THE CITIZEN. rUm.IflllED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY 1IY THE CITIZEN PURMSHINU COMPANY. W. W. WOOD, MANAOKK EEPUBLICAW TICKET. NATIONAL. FOR PRESIDENT. WILLIAM HOWAUI) TA FT, of Ohio. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, JAM US S. SH HUMAN, of New York. FOR ELECTOR H AT I.ARdK, MOKRIB L. CLOTHIKIt, of Philadelphia, JIKNJAMIN K. JONF.S, of Pittsburg. STATU. FOR JIIDUE OF SUPERIOR COURT, WM. n. 1'OKTKIt. of AilcKheny. niSTHH'T. FOR CONORESS, CHAIILKS !. PRATT, of Susquehanna. FOR STATE SENATOR, ' SAMUEL W. HCFFOKI). of Carbon. COUNTY. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, W. K. PKKHAM.of Mount Pleasant. FOR SHERIFF, M. LEE HHAMAN, of Honesdale. FOR PROTIIONOTARY, KTC. WALLACE J. HAHNHS, of Ilerlln. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER, ALFKEDO. IJLAKE, of lii'tbany. FOR COUNTY COM.MISSIO.NKIIS, J. K. HOKNHF.CK. of Knulmiiik. THOMAS 0. MADDEN, of Dreher. FOR COUNTY AUDITORS. AKTHUKW. LAKHAIiKE.of Starucca. W. lSHOCK LKSHKlt, of Sterling. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, MYRON K. SIMONS, of Honesdale. G. O. P. There are nearly 3,200 Repub lican voters in Wayne county, a sufficient number to elect the entire Republican ticket, if they were loyal to their party. These 3,200 Republicans are officially represented in Wayno county by two Commissioners, and only one is the result of Republican votes, the other Commissioner holding office because the law demands that the minority shall have rep resentation on the Board. Every office within the gift of the elec tors of Wayne county is filled by a Democrat Congressman, Sen ator, Representative, Prothono tary, Register and Recorder, Treasure Sheriff and District Attorney, all having been elect ed by the aid of Republican votes. There has been too much of the grasshopper in the make-up of some Republicans. They have the habit of hopping around the ballot on election day and alight ing on the Democratic side of the ticket and leaving a dangerous mark in many spots. This year the password of the Republicans of Wayne county is One Mark in the Circle at the head of the Republican Column. Thatthe"milk of human kind ness" flows in the veins of the average Republican is no reason why he should be a perpetual complimentary voter to help ruin his own party, defeat its candi dates, stultify his conscience and injure his own prospects for hold ing office. Brother Republican, look in the glass, and if you see a Grasshopper Republican, don't break the glass, but break the habit of complimentary voting, that you may have the pleasure of taking a look occasionally at one man whom you know pos itively to be a Loyal Republican, and who has done his duty and helped to win a victory on Nov. 3d. The indications are we will elect every man on the ticket, as every candidate is worthyof your 'confidence and support. They represent every section of our county, North, South, East and West, while the opposition have selected their candidates from the small circle which represent not only the center but the inner ring of those who shape Demo cratic nominations. Every can didate on your ticket is well qualified to perform the duties of the office he aspires to fill None of them belong to the tribe of perpetual office seekers. Stand by your ticket, Republicans, and Republicans will stand by you when you are on the ticket. CongruHHlonul. Tho eulogies ttint llieT)einocratie jour nals arc pronouncing over (lit1 Hon. (Ion. V. Kipp bear a very close relationship (o the alrcadv-preparcd-easily-adapted nbitunry notices which are kept ready for emergencies, utul which arc written with a lien covered with the broad mantle of charity, (paid for on the installment plan) with words so nicely arranged that the truth is ho thoroughly disguised that it cannot be recognized by the caieless and indifferent. Hut Kipp is not dead, ex cept politically, and these nice notices are drawing good sized pensions until the burial notice, which will appear later. Candidate For Representative. Warren K. I'erhani is a native of Mt. Pleasant township, and has always resid ed on the farm where he was born, lie hardly needs an introduction to the peo ple of Wayne county, because through his works as Commissioner and as mem ber of the State lioard of Agriculture he is already known throughout the coun ty. Primarily he is a farmer, though his interests are varied. With his brother he runs a farm of live hundred acres, keeping a dairy of forty cows. This of course means that heisa heavy taxpayer and that may be one reason why Mr. Perhain has been and is interested in lessening the burden of tax. The Ni agara creamery, which is one of the most prosperous in the county,' has been under bin management since its organi zation. He also has interests in other creameries, in fact these interests led to his organizing the Creamery and Cheese Factory Fire Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, of which company lie is Secretary. After serving three years as .Secretary of the State Dairy Union he elected President at the Wilkes Harre meeting, last January. This asso ciation holds its annual meeting at Ilar risburg in January. When the taxes became more and more burdensome, Mr. Perham was one of the promoters of an organization of which the object is to relieve the tax-payers of the school tax. He is Chairman of the executive committee and is interested in proposed legislation on these lines. This article is not supposed to enumerate all of Mr. Perliain's interests. As a member of the Grange, Moosic Lodge, I. (). (. 1'., and Samuel Meredith Kiicnmpmcnt many know him. He asks in this elec tion the support of his friends and of those who desire simply honest govern ment. Republican Meeting in White Mills. The regular meeting of the White .Mills Taftand Sherman Club was held Friday evening, Oct. 0th, at their club room. There were present (H members.. The meeting was called to order by President II. F.Weber. After transacting the usual order of business, during which 1-1 new members were enrolled, Joseph Stephens made a unique but excellent address in which he highly recommended all the candidates on the Republican county ticket as men well qualified to serve the people and worthy of their support, and appealed to the members to be loyal to the organization and vote the straight ticket. He was followed by County Chairman, Myron H. Simons, who dis coursed eloquently upon the advantages of protection to the workingmenof White Mills and elsewhere, tieorge P. lioss, Secretary of theCounty Committee, spoke of the folly of complimentary voting by Republicans, who never received any like favors from Democrats. W. W. Wood was then introduced and made a few remarks upon the advantages to be derived by employees and employers pulling together, as their interest was mutual. He made the statement, that when an employer paid an employee $i'0 a week ho valued the labor of that man at $20,000, for $20 a week was .'. on $20,000, and if the man was loyal and faithful to his employer he was equally as rich as the man who had $2(),01X) at interest, for his labor was worth that sum. Glass Cuttkh. For State Senator, i SAMUEL5W. HOFFORD, of Carbon. Exeter borough, Luzerne county, is trying to sell a $20,000 issue of live per cent, inunicipat bonds, but ilnds'it'up hill work. The securities have been on the market for some time without takers, or in fact any offers, except for a single bond or so by residents of the place at oar . With four nor cents quoted at a premium almost everywhere else, the authorities of Kxeterdeclino to part with their bonds without a bonus, and i don't apeak very weii for the credit of th e borough that tuey can't get it. AWARD OF PREMIUMS AT THE WAYNE COUNTY FAIR, 1908. MOUSES STAND RII 1IRED MiiieorCeld.. I y'rs old or over. I'd llleki $ 5 00 I'AKM (II! A t.I, UORK Stallion : .vis old. Ainos Creirory Male in- ncId, I y i s or over. c K Miller .tarc(ii t!('l(l.:iyrs.old A Ii (ileum y I'red Weiiinwr Mare or veld. !! yrs olil.l'F Walters Elmer Keast Mare and foal, V .1 Marker li 00 5 (K) :t m a oo :t no a (HI a no n oo :i (hi 'i IK) 1 oo 4 oo 2 00 H 00 H 00 h oo ROAD M THOTTIMI 'Id i .'s or over, C It lVthlok Mare or . Mcpncnsou Mare or bcIiI. a yrs old. (' 1'' Wallers , (ieorirc Keller Matched team. Dr. A II Stevens E E Kinsman in: A it Stallion I years or over. II .1 Tattle HACKNEY Slallluii I j ears or over. W L.laekhim Sialllmi :i years old, W.I Maeker SAlllll.l: Marc or ireldlii,'. any use. M LP.rainan Kilos Cresrory .iu'ks ami iri.i:s .lack 4 years or over. Ur A I! Stevens l)r A 15 Stevens .lack :i years old. Dr A I! Stevens .leiuiett I .M s or over. Dr A II Stevens If illicit !l years old, Dr A 1! Stevens .letlln'tt J year old. Dr A I! Stevens Span of mules. In- , r, Stevens MtllcL'ye.iisoM.T ,1 Hoar Mule I year old, Dr A li Stevens T.I Hoar CATTI.1-: (MI.OODKD) IHllr-CYS Mel d prize, (ieomc Kck. Hull il years old or over. (Iroiw Kelt Dull 1 year old, t.eorue Kck. Cow an, use for inilk. (iconic Kck .. . (ieorsie Kck Heifer L' ycaiMilil. (ieoive Kck ( icortre l; Heifer 1 year old. (.'eorire Kck ( iconic Kck Heifer calf, (iconic Kck (iconic Kck IIOI.S1 KINS Meld i)i !7e, K K Kinsman Hull ii years old. K K Kinsman Hull 1 .tear old. (' ( lilake Frank Miiiik Cow any aw-for milk, K K Kinsman CO lilake . Heifer 2 years old, K K Kinsman K. K Kinsman Heifer I year old, K K Kinsman CO Make Heifer cair.CO make CO lilake oi: ni:i cati.u: Cow any au'c-fnr milk. ('. O lilake Frank Thomas McHer 2 years old. U V. Kinsman Heller 1 year old. K (i line Heifer calf, li.iyllss liullock K (i line SIIKKP spiiiicMimi: Hiii k. 2 years or over, (' () lilake .1 Kwcs. :i yea is or over, C O lilake CO lilake il Kwes.l ycarold.CO lilake :i Lambs, CO lilake SWINK ciicsrmi whiti: lioar, 1 year or over. C F Walters lioar. under I year, K K Kinsman K K Kinsman Sow. 1 year or over. ,1 .1 llauscr K K Kinsman Sow, under 1 year, K (i line K K Kinsman iiiaiKsuiiu: Hoar, 1 year or over. Terry Saunders Hoar, tmilcr 1 year, l'erry Saunders Sow. under 1 year. W 11 liullock I'llI.WIl CHINA lioar under 1 year. C O lilake Sow 1 year or over. (' o lilake Sow under 1 year. (' O lilake (illAIN AMI SKICDS Spriiui Wheal. M K liolkcoin liye, Wesley Hates M K Holkcom lluikwheitt. Wesley Hates WS Miller :i oo i so 8 00 4 00 li 00 fi 00 ;t oo 2 00 4 00 2 00 00 1 no 15 00 s oo ii (Ml H (Ml 4 (Ml 5 00 ; oo 2 00 1 (Ml 2 IK) 1 00 15 00 (i 00 ii (Ml 2 00 00 4 00 Q (M) il 00 2 (Ml 1 00 2 00 1 (X) 5 00 ii 00 ii 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 il 00 ii 00 1 GO 2 00 2 00 C 00 ii 00 2 00 0 00 2 00 ii 00 2 00 5 00 ii 00 ii 00 ii 00 5 00 ii 00 Oats, M I. liolKcom () K Miller .1 M Holkcom Hurley, J M liolkcoin Millet, Wesley Hales M K Holkcom Field Con). W L Fi'muson W I. I'enilison Sweet Corn. Fled. Wcimltrer Pop Corn, Horace Hates Field lieans. o K Miller Amanda SpanHcnbenr St rinn lieans. Fllen T Varcoe VF.CF.TAP.LUS roTvrors Karly Hose, (iconic L Keli Late Hose. Patrick liurns Columbia. M K liolkcoin, liiihc (tiecu. M K Holkcom I'nclc Sam, Kdtrar Hryant Purpee's Karllest. Kduar Hryant Kiireka. Kdfiar Hryanl liiiral N'. V.. No. 2. W II liullock Dunn, James Piatt Karly Harvest. W II liullock Mills' First of All. Kduar Hryant Planet. W.I Hacker Sir Walter Kalclnli. (iconic L Kck Karly (icnesee, M K Holkcom Polaris,.! M Holkcoui ICvcrett.J M liolkcoin (iolilen Hus'scl,,! M Holkcom Irish Cobbler, liaylis.s liullock Him1 Victor. .1 M fiolkcom Cold Coin, Patrick liurns State of Maine, l-Usrar Hryant Carman No.. .'I, .hwiili Saunders Cariium No. 2, CO lilake Lamest and best exhibit, M K Holkcom (ii:ni:ui, Watermelon. Cconie L Kck Table Heels. Patrick limns Kohl liabi. Fred. Wcimincr Kale, I'red. Wcnniner Onions, Harold I lacker Tomatoes, W II liullock Kllcn T Varcoe Flat Turnips, I'red. Wcnnlucr F. Wenniiicr liiitabnsas, I'red. Wciinifcr Muskmclou, (Iconic L Kck Cucumbers. Henry I! Ctuuppcr Citron. Amanda ispatnienhen,' ii Sweet Pumpkins, O K Miller ( Iconic L Kck i! Largest runipkbis. W.I Ojidcn Hutnani Siiuash, o I) Miller II Suniuicr Sipiash, Ceortic L Kck Hllen T N'arcoo Smamer Hadlshes, M K Holkcom Fred. Wenniser Winter radlsbcs, l'scd Wenniser Fred Wennliier POl'LTHV Hnntnin, chicks, Frank Secgnor White LcKhnin, chicks, Cico Krk (leorKU F.rk lllack Jllnoivii, fowls, !' Thomas 78 75 1 00 I 0G 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 1 00 60 chicks. V Thomas I Haried Plymouth Hocks, fowls, CI O Ulaku Haired Plymouth Hocks, fowls, Edgar llrviint Harrcd Plymouth Hocks, chicks, K I toss ' llnired Plymouth Hocks, chicks, OO lilake White Plymouth Hocks, rowls, O W Swartz . White, Plymouth Hocks, chicks, (i W Kwiulz i White Wyandottes, fowls, Win Kck.. Wblto Wyiindottes, chicks, Wm Kck. Hull Plymouth Hocks, fowls, O O lilake Hull' Plymouth Hocks, fowls, C O lilaku ,. Hull' Plymouth Hocks, chicks, OO 1 Whlto Oiiihbigton, K W Hoss Hull' Cochin Hantiuns, Wm Kck Hhodo Ihlaiul Hcds, chicks, Ceo Krk. Oco Kile. Ducks. Kdgar Hrynnt Ducks, Pukiu, William Kck Mrs N II Llppert Ali'iciui ( O Piatt 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 CO 1 00 1 (10 1 (X) 1 00 5(1 1 00 1 (Ml 50 1 (XI 50 25 50 Uulncii Pi!?s, Harold IjoiuIoii Lclanrt Wood King Doves, Lelund Wood F H II I T A PPL KS Grcculngs, OO niakc Frank Mnng Baldwins, Alma Adams TJ Hoar Northern Hpy, T .1 Hoar Frank Jiang King, Frank Mimg 50 25 50 25 5(1 2) 50 25 2 00 50 50 25 W Greatest Variety. K 'K'KiViNViiuiT,'.'.!!!"! m lUliterii:::::::::::::::::::::::::r. Winter Pipniu, m k uoikcum j ai uoiucoiii,, 50 01 50 60 60 fin 50 50 50 as 5(1 60 50 25 fill 60 50 fid 25 60 25 60 i fin 25 50 .Mi 25 60 1 CO 60 25 8 no 2 00 50 25 fill 2 15 ai 15 50 25 M M 2 60 2 fin 1H M i!A fill 60 as fiO M 25 60 60 fill 25 50 25 fill CO 25 60 25 fill 60 25 60 25 fiO 25 fiO 25 60 25 60 25 60 25 60 25 to 25 60 25 60 25 60 60 25 60 25 60 25 60 50 25 50 60 50 25 60 25 60 25 60 60 25 60 25 60 60 25 60 25 CO 25 60 25 66 25 60 25 50 60 25 60 60 25 50 25 60 25 60 60 25 fill 60 25 jessic'm'ison Kvo bread. Mrs W H liullock Grabiim b,end. Mr- Edgar llrvant . Alma Adams Com bread, Mrs II M .lackson ,. sirs unarieH wcuu Dozen biscuits, Mrs I. Vamlt-usen,.,. Mrs E G Hoe Dozen rolls, Mrs Sadie Hates Airs i. chi 10 vanueusen,. rultcake. Mrs W H Bullock Plnln cake, Mrs E G Hoe Mrs IiO Mumford Sponge rake. Mrs L O Mumford L iiocoiaie cane, L,ucia i,ippert Mrs W H Bullock... Coeoanutcake. Mrs George Heller... Jelly cake. Alma Adnms Spice cake, Mrs N H Llppert mm n u uoe Ginger cake, Mrs JV H Llpocrt MrsLO Mumford.,,.;. Do, fried cakes, Mrs It E HaniKoii,,.. no, ginger cookies, airs r waiters... Mrs B M Jackson. Doz sugar cookies, Mrs W H liullock, Mrs F Walters.... Mluee pie, Mrs W U liullock tippie pie, mrs w it iiuiiocic Mrs Edgar Hrvant Lemon pie, Clara Ballon Mrs W H Bullock Uustard pie, Mrs Leslie Vandeusen.. .Mrs w ii iiuiiocic Herry pie. Mrs Edgar Hryant Mrs L W Nelson Pumpkin pie, Mrs HE Hansom jvirs Kugar liryant CANNED FKUIT Peaches, Mrs II N Miller airs r.agar uryani Plums, Mrs O E Miller Mrs Wesley Bates Pears, Mrs OE Miller Mrs O E Miller Apples, Mrs H N Miller Mrs Edgar Bryant Cherries, Mrs J W Miller Mrs E E Kinsman Strawberries, Mrs Sadie Bates tiouie uoe Haspberrles, Mrs Lucia Llppert uiacKocrries, Airs a. a Miner Mrs Lucia Llnnert Pino Apples, Mrs V H Bullock Lottie Koo (iuinccs.Mrs H N Miller Mrs H N Miller Currants, Grace Miller Tomatoes, Grace Miller jurs saaio iiaies Blackcaps, Mrs Sadlo Hates Huckleberries, Mrs Lucia Llppert.... 1'RKSERVEt) Peaches, Mrs VV H Bullock Mrs George L Eck Pears, Mrs H N Miller Mrs M.H Llppert Plums, Alma Adams Mrs H N Miller Cherries, Mrs H N Miller Raspberries, .Mrs n n Mtuer Mrs U N Miller Crapes, Alma Adams Mrs u rj aimer I'lCKI.BD Peaches, Mrs H N Miller Plums, Airs W H Bullock Anna Adams Pears, Mm H N Miller Mrs Edgar Bryant SPICED Peaches, Grace Miller Mrs H N Miller Plums, Mrs W H Bullock Alma Adams Pears, Mrs U N Miller Mrs N H Llppert Spiced Grapes, Alma Adams Mrs H N Miller Blackberry Jam, Alma Adams Strawberry Jam, Mrs .1 W Miller . . Mrs H N Miller Ourrant Jam, Mrs H N Miller. ... Apple Jolly, Mrs Lesllo VanDuson Mrs Geo Ii Kck Qulnco Jolly, Mrs W H Bullock Mrs Geo L Kck Orabapple Jolly, Mrs L VanDusen Mrs Sadie Bates Thornapplo Jelly, Mrs K T Varcoe Ourrant Jelly, Mrs Geo I, Kck Mrs Sadlo Bates Gooseberry Jelly, Mrs Sadlo Bates Peach Jelly, Mrs E G Hoe Mrs W H Bullock Strawberry Jolly, Mrs Geo L Eck Mrs Sadlo Bates Plum Jolly, Mrs J WMlller Mrs Geo L Eck Haspborry Jolly, Mrs Sadie Bates Crapo Jolly, Clara Eck Mrs Geo L Kck Wild Grapo Jelly, Mrs Sadlo Butes Apple Butter, Mrs H N Miller Grace Miller Peach Butter, Mrs N H Llpport Mrs H N Miller Plum Butter, Alma Adams Mrs H N Miller Tomato Butter, Grace Miller Mrs H N Miller Mixed Pickles, Mrs W H Bullock Olarn Kck Cucumber Pickles, Mrs Ceo I, Kck Olanv Eck Tomato Pickles, Mrs I. O Mumford Mrs W II Bullock Onion l'lcklea, OlarolKck Mrs W H Bullook Chow Ohow, Mrs L O Mumford,... Plccalllly, Grace Miller Mrs It W Kimble Tomato Oatsup, Mrs LO Mumford Grace Miller Blackberry Jelly, Mrs Geo L Eck Ulillt Sauce, Mrs II (1 Llppert DAIRY AND FA'HM in lbs dreamery Butter, .1 Baugurt in lbs Dairy Butter. S M Pulls . . Mrs W II Bullock Cheese. Mrs V II Bullock Gal Maplo Syrup, Mrs II M Jackson .1 M liolkcoin nibs Box Money, M E Ijivo J M Holkcom fi Extracted Honey, Mrs Sadlo Bates Mrs Fiiund Walters fi lbs Heeswiix, M K Ijivo Wesley Bates fin Hh Wheat Flour, John BaiiKort . Ml lbs Hyo Flour. Wcsloy Hates 1 60 1 60 76 NonoHuch, J M Holkcom Fidlownter, J M liolkcoin Pound Hwcel. II At Make Hamuii, (I o Hlake M llliiko Kali Pippin, a M Hlake York Imperial, O O Ulnko President, o O Make Meek-no-Further, M E Holkcom Frank Mang Morris Hcd.H M lilake Kngllh Hussct. M 10 Holkcom Hnow. Willis Dlllemuth Charles Webb American, Frank Mang Woirttlver, Wallueo Keeslcr PKAHS (Ilapi)'s Fnvoiltc, Klhin T Vmcoc.,., Duchess, M E Holkcom Ellen T Vnrcoc. Sheldon, T J Hour Mrs Charles Webb Kelror, Ellen T Varcoe Alma Adams Hurr liosk, M E Built com M E Holkcom PEACHES Dish of 10, E U Kinsman O.U1N0E8 Dish or 10, Howard Johns, ,lr M E Luvo PLUMB Dish of 10, Mrs W H liullock CHAPES Greatest Vnilcty, Ellen T Varcoe,.,, Dish of 10 bundles, Mrs it HaniROin Mrs W Itlilloek . Greatest variety ol trult by one exhi bitor, Kllcn T Varcoe Alum Adams DK1EI) FKUIT Apples, Ellen T Varcoe . Alma Adams Peaches, Mrs N H Llppert Hutu runts, Mrs H W Kimble Edgar Hryant Chestnuts, Harold W llodle Thomas F, Hoar HHKAD, OAKE, ETC Wheat bread, Mrs Wesley Dates 1 ISO 76 60 75 GO 75 60 75 GO 75 6(1 76 75 75 CO CO CO 60 25 60 76 CO 60 60 75 CO 60 GO 26 fin lbs Buckwheat, Wcsloy Hates fin lbs Oornmeal, Wcsloy Bates LADIES' HANDIWOKK Crochet Shawl, Mrs S M Pulls Crochet Skirt, Mrs 0 O'Oonnoll. ... Crochet Hllppers, Mrs A B Freethy Fancy Apron, Katlu Neville MrsOharlotto O'Oonnoll Infant's Souks, Mrs I.H Partridge Infant's Dress, Mrs L S Partridge Tufted Spread, Mrs O K Miller. .. I .ady's Corset Cover, Mary Gilchrist Pillow Shams, Mrs Mattle Orago.. Mrs Oli as Sutton Work Apron, Mrs H W Kimble. . . . Knit Shawl, Gruco Bullock Clara Ballon Knit Slippers, Mrs Addle B Freethy Mrs 8 M Pulls Pair Woolen Blankets, Mrs O Miller Patched Garment, Mrs K T Varcoe Patchwork ftullt. Mrs E T Varcoe Hug Any Kind, Mrs Hlcb. Arthur Mrs N It Llppert Silk Mittens. Katie Neville Specimen Darning, Mrs E Varcoo Worsted Quilt, Mrs U II Hoo Ida Hoe Woolen Mittens, Mrs H M. Pulls . Kittle Nevlllo Woolen Socks, Kntlo Nevllfe Mrs Olias Weill) Shadow work, Mrs Ellen T Varcoe Conter Piece, Mrs Addle H Freethy Mrs Charlotte O'Comiell Dollies in white, Mrs Karl Klllam Mrs Charlotte C'Counell Dollies, Mary Gilchrist Embr'd Bonnet, Mrs LS Pai tudgu Conter Piece, Mrs O Sutton Addle K Kieelliy Embroidered Mat, MrsE Kinsman Lady's Shirtwaist, Mattle Craifn Clara l.allou Specimen embroidery, Clara Ballon Mary Gilchrist Hemstitched Hdkf, Mrs C Suit at Mis Mattle Ciago Lace, Cotton, Katie Neville. .. Knit Linen Nice, Mrs Dims Sutton specimen Point Luce, Mrs C'Counell Wool Lace, MridlmrlotteO'Ooniiell Hattcnlierg, .Mary CllchrM. Drawn work, Mrs dims Sutton ,r " Addje It Freethy Hand Embroidery, Mrs dO'Oonnell Specimen Hoiilton. .Mihv ililcliHst Child's Afghan, Mrs L S Partridge rmicr ""K, .Mis uuos Mutton Mrs Addle H Freethy, Bureau Cover, Mrs .Mattle Crago Mrs .1 W Mill..,. Table Scarf, Mrs J W Miller . Bertha Hei og Cushion Cover, Mrs Addle Freethy Mrs N II Llppert Protection Collars, Mary Gilchrist Handkerchief Case.Mrs I, Partridge Pin Cushion, Mrs.Loslle Viiiiliuen Mrs J WMlller Darned work. Mrs C C'Counell Emb'd Sofa Pillow, Ilertha Herog Mrs L S Pai l, nn-e Sofa Pillow, Mrs Harry Wolfiom Jessie Ashhy Tray Cloth, Mrs Mattle Crago rn "fi 2 CO I CO 50 fill III fil) f ancy wont, airs nuns Mutton Florence lleiv.og Hi alded Conter Piece. MrsW Pelton Wallachlan C'r Piece, " Eyelet Center Piece. " Crochet Table mats. " " PAINTINGS AND FLCWKHS China Painting. Mrs L C Mumford tit 1 (Ml fill 1 (Ml 50 75 "6 fill 75 50 75 fill 75 fit) 50 1 IM1 50 1 B0 75 60 75 76 fill I 1X1 (HI (XI 50 IKI 111 mi fi (XI Kxiuuiioi I'liiuiiugs, wm ii nam i.' I. i.iu, ...... Oil painting, Win II Ham. '. .. Panel painting, K E Kinsman Pastel painting, Win H Hani. .. Portrait Crayon, Wm H Ham E E Kinsman Water Color, K E Kinsman .. Wm H Hum Penciling, E K Kinsman . Wm ll limn Spec Burned wood, Jesslo Nelson variety inn i1 lowers, Mrs v arcoe Mrs Win Crist Variety Potted plants, Mrs Varcoe Mrs Crist House plants, Mrs L O Mumford Dahlias, Mrs Crist . lUxes, Mrs Crist Mrs Crist Display wild nlants.Kdlth Kliutile Grunge Exhibit, Beech Grove Pleasant Valley Special Pumpkin, N Mndlgan W J Cgden A Talk Feast. Last Tuesday afternoon the pleasant lodge room of the 1. 0. O .F. was well tilled by members of the Improvement Society and friends, for the purpose of meeting Miss Edyth Totten, President of New York city's largest club of women, the "New Yorkers." Miss Totten is a native of New York and a typical repre sentative of the intellectual, broad- minded, brilliant women for which the city is noted. The guest, of the Society was present ed to her audieuce by Miss Petersen, President of the local civic club. Then in an informal and interesting way Miss Totten briefly described Sliak speare, his times and writings, after which she gave, with artistic rendering, the character of Lady Macbeth, and Desdemona from the drama "Othello." Following this, Miss Totten spoke of the objects and various aims of women clubs. In New York city, the local fed eration contains 78. The state of New York federation has a membership of '286. The power for good of the organiza tion is today being recognized in civics, politics and hygienics. A knowledge of parliamentary law is necessary to every woman who would be a successful lead er, as well as a useful member of any society. At the close Misa Totten met the ladies and expressed to them her appreciation of their kindness and the helpfulness of their work as a local organization. Carpets Cleaned on the Floor. The Oscar Smith establishment will have one of their Vacuum Garnet Clean ing Machines in Honesdale on October 60 lHth, and will clean the rresuvtemn 25 church. An invitation is extended to parties having any carpets to clean to 60 25 60 60 come anu see tne kind oi work tney uo. The old style of cleaning carpets is 'done 25 away with. You don't have to take your carpets up and beat the life out of them, which is injurious to the carpets, nor do you have your house torn up for days. They guarantee to take dirt out of carpets, upholstered furniture, bed ding, blankets, etc., without injury to the same, and without creating any dust, or taking the articles to be cleaned out of the room. Any orders or inquiries 50 CO 25 fill 25 60 26 60 25 fiO 25 60 25 60 25 6 25 fill 60 25 60 25 leit at u. Li. uuninng's store win nave prompt attention. 24tf VrOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. IN Estate of Albert Whitmore, late of Honesdale borough, deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate are notified to make Immediate payment to the undersigned ; and those having claims against said estate ure untitled to present them, duly attested, for settlement' HKNKY WILSON, aiwli Administrator c. t. a 60 60 NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS Patrons of the Honesdale Consolidated Water Company are again requested to exer cise care in the use of water. Warning is hereby given to have all leaky connections and faucets repaired at once. If water is found running to waste.the service will be dis continued. s. a. Mcmullen, Jr., Superintendent. W 25 76 60 26 76 M. LEE BRAMAN, Republican Candidate For Sheriff, Infants', Children's nnd Misses' win-to- Cloaks at Mkn.vkk&Oo.'b." New in styles, best in goods. 22eitf Tired Mo.heix, worn out by the peevish, enm baby, nave found Caseasweet a boon ii ml a blessing, ('aseasweet Is for and ehlldien, and is especially good for the Ills so common In hot weather. Look for the In gredients printed on the bottle. Contains no harmful dings. Sold by l'KIL.The Diugglst. A visit to Menxeu &Co.'b Cloak and Suit department will convince buyers of the style and cloth qualities of their season's suits. 22eitf LYRIC THEATRE ! HKXJ. 11. DI'l'THIOH. I.kssek anp Manaofr FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 16th PRICES: -Uallery, . Orchestra, $i SO Dress Circle, 75c anil $t...Uolconv. 50 and 75c cry, 35 cents. M-SKATSALK. tit llox Olllee, at 9 a.m., Thursday, Oct. 15th. JOHN I JENKINS i I2J) Main Street. Perfection OunMottoj The CR0SSETT Shoe, for Men, Leads Our Line. Martin Caufield ARTISTIC MONUMENTAL WORK HONESDALE, PA. 1036 Main St. t
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