The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 11, 1908, Image 1

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Wayne County Organ i
.saemi-weeKiv rounaca in
of the
i Weekly Founded, 1844
t 7K
65th. YEAE.
NO. 34
Farmhand Faces Charge of
Murdering Four.
Lamphere Is Accused of Burning
.Home, With Woman and Chil
dren, After Aiding to Mur
der Hen Lured Thither.
Laportc, Ind., Nov. 0. Ray Lam
VPhere, former farmhand for Mrs.
Belle Gun n oss, proprietor of the "mur
der fnrm," was placed on trial here to
day on the charge of murdering the
woman, her three ehlldreu and An
drew Helgeleln.
Judge Hlcbter presides at the trial.
A special venire has been called to
provide a jury, and It Is the Intention
of Prosecuting Attorney Smith to car
ry through the trial without delay.
Lnmphere's attorneys, Messrs. Darrow
and Worden, are determined to clear
their client an soon as possible.
"We shall make a determined effort
to prove that Lamphere set Are to Hip
Gunness house, thereby causing the
deaths of Mrs. Gunness and her chll
dreu," said Mr. Smith. "We also be
lieve that we can connect him with the
- murder of Andrew Helgeleln."
;"We are going to clear Lamphere,"
said Attorney Worden. "The state has
no case against him for the death of
Mrs. Gunness."
Opinion as to the farmhand's guilt
seems to be about equally divided
In the town. There are. those who
hold that he was a willing tool of
Mrs. Gunness In doing away with the
men whom she murdered after rob
bing them and that jealousy brought
him to the point of burning up the
woman and her children. Others 'hold
that he Is not mentally accountable
and not capable of planning so atro
cious a crime.
Fifty witnesses In the case have
been called upon to bo ready today to
tell what they know of the proceed
lags at tho "murder farm."
The Gunness case startled the world
last spring, when It was demonstrated
beyond a doubt that the woman had
lured hither a number of men from
various parts of the country by means
of advertisements in matrimonial pa
pers and had then done them to death
for their money. Among them was
Andrew Helgeleln. The finding of
bones on the farm after the place was
burned led to the disclosure of the
crimes. For many days the remains
t of the woman and her children were
sought. It was .reported that she was
seen in varlous-'parts of the United
States, but the reports were not veri
fied. The coroner's verdict was that
she perished in the fire. Before this
verdict was reached Lamphere had
been arrested on the charge of killing
Mrs. Gunness and aiding her In put
ting out of the way the men who had
been traced to Laporte.
Flowers and Dovei For King Mrnuel.
Oporto, Nov. 0. King Manuel made
n state visit to this city, which is the
center of republicanism. Vast crowds
gave him a tremendous ovation, ladles
In balconies showering him with flow
ers and letting loose flocks of doves.
No Drinks For Railroad Clerks.
Portland, Ore., Nov. 9. Ralph Rials
dell, auditor for the Harrlman roads
here, nnnounced that any oue of his
COO clerks would be dismissed forth
with If detected taking a drink or even
visiting a saloon.
Leap From Liner at 8aa.
New York, Nov. O.-The French Hue
steamer La Touralne, from Havre, re
ports that J. T. Leguerre jumped over
board in mldocean. The steamer stop
ped and lowered n boat, but no trace
of the man could be found.
President Answers Inquiries
Made Before Election.
He Points Out That In His Cabinet
"Catholic, Protestant, Chris
tian and Jew" Sit Side
by Side.
Washington, Nov. 0. "Secretary
Taft's religious faith is purely his own
private concern and not a matter for
general discussion and political dis
crimination," says President Roose
velt lu a letter he made public in which
he answers numerous correspondents:
I received many letters during the cam
paign expressing dissatisfaction with Mr.
Tuft on religious grounds some of tliem
on the ground that he was a Unitarian
and others on the ground that he was
suspected to be In sympathy with Cath
olics. I did not answer any of these let
ters during the campaign because I re
garded It as an outrage even to agltat
such a question as a man's religious con
victions with the purpose of Influencing
a political election.
You ask that Mr. Taft shall "let the
world know what his religious belief is."
This is purely his own private concern,
and It Is a matter between him and his
Maker, a matter for his own conscience,
and to require it to be made public un
der penalty of political discrimination Is
to negative the llrst principles of our gov
ernment, which guarantee complete re
ligious liberty. Mr. Taft never asked my
advice In the matter, but If he had asked
it I should have emphatically advised him
against thus stating publicly his religious
belief. The demand for a statement or a
candidate's lellglous belief can have no
meaning except that there may be dis
crimination for or against him because
of that belief.
To discriminate against a thoroughly
upilght citizen because he belongs to
some particular church or because, like
Abraham Lincoln, he has not avowed his
allegiance to any church Is ah outrage
against that liberty of conscience which
Is one of the foundations of American
You are entitled to know whether a
man seeking your suffrage is a man of
clean and upright life, honorable In all
his dealings with his fellows and fit by
qualification and purpose to do well in
the great office for which he Is a candi-
Hale', "Isut you" are" not entitled 10"know
matters which lie purely between him
self and his Maker.
If It Is proper or legitimate to oppose
a man for being a Unitarian, as was
John Quincy Adams, for Instance, as Is
the Rev. Edward Everett Hale, at the
present moment chaplain of the senate
ana an American or whose lire all good
Americans are proud, then It would be
equally proper to support or, oppose a
man because of his view on justification
by faith or the method of administering
the sacrament or the gospel of salvation
by works.
Now, for your objections to him bo
cause you think his wife and brother to
be Roman Catholics. As It happened,
they are not, but If they were or If he
were a Roman Catholic himself It ought
not to affect in the slightest degree any
man supporting him for the position of
president. You say that "the mass of the
voters that are not Catholics will not
support a man for any ofilce, especially
for president of the United States, who
Is a Roman Catholic." I believe that
when you say this you foully slander
your fellow countrymen. I do not foi
one moment believe that the mass of our
fellow citizens or that any considerable
number f our fellow citizens can be In
fluenced by such narrow bigotry as to re
fuse to vote for any thoroughly upright
and fit man because he happens to have
a particular religious creed. Are you
aware that there are several states in
this Union where the majority of the
people are now Catholics? I should rep
robate In the severest terms the Cath
olics who In those states refused to
vote for the most fit man because he
happened to bo a Protestant, and my
condemnation would be exactly as severe
for Protestants who under reversed cir
cumstances refused to vote for a Cath
olic. I know Catholics who have for many
years represented constituencies mainly
Protestant and Protestants who have for
many years represented constituencies
mainly Catholic, and among the congress
men whom I know particularly well was
one man of Jewish faith who represented
a district in which they were hardly any
Jews at all.
I believe that this republic will endure
for many centuries. If so, there will
doubtless be among Its presidents Prot
estants and Catholics and very probably
at some time Jews.
In my cabinet there sit side by side
Catholic and Protestant, Christian and
Jew, each man chosen because In my be
lief he Is peculiarly fit to exercise on be
half of all our people the duties of the
office to which I have appointed htm.
Leffingwoll Discovered Three Rivers In
Northern Alaska.
San Francisco, Nov. 0. Ernest Let
flugwell, geologist and explorer, who
was with EJuar Mikkelsen on the
arctic expedition in the schooner
Duchess of Bedford, which was
wrecked in 1007, has arrived from
Point Darrow on tho whaling vessel
Harwhal, no is the last man of the
expedition to return,
Lefniigwell discovered nnd mapped
three rivers lu the extreme northern
part of Alaska. All three empty into
the Arctic ocean.
This sudden interest in brakes at the
German imperial palace leads to a sus
picion that Grandfather William II, Is
setting ready to slow down.
Passes Away in Paris From
Pulmonary Congestion.
His First Play Was Hissed, but He
Died With Title of France's
Greatest Contemporary
Paris, Nov. 0. Victorlen Sardou, the
famous dramatic author, died here of
pulmonary congestion. He was the
dean of French drainntlsts and n mem
ber of the French academy. The man
whose first play was hissed nnd who
then wanted to go to America to seek
his fortune died rich and honored,
with the proud title of France's great
est and niost prolific contemporary
Victorlen Sardou was possessed of
singular charm and was greatly be
loved. He was born in Paris' Sept. 7,
1831, the sou of Leandre Sardou, an
educationalist. At first ho studied
medicine, but was obliged, in conse
quence of the embarrassments of his
family, to give private lessons in his
tory, philosophy and mathematics. He
also made attempts in literature, writ
ing articles for several reviews and for
the minor journals.
Ills first comedy, "La Taverne des
Etudlants," was produced in 1834 In
the Odeon, then the second state thea
ter, but it proved a complete failure.
Ho then wrote tho comedy "Les Pattes
de Mouche," which was produced with
great success in 1800 and subsequent
ly adapted for the English stage un
der tho title of "A Scrap of Paper."
At the age of seventy-five Sardou
witnessed the production of his latest
drama, "L' Affaire des rolsons," at the
Porte St. Martin theater. This play,
which has to do with the infamous
poisoning camarilla which existed un
der the reign of Louis XIV. and which
was presented for the first time on
Dec. 7 last, Is still running to crowded
houses. - '
In 1857 M. Sardou was in a state of
abject poverty and extreme distress,
He was living in a garret nnd was
prostrated by typhoid fever, but a
neighbor, Mile, de ltrecourt, nursed
hliir with tender care during his 111-
uess, from which he slowly recovered.
He married her in the following year
and was by her introduced to Mile,
Dejazet, who had just established the
theater which was named after her,
M. Sardou's earlier pieces', after his
first failure, were performed at this
theater. Nine years after his marriage
gloom was temporarily cast over his.
career by the death of his wife.
Almost every land knows the stage
heroes nnd heroines born out of Sar
dou's resourceful mind. Mme. Sarah
Bernhardt lias won her greatest trl-
umphs in roles he wrote for her, such
as Tosca, Fedora, Theodora and GIs
monda. "Mme. San Gene" was writ
ten for Mme. Itejane, in which she
portrayed tho outspoken, good hearted
wife of Marshal Lcfcvre. It was
translated Into English, and Sir nenry
Irving and Miss Terry were seen in it
at the Lyceum. The great English
actor also nppeared in "Robespierre'
and other products of the genius of
tho master Frenchman. He married
on June 17, 1872, Mile. Soulier, daugh-
ter of the conservateur of the Museum
of Versailles. He was decorated with
the Legion of Honor In 1803 nnd was
elected a member of the French aend-
emy In 1877.
Borrowed Money From Salvation Army
Lassie In Restaurant.
New York, Nov. 0. Fol Iceman
George E. Strcblc has been found
guilty of "borrowing" nlcklcs, dimes
and dollars from Mrs. Esther Qulnn,
a Salvation Army "lassie," until he
owed her $20.
He was stationed In front of Mar
tins', the Broadway restaurant, and
obtained money from Mrs. Qulnn as
she entered the cafe to pass her tam
bourine. The policeman's wife at his trial
wore diamonds worth at least $1,000.
Affidavits Alleging Insanity Under Con
sideration of Court.
Flushing, N. Y., Nov. 0. The case of
Captain Peter Ilalus and T. Jenkins
Halus, accused as principal nnd acces
sory in the murder of William E. An
nls, who was shot following, as the
defense claims, undue intimacy be
tween Annls nnd Mrs. Peter Ilalns,
was called here today.
Judge Aspluwall has Under consider
ation affidavits designed to sustain the
claim that Captain Halns is not In a fit
mental condition to undergo trial at
this time.
Arc Our "Good Roads" Bad?
In calling our "good roads" poor
roads the Engineering News Is care
ful to distinguish between the well
built and the well maintained. A re
cent issue of this paper discusses the
subject editorially and, citing the
roads of England for example, says
that good roads cared for are always
good. But too often we construct cost
ly macadam highways and then let
them go to ruin. Says the News:
'Repair" does not mean the restoration
of ruined portions of the road, but cur
rent maintenance. England not only has
regular road repair, but oven the refine
ment of sweeping. The macadam roads
that are most often pointed to with pride,
"the best that we can show In New Jer
sey or New York or Massachusetts," re
ceive no greater maintenance attention
than our worst neglected roads. They
are built well, but they are not maintain
ed well, with the partial exception per
haps of the roads of one state, they are
not maintained at all, In fact. And this,
no doubt, is responsible lor some or the
difference between American and English
roads. .
Pertinent to this question are the
views of Mr. Samuel Hill, a Washing
ton delegate to the International
Roads association, which met In Paris
In October. Mr. Hill says that "any
country In Europe" maintains better
roads than the United States and that
the root of the trouble with this coun
try is lack of competent engineers. To
quote fuither:
The only way Is to establish a good,
thorough course of highway engineering
in the universities. Our engineers are
surely as good as any Europeans, but you
cannot ask the farmer to run a bank,
and you cannot ask a man lacking the
necessary knowledge to build a good
road. Of course the department of agri
culture Is largely to blame. The officials
there seem to think that as long as a
road Is open and traversable, no matter
how It Is built, It Is all right, and that's
the end of It. They don't appreciate that
the farmer can haul his freight over a
clean cut path In half the time that Is
taken over a crooked, rocky road Bucn
as those of which we boast.
In the article quoted above the En
gineering News says that there Is mon
ey enough spent in road maintenance
In this country, but the work is with
out competent direction. Until the
system is changed the public will con
tinue "to consign its Investments of
$5,000 to $8,000 per mile to rot aud
Paper From Corn.
Still another, valuable byproduct of
tho xorn crop is promised by recent
experiments of the agricultural de
partment. Uncle Sam's chemists have
succeeded In making five grades of pa
per out of cornstalk pulp. It is be
lieved by the experimenters that a
very good substitute for the wood pulp
paper in use can be manufactured in
well nigh limitless quantities out of'
cornstalk fiber.
Great quantities of cornstalks are
destroyed every season or put to use
far less remunerative than would be
the case if the cornstalk grower could
find a market for the stalks with' tho
paper maker. There wouldbe;'less
danger of financial distress, too,j when
bumper crops send the price' of the
grain down, and tho wasteful'lnroads
upon tho forests for paper pulp might
be stopped if the almost useless stalk
can bo turned into printing paper.
President's Commission Taking Test)
mony at College Park, Md.
College Park, Md., Nov. 9 Inquiry
into the conditions of rural and agri
cultural life by the commission ap
pointed by President Roosevelt and
headed by Dean Bailey of the New
York State College of Agriculture at
Cornell began in earnest with a hear
ing by the commission today in this
' The commission has mapped out an
itinerary covering the entire country,
.and the next ten days will be spent
In the south, the schedule during that
period including Richmond, Va.; Ra-
lelgh, N. C; Spartansburg, S. C; Ath
ens, Ga.; Knoxville, Tenn.; Lexington,
Ky., and Washington.
Killed In Election Quarrel.
Annlstou, Ala., Nov. 9. In a fight
at Edwardsvllle James Vaughan, a
college student, shot and instantly
killed Jacksou Barker and wounded
Elbert Jones and Bart McCormlck.
Vaughan was placed In jail. The fight
grew out of an election day quarrel.
Job Hedges Assistant Treasurer.
Washington, . Nov. 9. President.
Roosevelt selected Job E. Hedges of
New York as assistant treasurer of the
United States at New York to succeed
Hamilton Fish, who resigned the of
fice to become a candidate for con
cress. It is understood that Mr,
Hedges has signified bis willingness to
accept the position.
Brooklyn Chanoellor at Rome.
Rome, Nov. 0. Mgr. G. W. Munde-
letn, chancellor of the diocese of
Brooklyn, has arrived here on orders
from Bishop MacDonnell to represent
Brooklyn at the Jubilee mass Nov. 10.
The Old Honcsdalc Academy.
Almost directly opposite the rear en
trance of the magnificent new high
school building now being built, stands
the fine residence belonging to the Geo.
F. Bentley estate, and at present oc
cupied by the family of Hon. Leopold
Fuerth, No. 1022 Court, street. Thus,
figuratively, may the old extend the
hand of welcome to tho new, for the
Bentley house, transformed as it is into
a commodious and attractive residence,
was more than half a century ago the
old Honesdalo Academy, and stood fac
ing on Church Btreet, between 10th and
lltli, where the imposing brick . and
stone front of the new structure now in
carved letters announces the "Hones
dale High School."
The Academy building was erected in
1833, but it was not at first devoted to
the teaching of the higher branches.
For five years it ranked simply as one
of the public schools of the borough, of
which there were at that time three or
four. In 1838 the Academy was opened,
with Henry Seymour, A. B., a graduate
of Amherst College,-as the first princi
pal. He was followed as the head of
the school by Prof. Morse and Willard
Richardson, respectively. In 1830 Ben
jamin B.Smith, who was born in Frank
lin, Susquehanna county, in 1815, and
had taken a partial course at Union
College, Schenectady, N. Y., afterwards
spending some years in teaching at
,Dundaff, came to Honesdale and en
rolled as a student in the Academy. In
1841 lie succeeded Willard ' Richardson
as principal ; a position which lie filled
with the greatest acceptability for ten
years. Though a thorough disciplinary
an lie was greatly beloved by his pupils,
in whose playspell amusements lie took
interest, and which he did all in his
power to make attractive. He believed
in athletic sports, and among other ap
pliances calculated to develop the phy
sical as well as the mental capabilities
of the Academy boys, the writer well re-
members the tall sprue pole planted in
the back playground, with its revolving
wheel on top, to whicli were attached a
number of ropes whereby the lads were
enabled to "swing around the. circle"
in double quick time without "ITjang off
at a tangent. '
Mr. Smith married Betsey Hannah
Brush, daughter of Deacon Stephen
Brush in December of the year he be
came principal. The trustees of the
Academy at that time were J. B. Wal
ton, A. H.Farnhani, John D. Delezenne
Stephen W. Genung, -Amory l'res
cott and John Torrey. Mr. and Mrs
Smith were the only teachers for four
years, but in 1845 the patronage had in
creased sulhcientiv to warrant tne en
gagenient of an assistant, and Miss R
iHf Jackson was chosen for that posi
tioh. She was announced as a "teacher
Inf. Menerierice.." but her exnerience in
th'e-' Academy only extended over the
winter term of twenty-two weeks. At
that time pupils froni out-of-town were
accommodated with board m the prm
cipal's family for $1.50 per week.
Charles Sherman Minor came to
Honesdale in 1844. lie was born
Washington, Conn., in 1818, and grad
uated from Yale College in 1841. Afte
receiving his diploma lie taught sebbol
for some time at Wellsboro,Tioga coun
ty, at the same time pursuing the study
of the law. On coining here in 1844 lie
was admitted to the bar, hanging out
his shingle over Dr. Edwin Graves'
drug store, where, besides his legal
practice lie did considerable business as
commissioner for tho acknowledgment
of deeds, etc., for New York State. In
April, 1840, Mrs. D. Greene, formerly
preceptress of the Milford Academy
having succeeded Miss Jackson as fe
male assistant, Mr. Minor was added to
the list of instructors. In tho announce
ment of the opening of the fall term of
1847 appeared the following : "The le
male Department will be under "charge
of Miss Nancy F, Brown, of Utica, N
Y. Miss Brown has been educated for
the express' piirposo of becoming
teacher, and from the recommendations
which she bears and' from the opportui:
ity we have had 'of observing her mode
of teaching and governing her pupils w
are confident in saying that she has
both the natural and acquired qualifica
tions requisite tofit-her for her station.
Miss Brown had charge of the second
story class rooms of the old Academy
and by no means the least exacting
the duties whicli fell to her lot was the
ringing of the bell tho very same bell
whicli lias assembled the succeeding
generations of Honesdale school boyi
and girls from that day to this. The
bell, perched in a little cupola on the
roof, was connected with tho school
room by a rope dangling through tl
ceiling, and eight times-a day, for all
the school days of the year, the pretty
teacher (all of the old scholars, no mat
ter how grey they may be now, will re
member how attractive she was in their
eyes, then,) yanked away at that bell
rope, much, doubtless to her annoy
ance if not her disgust. The bell itself
lias something of a history. It has done
duty here for three score and ten years,
having been brought to Honesdale in
1848, before whicli date it was in use as
steamboat bell on the Hudson River.
As stated, Miss Brown was educated
expressly with a view to teaching, and-
as promised a situation when she
should have completed her studies. The
place was found for her, but it happen
ed to be in a Southern State, and her
mother objected to her accepting it, as
would take her so far from home. The '
preceptress then told her that if any
nearer-by situation offered she would be
preferred, and soon afterward an ap-
lication was received from B. R. Smith
for a lady teacher to come to Hones
dale. When Miss Brown came here she
was nineteen' years old. She is here
still, a comely matron, better known
since March 30, 1848, when she was
married, as Mrs. C. S. Minor. Mr.
Minor, her fellow teacher, who after-
ard became distinguished as a lawyer,
died several years ago.
In 1852 the old Academy building was
sold to Howkin B. Beardslee, then the
-ditor of the Wayne County Herald,
and by him "removed to a lot on Court
street, and converted into a dwelling
house in whicli his family resided for a
number of years. The more imposing
and commodious structure whicli was
erected on its site, was first occupied in
May, 1853. The trustees at that time
were R. L. Seely, T. II. R. Tracy, S.
D. Ward, S. E. Dimmick, James R.
Dickson and F. B. I'enniman. Perhaps
Alex. W. Dickson, of Scranton, son of
Judge James R. Dickson, if this para
graph meets his eye, may brush up the
memory of- his early Honesdale days
sufficiently to recall when lie used to bo
senr, by his mother to sit in a little chair
beside Miss Brown in the school room,
with a view to the beneficial effect
of the association on his future de
velopment. The faculty was made
up of teachers of exceptional attain
ments, Charles N. Todd and John Proc
tor being associated as principals, with
a corps of able assistants, including Mrs.
C. T. Tracy, Miss Abbio R. Knight, Miss
C. S. Scott and Godfrey Staeubly. Va
rious.prijicipals. BUCQeejiciLMssrq. Todd
and Proctor, the school continually
growing in popularity and patronage
until 18(11, when the property was sold
to the school directors of the borough,
and The Honesdale Academy became a
thing of the past.
In the October 7th chapter of .iJiis
series, a list ot upwards ot one nunarea
names was given as signers of a petition
sent from Honesdale in 1851, praying the
Legislature to take over as part of the
State public works the Pennsylvania sec
tion of the Del. & Hud. Canal. So far
as the writer was informed not one of
those signers was still in the land of the
living, but the following letter happily
corrects us on this point :
Newark Valley, N. Y.,
Oct. 20th, 1908.
' A com- of vour naper of Oct.
7th, was sent me by a friend, and I see
m tne same a list oi ine signers to mo
anti-D. & H. Petition, 57 years ago. You
also state that not one of those is living
I am liannv to inform you I was one
of the signers, and that I am still living
and enjoying very good health. I was
brought up near tne faatz x iireeiey
glass factory. My father moved from
Vernon, N. v., when I was four years
old. He worked in the factory, being a
glass blower. I am now in my 7'Jth
year. I also wish to say I was personally
acquainted with over a nunureu oi mose
signers. lours Jtespeciiuny,
Governor Stuart Praises Guard.
Gov. Stuart pays this high compli
ment to the National Guard of the State,
in speaking of the late Founders' Week,
in Philadelphia :
"The entire division appeared for tho
first time m its history in full dress uni
form, and made an exhibit that reflected
the highest credit upon the organization,
and that must have been a matter of
personal pride, as it was of honor to ev
ery officer and enlisted man who par
ticipated in the demonstration.
"The behavior of the troops was be
yond reproach or criticism. No com
plaint as to unsoldierly conduct was re
ceived or heard. The reputation for good
conduct and soldierly deportment of the
citizen soldiery of the Commonwealth
was maintained to a degree that should
make every man who wears the uniform
of the National Guard proud of the
privilege to be enrolled and serve as a
IN an article on thepcople of Morocco
utritor in " Wi nit m" HDl-H ! TllPV ha'0
some queer adages and some that Close
st, Moamlilu ntira Tliim. tlinv sav- "The
camel cannot see its hump, but plainly
sees tho one on its neignuor- ; jib who
depends on his neighbor will go to bed
hungry' ; 'A wise enemy is better than
a stupid friend' : 'Cross the rushing
stream, but beware of tho quiet, noise
less one."
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