The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 14, 1908, Image 1

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    Eit ii-
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Wayne County Organ
g$ or me
Weekly Founded, 1844
65th YEAR.
NO. 26
R ...
Balloon In Race Drops With,
Men Clinging to It.
Accident Thrills Thousands Gath
ered Near Berlin to Witness
the Annual Contest For
the Bennett Gup.
Berlin, Oct. 12. The International 1
balloon nice, which started from 1
Sehinnrgeiidorf. was the occasion of n
thrilling accident, two American aero
nauts having n miraculous escape from
from death.
The American lmlloon Conqueror, the
only American built craft In the eon-1
test, having on hoard A. Holland
Forbes and Augustus Post, less than
two minutes after the start, burst at
nn altitude of 4.000 feet. For 2.000
feet It shot down like a bullet, the nor-1
onauts clinging to the overhead ring. 1
and then the torn silk spread out the '
parachute, and the rapidity of the de
scent was checked. Coining close to
the earth, however, the basket smash
ed into the roof of n house, but the
two men escnpod with slight injuries.
The race. In which twenty-three bal
loons participated, representing Great
Britain, Prance, Germany, the United
States, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium and
Spain, started In the presence of at
least 80,000 spectators. Amid tin? .
strains of "America" the first balloon '
was sent nwny. It was the America
II.. under command of .Tames C. Mc
Coy, who was accompanied by Lieu
tenant Voghmann. The balloon was
decorated with the stars and stripes.
A representative of each of the other '
nations followed the American bal
loon In succession at Intervals of two
minutes, the nntlonal hymn of the re-:
spectlve .countries ringing forth as the
ropes were cast loose.
The second batch -of eight balloons
was led by Forbes In the Conqueror,
which was started with some difficulty
owing to n gusty wind and too much
ballast. But eventually It shot up and
reached a high altitude In an Incredi
bly short period, the basket swaying
violently. Then almost Instantly a cry
of horror arose from the crowd, who
saw the silk collapse and shouted.
"The balloon Is ripping up!"
The thousands who had gathered
there stood for a moment petrtlled.
Some turned away, fainting, as they
saw the balloon falling with lightning
like rapidity. "They are killed." went
In a hushed whisper through the
crowd. A few minutes later a tele
phone message was received from
Frledenou. which announced that the
men had lauded nnd had not been
One bag of sand fell Into n baby
carriage, which was smashed to pieces,
but the nurse snatched out the baby
and saved Its life. The basket crashed
partly through a tiled roof Into an oc
cupied room. The man In the room
was terrified.
"I could cry with vexation," said
Aeronaut Forbes, -'after coming so far
to take part In the race and then to bo
knocked out by such an accident. I
cannot say now what was the cause
of the catastrophe, which I will Inves
tigate. It was our good fortune to be'
up so high; otherwise the balloon could
not have formed Itself Into a para
chute." Brigadier General James Allen, TJ. S.
A., chief of the signal corps; Lieuten
ant Colonel John P. Wissor, military
attache to the American embassy at
Berlin, and L. D. Dosier, president of
the Aero club of St. Louis, witnessed
the accident.
All the competitors In the race are
provided with rations for three days.
This Is the third International balloon
cup race for the James Gordon Ben
nett trophy. The first race was held at
Paris In 1900 and was won by Lieuten
ant Frank P. Lalnn of the United
States cnvalry by a flight of 402 miles.
The second contest was held under the
auspices of the Aero Club of America
nt St. Louis In October, 1007. It was
won by the German balloon Pom
mem, which landed at Asbury Park,
N. J., hnvlug covered 873.4 miles In an
air line. It was piloted by Oscar Erb
sloeh. The French balloon L'Isle de
France, piloted by Alfred Leblanc, was
second, having covered six miles less
than the Pommeru.
Dogs Lad to Arrest For Murder of
Railroad Detective.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 12. T. J.
McKlhnney, a special detective, was
shot and killed while on duty In the
yards of a railroad company.
V. 8. Smith, who was until recently
employed as a detective with McEl
haney, Is In jail charged with tli
crime. Bloodhounds tracked Smith to
him homo
6natehes Package From Girl Who Won
Teasing Him,
New York. Oct. 12. A pretty young
woman who was amusing herself by
poking a long parcel between the bar
of the black bears' den In the Bronx
zoo soon had a crowd watching as th
bears reached for the parcel, which
the girl would always just luana'-'c to
snatch out of their reach. Suddenly,
however, a wise old bruin, pretending
to be asleep, quickly grabbed the pack
age. "Was It of any value, madam?" In
quired Keeper Ferguson.
"They were." replied tin- girl and
then stopped suddenly only to add hur
riedly as Keeper Foiguson offered to
get the parcel back: "Oh. pray, don't
trouble yourself. I'd rather you
The crowd and the girl watched
eagerly as Ferguson approached t In
bear, but suddenly a shout of laughter
arose from the crowd, punctuated by
a cry of dismay from the jir, as .lie
bear's claws ripped open the package
and Hung out upon the ground six
pairs of silk stockings.
Policemen Struggle With Mndmnn Bent
on Making Death Leap.
New York. Oct. 12. Atop the great
Iron tower at the Brooklyn end of the
Williamsburg bridge a most thrilling
struggle took place while hundreds of
persons looked on from below. An in
sane man climbed an iron stairway to
the top of the tower. .":!." feet above
the Fast river, and was preparing for
a leap into the river when two poll e
men climbed tip after him.
Tin- appearance of the policemen dis
traded the man from his purpose, and
he turned upon the biuecoats with a
razor. The insane man rushed to at
tack them, and then on I lie narrow
footing at the dizzy height a ten min
ute battle tool; place. hich held all
who witnessed it speechless with hor
ror. Finally the maniac was liaudcurtcd
nnd taken, still struggling, down the
tower ladders, trying at every step to
throw himself and his captors into
The prisoner said lie was Joseph
Krntz of Brooklyn.
Successful Competitors In Tuberculo- i
sis Congress Announced.
Washington, Oct. 12.- Awards in the
great exhibition which formed a part
of the recent international congress mi
tuberculosis were announced.
The prize of S1.000 for the best ex
hlbit of an existing sanitarium for the
treatment of curable cases was divid
ed, $."00 being given each to the While
Haven (Pa.) sanitarium and the Bromp
ton Hospital sanitarium of Frluiloy,
England. For a similar exhibit a gold
medal was awarded to the Adirondack
cottage sanitarium. Sarauae Lake. X. Y.
A gold medal was awarded to the
Loomls sanitarium. Liberty. X. Y.. and
the Massachusetts State hospital,
Tewkesbury, X. Y., for the best exhib
it of a hospital for treating advanced
Riddled With Bullets For Shooting
Three Persons.
Kmplre. Ga.. Oct. 12. Henry White,
a negro, was shot to death by a mob.
He started out to kill the family of
Thomas Allen and on his way met an
other negro whom he shot for refus
ing to join him. He then shot Allen
and his wife.
A posse captured White and -placed
In the lockup. A band of unknown
men took the prisoner from the Jail,
tied him to a tree and riddled him
with bullets.
Thirteen Lives Lost When the Pretoria
v and the Nipponia Collide.
Hamburg, Oct. 12. The German
steamships Pretoria and Xipponla
have been in collision in the fog off
Scheveniiigen. Thirteen of the Nip
ponia's crow, including the captain,
were drowned. The Pretoria wns not
The Pretoria belongs to the Hamburg-American
Hue, and under the
command of Captain Sclirottcr she left
Now York Sept. 2ii for Hamburg. The
Nlpponin Is owned in Stetlin and left
Lulea, Sweden, Aug. 11 for Kindoii.
House of Worship Wrecked and Two
Men Badly Wounded.
Xew Britain, Conn.. Oct. 12. Chairs,
knives and candlesticks were used in a
factional fight between the Galacians
nnd Hungarians In a church here.
, John Grlb and John Prlstas are In a
hospital, the former with his face cut
from mouth to ear and the latter with
n largo hole In the back of his head.
Tho trouble started when one of the
two choirs was ordered to stop sing
ing. A general tight ensued, which
wrecked the Inside of the church.
Suffragists Will Hear From
Mrs. Sanderson.
Bays Movement Is Retarded In This
Country by the Followers of
Mrs. Humphry
Buffalo. Is. Y Oct. 12. International
intetesl has been given the fortieth an
nual convent Ion of the National Ameri
can Woman Suffrage association,
which will open here tomorrow, by the
action of .Mrs. Annie t'obden Sander
sou, the militant Huglisli leader of the
suffrage movement, who has taken
occasion to extend her criticism of
"the idle rich" to the women of this
country In a letter which will be read
at the convention.
.Mrs. Sanderson Is at present the
storm center of a controversy in Eng
land Hint has arisen as a result of her
severe reprimand to what she terms
"the idle rich" of that country, and
.Mrs. Humphry Ward has been fore
most in the ranks of those who have
replied to the views of Mrs. Sander
son. Mrs. Sanderson's views also met
with rebuke here on the part of those
who oppose the suffrage movement.
.Mrs. Sanderson says in her letter,
which is addressed to Sirs. Harriet
Taylor Vpton, treasurer of the Nu-
m '' $ lit
W My 1 V i'
tlonai American Woman Suffrage as
sociation, that she Is glad of the op
portunity of replying to the reports
which have been given in the Ameri
uu press with regard to her opinion
or -the Idle rich."
"So far as my remarks apply to tin
Idle rich women of your country, I do
not think there has been any exaggera
tion," she writes, and adds that those
women are the active force working
against the granting of the suffrage
to women.
"They represent the power of wealth
and monopoly," continues the English
woman, "just as the women led by
Mrs. Humphry Ward in England, who
have formed themselves Into an unti
woman's suffrage league, represent the
spirit of feudalism combined with mod
ern Imperialism, the two most retro
grade elements In English politics 'to
day." Mrs. Sanderson stated that Ameri
can women an- more timid than their
English sisters and for that reason are
less prepared to take an aggressive at
titude. The American women work
to keep men in power, she says, and
existing evils have become so deep
rooted that they "can uo longer be ou
"A moral revolution Is needed equal
in force to the struggle which brought
about the emancipation of the slave,"
the writer says. She asks the Ainerl
can women to Introduce Into the stlf
frage movement In this country more
of "the lire of revolt" and to make
the movement a "living, burning Is
A feature of the convention will be a
programme coinmeinoralive of the six
tieth anniversary of the first woman's
rights convention held In this stale,
the fatuous meeting of ISIS held at
Seneca Falls, where the late Mrs. Eliz
abeth duly Stanton offered the reso
lution asking for women "the sacred
right of the elective franchise." The
leading speaker on the commemora
tive programme will be Mrs. Harriet
Stanton Blateh, a daughter of Mrs.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
The suffragettes 'of England will be
represented by Mrs. Philip Snowden,
wife of a member of parliament and
herself a full Hedged suffragette
Woather Probabilities.
Cooler, with light variable winds.
With the opening of the school sea
son come reports from all over tho
country that college hazing has by no
means gone out of business. Tho up
per classmen of Amherst even protest
against the abolition of hazing on the
ground that It docs the freshmon good
and Is really an educational expe
rience. This Is virtually the claim
made nt West Point and one reason
why some officials wink at It there.
It Is only fair to the college men to
admit that hazing novitiates Is not
confined to schoolboys, but seems to
be n universal trait of the human
Tho hazing spirit Is everywhere.
New recruits In tho army have to sub
mit to some sort of rough Initiation,
nnd the more they "kick" against tho
programme tho rougher It becomes.
The dude from towu who strikes tho
plains undergoes various humiliations
until ho ceases to bo n "tenderfoot."
Brokers initiate newcomers on the
tloor of the exchange with some form
of horse play, and In most all shops
and factories tho hazing spirit never
dies out. If green linnds do not come
In fast enough to supply victims some
weak or friendless workman Is Im
posed upon again nnd again. Wher
ever hazing appears it is a relic of
barbarism, and It Is a pity that au
thority should be unable to keep It
within bounds.
Recruits For Our Consular Service.
Tho government has recently taken
up the question of training young men
for service as United States consuls in
foreign towns and cities. The field is
enlarging becnuse of the rapid exten
sion of our trade all over the world.
The service itself trains but very few
Recently nn attempt was made to
ascertain what class of men can best
till the office of consul. The exporters
of goods are the persons most interest
ed In having capable consuls to rep
resent this country abroad, and In re
sponse to formal inquiries on the sub
ject these gentlemen advised the ap
pointment of men whb had had prac
tical experience. But the men outside
of the service who have had expe
rience of tho rifjht kind are young men
In active business, and the pay of con
sulships is too small to attract them
from commercial pursuits. Apparent
ly the only way Is to appoint men
who show fitness for consular duties
In examinations. A steady demand is
certain to bring an army of applicants
Into the field nnd to Induce greater
care in preparation among tho candi
Married Four Months She Declares He
Beat Her Frequently.
Xew Brunswick, X. J., Oct. 12. Mrs.
Julia Mntallne. the girl wife who killed
her husband, refuses to make any ex
planation except to say:
"He beat me more than once, nnd he
was ready to beat me again."
She had been married four months.
Her husband came home late and
scolded her for being In bed. While he
was at a table eating she crept up be
hind him and shot him dead.
Hearing Respecting Slayer's Sanity
Begins at White Plains.
White Plains. X. Y Oct. 12. The
case of Ilarrv K. Thaw, the slayer of
Stanford White, entered upon another
nhase today.
Proceedings were commenced before
Justice Mills here to determine bis
mental status.
Bill Jones, Who Tried to Kill Assassin,
Stabs Man to Death.
Washington, Oct. 12. Bill Jones, who
attempted to kill Gulteau, tho assassin
of President Garfield, stubbed a man
to death nt Brlghtwood, a suburb.
The dead man was a former United
States marine.
One Chance In Twenty For Farm.
Dallas, S. D., Oct. 12. The total reg
1st ration for the Rosebud reservation
opening at Dallas and Gregory was
r.:t..rM:i and nt O'Neill, Neb., 22,557. This
gives each applicant about one chuuee
i in twenty to get a farm.
j Young King Manuel of Portugal ha&
been voted nn allowance of $1,000 a
day. If the neighboring crowned
I heads do not drop In on the folks nt
the palace too often the boy ought to
, pull through on that unless hotgets the
nuto speeding fad.
With penny postqgo working, our
English couslus can afford to write
and ask us to explain the joke in the
comic papers and paragraph columns
wo Bend over there. - 4 ...
$40,ft5 Tax Saved By Perham Plan
Total Real Estate Tax Saved to Wayne County Is It Worth
While? -State Has Abundant Resources to Do It
Total Heal
Tniv,i,in,-ii, Touchers' Text Total of Lc93 State Kstate Tax
Township oi Horo Wattes Hooks Wages A Hooks Appro, for Schools
Uoi-llll $ V.W M $ 101 21 t 2ttW 74 S 1111 UU I 1M7 66
Ilt-tlmny .. . SKI 75 U oil 207 81 185 DO 13181
liucklllfflmm Sill! mi IK 41 !5(iS ill 1414 tK! 1044 XV
Oannnn . -JiM It! 12 IfF 27H :il KM W
Ulierry KIiIkc 1522 tit :ir, : 15.17 S2 (VM VS tm Vu
(UlllUm 21112 B'J 112 (III 2251 511 1812 84 42 26
lllUIUKCUS 11180 l HIS m HITS (HI 8182 HO 8846 10
Orc-her ... lltt" (Kl 55 27 KMC! 27 1272 (VI 41V Bl
DylK-rry 17(i1 25 21 111 1727 74 782 21 VU6 68
Hnwley . .. . tiWIll l:n M I757 HS 1(114 14 8112 04
Honcsclllle KW2 It 47178 SS27 00 2818 78 0628 SO
Ijlke S8l:l 75 ISO (W BUM SI 1782 70 1200 04
Lebanon 1258 20 107 1(1 1121 18 WS HI 622 21)
belllttll 1 17 fill KM 115 lBSt! 45 K58 02 782 Kl
Manchester 22X1 75 K2 87 23K! 12 1(171 7 12UG 06
Mt. I'lcasMiit . . , 1722 70 IIU 48 IIH7 18 21115 IB 2721 18
orcKon una ivi 7 s 114185 -units U7H0U
Palmyra "ill 25 21 81 7S2 BU 555 HI 220 OS
Palipnck law CO 1208 50 521 06 781) 46
Preston .... iKM 25 2S1 17 4217 12 1K17 0 23UV 78
Prompton .. . 57 M 607 60 228 76 2T8 78
Slltoni 2257 50 1UI 27 2IN7 77 1100 211 1221 48
Scott . . ... 27S2 Wl 4S 72 2S81 28 1058 00 1777 83
Seelyvllle '.m 75 as S!i 1027 01 415 31 682 83
South Caluuin 22X.I 75 110 IS 2320 SI US3 18 1330 46
Starnioi-H . . . 1121 25 1121 26 431 07 OS) 68
Sterllnu 1522 m 8S 65 1501 ( 0US 85 802 70
Texas Hon ll 42S Mi isss so 2720 04 2160 26
Way mart . 1117 60 60 2ii 1208 70 831 08 872
White Mills .. . . 1515 Kl 141(15 1050 05 747 HO V08 16
I7IW0 III BlS-LX 737I3 10 $32088 48 140776 tt
Mr. Ryndcr sends to us the above
ation of 1907. This year, 190S, the taxes
Public Revenues Should Pay for
Public Education.
A Groat Principle of Justlco for Which tho
Support of Wayne Countoans Is Earnostly
Solicited A Communication from Thoo.
Ryndcr Author of the Freo School Books'
Law, on tho Subjoct Everybody This
Year Has Complained of High Taxes Tho
Proposed Plan Would Llghtontho Burdon.
Author of tint Free School Hooks Law nnd
the movement to have the stnte maintain
the common schools of I'ennsylvnnlu.-
Secretary of IVnn'ii. Statu Association to
ulHillsli tho school tax. Ho says:
Fellow Citizens : As tho working hord
of tho Pennsylvania Stato Association to
abolish tho school tax on tho farms and
I. omes of tho nooplo, and' havo thnt ex-
penso paid by tho stato from Its ninplo
and Increasing rovonuo, I now address
Till: STATl-.'S ItKVKNl'K.
Our stato lias nn nnniial income of
twenty-seven to twenty-eight millions ol
dollars and it lias nn idle halnnco of
from twelve to fourteen millions of dol
lars in the banks.
It ean incieaso Its revenue from four
o six millions annually by laying a tax
a stock transfers (commonly called
-dock gambling) as is done in your
nolgliboiiiig stato of New York.
Tlioroiro many other nvnllablo sources
of rovonuo that could bo added (if they
wore needed) without laying tho oppres
sive hand of tho tax collector on the
farms nnd homes of tho people.
Candidate For Representative.
Tho people, tho farm and homo owners
of Wayno county nro tnxod $30,703 nnd
flfty-nlno one Hundredths annually for
schools, over nnd nhovo tho annual state
appropriation tho rnlo being n litlio
ovor thlrtoon and n half mills on tho dol
lar. This Is a torriblo burdon on tho pro
ducing fnrmor, tho meclinnlo and tho
laboror. It Is especially outrageous
against tho widows of tho votorans of the
Civil war; and against nil othor widows
who aro trying to keep a homo for nnd
rnlso children who will glvo honest man
ly strength nnd Intolllgont nnd virtuous
motherhood to tho futuro controllers of
our country.
It Is tho duty of tho stnto to educate
Its children. Already tho a Soto of Tenn
sylvonlo has assumed practical control
of ovorythlng nliout its soliool system
oxcopt paying tho bills nnd under tho
mandate of tho Constitution It now pnye
table based on the taxes nnd appropri
are much higher.
a part of tho coat; and having tho sur
plus moans lying In tho banks, and plen
ty of additional nvnllablo rosouroos (If
needed) wo want tho stato to pay tho
whole of the maintenance hills included'
in llio wages of toachors nnd the cost of
text books, and hnvo tho homos and
farms rellovod of this groat tas burden.
This Association Is stato wldo. It
pushed this question to tho front In 1900,
nnd secured Its endorsement by Gov.
Stuart nnd elected him on it.
It secured tho extra appropriation of
two millions a year by tho lost legisla
ture to tho school appropriation, and it
proposes to go forward until tho stato
pays It all, and this tax - on lntolltgonco
Is taken off, and wo havo really free
schools In Pennsylvania.
Prirntonnd I.leiit.Oo."G"6Sth Pn.Vola.
Tho Republican candidate for tho legis
lature In Wnyno county Is ono of tho
orlgluni and presont ofllcers of this As
sociation. It is not too much to say
that he lias done as much ns any other
mnn in tho state for this great causo of
educational progross ond school tax ro
Wo rocognlzo thnt any great reform
must como from tho majority party, and
wo thoroforo ask you to oloct Mr. Warren
E. P01 ham to tho legislature because wo
need nn nctivo nnd official mombor of
this organization in tho legislature, and
bocauso ho is n member of tho .Republi
can party from whom this great oconom
lo measure of .lustlco and tax relief must
como. Tho peoplo of Wnyno county whom
ho has nhoody served know his fltnoss.
There nro great Issues coming beforo
the noxt legislnturo-but this measuro
Is the only one that can or will give tho
1 great boon of tax relKif from oxcossivh
bunions to tho great producing masses
of our peoplo tho homo and farm own
ers. This measuro wns ondorsed by tho
slate grange nt Dullols.
A detailed statemont of tho saving to
oach soparato school district Is given
This Association urged Mr. Perham to
run for tho leglslatiiro.and It urges tho
votes of Wnyno county to eloct him.
Hon. Waltor K. Roynolds of Iiawronoo
county moUo this measuro his principal
issue, nt tho primaries. Ho was nominat
ed, and ho has repoatodly urged that wn
havo o mombor of our official Ixuird In the
legislature, and Is particularly dnslnuis
that Mr. Porhom I mi elected.
For nil thoso cogent reasons I ask Wayno
county lo send Mr. Porlinm to the legis
lature to ropresont not only Wnyno coun
ty, but every homo owner In tho state.
Very truly yours,
Theodore P. Ityndor, Booy.
Ivenneilv's Lnxntlve CoilL-li Kvrim la iinml
nearly everywhere, because It not only lu-ala
Irritation of the throat mid kIoiis the eoiiBh.
hut It drives tho cold out of tliu HyHtt-m
tlirouuh Its laxative principle liy iisstirlug a
free and ucntle act ion of tliu bowels, and tnut
Is the only way to euro a colli. You can't
cure it as long as you are constipated. In
sist upon Kennedy's Ijtxiitlvu foiiL'ti Hyrup.
Sold by PHlb.Thellrui.xIst.
The new Itain Coals, at Mknneh &
Co.'s are protective and utyliali. '."-'eiti