The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 06, 1908, Image 1

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ocnii-vvccKiy rounded
Wayne CouRty Organ
of Use
i Weekly Founded, 1844
65th "YEAR.
NO. 33
1908 I
Voters Outside Greater City
Defeat Ghanler.
Big Xepublican Majority Is Piled
Up la Brooklyn Hisgen Polls
a Tenth as Many Votes
as Taft.
New York, Nov. 4. An tlie result of
yesterday's election New York state's
thirty-nine electoral votes will be cast
for William II. Taft and .Tames S. Sher
man, ltoth the Republican national
and state tickets are victorious, Charles
E. Hughes being re-elected governor.
Taft has carried Greater New York
by r.,(XKl, It being the first time a Re
publican candidate for president hns
carried New York. The majority for
Hughes in the stnte is between 55,000
and 00,000; for Taft it is 175,000.
Reports from all parts of the state
Indicate that the 'vote was heavy, the
efforts of both gubernatorial candi
dates to bring out the ballots being
rewarded with success. Both the old
parties polled full votes, their strength
not being seriously affected by the In
dependence, Socialist and other minor
The state's congressional representa
tion will be divided, as at present,
among the two parties. The next leg
islature will be Ilepubllcan In both
branches, Insuring a Ilepubllcan suc
cessor for Senator Thomas C. Piatt,
who will leave the senate In March.
"I need not say that I am greatly
pleased with the result of the elec
tion," declared Governor Hughes. "I
felt certain that the people would in
dorse the administration of President
Boosevelt by electing Secretary Taft,
and I consider my own re-election as
en approval of the pollcios pursued by
the state administration during the
past two years."
Tired, but happy, Timothy L. Wood
ruff, chairman of the-JJepubllcan state
committee, left state headquarters for
his home. Before departing he said,
referring to the result of the election:
"I consider it the greatest victory
that the'' Ilepubllcan party and the peo
ple of the country have ever achieved.
"We had in Taft and Sherman as na
tional candidates and in HugheR and
White and the other men on the Ile
publlcan state ticket standard bearers
who at once retained the confidence
of the people of the nation and the
state of New York.
"To accomplish a great victory with
such candidates was comparatively an
easy taBk, and the absence on both
Bides of 'mud slinging' -and vitupera
tion has made this campaign n model
one in the ''story of American poll
tics. "All are to be congratulated, includ
ing our Democratic friends, who show
ed by their votes that they did not
want Bryan for president or Chanler
for governor, and in this congratula
tion I want to include the managers
of the Democratic party, who did the
"best they could under adverse circum
stances." The following telegram from Wil
liam H. Taft was received by Mr.
"Your telegram received. The news
it gives is most gratifying, and I am
greatly indebted to you, to Governor
ELugues unu. 10 uii inenus ia .cw
York for the great campaign which
was carried on nnd which was so
grandly won in that state. I am es
pecially gratified at the election of
Governor Hughes."
James S. Sherman wired Mr. Wood
ruff as follows:
"You deserve the commendation and
thanks of the Republicans of the state
for the energy and able showing in
the conduct of this campaign. My con
gratulations and thanks I here give."
Q. O. P. Wins In Idaho.
Boise, Ida., Nov. 4. Idaho has gone
Republican on both state .and national
issues. James H. Brady has been elect
ed governor,
Cincinnati Crowd Cheers Taft.
Cincinnati, Nov.4. The Ilepubllcan
ticket won in Mr. Taft's home city
by a small majority. Mr. Taft
received the returns at the home
of his brother, Charles P. Taft
When his success at the polls was an
nounced the house was surrounded by
a cheering crowd calling for a speech
from "the next president" Mr. Taft
announced that he would make a
formal statement in the near future.
Bryan Silent on Election.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 4. "I do not de
sire to discuss the result of the elec
tion at tbe present time," said Sir.
Bryan after the returns were received
here. "At a later date I shall probably
have something to say, but now I must
b to be excuiod."
Usual Democratic Majorities Returned
In Dixie.
St Louis. Nov. 4. Missouri has rc
rersed the Ilepubllcan victory of 1004
and is again in the Democratic ranks
by a majority of 35,000. -Will hint &
Cowherd has been elected governor.
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 4. Georgia's thir
teen electoral votes will be cast for
William J. Bryan, and the state's rep
resentation will continue solidly Dem
ocratic. The state election was held in
Austin, Tex., Nov. 4. This state has
given its usual large majority to the
Democratic national ticket Thuums
M. Campbell, Democrat, has been re-
elected governor.
Jacksonville, l-'la., Nov. 4. Albert W
Gilchrist, IK'inocrat, has been elected
governor of Florida, and the Demo
cratic national ticket has curried tlio
Louisville, Ky.. Nov. 4. Kentucky
has goue Democratic on the national
issues. There was no state election.
South Carolina.
Charleston, S. C, Nov. 4. The Re-
publican party polled only a few thou
sand of the ns.ono votes in this state,
running behind the figures of four
years ago. M. F. Ansel has been re
elected governor without opposition.
Richmond, Va., Nov. 4. The Old Do
minion is still safely within the Demo
cratic ranks by a very large majority.
There is a Republican loss of 17,880
since 1004.
North Carolina.
Italelgh, N. C, Nov. 4. -The Demo
cratic national ticket lias carried North
Carolina. W. W. Kllclilu lias been
elected governor.
Guthrie, Okla., Nov. 4. The seven
electoral votes of the new state, the
first to be cast, will go to William Jen
nings Bryan, who received n majority
of the state'-fl -185000 oten. - -
Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 4. Bryan
has received a majority of the votes of
this state. Mr. 1 aft polled fewer votes
than Mr. lloosevelt did in 1004.
Little Itock, Ark., Nov. 4. Arkansas
has given Mr. Bryan a majority larger
than that polled by Judge Parker in
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 4. Tennessee
is still strongly Democratic. The Ile
publlcan vote of 1904 was greatly re
duced. Mississippi.
Jackson, Miss., Nov. 4. Mississippi's
ten electoral votes will go, as usual, to
the Democratic candidate. There wan
no state election.
New Orleans, Nov. 4. As usual, Lou
isiana is solidly Democratic by a very
large majority. There was no guber
natorial election.
Delaware Goes Republican.
Wilmington, Del., Ntv. 4. Delaware,
considered doubtful before the elec
tion, has gone Republican, giving three
electoral votes to Taft. Simeon S.
Pennewlll, Republican, will be the
new governor. The popular majority
for Taft is 3,000.
Close Vote In Colorado.
Denver, Nov. 4. Colorado, which
gave Mr. Roosevelt a majority of 34,
582 in 1004, is greatly in doubt, both
sides claiming the state.
Montana Goes For Bryan.
Helena, Mont, Nov. 4. The three
electoral votes of this state will lie
cast for Bryan. Edward Donlan, Re
publican, has been elected governor.
Governor Johnson Elated.
St Paul, Minn., Nov. 4. Governor
Johnson received the returns at the
Democratic state headquarters In the
Gllfillau mildlng, where the returns
were read to him. When informed that
the St Paul Dispatch, Republican, con
ceded his election by 23,000 the gov
ernor said: "After that is true, as the
Dispatch concedes, I am pretty well
satisfied. It has been a hard fight, and
I am glad it's over. If those figures
are true I consider it a great victory,
and I nm much pleased. Of course we
wou't know definitely until definite
figures come in, nnd when they do I
may have something more to say."
G, O. P. Carries Wisconsin.
Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 4. Mr. Taft's
majority in this state is 75,000, being
01,057 less than the majority rolled up
by Mr. Roosevelt four years ago. Gov
ernor James O. Davidson has been re
elected, The legislature will be Re
publican, nnd Senator Stephenson will
be re-elected.
Goes For Taft, With Indi
ana and Illinois.
Indianapolis Disappoints Hopes of
Democratic Candidate For Vice
President tjijavoring
His Opponent.
Columbus, O., No. 4. Secretary
Taft's home state has f. Iveu him n ma
jority considerably siiiiil .r than the ma
jority of Mr. Roosevelt four years ago.
The strong Democratic fight did not
avail to carry the state for Mr.
Bryan, but pulled down the Re
publican vote in all parts of the state.
Large Democratic gains are reported
from most of the large cities and
towns. The rural districts generally,
however, have re"lued Republican.
Illinois For Taft.
Chicago, Nov. .- Jliii.Ki lias n
can-led by the Republican pari. a
plurality of 170,000, giving the t, 's
twenty-seven electoral votes to aft
and Sherman. The state Repub an
ticket haR also been successful. Gov
ernor Charles S. Deneen winning from
former Vice President Adlal E. Ste
venion by about 100,000. Chicago has
gone Republican by 50,000. Roose
velt carried Cook county by 12!,0S(I.
The next state legislature will be
strongly Republican on joint ballot
This means the re-election to the "Unit
ed States senate of Albert J. Hopkins.
Speaker Cannon has been re-elected
in the Eighteenth district
Indiana Goes Republican.
Indianapolis, Iud., Nov. 4. Th en
deavors of the Democrats to place In
diana In the ranks of their party, caus.
ing the state to be considered doubtful
some time before the election, have not
"been suc'ceBRfuI:'The"Tfofislervbtc has
been given to Taft and Sherman by a
majority of 18,000, greatly reduclug the
Republican majority of four years ago.
Thomas F. Marshall, Democrat, has
been elected governor by 4,000 major
ity. This city disappointed the hopes ol
John W. Kern, Democratic candidate
for the vice presidency, who resides
here, by going ilepubllcan by a very
close vote. Mr. Kern would not dis
cuss the result of the election, saying
that he would issue a formal state
ment later.
He Receives, and Answers Messages
From Many Parts of the Country.
Cincinnati, Nov. 4. Among the con
gratulations received by TreRldent
Elect Taft was the following from
Daniel J. Keefe, the well known union
"Congratulations on your splendid
victory. Labor voters appreciate and
recoguize their real friends."
Judge Taft answered many of the
telegrams of' congratulation. He ac
knowledged receipt of such dispatches
from Secretary Cortelyou, Tostmaster
General Meyer, Governor Curtis Guild
of Massachusetts and others.
"It Is delightful to think of such sup
port from the old Bay State," he sent
to Massachusetts.
To Governor Hughes Judge Taft
said: "I thank you warmly for your
congratulations and reciprocate by
extending congratulations to you on
carrying New York state against tre
mendous odds and. by the wonderful
campaign which you carried on. We
are all indebted to you also for your
aid in the national campaign."
To Representative William B. Mc
IClnley the candidate wired, "I am de
lighted to know that we shall have a
Republican house, for that is absolute
ly necessary for future work."
Timothy L. Woodruff was sent an
expression of gratitude "for the great
campaign which was carried on."
He also expressed especial gratifica
tion at the election of Governor
Independents Disappointed.
i New York, Nov, 4. Returns were
received at state headquarters of the
Independence party in Columbus Cir
cle, Fifty-ninth street, but the defeat
( of both its state and national tickets
having been a foregone conclusion,
' interest taken appeared to be perfunc
tory aside from the comments Jh Mr.
Taft's showing. W. R. Hearst leader
! of the Independence party, did not
come to headquarters, but received the
j returns elsewhere, as did John Temple
Graves, the party's candidate for vice
president and Clarence J. Shearn, the
gubernatorial candidate. No state
ment was Issued ou the result of the
election. It was claimed atme time
by the league that Shcnm was run
nlug "neel; and neck with Hughes."
Gathered to Console Democratic Can
didate In His Adversity.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 4. After nearly
three hours spent in his library Mr.
Bryan came upstairs and talked to the
newspaper men and others who had
assembled In the "work room." He
read some further returns, but they
told the same story of defeat und he
announced that he would not have any
statement to'glve out at present
A large number of the voters of his
precinct came in to congratulate him
on its being carried for him, and after
chatting with them for awhile he went
into the house.
While a number of Democratic lead
ers from all over the country commu
nicated with the candidate by tele
graph, the absence of any word up to
a late hour from Chairman Mack was
the subject of comment
The friends of the Bryan family
from the surrounding country and
from Lincoln dropped in nnd after be
ing received by Mrs. Bryan showed
their Interest in the election by dis
cussing the returns. The sun parlor
presented a gay appaerance as the
ladles eagerly scanned the bulletins
and endeavored to figure out a Demo
cratic victory.
At intervals during the early hours
of the day Mr. Bryan would come into
the sun parlor and chat freely with
the correspondents, and by way of
amusement he brought out a number
of telegrams of the "freak" kind which
he had received, giving him advice ns
to what he should do in case of his
election. While waiting for the de
tailed returns Mr. and Mrs. Bryan en
tertained a large company In honor ol
the correspondents who had been iden
tified with his campaign and who ac
companied him on his various .tours
The election for the time was forgot
ten. When the guests assembled in
the drawing room Mr. Bryan treated
them to a concert on a piano player,
the instrument being manipulated by
himself. After resting for an hour he
rejoined the party in the sun parlor
and began reading the returns. His
daughters, Mrs. Ruth Leavitt and Miss
Grace, and his son, William, were
among the group in the sun parlor and
kept In close touch with the situation,
while Mrs. Bryan was content to .oc
casionally come into the room, al
though the candidate kept her thor
oughly posted on the returns.
Democratic Candidate Wins In Ne
braska by Small Majority.
Omaha, Neb., Nov. 4. Nebraska has
sustained the hoiws of William Jen
nings Bryan by going Democratic.
The figures, with some of the more dis
tant points yet to be heard from, are
as follows: Bryan, 1)9,000; Taft M.OOO.
Bryan carried Lincoln, his home city,
by COO, overturning a normal Repub
lican plurality of 1.C00.
Taft and Johnson In Minnesota.
Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 4. Govern
or John A. Johnson's efforts in behalf
of the Democratic national ticket have
not succeeded in giving the electoral
vote of the state to Mr. Bryan, but
have availed in re-electing' him. Mr.
Taft's plurality in this state is 80,000.
Governor Johnson's majority of 70,033
two years ago was reduced to 23,000
this year.
West Virginia Carried by Taft.
Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 4. West Vir
ginia, classed as a doubtful state be
fore the election, has voted for Taft
His plurality in the state is 20,000.
Michigan For Taft.
Detroit, Mich., Nov. 4. Both sections
of this divided state have gone Repub
lican, the total plurality for Mr. Taft
being 100,000, a Republican loss of
127,715 since 1904.
North Dakota Republican.
Bismarck, N. D., Nov. 4. North Da
kota has gone Republican, giving Mr.
Taft a plurality of 25,000. This is a
slight Republican loss since the last
presidential election. The legislature
is strongly Republican.
Bryan Carries Nevada.
Carson City, Nev., Nov. 4. Nevada
has been carried by the Democratic
party, reversing the result in 1904. Of
the state's 10.000 votes Mr. Bryan has
received a plurality of 2,000.
Ipwa Indorses Taft,
Des Moines, la., Nov. 4. Although
the Democratic vote which stayed
away from the polls in 1904 turned out
in full force yesterday for Mr. Bryan,
it was not sufficiently strong to carry
the state. Taft's majority in Iowa la
45,000 in a full vote of 504,000. B. F.
Carroll, the Republican nominee for
governor, was successful.
Baltimore, Nov. 4. Maryland's split
electoral vote of four years ago, seven
Democratic and one Republican, is this
year solidly Republican, The election
is close, Mr. Taft's" plurality being
about 5,000. The state delegation in
the Sixty-first congress will contain
three Democratic representatives and
three Republicans. This city has gone
Republican by 3,000 or 4,000 votes.
Republican Candidate Is
Elected President by
Big Majority.
New York, Nov. 4. The next presi
dent of the United States will be Wil
liam Howard Taft Republican, of
Ohio. The next vice president will be
James Schoolcraft Sherman, Repub
lican, of New York.
This is the verdict returned by
the majority of the 15.000,000 voters of
the United States.
Charles Evans Hughes, Republican,
has been re-elected governor by 57,000
votes. Taft has carried the state by
125,000, the Republican vote in the up
per counties being sufficient to counter
balance the Democratic majority In the
Pennsylvania has gone Republican
by 250,000 majority and New Jersey by
70.000, the figures in 1!K)4 being 505,-
519 and S0.59S respectively. Connect!-1
cut Is Republican save in a few cities
and towns, but Congressman George
L. Lllley, the Republican candidate for
governor, ran behind Mr. Taft
The lower house of the Sixty-first
congress will be Republican. With re
turns from some districts still in doubt
and others contested it appears now
that the house will remain safely Re
publican. The senate will remain Re
publican. Speaker Cannon has won
his fight for re-election, but by a re
duced majority.
Most of the great cl'es of the coun
try have gone Republican.
Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, the great
central states, with an aggregate of
sixty-five electoral votes, have gone
Republican despite the fight made to
bring them Into the Democratic col
umn. Republican hopes of carrying Ken
tucky proved -vain in-spite of the vic
tory of Wlllson, Republican, in the
gubernatorial contest last year. The
greater part of the state's congres
sional delegation will be Democrats.
The Pacific coast states, California,
Washington and Oregon, have given
their votes to the Republican candi
date, but Nevada, which voted against
Tarker in 1904, gave its votes this year
to Bryan. The Dakotas and Minneso
ta lnvve again gone Republican, but
Governor .Johnson's personal populari
ty has sufficed to seat him again in the
gubernatorial chair of the North Star
State. Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa and
In fact the entire west and northwest
are Republican, but by lowered ma
jorities. Montana is Democratic.
The "solid south" is still solidly Dem
ocratic, Mr. Bryan polling the usual
large majorities. Delaware, about
which some doubt was expressed be
fore the election, has gone Republican.
The New England states have gone for
Taft and have elected Republican gov
ernors. The Electoral Vote.
At Republican headquarters in New
York and from the very latest reports
the voteR in the electoral college prob
ably will be cast ns follows:
Alabama n
Arkansas 9
Florida 5
Georgia 13
Kentucky 13
Louisiana 9
Mississippi 10
Missouri IS
Nebraska 8
Nevada 3
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina 12
North Dakota '
Oklahoma 7
Rhode Island
South Carolina 9
Bouth Dakota
Tennessee 12
Texas , 18
Virginia 12
West Virginia
His Majority Falls Below ThafGlveH
to Roosevelt
Hartford, Conn., Nov. 4,-Despite tbe
East and West Join in
Indorsing the G. 0. P.
Standard Bearers.
efforts made to place Connecticut In
the Democratic column, the state has
given its vote to tbe Republican candi
date. Congressman Lllley has been elect
ed governor despite the opposition
to him on account of the subma
rine boat matter and the opposition to
him in his own party. Five Republic
an congressmen have been elected, and
the state legislature will be Repub
Keystone State Will Give Its Electoral
Vote to G. O. P.'a Candidate.
Philadelphia, Nov. 4. Pennsylvania
has gone Republican by a majority of
bOO.000, the figures being as follows:
Taft C50.000; Bryan, 350,000. In
1901 Roosevelt carried the state by
505,519, and two years ago Stuart Re
publican, was elected governor by 48,
435. This city, Pittsburg, Harrlsburg.
Altoona and other cities have given
Mr. Taft pluralities.
The election in Pennsylvania turn
ed almost entirely on national Is
sues, the highest state officer voted for
being a judge of the superior court.
For that office William D. Porter, Re
publican, has been elected over Web
ster Grim, Democrat
The vote In the country districts was,
as usual, heavily Republican. The
state's representation will again be
Republican in the Sixty-first congress.
Taft Successful In-Massachusetts. And
Other Eastern States.
Boston, Nov. 4. This city differs
from the rest of Massachusetts by go
ing Democratic The state, however,
has gone for Taft and Sherman. The
plurality of the Republican candidate
in this state is about 40,000 over Mr.
Bryan. Bryan carried Boston by the
narrow majority of 387 votes.
Draper (Rep.) has buen elected gov
ernor. Hlsgen ran behind his vote for
governor last year.
Rhode Island.
Providence, R. I., Nov. 4. Rhode Is
land's four electoral votes will be cast
for William H. Taft Aram J. Pothier,
Republican, of Woonsocket has been
elected governor. Mr. Taffs plurality
is below that of Mr. Roosevelt
Portland, Me., Nov. 4. Maine has re
turned its usual large majority for the
Republican candidate. No state election
was held, as Maine chose a Republican
governor and Republican congressmen
in September.
New Hampshire.
Concord, N. H., Nov. 4. New Hamp
shire gave Mr. Taft almost as large a
vote as it did Mr. Roosevelt four years
ago. Henry B. Qulnby, Republican,
has been elected governor by a very
small majority.
Montpelier, Tt, Nov. 4. Vermont
has gone Republican by 27,000, a fall
ing off of 3,082 since 1904. There was
no state election.
Assemblyman Toombs Re-elected.
New York, Nov. 4. Assemoiyman
Frederick R. Toombs has been re-elected
in the Seventeenth assembly dis
trict by a large majority.
Roosevelt Silent
Washington, Nov. 4. The president
would not make any statement on the
result of the election.
Foelker Elected.
New York, Nov. 4. Otto G. Foelker,
the state senator who arose from a
sickbed to go to Albany last spring and
cost the deciding ballot which made
possible tbe passage of Governor
Hughes' antirace track betting laws,
was elected to congress from tbe Third
district (Brooklyn) as a Republican.
Roosevelt to Hughes.
Albany, N. Y., Nov. 1. Governor,
Hughes received the following mes
sage of congratulation from President
Roosevelt: "Accept my heartiest con
gratulations for you and the state."
Taft Winsjn South Dakota.
Pierre, a D., Nov? 4. This state has
been carried by Taft by a plurality es
timated at 10,000. In 1004 Mr. Roose
velt received a plurality of 80,114.
Robert a Vessey, Republican candi
date for governor, has been elected.