The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 30, 1908, Image 1

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    v "STv
! Library Jaona
ieml-Weekly Founded
Wayne County Organ
of the
Weekly Founded. 1844
65th YEAR.
NO. 31
To Follow Advice of Rooseye!! 1
and Stand Cy Party. !
'Hoping to Catcti Opponents Off The
Quard, They Are Sccrc ly Workiiv
For Corr.rllmentary Votes Fcr Cc
diJstcs For the Lcglrlature and F
Congrecs Throughout Pcnnsylvsr.i
Special Corrorpcndence.1
Harrl3burg, Oct. 27.
"Vote tho full Republican ticket: d.
not aid the Democrats In nny way lr
this prcsldcn'ial year; follow the ad
vice of President Roosevelt, and close
up the party ranks and present a soil.,
front to. the enemy."
That In a "sentence expresses thr
general policy of Republicans of thin
state as evinced on every hand, and
the efforts of Democrats and assistant
Democrats to persuade Republicans to
vute for Independent or Democratic
nominees for the legislature or fo:
congress are proving unsuccessful
The Democrats realize that th
cannot carry Pennsylvania for tho
presidential ticket, and they are.
therefore, concentrating their efforts
In the congressional, senatorial and
legislative districts. In the hope that
they will catch Republicans off their
guard, and thereby be able to Increase
their representation In the Pennsyl
vania legislature or the national house
of representatives at Washington.
Much lo at 8take.
Republicans who are Interested In
the pcrpotuatlon of Republlcau poli
cies to which all tho prosperity the
country has ever enjoyed it due, are
reminded that It would bo a serious
mistake on the part of any ono hold
ing those views to neglect his duty at
next Tuesday's election, when by such
neglect a Democrat should be elected
who would bo suro to voto, whothcr In
the legislature or congress, against
Republican measures in which the
country is interested.
No greater disaster could befall the
country than the election of a Demo
cratic congress. It should be patent
to all Republicans that not moro than
one Democrat could be elected to con
gress from this state unless through
the neglect or disloyalty of Ropubll-
cans to their party nominees. No man
calling hlmBelf a Republican should
bo willing to bo a party to assist the
Democrats in an effort to embarrass a
Republican administration, and this he
would do by neglecting to vote the
straight Republican ticket on Tuesday
Stork Leaves Daughter For Former
Gladys Vanderbilt.
Dudnnest. Oct. 28. The Budapest
newspapers announce that the Count
ess Szechenyl, formerly Miss Gladys
Vanderbilt, has given birth to a daugh
ter. Dlsnatchcs from Budapest and Vi
enna on Sept. 1 stated that the Count
ess Szechenyl was seriously M roiiow
lug the birth of a child that died im
A day or two later, however, the
rnunt denied thnt his wife was seri
ously 111, and on Sept. 11, accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. uorneuus vanuer
hilt of New York, she arrived at VI
enna for the purpose of consulting a
prominent gynecologist.
Thn nT-nnt nnnr ronorted was cxnect
cd to take place the latter part of
Several Hundred Barrels of Oil Burned
Boston, Oct. 28. Several hundred
barrels of oil stored In a storehouse
on Long wharf were destroyed in an
unusually stubborn Are. Several
schooners bnd their top hampers dam
Burglar Leaves Trail of Jewels.
Lenox, Mass., Oct. 28. Scared away
by a maid, a burglar jumped from a
second story window of Brookhurst,
Mr. Newbold Morris' villa, .and loft a
trail for a quarter of a mile" of Jewels
and silver.
Workman Whirled to Death.
Now York, Oct. 28. While hurrying
to change his clothes in a factory Ju
lius Bremen was whirled hundreds of
times around a shaft and killed.
Weathar Probabilities.
Fair and cloudy, with' showers and
hkMlag winds.
For State Senator,
SMLEL W. HOFFORD, of Carbon, i
You, young man, who are about to
;ist vou'r first ballot, are facing a grao
Hithcito you have passively enjoyed
(lie benelits'of this Republic. "Now you
are to become an active factor in the
government of tin nation, assuming the
lull burden ot the duties oi citizenship.
Thoimli the privilege to vote conies to
you without effort, do not forget that to
btam it other men left their homes in
foreign lands, severing many ties and
started life anew.
What will vou do with your ballot?
it is no light matter for you to de
cide how vou shall cast your lirst vote.
nor should you let yourself be swayed
by whim or" prejudice. The whole sub
ject lies before you for calm vonsidcr
ation, and it is your duty to give it this
With vour lirst voto you ally yourse f
with a political partv. You have the
opportunity to enroll yourself with tl e
Republicans, who have made tins na
tion w hat it is todav: w ho have kept thi
faith bequeathed to them by the lath
ers, and established a lirm standard
of sound statesmanship, administer
ing the government through men i f
proved experience and integrity.
If you make that choice you associa'e
yourself at once with men of achieve
ment, leaders of the nation, and with it
party of honorable tradition and .civi
lization, and cali w ith proper pride fee.
that vou have helped toward progress
But if anv whim impels you to cas;
your lot with the opponents of thus,
who have accomplished so much, re
fleet well before you follow the impulse,
for the so-called "Democratic party of to
day has drifted completely away fron
its" former ideals, veering like a weathei
cock under the inlluenee of untried am
visionary leaders who champion policn
of political expediency. tl
Remember that it vou ataiM in piling
ing the nation into want, discontent
and disorder, destroying both domesti
Mid foreign credit, some ol the Uianu
and disgrace w ill rest upon you.
For tins vear vou have a vole in tin
election of a President of the United
The Democrats put forward as then
candidate a politician who has changed
his belief repeatedly, who is unstable,
and untried, and is" distrusted even b
members of the party under whose nanu
he conducted his canvass, many of whom
make no secret of their intention to vote
against him; whose very nomination
created widespread alarm among busi
ness men.
The Remiblicans offer as their candi
date for the Presidency a fearless, dis
interested and upright man, trained in
the severe school of duty, whose careei
of accomplishment assures his fitness,
whose record is one of unceasing indus
try in exacting tasks, and contains no
hint of failure; whose personality has
won the esteem and approval of tin
American people.
His reputation for absolute spotless
ness in both public or private life is as
well known abroad as it is at home. By
temperament, capacity and experience
he is qualified for the administration of
ereat affairs of state. He has shown n
single-minded devotion to t'ie service of
his country, with a broad and numum
sympathy to which sound appeal is
never unavailing.
This man is William Howard tall.
Associated with linn on the ticket is
James Schoolcraft Shefmanr,'w,hq for
many years 114s Hntju-Miw-uunciisui mu
nation' and is skflledjin the'eonduct of
public affairs.
Young man, you 6tatfrd on tho thresh
old of decision.
Your lirst step in the world of politics
will have a strong inlluenee on your life,
affecting your -associations and your
Before making .your decision and tak
ing a step that can not be retraced, read
what is said on this matter by two states
men ol unquestionable probity, devoted
to the best interests of the nation, and
honored for their high standard in po
litical morality. These men are Charles
E. Hughes, Governor of New York, and
Albert J. Bevcridge, Senator from Indi
ana. Saturday Evening Post.
If you want your accounts carefully
and honestly audited, a vote like this
will count for Lesher and Larrabee, two
accurate and painstaking accountants.
Kodol Is a combination ot natural dlees
live hilces-and It "dleusts nil classes of food
and every khttl'of fond, so you see It will (to
the work Hint the stomach itself docs. The
only difference between It ami the stomach Is
thestomach-can-tfutoutof order and Kodol
cannot, but Kodol . can put the stonmcli In
Bood order. UuyKodol today. It U guaran
teed. Sold by VEIL, The Druggist,
fHra"Hv itKUttr Axj
For District Attorney
For County Commissioner
t . PR AIT.
For Prothonotarv
Wallace J. Barnes
For County Commissioner
- For Sheriff- rT -Ir.Sir
dasaTarara'aaBSfll BaTe !BBBHaTaTaTaTaTJ
I 9 ForJRcprcscntotlvc
. 4 JmSM.
Oct. 117th. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Sherwood and daughter, Bessie, left
Thursday for their home at Tioga, Pa.
Mrs. John Sherwood and Mrs. Rock
well Hrigham spent Wednesday at Calli
eoon, N. Y.
Miss Minnie Gay ami nephew return
ed from Scranton on Friday last.
Mrs. Adelia Nichols visited her sister,
Mrs. Mary Appley, at Damascus, last
Reeves Sampson and family were en
.ertained at the home of Frank Brusl
111 Thursday of last week.
Miss Florence Skinner returned from
.'ort .lervis, Friday.
Mrs. Isadore Calkin has gone to Syra
cuse, to spend sonic time with her sis
ter, Mrs. .John Palis.
Miss Mabel Skinner is home after a
few days sojourn at Binghamton.
Dr. and Mrs. Warren lor, who were
in the country for a few days hunting
returned to Orange, N. .1., Saturda
Miss Mary 0. Dexter, who has been
njoying the past three weeks with
Irooklyn friends, arrived home Thurs
lay evening.
Mrs. H. A. Carpenter, who has beer
'pending the past two months in towt
.t her old home "The Maples" le t
liursday morning for Boston, Mass
vfler spending a few days in that city,
icy will leave for Burlington,. Yt-l
,'here DjftjCapenter has. ,ad;gitjim,iii5,i:
Oct. 28th. Hbv. J: B wenhcrerf
is conlincd to a hoftpiUil inSoi-antoiij
villi a severe attack of iritis His.-eyes'
;i,ivV been badly inllauied for tlio past'
nontli and-'over-study .brought .011 ai
icnte attack-; We hope to have him wil'i
is again soon. His wile has been con-
.ined to her-bed w ith muscular rlieuma-
.isiu for the past week.
Consecration service of the Christian
Endeavor society was well attended Sun
lay evening.
Let every Uepublican get to the polls'
m election day. Vote tlie'strahglit'Ue
nihlican ticket ami be sure of continu
ed prosperity. Our candidates from be
ginning to end should receive our hearty
John Ruddy, Donald Rice and John'
-inackenbusli, of Scranton, spent Satur
day at Lake Henry.
Apples are bringing $2 and $2.50 per
barrel here. Potatoes .are S0 cents to
$1 per bushel.
George Ferris has taken the contract
for hauling the lumber from the Bo
land tract.
Leslie Kizer has improved his store by
enlarging and putting in new lines of
If the liquor candidate for Sheriff,
thought to make votes by the jug he is
much mistaken. The voters of Salem
township cannot be bought by jugs or
jags. Our voters will support M. Lee
lirainan, knowing him to be an honest
and upright business man and capable
of serving in the ollice of Sheriff with
the ability that has niado him a self
made man, Kvery voter in the coun
ty should support him. SAiiKM Votkk,
At any time when your stomach Is not In
' irood condition, you should take Kodol, be
cause Kodol dlucsts all the food you eat, anil
it supplies health ami stremitli for the slum
1 ach in tlwif way. You take Kodol Just for a
little while when you have slluht attacks of
Indigestion mill you take It luslalittlo louver
In order to Bet relief from severe attacks of
Indlu'cf Hon or Nervous Dyspepsia. Try
Kodol today. Sold hv l'KIJ,. Tlic, llriiiTlsl.
Th& new Rain Coats, at MkNXRR A
Co. 'fl are protective anil stylish. 22eitf
Advertise in The Citizen,
Wife Wrote of Visits Made
to "Queer Places."
Bhe Stated That She Was "About to
Retire After Taming a Few
Somersaults For
New York, Oct. 28. Another turn In
the Halns ease which divulges secrets
of the Inner life at Fort Hamilton was
revealed when forty letters written by
.Airs. L iamiia 1.. iiains to ner uusuana
mid mailed to hlni nt San Francisco
were made public by John P. Mclntyre
and Joseph A. Shay of counsel for Cap
tain Halns and his brother, T. Jenkins
In one of Mrs. Ilalns' letters she re
ferred to the Duke of tbc AbruzxL
whom she met In New Orleans while
her husband was In command of Jack
son barracks there. This letter, dated
March 23 last, said in part:
"The Puke d'Abruzzl Is to marry
Miss Elkins, I sec. Poor mc! And I
thought I was IT. Well, you needn't
be jealous. A big kiss and the trim
mings." One of the first read:
"I have been uptown with bum
ming. We went up to supper and went
into the Fifth Avenue for a drink and
met Billy Annls In there with a bunch
of men. Wo kidnaped him and took
him nlong with us. Mrs. Is crazy
about I1I111. I am afraid she has cut me
out. She Is very attractive, has the
prettiest mouth and teeth I ever saw,
but she can punish booze. We got
home about half past 12. It is now 1,
and I am tired. Wc went Into some
queer places and very Interesting.
Good night, dear, with lots of love and
many kisses."
-In fliiulhct-Mrs-. Hntnsrsnia:- rnw
about to retire after turning a few
somersaults In the kitchen for Min
nie." Minnie, it was explained, was n serv
ant in the Halns home at Fort Hamil
ton. Other letters contained these para
graphs: " canjo. In this afternoon .and
rushcd".ogTO$vleiSc.does that' to
g wun your jjpqriy
Suedacqc; this 'nfter-
rar-ontrrrnreh; hot a
use there waVno
i K;i"l-MUWi teHff:rstfistag round 4he .post
(Witju'rsi-- - nna.Mra. ; aty( cut
Qlanile docs smpke'. rPour. or .Aye la
(luicK puecessioni aiosi ol me women
ori the' post smoke. I did my share to
day. Ciood night, dear.1'
"Mrs. '- Toped and me Into a
'game of cards. The Others all sneaked.
wanted me to go- home and have n
smoke with her."
"I came In from the evening service
at the chapel and found a lcttor from
saylug she would lie here In the
morning. It was unexpected In a way,
but I am glad. I went to chapel with
Mrs. to see about confirmation on
Thursday. I am getting religion, and I
suppose you will say, 'God, she needs
It!' "
"Mrs. find I went up to the Fifth
Avenue Jjotil-thls afternoon to take
our last d,rink, as It Is to be torn down
Monday. 1 1 telephoned Billy, and he
came over' wltJi n kid. about twenty,
and we hrt'd a. bully time. I got away
with n soup tureen and Mrs. a
chafing dish", 'and spoons, and so on.
Wo wanted to stay In the evening, but
Billy had tiskcts with , so we had
to come homo with our lieutenant."
Engineer Climbs on Locomotive Run-
ning Board, but Is Too Late.
Newark, N. J., Oct. 28. James Free
man, a Pennsylvania railroad engineer,
as heroic ns modest, nindo a splendid
attompt to save a woman's life at the'
Market street station here. Freefnan
sprang through tho window 6f ' his
cab, climbed perilously along the run
ning board of tho flying cnglno and,
loaning far out over the cowcatcher;
sought to pluck from the rails the wo
man, whoso terror hold her motionless.
The engineer was a moment too late;
the woman was ground to.daath under
the heavy wheels.
That story about forest fires turning
out chestnuts roasted Just right is a
match for tho old timer about growing
corn popped by tho Run in tho hot
weather belt.
Critics Insist that there Is too much
of tho "step lively" In many of the
American schools to make scholars out
of even tubest pftlmbjr,
1 1 i'VAi