!ei8ieiSIGjOf98 I'.l. CENT A WORD COLUMN WAYXK KAltM AtlKNCY. If von have I any farm proiwrly or realty ofanyklnil.yoiti can reclstcr with ns free of cost. and property ' Snd'flirmii'iV1 Uum-h ""' l'l,1,t,,, sillt("'- J WAYXK KAItM AdKXCY. llonosdale. Pa. ! APTI.KS WANTint.-SccoiKl crude mtiilcs will Ih lu.iilcl fur ten days, t-oninifiirliis Thursday. Scml. .'Ith, nt I.:iki' Ariel station switch. KISTi.HI! IlliOS. 2114 WANTK1V -A solicitor In every Inwiflill'. Oood piiy for the rlulit 'AKS ul-'l'IHi. iKiriy. inquires i 1 i- I MISS HAKHKNIlUlKill. or Simnton. teacher of piano, theory and slyht-rcndlii!.'. l'rlvnte n tit I class lessons. I'rldays and Sal unlays in llonesilale. LOCAL NEWS. Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atone ment, began at ( o'clock last Sunday evening among the faithful Jew s all over the world, and was observed until six o'clock on Monday evening. The day is the celebration of the greatest and most sacred festival in the Jewish calendar, nnd in its observance the places of busi ness of our Jewish merchants were closed. A. F. Voigl, Fred. Michels, Henry Schoell, Jonas Katz and Carl liocsiger, of the Honesdale Skat Club, are repre senting the local organization in the North Kastern Skat. Congress, now hold ing its session in Philadelphia. The con tests, opened on Wednesday evening last, and will close with a "conimers" and grand reception entertainment to-night. As the delegates from Honesdale are among our strongest plnyers there is good ground for the hope that they will se cure at least, one of the valuable prizes. Prof. Fred. L. tiraiubs, formerly of Honesdale, now organist of the Church of the Advent, Hirniinghaiu, Alabama, is thus' complimented by the Advent Herald: "It is hardly claiming too much to say that the best music rendered in any church in Birmingham is heard at the Advent. Professor Orambs, though the organist for many years loses none of his enthusiasm for his loved employ. As choirmaster he is painstaking, pa tient, capableand highly esteemed, while his musical ability and knowledge of his art command the respect of all." The past season was a most favor nble one for the raising of musknielons in Wayne county. K. Wilmot Carr, of Prompton, has been a most successful grower of above description of melons for a number of years, but this season eclipsed all previous efforts. Several weeks ago the writer had the pleasure of sainplingone that weighed eleven pounds, besides numerous others since. George EckLwho Lives just, above the, fair grounds; John Burcher, of Honesdale, and Treasurer Fred. Saunders, of Kasl Honesdale, also grew generous quan tities of them. An encouraging start was made on Tuesday evening toward the organization of a choral society here under the leader ship of L. 15. Phillips, organist, and chor ister of the First Presbyterian church of Scranton, and leader of the Scranton Symphony orchestra. Mr. Phillips is a thorough musician, who for eight years had charge of the musical department of Syracuso University. Honesdale is to be congratulated on the opportunity which lie affords our people to develop latent musical talent. This should bo an epoch-making winter, musically. All who arc interested are invited to attend the meeting next Tuesday, at 8 r. m., at Grace church Sunday school room, when the first rehearsal will take place. Most people have heard of the cau tious fellow, who, many years since, re fused to pick up a ten dollar bill which was lying on the sidewalk, because 'he was obliged to allow a discount on one he had found the week before, when he wanted to use it. His sort are not all dead yet if we may credit the following : Half a dozen men passed by a fat-looking wallet lying on the Main street side walk, in Monongahela, on Wednesday, each chuckling as he thought he was too smart to be fooled. Then Krnest Mil ward, a business man, came along, pick- ' cd it up and found it contained $237 in bank notes. He left it with a trust com pany, and two hours later the owner , came and identified it and left $37 as a reward for Milward. "Othello" at the Lyric, on Tuesday evening, was well patronized, but it can not be said that the audience was an en thusiastic one. In fact there are few situations in Shnkspcare's tragedies cal culated to draw forth great applause, and "The Moor of Venice" is perhaps the one least stimulating in that direc tion. John Grifhth is an actor of the old Forrest school, and the strut and rant nnd violence which wns characteristic of the latter's acting half n century ago does not cnptivnUi the average audience of to-dny. Miss Totten made a most pre sentable Desdetnona, so far as personal appearance aided by beautiful costumes went, but sho wns grently disappointing in what should have been the emotional parts of her role. Iago, ungracious as is the character protrnyed, was exceed ingly well rendered by Pedro DeCordoba, and Miss Graham, as Kmilia, his wife, waH acceptnblo throughout nnd specinlly strong in Iter denunciation of her bus hnnd'fi treachery and double-dealing witli the jenloiis Moor. For the rest it may bo said that the piny wns well cos tumed nnd staged, nnd (lint Manager Dittrich is to bo commended for his evi dent effort to please nil tastes in Ids se lection of attractions, -J. V. Starnes. IT. 0. Jackson. Hon. L. Sherwood, .1. V, Lee ami K. V. Jones, liavo been re-elected directors of iitip Wnvni" Pminlv ALrriniiltnr.il Societv. ine latiicp 01 i nt- iTcsnvierniu clmrcli will give a Dutch Supper in the , , . T, , ,.! n,. .w,i chapel, IhttlMlav o.ening, net. it. Dutch costumes, music, singing and a 1 Rood Dutch supper will make a most at- ..!.. !.... rp- -. ,,, I A two-.tory fratne dwelling' house ! belonging to Deforest and Arthur Dow, at l'restolt Dark, was destroyed In lire on the l!:5d ult., probably the rcMilt of a tie-1 fective Hue. Tholosise.-titnnted at $1,-' 500, on which there was an insurance of $700 in the WayneOounly Farmers' Mu tual Insurance Company. A Trust Company holding the bonds! of the Port Jem's trolley lines lias com-' nienced loreclo-nrc proceedings again"! the corporation, and the public servic comniission has instituted suits for fail- tire to comply Willi its orders. So il ,ip pears that olher'towns with street rail ways have troubles as well as Hones dale. The annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Hoard of Foreign Mis sions in the Arehdeaconary of Serantoii. was held in (iinco KpNcopal church on Wednesday. The morning session open ed at 111:!!!) o'clock with holy communi on, followed at 11 :."( by a business meeting and at 1 r. M., by luncheon. The afternoon session opened at "nI'O o clock. Addresses were given bv Miss Lindlcy, of New York Junior Auxiliary, and Mrs. H. 1'. Waltz, who has resided in l'orto ltico for the pact two years and wlio is intimately acquainted with con ditions there. The sessions wen' well attended. Quite a number were pieseut from Scranton and oilier places. PERSONAL William II. Ilulsizer, of West street. has been connected with the Durlnud. Thompson Shoe Co. for thirty-two years. Miss Gertrude Hon, of Honesdale, who was the guest for a few das of "Mies Leona Panics, of Stroudsburg, has ri- turncd home. Married, in Wayniart, Oct. ft, I'.KIS. by the ltev. W. F. Davis, Miss Deila Heynolds, of Tirzah, Snsq. county, to Hugh T. Williams, of Uniondale. Miss Alice 'A. Gregory leaves to-night for West Chester, Pa., where she will spend a few days with her sister, Mis:' Harriet, who is a student in tlieNoimal School at that place. Edward A. Lindsey and Miss 1'liza beth M. Chambers will be married at the residence of O. T. Chambers, uncle of the latter, Fourteenth street, on Thurs day afternoon of next vcek, October 15th. liev. K. K. Davidson, the evangelist, has closed his labors at Haw ley. lie will preach in.the Presbyterian church, Carbondale, this Friday evening, and will begin a series of meetings at Coopers town, X. Y., on Sunday. Sheriff William H. Koadknight took possession of his recent purchase, "Tin Diamond Restaurant," so long success fully managed by C. J. Weaver, (he 1st insl. At the expiration of his term his family will occupy the residential portion of the building. Clarence 11. Young, son of our former townsman, Horace G. Young, now of Albany, has been admitted lo membership in the firm of Joseph Walker it Sons, of "JO liroad street. New York, bankers, and members of the New York Stock Exchange. Frank Cornell, long in the employ of .1. K. Richmond as coachman, had a bad fall through a misstep intothe cellarway while engaged in closing the blinds at Mr. Richmond's residence on Church si reel on Monday night last. He managed to reach his room after the accident, but when Dr. H. 15. Ely was called on Tuesday on Tuesday morning, it was found that he had fractured three ribs in his Iclt side. He will doubtless be housed for some time. PICKUPS. Our special correspondent refiorls hav ing interviewed all the candidates for ollice in Wayne county, and all those running for office in Lackawanna coun ty who remain in a condition long enough to beinterviewed. All are high ly elated over their respective prospects and without a single exception are fully persuaded that they will receive im mense majorities. He also reports a fair "Apple" crop in Wayne, but is satisfied that the "Promise" crop isunusually large, willi strong indications that the latter will be wormeaten before election, to such an extent that delivery will not compare fnvorably with the expectations of those who booked their orders early in the season. He reports that ground has been bro ken at Farview for the new Insane Asy lum, but the institution will not be ready for inmates until at least a year from the present election. He further reports t lint several of the people who were so ruthlessly treated by light lingered gentry nt the. late coun ty fair are considering the embellishing of their homes witli the new niolto "What is n ('utility without a Fair," which is a companion piece to "What is Home without a Stove." Hums. Iirnlses mill scratches, bit? and little cuts or In fact aiiythliii; rcimirlni.' u salve, are best anil ciulckcsl hi ml lied anil healed hy lieWllt'HCarfiollzed Witch Hazel Salve. Tim IicnL salve for piles. He sure you get JJc Wltl'H, Hold by l'KIL, Tlio Unit'clst" OBITUARY. Michael liyan died at Prompton on , Sunday last, Oct. 1, 1WS, aged C2 years. , He had been atllicted with cancer ofj tin face, and a fortnight ago" was re moved from the residence of Mrs. Mary , Short to the home of Salinda Uoloson, where he died, He was a son of the late Michael Kyan, of Steene. One sis ter, Mrs. Penelope Finton, of Carbon dale, survives him. Mrs. George Kellam died at Dalton, Lackawanna county, on Saturday last, Oct. 1P0S. The remains were brought to 1 lone-dale on Sunday anil the funer al took place from the residence of her mother on Di laware street on Monday, with interment in St. John's U.C. ceme tery. Deceased is survived by her hus band and an infant child ; also by her molhei. a brother, John, of this place, and two siters, Mary of Honesdale and Mrs. Lewis l'.eeny, of New York city. George D. Olver died at his home in Carbondale, Oct. r,, P.iOS, of pneumonia, following:! cold contracted on the fair grounds, near Honesdale, last week. He was III years and .'! months old, and a native of Wayne county. He had been a resident of Caiboudale for some forty years. I lc is survived by his wife, a son, Floyd, and three married daughters. The funeral services were conducted at bis late home, this morning, after which his remains were taken to Hethany for interment. The ileath of Joseph P. Williams, of Starlight, on Monday, Sept. L'Sth, was hrieily mentioned in our Tuesday's issue. Mr. Williams, who died of heart trouble, nnd reached thendvanced age of SI years, s mouths and S days. He was born in Fell township, Luzerne, now Lacka wanna county, and married in lS-lil, his wife dying n years ago, since which time he has been cared for by his daugh ter, Emelinc. The siirvivingchildren are Perry J., Starlight, Frank. Cook's Falls, X. Y., Leltoy, Laquinn, Pa., Miss Eme linc, Starlight, and Mesdames Ophelia ireer. LakoComo, Myrtle Taylor, Athens, and Julia Km:, Starlight. The funeral :viiccs were held at Stai light, on Thurs day of lasl week, Uev. O. A. Marchai.t olliciating. A Good Work. In our last issue we gave a summary of the praiseworthy work accomplished by I iouesdale's Society for the Preven tion of Cruelty to Animals in the course of four days. The organization is in good bauds and violators of the law un der its special supervision would better lake heed lest they liud themselves sub jected to Ihe heavy penalties specified as punishments for tin-common, aijfl as they may think, excusable offenses. Overloading, iiisullicicut padding of har ness, saddles, etc., and unnecessary or cruel heating of horses, as is shown by the report, brought eleven offenders to gi iff during lair week. The same vigi lance which was exercised during that annual exhibition will be continued throughout the year, and the inhuman owner who attempts to run the guantlct of our sl reels with lame, insulliciently led or otherw ise incapacitated horses maj expect to be taken before a magistrate and mulcted in (he heavv lines and costs which tin1 law authorizes. ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Ladies' Circle of the G. A. I!. will hold their regular meeting on Friday evening, Oct. i:!th, at 7:.'!0 v. m. There will be Evening Prayer and ser mon by l!ev. A. L. Whittaker, in the Presbyierian church, Wayniart, on Sun day, Oct. Uth, at :i p. m. Theie will bean executor's sale of the balance of t best ore stock and house hold goods on the premises of the late Martin Prentiss, in Pleasant Mount, on Saturday, Oct. 1(1, 1!H)S, at 10 o'clock A. M. Terms of sale, cash. Needlework Guild. Will the contrib utors notice the date Nov. ftth, of the vearlv meeting and send in their dona tions to the directors by the last day of Ictober. Capt. James Ham Circle, Ladies of Ihe G.,A. IL. will hold their autumnal supper next Tuesday evening, Oct. l.'ith, at the home of Mrs. I. II. Mall. Siko. Oct. 7lh. Mrs. Merrill Holkcom and daughter, Nettie, of Carbondale, are isitingthe former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ltidd. Several from this place attended the Wayne County Fair last. week. Although thin season liasl'en a very dry one, the exhibition of grain, fruit and vegetables was very good, ' l.ydia Pulis is visiting friends in Car bondale, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, of Jersey City, are Visiting friends in this vicinity, Mr Jenkins preached in the chapel last Sunday evening. They will also hold meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings of Ibis week. Annn I'olkcom and Daisy Kimble are , ai Willi drove, is, .1., where they are i employed as waitresses at the Alaska I House. Itohert Henderson started on his re , turn trip to California on Monday morn- ing, having spent two months with his parents, Mr. midairs, Edward Header I son, of ltileyville, Sterling, OrroiiER Cth. After a long illness P.erry Decknrd died on the evening of the 3rd, and was buried on the fith nt Noble town. He is survived by a widow and three daughters, Mrs. W. K. Haller anil Misses Ada and Eloda. John Gillner is improving. Thomas Musgrovc will sell at public sale the effects of his brother William on next Saturday. The sale last week at John Smith's was well attended and everythingbrought a fair price. Purton Cliff and family came up from Philadelphia last week on an automobile and on returning Miss Adalaide Noble accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hroadhead, of Delaware Water Gap, came to town in an automobile, Minnie Howe'and Mrs. Lipman, of Philadelphia, accompany ing them. Miss Mabel Howe of Detroit, Mich., is calling on her many friends in town and we are all pleased to see her. Miss Foster is teaching the Maple Grove school : Miss Nogcle, at Jericho : Miss Finley, at Leetown, and Miss lleb- erling at .ion so peace and harmonv again reigns in the community. We were all very thankful for the re cent rains and never saw a better time for farmers to do fall work. We are sorry to say that but few will have verv much to dispose of in the shape of ap ples, potatoes, or in fact anything else that will bring much money. We i.re nil pleased to receive two cop ies of the Citizen each week, and cer tainly wish the editors and all connected with the paper success. Mrs. Grace Hutler Fisk of Shickshin ney came to town yesterday and is the guest of her mother. J. W. Maddox, having disposed ofhis real estate to a Mr. Graves of Sparrow bush, N. Y., moved away last week. White Mills. Oct. 7th. Joseph Kelch,.Ir., who has been working in Corning, N. Y., for some time, is in town. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Werner are rejoic ing over the arrival of a young son. C. H. Dorllinger made a business trip lo New York, on Friday last. W. H. Ham purchased a pair of mules at the Wayne County Fair. The White Mills Central Republican Club will hold their regular meeting on Friday, Oct. 0th. Lost, strayed or stolen from Whito Mills, fifty subscribers to The Citizex. Whoever will return the same to Joseph Stephens will be rewarded with the paper for one year for one dollar and fifty cents. Teach your chickens to roost where they are to remain for the winter, and do not. close the building too tight at first. If you do they will get too warm, and when they are let out these frosty mornings will contract the roupe. Minor Prown has gone West in search of potatoes and cabbages, to supply the people of White Mills, owing to the scar city of these essentials in this county. Harry Williams held a dance on Sat urday evening, to which his many friends were invited. Florence Atkinson, our postmaster, has gone to Corning, and from there will go to Pochester, on a pleasure trip, and also to visit, her old time friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Little. The executive board met at Wm. H. Ham's, insurance oflico, to make prep arations for the coming campaign. Theie was considerable chewing, as Mr. Ham treated the board to chestnuts. One dav this week Prof. Howell built a tire in the furnace of the school build ng, and as some birds had built their nests in the chimney, obstructing the draft, the rooms at once became full of smoke, whereupon the principal blew the lire horn. Great credit must be given White Mills teachers, as the build ing was vacated in a few seconds, with no confusion in using the new fire es capes. The children say it was like a real fire. At The Lyric. What is regarded by long odds as the most, important thentrical event of the season is the announcement that Mana ger lienj. H. Dittrich, of tbe Lyric Theatre, has completed arrangements with Alfred E. Anrons whereby there will be presented here on Friday even ing, Oct. Kith, the greatest of all New York dramatic successes, "The Devil." Mr. Aarons is to present to us the genu ine article exactly, as presented at the Garden Theatre, New York, by per mission of Henry W. Savage, who con trols the only authorized version of l'ranz Molnar's famous play, which has been the rage of Europe for the past sea son. The Internntionnl Picture Co. of Pitts burg, will present ntthe Lyric on Friday evening, uct. titn, Dcautilul new mov ing pictures of tho Lifo of Christ, giving illustrations of his birth, baptism, mir acles, Last Supp"er, trial, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. Absolutely nothing that could bo construed as of fensive or sacrilegious, but as pure nnd benelicial as the most impressive ser mon. In connection with the Life of Christ n series of other new nnd up to date pictures will be shown. Pox otlico open Friday, Oct. fUh, at 1) A. M. Or chestra nnd Dress Circle, 30 cents; Dal cony, 20 cents ; Gallery, 10 cents. All seats reserved hut tho gnllery. HcWItt's Ml tleJUarly lUHcrs. Ihe famous lit tle liver idllH. They are small, sure, vate nllls! Sold by VEIL, The Urneelat, NEW YORK vs. CHICAGO. YESTERDAY'S GAME DECIDED THE CHAMPIONSHIP. New York (Hints and Chicago Cubs Play Off Disputed Contest of Sept. 23d. flime Called at .1 P. M. The New York "Giants" and the Chicago "Cubs" of the National League played off their tie for the base liall championship, in New York, Jyestcrday afternoon. Mathewson and Presnahan were tbe battery for New York and Pfeistcr and Kling for Chicago. The game was umpired by Johnstone and Klein. New York had 1 error and 5 hits, Chicago no errors and S h;,s. 1 2 3 4 ft 0 7 8 9 NewYork 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 Chicago 004000U0OM BIRTHS. Oct. 3, 1!X)8. To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wngner, of East Honesdrjle, a son. Oct. 4, 100S. To Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Schmidt, of Seelyville, a daughter. Milanvillc. Oct. 6th. Misses Catharine and Mary Shcvalier of Mnnasqunn, N. Y., are guests of Miss Mabel Skinner. Mrs. Adelia Nichols has returned from a visit with Pleasant Mount friends. Mrs. Florence Drown of New York city was a recent guest of Miss Minnie Gav. Miss Dessie E. Skinner arrived home Thursday after a pleasant visit with Dingbamton and Deposit friends. Miss Mary C. Dexter has gone to Drooklyn and will spend several weeks with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Card are enter taining a baby daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherwood and daughter Dessie of Hoytville, Pa., arc guests of Mrs. Peeves Sampsom Mrs. Elbridge Carpenter returned from Dingbamton on Monday last. Miss Minnie Gay spent Su nday a Kcnoza Lake, N. Y. Kodol Is a combination of natural dices tlveiulcesand it dleests all classes of food and every kind of food, so you see it will do the work that the stomach itself does. The only difference between It and the stomach is the stomach can cot out of order and Kodol cannot, lint Kodol can put the stomach in eood order, liny Kodol today. It is guaran teed. Sold by PHI b. The DrusKibt. mi.C. 15. Pit AD Y, Dkxtist, Honesdale, Pa. OmcK HouRs-s, a, ni. to a i. m. Any evening by appointment. Citizens' phone. SI. Residence. No. Ni X. At any time when your stomach Is not in good condition, you should take Kodol. be cause Kodol digests all the food you eat. and It supplies health and strength for the stom ach in that way. You take Kodol Just for a little while when you have slight attacks of Indigestion and you takeit Just allttle longer In order to get relief from severe attacks or Indigestion or Nervous Dyspepsia. Try Kodol today. Sold bv PHIL. The Druggist. Autumn and Winter Goods Now on Display at Menner & Co., Keystone Stores Chic in Stylo. Latest 529 Models to fit all forms in Ladies, Misses and Juniors Coats. Evening Cloaks, .Fur Jackets, Collars and Muffs, NEWEST FOR 190S. Menner & Co.'s Department Stores. ' The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year opens with a deluge of now mixed paints. A cohi dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being now and heavily advertised, may find a salo with tlio unwary. THKONIA'PIiACKINlIONESAIil3pj XflU'C UIVCIl DAIUTC AUTHORIZED TO 11 AXftTiE bHILI UW O miACU "AMId Is JADWIN'S PHARMACY. There are reasons for the pro-cminonco of CHILTON PAINTS: lstNo one can mix a bettor mixed paint. 2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won derful covering qualities. 3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at pro own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that ves defective and 4th--Thoso who have used it. are porfoctly satisfied with it) recommend its use to others, HYMENEAL, Parkc-Sandercock. One of the season's most important nuptial events took plnce at Lnkc Ariel on Tuesday, Oct. (i, 1908, when Miss Dertha L. Sandercock, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. John W. Sandercock, became the bride of S. M. Parke, esq., of West Pittston. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. G. Fnllerton, of Wilkes-Darre, assist ed by Dev. Edward D. Johnson, of West Pittston, in the presence of a gathering of relatives from Scranton, Wilkes Darre and Pittston, who mado tho trip to the lake in two special coaches on the Erie. The couple were attended by the bride's sister, Miss Pose Sandercock, as bridesmaid, and Harry D. Schooley, of ilkes-Darre, as best man. The ushers were Homer Sandercock, brother of the bride ; Rev. Parke. Richards, of Ply mouth, and Charles K. Smith, of West Pittston. Decorations of autumn leaves and potted plants added color to the scene and formed a fitting background for the handsome gowns. The bride was charming in a robe of white satin, w ith veil, and carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid wore white also. The wedding supper was served by Hochreiter, of Wilkes-Darre, and music was rendered by Oppenheim'a orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Parke left Wednesday for an extended honeymoon tour, at the conclusion of which they will reside in the old Parke mansion, on Susquehanna avenue, West Pittston. Mr. Parke is a well known attorney and a son of the late Rev. N. G. Parke, who was one of the pioneer clergymen of the valley, and who was, for about half a century, pastor of the Pittston Presbyterian church. Mrs. Parke is a woman of culture and refinement and is a niece of Homer Greene, esq., of this place. Carpets Cleaned on the Floor. The Oscar Smith establishment will have one of their Vacuum Carpet Clean ing Machines in Honesdale on October 19tb, and will clean the Presbyterian church. An invitation is extended to pariies having any carpets to clean to conic and sec tbe kind of work they do. The old stvle of cleaning carpets is done away with. You don't have to take your carpets up and beat the life out of them, which is injurious to the carpets, nor do vou have your house torn up for days. They guarantee to take dirt out of carpets, upholstered furniture, bed ding, blankets, etc., without injury to the same, and without creating any dust, or taking the articles to be cleaned out of tbe room.. Anv orders or inquiries 1 .. i t T : , . :n - i. , , ieii ii j. ii. I'uuoiiiK b suite win nave prompt attention. 24tf in Cloth. Best in Pit. Long