The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 09, 1908, Image 2

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JAMES S. 3HKUMAN. of New York.
MOItltIS L. CLOTHIKH, of Philadelphia,
IJKNJAMIN Y. JONKS.of l'lttsnurs.
1- John Hurt
2- 1 1. A. Davis
3- F.T. Chandler
4- K. A.dlmbel
5- K. W. l'atton
17-W. S. Settle
lK-lioht. (!. Ncal. Sr.
1!I-J. V. Sttnem.'iu
JO Thomas Shipley
21 W. K. Heynolds
22- A. W. Mcl'illloueh
7-U. U. Jliltzcl
23 .1. T. llosers
8 J. I). Abbott 24-JtulceJ. K. Tuylor
B J. N. I". llausman 25-J. K. Downlns
lU-Col. It. A. Phillips 2t!-Hermun Simon
11- J. L. Newell 27-T. T. Wilson
12- John Mathlas 2S-P. C. ltoss
13- A. H. Miller iS-O. C. Shultz
14- W. T. McCabe 3U-(). A. llabcock
15- (ieo. W. Williams 31-A. It. Peacock
Hi D.J. Waller. Jr. 32-H. L. Wlllams
WM. D. POKTEIt. of Allegheny.
CHAKI.KS C. Pit ATT. of Siisulielmnna.
W. E. PEItHAM. of Mount Pleasant.
M. LKK lift AM AN. of Honesdale.
WALLACE J. HAKNKS. of Ilcrlln.
ALFRED O. I3LAKK. of Bethany.
J. K. IIORNBECK. of Equinunk,
THOMAS C. MADDEN, of Dreher.
ARTHUR W. LARRABEE. of Starucca.
W. BROCK LESHER, of Sterling.
MYRON E. SIMONS, of Honesdale.
Election Tuesday. November 3. 190H.
An Epidemic of Political Ills.
There is no abatement in Mr. Bryan's
condition. His diarrhea of words hav
ing resisted the efforts of Dr. Haskell and
his Standard Oil cures. Dr. Kidder has
been substituted who will try a wood
pulp diet and other free trade remedies.
Congressman Kipp has a very serious
attack of Cirrhosis of the Conscience
caused by an abnormal enlargement of
the gall bladder which was superinduc
ed by a.too strenuous use of the tear'
ducts while emphasizing his tales of how
he labored to get pensions for the wid
ows and orphans.
Bryan's campaign managers in the
West and the New York World in the
East have a bad attack of Locomotor
Ataxia and all hands are wobbling bad
ly. Dr. Hearst editor of the New York
Spleen and an eminent authority on
poisonouB literature has read several let
ters in, the West which prove conclusive
ly that tho germ, Taintcdmoneyitis is
not dangerous if it does its work under
the cover of darkness; in factit is rather
exhilerating, but if the victim attempts
to climb the gilded stairs of political
ambition where lie may encounter the
glare of publicity,he develops a rash that
compels him to hasten into obscurity
where he can be heard and not seen
while meditating upon the rashness of
his case.
Two recent cases one in Ohio and one
in Oklahoma resulted very seriously.
A Snjn in Politics.
Admitting every charge made by the
Democratic party against the Repub
lican administration since 1860 to be
true ; reduce thesejeharges of misgovern
ment, extravagance, fraud, robbery,
etc., to figures showing just what they
claim the country has lost in dollars
and cents ; add this enormous sum to the
actual value that the Democraticparty
has been when in power and when not
in power o this add the estimated, value
of the 57 varieties of promises that Bry
an uses to catch votes ; subtract the
sum total obtained by this combination
of results from the increased valuation
of tls commercial worth and greatness
of the United States since Republican
statesmen have had control, and you will
have a balance in our country's favor
that would pay the National debt, build
tho Panama canal, furnish enough bat
tleships to satisfy Theodore Roosevelt,
and the surplus would more than pay
Jhe indebtedness of Wayne county, which
the last Democratic board of Commis
sioners left as a legacy of their ineffici
ency and extravagance which is indi
rectly the cause of the increased taxes
we are now paying. The safe and sane
plan is to re-elect the 'present board,
who will wipe out the debt and give us
lower taxes.
The question whether the anthracite
coal roads may transport their own coal
to market, in competition with the coal
of independent operators transported
over their roads, is to be determined by
the U. S. Supreme Court. An appeal
by the government from tho recent de
cision.of, tho Circuit Court of Appeals, in
lavor of the coal roads, has been allowed,
and counsel for both parties have agreed
to petition the Supreme Court to advance
the case, and give it precedence, owing
to iu great importance.
New Portieres, Rugs, Curtains and
uarpeia at mennkr & uo.'B. r.'citt
A visit to Menkrr ACo.'s Cloak and
Suit department will convince buyers
of the style and cloth qualities of their
Every one engaged in the cut glass
industry should as a matter of self pre
servation do all they enn for the election
of C. C. Pratt, Republican candidate
for Congressman.
Both parties have pledged themselves
to a Revision of the Tariff. The Repub
lican party stands for protection to home
industries and opposes any reduction in
the tariff that will compel American
manufacturers to bring the wages of
their 'employees down to the level of
foreign labor, while the Democratic
party is using Tariff Revision as a mask
for their Free Trade policies.
Cut glass is one of the articles that the
Democratic party believe should be free,
giving as their reason that it will effect
only a few small localities. Wayne coun
is one of these localities.
Mr. Kipp's election will mean, that
we welcome this calamity, while a vote
for C. C. Pratt will be notice to the next
Congress to let the tariff on cut glass
For Prothonotary
In selecting Wallace J. Barnes as its
candidate for Prothonotary the late Re
publican Convention acted wisely and
well. Mr. Barnes is a self-made man,
'who, born in Wayne county, has grown
up to be one of its most substantial and
respected citizens, having established
and for years successfully conducted a
large lumber trade at Beach Lake, in
Berlin township. Being thoroughly
equipped for the position by a liberal
education, which includes exceptionally
uniform and legible penmanship, the
election of Mr. Barnes will insure a cor
rect and satisfactory discharge of the
duties of the Prothonotary 'sollice, while
his courteous manner and accommodat.
ing disposition cannot fail to make him
popular with all who may have business
in his department. Having always been
an active and influential Republican, he
deserves and doubtless will receive the
best efforts of his party for his election,
while his personal popularity will at
tract to him the votes of many friends
of opposite political faith.
Infants', Children's and Misses' win
ter Cloaks at Menner&Co.'s. New in
styles, best in goods. 22eitf
OcronEK 7th. Rev. Thomas Eva, of
Duryea, is greeting his many friends in
James Nicholson, wife and son, of Jer
myn, visited at the home of Rev. W. E.
Davis over Sunday.
Married, at the M. E. parsonage, on
Sept. 30th, by the Rev. W. E. Davis,
Hugh Williams and Dolly Reynolds,
both of Uniondale.
Mrs. Erwin Thomas is visiting her son
at Maple Grove.
On Tuesday evening, Oct. 13th, Rev.
M. S. Godshall will give his popular lec
ture, "Crayon Sketches in Character and
Characters'' in the M. E. church. This
will be an unusual treat for the neonle
of this section and it is to be hoped a
large auaicnce win greet Dr. uoastiaii.
Married, at the home of the bride's
parents, Oct. 7th, Allio Bullock of South
Clinton, and Wallace Cramer of Carbon
dale, by Rev. W. E. Davis. Only the
immediate friends and relatives were in
vited. The bride was dressed in a very
beautiful white gown and her traveling
suit was of blue. After a short wedding
trip to .Montreal the couple will reside
at Carbondale.
For State Senator,
SAMUEL. W. HOFFORD, of Carbon.
The new Rain Coats, at Mknkkh &
Co, 'a are protective nud utylish, 22ei((
For District Attorney
Mr. .Simons comes of the pioneer stock
that developed the southern part of our
county, his father, .lohu Simons, being
among the early settlers. He was horn
in Sterling, May 11, I Still. Din ing his
youth he shared in the labors of the farm,
and attended the winter terms of the dis
trict schools. Later, he passed two years
at the Itloomshurg Normal School, and
graduated with honor from that institu
tion. Aftcrspcnding some time in teach
ing, as principal of the graded schools of
Plymouth, Luxerne Co., and Nicholson,
Wyoming Co., he in 1SS2 began the study
of law in Montrose, and in 1SSI was ad
mitted to the bar of that county. He
soon afterward returned to Wayne, and
in 1885 was appointed Commissioners'
Clerk, which position he held for sixyears.
Meantimehe was admitted to the Wayne
county bar, and in 1891 began the regu
lar practice of the profession in Hones
dale. In this he has achieved a high de
gree of success, and is known as a careful
and trustworthy practitioner, familiar
with legal principles, and ready in their
application to the varied aspects of litiga
tion ; showing accuracy and research both
in the preparation of cases for the courts,
and the conduct of the frequently more
complicated affairs embraced in ollice
business. In argument he is earnest, and
logical, and makes a most favorable im
pression on court and jury. With a pro
fessional study and experience tif more
than a quarter of a century, he may be
depended on to perform the duties of
District Attomev faithfully and success
fully. South Canaan.
Ootohek 8th. The Wayne County
Fair for ltKIS is one of the things that is
past. Financially it was a success, es
pecially for the gang of light-lingered
fellows who went through the pockets
of the honest farmers who came in from
the rural districts to attend the fair.
They paid no respect to persons, rich or
poor, but the meanest and most con
temptible thing they did was to go
through the pockets of an editor, and
should the sharpers be caught they will
get a dose of Wayne county medicine
that will prevent them from committing
any further depredations hereabouts for
some time.
Ill speaking of the fair we might say
that the attendance was large, but the
display of farm products was not n, to
the standard. Everything in the Ftock
line was inferior, and if the farmers of
Wayne county can not produce better
cattle, horses, hogs and sheep than were
on exhibition they had better keep their
stock at home. The display of machin
ery by Murray A Co., was first class, and
the linn is deserving of credit for ex
hibiting such a fine lot of farming im
plements. , It may not be the fault of the farmers
in not producing a better grade of stock
and farm produce, but. the mistake of
the fair managers in not offering larger
premiums, so as to induce fanners to
take more interest in the raising of live
stock and crops.
The principal feature of the fair ap
pears to be horse-racing, merry-go-rounds
and side attractions that do nut
appeal to the, majority of the farmers of
Wayne county.
The most notable attraction to be seen
upon entering the fair ground was a
large banner displayed over the entrance
of the fruit department, which read,
"Vote for Lee Brauiau for' Sheriff,"
Now, that appears to be the sentiment
of the Republicansof this township, and
also throughout the county, for the reas
on that he is competent, well fitted for
that ollice, and a man who pays one
hundred cents on the dollar, while in all
his dealings he has the reputation of
being a fair, square business man and a
man of excellent habits. The voters of
. Wayne county will make no mistake
when they go to the polls and vote for
Lee (Iranian to be (lie next Sheriff of
I Wayne county. A VoxKit.
Kennedy's Laxative Cuiiuli Syrup Is used
nearly everywhere, because It not only heals
Irritation of the throat anil stops the couah.
hut it drives the cold nut of the sywleiii
throui.'h Its laxative principle hy assuring; a
free anil uentle net ton of the bowels, anil that
Is tho only way to euro a eolil. You can't
cure it as loni; as you are constipated. In
sist ti n Kennedy's lixtitlveCoiiuh Syrup.
. Sold by 1'UIL. The Druuulst.
Tired Mothers, worn out hy the peevish,
cross baby, have found CascaKwirt a boon
and a blessliiL'. 'aseasveet Is for halites anil
children, and Is especially food for the Ills no
common In hot weather. look for the In
ereillents printed on the bottle. Contains no
harmful Una's, bold by I'KlL.Thv DruiwUl.
College and School.
44 k U l I'll J&Illl-t (14111
women registered as medical students
to tnko the course In tho University of
Berlin for the coming term.
Dr. Karl Barnes of Philadelphia
would put more women Into school his
torles. Ho says children are tired of
George Washington, mid he lielleves
great women should he held up as
Ideals for girls.
Wellesley last yenr hnd 1.200 stu
dents, Smith 1.4S2. Mount Ilolyoko 711,
Bryn Muwr llll, while Vassal- Is' lim
ited to 1,(100. Six foreign countries
were represented at Wellesley, flvo at
Smith nud three at Mount Ilolyoko.
Elmer Ellsworth Brown, United
States commissioner of education. In
his latest report of the progress and
status of American education, gives
the total annual public expenditures
for all purposes as $1,4 13,105,498, dlvld
i ed as follows: By the United States
government, 5720,105.498; by the states
of the Union, $125,000,000; by the mi
nor civil divisions, $000,000,000.
Household Hints.
A scratch on polished furniture can
he almost obliterated by rubbing vig
orously with linseed oil.
A half worn carpet may lie made to
last much longer hy ripping it apart
and transposing the breadths.
If an Iron Is not at hand when mark
ing clothes with Indelible Ink, hold the
writing against a lighted lamp chim
ney or gas globe.
noles In plaster walls may be stop
ped with a mixture of sand nnd plas
ter of purls mixed Into n paste with
water. When dry cover with a piece
of paper to match the -wall.
Never allow tho Are box of n eook
stove to bo more than three-fourths
full. When the lire box Is full a larger
amount of coat Is not only consumed,
hut much heat Is lost and the draft Is
The population of Mexico is about
The world's production of oil last
year was 8,08S,000,000 gallons.
Wild goats have so multiplied in Ha
waii that they are now being destroy
ed as pests.
With a mixture In equal parts of al
cohol and benzine' French motor cars
have run about seventy miles at a cost
of from about -10 cents to $1, according
to the weight of the machine.
All maps' will have to be altered If
the plan of removing the famous ob
servatory from Greenwich Is carried
out. The removal seems unavoidable,
as the indications of the delicate In
struments can no longer be depended
on because of disturbances caused by
electric works'cstabllshed In the neigh
borhood nnd by railway trains.
Things Theatrical.
Ada Dwyer has made a big success
in Australia In "Mrs. Wlggs of the
Cabbage Patch."
Henrietta Crosman Is to make a tour
of tho south In "Mistress Nell" and
"As You Like It."
Eleanor Robson Is to appear this sea
son in a dramatization of Richard
Harding Davis novel, "Vera, the Me
dium." A new play, to be produced late this
season, is "On the Eve" nnd is an
adaptation from' the German by Mar
tha Morton.
Sir Charles Wyndham, one of the
most prominent of English actor-managers,
has contracted with Clyde Fitch,
to write n play for him.
State Lines.
Colorado smelts more precious ores
than any other state.
Idaho Is an Indian name meaning
"tho gem of tho mountains."
Capital punishment has been abol
ished in Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin,
Rhode Island and Kansas.
In the twenty years from 1887 to
1007 the interest on tho state debt of
Maine has been reduced from $240,00(1
to $30,000, which was paid last year.
Juit Like a Man.
Mrs. Newlfe I acknowledge that I
have my faults and am sometimes
cross, Jack, dear, but If I had the last
two years of my life to Hvoovcr again
I should marry you just tho same.
Mr. Newlfe I doubt It Pittsburg
Seeds Like Pebbles.
The seeds of the Philippine bean
from tho coast near Manila so closely
resemble tho quartz pebbles, among
which they fall, In shape, size and
color, luster, hardiness and BtrotlOca
tlon as to bo almost Indistinguishable.
The Romans used llttlo stones cal
culi In counting, nnd henco tho word
monograph, Too, Is Silent.
None of the Bryan phonograph rec
ords has tho speeches advocating free
silver and Immcdlato government own-
I ershlp of the railways, nor have they
j tho "great commoner's" attacks on
I Roger Sullivan, Colonels Wattorson
' and Guffoy, These omissions tell an
Important story. Brookvlllo Republi
can. Why Doet He Kick?
As Mr. Bryan made all his money
undor Ropwhllcan administration, what
Is ho really kicking about, anyway?
Fulton Republican.
Turkish Houses.
Very little furnltflre Is used In tho
bedrooms of Turkish houses. Rarely
Is n chair seen In any of tbcin. A few
mats adorn the room, and tho bed la
stretched on the floor.
To Maroon,
Tho word "maroon," to "set a person
on an Inhospitable shore and leave him
there," a practice that was common
among the pirates or the Spanish
main, Is a corruption of "clmarron,"
meaning anything unruly, whether man
or beast
Persian Beautios.
Some of the beauties of Persia dec
orate their faces by painting Ogures of
animals and Insects upon them.
Patrons of the Honesdale
Consolidated Water Company
are again requested toexer-!
cise care in the use ot water.
Warning is hereby given to
have all leaky connections
and faucets repaired at once.
If water is found running to
waste.the service will be dis
continued. S. A McMULLEN, Jr.,
Before the fires are lighted,
when the evenings are chilly
and damp, the room in which
you sit should be warm and
dry, for your health's sake as
well as comfort.
Equipped with SMOKELESS
DEVICE, is Just the Thing
for this time of Year.
Touch a match to the wick
Turn it up as far as it will go
You CAN'T turn it too high
The Smokeless Device prevents
Bfiy Heats a large room in a few min
utes and can ba carried easily from one
room to another. Handsomely finished
in Nickel or Japan. Burns nine hours
with one filling. Every Heater War
ranted. 0. M. SPETTIGUE.
Time Card In Effect Sept. 15th, 1908
3 a
M 3
3 a
5 3,
Mir mi
' isl.
tiroo. i oo
Ar ... miici i.v
s to
S 15
3 2.1'
3 3V
3 3
3 4
I uu,
4 OS
4 31
I .!
4 45
5 00,
r, 111'
5 24
5 96
n 45
" ...HfttlCncK.... "
" ..8tarlli,'l)t....
" Preston Part "
" ..Wluwood. .. "
" ..royntelle.. "
" orson "
" Plcnsant Mt "
" .. Unlondalo..
" .I'orcat City. "
" cwndnlc Yu
" Carbond&to. "
" WUlto llrlden "
" .MmnoM Yd.
" ....Jeruiyn "
" ..Archibald.. "
.... Wlnmn.... "
" ... Pcckvilie... "
" ...oiyeliant... "
" .. .Olclcson ... "
" .... Tlii'oop "
" .Providence.. "
" ..Parle I'laco..
10 WIS 30
10 SJ 12 SI
0 10 IS 10
8 Mjn sr.
VSO'll 89
9111 SO
9J5 11 i
f9 1311113
f3 57
0 10,11 10
8 63'I0 54
8 5010 M
8 410 48
8 40,10 40
4 01
4 118, 5 57
4 12 0 01
4 17 n oa!
I l!l 0 09
4 22 l 13.
4 27 fl 17l
4 SO 6 20
4 3 , 0 2.
4 Si fi 23
4 37! 8 27
4 40. (i 80
r n!r iT
n 3tiu -a
8 10 S-i
8 3-VI0 33
630,10 SO
Lv... scranlon .Ar
Additional trains lea Caroondnlo (or May.
field Yard at CM a. in. dully, nnd 5.34 p in dully
except Sunday. Additional trains leuvo May.
Odd Yard tor Carbondalo 0 3g a m dally and D21
p. m. dally except Sunday.
J, C. ANDD80S, J. K. Wki.sii,
Trafflc Manairor. Traveling Agent,
to Denver St., New York. Scranlon, Pa,
It will pay you to call at the
finely equipped
HSouth Muln St., CAJtlJONDAUi. PA.
Attention is called to the STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of Now Vork
Citv has published a ROLL OK
HO'NOR of the 11,470 State Ranks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYXH
Stair's 38th in the United Slates.
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Caphal, Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,r33,0C0.00
Honesdale, l'a., May 2fl, 1!K)S.
Evening OCT. 9th
Zhc xfc of
Beautiful Moving Pictures.
8A Series of other Pictures willtdl
8"be shown during the evenina."lES8
PRICES -10, 20, and 30
Seat Sale at Pox Ortlce at 9 a. m..
l-rlday. Oct. 6.
With UlUAIi FOSTER 6000DV1N 1
Presented by Mil. JOSKPH KINO, who
wrote "Ninety and Nine." the (treat ltu
rul I'lay that ran Six .Months at the
Academy, New York.
PRICES 15, 25, 35 and 50c
- SKAT S.U.K at the box ollice,
a. in.. Tuesday, Oct. 13.
at 9
If You Want a TYPEWRITER Don't
Buy Until You
See at the Citizen Office
Invention of J. B. SECOR, a former
It has all the Improvements
that other machines have, and
none of their defects ; and liasem
bodied a number of New Idea's
that no other machine has.
Pronounced by
The Ne Plus Ultra