The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 04, 1908, Image 1

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beml-Weekly rounded w.
Wayne County Organ
1908 I
of the
SB ... . . .52
& Weekly hounded, 1844 ffl
65th YEAR.
NO. 32
An Antebellum Novelist Recalled.
Relatives of Mnjor Theodore Wln
throp recently presented to the Public
library of New York the manuscripts
of that short lived writer, whoso liter
ary career was abandoned at the call
of bis country. Tho manuscripts in
cludd "Cecil Drceme," "John Brent"
.and "Ed-win Brothcrtoft," all written
In the fifties and alive with the spirit
of that time.
"Cecil Dreeme" Is n romance of tho
literary and art center of old New
York and appeals only to those who
Imagine that the world of art Is a
sphere set off by Itself, and Its denizens
more or less under the Influence of
uncanny powers. "John Brent" Is just
tho opposite of this closet made novel
and takes the reader Into tho breezy
Ufo of the plains as It was a genera
tion before road agents and Indians
went Into tho show business. "Edwin
Brothcrtoft'' Is a romance of tho Hud
son valley during the Revolution. It
has plot nnd character and as a his
torical novel can Ioso nothing In com
parison with the best work In that
field by the present generation of
writers. This work gave promise that
Its author but for his untimely death
on the battlefield of Big Bethel In 1SG1
might have created a school of Ameri
can Action worthy of study and Imita
tion by a later age.
Tho Title of Czar.
Tho title of czar has come Into dis
repute In the west on account of Its
association with the most hated form
of absolutism In Russia In recent
years. In the cast, however, It Is a
very old title, having been In use since
the twelfth century, and has always
stood for the same sort of rule and"
ruler as the more common title "em
peror" and the "kaiser" of tho Gcr
ma,ns. In calling himself zar of tho
Bulgars" Ferdinand o'ffqlgarla mlgtif
6e6nj to imitate thoRusalajautocrata
iandto hint at absoluttemof 'tfaVklnd
'made,, infamous in Rnlsnir,' h
JThe worjJiczar comes fwraf ho. La'tln
ot)lif BttTgaTran spoiling waff 'Esei
the definition being emperor. For tho
ruler of a Slavic people, like tho Bul
garians, the word czar would natural
ly be preferred to that of emperor,
since it really has less of the sugges
tion of autocrat. Tho title was borno
for several centuries by Russian
princes who 3id not assume imperial
rank and privileges. Peter the Great
added the title "lmperator," but the
powers were slow to award Imperial
rank to the ruler of Russia.
Woman's Activity.
Many philosophers and publicists
and not a few rash statesmen venture
advice to tho world nbout the status
of women. They appear to bo trou
bled lest women shall want to or be
unwisely allowed to go "somehow"
wrong. Yet every day's developments
tho world over show that woman is
keeping step with the age. A woman
farm. A woman has had the crowned
heads of two or three kingdoms by the
ears the last six months. Women have
stormed parliament to right their
wrongs Just as men do and nro organ
izing nnd training to put It on con
gress in the same way.
Tho Ideal man of tho times Is not the
mollycoddle, but tho other fellow. If
women seem inclined to cut out the role
of wallflower, to even make every
year leap year, so to speak, when it
cornea to wooing opportunity, It may
bo due to the trend of tho race today
and not to any distinctly feminine zest
for new and novel spheres.
Amber is a hard, bitter, glossy nnd
resinous substance, probably formed
by a species of nut which Inhabits
pine forests. Some, however, have
supposed It to be a vegetable product
of tho gum order, while others, ngaln,
consider it to belong to tho fossils. In
Its composition there nro frequently
m.i tho bodies of ants.
Itegardless of tliu moon's suy so
nbout tho weather and the squirrel's
chiming lu, It will surely bo cold
cuough to put u fuw extra crimps in
tho purse behind tho coal bin before
winter is over.
Under parcels post tho wife can
make her letters too uncomfortable to
bo overlooked for a wliolo month In
her husband's pocket.
If another fellow sights the pole's
site nhead of Peary he'll bo sorry he
missed the election fun too.
Hcfiplto !ier 225 honorablo and useful
years, Philadelphia is still anxious to
STOW old.
The Belgian Horse.
American draft horses are trot caus
ing breeders in Belgium any alarm at
present, however it may have been la
the past. The Belgian stock, nnd nota
bly the Flemish breed of that stock, is
now tho. most sought after for heavy
draft horses, according to Consul John
son, stationed at Liege. This horse has
not been a favorite with breeders in
the United States, and it is claimed In
tho Belgian markets that the American
horses sent there are Inferior to the
native stock. Last year Belgium Im
ported 117 horses from the United
States and exported 571 to this coun
try. Although good horses are In demand
In tho' United States, It is said that
farmers have to a great extent aban
doned breeding. One reason given for
this Is that, while horses are quoted at
a high figure In stock markets, the
average breeder does not realize nny
whero near the figures expected when
ho offers his animals. On the other
hand, It Is said that the farmers do not
breed according to the requirements of
tho market. Perhaps the root of tho
matter lies in tho want of good breed
ing stock to begin with. The prices
placed upon good breeding stock In Bel
glum by the owners are prohibitive,
and Intentionally so, for the purpose of
keeping the very best specimens at
home. Consul Johnson states that $10,
000 was recently offered for the cham
pion Belgian breeder of 1000-8. In 1890
the most noted Belgian breeder was
sold for nbout $1,200. This remarkable
rise In prices is due In part to the con
servative action of native owners of
this class of stock and also to the high
appreciation of the Belgian working
hovso In all the countries of Europe.
The Future of Submarines.
The future of the submarine vessel
fojr fwa'r purposes may depend upon
euecess.or--ifailure of the airship as
an; ajonct ofjitffiies In war. It Is as
petjfjjd by j'dmnthusaajt. .ttiat the
airship1 wUiITi?
be Itself lilvulnerable' to 'attacE'except
from other airships.
Should the warship that plows the
wave be driven from tho sea by the
guerrillas of the nlr the submarine
craft will find its occupation gone.
There will be no monster battleships
to stab with torpedoes. Tho next evo
lution would naturally be a disappear
ing warship that could sink and dodge
tho airship's fire, then comq to the sur
face for execution against the allies of
tho airship. Up to date tho submarine
has proved more dangerous to Its own
side than It could bo to the enemy.
Submarines are ingenious and inter
esting, but their practical value is yet
to bo demonstrated.
American Books In England.
The old sneer of the English, "Who
reads an American book?" has been
changed to "What good Is an Ameri
can book?" Scanning the home field,
a disappointed critic declares that the
average English novel "is not any
good to any one" and ndds that the
nverago American novel is even more
without excuse for being.
It Is significant that the English turn
to American literature even though
they find grounds for disappointment
and sharp criticism. They may learn
to like It better If they persist. It is not
addressed to an English audience, as
a rule, nnd the reader on the other side
must get tho American point of view
before he can Judge Its literary merits.
We have to make allowance for novels
produced In France, Germany and
Itussla, and it Is well known that
many English novels popular at home
fall flat here because tho atmosphere
which produced them leaves its mark
on every page.
If Hoosevelt takes up the pen after
those strenuous jungle days he'll be
likely to find his haud n trifle shaky.
Said tho kaiser to the Austrian em
peror, "What's an International treaty
anyway between friends?"
First nld packages for balloon voy
agers should Include bathln1; suits and
Ufo preservers.
From tho recent hurrahing over
"messages of friendship and good
will' on the part of Japan some folks
might suspect that Ilobson had been
nt least half right after all.
Since old Boreas couldn't keep the
American armada from making port
In Japan, Togo will be likely to throw
tip his hands the moment Ilobson de
clares war.
if lliyiTMffl
The People's Choice.
Four Years More of Prosperity.
Tho following dispatches tell tho joyful story :
Now York City, Nov. 3,-10 p. ra.
The Citizen, Honesdalo, Pa.
Vice Presidential candidate Sherman telegraphed
Chairman Hitchcockas follows : "Accept tny congratu
lations and thanks on zeal and wisdom with, which you
have conducted the campaign, today so successfully con
cluded." Albany, N.'Y., Nov. 3.
Governor Hughes, at 8:18 tonight sent the. following
telegram to Mr Taft : "Hon; Wm. Taft, Cincinnati,
Ohio. My heartiest congratulation upon your splendid
victory." CHARLES E. HUGHES.
California.....;....... 10
Connecticut .... .J ... . 7
Delaware 3
Idaho 3
Illinois 27
Indiana 15
Iowa 13
Kansas 10
Maine 0
Massachusetts lti
Michigan 1-1
Minnesota 11
Nebraska -. 8
New Hampshire 4
New Jorsey 12
Alabama 11
Arkansas 9
Florida 5
Georgia 13
Kentucky 13
Louisiana 9
Mississippi 10
Novada 3
Colorado 5
Maryland 8
Montana 3
Speaker Joe Cannon elected
Hughes elected Governor of
At tho hour we go to press on Wednesday morn
ing, all but throo election districts in tho county have
been heard from, and tho unofficial returns show tho fol
lowing majorities :
Taft, R , for President, 1,000 ; Pratt, R., for Con
gress, 55 ; llofford, R., for Senator, 185 ; Fuerth, D.,
for Representative, 192 : Branian, R., for Sheriff, 8 ;
Hanlan, D., for Prothonotary, 530 ; Gammoll, D., for
Register and Recorder, 490 ; Simons, R., for District At
torney, 97 ; Hornbuck ,R., Madden, R., 500, and Mando
ville, D., for County Commissioners, 250 ovor Doitzer.
The townships yet to bo heard from aro Buckingham
No. 3, and Scott, 1 and 2. Tho returns from theso dis
tricts may possibly affect tho result at present indicated
for Shoriff.
Tho full official returns will bo given in our Friday's
New York 39
North Dakota 4
Ohio 23
Oregon 4
Pennsylvania 34
Rhodo Island -1
South Dakota 4
Utah 3
Vermont 4
Washington 5
West Virginia 7
Wisconsin 13
North Carolina 12
Oklahoma 7
South Carolina 9
Tennessee 12
Texas 18
Virginia 12
Total 143
Missouri 18
by 7,000 majority.
Now York state by 30,000.
Giving Boys a Start.
The eon of the wealthy owner of
the Now York Tribune working as a
common reporter and tho president's
hopeful tolling In a factory aro exam
ples of tho traditional American way
of giving boys a start. A stock of ex
perience is the best start today, and it
Is likely to remain so. Wealth in in
dustrial enterprises is not so stable as
wealth in land in countries where all
sorts of privileges go with the land.
In tho old world one son in the family
Is born to something. In this country
no son is born to anything Imperisha
ble, except a chunk of tho prevailing
atmosphere of gumption.
When the first Vanderbllt had his
millions all tied up in railroads and
was looking to the future ho sent the
brightest of his boys, Bill, to farming.
His argument was, "If a ipan can suc
ceed on a farm he can succeed any
where, and If he can't succeed there ho
can't anywhere." Bill made good and
became a railroad king. Several of tho
heads of great railroads today began as
mechanics or clerks or somewhere at
the foot of the class In railroading. They
didn't learn to be railroad presidents
in the president's office, but gravitated
to the top because they possessed that
practical experience without which no
railroad can be managed. Experience
plus capital to work it out is, of
course, the very best inheritance. But
the experience Is the only part that
cannot be alienated.
The Direct Primary Under Trial.
Although the direct primary idea is
spreading rapidly over the whole coun
try, it seems that not anything near
perfection has been reached. A "sec
ond choice" is already suggested as
necessary to Insure tho nomination of
a candldato who has substantial sup
port and Is really the choice declared
by the voice of the primary.
It has been demonstrated in several
communities where the direct primary
has been In operation in more elec
tions than one that the innovation has
weak points as well ns advantages.
Enthusiastic supporters have freely
admitted that .One formidable crit-J
Iclsni' of tbetjaetnb3 Is that" while ltfl
does bring the electorate closer to the
government It may at times tend to
restrict the field from which candi
dates may be taken and, as one op
posing interest expressed it, "slam tho
door in the face of the poor man who
may aspire to office." A system which
Is unfair In nominations would be like
ly to be seriously defective wherever
the direct primary has practically the
force of an election, a finality toward
which the direct primary movement
Beems to lead.
Sharpsliootlng and Peace.
For weeks every fall season there Is
nctlvity on all the rifle practice ranges
of the country fostered by tho national
government. High records aro sought
by regulars and militiamen alike. At
first blush this seems militarism car
ried to tho extreme. Perhaps it will
work the other way.
Teaching men to kill Is comparatively
new. During tho civil war Ned Bunt
line asked Grant to let him go out be
tween tho lines and "sharp shoot."
Grant refused, saying, "You'ro too anx
ious for wounds and glory." That was
about tho estimate placed upon this
business by all real soldiers during the
var. It was murder. A few crack
'Corps were trained for special purposes
but tho majority of the soldiers never
felt themselves- able to kill anybody
for certain. Many declared they didn't
want to know it if their bullets hap
pened to kill. Perhaps when the boys
toow in training realize what It really
means to shoot straight In war they'll
ground arms and join tho peace forces.
Again tho hungry magazine editor
laments tho dearth of good novels by
American authors. 'Where all Ufo Is
keyed to tho question, "Aro you mak
ing any money?" It Is folly to expect
romantic feeling nnd emotion to take
The student of "farmlug by mall"
vho starts in wondering whether to
taatoea and strawberries grow lu the
ground will be likely to need n post
graduate course on when to buy mtlk
nnd give tho old cow n vacation.
People who havo been preparing to
celebrate tho centenary of tho birth of
Elizabeth Barrett Browning next year
will be surprised to learn that their
history date man is about threo years
behind time.
A Million Perions.
One million persons in a crowd, al
lowing threo square feet per person,
would cover about seventy acres. In
line, allowing eighteen Inches to each,
they would form a procession 284.1
miles long.
The Delaware and Eastern Rail
road. Last Saturday's issue of the Scranton
Financial Kevicw Eays :
If the Delaware & Eastern ever does
run between Schenectady and Wilkes
Barre, it will bo affcrhaving lived down
as much real trouble as ever came to
any railroad. As is well known, some
fifty miles of this road is in operation in
New York, and the plan is to push it
north to Sclienectadyand south to Wilkes
Uarre via lioncsdalc, Moscow- and Pitts
ton. Tilings apparently started very smooth
ly at first. The line is well laid out,
and lias established excellent connec
tions, the grade is very small, and abun
dant trnflic in coal, timber and stone in
sight. Last June, President Searing an
nounced that the entire bond issue of
about $0,000,000 had been purchased
abroad, that construction work would
immediately proceed and that by nxt
year tho road could be expected to be
Hut last August a hitch came, in the
shape of a temporary injunction re
straining assignment oftheD. & E. con
struction contract. This was requested
to be made permanent, but decision has
as yet been withheld.
It is evident that tho previously an
nounced sale of bonds did not come off,
although why the parties concerned
should have prevented it, when their
own claims would liavo been liable to
satisfaction because of it, does not ap
pear. The situation is somewhat com
plicated. A railroad planned as this one, would
be of immense advantage to this region
and especially to Wayne County. From
reports, there appears to be sufllcicnt
trallic to make it pay, and we sincerely
Hope to see the line completed.
Winter Courses in Agriculture at
the Pennsylvania State College.
Two hundred and twenty-five students
are enrolled in the four and two years'
courses in agriculture at the Pennsyl
vania State College. Their education is
part of the work of our State School of
Agriculture, but there are other young
men needing service. Many persons do
not have the time for a college education,
but they can give the winter to study.
For this reason winter courses in agri
culture were established at the college
last year, and ninety men were enrolled.
They found the lectures and practical
exerciBes adapted to the need of men
who war to increaseJthcir earning power. .
Underlying principles were studied, and
practical methods ot dealing with crops,
soils, orchards, animals and dairy pro
ducts were given these young men. They
returned to their homes with a desire to
encourage others to attend the college
next winter for study under its practical
scientists. The courses begin December
1st, and close February 21th. Tho asso
ciation witli hundreds of students in ag
riculture and the study of problems
arising in the every-dny life of the fanner
make these winter courses an opportun
ity that a bright young man cannot af
ford to miss.
The free illustrated bulletin describing
the live winter courses in agriculture is
ready for distribution. Address School
of Agriculture, State College, Pa.
Beach Lake.
Oct. 30th. Miss KdnaOlver is home
and seems to be gaining nicely after such
a severe illness m a Brooklyn hospital.
Mrs. L. Brown is somewhat indis
posed. Miss Laura Treverton is also on the
repair list.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Olver are visit
ing the latter's parents.
.Mrs. S. (iarrett is visiting at Lyman
itarren s.
arrett s.
Mr. Itoosveer has moved his family
i Damascus on the Tom Burcher farm,
iw owned bv Clark Wood.
Mi.-'u liill.i lif.iiiu lu nt n R(it"'HitAn
hospital, having her eyes operated on.
i.i. I I 1 1 1....
rne huh iiiwiijm imu very puui nigni. uui
now it is worse than common.
A new arrival at Mr. Lewis's. Tin's
makes his second son.
Siko. ""
Oct. 2!itli. Mrs. .1. A. Scainbler gave
a surprise party to her son Clarence on
.Saturday evening, Oct. 24th, in honor
of the twenty-first anniversary of his
birth. The evening was spent in play
ing games, and at a seasonable nour
refreshments were served. John Bates
took two Hash light pictures of the com
pany, which numbered upwards of
thirtv guests.
Mr. and .Mrs. C. II. Wilmarth, of
Aldenville, made Mr. and Mrs. D. G.
Stephens a farewell visit at the home of
Mrs. Stevens's brother, L. W. Nelson
on Sunday, Oct. 25th.
l!cv. D. U. Stephens, wifo and son
Carl, started on their return trip to
Portland, Oregon, last Tuesday after
noon. They will visit Niagara Falls on
their way home.
The Spanish debt of $.V.)9,8r0, award
ed to certain citizens of this country
under a' treaty 'of Feb. 17, 1834, with
Spain, vas finally liquidated Oct. 27,
11)08. ffpain has been paying annual in
terest since tho treaty, and this year tho
Spanish government transmitted $Ti"0,000
in liquidation of the debt. Tho princi
pal has been paid over three times in in
DeWltt's Kidney ami Illadder Pills are tin
ecmuled In cases of weak hack, Imck ailie. In
Humiliation of the bladder, rheiiliiailu pubis,
and all urinary disorders. Tliey am antisep
tic and act promptly. Don't delay, (or delay
nro dimcennis. del Hewitt's Kidney and
I Illadder Pills. Hold by 1'KII.The Dnu'L'lat.