War Veterans And Pension Legislation Republican Party Wholly Responsible For Caring ; For Old Soldiers. BemocratsOpposedAllFriend ly Aid A Damning Record Taft Great Friend of G.A.8. ' ' The Republican party has Just cause to be proud of Its pension rec ord. With the aid of patriotic men from other parties It waged to a suc cessful conclusion the greatest war of modern times. It has never ceased to honor the officers and men who composed tho victorious army. Every Republican President elected since the close of that war had been a conspicuous offi cer of the Federal army with tho ex ception of President Roosevelt, whoso brilliant record in the Spanish War is a matter of just pride to tho Ameri can people. Republican Pension Legislation. Republicna legislation for the old eoldler, his widow and his minor chil dren has been generous and bounti ful. The invalid pension law of July 14, 1SG2, and the dependent law of Juno 27, 1890, are monuments of Republican achievement and boar witness to the country's tender care of Its soldiers and Its sailors and their families. The act of June 27, 1890, is a fit ting illustration of the genorosltyot the Republican party toward the vet erans of the Civil War. This law was passed by a "Vpubllcan" Con gress, was signed .. a Republican Rresident, and through Its adminis tration there was expended during the next fiscal year a total amount of 568,798,800.71. The number of sol diers receiving the benefit of this act was 443,721, while the number of the dependents relieved by this act was 171,259. The gains In the number of pensioners under this act over tho previous year was 8643,. and the gain from June 30, 1890, to January 5, 1904, was 4993. Tho Republican party passed the net of April 19, 190S, Increasing pen sions of all widows from SS to $12 per month and granting pensions without reference to the value of property or income. The Republican party also passed the act of February 6, 1897, granting pensions to soldiers by reason of age alone, without re gard to disability. Democratic Opposition Record. The Democratic party, as such, has opposed every measure voting appro priations for pensions. Its record for the past forty years is one of opposi tion to those men who bore the hard ships of war and jeopardized their lives that the Union might be pre served. Here is a brief list of their official adverse acts In Congress to ward the veterans of the Civil War: In 1S7S a bill passed tho House re pealing all limitations of time in which applications for arrears of pen sions should be made. This was op posed by a majority of the Demo crats. The bill Increasing the pen sions for widows from $8 to $12 per month was opposed by the Demo crats. The amputation bill passed August 4, 1896, was opposed by tho Democrats and voted for solidly by the Republicans In tho House. The ' widows' arrears bill an the disabil ity pension bill were bch fought bit terly by tho Domocrats. In the Forty-third Congress a de pendent pension bill was voted on in the Senate, the Republicans support ing It solidly and the Democrats op posing It by a two-third vote. In the House this bill was voted for solidly by Republicans and opposed by a ma jority of the Democrats. After it had passed the House and Senate It was Vetoed by President Cleveland, as a Democrat. An effort was made In the House to pass tho bill over Cleve land's veto, tho Republicans voting 138 for It and tho Democrats voting 125 against It. This vote showed that twenty-nine Democrats who had originally voted for the bill hastened to avail them selves of the opportunity afforded by tho President's veto to voto against it, thus testifying their real senti ments, while twenty other Democrats who had dodged the first vote came up promptly and supported the veto. Tho dependent pension bill was bit terly opposed by tho Democrats, the Republicans putting It through de spite the opposition. This bill, as tho old soldiers well know, was promptly Blgned by President Harrison. Democrats Dislike Veterans. To sum up, the following gives the total of fourteen votes of ConirroKs upon tho most Important of tho vari ous pension measures presented since tno war viz: Democrats for tho bills 417 Democrats against tho bills C4S Republicans for tho bills mm; Republicans against tho bills. . . Xonc Tho official records of national Uw. lslatlon show that of all tho Repub lican j-rusiucius sinco mo war only ono has withheld his slgnnturo from any pension bill, and that was Goner. al Grant, who was forced to decline to approve five of theso bills. The Democrats havo been In power for only a few. brief years since tho war. nnd their President, Grover Clove Jand, vetoed 529 pension bills. The records suow that every pension law jtias been passed by Kopubllcan votes, and every pension bill defeated has been defeated by Democratic votes. Every nenslon bill vetoed. B29 In number, was vetoed by n Democratic- President except five. Pension 1'lnuks in Platforms. For the past fifty years the Demo cratic politicians have juggled with the soldier vote and pension question In their platforms. While giving every evidence of being really hostile at heart, they have thrown out bits of political bait from tlmo to time in the hope of cajoling the veterans into voting tho Democratic ticket. During all theso years tho Republi can platform has rung as clear as a bell on the pension question, as per this plank In the 1908 platform: "Anothdr Republican policy which must ever be maintained is that of generous provision for those who havo fought the country's battles and for the widows and orphans of those who have fallen. We commend tho increaso In tho widows' pensions made by the present Congress and de clare for a liberal administration of all pension laws, to tho end that the people's, gratitude may grow deeper, as the memories of the heroic sacri fice grow more sacred with tho pass ing years." Tho Democratic platform favors pensioning "the surviving veterans and their dependents because it re lieves the country of the necessity of maintaining a large standing army." The patriotism of tho veterans Is Ig nored. This platform does not favor penslonl i widows and dependents of deceased veterans, only "surviving veterans anS their dependents." The Old Soldier's Friend. Tha Republican party has kept Its promises. Through its legislation there has been disbursed in the pay ment of pensions on account of the Civil War to Juno 30, 1908, $3,533,- 593.025.95, and there were on the pension rolls on the last date 633,338 veterans of the Civil War and a total of 967,371 pensioners of all wars and classes, and on June 30, 1905, there were approximately on tho pension rolls- 021,000 -surviving veterans. All the civilized nations or the earth combined have not equaled the United States in liberality In grant ing pensions, bounties, homesteads and land warrants, providing homes, etc., for war veterans. Tho appro priation for the present fiscal year for paying pensions is sieu.uuo.uuu more than one-fifth of the entire revenue of tho government. No man who was not old enough to be a factor in that great struggle could give his heart and soul more completely to the welfare and well being of the veterans who fought for liberty and right In the days of '61 to '65 than Mr. .Taft. Ho 13 the recog nized and distinguished friend of the old soldier and is pledged to carry out the Republican policy In a gener ous manner toward tho Grand Army of the Repubr.c. He has never been too busy to see Cne veteran and lis ten with sympathetic Interest to his just demands. Taft, as President, will bo an abiding fast friend to all tho survivors of all our wars. WHO PAYS THE TARIFF? The Democratic free trade claim, that Import duties bear most heavily on tho consumers or necessaries, is most thoroughly shattered by Ar thur J. Dodge, the Washington cor respondent of tho American Econo mist, In the current Issue of that pa per. Mr. Dodge shows In the first place that against $527,000,000 of dutiable imports, wo import goods free of duty to the value of $454, 000.000. He shows that of the total duties collected amounting to $257, 000,000, $SO,000,000 aro collected upon EO-callcd "luxuries." He shows further that the aver'ago rato of duty on all dutiable Imports Is forty-seven per cent., whllo tho avcrago rato of duty on "luxuries" Is over -sixty per cent. But Mr. Dodge goes further nnd shows that probably all our Im ports or at least nlnoty per cent, aro goods consumed by the rich and well-to-do. Thoso peoplo who prefor Im ported wearing apparel, Imported houso furnishings nnd n thousand nnd ono othor articles of Importation that could ho inndo In this country, aro not the working classes who con sumo tho neccssnrles of llfo nnd who come under the free trndo clnlm thnt such duties aro paid by tho masses. Bryan says tho President Is tho peoplo's hired man. Tho peoplo for tho third tlmo will refuso tho job to Bryan. B IX. MISSIONARIES PRAISE TAFT'S " FAIRNESS IN FAR EAST They Laud Ills Delicacy, Zeal and Initiative in tho Philippines and Bay It Would Be Difllcult to Ex aggerate the Importance of His Service to tltc Christian Mis 8lons There. New York, Oct. The Rev. Dr. Homer C. Stuntz, first assistant sec retary of tho Board of Foreign Mis sions of tho Methodist Episcopal Church, who spent several years in tho Philippines Islands when Will iam H. Taft was there, and who has written a book, entitled "The Phil ippines and the4 Far East," has an nounced his Intention to vote for tho Republican candidate for President. He Is supporting J ml no Taft's candi dacy heartily, and when s?m' to-day spoko about tho fairness' whie'i Taft had shown to all religious socts in the Philippines. "1 wns in tho Philippine Island," said Dr. Stuntz, "as superintendent of missions of tho Methodist Church from April, 1001, almost all tho time until December, 190C. During that tlmo I had ample opportunity to ob serve the laws passed by the commis sion, of which Governor Taft was the head, and tho administration of the Philippines under the Civil Commls- j slon. In preparation for my book on , 'The Philippines and the Far East,' I was given access by Judge Taft to any and all documents which I wished to see, and thus I had unusual opportunities for securing first-hand information as to the legislative and administrative work which was car ried forward in the islnnds during that period. "While we, as Protestant minis ters, differed with Judge Taft on many questions and were Always compelled to oppose him Fair. and the commission in cer tain legislation which was proposed, I am clearly convinced that Mr. Taft himself did all that could 1 bo reasonably expected of him in his attempts to bo entirely fair as he-1 wwn inc uiiiereni commercial nuu religious parties with which he had to deal. "I have looked tho ground over thoroughly, and have concluded that he will give us the best administra tion of any man now a candidate for President, and I shall vote for him. He Is, undoubtedly, one of the ablest public men which this nation has over raised up. I regard him as, without doubt, the ablest administra tor who ever has addressed himself to the task of governing Asiatic peoples. I say this after I have lived for eight years in British India, during tho large part of which time my duties required 1110 to teach the history of that emplro." GOOD TIMES. Will It restore good times to elect Mr. Bryan, with his vague, untried theories, almost universally con demned by business men? Mr. Bryan is a great orator and has a new lino of promises every four years, but if you had a quack doctor come to you twlco when you wero 111 and try to make you take a silver cure which would cripple you for llfo, would you try his now guaranteo cure (no charge for the consultation) when you needed a real doctor? Mr. Gom pers, who supported Mr. Bryan when he was shouting tho silver cure, now supports him with tho gold (brick) cure. Does Mr. Gompers do your thinking for you, nnd can ho supply work If Mr. Bryan's remedies take away your job? PROGRESSIVE GOVERNMENT. Tho workman wants progressive government which will understand and protect his Interests. It Is ad mitted that tho Roosevelt adminis tration has dono moro to protect tho Interests of labor than any other since tho Civil War. Tho President cfivn Hint- Mr. Tnft fa nun nf tlin linat friends of honest labor and lias helped tho President In executing the eight-hour law, In raising tho wages of American workmen at Panama nnd In promoting other Interests of or-1 gnulzcd labor. Is not President ' Roosovelt's opinion entitled to wolght? Think It over beforo you voto. Nono know better than do the un employed that i' very Democratic vote Is against their getting jobs. $500,000 TO $55,000 WAGERED AGAINST BRYAN Uoyd's ExcliABfco, la London," Has Accepted ''Commercial Hedges" at Rates Corresponding to Uets at Odds of Nino to One Eng lishmen Confident That Taft Will Re Elected "President by n Large Majority. Now York, October. Lloyd's Ex change, London, which will glvo in surance against anything from the disaster of a ralhy day td tho oxtra expense of twins, has accepted from American business men risks against the election of William Jennings Bryan amounting to $500,000 in re turn for premiums amounting to about $55,000. While the writing of the Insurnnco 13 .technically a busi ness transaction it amounts virtually In this case to a wager by tho famous London exchange against Bryan at odds of nine to one. In taking such a risk, or making such n bet, Lloyd's has not acted In a wildly hazardous manner. It has based Its transactions upon a most careful Investigation of the sentiment among American voters, and has re ceived reports from confidential agents and astute politicians concern- Copyright, Ing the situation In every Stato In the Union. With those facts as a basis it has worked out a rate of Insurance upon the loss llablo to be occasioned American business men by the selec tion of Bryan as President and upon his chances of election. The chances of Bryan's success, however, seems so small to Lloyd's agents that tho rate has been extremely low. Insuring Taft's Life. In addition Lloyd's has been writ ing insurance policies on Taft's life. In view of the two slight accidents to the railroad train on which Taft is making his tour of the Southern States In the campaign, various busi- nncn tnoil .iinflHonf thof Tnft will lio ' elected President, unless death by sickness or accident prevents, have taken precaution against loss llablo In such nn event by Insuring the Re publican candidate's life. Tho men who havo bought Insurance . either against Brynn's election or Taft's death are not gamblers, but keen judges of tho future nnd skilled In the art of anticipating contingencies. Tho majority of business men feel confident that If Taft Is elected busi ness will receive a great stimulus be cause of the confidence that generally is reposed in tho Republican admin istration, and in the actions of a man of Judge Taft's temperament. Rely ing upon the certainty of his election, they have made investments in bonds and stocks which, after tho election, will Jump In price. If Bryan Is elect ed prices of those stocks will fall and they would lose money. Manufac turers, for example, bellovo that If Taft Is elected they will receive big orders. They are going ahead with their mills in full operation, turning out goods on such an expectation. If Bryan Is elected tho prices will drop because there will bo no demand and they stand to lose" a- large amount of money. THE RICH PAY THE TARIFF, SAYS ARTHUR j. DODGE. It Is quite likely that wo could do without ninety per cent, of our Im portations that Is, wo could got just as good or better things made in this country If a certain class of our peoplo did not prefor Imported stuff. Tho claim then of Mr. Dodge thnt nearly all our Importations should bo classed as "luxuries," and that tho duties aro paid by the rich and well-to-do Is well sustained, and as a certain amount of customs rev enuo Is necessary to bo added to tho Internal rcvenuo to meet tho ex penses of tho Government, It is well that tho wealthy class should pay it, and this they do almost wholly. This fnct should bo well under stood at tho outset of tho framing of a new tariff law which Is to glvo ado quato protection to American labor and Industries. Wo should not only protect our own people, but wo should lay such duties that If tho wealthy profor tho forolgn-mado articles and an lndeflnlto amount of "luxuries," they should pay tho plpor. That Is tho Republican and tho Protectionist way of making a tariff law, and that will bo tho way tho next law Is mado If Tnft, nnd Sherman are elected and a Republican Houso of Ropresoutn-tlvea. LABOR LEADERS -ASSAjLGOMPERS Resent His Attempt to "De liver" Their Vote. HIGH A. EL. OFFICIALS First' and Sixth Vice-Presidents of the Organization Criticise Their Chief For Promise to Hand Over Vote to llryan -Gompcrs' Ap peal Thrown Under Table. lngton was to arrange with Mr. Gom pers for perfect co-operation between the organization under him and the organization at my disposal." That is what Chairman Mack of tho Demo , cratlc Committee said In August. Ho Trie NEBKASKhN LAOCOON' ( 1 1903, by The New York Times Company. had arranged with Mr. Gompcrs to deliver the labor vote. But Mr. Gompers has found It harder to perform than It was. to promise. His activity In tho Interests of Bryan, and his calm assumption that "the organization under him" "his men would vote as ho tells It to, have created dissension In the ranks of labor. Dissension Rcgins Early. This dissension began to show It self almost Immediately after Mr. Mack and Mr. Gompcrs had reached an agreement about "their" organ izations. The first protest came from the Western Federation of Miners. That Federation sent to all labor unions a circular protesting against Mr. Gompers' plan to "de liver their votes. "Gompers has heard," the circular said, the censuro that has como from all' quarters, and Is up In arms to rebel against tho Intimations that havo been made by many who ques tion the course ho has taken in an attempt to swing tho labor vote to the Democratic party. It Is appar ent that Gompcrs has heard the rum. bling Iu the ranks of organized labor. and men who aro neither "renegades nor outcasts In the movement havo voiced their sentiments in no uncer- tain terms in opposition to tho man whose political declarations have raised tho suspicion that the Amorl can Federation of Labor is to be made an annex of the Democratic party in tho pending campaign." Vice-President Duncan. ' Chief among thoso who object to Mr. Gompers' assumption of power to deliver the labor voto to Bryan, are two high officials of tho Fedora- tlon, one of them noxt in command to Gompers himsolf. They aro James Duncan, first vice-president of the American Federation of Labor, and Daniel J. Keefo, sixth vice-president Vice-President Duncan, who Is president of tho Granite Cutters Union, says: "The labor movement of our country is now, as "heretofore, independent of pnrtles. Tho labor movement admonishes each organized worker to cast his yote on election day In strict accordance with his con science as to what would bo tho best for tho whole people." Vice-President Kecfe. Vice-President Keefo, who Is a member of tho Federations otecu tivo council and president of tho Longshoremen s Union, expressly re pudiates Mr. Gompors bargain to "deliver" tho labor vote, nnd says "Tho American Federation of Labor is not committed to nny political party, nor has any candidato for President been indorsed by tho ex ecutive council. Personally, I am going to voto for William II. Taft becauso as Secretary of War ho did moro to enforce laws in favor of or ganized lnbor than any of his prede cessors." Even Gnmpora' own union that of tho Cigar Makors from which ho used to hold a worklngman's card, beforo there was an "organization undor him," has condemnod his nromlso to "deliver" tho union voto, Mr. Gompors "has undoubtedly suc ceeded admirably In 0110 thing. Ho has affronted tho conservative mem hers of trades unions, who bellovo that each has a right to voto for him- self, and that coercion of any kind must not b9 exercised to Influence any man's voto. Resolution UmJer Table. This1 attitude was well demonstrat ed by the Hotel and Restaurant Mon'a Union, when It substituted a motion to table Gompers' appeal, for money for Bryali, with a contemptuous re solution to "throw It under, tho table." Which was done". The New York district organiza tion of machinists, 15,000 strong, has also assailed tho Gompers "delivery" plan. James R. Ryan, delegate to tho New York Central Federated Union from the Photo Engravers' Union, No. 1, P. E. U., though a close friend o.f Gompcrs, says: "I bollcve that In advocating tho support of Bryan, Gompcrs has abandoned the first principles of tho Federation." Mr. Ryan declares that his union will not contribute one dollar to the, Gom pers fund. Three Union Presidents For Tnft. T. L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America, takes di rect issue with Mr. Gompers 011 tho question of commanding the union labor men to vote for Bryan. Presi dent Lewis, in a circular to members of his union, says: "Tho United Mlno Workers did not elect me interna tional president to Infiucnco your political- preferences, or how you should cast your vote on election dayv f rom wnai 1 Know 01 our memucrs, you are fully competent to decide for yourselves how you will vote on elec tion day." 1 James L. Feeney. president of tho Elevator Constructors' National Un ion, has declared' for Taft. T. J. Dolan, president of the Steam Shovelers' Union, has also declared for Mr. Taft. Printers' President Protests. Norman E. McPhall, president of the Typographical Union, says: "Tho vote of organized labor will not and cannot bo delivered to any one party ' by any one man or set of men." R. L. Finney, ono of tho organiz ers of the Amorlcan Federation of Labor: "In endorsing Mr. Taft's can didacy for the Presidency I wish to be understood as believing that Mr. Gompers Is sincere in his support of Mr. Bryan. I also believe "that ho has made the greatest mistake of Ills life." Union labor all over the country resents bitterly tho attempt of ono man to destroy the principles of tho organization, hnzarding its existence as that of the Knights of Labor was first hazarded and then ruined by forcing It Into politics. Organized labor men can be trust ed to deliver their own votes. POLITICAL LEAGUES. Prominent business men of all sections of New York State have or ganized and had incorporated at Al bany tho Taft League of the Stato of New York. Tho object of tho league, as stated In Kb article of In corporation, Is to "promote the can didacy of. William II. Taft for Presi dent." This is tho latest New York league. This Is the year for Independent political leagues In Now York. They are as thick as hops all over tho State. There Is tho PerSonal Liberty League and tho Acorn League, tho Hotel Men's Political League, tho Business Men's Republican Club of New York City, Hearst's Independ ence League, tho Socialist Labor Lea gue, the Suffragette League, and, Mr. Nathan Strau3 says, the Bryan and Kern Business Men's League. There has been great doubt about thlB last named organization, but aB Mr. Straus has mnde a net scheme of it, the benefit of the doubt is duly accorded- to him. Most of these organ izations havo no connection with tho regular Stato or county organizations. LABOR NUGGETS. Bryan wants to destroy the tariff protection ot American workmen. Isn't there competi tion enough for work now? Vole for Taft and good times. Do you want an Injunction against a Job ? Vote for Bryan. For a real Job vote for Taft. Bryan Is an orator. Oratory factories employ no hands. It you want a Job vote for Taft. If you must vole for Bryan, keep your wealth and do it in 1912. This year try Taft. Honest capital wantsTaf (elected to restore confidence and help on good times. Isn't that what you want, too ? Think it over. The issues of the national cam paign which particularly affect labor are these t 1. Good times and general employment at good wages. 2. The protection of wage earners Irom reduction of wages. 3. The continuance of a pro gressive government at the Na tional Capital which will recog nize the rights and Interests of labor in legislation and adminis tration. Tho wnGC-enrners would benefit most by tho election ot Judgo Taft; they would Buffer most from a chaos of Democracy. Tho olive crop la said to bo Bhort. Tho chief demaud In this market will ho for olive branches after vthls caia pnlcu Is over. t