, was the recruit ing officer. Mr. Stern was mustered in to service with Company G, as 1st Lieu tenant, Oct. 11th, 1861. In April, 18(53, the Captain, Alexander Phillips, was promoted to fill the vacancy created by Major Bradford's resignation the pre ceding January, and Lieut. Stern was advanced to the captaincy, and served in that capacity until his own resigna tion on the 9th of the following Septem ber. The 77th was preeminently a fighting regiment. It was theonly Pennsylvania regiment in the battle at Pittsburg Land ing, April 7th, 1862, and after that con flict remained on the field, exposed for most q the time to drenching rains, for eight days. On the 14th, the tents hav ing been brought up, it moved several miles to escape the horrid stench of the bloody battle field. The Lieut. Colonel ,waa prostrated by its blighting effect, and great sickness prevailed. The charge f the regiment fell on the shoulders of Major Bradford, , while it was engaged about Nashville, Tenn., during the sum mer of 1802, and until the opening of the winter campaign. January 1st, 18i3, the regiment participated in the fighting at Murfreesboro, Tenn., and so dis tinguished itself that, in March follow ing, General Rosecr.inz, while review ing the army preparatory to the second grand advance against Bragg, in pass ing along the line of the Seventy-Seventh, said : . "Colonel, I see that your regiment !b all right. Give my compli ments to the boys, and tell thei'i that I say, 'It was the banner regiment at Stone River ; they never broke their ranks.' " In all of fie desperate strug gles about Nashville and Chattanooga Inch followed, the 77th gallantly did its part, and the companies whouc rosters bore the names of Capt. Stern, Frank Hollenbeck and other Wayne county boys, were accorded a full share fhe honors won. After his resigna tion Capt. Stern returned to New York and engaged in business as a broker, which was his calling at the time of his death. He never married. The funeral services were held in Temple Enmaiiuel, New York, and the remains were inter- ed in that citv. Foot Ball. A splendid foot ball contest between Dunmore and Honesdale elevens came off on the silk mill grounds 011 Saturdny afternoon last. The line-up was as fol lows : HONESDALE. rosmou. DUNMOUK. Osborne I.. E Miller Dudley 1.. T Wutruus K. Osborne L. l 1'avton Jacobs C Tavlor schlcssler. !. Williams r round 1:. T lx.'wls Hader II. K h. JSroL'an Howlanu o. 11 i:arron Weaver I.. If. 11 M. llrosan Murray li.ll. 11 .Monut linrberl V. II Murphy Toitchdowsh Weaver. Mnrrav. 1: E. Brogan, 1 ; M. llrogau, 1. (Ioal, from touchdown Ilarberil ; M tiler. 1. Score Ilonesdale, IU; Dunmore, VI. The Honesdale eleven will play a re turn game at Dunmore mi Saturdny af ternoon next. A visit to Menxeu & Co's Cloak and Suit department will convince buyers of the style and clotli qualities of their season's suits. 22eitf The College Singing Girls Walter Eccles. and The program comprises a great varie ty of selections. It includes some of the strongest numbers written for women's voices, both sacred and operatic. College Songs sung with the spirit and action peculiar to them. Songs char acteristic of different countries sung in appropriate costume. The acknowledged charm of Spanish music, with its accompaniments of cas tanets, tambourines, mandolins and guitars, has caused to be introduced several of the bestselections to be found in this style of music, which will be ren uereu m the picturesque Spanish cos tumes. Instrumental numbers and original effects in selections, with action. Among the novelties is "The Drummer Son; nnd chorus from the opera "Fantine," in which four of the young ladies ap pear as drummer girls. An important part of the program are the impersonations and humorous songs by Mr. Walter Eccles and the musical sketches by him and the young women of the company. Mr. Kccles stands in the very front rank of entertainers. His repertoire in cludes monologues, humorous songs, im personations and dramatic recitals. At the Lyric Theatre this Wednesday, even ing, Nov. 11th. AUDITOR'S XOTICE. ESTATE OP II. C. GAYJ.Oltl). Late of Lebanon towiisbln. deceased. The undersigned, an auditor appointed to report uismuuuon oi saia estate, win attend to me nuties oi ins appointment, on KHIDAY. DEC EM HEIMth. 1'IUS. at 10 o'clock, a. m.,at hlsolllce In tlieboroueli ot Ilonesdale. ut which time and place all claims against sain estate must be presented or recourse loineninu ior (ustritmuon wil no lost. WM. II. LKE, Auditor, Honesdale, Nov, 9, 1!XK 35t3 WHEN THE ENGINE COMES is no time to be regretting your neglect to get insured. A little care beforehand is worth more than any amount of re gret. KRAFT & CONGER, General Insurance Agents HONESDALf, PA. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Estate of Albert Whitmore. late of Honesdale borough, deceased. Ali persons Indebted to said estate are notified to mnko Immediate payment to the undersigned ; and those having claims against said estuto are notified to present them, duly attestcd.'for Kliiemem ntinni u.ou, l&wti Administrator c. t. LYRIC THEATRE ! BESI. H. BITTglCH, - - LESSEE AID MAIAGER COUNTY INSTITUTE Concert Course ! TUESDAY, NOV. 10, STERLING JUBILEE SINGERS ! ..8 COLORED PEOPLE-.g WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11, COLLEGE SINGING GIRLS : WALTER ECCLES,te'netea THURSDAY, NOV. 12, DR. JOHN F. CARSON LECTUHEIt MINISTER. America's Ideals. PRICES : Main Floor, 50c. Balcony, 3jc - PEAT SALE at the box offlec, at 9 a. 111., luesuay. iov. iv. Abdenpato rnicES : Course tickets and teachers' enrollment cards must be pre sented at the box oillec for reserved seats, lfy paying 10 cents, holders of abovecards ami uckcis, can secure uest seats. IN THE, SHOW WINDOW OF G. P. SOMMER'S are fwo nnin uiiTPiirp Dainty 14 KUULU fffllLiUd One will be given to the MOST POPULAR SCHOOL TEACH ER, either lady or gentleman, in Wavno countv, on CHRIST MAS DAY. December 25,1008. X Every purchaser will be entitled to ONE VOTE n&oSSSS chased in SOMMER'S STORE, com mencing Nov. 9th to Dec. 24th. BALLOTS to be deposited in sealed box, and counted Christmas eve by a committee to be appointed bv Countv Superintendent, J. J. Kiehler. Tooth Savers We have the sort of tooth brushes Hint m made to thoroughly cleanse and save the teeth. Thev are thr kind that. rhnn troth ivIMmnt leaving your mouth full of bristles. We recommend those costlne 25 cents or more, as we can guarantee them and will re- iace. iree. any tnai snow delects of inanu ucture within three months. O. T. CHAHBERS, PH'ARTIACIST, Opp.D. & II. Station, HONESDALE, PA. ARTISTIC HONESDALE, PA. 1036 MAIN STREET. For New Late Novelties -IN JEWELRY WATCHES SILVERWARE SPENCER, The Jeweler Guaranteed article on'y old." my.. 4;V , -v-r&i! rft?m MARTIN CAUFIELD MONUMENTAL WORK