The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 09, 1908, Image 4

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Pennsylvania Republicans Busy
Ail Along the Line,
Capital and Labor Concerned Over the
Situation and Will Co-operate to
Bring About the Election of Taft
and the Full Ticket of His Party,
Locally, and In the State and Na
Special Correspondence.
Philadelphia, Oct 6.
There have been very busy times
about tho Republican state headquar
ters during tho last week.
Colonel Wesley H. Andrews, chair
man of the state committee, has been
almost overwhelmed with callers from
the different counties, caper to con
tribute towards the success of tho
ticket. He has been In touch with
the county chairman, and his reports
all Indicate that thcro will bo a very
satisfactory outcome of the campaign.
He has arranged for a number of
speakers of national prominence to
come Into Pennsylvania during tho
closing days of the canvass, and there
is no doubt that thcro will be an en
thusiastic wind-up of the campaign.
Vice President Fairbanks, Leslie M.
Shaw, former secretary of the treas.
ury; Representative Nicholas Long'
worth, the president's son-in-law; Sen
ator Julius Caesar Durrows, of Mlcht
gan; John M. Thurston and other
prominent speakers have accepted in
vltatlons to deliver political addresses
In this state.
A large number of Pennsylvania
orators will also bo on the stump from
this week until election day.
Mr. Shaw will deliver four speeches,
With Lieutenant Governor Robert S.
Murphy, he Is scheduled to address a
political rally at Johnstown tonight.
His other engagements have not yet
been arranged. Mr. Shaw is one of the
most cfttctive speakers in the coun
try. For many years he has been In
demand for service on the stump in
every campaign. Ho will attack the
fallacies of Bryanism and emphasize
the dangers of the bank guaranty sys
tem which Mr. Bryan is advocating.
Representative Longworth and Sen
ator Burrows are booked to address a
meeting In Pittsburg this evening. Mr.
Longworth's speeches in this cam
paign havo attracted much attention,
and ho has received invitations to
speak In every state. Senator Bur
rows Is a veteran campaigner and elo
quent speaker. Vice President Fair
banks will mako two speeches at
points to be selected later.
Republican Meetings Planned.
Henry F. Walton, chief of tho speak
ers' bureau of tho state committee,
feas announced those assignments of
October 6 Mlddlesburg, Snyder
county, James M. Yeagcr, of Scran
ton; Clarence F. Huth, of Shamokln.
October 6 Roulette, Potter county,
D. E. Murray, of Perry county.
October 7 Austin, Potter county,
D. El Murray, of Perry county.
October 8 Tltusville, Crawford
county, Congressman James Francis
Bnrke, of Pittsburg; W. I. Swopo, of
October 8 Erie, Erie county, Major
Alexander McDowell, of Sharon; Con
gressman Arthur L, Bates, of Mead
vllle. 'October 9 Galeton, Potter county,
D. E. Murray, of Perry county.
October 9 Shingle House, Potter
county, D. E. Murray, of Perry county.
October 12 Kane, McKean county,
Congressman J. Hampton Moore, of
October 13 Smcthport, McKean
county, Congressman J. Hampton
Moore, of Philadelphia.
October 14 Bradford, McKean
county, Congressman J. Hampton
Moore, of Philadelphia.
October 15 Pittsburg, Allegheny
county, Adjutant General Thomas J.
October 16 Allentown, Leuigh
county, Adjutant General Thomas J.
October 27 Altoona, Blair county,
Congressman James Francis Burke of
A Question of Wages.
In the mall of Colonel Andrews a
few days ago was a letter from an of
llcer of tho National Roller Boaring
company, of Philadelphia, who stated
that a notice had boon posted In tho
factory to the effect that tho 10 per
cent reduction which had been mado
In the wages of tho employes of that
corporation In the midst of tho panic
of last roar, would be restored to all
employes In November If Taft shall
be elected president
The Increase would amount to 60
000 a year. '
In commenting upon this announce
Bent the editor of tho Philadelphia In
quirer said:
"We havo not tho slightest doubt
that should Mr. Bryan run across that
notice he would tell his hearers that
bribery had been resorted to; that
bar wa an attempt to Influence the
worklngssen. But wo doubt very much
If hit hearers would agree with him.
It la prosperity, the pursuit of hap
piness and liberty that everybody
eks. It Is good wages that tho work
Ibseua is after. The government, tho
policy that glvci him good wages, la
the govornment, the policy that he be
lieves In and supports If ho knows
whero his Interests llo.
"Back under the Cleveland adminis
tration the country was plunged Into
a depression that closed the mills and
produced tho free soup kitchens. Mr.
Dryan was a member of the Dormv
cratlc house that Insisted npon a tariff
bill that brought disaster. Today ho Is
a candidate for president and Is stand
ing upon a platform which. If enacted
Into law, would again throw the coun
try into a commercial panic and again
close tho mills nnd manufactories.
"Tho company nbovo mentioned
merely speaks for every other manu
facturing concern In the country It
represents the existing sentiment
among employers of labor. They have
not forgotten. They fully understand
what would bo the result should Mr.
Bryan be elected. They are waiting
for the decision of the people. A Re
publican victory means tho restoration
of wages and the mills running at full
time. A Democratic victory means
uncertainty and depression.
"It Is for tho voters of tho nation to
determine what they will do.
"It Is for them to make tho choice
between certainty and uncertainty
between Taft nnd Bryan."
The Sporting World.
The Isthmus of Panama will have a
Fix team professional baseball loamte
during the winter.
Manager Larry Lajoie of the Cleve
land Americans was recently presented
with the first baseball contract lie ever
signed at Fall River In 1SSX5.
The Eel, 2:02UN now lias the distinc
tion If such it be of being the cham
pion hoppled pacing stallion. Hazel
Patch, 2:02;.i, formerly held the rec
ord. Sam Langfoixl, tho colored middle
weight pugilist, is twenty-eight years
old and lias been lighting six years.
In that time he has climbed to the
highest ranking In pugilism.
Train and Track.
The average number of deaths
through railway accidents in Holland
Is one a year.
Railroad transportation in the T'nlt
od States was substantially seventy
five years old in 1007.
Formosa had only sixty-two miles
of railways In 1S93. Since 1S09 the
Japanese government has spent nearly
513,000,000 on the railroad develop
ment of that country.
Life In Finland.
In Finland many families lead the
simple life In summer time. They
camp out on islands nnd In the forests,
always taking care, to be near the wa
ter, for everybody bathes and swims.
They sleep and eat al fresco, and the
town councils provide public fireplaces
and bathing houses In all places of
public resort.
The Hydraulic Jack.
At Rome four centuries ago it took
forty capstans, worked by seventy-five
horses and 000 men, to raise an obe
lisk. With hydraulic jacks four men
raised Cleopatra's Needle.
Watch Springs.
A watch spring bums with the great
est brilliancy in oxygen gas.
Tho "Marseillaise."
Tho "Marseillaise" was composed by
Rouget do Lisle, a colonel In the
French army. Tho author's birthplace
was Strnssburg and not Marseilles, but
It was n force of Marseillaise which
first inarched to it, and hence tho title.
It Is believed that only 2,000 buffa
loes are-now in existence.
Plows In Spain.
In Spam about the only kind of plow
In use Is a primitive wooden affair with
one handle and a tongue. To this Is
hitched a pair of small oxen or mules
yoked up like oxen. The driver rests
his right foot on a rear extension to
keep tho plow from Jumping out of the
ground, steadying himself by touching
Ms left foot when about to loso his bal
A frog's skin makes tho thinnest and
at the same time ono of the toughest
leathers that can be tanned.
The Dangerous Akke.
The most beautiful of West Indian
fruits Is tho akke, a bright scarlet
globe. It Is good to cat, but before It is
ripe It contains enough prussic acid to
kill a roan.
Turkish Heiresses.
In Turkey heiresses do not come into
control of their private fortunes until
they marry.
Chicken Salad.
Sliced cold chicken arranged on let-
tuco leaves, sprinkled with minced cel
ery nnd dressed with oil and vinegar or
mayonnaise makes an easily prepared
and delicious salad. If mayonnaise Is
used the slices of the meat should bo
marinated with French dressing.
Coquelin's Wish.
Coquollu, the great actor, was melan
choly In the midst of his most famous I
successes. Ono day he confided his
trouble to Schurmann. "I nm tired,"
ho said, "of playing parts whero my
wifo runs away from me. I want to
play a part where I nm much loved by
tho llttlo woman, even if sho runs
away from another man."
The Polarlscope.
JJtdlomond'cnn now bo distinguished
from every other mineral' by, means of
tho polar! scope,
Love In a Dictionary f
Not lonp after my beltiR graduated as
n,clvl1 eKjneer I was placed in charge
of a section of a railroad running
through a large tract composing the
hacienda of Don Jose Miranda. On the
evening of my nrrlnl on the ground
I received :m Invitation from him to
make ills house my hesuiipiaiters. Had
I been ohler I might have declined to
place myself under obligation, but In
youth one Is not so likely to refuse
Nor is one nt that ago overscrupulous
In love. Don .lose had n pretty daugh
ter. Dona Ysabel, who was heir to a
considerable portion of his estate. I,
who had nothing but my profession
and not much income even In that,
should not liavo listened a moment to
the temptation to make love to this
heiress. When a youngster wishes to
do the right thing in such a case he is
apt to beat the devil about the stump
by showing his heart to the girl in
some covert way. I beat the devil
around the stump not only as a salvo
to my conwclonco, but because I was
not afforded an opportunity to make
love openly. Besides. 1 bad no reason
to suppose that the young lady would
respond, and to think of receiving a
snub from her for proffered love ipilte
took my breath away. Prudence dic
tated a plan that was noncommittal.
1 never saw Dona Ysaliol alone, but
I passed many evenings at tho house
In company with the family. One even
ing 1 took n dictionary from the library
m pretense of looking for the Spanish
for a word I wished to use. Don Jose
was In the room with other, and Dona
Ysabel was looking over my shoulder.
There Is a story that n courtier who
aspired to the favor of Queen Eliza
beth of England wrote his aspiration
and his fears on a window pane with
a diamond and received Ids reply In
the same way. The message and re
ply constitute a rhyme and are famil
iar to most people who have received
n finished education. Whether Dona
Ysabel had ever met with them I did
not know. While turning over the
leaves of the dictionary I stopped and
held my thumb for awhile on the
word "fain." Then, carelessly turning
over the leaves, I suffered It to remain
on the word "would." In this way
I indicated tho line:
Fain would I climb, but fear to fall.
I had reached the word "climb" nnd
was looking for "but" when Dona
Ysabel walked away from me. I In.
fcrred that she had not soon through
my device, for If she had a natural
feminine curiosity would havo led her
to remain whero she was till I had
finished. Replacing tho dictionary In
the library, I began a conveisation
with her father about the location of
tho railroad through his hacienda, a
subject in which lie was Interested.
The next morning I arose and break.
fasted, as was my custom, long before
tho family were downstairs nnd was
going to my work when, passing
through tho library, I was surprised
to see the dictionary lying open on a
table. Going to It, my eye rested on
tho pages before me, which Included
words beginning with the letter "I."
Under the word "It" I noticed a light
pencil mark.
My heart Jumped. "If" was the be
ginning of Queen Elizabeth's reply to
tho aspiring courtier. Rapidly turning
over tho leaves to words beginning
with "If" I looked for "you." There
was a pencil mark under it "Are"
was tho next word in tho iuecn's reply,
and this, too, I found underscored. I
had seen all I required to convince me
that I not only had a reply to my mes
sage, but the reply I desired. It was
If you're afraid, climb not at all,
completing tho famous rhyme:
Fain would I climb, but fear to fall.
If you'ro afraid, climb not at all.
It was so well known to Dona Ysabel
that she did not need to see it com
pleted after tho word "climb."
On tho surface, from this time till I
had finished my work, Dona Ysabel
nnd I were merely acquaintances. We
did not oven uso tho dictionary or any
other means of communication, but
tho night before I was to take my de
parture, again making a pretext of
finding a word, I withdrew tho volume
from tho library and began a hunt
Ysabel stood over me, and I pointed
to tho following words:
Tho way is dark. Tho road I fall to boo.
As soon as I had completed my mes
sage Ysalol left me and, taking up
somo embroidery, devoted herself to It.
But I watched her and saw that she
was In deep thought After awhile she
laid aside her work and, turning to the
dictionary that lay on tho table, began
to turn over tho leaves. I went and
stood over her. She pointed out the
following reply:
Make your demand and lcavo tho rest
to me.
After the family had retired flsr tho
night nnd I was having a few final
words with Don Jose about tho section
of tho railroad I had located I sud
denly astonished htm by asking for
his daughter's hand. It was not only
my Impudence that startled him, but
wonder that I should havo mado such
n demand without something of a
courtship as Is customary In tho United
States. Before ho could mako any re
ply I said that of course, ho and his
daughter would together agree upon a
reply which could bo sent mo and made
my exit as rapidly as I could without
appearing precipitate.
It was not till six months after my
request that I received n noto from
Don Jose, stating that his daughter's
will had been too strong for hlra and
her wishes were paramount with him.
F,wts -Invited lo tho hacienda.
In the End.
Mother liked boat Theodora,
Father sworn by Clarlbel,
Grandma wanted Leonora
Or Jeannctto or olso Estelle,
Grandpa fancied Arabella.
Auntlo talked most of Patrice,
Bister favored Isabella,
Brother's choice lay In Clarice.
They considered Vtclana,
Qcraldlna and Marccllo,
Annstasla, Mariana,
Hortcnsc, Eunice, Mirabel,
Argued Clolro, Lcola, Starling.
Fought o'er Constance and Elaine
But, alackl tho precious darling,
It was christened Mary Jane
A Long Night.
Wo have It on good authority that
when Mrs. Eskimo sued her husband
for divorce on tho charge of deser
tion, stating that he had been absent
without lcavo for six months, he put
up the defense that ho was afraid
V come homo In tho dark. Judge.
Fact Versus Poesy.
"Oh, what romance attends thee,
Lusty trout and thy luringi"
Wroto tho poet In verso
Ho was lone In maturing.
But tho editor, wlsor.
O'er tho verso quickly glancing,
Bluo penciled tho "romanco"
And wroto In "romancing."
Browning's Magazine.
Filial Reproach.
"Young man," said tho billionaire,'
"I made every cent of this colossal for
tune by my own efforts!"
"Yes," replied the glided youth, "but
look nt tho manner In which your
financial methods have got the family
talked about!" Washington Star.
j Stung I
Thcro onco was a bulldog named Caesar
I Saw a cat, nnd ho thought ho would toasar,
i But tho cat was too fly.
And she. scratched out an eye.
Now Caesar just sacsar and fleasar.
Cathollo Standard and Times.
Infant Size.
She Did 1 understand you to say
that you formerly owned an automo
bile? He No; 1 onco rodo around In a
horseless carriage, but I outgrew It
Chicago News.
An Accidental Hypothetic.
A student onco aped tho prof.
And explained a pneumatic compr.
Ho was off In his logic.
But quite, pedagogic
Ho happened to be a good gu.
Kansas City Tlmos.
Rather Effeminate.
The Sancepnn I wonder what makes
the kettle so hnppy? It hasn't stopped
singing all day.
Tho Coffeepot Why, didn't you no
tice Its new lid? Puck.
"A very good liver ho waal" they Bald,
And yet (tho truth It was sad).
They found that though very good liver
ho was,
An exceedingly bad ono ho had.
Browning's Magazine
His Choice.
She Frankly, now, If you had to
choose between me and a million, what
would you do?
He I'd tako the million. Then yoa
would bo easy. New York Life.
Why Does a Duckf
"Now, why do tha ducks go In to swimf
Said Jonathan Quiz to old Bill Stout
"From divers motives," said Bill to him,
"And for sun-dry reasons thoy all coma
IJpplncott's Magazine.
Even and Odd.
"There, I've made my expense ac
count come out Just even with what I
"Just even? That's odd." Detroit
roc Press.
Too Much For Them.
Any fool may rock a boat
But thcro's not a nation great
Enough, so It would seem to us.
To rock our ship of state,
Minneapolis Journal.
His Fault
She You married mo for my money.
Ho Yes; that's the real trouble. I
didn't take you enough Into considera
tion. New York Life.
Much the Same.
Tho world Is like an apple barrel.
And If for a moment you'll stop
You will And tho big apples and men
Always manage to reach tho top.
Boston Post
Revolt on Foot.
"What do you call this strap hang
Ing In tho cars?"
"I call It a standing nuisance." Bab
timorc American.
The Hindoo Lets Hia SWn Do.
"What Is -tho whtto man' burdenr
Asked llttlo Wllllo Spuds.
Dad loosed his wilted collar.
Wiped his brow and answered, "Duds."
Kansas City Times.
Virtually Lost
Tom (at tho weddlng)-Tho bride
cries as If sho had lost her best friend.
Jack Well, hasn't sho? Detroit
Getting In Line.
If, oa they say, the time has come
When farmers' wealth must grow.
Let us begin to Bay, "By gum!"
And let our whiskers grow.
Llpplncott'a Magazine.
Often tha Case.
"Tho man who Is always ruanlnfc
down his uppers," mused tho janitor
philosopher, "generally has run down
heels." PIck-Me-Dp.
ft anil Ck
Our neighbors? Well, they're hard to beat
Dut halt the pcoplo in our Bt
Would aggravate a St
The Singer.
Stella Does sho sing off key?
Bella Yes: sho can't And tho Vert.
hole with her voice. New -York Sun. '
nt the close of business. Sopt 23, Ihuh.
Loans nnd Discounts f
Overdrarts.securcd nnd unsecured
U. S. Ilonds to secure clmilat Ion.
Premiums on U. S. Ponds
Bonds, securities, etc..
Ranking-house, rurniturcaud fix-
, lures
Due iron, .National Hanks (not
Reserve Audits)
Due from approved reserve
(hecks uiulo her cash items
Notes uf other National Hanks .
fractional paper currency, nick-
els nntl cents ..
..Y'fullu"V'y Reserve hi ltank.
Mr.: Specie.. .. $ti.!W w
i. , 'eal tender notes 4.1H) uu
tetleiiipiitiii niiiil with U. .s.
laUou)'.?' UWT ccn,-0,llrv-
2177.555 w
55.UU) no
-'.too 00
w.m oo
2,jk ks
l'il.llEl ri
2.0 K 4(i
LVU 00
220 4t!
111.114 IK)
-.7oO 00
tl.WI.12,1 II
T.IAtltt TTd'J
Capital slot k paid In t
Surplus mud
Undivided ptotUs. less expenses
and taxes paid
National llank notes outstanding
state llank notes outstanding . .
Due toother .National Hanks.. ..
Due to state Hanks and Hankers
Individual UeiHJslts subject to
check.. . $1.4.H.ulti 6J
Demand certlllcatcsot
1.000 CO
,uoo oo
,il ij
,ooo uo
!00 00
.Uil w
at w
(Vrtlliett checks l.Tf, 74
lasnier s checks out
standing 1.1WJH3
Honds burrowed
Notes and bills rvdiseounted...l!
Hills pas-able. Including irrt id
eates oi dcixislt for money bor-'
I.labl 1 1 1 los ot her t ban those above
,911 22
Total JI.SH.lil II
State or Pennsylvania. County of Wavne. ss
I. hdwln r. Tonvy, (.'ashler of the above
m iiiii iKiiiK, on solemnly swear that the
.., aiiui-iiu-ii! is i rue in the best of my
knowledge and belief.
I.- I.- TM1MI.- it...... 1.
StllWI't-ilutll Mill! I...,...- t.
iit u.i) til .--l'U I'jtn,
. .. H. A. SMITH, N. P.
Correct -attest:
A.NPut.w Thompson, )
1U..MI.H tiKKKNK. MSIrerturs.
. K. li. llAimKNItKRlH. J
four per cent, coupon School Bonds for
These bonds are free of tax and is
sued in denominations of iS-VX) each, nav
able m series of two, three, four and
live bonds annually, until all are naid.
Interest payable October 1st and April
1st. Nos. 1 to S payable two each year
from liXW to 1012. Nop. 9 to L'Jl. t'hri c
each year from 1SU2 to 1917. Nos. 'M
to 'hi four each year, from 1917 to 192,.
Nc9. (Hi to lit), live each vear, 1925 to
The Bonds and semi-annual interest
coupons are payable at the Wayne
County Savincs Bank.
The assessed valuation of llonesdale
is over $2,000,(XX, and this issue consti
tutes tlie bonded indebtedness of Hones
dale School District.
Bidders who bid for less than all tho
bonds should specify the series intended
or date of bonds they bid for.
SKALED BIDS for all or anv nart of
these bonds with accrued interest from
October I, 190S, will be received by A.
Lome, Secretary, on or before Oc
tober l(i, 190S.
The board reserves the right to reject,
any and all bids.
A. M. Lkink, A. T. Seaki.k,
Secretary. President.
For New Late Novelties
SPENCER, The Jeweler
"Guaranteed articles only sold."
Insu ranee
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Oflico: Second tloor Masonic Ituild.
ing, over C. C. Jadwnrs drug store,
TRIAL LIST. Wayne Common 1'leas,
October Term, 1908, beginningOct.2(i.
i .Mtxirv, Jitveivcr, vs r rcy.
i- " " " Brink.
3- . " " llortree,
4- " " ltrink.
5- " " Smith,
Sr " Kohbachcr.
7-Scars. Kx'r, vs Cole.
H-Kckbeck vs Iscnhardt.
U Kordman vs Denlin t nl
10 Spencer vs Smith, Kx'r,
11 llazen vs County of Wayne.
12 llass vs Kennedy.
13 Wtxxlrow vs Kane.
14 oizelskl vs Taylor.
15 Paupack Klectrlc Co. vs Drake.
16 Kreitner Hro's vs Clark.
17 Nolan vs Clark,
.m.j. iia.m.a., i icric.
llonesdale, Oct. 5, 1WS. 25w3
APPRAISEMENTS. Notice is given
that appraisement of $300 to the wid
dows ot the following named decedents have
been tiled In the Orphans' Court of Wayne
county, and will be presented for approval
on Monday. Oct. SB. lkw-vlr :
virmr .Miner, iieriin : rersonai ana iteai.
Daniel Mitchell. Iterlln; Personal.
Ijee II. Horton, Mt. 1'learant; Personal.
Manraret Leonard. Canaan: Personal and
.m.j. MAM.AM, cieric.
Honesdale. Oct, 7, WW.
Olllcc Next door to post otllce. Formerly
occupied by V. II. lUmmlck. llonesdale, t'a.
M. II. LRU, "
Olllce over post otllce: All legal business
promptly attended to. llonesdale, l'a.
Otlit p in KoMer building roomsH and 10,
llonesdale, l'a.
Oilier Liberty Unit building, opiiosttu the
Post Otllce. llonesdale. i'u.
Patents and Pensions secured. Ollki! In the
Court House, llonesdale, l'u.
pHAULKs a. Mccarty,
Special and prompt attention given to the
collection of claims. Olllce over Kelt's new
store, Honesdale, l'a.
Oltlce-Seeonil tloor old Savings Bank
building, llonesdale. l'a.
1,1 V. KI.Mlil.i:,
Olllce over the post plHcc, Honesdale. l'a.
Olllce near Court House, llonesdale. Pa.
Olllcc over Post Olllce, Honesdale. I'u.
Olllcc over Kelt's store, llonesdale. Pa.
Olllce. Masonic building, second tloor.
Honesdale, l'a.
Olllce First tloor. old Savincs llank build
in::, llonesdale. l'a.
Olllce and lesldence 1116 Church street.
Telephones. Olllce Hours l'.uu to 4SJ0 and
7W to SOU. p. ni.
Hear of Allen House, llonesdale, l'a.
VjEtilSTER'S NOTICE. Notice is
Xt hereby given that the accountants
heroin liauicu have settled their rcsiwtlve
a counts in the olllcc otitic- ltesistcr oi Wills
of ayne County, l'a.. uiid that the same will
be presented at the Orphans' Court or said
county lor continuation, at the Court House
in llonesdale, on the four Ih Monday ot Oc
tober nevt viz:
First and Dual account ot K. C. Doyle, ex
ecutor ot the estate of KUen O'Kourk. Way
mart. Klrst and llnal account of O. C. Dolke and
J. II. Stevenson, executors of the estate or It.
.1. 0 Kourke, Waymart.
First and Until account of Paul K. O'Neill,
administrator or the estate of Charles C.
Cary, lluckiuehain.
, First and llnal uecoiintM Mayme Keeean
Carey, administratrix or the estate ot Will
lam II. liarey, Scranton.
First and llnal account of Joel Hay nes, ex
ecutor of the estate of Jesse W. Ilayucs, Pres
ton. First and llnal account of Kniina Furle. ad
ministratrix of the estate of 1'atrivk Purle.
First and llnal account of A. K. Slssou and
O.N. Hates, executors of the estate of S, 11.
Hates, Damascus.
First and llnal account of Ixittle P. Lane,
administratrix of the estate of Patrick F.
Moran, libation.
Supplementary account of S. N. Cross, ad
ministrator of Harriet A. Cliff, Sterling,
tirstand tiiial account of Charles A. Mc
carty, administrator of the estate of An
drew Fuatz, Dyberry.
First and tlual account of Isaac D. (iavltt.
executor of the last will of Violet ta (iavltt.
First and Dual account of Minute Kckbeck.
administratrix ot the estate or John A. Kck
beck, Paupack.
First and llnal account of William II.
Osborne, executor of the estate of Caroline
Dlstcl, Druhcr.
First and llnal account of Kusene Swiifcle.
executor of the estate ot Peter lictzel. South
First and llnal account ot A. T. Searle, ex
ecutor of the estate of Maria A. Hufteln,
First and final account ot K. C. Mumford,
adminlstratorof the estate otlialph Flemliic,
Cherry HIdce.
K. W. Gammkm., Keclster.
KKAL KSTATK.-lly virtue of process Is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Wayne county, and State or Pennsylvania,
and to me directed and delivered, 1 have lev
led on and will expose to public sale, at tho
Court House in Honesdale, on
FRIDAY. OCTOHKK 9. 1903. at 2 p. M., .
All the defendant's right, title and interest
In the following described property, to wit:
All that certain piece or parcel of land sit
uate In the townthlp of Canaan, County of
Wayne, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows:
"KKOIN'NIN'C, at the Mllforrt ntut llnwn
Turnpike: thence south seventeen decrees
westauout twenty-seven rods and twenty
two links: thence sixtv-four itcprwM twat
about nine rods and six links: thence north
seventeen decrees east twenty-four rods to
the turnpike tiforesaldithcncc west along said
turnpike about eight rods and six links to
tho place ot beginning. CONTAINING one
and one-halt acres ot land, more or less.
Heine same land which Mortiuiore Tuthill
conveyed to Truman Sprague by deed dated
rccimlpiT ttl llwit lltnl? 'n
97. pace 165.
uiHiusaiu premises is a one ana a nan story
house and frame barn and other Improve
ments. seized and taken In execution as thenron!
erty of Truman Sprague at the suit of (!. li
(iiither. No. 137 June Term, 1908. Judgment
fcW); real debt $157.55.
.m minora, Attorney.
Purchaser to nay 1. for deed us In Sheriff'
, WM. It, KOADKNIOHT. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Otllce, Honesdale.
the Judge of the several Courts of
the County of Wayne has Issued his precept
for llohllliL- a Court of OiihHit Sessions. Over
and Terminer, and Genera! Jail Delivery In
and for said County, at the Court House, to
begin on
and continue one week :
And illiwihiL' that a Grand Jury for the
Courts of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and
icrmlner be summoned to meet on .Monday,
October 19, 19US. at 2 p. 111.
Not lit- is therefore hereby clven to th
Coroner and Justices ot the Peace, and Con-
siauics or the i utility oi waync, mat tney uo
then and there in ihclr proper persons, at
salt! Court House, at 2 o clock 111 the after
noon of said lMll of October. 1908, with their
records, intiuisuioiis.exaiiiiuaiions and other
remembrances, to do those things which to
their ottlecs appertain to bo done, and those
who arc bound by recognizance or otherwise
to prosecute the prisoners who are or shall
bo In the Jail of Wayne County, be then and
them I n nmsecute against them nn nltnll tn
Given under my hand, at Honesdale. this
5th day of October, 1908, and In the 131st year
of the Independence of the United States,