The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 30, 1908, Image 4

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Oct. '26th. Mrs. Oliver Locklin enter
tained her mother, Mrs. L. Phillips, ami
bnillier, of Hawley, yesterday.
l'eter Weber, of Cross lork, I'n., a for
mer occupant of tlie " Lour l'ond 1 louse,"
was calling on friends at I.akeville the
first of the week.
Viola Sleezer, of Ilnwley, accompanied
her sister, Mrs. Lyons, home on Satur
day afternoon.
Flora Schultz, of the Cherry ltidgo
farm, will go to New York the latter part
of this week to spend the winter.
Mrs. A. lioble recently passed the day
with her friend, Mrs. Augusta Keyes, of
On Tuesday ltyron Tattle will move
from the toll house at Wilsouville to the
Skinner house.
Kugene Sheeley, of Tort .lervis, was a
visitor at William Kheelev's last week.
He was a Ihst -class blacksmith and is
now a veterinary surgeon.
Our postmaster, .lohn l. .lordens,
went to New York yesterday, to be ab
sent several days attending to business
lohn ltueseher had a very sick horse
last week.
As Spencer Daniels was crossing the
Middle deck llawley. one day
this week with a load of coal, one wheel
came off, throwing the young man fiom
the wagon. Timely aiil prevented what
might have been a serious accident.
A. tioble, whobasehargeof iheClemo
hunting grounds, w ith constable Charles
Daniels, on I'riday nnesled Chris. Leh
man, of llawley, and two Scranton
spoilsmen for hunting on the- Cletnt
pioperty. Thi' ease wa" tried befoie Ks.
Tliomp"ou, at I lawlev, on Saturday. Af
ter examining some fifteen witnesses foi
the Commonwealth, and a good deal ol
rag chewing from the other side, hedis
charged the prisoners. The Common
wealth failed to prove clearly that the
paities were on the grounds for the pur
pose of hunting.
1,'ev. W. T. Schenek is assisting with
the revival meetings at Pleasant Valley.
I!. W. Murphy makes frequent drives
to I.akeville in older to care for his moth
er. Mrs. (Jauser and children have gone
back to New York city. They purchased
the old It. It. l'urdy farm last spring.
The neighbors think that they never will
return, as Mrs. (iauser did not like the
farm, ller husband had employment
in the city.
Several from llawley will attend
I.akeville lodge on Tuesday night to as
sist in working the tiit degree. Sup
per will be served.
Octouku t24th. Hurrah for Taft.
Mrs. Minnie Mills is confined to her
home by illness.
Mrs. Josephine Perry visited friends
at Carbondale Saturday and Sunday.
Stephen Kegler had a stone bee last
Thursday for the purpose of drawing
and laying the foundation for a barn
.'10x0 feet. About a dozen men with
their teams turned out. Photographer
Ridgway, of Ilonesdale, photographed
Mr. Kegler and family during the after
noon. Miss Olive Haley is spending a few
weeks with her sister, Mrs. William
Wright, at Carbondale.
Farmers who planted plenty of corn
this season were in luck, as it has turn
ed out the best corn season that we have
had for several years.
Mrs. Amos Hurd, of Seelyville, is vis
iting friends at Carbondale.
Mrs. Charles Dryer, of White Plains,
N. Y., is here attending her father,
David Wouuacott, who has been quite
ill, but is now improving.
George Smith, of Prompton, is taking
a business course at Scranton.
Miss Margaret Haley, of Ilonesdale,
visited friends at Carbondale, Saturday
and Sunday.
Oct. aith. Mrs. Charles W. Sutton
visited her sister, Mrs. Kruest Paynter,
in Carbondale, last week and will spend
this week in Hancock, N. Y., with her
Mrs. Herman Harmes returned Fri
day from Dr. Hurns's private hospital
in Scranton, greatly benelited in health.
The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian
church will serve their annual election
dinner on Tuesday, Nov. 3d, at which
time the election of ollicers for the coni
ng year will take place.
Rev. Signor closed the revival meet
ings at Pleasant Valley last week, and
will commence meetings at Aldenville
this week.
A chicken pie supper will be served
by the M. E. Ladies' Aid at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Many on Wednes
day evening, Nov. 4th.
The Cody girls have sent out invita
tions to meet the "witches" and "hob
goblins" during a spell of witchcraft at
the. manse on Friday evening, Oct. 30th.
Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Many spent Tues
day and Wednesday at Tyler Hill with
their son, Dr. Harry Many, and family.
Next Monday evening .Manager Dit
trich presents Mary Knier6son in ber
now, modern play, "The Making of Mad
dalena," by .Samuel Lewis. It is by far
the best production she has ever had
and gives her an advantage over all parts
she has played in recent years.
Bums, bruises onrt scratches, big and little
cuts or in fact anything rcmilrinir a salve,
are hest and nuirkest soothed niul healed hy
DeWltt'a Carhollzed Witch 1 lazel Halve. The
best salvo for piles, lie. sure you set Del
Witt's. Sold by l'KIL, The DrucBUt-
Oct. 2Cth. The man who should bo
elected Sheriff of Wayne county this
year is M. Leo Hraman, of Ilonesdale.
He is a man of the right stamp, with
backbone, and a man who owns him
self and will not be controlled by any
political clique. And another reason why
lie should be elected is because he is a
man of excellent habits, strictly temper
ate, and for that reason alone he should
and will get a good vote in Sterling
township. He is pretty well known in
the Southern part of the county, and the
general impression is that he will make
a good ollicer, and, like the candidate
for Prothonotary, is not soliciting oi
purchasing votes, but stands on his
merits and believes in a square deal.
We have a few conservative Democrats
among us who will support M. Lee (Ira
nian for Sheriff and W. J. Hames for
Prothonotary, and they will both get the
full Republican vote in the Southern
part of the county. We do not wish to
say one word against M. .1. Hanlan as
an ollicer. lie is certainly a good and
accommodating man, hut we think down
here that he has been well taken care of
by the people of Wayne county, and
ought to step down and out and give the
other fellow a chance. His opponent,
W. .1. Panics, made a very favorable
impression on his trip through here last
week, and I think changed the minds of
many who intended to vote for Hanlan,
but now will support Wallace .1. Hames.
Our old friend Thomas C. Madden is
in the Held for re-election. He is one of
our kind, a straight Republican, and
will receive a full vote from the Repub
licans with many Democrats in South
ern Wayne. He is known among us as
a straight-forward business man, and
having served one term as County Com
missioner, and the tax payers cannot
say one word against him, or the pres
ent board of Commissioners, and the
general opinion is that they ought to be
re-elected, and from all appearances
(hey will be.
Another important ollice to be filled is
that of Representative. The candidate,
Warren F. Perhani, has been before the
people of Wayne county before, and is
well known in every nook and corner of
Wayne county. He is engaged in farm
ing and is the man to look after the
farmers' interests at Harrisburg.
These are the men we believe are
worthy of the support of the best citi
zens of Wayne county. Those who
know them best speak of them in the
highest terms as good citizens, good
neighbors and worthy of the support of
all voters, and should they be elected
we can rest assured that they will per
ioral the duties of their ollice to the sat
isfaction of the people of the county.
Sterling Hkihuii.iran.
Alteration In Country's Attitude Sim
plifies Balkan Situation.
Sofia, Oct. 28. The Bulgarian gov
ernment informed the representatives
of the foreign powers here of Its nc
ceptnnce of the principle of paying
compensation to Turkey, which has
been the burden of persistent diplo
matic representations during the past
fortnight on the part of all the great
This decision was nrrlvcd nt by the
cabinet after a long debate in which
Emperor Ferdinand used all his Influ
ence In favor of peaco with compensa
Two Men and Woman Held For At
tempt to Extort $2,000.
New York, Oct. 28. Dr. H. M.
Groehl was telephoned to visit a Mrs.
Anderson. While there the woman
seized him by the neck and screamed.
Paul Unger entered the room, de
clared he was Mr. Anderson nud
forced the physician to fight his way
out. Unger was assisted In the scene
by Louis Goldman.
Later the two visited Dr. Groehc and
demanded $2,000.
Magistrate Drocgc held the men and
the woman In $2,000 ball on charges
of attempted extortion.
Seventy-nine to Wed Fifty-six.
Washington, Oct. 28. Mrs. Dorcas A.
Gray, falling In love at the ago of seT-enty-nlne
with William II. Manley,
aged fifty-six, a carpenter, who work
ed nest door, sont her duughter-lu-law
for a marriage license so that she
might marry htm.
Dies Putting on Collar.
Westfleld, Oct. 28. In trying to
put on a refractory collar Henry O.
Ilayden, flfty-fivo years old, choked
himself nud died of au apopletlc shock
before a physician could bo summon
ed. Best not to let our zeal for deep wa
terways dig them deep enough to coax
tho gulf waters, with their hurricanes,
alligators and yellow Jack germs too
far north.
Japan having prevented tho Korean
government from saying anything, It
Is busy planting n forest and will next
bo heard from sawing wood.
Lovers of tho "Uncle Remus" stories
will bo pleased to roflect that the homo
of tho author, tho Wren's Nest, is to be
preserved Just as ho left It
Strango what a procession of "smart
Alecks," Charllo Schwab in tho lead,
turned up among tho buyers of tho lco
king's "gold brick."
Pennsylvania to RallyAbout Stan
dards of Taft and Shorman.
Party of Lincoln, Grant, McKlnley and
Roosevelt Marshalled For Battle
With the Old-Time Enemy, Whose
Candidate Represents a 8hifty and
Irresponsible Leadership and Whose
Success Would Be a Menace to the
American People.
Special Correspondence.
Philadelphia, Oct. 27.
The final call to action has been
lountlcd ami Republicans throughout
Pennsylvania arc lined up to a man to
meet the common enemy on Tuesday
next, when a successor to Thcodoro
Itoosevclt will be elected.
From reports rocelvcd from tho
most reliable sources, the great Amer
ican people have decided to elect that
t,icat American, William Howard Taft,
lo preside over tho destinies of tho
nation for the next four years, and
fiom tho most trustworthy Information
that can be gleaned from ovory county
And borough of this commonwealth,
the grand old Kcystono state will, as
heretofore, bo the banner Republican
state In the Union.
"Pennsylvania will do her full duty
on Tuesday next," declared Colonel
V-'esley R. Andrews, chairman of tho
Republican stato committee.
"Prom every section of tho state I
have today received reports by tele
graph and telephone which leave no
room to doubt that thcro will bo a
glorious victory recorded at tho polls
nneo more.
"Pennsylvania will bo true to Repub
lican principles and policies nnd will
speak in no uncertain tones through
the ballot box.
"Never In my many years of experi
ence have I witnessed a more earnest
and enthusiastic Interest in a prcsl
dpntlal campaign nnd In tho succccs
of the party nominees, from tho head
to tho tall of tho Republican ticket
The spirit of 18G0 seems to be In tho
air, nnd Pennsylvania, as of yore, la
in tho van of a great patriotic army.
Great Interests at Stake. '
"All thoughtful men realize that tho
nation is now facing a crisis In ita
history, In which there Is moro at
stake for Pennsylvania than there has
been at any other election within tho
last twenty-five years.
"Tho voters of this country nro to
day confronted with the promises and
speculations of an Irresponsible and
shifty politician, who will promlso any.
thing for tho purposo of Influencing
votes, no matter what ho may really
think of tho Issues Involved. Ho Is not
sincere In his professions and changes
hts position upon the slightest pro
tort in order that ho may win popular
favor In any direction or among any
class of voters.
"I have too much faith In tho com
mon sense of tho American peoplo,
however, to for a moment bollevo that
they would elevate a man of that
character to a position of power and
Influence, where ho could, through his
cabinet appointments, revolutionize
the financial system and banking
methods to tho serious disruption of
the business of the country, and where
ho woulS bo empowored to select men
for tho United States supreme bench
who would pass upon his queer col
lection of 'Isms,' which have been tho
wonder of tho entire world.
American Voters Wide Awake.
"I believe that tho property Interest,
(Treat and small, would In his election
to tho presidency recelvo a setback
from which they would not recover
tor years. He has never oxhtblted evi
dence of even tho most common-place
statesmanship. His utterances aro
vagaries and, to quote his own words,
ho Is 'even more radical than he was
In 189C If this means anything, It
means that ho as on unsafe man to en
trust with the commercial and busi
ness Interest of the United States.
"I have no fear that tho averago
American voter Is not alive to the sit
uation." Chairman Andrews has boen fairly
overwhelmed with applications for
speakers to address Republican rallies
throughout Pennsylvania, and he has
been particularly fortunate In being
able to procure somo of the most prom.
Inent of tho spell-binders upon tho
list of the Republican national com
mittee Senator Penrose's position
upon the executive committee of tho
Republican national committee, and
tho Intlmato relations he has with
Chairman Hitchcock and other man
agers of the Taft campaign, have been
of Inestimable value In advancing tho
work of the campaign In this state.
MaBs meetings have been planned
for ovcry night until tho night before
election day, and the attendanco at
these gatherings Is but another Indi
cation of the enthusiasm that has been
aroused for the Ropubltcan standard
bearers. Knox On Sank Deposit Guarantee.
Senator Philander Chaso Knox, by
Ms speech delivered In Philadelphia
teat week, coiled forth comsaeadftUca
mt woraft, trem rrwldeat Xssmo-
t, who Isomedlately wrote a letter
supplementing tfeo remarks of tho
Junior senator trots this state.
Senator Knox, In discussing the
Bryanlto scheme to guarantee bank
doposlta, said among other things:
"What ars bank deposits? They are
Bums of monoy that the depcslto?
lends to hts banker and which his
banker agrees to repay to him on de
mand unless thero Is some contract
for notice. There Is not a particle of
difference In law between a deposit
with a banker and a loan to an Indi
vidual. Of courso. It Is claimed thnt
thero Is a difference, and I was se
verely criticised In somo sections for
disclosing this view In tho senate last
winter, but this criticism was politics.
Some editors and orators say tho poo
pics' deposits belong to tho peoplo be
cause that sounds well. c
"The law, however, says they are
loans by tho peoplo to tho bankers
and create the relation of dobtor and
creditor between tho bank and the
depositor, and. It Is upon this theory
that the affairs of Insolvent banks are
settled. No man can walk Into a sus
pended bank and lay bis hand on a
note .and say, that Is mlno, I deposited
It. All ho can do Is to present hts
claim for his deposit to the receiver
and he will get his pro rata of tho
assets with other creditors of his cIbsb.
If this Indisputable truth wore more
generally remembered, it might make
people a llttlo moro caroful In select
ing the bank to which they loan their
"Now It Is proposed that this pri
vate contract between banker A and
depositor D shall bo guaranteed by
others who had no hand In making It,
no voice In controlling the use of the
money, and no responsibility for or
check upon the dishonesty or Incom
petency which caused Its loss.
Question of Everybody's Debts.
"Upon what basis of sense or mor
als, to say nothing of constitutionality,
docs such a proposition rest; and why
if bonkers nro compelled by law to
pay other bankers' debts should we
stop there and not require all other
classes of business to guarantee the
debts of the members of their class?
"13 there anything particularly sa
cred about tho surplus money a man
accumulates and deposits with his
banker? It stands upon no higher
ground than the claim of the mill
worker who has given his labor, his
all, not his surplus, to the mill owner
who falls to pay him. and yet I hear
of no suggestion to corap-' tho mill
owners to guarantee each other's pay
"Does It stand upon any higher
ground than tho debt duo to tho widow
and tho orphan by an Insolvent In
surance company to which for years
annual premiums have been paid
pinched out of an all too slender In
como by self-denial and sacrlflco to
provide against Inevitable loasT Yot
I have heard of no proposition to mako
Insuranco companies guarantee each
other's policies."
A Tribute to Penrose.
In his peroration, Senator Knox
"I conclude as I began by urging
you to fully consider tho Import of
what you are about to do. The Issues
of this campaign present a great op
portunity for tho peoplo of Pennsyl
vania to give fresh proof of their pa
triotism, intelligence and loyalty to
the great party of Lincoln, Grant, Mc
Klnley, Roosevelt and Taft. Locally,
let us Indorse the splendid adminis
tration of Governor Stuart, return to
congress the party's nominees and
elect a legislature that will keep In
the senate my modest colleague who.
manfully Ignoring unjust criticism, hoc.
by his arduous, useful and devoted
service to the nation and tho state,
won for himself tho hearty good-will,
admiration and respect of right think
ing men."
Addresses Audiences on Trip From
New York City to Troy.
Troy, N. Y., Oct. 28. Tho industries
of the cities and towns which Hue the
banks of tho picturesque Hudsou from
Greater New York to Troy were made
the text for the speeches of William
II. Taft to the peoplo of these cities
nnd towns.
At Poughkeepsle a class of glrlB
from Vassar college tried to "get"
Judge Taft's speech In shorthand, nnd
an enthusiast in the gallery attracted
attention by shouting, "He surely
wenrs 'the smile that won't come off!' "
"It will still bo there next Tuesday,"
rejoined Judge Taft.
Woman Says Georgia Dickinson Was
In Full Possession.
Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 28. In the
trial of Theodore S. Whltraore, accused
of murdering his wife, Helena, in tho
Lampblack swamp at Harrison last
Christmas night, narry Heldel testi
fied he saw the prisoner beat his wife.
Among the other witnesses called
were Sadie Williams and Mrs. Lilly
Ileldel. Miss Williams said she went
to the Whltmorc borne on Dec. 20 and
found Georgia Dickinson there in full
Whltmore was Infatuated with ths
Dickinson woman.
Liberals Win In Canada.
Ottawa, Out., Oct. 28. Tho general
elections of the Dominion house of
commons, which took place throughout
the country, resulted in a victory for
the Liberal party for another term.
Sir Wilfrid Laurler will lead the fed
eral government at Ottawa,
A practical, roiuly-t o-In y Hoofing ihni
withstands all elements, tl c protection
from which maken a rcn.I necessary.
Amazon- in not a new nor untried Hoofing. It has given
Amazon the lot of nnice in all climates and lias in every case
Roofing6"' thoroughly pt,ven the statement that it is the best roofing
of its kind on the market.
Amazon heads the list of so-called rubber roofings and leads them all in the
qualities that make a perfect roofing. It has the appearance of rubber, feels like
it and is as thoroughly waterproof, but there the resemblance ends, for Amazon
is made of roofing materials only and affords a roof senico that no composition
of rubber could possibly offer.
Amazon Hoofing consists of strong, long fibre, all-vvo l felt, Ihcroughly
and uniformly saturated with a non-volatile compound, mailing a tough but pli
able fabric, the strength of which is surprising. This fabri ' is then n ade abso
lutely impervious to all elements by being heavily coated on both siiio-i, making a
Amaz rooting that is water, wind and weatherproof in any c'iniate
hcavHy coated on a,,d "mler a" Cl,,ul:,'ions- Tllt! i'.Ui;,' on Ihc muter side
both sides. protects against rising steam, vnporp, ga.vs-, etc., and on
tho upper side a vvear-anil-vveather-resititing surface
that is far more durable in its protective qualities than the ordinary coating
and sand dressing. No mltUtiuuil tiatugis .'trmy, except for cementing be
tween laps and painting tops of laps and caps.
Amazon Roofing is always pliable and flexible. Kxti ernes of tempera
ture will not change this condition of the fabric. Continued zero weather will not
Amazon shrink nor crack this roofing. It is not n gummy prepare
withstands all tion and contains nothing that will run nor ooze out even in
weathers. t,0 hottest weather, neither will it dry out and become hard
or brittle. It is simply not affected by beat or cold and lemains llexible and pli
able under all climatic conditions and any kind of exposure.
Amazon As to lire resisleuce, Amazon will not only withstand ex-
Is practically treme heat but live embers and hot coals falling upon the
fireproof. faUrjc wi I)ot ,noro U).m uUAr Uu nclllai 1)acu t,uy cover
Amazon Roofing 'a for a" kinds of buildings. Its cost permits its liberal
Amazon Is for usl! on cheap sheds while its serviceable qualities make
all buildings. Amazon the best prepared roof for better buildings, it is
easily applied; requiring neither skilled labor nor special tools. The di
rections for laying which come with eacli roll are very simple, and if followed will
result in a satisfactory roof every time.
We are the largest dealers in
. in Wayne County.
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year opens with a deluge of new mixed paints. A i on
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CM I li'ON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advert ist d,
may find a sale with the unwary.
There are reasons for tho pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS:
1st No one can mix a bettor mixed paint.
2d The painters declaro that it works easily and lias won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective.
4th Those who have used it aro perfectly satisfied with it,
recommend its uso to others.
I or New Late iMoveltiesjJOSEPH N. WELCH
SPENCER, The Jeweler
"Quarantwd articles only aold."
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wnyue County.
Office: Second lloor Masonic Uuild.
ing, over 0. O. Jadwin's drug store,